Magtek 6516
Magtek 6516
Magtek 6516
1. Card Present, Data, and Strobe are negative true logic.
2. Card Present goes low after 14-15 head flux reversals.
3. Card Present returns to high level approximently 150mS after
the last flux transition.
4. Data is valid 1.0µS (min.) before the leading negative edge of
strobe and remains valid until approximently 1.0µS before the
next STROBE.
Functional Description
The F/2F Read/Decode I.C. will recover clock and data signals from DATA
an F/2F data stream generated from a magnetic head. The I.C. will
The DATA signal is valid while the STROBE is low. If the DATA
function for data rates from 150 to more than 12,000 bits per second.
signal is high, the bit is a zero. If the DATA signal is low, the bit is a
Acquisition and tracking of the data within this range is automatic.
The F/2F Read/Decode I.C. is composed of three functional sections:
The signal conditioning and detection section amplifies and filters the CARD PRESENT
signal from the magnetic head, rejects common mode noise, and
CARD PRESENT will go low after 14-15 flux reversals from the head.
detects the signal peaks. Other features include protection against
It will return high if Reset or about 150 milliseconds after the last flux
certain waveform distortions that may be present in the signal.
reversal. The CARD PRESENT signal can be tied together with other
card present signals from more than one IC, however use only one
The enable/disable counters provide initialization for the recovery
pull-up resistor (R4). E.g., if this is a 3 track reader, all 3 CARD
section. These counters initialize both the bit recovery and the signal
PRESENTS would be tied together using a single 10K resistor.
conditioning and detection sections.
When no card is being moved through the unit, the DATA, STROBE
The Bit Recovery section locks onto the data rate and performs the
and CARD PRESENT signals are high.
recovery of individual bits from the F/2F data stream.
The signal timing diagram shown above represents the data along
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Non-Operating) with other signals that are generated during the reading process.
Supply Voltage ..............................7.0 Volts
Voltage Input Range......................0 to VCC
Output Sink Current .......................10 mA
Internal Power Dissipation .............100 mW
Storage Temperature Range .........-55 to 150°C
Lead Soldering (10 Sec.)...............260°C
Reset Feature
In normal operation, the I.C. resets itself approximately 150
milliseconds after the last flux reversal from the magnetic
head. Reset may be forced by applying a pulse of 1.0 to 100
microseconds to the RESET pin. The positive edge of the
pulse will reset the I.C.
Recommended Circuit
This circuit is intended for use in systems employing F/2F Keep Data, Strobe, and Card Present signals away
data such as ID cards that conform to ISO 7811-2 or 7811-6. from Head 1 and Head 2 signals.
Rev B Rev G
R3 470K 1.5M
Table 2: Value of R3.