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Grade 10 Daily Lesson Log School Grade Level 10 Teacher Learning Area MATHEMATICS Quarter Second

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GRADE 10 School Grade Level 10


Teaching Dates and Time Quarter SECOND

Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4

1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of circles.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and find solutions to challenging situations involving circles and other
Standards related terms in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
3. Learning The learner derives The learner derives The learner derives The learner derives
Competencies inductively the relations inductively the relations inductively the relations inductively the relations
among chords, arcs, among chords, arcs, among chords, arcs, among chords, arcs,
central angles, and central angles, and central angles, and central angles, and
inscribed angles. inscribed angles. inscribed angles. inscribed angles.
(M10GE-IIc-1) (M10GE-IIc-1) (M10GE-IIc-1) (M10GE-IIc-1)

a. Identify the chords, a. Explore the chords, a. Illustrate the chords, a. Identify inscribed
Objectives arcs, central angles arcs, central angles arcs, central angles angles of a circle.
and inscribed angles and inscribed angles and inscribed angles b. Find the measures
of a circle. of a circle. of a circle. of inscribed angles
b. Name the chords, b. Define the chords, b. Find the chords, arcs, of a circle.
arcs, central angles, arcs, central angles, central angles, and c. Appreciate
and inscribed angles and inscribed angles inscribed angles of a accumulated
of a circle. of a circle. circle. knowledge as
c. Value accumulated c. Appreciate c. Appreciate means of new
knowledge as means accumulated accumulated understanding.
of new knowledge as means knowledge as means
understanding. of new of new
understanding. understanding.
II. CONTENT Circles Circles Circles Circles
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pp. 126-154 pp. 126-154 pp. 126-154 pp. 126-154
2. Learner’s pp. 127-177 pp. 127-177 pp. 127-177 pp. 127-177
3. Textbook Exploring Mathematics Exploring Mathematics Exploring Mathematics E – Mathematics 10 by
10 by Elisa s. Baccay, 10 by Elisa s. Baccay, 10 by Elisa s. Orlando A.
Myla B. Esperanza, Myla B. Esperanza, Baccay, Myla Oronce and
Allan S. Reyes; Allan S. Reyes; B. Esperanza, Marilyn O.
pp.144 – 150 pp.144 – 150, 166 Allan S. Reyes; Mendoza;
Next Generation Math pp.168 - 173 pp.172 - 178
10 by Erist A. Capul,
Hasmin T. Ignacio,
Elsie M. Pacho, et. al.
pp. 140 – 141
Next Century
Mathematics 10 by
Mirla S. Esparrago,
Nestor V. Reyes, Jr
and Catalina B.
Manalo, pp. 174 - 191
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by Grade 10 LCTGs by
Resources DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite DepEd Cavite
Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016, Mathematics 2016,
Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and Worksheets and
PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint presentation PowerPoint
A. Reviewing previous Motivational Activity: 4 Review: Review: Review:
lesson or presenting the Pics – One Word Use the figure to identify With a convenient Use the 3 circles below
new lesson Guess the missing word a radius, a diameter, a radius, construct a circle. to complete the table.
using the pictures below: chord or a secant of the  Label the center Use a protractor to find
circle with center O.  With the center as the measure if the
1. NT vertex, draw an angle indicated inscribed
2. QK such that the sides angles.
3. QK intersect the circle.
4. NO
5. NT

B. Establishing a purpose Which of the following What is a circle? There are other sets Compare the
for the lesson are good physical  Sketch a circle. of points that we can measure of the
models of a circle? On the circle on the consider on a circle. inscribed angle and its
right, identify the intercepted arc.
following. Compare your
B C observations with those
D D of your classmates.
Complete: The
Given a circle with measure of an inscribed
center B. Let us consider angle in a circle is
<ABC. Let us consider _____________.
 Center of the circle points A, C, and D on
 Radius the circle.
 Diameter
 Chord
 Inscribed angle
C. Presenting 1. Teaching/Modeling 1. Teaching/Modeling 1. Teaching/Modeling 1. Teaching/Modeling
examples/Instances of the Illustrative Examples: Illustrative Examples: Illustrative Examples: Illustrative Examples:
new lesson Use the figure below to Use the figure, give the a. If the radius of a Find the measures of
identify and name the missing measurements circle is 12 cm, how the missing angles. Use
following terms related of ʘ H: long is an arc of the figure on the right.
to ʘ O: 225°?
1. a radius Solution:
2. a diameter We replace the
terms in the
equation. So,
1. m GHF = 30°, x
L= •π•r
m GF 180
2. m GF = m FE = 30°, 225
L= • π • 12
m GHF 180
3. m AHB = 45°, L = 47.12 cm Solution:
b. What is the radius of Use m<a = 180 – 72
3. a chord m BEA m<a = 108
a circle if the length
4. a semicircle 4. m BHC = 90°, of a 72° arc is 6π? m<b = 180 – 90
5. a minor arc m CHE Solution: m<b = 90
6. a major arc 5. m AHB = 45°, x
7. 2 central angles m AE L= •π•r
8. 2 inscribed angles 6. m GF = m FE = 30°, 180 L
m AHB = 45°; xπ
Solution: m AHG 180 L
Radius: 𝐷O, 𝑂C, 𝐴O, 𝑂B r=
Solution: xπ
Diameter: 𝐷𝐶̅̅̅, 𝐴𝐵̅̅̅ 1. 30° 180(6 π)
Chord: 𝐷𝐵̅̅, 𝐴𝐶̅̅ 2. 30° + 30° = 60°
72 π
Semicircle: ACB, ADB 3. 360° - 45° = 315° r = 15
Minor Arc: 4. 180° - 90° = 90°
CB,BD,DA,AC 5. 180° - 45° = 135°
Major Arc: ACD, CBA, 6. 180° - 60° -45° = 75°
Central Angle: AOC,
Inscribed Angle: ACO,
D. Discussing new 1. How did you find the 1. How did you find the In the figure, T is the  What are the
concepts and practicing activity? activity? center of the circle. measures of the
new skills # 1 2. How did you identify 2. How did you get the following inscribed
the radius, diameter, measure of an arc given angles?
and chord of a circle? the other? m<AFB =
3. What is the difference 3. How did you get the m<ADB =
between the three lines? measure of an angle m<AEB =
4. How did you identify given measures of m<ACB =
the minor and major different angles? 1. Name a chord that is
arcs of the circle? 4. What characteristics not a diameter.
5. What is the difference of a circle can you 2. What is mRQS?
between the minor and define? 3. What is m<RQS?
major arcs of the circle? 5. Differentiate different 4. If m<PTS = 68, what  What is the common
6. How did you identify parts of a circle in your is mPQS? in the
the central angle and own words. 5. If mPS = 70, what is four inscribed
inscribed angle of the m<PTQ? angles?
7. What is the difference
between central angle
and inscribed angle of a
8. How did you name
chords, arcs and angles
of a circle?
E. Discussing new Use ʘP below to identify In the adjoining figure, P In the given figure, E is In the figure, C-H-A, S-
concepts and practicing and name the following: is the center of the the center of the circle. N-I, and m<CSN = 100.
new skills # 2 1. 2 radii circle. 1. <B is inscribed in Find x.
2. a diameter arc_____.
3. 2 chords 2. If m<AED = 110, mAD
4. 2 semicircles = ___.
5. 2 minor arcs 3. The angle inscribed in
6. 2 major arcs 1. If the diameter is 20, DAB is ____.
7. 2 central angles then PQ = ____ 4. If mCD = 70, then Solution:
2. If PR = 11, then PQ m<A = ___. Connect H and N.
8. 2 inscribed angles
= ___ 5. mAB + mBC = _____. a + m<CSN = 180
3. If PS ┴ QR at S and 6. mAD + ____= mACB. a + ___ = 180
1. 2 Radii (any segment
QR = 24 7. mADC – mAD = a = ___
joining the center to a
then QS = ____ _____
point on the circle)
4. If PS ┴ QR at s and a + b = 180
________, ________
2. Diameter (a chord SR = 9, __ + b = 180
passing through the then QR = ____ b = ___
center) _________ 5. If QS = RS, then SP
3. 2 Chords (a segment ______QR. b + x = 180
joining any two points on ___° + x = 180
the circle) _____, _____ x = ___
4. 2 Semicircles (one
half of a circle and
measures 1800)
_____, ______
5. 2 Minor Arcs (less
than a semicircle)
_______, _______
6. 2 Major Arcs (greater
than a semicircle)
_______, _______
7. 2 Central Angles
(angle whose vertex is
the center of the circle
and whose sides are
radii of the circle)
_______, _________
8. 2 Inscribed Angles
(an angle whose vertex
is on a circle and whose
sides contain chords of
the circle) _____, _____
F. Developing mastery Use ʘ O below to Answer the following Answer the following Refer to the figure on
(leads to Formative identify and name the using the figure below. using the figure below. the right to answer the
Assessment 3) following: following.

1. If AG = 24 cm, what
is AC? 1. If AG = 24 cm, what
2. If AC = 38 cm, what is AC?
1. radius is CG? 2. If AC = 38 cm, what A. Name the angles
2. diameter 3. If CG = 42 cm, what is CG? that intercept AP
3. chord is AC? 3. If CG = 42 cm, what B. Name the angles
4. semicircle 4. If OG = 5 cm and OC is AC? that intercept EV
5. minor arcs = 13 cm, 4. If OG = 5 cm and C. Name the arc that is
6. major arcs what is AG? OC = 13 cm, what is intercepted by
5. If OA = 5 cm and OG AG? <PAE.
7. central angles
= 3 cm, what is CG? 5. If OA = 5 cm and D. Name the arc that is
8. inscribed angles
OG = 3 cm, what is intercepted by
E. If <PEA = 48,
mAP___, and
m<AVP = ____.
G. Finding practical Using the map below of Answer the following Solve these problems. Refer to the given
application of concepts Paradizoo in Tagaytay using the figure below. Show your solutions. figures below.
and skills in daily living City, identify and name 1. If AC = 96 cm, what 1. The diameter of a Find the value of x.
the following: is AG? circle is 20. How long 1. 2. 3.
is an arc of 210°?
2. The radius of a circle
is 15. How long is an
arc of 60°?
2. If OG = 6 cm and AC 3. What is the radius of 4. 5.
= 16 cm, a circle if the length
1. radius what is BG? of a 45° arc is 3π?
3. If BG = 2 cm, and OC 4. If the diameter of a
2. diameter
= 10 cm, circle is 18, how long
3. chords what is AG? is an arc of 118°?
4. semicircle 4. If <OAC = 30 and OA 5. Find the diameter of
5. minor arcs = 12 cm, a circle if the length
6. major arcs what is BG? of a 100° arc is 4π.
7. central angles 5. If <OCA = 30 and
8. inscribed angles radius OC = 9 cm,
what is OG?
H. Making generalizations A circle is the set of all A circle is the set of all The length of an arc is The measure of an
and abstractions about the points on a plane at a points on a plane at a different from its degree inscribed angle is one
lesson given distance from a given distance from a measure. half the measure of its
fixed point called the fixed point called the The length L of an arc is intercepted arc.
center. A circle is named center. A circle is named equal to
by its center, Ex. ʘ A. by its center, Ex. ʘ A. arc measure
• π • radius.
A radius (plural, radii) is A radius (plural, radii) is 180
any segment joining the any segment joining the On the plane of a circle
center to a point on the center to a point on the with center B, if C is a 1
m<A = m BC
circle. circle. point of arc AD, then 2
A chord is a segment A chord is a segment mACD = mAC + mCD.
joining any two points on joining any two points on The intercepted arc is
the circle. the circle. twice the measure of
A diameter is a chord A diameter is a chord any inscribed angle
passing through the passing through the whose sides pass
center. center. through the end points
An arc is a part of a An arc is a part of a of the arc.
circle between two circle between two
points on the circle. points on the circle. m BC = 2m<A
A semicircle is one half A semicircle is one half
of a circle and measures of a circle and measures
1800. A diameter divides 1800. A diameter divides
the circle into two the circle into two
semicircles. semicircles.
A minor arc is less than A minor arc is less than
a semicircle. a semicircle.
A major arc is greater A major arc is greater
than a semicircle. than a semicircle.
A central angle of a A central angle of a
circle is an angle whose circle is an angle whose
vertex is the center of vertex is the center of
the circle and whose the circle and whose
sides are radii of the sides are radii of the
circle. circle.
An inscribed angle of a An inscribed angle of a
circle is an angle whose circle is an angle whose
vertex is on a circle and vertex is on a circle and
whose sides contain whose sides contain
chords of the circle. chords of the circle.
The arc that lies in the The arc that lies in the
interior of an inscribed interior of an inscribed
angle and has endpoints angle and has endpoints
on the angle is called on the angle is called the
the intercepted arc of intercepted arc of the
the angle. angle.

I. Evaluating learning Use ʘ O below to Determine whether the Determine whether the Refer to the given
identify and name the following statements are following statements are figures below.
following: true or false. always true, sometimes Find the value of x.
true, or never true. Use 1. 2. 3.
the figure below. Points
A, B, C, and D are on
the circle.
4. 5.

1. radius 1. If OX ┴ PQ , OY ┴ RQ
2. diameter and OX = OY, then
3. chord QX = RY
4. semicircle 2. If y is the midpoint of 1. If AB = DC, then
5. minor arcs RQ, <AOB = <DOC.
6. major arcs then OY ┴ RQ. 2. If <AOB = <DOC,
3. If PX = QX, then
7. central angles then DC = AB.
<OXP is a right angle.
8. inscribed angles 3. If <BOA = <COD,
4. If PQ = RQ, then
OX = OY. then AB = CD.
5. If XQ = YQ, then 4. If AD = CD, then
XP = YR. mAB = mCD.
5. If mAB = mDC, then
J. Additional activities for 1. Follow Up Use the following figure. Find the value of x.
In circle E, AB = CD.
application or remediation Label the figure below. 1. If m<CED = 105,
Identify and name the what is mAB?
following: 2. If m<BAE = 3x – 40
1. radius and
2. diameter m<DCE = 2x – 10,
3. chord what is x?
4. semicircle 3. If m<AEB = 4x + 20
5. minor arcs 1. If circle A = circle B, and
6. major arcs CE = FH, DA = 2x + m<CED = 5x, what is
5, and GB = x + 10,
7. central angles x?
what is x?
8. inscribed angles
2. If circle A = circle B,
CE = FH, GB = 4x +
15, and DA = 5x +
10, what is x?


A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

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