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Bounded Set

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Bounded set

In mat hemat ical analysis and relat ed areas of mat hemat ics, a set is called bounded if it is, in a
cert ain sense, of finit e measure. Conversely, a set which is not bounded is called unbounded.
The word 'bounded' makes no sense in a general t opological space wit hout a corresponding
met ric.

An artist's impression of a bounded set (top) and of an unbounded set (bottom). The set at the bottom continues forever
towards the right.

"Bounded" and "boundary" are distinct concepts; for the latter see boundary (topology). A circle
in isolation is a boundaryless bounded set, while the half plane is unbounded yet has a

A bounded set is not necessarily a closed set and vise versa. For example, a subset S of a 2-
dimensional real space R2 const rained by t wo parabolic curves x2 + 1 and x2 - 1 defined in a
Cart esian coordinat e syst em is a closed but is not bounded (unbounded).

Definition in the real numbers

A real set with upper bounds and its supremum.

A set S of real numbers is called bounded from above if t here exist s some real number k (not
necessarily in S) such t hat k ≥ s for all s in S. The number k is called an upper bound of S. The
t erms bounded from below and lower bound are similarly defined.

A set S is bounded if it has bot h upper and lower bounds. Therefore, a set of real numbers is
bounded if it is cont ained in a finit e int erval.

Definition in a metric space

A subset S of a met ric space (M, d) is bounded if t here exist s r > 0 such t hat for all s and t in S,
we have d(s, t) < r. The met ric space (M, d) is a bounded met ric space (or d is a bounded met ric)
if M is bounded as a subset of it self.

Tot al boundedness implies boundedness. For subset s of Rn t he t wo are equivalent .

A met ric space is compact if and only if it is complet e and t ot ally bounded.

A subset of Euclidean space Rn is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded.

Boundedness in topological vector spaces

In t opological vect or spaces, a different definit ion for bounded set s exist s which is somet imes
called von Neumann boundedness. If t he t opology of t he t opological vect or space is induced by
a met ric which is homogeneous, as in t he case of a met ric induced by t he norm of normed vect or
spaces, t hen t he t wo definit ions coincide.

Boundedness in order theory

A set of real numbers is bounded if and only if it has an upper and lower bound. This definit ion is
ext endable t o subset s of any part ially ordered set . Not e t hat t his more general concept of
boundedness does not correspond t o a not ion of "size".

A subset S of a part ially ordered set P is called bounded above if t here is an element k in P such
t hat k ≥ s for all s in S. The element k is called an upper bound of S. The concept s of bounded
below and lower bound are defined similarly. (See also upper and lower bounds.)

A subset S of a part ially ordered set P is called bounded if it has bot h an upper and a lower
bound, or equivalent ly, if it is cont ained in an int erval. Not e t hat t his is not just a propert y of t he
set S but also one of t he set S as subset of P.

A bounded poset P (t hat is, by it self, not as subset ) is one t hat has a least element and a
great est element . Not e t hat t his concept of boundedness has not hing t o do wit h finit e size, and
t hat a subset S of a bounded poset P wit h as order t he rest rict ion of t he order on P is not
necessarily a bounded poset .

A subset S of Rn is bounded wit h respect t o t he Euclidean dist ance if and only if it bounded as
subset of Rn wit h t he product order. However, S may be bounded as subset of Rn wit h t he
lexicographical order, but not wit h respect t o t he Euclidean dist ance.

A class of ordinal numbers is said t o be unbounded, or cofinal, when given any ordinal, t here is
always some element of t he class great er t han it . Thus in t his case "unbounded" does not mean
unbounded by it self but unbounded as a subclass of t he class of all ordinal numbers.

See also

Bounded funct ion

Local boundedness
Order t heory

Tot ally bounded


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Last edited 5 days ago by Goodphy

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