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Ballesteros Cagayan
Student Intern: John Denmark R. Lazo Subject Taught: Science
School: Northern Cagayan Colleges Foundation, Inc. Semester : First Semester
School Year: 2022-2023 Date:
Detailed Lesson Plan in Science– 3
I. Objective
a. Content Standard: The learners demonstrate understanding of parts, and functions of the sense
organs of the human body;
b. Performance Standard: At the end of 45 minutes discussion, 75% of the learners are able to
identify and understand the different healthy habits with 75% proficiency;
c. Learning Competencies: Enumerate healthful habits to protect the sense organs.

II. Content
 Healthy Habits

III. Learning Resources

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide (TGO) - K to 12 Curriculum Guide SCIENCE
2. Learner’s Materials (LM): Chart, pictures, paper and pencil
3. Textbook pages : Real-Life Science 3 pages 128-131
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources Portal :

IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
E 1. Greetings
N Good afternoon class, How are you
today? We are fine sir.
G a. Prayer
A Stand up and let us pray first
before we start our class.
(the learners will pray)

G b. Checking of Attendance
Alright, who is absent this We are all present sir.
E afternoon?
Okay, very good.

B. Review/Present the new lesson

Okay class before we proceed to
our new topic. We are going to
watch a short video clip.

Okay, Who among you,have a

Good healthy habits just like in the
video? Yes sir.(the learner’s will watch video
Okay very good, all of you doing
Good habits every day.

C. Establishing the purpose of the

lesson (learners’ answer varies)
Now, Who has an idea about what
we are going to discuss for today’s
lesson? Sir, a good habits.

Okay very good, because for

today’s lesson we are going to
discuss about a healthy habits.
We will discuss the different way to
be being healthy.

Are you healthy? Yes sir.

Why? Because we are healthy kids.

D. Presenting new instances of the

new lesson.

Who can give an example of a

healthy habits? Sleep early sir.

Very good, What else? Brush your teeth 3x a day.

Very good, Arkaine? Take a bath sir.

Very good, Dimples? Doing exercise sir.

Very good, all your answers are

correct. Clap your hands!!!

Do you want to watch video clips

again. Yes sir.
Okay, then after the video clip.
There are questions that you will Yes sir.(the learner’s will watch video
X answer later. clip)
Can you read it Jonel. 1. Do you eat vegetables?
L 2. Do you have physical
O exercise everyday?
3. Who among you eat junk
R food?

Alright, watch and listen carefully.


Based from the video clip, what

habits do they show?
Very good A healthy and good habits sir.
Alright kids, are you eating
vegetables? Yes sir.

Are you doing exercises? Yes sir.

Who among you eating junk foods? None sir.

Okay very good, everybody clap

your hands.

E. Discussing New Concepts &

Practicing new skills #1

Okay we will dicuss about a healty

(the teacher will show a chart)

Okay, Dimple can you read what is

written in the chart.

Healthy Habits Yes sir.

Healthy Habits help your body to
grow well, be strong, and keep
desease away. A habit is a way of Healthy Habits
bahaving that you develop when you Healthy Habits help your body to
do it repeatedly. grow well, be strong, and keep
desease away. A habit is a way of
Eat nutritious bahaving that you develop when
Eating nutritious food according to you do it repeatedly.
balanced diet is one healthy habit to
develop. Eat nutritious
Eating nutritious food according to
 What do you think are the balanced diet is one healthy habit
importance of eating to develop.
E nutritious food? Physical Activity
Physical Activity is any body
X Physical Activity movement that leads your body to
Physical Activity is any body exert energy more than when your
P movement that leads your body to body is at rest.
L exert energy more than when your
body is at rest. Exercise
A Exercise is a set of physical activities
Exercise that many adults carry out to help
I Exercise is a set of physical activities become healthier.
N that many adults carry out to help
become healthier. Drink Plenty of Water
The nutrients of the food you eat
 What do you think the are distributed to the different
importance of physical parts of your body by the water you
activity and exercise? drink.
Get enough Sleep
Drink Plenty of Water Children like you, need eight to ten
The nutrients of the food you eat are hours of sleep every night.
distributed to the different parts of Rest and Relax
your body by the water you drink. Aside from getting enough sleep at
night, you should also try to rest
 What do you think are the and relax during the day.
importance of drinking
plenty of water?

Get enough Sleep

Children like you, need eight to ten
hours of sleep every night.
Rest and Relax
Aside from getting enough sleep at
night, you should also try to rest and
relax during the day.

What do think the importance of

E getting enough sleep and resting?

Okay, what habit that helps our
B body grow well?
Who can give the different healthy Healthy Habits sir.
O habits that are given?
A Eating nutritious
T Physical Activity
E Drinking Plenty of Water
Getting enough Sleep
Resting and Relaxing

Ok very good

F. Developing mastery (leads to

Formative Assessment
Now, group your self into four.
Count 1-3 to indentify your group.
The first group stay in first column
E 1,group 2 sencond column, then
V group 3 third column.

L Rubric in assessing the work of
U the learners:

T Very Good Not
Good Bad
E Description 50% 30% 20%
Choice of

Give the importance of the

different healthy habits to your
body. Give the importance of the
different healthy habits to
Group 1. your body.
Eating nutritious-
Group 1.
Physical Activity- Eating nutritious-

Physical Activity-
Group 2.

Exercise - Group 2.

Drink Plenty of Water- Exercise -

Drink Plenty of Water-

Group 3.

Getting enough Sleep Group 3.

Rest and Relax
Get enough Sleep
Rest and Relax
Alright, did you understand our
topic for today?
Yes sir.

G. Finding practical applications of


Now, I have a question, What will

you do to maintain a healthy (the class may have different
I. Making Generalizations &
Abstraction about the lesson.

What is our topic again?

Healthy Habits sir.

Give the different Healthy Habits
that are given.
Eating nutritious
Physical Activity
Drinking Plenty of Water
Getting enough Sleep
Resting and Relaxing
What are the importance of having
healthy habits?
A healthy body sir.
Are there any questions class about
our topic for today?
Okay very good.
None sir.
J. Evaluating learning (based on
expected outcome)

Instruction: Identify the healthy

habits. Write T if the statement is
correct and F if the statement is
1. Do exercise every morning.
2. Eat junkfoods.
3. Watching TV.
1. T
4. Sleep early.
2. F
5. Rest and Relax
3. F
4. T
K. Additional activities for
5. T
applicarion or remidiation.

Draw or cut five pictures that

shows a healthy habits.

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