Moodle & E-Learning Tools
Moodle & E-Learning Tools
Moodle & E-Learning Tools
Adi Maaita
Department of computer sciences, Isra University, Amman, Jordan
Ashraf Odah
Department of computer sciences, Isra University, Amman, Jordan
Ayman Nsour
Department of computer sciences, Isra University, Amman, Jordan
Abstract— Online interactions provide a large when WebCT 1.0 and Blackboard was released and
knowledge exchange on variety kinds of information attracted millions of users. The Modular Object-
exchanged between users. There are many software Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) has
systems available that provide online learning systems, been introduced as a Learning Management Systems
this type of software expressed by forms, commercial or (LMS), in 1998 and released in 2001.Moodle It becomes
open source software. This paper is focused on Moodle, the most common used LMS at that time.. Moodle has
it explained the comparative study that done by many the ability of tracking the learner’s progress, and can be
recent researches, it also shows the different between monitored by both teachers and learners. This fact
Moodle and other learning management systems, in implicitly includes both security and privacy threats and
order to discover their strengths and limitations, makes Moodle vulnerable system.
discusses different points in these systems. Moodle has The most known OSS are Moodle, Ilias, eduplone,
been adopted by many universities and organizations the Claroline, SAKAI, WebCT and Bscw. All the above
entire world because it offers a large accusable set of OSSs have wide developer communities who present
tools, and many components was developed without a robust arguments for considering them as a
specific design documentation including its security straightforward and potentially feasible competitor to
services. This paper shows the comparative study commercial products. One of the OSS projects that have
between Moodle and other e-learning systems; it aimed emerged to meet the growing interest in the OSS is the
to discover the best and most suitable choice of e- Moodle [1-5].
learning system. We have fined the optimal e-learning Moodle is also known as a Course Management
platform required to our e-learning university system, System (CMS), LMS, Virtual Learning comparison
and it is Moodle, according to the used by many Environment (VLE), and OSS e-learning platform which
Universities around the word and from many works that provides educators tools to create a course web site. It is
has been done to date that encourages the used and used in 193 countries, with 400,000 registered users.
develops this type of LMS. Moodle web page provides developer information,
roadmap, coding guide and concurrent versioning
Index Terms— Moodle, Learning Management System, system guide to access its source code and it has a long
E-learning, Course Management System. list of developers. It does not provide a formal model for
future development [6]. Moodle is a medium-scale
application, totaling 625 473 LOC across 2331 PHP files.
I. INTRODUCTION The Moodle website reports a total of 39 412 496 users
across 211 countries [7, 8].
E-learning is the technology based learning, which This paper is structured as follows. Section II shows
becomes an important part of the strategy for delivering
the general variation in the configuration of e-learning
an online and flexible learning. The main advantage of system, the way to manage the site of the Moodle is
e-learning is the opportunity to interact electronically. presented in Section III, containing the reasons for
There are more than 250 commercial e-learning system
choosing Moodle together with its limitations. The
and more than 45 free Open Source Software (OSS). E- comparative study between Moodle and other LMSs are
learning may cover a large set of application, system and described in Section IV. Section V talks about the
process, such as e-learning system, web based learning,
upgrade and requirement to Moodle 2.x. Section VI
blended learning, visual class learning, and computer shows the MOOCH site and discussed its features.
based learning. In 2006, hundreds of e-learning systems Finally a brief conclusion is described in Section VII.
were introduced, major milestone happened in 1997
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2013, 6, 1-8
2 Moodle and e-learning Tools
II. E-LEARNING CONFIGURATION to varying extents. Many current LMS are taking the
advantage of the benefits of various types of delivery [1,
The variations in the configuration of many LMS
offerings can be described through a number of
attributes, decried in Figure 1. Many university courses
contain several components, each with different attribute
values. The components of any success course should be
delivered synchronously and others asynchronously, that When the site of the Moodle installed, the
mean it should involve some online components and administrator will be in charge of it, although some tasks
some in-class components. Most of the courses may be delegated to others by assigning them a role such
available on the Internet are based on this asynchronous as Manager. Table (1) provides the main information
model. Also the location of study may be learning at about how to manage the Moodle site [10]. Table (1)
same time includes technology (video conferencing and shows Authentication: which allow the user login and
electronic white boards), or at different time learning other addition that related to the user regestration.
applications (programmed instruction and tutorials that Managing accounts: this process allow user to perform
allow students to work through the screens at their own action such as edit or delete and other activeties.
pace and at their own time). Students can be involved in Enrolments: a methods for adding student to the course
e-learning from distributed locations, such as using a in the e-learning system. Roles & Permissions: these
group support system in a classroom to work on an tasks are necessary for desiging and controlling
assignment. Courses applications also differ in the levels student/teachers permissions. Security: different security
of collaboration, some courses are entirely independent wayes required for the e-learning system. And other
and individual, while others groups need discussion manages such as: Performance, Backup, Site appearance,
forums or chat rooms. The mode of course delivery can Language, Registration, Site wide reports, Developer
be with or without an instructor or take a more blended tools, Web services, Community hubs.
approach integrating electronic and classroom delivery
Lecture synchronous deliver at same time (e. g. web cast)
Students use an application at various paces (e. g. GSS in distributed locations
Students work collaboratively with one another (share ideas)
In class lectures are enhanced with handson computer exercises
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Moodle and e-learning Tools 3
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2013, 6, 1-8
4 Moodle and e-learning Tools
clear that the Moodle environment has a similarly modify the contents of your database and your moodle
evaluation result as the other learning environment. The data file storage area). The major new and
statistical significance of the difference in the improvements features that have been release by
evaluationswas not confirmed [14]. [17,18, 21,22, 23] are summarized as follow:
New features: community hubs (Figure 3), repository
C. Collaboration Tools
support, portfolio support, course completion and
Three studies [14-16] showed that students preferred prerequisites, conditional activities, cohorts, web
Moodle because it was easy to use and had rich services support, new blocks, plagiarism prevention,
communication and collaboration tools. From repository integration, proftfolio integration, conditional
developers’ prospective, Moodle had more tools for the actives, course completion, progress tracking, feedback
learning environment, and it is easy to incorporate module, bolg 2.0, resources 2.0, sit-wide groups, web
multimedia elements and has a desired features. From services API, IMS CC, totally flexible user fields
the instructors’ views, different users had different Improvements existing features: backup and restore,
preferences, mainly from their experience and blocks, blogs, comments, enrolment plugins, file
knowledge of LMS. There is no doubt that Moodle has handling, filters 2.0, HTML editor, messaging, my
some advantages over other LMSs. according to the Moodle page, navigation, ratings, roles and permissions,
Mitchell et al. report (2005). Wainwright et al. (2007) secure RSS feeds, themes, translation system, user
study showed while four different colleges with similar profile pages.
size and needs have chosen a different LMS to support Improvements activity modules: lesson 2.0, quiz
and maintain their online teaching and learning, the tools module and question bank, resource, SCORM, Wiki 2.0,
that the LMSs offer are very similar. The campus culture workshop 2.0, javascript handling, database access/ data
had a big influence on the decision making. Many handling, File storage and handling, roles and
colleges chose Moodle because of its strong community enrolments, messaging, backups, gradebook and roles,
based structure; Machado and Tao in [13] believe an navigation and blocks, themes, text formats,
OSS gives users the freedom to develop the system they commenting.
require and the ability to integrate existing products [16]. M. Dougiamas [19] write about the new features that
releases at Moodle 2.3 in changes of course layout
features which have a new section-per-page feature, the
V. UPGRADING TO MOODLE 2.X AJAX for managing the course has been cleaned up,
new “add activity or resource” – the activity chooser,
Moodle website [17] release many document to drag and drop of files directly to the course page which
encourage university to work with Moodle 2.x. developed by Davo Smith, new quick-edit, and the
Universities started to upgrade their Moodle platform ability to add/remove sections using a plus and minus
with Moodle 2.x (2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.4). These icon. Other features for the changes in 2.3 came out by a
versions required many planning and testing then the old survey that Moodle HQ ran in December such as
one (1.9 and later). Moodle 2.0 platform does not changes to the File picker. A new file manager has the
accepted to be straightforward as upgrades through new drag and drop which is a nice visual friendly
earlier versions; it is different to the moodle 1.9 versions. manager that has auto-generated thumbnails for images.
The default icon driven view, a table view and a tree
view so it is much easier to navigate back through
courses in server files. There is also a nice sort by last
modified, size and type which is very handy!
M. Dougiamas [20] indicate that Moodle 2.4 has
release the following features: adding a new cool
caching system, course formats are more flexible and
pluggable, new course/category management interface, a
new icon set and graphic design, increased in usability, a
repository plugin for direct audio/video recording, a look
at reviewing forum and Wiki, importing of iCal streams
to make calendar synching much easier.
According to M. Dougiamas and the site,
there are number of new features that increased ease-of-
Figure 2 shows an example test view for moodle 2.0. use and enhanced usability in general at the new Moodel
Figure 2. Moodle 2.0 Test Web site layout design 2.x. The most main features are in the new question
engine, restoring of Moodle 1.9 backups is now possible,
Table 2 shows the requirements tools to install Mobile Apps, file preview information, re-use a file in
Moodle 2.0. The Moodle 2.x show some changes in the multiple places, file information, EQUELLA integration
user interface of the old Moodle interface layout. demoed, Netspot reworked Assignment module. The old
Moodle site pointed that “if something goes wrong you assignment types become a 3rd party module in Moodle
cannot go back, the upgrade process will irreversibly 2.4 probably. The marking guide, is similar to rubrics
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2013, 6, 1-8
Moodle and e-learning Tools 5
which is a list rather than a scale. Book module, created. They also improved the automatic phase
workshop module and quiz module have had some switching, submission deadlines show in calendar,
improvements. A new SCORM graph report has been plugin updates , and pagination support and filtering.
Figure3. Community hubs as shown in [21] the diagram are (Ordinary Moodle site: A typical Moodle site with
teachers who want to download course templates and/or users who want to connect (enrol) with external communities,
Publishing site: A Moodle site: that wants to make some of its courses available for download, Community site: A
Moodle site that provides courses that are enrollable).
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2013, 6, 1-8
6 Moodle and e-learning Tools
Community block in their site) to search and find courses they want to join[24, 25].
Figure 4. Open Community Hub (MOOCH), shows the steps for Connecting to a community hub.
Managers that capabily for publish a courses at MOOCH can publish courses as shown in Figure 3.b and 3.c. [24, 25]
Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2013, 6, 1-8
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Copyright © 2013 MECS I.J. Modern Education and Computer Science, 2013, 6, 1-8