Contents: No of pages
The Employer, identified in the Acceptance signature block, has solicited offers to enter into a contract for
The tenderer, identified in the Offer signature block, has examined the documents listed in the Tender Data
and addenda thereto as listed in the Returnable Schedules, and by submitting this Offer has accepted the
Conditions of Tender.
By the representative of the tenderer, deemed to be duly authorised, signing this part of this Form of Offer
and Acceptance the tenderer offers to perform all of the obligations and liabilities of the Contractor under
the contract including compliance with all its terms and conditions according to their true intent and meaning
for an amount to be determined in accordance with the conditions of contract identified in the Contract Data.
(in words)
………………………………………………………………………………………….................................... Rands;
This Offer may be accepted by the Employer by signing the Acceptance part of this Form of Offer and
Acceptance and returning one copy of this document including the Schedule of Deviations (if any) to the
tenderer before the end of the period of validity stated in the Tender Data, or other period as agreed,
whereupon the tenderer becomes the party named as the Contractor in the conditions of contract identified
in the Contract Data.
For the
By signing this part of this Form of Offer and Acceptance, the Employer identified below accepts the tenderer’s
Offer. In consideration thereof, the Employer shall pay the Contractor the amount due in accordance with the
conditions of contract identified in the Contract Data. Acceptance of the tenderer’s Offer shall form an
agreement between the Employer and the tenderer upon the terms and conditions contained in this agreement
and in the contract that is the subject of this agreement.
Part C1 Agreements and Contract Data, (which includes this Form of Offer and Acceptance)
and drawings and documents (or parts thereof), which may be incorporated by reference into the above listed
Deviations from and amendments to the documents listed in the Tender Data and any addenda thereto listed in
the Returnable Schedules as well as any changes to the terms of the Offer agreed by the tenderer and the
Employer during this process of offer and acceptance, are contained in the Schedule of Deviations attached to
and forming part of this Form of Offer and Acceptance. No amendments to or deviations from said documents
are valid unless contained in this Schedule.
The tenderer shall within two weeks of receiving a completed copy of this agreement, including the Schedule of
Deviations (if any), contact the Employer’s agent (whose details are given in the Contract Data) to arrange the
delivery of any securities, bonds, guarantees, proof of insurance and any other documentation to be provided in
terms of the conditions of contract identified in the Contract Data. Failure to fulfil any of these obligations in
accordance with those terms shall constitute a repudiation of this agreement.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein, this agreement comes into effect on the date when the tenderer
receives one fully completed original copy of this document, including the Schedule of Deviations (if any).
Unless the tenderer (now Contractor) within five working days of the date of such receipt notifies the Employer
in writing of any reason why he cannot accept the contents of this agreement, this agreement shall constitute a
binding contract between the Parties.
for the
1 Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3 Subject . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
By the duly authorised representatives signing this agreement, the Employer and the Tenderer agree to and
accept the foregoing schedule of deviations as the only deviations from and amendments to the documents
listed in the Tender Data and addenda thereto as listed in the returnable schedules, as well as any
confirmation, clarification or changes to the terms of the offer agreed by the Tenderer and the Employer during
this process of offer and acceptance.
It is expressly agreed that no other matter whether in writing, oral communication or implied during the period
between the issue of the tender documents and the receipt by the tenderer of a completed signed copy of this
Agreement shall have any meaning or effect in the contract between the parties arising from this agreement.
Signature (s)
Name (s)
Name & (Insert name and address of (Insert name and address of organisation)
Signature of organisation)
Part C1.2a Contract Data
Part one – Data provided by the Employer
The Conditions of contract are selected from the NEC3 Engineering and Construction Contract, April 2013.
Each item of data given below is cross-referenced to the NEC3 Engineering Construction Contract which
requires it.
1 General
10.1 The Employer is (Name) Airports Company South Africa SOC Limited, KING SHAKA
11.2 The Works Information is in Part C3 ‘Scope of Works’ section of this contract
11.2 The Site Information is in Part C4 ‘Works Information’ section of this contract
12.2 The law of the contract is the law the Republic of South Africa
3 Time
35.1 The Employer is not willing to The Employer and Others will have access to the works
take over the works before the during construction or prior to completion. Such access by
completion date the Employer and Others shall not relieve the Contractor from
liability for the completion of the works in accordance with the
Works Information and in terms of this contract.
42.2 The defects date is Twelve (12) months after Completion of the whole of the
5 Payment
50.1 The assessment interval is Ends and starts at 12h00 on the 25th day of each successive
month XX (XX) weeks
51.4 The interest rate is The prime lending rate of the Nedbank Bank. as determined
from time to time
6 Compensation events
60.1 The place where weather is to be At the Construction Site Office and the records to be kept on
recorded (on the Site) is site in a file clearly marked for this purpose
60.1 Assumed values for the ten-year Month Days Month Days
return weather data for each January 1 July 4
weather measurement for each February 1 August 3
calendar month are March 2 September 2
April 2 October 2
May 3 November 2
June 3 December 1
84.2 The Contractor provides the The Insurance Clauses which is attached at the end of the
insurance stated in Contract Data. The insurances are in the joint names of the
Parties and provide cover for events which are at the
Contractor’s risk from the starting date until the Defects
Certificate or a termination certificate has been issued.
The minimum limit of indemnity As prescribed by the Compensation for Occupational Injuries
for insurance in respect of death and Diseases Act No. 130 of 1993
of or bodily injury to employees of
the Contractor arising out of and
in the course of their employment
in connection with this contract for
any one event is:
W1.1 The Adjudicator is The person appointed jointly by the parties from the list of
adjudicators contained below
W1.2 The Adjudicator nominating body The current Chairman of Johannesburg Advocate’s Bar
is Council
W1.4 If the tribunal is arbitration, the The arbitration procedure is set out in The Rules for the
arbitration procedure is Conduct of Arbitrations 2013 Edition, 7th Edition, published by
The Association of Arbitrators, (Southern Africa)
W1.4 The person or organisation who The Arbitrator is the person selected by the Parties as and
will choose an arbitrator when a dispute arises in terms of the relevant Z Clause, from
the Panel of Arbitrators provided under the relevant Z clause
if the arbitration procedure does not state who selects an
arbitrator. The Arbitrator nominating body is the Chairman of
the Johannesburg Advocates Bar Council.
X7 Delay Damages
Delay damages of the works are Amount per day is 0.05%, to the maximum of 10% of the
Contract value
X13.1 The amount of the performance 10% of the contract value. Pro-forma draft of a performance
bond is bond to be used is attached to this contract.
X16 Retention
X18.1 The Contractor’s liability to the Nil - Neither Party is liable to the other for any consequential
Employer for indirect or or indirect loss, including but not limited to loss of profit, loss
consequential loss is limited to of income or loss of revenue
X18.2 For any one event, the The total of the Prices
Contractor’s liability to the
Employer for loss of or damage to
the Employer’s property is limited
X18.4 The Contractor’s total liability to The Contractor’s total direct liability to the Employer for all
the Employer for all matters matters arising under or in connection with this contract, other
arising under or in connection than the excluded matters, is limited to the total of the Prices
with this contract, other than and applies in contract, tort or delict and otherwise to the
excluded matters, is limited to extent allowed under the law of the contract.
Z2.1 Delete core clause 20.1 and replace with the following:
The Contractor provides the works in accordance with the Works Information and warrants that
the results of the Works, when complete, shall be fit for their intended purpose
Z3 Other responsibilities:
Z3.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for the correct setting out of the Works in accordance with the
original points, lines and levels stated in the Works Information or notified by the Project Manager,
Supervisor or the Employer. Any errors in the positioning of the Works shall be rectified by the
Contractor at the Contractor’s own costs.
Z4.2 If part of the works is replaced due to a Defect arising after Completion and before the defects
date, the defects date for the part of the works which is replaced is delayed by a period equal to
that between Completion and the date by when the part has been replaced
Z4.3 The Project Manager notifies the Contractor of the change to a defect date when the delay occurs.
The period between Completion and an extended defects date does not exceed twice the period
between Completion and the defects date stated in the Contract Data
Z5 Termination
Z5.1 Add the following to core clause 91.1, at the second main bullet, fifth sub-bullet point, after
the words “assets or”: “business rescue proceedings are initiated or steps are taken to initiate
business recue proceedings”.
Z6 Performance Bond
Z6.1 Amend the first sentence of clause X13.1 to read as follows:
The Contractor gives the Employer an unconditional, on-demand performance bond, provided by
a bank which the Project Manager and the Employer have accepted, for the amount stated in the
Contract Data and in the form set out in Annexure C.ii of this Contract Data.
Z7 Limitation of liability:
Z7.2 Notwithstanding any other clause in this contract, any proceeds received from any insurances or
any proceeds which would have been received from any insurances but for the conduct of the
Contractor shall be excluded from the calculation of the limitations of liability listed in the contract
Additional Z Clauses
Z8.1 The Contractor shall not cede, delegate or assign any of its rights or obligations to any person
without the written consent of the Employer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
This clause shall be binding on the liquidator/business rescue practitioner /trustee (whether
provisional or not) of the Contractor
Z8.2 The Employer may cede and delegate its rights and obligations under this contract to any person
or entity
Z9.1 If the Contractor constitutes a joint venture, consortium or other unincorporated grouping of two or
more persons, these persons are deemed to be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the
performance of the Contract.
Z9.2 The Contractor shall, within 1 week of the Contract Date, notify the Project Manager and the
Employer of the key person who has the authority to bind the Contractor on their behalf.
Z9.3 The Contractor does not materially alter the composition of the joint venture, consortium or other
unincorporated grouping of two or more persons without prior written consent of the Employer.
Z10 Ethics
Z10.1.1 not to give any offer, payment, consideration, or benefit of any kind, which constitutes or could be
construed as an illegal or corrupt practice, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement or reward
for the award or in execution of this contract;
Z10.1.2 to comply with all laws, regulations or policies relating to the prevention and combating of bribery,
corruption and money laundering to which it or the Employer is subject, including but not limited to
the Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 12 of 2004.
Z10.2 The Contractor’s breach of this clause constitutes grounds for terminating the Contractor’s
obligation to Provide the Works or taking any other action as appropriate against the Contractor
(including civil or criminal action). However, lawful inducements and rewards shall not constitute
grounds for termination.
Z10.3 If the Contractor is found guilty by a competent court, administrative or regulatory body of
participating in illegal or corrupt practices, including but not limited to the making of offers (directly
or indirectly), payments, gifts, gratuity, commission or benefits of any kind, which are in any way
whatsoever in connection with the contract with the Employer, the Employer shall be entitled to
terminate the contract in accordance with the procedures stated in core clause 92.2. the amount
due on termination is A1.
Z11 Confidentiality
Z11.1 All information obtained in terms of this contract or arising from the implementation of this contract
shall be treated as confidential by the Contractor and shall not be used or divulged or published to
any person not being a party to this contract, without the prior written consent of the Project
Manager or the Employer, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Z11.2 If the Contractor is uncertain about whether any such information is confidential, it is to be
regarded as such until otherwise notified by the Project Manager.
Z11.3.1 Information disclosed to the employees of the Contractor for the purposes of the implementation
of this agreement. The Contractor undertakes to procure that its employees are aware of the
confidential nature of the information so disclosed and that they comply with the provisions of this
Z11.3.2 Information which the Contractor is required by law to disclose, provided that the Contractor
notifies the Employer prior to disclosure so as to enable the Employer to take the appropriate
action to protect such information. The Contractor may disclose such information only to the
extent required by law and shall use reasonable efforts to obtain assurances that confidential
treatment will be afforded to the information so disclosed;
Z11.3.3 Information which at the time of disclosure or thereafter, without default on the part of the
Contractor, enters the public domain or to information which was already in the possession of the
Contractor at the time of disclosure (evidenced by written records in existence at that time);
Z11.4 The taking of images (whether photographs, video footage or otherwise) of the works or any
portion thereof, in the course of Providing the Works and after Completion, requires the prior
written consent of the Project Manager. All rights in and to all such images vests exclusively in
the Employer
Z11.5 The Contractor ensures that all his Subcontractors abide by the undertakings in this clause.
Z12.2 The Contractor co-operates with the Employer and facilitates and permits the use of all required
information, materials and other matter (including but not limited to documents and all other
drawings, CAD materials, data, software, models, plans, designs, programs, diagrams,
evaluations, materials, specifications, schedules, reports, calculations, manuals or other
documents or recorded information (electronic or otherwise) which have been or are at any time
prepared by or on behalf of the Contractor under the contract or otherwise for and/or in connection
with the works) and generally does all things required by the Project Manager to achieve this end.
Z13.1 The Contractor keeps the Equipment used to Provide the Services free of all liens and other
encumbrances at all times. The Contractor, vis-a-vis the Employer, waives all and any liens which
he may from time to time have, or become entitled to over such Equipment and any part thereof
and procures that his Subcontractors similarly, vis-a-vis the Employer, waive all liens they may
have or become entitled to over such Equipment from time to time
Z14.1 Intellectual Property (“IP”) rights means all rights in and to any patent, design, copyright, trade
mark, trade name, trade secret or other intellectual or industrial property right relating to the
Z14.2 IP rights remain vested in the originator and shall not be used for any reason whatsoever other
than carrying out the works.
Z14.3 The Contractor gives the Employer an irrevocable, transferrable, non-exclusive, royalty free
licence to use and copy all IP related to the works for the purposes of constructing, repairing,
demolishing, operating and maintaining the works
Z14.4 The written approval of the Contractor is to be obtained before the Contractor's IP made available
to any third party which approval will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Prior to making any
Contractor's IP available to any third party the Employer shall obtain a written confidentiality
undertaking from any such third party on terms no less onerous than the terms the Employer
would use to protect its IP
Z14.5 The Contractor shall indemnify and hold the Employer harmless against and from any claim
alleging an infringement of IP rights (“the claim”), which arises out of or in relation to:
Z14.6 The Employer shall, at the request and cost of the Contractor, assist in contesting the claim and
the Contractor may (at its cost) conduct negotiations for the settlement of the claim, and any
litigation or arbitration which may arise from it.
Z18.1 The Contractor shall be expected to annually present a compliant BEE Certificate. Failure to do
adhere to these requirements shall be considered a material breach of the conditions of this
Contract, the sanction for which may be a cancellation of this Contract.
Z19 Communication
Z19.1 Add a new Core Clause 14.5 and 14.6 to read as follows:
The Project Manager requires the written consent of the Employer if an action will result in a
change to the design, scope, and Works information that is 5% or more
Z19.2 The Project Manager requires the written consent of the Employer if an action will result in the
Completion Date being extended by more than 30 days.
Z20 Delegation
As stipulated by Section 37(2) of the Occupational Health and Safety Act No. 85 of 1993 as
amended the Contractor agrees to the following:
Z20.1 As part of this contract the Contractor acknowledge that it (mandatory) is an employer in its own
right with duties as prescribed in the Occupational Health and Safety Act No 85 of 1993 as
amended and agree to ensure that all work being performed, or Equipment, Plant and Materials
being used, are in accordance with the provisions of the said Act, and in particular with regard to
the Construction Regulations
Telephone No.
Fax No.
11.2 The working areas are Only the Site Area. See C4 ‘Site Information’
24.1 The Contractor’s Key people are: CV’s to be appended to Tender Schedule
11.2 The Works Information is in Part C3 ‘Scope of Works’ section of this contract
Brief description of contract……………………………………………………………………..
This guarantee constitute an irrevocable, unconditional, non-negotiable and non-transferable undertaking to pay
in accordance with the above, subject to the proviso that this Letter will not be interpreted as extending the
Bank’s liability to anything more than the Guaranteed Amount.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein contained, the Bank’s obligation shall be construed as principal
and not as accessory to the contract and shall not be delayed or discharged by the fact that a dispute exists
between the Employer and the Contractor.
We undertake to pay you such Guaranteed Amount upon receipt by us, within such period of 14 days, of your
first written demand stating that such an amount (or lesser amount) as may be claimed is due and payable to the
The guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa
Registration Number:
As witnesses:
1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
To assist Airport Company South Africa (ACSA) in order to comply with the requirements of:
1. The Occupational Health & Safety (Act 85 of 1993)and its regulations and
2. The Compensation for Occupational Injuries & Diseases Act (Act 130 of 1993) also known as the (COID
To this end an Agreement must be concluded before any contractor/ subcontracted work may commence
Name of Organisation:
Name of organisation:
Physical Address
1. The Occupational Health & Safety Act comprises of SECTION 1-50 and all unrepealed
REGULATIONS promulgated in terms of the former Machinery and Occupational Safety Act No.6 of
1983 as amended as well as other REGULATIONS which may be promulgated in terms of the Act
and other relevant Acts pertaining to the job in hand.
2. “Mandatary” is defined as including as agent, a principal contractor or a contractor for work, but
user of the plant
3. Section 37 of the Occupational Health & Safety Act potentially punishes Employers (PRINCIPAL
CONTRACTOR) for unlawful acts or omissions of Mandataries (CONTRACTORS) save where a
Written Agreement between the parties has been concluded containing arrangements and
procedures to ensure compliance with the said Act BY THE MANDATARY.
4. All documents attached or refer to in the above Agreement form an integral part of the Agreement.
5. To perform in terms of this agreement Mandataries must be familiar and conversant with the relevant
provisions of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 85 of 1993 (OHS Act) and applicable
6. Mandatories who utilise the services of their own Mandatories (contractors) must conclude a similar
Written Agreement with them.
7. Be advised that this Agreement places the onus on the Mandatary to contact the CLIENT in the
event of inability to perform as per this Agreement.
8. This Agreement shall be binding for all work the Mandatary undertakes for the client.
9. All documentation according to the Safety checklist including a copy of the written Construction
Manager appointment in terms of construction regulation 8, must be submitted 7 days before work
1. The Mandatary warrants that all their employees and/or their contractor’s employees if any are
covered in terms of the COID Act, which shall remain in force whilst any such employees are present
on the Client’s premises. A letter is required prior commencing any work on site confirming that the
Principal contractor or contractor is in good standing with the Compensation Fund or Licensed
2. The Mandatary warrants that they are in possession of the following insurance cover, which cover
shall remain in force whilst they and /or their employees are present on the Client’s premises, or
which shall remain in force for that duration of their contractual relationship with the Client, whichever
period is the longest.
a. Public Liability Insurance Cover as required by the Subcontract Agreement.
b. Any other Insurance cover that will adequately makes provision for any possible losses and/or
claims arising from their and /or their Subcontractors and/or their respective employee’s acts
and/or omissions on the Client’s premises.
The Mandatary undertakes to ensure that they and/or their subcontractors if any and/or their
respective employees will at all times comply with the following conditions:
1. All work performed by the Mandatary on the Client’s premises must be performed under the
close supervision of the Mandatary’s employees who are to be trained to understand the hazards
associated with any work that the Mandatary performs on the Client’s premises.
2. The Mandatary shall be assigned the responsibility in terms of Section 16(1) of the OHSAct 85 of
1993, if the Mandatary assigns any duty in terms of Section 16(2), a copy of such written
assignment shall immediately be forwarded to the Client.
3. The Mandatary shall ensure that he/she familiarise himself/herself with the requirements of the
OHSAct 85 of 1993 and that s/he and his/her employees and any of his subcontractors comply
with the requirements.
4. The Mandatary shall ensure that a baseline risk assessment is performed by a competent person
before commencement of any work in the Client’s premises. A baseline risk assessment
document will include identification of hazards and risk, analysis and evaluation of the risks and
hazards identified, a documented plan and safe work procedures to mitigate, reduce or control
the risks identified, and a monitoring and review plan of the risks and hazards.
5. The Mandatary shall appoint competent persons who shall be trained on any Occupational
Health & Safety aspect pertaining to them or to the work that is to be performed.
6. The Mandatary shall ensure that discipline regarding Occupational Health & Safety shall be
strictly enforced.
7. Any personal protective equipment required shall be issued by the Mandatary to his/her
employees and shall be worn at all times.
8. Written safe working practices/procedures and precautionary measures shall be made available
and enforced and all employees shall be made conversant with the contents of these practises.
9. No unsafe equipment/machinery and/or articles shall be used by the Mandatary or contractor on
the Client’s premises.
10. All incidents/accidents referred to in OHSAct shall be reported by the Mandatary to the Provincial
Director: Department of Labour as well as to the Client.
11. No user shall be made by the Mandatary and/or their employees and or their subcontractors of
any of the Client’s machinery/article/substance/plant/personal protective equipment without prior
written approval.
12. The Mandatary shall ensure that work for which the issuing of permit is required shall not be
performed prior to the obtaining of a duty completed approved permit.
13. The Mandatary shall ensure that no alcohol or any other intoxicating substance shall be allowed
on the Client’s premises. Anyone suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or any other
intoxicating substance shall not be allowed on the premises. Anyone found on the premises
suspected to be under the influence of alcohol or any other intoxicating substance shall be
escorted off the said premises immediately.
14. Full participation by the Mandatary shall be given to the employees of the Client if and when they
inquire into Occupational Health & Safety.
1. Only a duly authorised representative appointed in terms of Section 16.2 of the OHS Act is eligible to
sign this agreement on behalf of the Mandatary. The signing power of this representative must be
designated in writing by the Chief Executive Officer of the Mandatary. A copy of this letter must be
made available to the Client.
2. The Mandatary confirms that he has been informed that he must report to the Client’s management,
in writing anything he/she deems to be unhealthy and /or unsafe. He has versed his employees in
this regard.
3. The Mandatary warrants that he/she shall not endanger the health & safety of the Client’s employees
and other persons in any way whilst performing work on the Client’s premises.
4. The Mandatary understands that no work may commence on the Client’s premises until this
procedure is duly completed, signed and received by the Client.
5. Non-compliance with any of the above clauses may lead to an immediate cancellation of the
In terms of section 37(2) of the Occupational Health & Safety Act 85 of 1993 and section 5.1(k) of the
Construction Regulations 2014,
________________________________________ _______
(Warrant his authority to sign)
_________________________________________ _______________
The insurance clauses in this document should be extracted and attached to tender documents and to contracts.
1. Insurance requirements for contracts with a value below R50million on the LANDSIDE
• With regards to contract works claims, the contractor/consultant is responsible for a deductible (excess)
of R250 000.
• Contractors / consultants may re-insure the deductible
• In the event of a claim against the contractor / consultant for 3rd party property damage the contractor /
consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R275 000
• In the event of a claim against the contractor / consultant for removal of lateral support, the contractor /
consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R500 000
• Contractors / consultants may re-insure the deductibles
• With regards to contract works claims, the contractor / consutant is responsible for a deductible (excess)
of R250 000.
• Contractors / consultants may re-insure the deductible
• In the event of a claim brought against the contractor / consultant for 3rd party property damage the
contractor / consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R525 000
• In the event of a claim brought against the contractor / consultant for removal of lateral support, the
contractor / consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R750 000
• In the event of a claim brought against the contractor / consultant for damage to aircraft, the contractor /
consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R750 000
• Contractors / consultants may re-insure the deductibles
3. Insurance requirements for contracts with a value above R50 million on the LANDSIDE
• Contracts with a value of more R50 million are not automatically covered under the construction policies.
A separate quote is provided by insurers per contract.
With regards to contract works claims, the contractor / consultant is responsible for the following deductibles:
• In the event of a claim brought against the contractor / consultant for 3rd party property damage the
contractor / consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R275 000
• In the event of a claim brought against the contractor / consultant for removal of lateral support, the
contractor / consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R500 000
• Contractors / consultants may re-insure the deductibles
4. Insurance requirements for contracts with a value above R50 million on the AIRSIDE
• Contracts with a value of more R50 million are not automatically covered under the construction policies.
A separate quote is provided by insurers per contract.
With regards to contract works claims, the contractor / consultant is responsible for the following deductibles:
• All Civil Work and Earthworks excluding Runways – R300 000 deductible (excess)
• Runway Rehabilitation – R300 000 deductible (excess)
• New Runway Construction – R700 000 deductible (excess)
• All other claims – R300 000 deductible (excess)
• Other property insured – R700 000 deductible (excess)
• Contractors / consultants may re-insure the deductibles
• In the event of a claim brought against the contractor / consultant for 3 rd party property damage the
contractor / consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R1 025 000
• In the event of a claim brought against the contractor / consultant for removal of lateral support, the
contractor / consultant will be responsible for a deductible (excess) of R1 250 000
• In the event of a claim for damage to aircraft, the contractor / consultant will be responsible for a
deductible (excess) of R1 250 000
• Contractors / consultants may re-insure the deductibles
Develop Pricing Data (Pricing Assumptions, Pricing Schedules, Bills of Quantities etc, as relevant) using
guidance provided in the CIDB Compiler guidance note for Component document: C2 – Pricing Data
Price Schedule
No: Price
Description Rates Unit Price
1 Designing of the canopy structure or similar proposed structure and construction supervision.
Provide breakdown of costing as an attachment (To include the number of hours, rate per individual
and other related costs)
Quantity Price
Description Rates Unit Price
2 Other related professional costs
(please specify)
Construction WORKS
3.1 R
Cost of material (civil works) Provide bill of quantities, attach detailed breakdown
3.2 R
Cost of material (structural works) Provide bill of quantities, attach detailed breakdown
Other costs
4.1 R
Safety file
4.2 R
Site establishment
4.3 R20 000
Permit costs (to be paid on a proven costs)
Total Excluding VAT R
Total Including VAT R
1 Insert at award stage or delete if not applicable. Delete this note once a selection is made.
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Total number of pages
Develop Scope of Work using guidance provided. Note that this document is merely a guideline of what to
include in the scope of work. The contract manager will be required to apply his / her mind and delete or add
any information required, depending on the nature of the works. Where the contract requires information to
be included in the scope of works, the relevant heading will contain a footnote indicating that the information
is compulsory. Complete this document by replacing the guidance notes in [square brackets] with the
relevant information. When the document is complete, delete this note and ALL footnotes.
The Aim of this tender is to appoint a reputable service provider for the design and construction of the weather protection
structure such as the canopy between the Avis car rentals to the terminal building. The team shall include the Architect,
Structural Engineer and the contractor.
2.1. Description of the Work / Services:
The project scope includes the following:
Design and construct the canopy structure or similar approved structure that will be able to protect passengers from
adverse weather conditions. The scope will entail design including conceptual designs by the Architect (proposals to be
submitted to ACSA with different canopy arrangement or equivalent shelter structure. The agreed structure will have to
be designed and signed off by a registered Engineer. This project will further include procurement of material and
construction supervision (EPCM model).
Design is to address the following deliverables: -
a. Less obstruction to Avis rental’s advertisements or interference with their parking
b. Less obstructing structural members on passengers’ walkways
c. For Ease maintenance, specification to match the existing airport structures
d. Provision of access to designated smoking area
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The first step on appointment is an in-depth discussion to ascertain the requirements of the project. A visit to site will
then be required to do an analysis and possible solutions to the problem. This will include consideration of issues such
as the views, orientation, access, and the surrounding buildings.
A design brief will then be agreed upon, and an outline concept will be formulated based on the project requirements,
design requirements, the contextual issues stemming from the site analysis.
The plans will then be further developed based on the approved concept design, with any further changes that may be
required, as well as the input from the consultants. In the case of the input from the structural engineer, this will include
the specifications of the foundations, member size designs and the roof design. The design development will include
details of the construction systems and materials to be used.
After any further changes are made, the final set of design development plans are produced.
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Clause number and description Page
4. Procurement ............................................................................................................................................ 56
5. Construction ............................................................................................................................................. 68
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[provide a general description of the works, including the general arrangements and location
drawings. Sufficient information should be included so as to enable the tenderer to determine
whether they have the resources and capability to carry out the work]
[If necessary, include any definitions in addition to those used in the conditions of contract which are
required only for the purpose of making the Works Information easier to draft and read. Also list
abbreviations used and provide a full interpretation of each one, as illustrated below]
The following abbreviations are used in this Works Information:
Abbreviation Meaning given to the abbreviation
3. Contract Management
Management meetings2
Risk reduction meetings are to be held monthly during pre-installation, installation and project close
out phase. Meetings will be minuted and distributed within a week. Supervisor attendance is
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The Contractor shall comply with the health and safety requirements contained in Part C.1.2 of the “Works
The contractor must take into consideration passenger traffic at the arrivals area especially during peak hour
Within the period stated in the Contact Data, the Contractor submits his complete quality
control and assurance system (with all quality control and assurance
procedures and manuals) for review and acceptance by the Employer. The
manual includes pro-forma checklists for all requirements of the Contractor’s
quality control and assurance program and those called for in the Scope.
Acceptance by the Employer of the Contractor’s quality assurance programme, quality plans
and/or inspection and/or test plans, or of those of his Subcontractors will not
relieve the Contractor of his obligation to provide services which meet the
requirements of the Contract.
The contractor is to make provision of 4 weeks from date of contract signing for the acquiring of
permits on site.
[state any additional constraining requirements on Contractor’s Personnel that are not
already stated in other sections of the Works Information or the conditions of contract. For
example, the Employer may require the Contractor to submit an organogram showing its
people and their lines of authority / communication, particularly where the Contractor is a
Joint Venture]
Insurance provided by the Employer
[add any insurance related information, requirements or other issues not dealt with in core
clause 87.1. as well as the details of ACSA personnel to whom insurance-related queries
should be addressed]
Provision of bonds and guarantees
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Without limitation to the Employer’s rights under the Contract, the Employer may withhold
payment of amounts due to the Contractor until the bond or guarantee required
in terms of this contract has been received and accepted by the person notified
to the Contractor by the Project Manager to receive and accept such bond or
guarantee. Such withholding of payment due to the Contractor does not affect
the Employer’s right to termination stated in this contract.
Records of Defined Cost, payments & assessments of compensation events to be kept by the
[include any constraint imposed in regard to format and filing of the records, and whether
access for the Project Manager shall be provided in hard copy or electronically. Also detail
how other documentation should be treated]
Training workshops and technology transfer
obligation for technology transfer being included as part of the contract on Completion of the
works (if any)]
Employer’s design
[where the design is primarily done by the Employer, describe the Employer’s design in
sufficient detail so as to indicate the standard of performance required to the Contractor]
[where the design responsibility lies with the Contractor –
describe the Employer’s specification which the Contractor must observe when designing
the works;
detail any particulars which must be taken into account by the Contractor in his design]
[provide details as to the Contractor’s design obligations as required by core clause 21.1]
Procedure for submission and acceptance of Contractor’s design
[specify the extent of detail (the particulars) of the Contractor’s design which is to be
submitted to the Project Manager for his acceptance and state requirements for drawings to
be prepared by the Contractor]
3 The information in this section is required by the contract. Do not delete.
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Use of Contractor’s design
[detail any purposes, in addition to those provided for in core clause 22.1, for which the
Contractor’s design may be used. Also list any limitations or exceptions applicable]
Equipment required to be included in the works4
[core clause 11.2(7) defines Equipment as “items provided by the contractor and used by
him to provide the works and which the Works Information does not require him to include in
the works.” Detail the equipment to be included in the works in this section]
As-built drawings, operating manuals and maintenance schedules
[in this section, describe any requirements applicable to as-built drawings, operating
manuals and maintenance schedules]
5. Procurement
[the definition of Disallowed Cost in Options C D and E makes reference to the Works Information in
relation to procurement procedures. Use this section to include any such procedures to be able to
administer this procedure, as well as any constraints on procurement procedures as may be required
by Options A & B]
[specify any constraints in relation to people employed to carry out the Works]
Preferred subcontractors
[in this section the Employer may list subcontractors or suppliers with which the
Contractor is required to enter into subcontracts]
Limitations on subcontracting
The Contractor may not subcontract more than 20% of the Works.
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[specify any requirements here for any tests and inspections as required by core clauses 40
and 41]
Marking Plant and Materials outside the Working Areas6
[state how the Contractor is to “mark” Plant and Materials which is outside the Working
Areas if they are to be paid for before delivery to the Working Areas, as required by core
clauses 70.1 and 71.1]
Contractor’s Equipment (including temporary works)
[state any requirements that may be specific to the type of works being performed]
6. Construction
[this section deals with the requirements, facilities, services and rules applicable to the Contractor in
carrying out the work on the Site during the construction and maintenance period. Complete
Temporary works, Site services & construction constraints
Employer’s Site entry and security control, permits, and Site regulations
[core clause 73.2 states that the Contractor has title to materials from
excavation and demolition only as stated in the Works Information. Complete
Contractor’s Equipment
[Provide details of equipment made available for use by the employer and set
out conditions relating thereto]
Site services and facilities provided by the Employer8
[State the site services and facilities Employer will provide e.g. power, water,
waste disposal, ablutions, fire protection, lighting etc, as required by core clause
25.2 and state that “the Contractor shall provide everything else necessary for
Providing the Works”]
5 The information in this section is required by the contract. Do not delete. If it does not apply, delete the notes
in italics and substitute the words ‘Not applicable’.
6 The information in this section is required by the contract. Do not delete. If it does not apply, delete the notes
delete the notes in italics and substitute the words ‘Not applicable’.
8 The information in this section is required by the contract. Do not delete. If it does not apply, delete the notes
in italics and substitute the words ‘Not applicable’, but ALWAYS state “the Contractor shall provide everything
else necessary for Providing the Works”.
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Facilities provided by the Contractor
Underground services, other existing services, cable and pipe trenches and
Construction requirements
[core clause 11.2(2) defines Completion as when the Contractor has done all
the work which the Works Information states he is to do by the Completion
All work is to be done by the Contractor shall be completed by the Completion
Date, save for the following: [list project-specific exceptions and
state by when the work should be completed]
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The Project Manager cannot certify Completion until all the work except that
listed above has been completed and is also free of Defects which
would have, in his opinion, prevented the Employer from using the
works and Others from doing their work.
[core clause 35.2 provides that the Employer may use any part of the works
before Completion has been certified but if he does so he takes over the part of
the works except if the use is for a reason stated in the Works Information. The
reasons referred to in core clause 35.2 are stated in this section]
Materials facilities and samples for tests and inspections
[state the materials, facilities and samples for tests and inspections the
Contractor and the Employer are to provide in terms of core clause 40.2]
[complete accordingly]
Take over procedures
[complete accordingly]
Access given by the Employer for correction of Defects11
[core clause 43.4 requires that the Project Manager arranges for the Employer
to allow the Contractor access to and use of a part of the works which has been
taken over if needed to correct a Defect. After the works have been put into
operation, the Employer may require the Contractor to undertake certain
procedures before such access can be granted (for example barricading a
motorway or in a nuclear power station). Include these here]
Performance tests after Completion
[in this section, state the procedures for carrying out such tests]
Operational maintenance after Completion
[this section of the Works Information contains all the specifications for the permanent works.
Provide the relevant details and requirements under the following headings:]
Investigation, survey and Site clearance
Building works
10 The information in this section is required by the contract. Do not delete. If it does not apply, delete the notes
in italics and substitute the words ‘Not applicable’.
11 The information in this section is required by the contract. Do not delete. If it does not apply, delete the notes
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[this section comprises of the specifications provided by the Employer, the list of
standardised specifications applicable to the works and variations to the standardised
Civil engineering and structural works
[this section comprises of the specifications provided by the Employer, the list of
standardised specifications applicable to the works and variations to the standardised
Electrical & mechanical engineering works
[these specifications are usually project specific and developed by the Employer to suit his
operations. Either include these specifications here, or refer to them in attached Annexure]
Process control and IT works
[these specifications are usually project specific and developed by the Employer to suit his
operations. Either include these specifications here, or refer to them in attached Annexure]
[any additional information as required by ACSA]
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8. List of drawings
[This is the list of drawings issued by the Employer at or before the Contract Date and which
apply to this contract]
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[This section of the Works Information will always be project-specific depending on the nature of the works.
In this section, include information such as the Contractor’s design and Plant and Materials specifications
and schedules etc]
C4 Site Information
Core clause 11.2(16) states
“Site Information is information which describes the Site and its surroundings and is in the documents which
the Contract Data states it is in.”
In Contract Data, reference has been made to this Part 4 of the contract for the location of Site Information.
Delete this note and others given in boxes like this one at final draft stage.
The compiler of this document should first consult the ECC3 Guidance Notes pages 23 and 24. Further
notes are given under each heading below.
Site Information is information about the Site at the time of tender upon which the tendering contractor bases
his prices. It is fixed and does not include anything about what happens on the Site after award; that is
Works Information.
Site Information does not include weather data; that is included in the Contract Data.
If the Contractor subsequently encounters conditions which are different to those described here, he may be
entitled to notify a compensation event.
General description
Provide a general description of the Site and its location. Reference would probably be made to a drawing
showing the Site and its surroundings and the boundaries of the site as required by the Contract Data. It is
particularly important that details of surrounding buildings be provided where crane operation is likely to be
affected, or the works involve deep foundations adjacent to existing buildings.
Subsoil information
Provide details of geotechnical reports, borehole records and test results for parts of the Site where
earthworks are required by this contract. These details may be referenced as an Annexure to this document
where they are extensive.
Hidden services
Provide details about and drawings showing hidden services and underground structures. If accurate details
are not available state what assumptions are to be made by the Contractor concerning such services.
This subsection may refer to mapping, hydro-graphic data, hydrological information, shipping movements,
tides and published papers or Geological Surveys that the tendering contractor may need to be able to
decide his method of working and programme and prepare any designs for which he would be responsible.