Inboard - Outboard Mechanic (PDFDrive)
Inboard - Outboard Mechanic (PDFDrive)
Inboard - Outboard Mechanic (PDFDrive)
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
The latest version of this document is available in PDF format on the ITA website
Developed by
Industry Training Authority
Province of British Columbia
Section 1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................ 1
Foreword ........................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 3
How to Use this Document................................................................................................ 4
Section 1
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
This Program Outline is issued by the Industry Training Authority for use in sponsored apprenticeship
training classes.
Practical instruction by demonstration and student participation should be integrated with classroom
sessions. Safe working practices, even though not always specified in each operation or topic, are an
implied part of the program and should be stressed throughout the apprenticeship. It is the responsibility
of employers to ensure safety training for the apprentices on their worksites.
This Program Outline was prepared with the advice and assistance of the Inboard/Outboard Trade
Advisory Committee comprised of management and labour representatives and in cooperation with the
Industry Training Authority.
Be advised that references to the WorkSafe BC safety regulations contained within these materials
do not/may not reflect the most recent Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (the current
Standards and Regulation in BC can be obtained on the following website: Please note that it is always the responsibility of any person using
these materials to inform him/herself about the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation pertaining
to his/her work.
This Program Outline was prepared with the advice and direction of an industry steering committee.
Industry Subject Matter Experts retained to assist in the development of Program Outline content:
Todd Conkey
Industry Subject Matter Experts retained as outline reviewers:
Todd Conkey
Barry Benisky – Vancouver Island University (VIU) Instructor
The Industry Training Authority would like to acknowledge the dedication and hard work of all the industry
representatives appointed to identify the training requirements of the Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
This Program Outline has been developed for the use of individuals from several different audiences.
The table below describes how each section can be used by each intended audience.
Section Training Providers Sponsors Apprentices Challengers
Training Shows proportionate Understand the scope Understand the scope Understand the
Topics and representation of of competencies of competencies relative weightings of
Suggested general areas of covered in the covered in the various competencies
Time competency (GACs) technical training, the technical training, the of the occupation on
Allocation at each program level, suggested proportion suggested proportion which assessment is
the suggested of time spent on each of time spent on each based
proportion of time GAC, and the GAC, and the
spent on each GAC, percentage of that percentage of that
and percentage of time spent on theory time spent on theory
time spent on theory versus practical versus practical
versus practical application application
Section Training Providers Sponsors Apprentices Challengers
Training Defines the facility Identifies the tools and Provides information Identifies the tools
Provider requirements, tools equipment an on the training facility, and equipment a
Standards and equipment, apprentice is expected tools and equipment tradesperson is
reference materials (if to have access to; provided by the expected to be
any) and instructor which are supplied by school and the competent in using or
requirements for the the training provider student, reference operating; which may
program and which the student materials they may be be used or provided in
is expected to own expected to acquire, a practical
and minimum assessment
qualification levels of
program instructors
Program Overview
Section 2
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
Program Overview
Program Overview
C of Q C of A
Inboard/ Inboard/
Outboard Outboard
Mechanic Mechanic
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic Level 4
Technical Training: 120 hours (4 weeks*)
Work‐Based Training: 6720 hours total
ITA Certificate of Qualification exam
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic Level 3
Technical Training: 120 hours (4 weeks*)
Accumulate Work‐Based Training hours
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic Level 2
Technical Training: 120 hours (4 weeks*)
Accumulate Work‐Based Training hours
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
Successful completion of technical
training and in‐school assessments
ITA Written Exam
(20 weeks*)
Certificate of Qualification (C of Q)
Certificate of Apprenticeship (C of A)
Certificate of Completion (C of C)
Work-Based Training (WBT)
*Suggested duration based on 30‐hour week
Individuals who hold the credentials listed below are entitled to receive partial credit towards the completion requirements of this program:
Program Overview
Program Assessment
Level 1 Technical Training Successful completion of written and Minimum 70% on written
practical assessments assessments; declared competent
for practical assessments
Level 2 Technical Training Successful completion of written and Minimum 70% on written
practical assessments assessments; declared competent
for practical assessments
Level 3 Technical Training Successful completion of written and Minimum 70% on written
practical assessments assessments; declared competent
for practical assessments
Level 4 Technical Training Successful completion of written and Minimum 70% on written
practical assessments assessments; declared competent
for practical assessments
Program Overview
USE SAFE WORK Use Workers’ Use WHMIS in the Demonstrate safe body Describe fire safety Use safe work practices
PRACTICES Compensation Act workplace mechanics in the workplace
Legislation in the
A A1 A2 A3 A4 A5
1 1 1 1 1
APPLY ELECTRICAL Describe basic principles Service batteries Use electrical test
PRINCIPLES of electricity equipment
B B1 B2 B3
1 2 1 1 2
C C1 C2 C3
2 2 4
SERVICE IGNITION Service magneto ignition Service spark plugs Service standard Service outboard Service inboard/outboard Troubleshoot ignition
SYSTEMS systems inboard/outboard point electronic ignition electronic ignition systems
ignitions systems systems
D D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6
1 1 2 2 2 4
E E1 E2
1 1 2
Program Overview
F F1 F2 F3
1 1 1
SERVICE FUEL Describe fuels used in Service boat fuel systems Service fuel delivery Describe marine Service outboard Service inboard/outboard
SYSTEMS marine engines systems carburetors carburetor fuel systems carburetor fuel systems
G G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
1 2 1 1 2 2 2
G7 G8
2 4
SERVICE LUBRICATION Describe oils used in Service two-cycle oiling Service four-cycle oil
SYSTEMS marine engines systems systems
H H1 H2 H3
1 1 2
SERVICE Describe two-cycle Service two-cycle Service outboard cooling Describe four-cycle Service four-cycle Troubleshoot
POWERHEADS outboard powerheads outboard powerheads system marine powerheards powerheads powerheads
I I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6
4 4 4 4 4 4
J J1 J2
3 3
Program Overview
SERVICE DRIVE Describe outboard Service outboard Describe Service inboard/outboard Describe inboard Service jet drive systems
TRAINS gearcase design gearcases inboard/outboard drive drive legs transmissions
K K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6
3 3 3 3 3 3
L L1 L2
3 3
INSTALL ENGINES Install an outboard engine Install an Install remote controls Describe propellers Perform pre-delivery
inboard/outboard engine and steering systems inspection of drive train
M M1 M2 M3 M4 M5
1 1 1 1 1
N N1 N2
1 2
O O1 O2
2 2
Program Overview
Program Overview
Program Overview
Program Overview
L1 Service outboard trim and tilt systems
L2 Service inboard/outboard trim and tilt systems
Program Overview
Program Content
Section 3
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
Program Content
Level 1
Level 1
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to identify and explain Workers Compensation
Act Legislation as it applies to the workplace.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of the 15 recall/recognition type items about Workers Compensation Act
Legislation the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to identify and explain WHMIS as it applies to
the workplace.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about WHMIS the learner will answer
all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers without reference.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to demonstrate safe body mechanics.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about safe body mechanics the
learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct
answers without reference.
Given a selected item to lift, the learner will correctly demonstrate correct lifting and lowering of
an item from ground level to a workbench and back to the ground.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to identify and explain fire safety as it applies to
the workplace.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of the 15 recall/recognition type items about Workers Compensation Act
Legislation the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to identify and explain safe work practices in the
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of the 15 recall/recognition type items about Workers Compensation Act
Legislation the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to identify and explain electrical theory and
explain the construction and purpose of selected electrical components.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of the 15 recall/recognition type items about Workers Compensation
Act Legislation the learner will answer all questions and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct
answers without reference materials.
Given a marine engine, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
identify the location of all electrical components and explain their function with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to identify and explain battery construction and
demonstrate correct installation and service of batteries.
Program Content
Level 1
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of the 15 recall/recognition type items about the construction and
service of batteries, the learner will answer all questions and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct
answers without reference materials.
Given a selected marine battery, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual
and tools to demonstrate the following tests according to the service manual specifications with
100% accuracy:
a. Electrolyte level
b. Specific gravity
c. Voltage level
d. Battery load
Given a selected marine battery, the learner will demonstrate the installation and connections to
installation instructions specifications, observing current Coast Guard Regulations with 100%
Given the appropriate equipment, the learner will demonstrate the installation and connections of
a multi-battery switch to installation instructions specifications, observing current Coast Guard
Regulations with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to demonstrate the use of electrical test
equipment in the service of marine engines.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of the 15 recall/recognition type items about the use of electrical test
equipment, the learner will answer all questions and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers
without reference materials.
Given selected electrical test equipment, the learner will demonstrate the correct procedures for
operating selected electrical test equipment.
a. The learner will demonstrate selection of the correct meter settings and connections of a
voltmeter to a live electrical circuit with 100% accuracy.
b. The learner will demonstrate selection of the correct meter settings and connections of an
ammeter to a live electrical circuit with 100% accuracy.
c. The learner will demonstrate selection of the correct meter settings and connections of an
ohmmeter to a dead electrical circuit with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify the components of magneto ignition systems.
Explain the system’s operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Achievement Criteria
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify and explain the construction of a spark plug.
Demonstrate the cleaning, adjusting and installation of spark plugs in two and four-stroke cycle
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of the 20 recall/recognition type items about the service of spark
plugs, the learner will answer all questions within 16 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 14
correct answers without reference materials.
Given a running engine, the learner will correctly select a service manual and tolls to demonstrate
with 100% accuracy;
a. Correct procedures for removal of a spark plug.
b. Correct procedures for cleaning and adjusting a spark plug.
c. Selection of the correct replacement spark plug for a given engine.
d. Adjustment of the electrode gap (if applicable) and installation of the spark plug in a
given engine to correct tightening torque.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify the parts of a manual starter system.
Explain their function and operation.
Demonstrate the service procedures.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of the 10 recall/recognition type items about the service of manual
starters, the learner will answer all questions within 8 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 7
correct answers without reference materials.
Given a selected manual outboard starter, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service
manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct procedures to remove and
disassemble the manual starter with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled manual outboard starter and appropriate service manual, the learner will
describe the components and their operation with 100% accuracy.
Using the manual outboard starter, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the inspection of, and repair the starter with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled manual outboard starter, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate the reassembly of the starter, installation on an engine and adjustment,
including safety lockouts with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe and demonstrate the service of
electric starters used in marine engines.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about electric starters, the learner
will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers
without reference material.
Given selected electric starter, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the removal and disassembly of service an electric starter to
service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled electric starter and appropriate service manual, the learner will describe
the components and their operation with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify instruments.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate their installation.
Testing as used in current marine applications.
Program Content
Level 1
Achievement Criteria
Test in F3.
Given selected instruments, the learner will correctly select the appropriate installation
instructions and tools. The learner will demonstrate the layout and drilling of the dashboard for
installation of multiple instruments on a dashboard to within +/- 1mm vertical difference on
horizontal plane and within +/- 1mm recommended spacing between instrument taking into
a. Visibility from the helm seat
b. Aesthetics
c. Clearance space behind the instrument panel
Using the selected instruments, the learner will demonstrate the selection of the correct fuse(s)
and gauge and color of wiring as specified in the installation instructions with 100% accuracy.
Using the selected instruments, the learner will demonstrate the connections of all wiring,
including routing and securing of wires, to installation instruction specification with 100%
Using the selected instruments, the learner will demonstrate operation of the instrumentation to
installation instruction specification with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify various switches.
Explain their purpose and function.
Demonstrate switch installation and troubleshooting as used in current marine applications.
Achievement Criteria
Test in F3.
Given project information and selected switches, the learner will demonstrate the correct
selection of installation instructions, tools and materials to install switches on a boat dashboard.
Using the selected switches, installation instructions and tools, the learner will demonstrate the
layout and drilling of the dashboard to accommodate the switches, to +/- 1mm vertical difference
in height and +/- 1mm recommended spacing between switches, taking into account:
a. Access from the helm position
b. Aesthetics
c. Clearance space behind the instrument panel for installation and wire routing.
Using the selected switches, installation instructions and tools, the learner will demonstrate the
correct installation of the switches as specified in the installation instructions with 100% accuracy.
Using the selected switches, installation instructions and tools, the learner will demonstrate
selection of the correct colour of wiring and wire connectors to wire the switches as specified in
the installation instructions with 100% accuracy.
Using the installed switches, installation instructions and tools, the learner will demonstrate the
correct procedures for connecting and testing of the switches as specified in the installation
instruction specification with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify pumps.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate the installation and troubleshooting of pumps as used in current marine applications.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 20 recall/recognition type items on marine pumps, the learner will
answer all questions within 16 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 14 correct answers without
using references.
Given a marine pump, the learner will correctly select the appropriate installation instructions and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct installation procedures required to mount a marine
pump with 100% accuracy.
Given a marine pump, the learner will correctly demonstrate its installation as specified in the
installation instructions, observing correct routing of wiring, piping and access for service with
100% accuracy.
Given a marine pump, the learner will correctly demonstrate the correct operation of a marine
pump as specified in the installation instructions with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the characteristics and classification
of fuels used in marine engines.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the fuels used in marine
engines, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimal 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify boat fuel systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service of boat fuel systems as used in current marine applications.
Achievement Criteria
Program Content
Level 1
Given a boat fuel system schematic, the learner will be able to correctly identify and explain the
function of the components of two types of boat fuel systems with 100% accuracy;
a. Auxiliary fuel tanks
b. Permanent fuel tanks
Given a selected boat fuel system, the learner will correctly demonstrate the selection of the
service manual and appropriate tools used in servicing and testing a boat fuel system with 100%
Given a selected boat fuel system, the learner will correctly demonstrate testing a boat system
with 100% accuracy for:
a. the correct vacuum reading as specified by the service manual
b. the correct fuel flow reading as specified by the service manual
Given a selected boat fuel system, the learner will correclty demonstrate the replacement of fuel
filter(s) as specified by the service manual with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected boat fuel system, the learner will correctly demonstrate the cleaning and/or
replacement of a water separator as specified in the service manual with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to
Identify fuel delivery systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 1
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 20 recall/recognition type items about fuel delivery systems, the
learner will answer all questions within 16 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 14 correct
answers without reference material.
Given a running engine, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
approproate tools, the learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures used in service
and testing procedures as detailed in the service manual of the fuel delivery system with 100%
Given a selected marine fuel pump, the learner will correctly select the appropriate tools. The
learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to test an outboard fuel pump for
pressure, flow and vacuum to service manual and Coast Guard specifications with 100%
Given an outboard fuel system primer, the learner will demonstrate the correct service
procedures to test the operation of the primer to service manual, and Coast Guard specifications
with 100% accuracy. This will include both electric and manual primers.
Given a marine fuel filter system, the learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures to
clean or replace a fuel filter to service manual and Coast Guard specifications with 100%
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the characteristics and classification
of oils used in marine engines.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the fuels used in marine
engines, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimal 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify two-cycle oiling systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service of these systems and used in current two-cycle marine engines.
Program Content
Level 1
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 20 recall/recognition type items about two-cycle oiling systems,
the learner will anwwer all questions within 16 minutes and score a minimal 70% or 14 correct
answers without reference material.
Given a selected two-cycle oiling system, the learner will correctly identify each component and
describe its operation with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected two-cycle oiling system, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service
manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct procedures required to remove and
disassemble a two-cycle oiling system to service manual specification with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled two-cycle oiling system and appropriate service manual, the learner will
describe the operation of the system with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled two-cycle oiling system and appropriate service manual, the learner will
demonstrate the reassembly, installation and adjustment to service manual specifications with
100% accuracy.
Using the selected two-cycle oiling system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the testing procedures to confirm the correct flow of oil as specified in the service
manual. This is to be done with 100% accuracy.
Using the selected two-cycle oiling system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the testing procedures for confirming the operation of all safety systems related to
the two-cycle oiling system with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe and demonstrate installation of an
installation of an outboard engine on a boat transom.
Program Content
Level 1
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the fuels used in marine
engines, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimal 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected outboard engine and transom, the learner will identify and explain Coast Guard
Regulations related to installation, with 100% accuracy.
a. Given a selected outboard engine and transom, the learner will correctly select the
appropriate installation instructions and tools to:
b. Explain the correct horsepower/weight rating for a selected boat.
c. Demonstrate the correct layout of the transom to +/- 2mm to centerline and +/- 2mm to
recommended height.
d. Demonstrate the correct procedure for successfully drilling the transom holes required to
mount the engine and steering system.
Given a selected outboard engine, appropriate installation instructions and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the correct installation of the outboard engine on a transom including use of the
correct sealants and torques for a fitting with 100% accuracy.
Using the installed outboard engine and appropriate installation instructions and tools, the learner
will demonstrate the correct procedure to:
a. Connect the steering system to the drive train using the correct parts and torque ratings
with 100% accruacy.
b. Connect the fuel system to the engine using the correct size fittings and clamps with
100% accuracy.
c. Connect the electrical system to the engine using the correct connectors with 100%
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe and demonstrate installation of an
inboard/outboard engine.
Program Content
Level 1
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the fuels used in marine
engines, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimal 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected inboard/outboard engine and boat, the learner will identify and explain Coast
Guard Regulations related to installation, with 100% accuracy.
a. Given a selected inboard/outboard engine and boat, the learner will select appropriate
installation instructions and tools to successfully complete the following with 100%
accuracy, unless otherwise specified:
b. Explain the correct horsepower ratings for a given boat/engine combination.
c. Demonstrate the correct layout of the transom to +/- 2mm to centerline and +/- 2mm to
recommended height.
d. Demonstrate the correct layout of the engine bed on the stringers as specified in the
installation instructions to +/- 2mm.
e. Demonstrate cutting the transom opening to +/- 2mm from the transom jig layout line.
Given the selected inboard/outboard engine and using the appropriate intallation instructions, the
learner will demonstrate the following with 100% accuracy:
a. The correct installation of the transom plate on the transon using the correct sealants
and torques as specified in the installation instruction.
b. The correct installation of the engine and torquing all hardware to installation
c. The alignment of the engine to the transom shield.
d. The connections of all wiring, fuel system, steering and shift systems.
e. The correct installation of the drive leg.
f. The correct adjustment of the steering, shift linkage, throttle linkage trim and tilt
indicator(s) and all safety systems as specified in the installation instructions.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Describe the operation of remote controls and steering system.
Demonstrate their installation.
Program Content
Level 1
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the fuels used in marine
engines, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimal 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a remote control system, the learner will correctly select the appropriate installation
instructions and tools required for installation.
Given a selected remote control, the learner will demonstrate the selection of the correct location
for a remote control as prescibed in the installation instructions taking into account:
a. Clearance for movement of control handle.
b. Convince the operators of helm position.
c. Routing of control cables and wiring.
Given a selected remote control, the learner will correctly demonstrate the installation of the
remote control and necessary cables and wiring to installation manual specifications with 100%
Given a selected remote control, the learner will correctly demonstrate adjustments and
operation to installation instructions specifications. The shift will operate in forward neutral and
reverse and all safety functions will operate with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected steering system, the learner will correctly select the appropriate intallation
instructions and tools required for installation with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected steering control, the learner will demonstrate the selection of the correct
location and layout template(s) for the steering as prescribed in the installation instructions taking
into account all safety requirements with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected steering system and appropriate installation instructions, the learner will
demonstrate the correct installation and connections of the steering system and observe all
safety requirements with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the characteristics and functions of
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about propellers, the learner will
answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimal 70% or 11 correct answers without
reference material.
Given the specifications of a minimum of 5 boats and engine combinations of different sizes and
configurations, the learner will, using manufacture’s information, select the correct propeller for
the stated operation of each boat.
Given a selected outboard or inboard/outboard engine, the learner will demonstrate the correct
installation of a propeller, including the correct torque and order of component assembly, to
manufacture’s specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe and demonstrate pre-delivery
inspection (PDI) on marine drive trains.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about pre-delivery inspections, the
learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimal 70% or 11 correct
answers without reference material.
Given specifications of a selected boat and engine combination, the learner will, with reference to
manufacture’s instructions, describe the PDI process for the selected combination.
Given a selected boat and drive train combination and manufacture’s instructions, the learner will
correctly demonstrate the pre-delivery inspection of a drive train as prescribed in the
manufacture’s instructions while observing all safety considerations with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 1
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify materials used in fibreglass construction.
Identify problems found in fibreglass construction.
Describe the repair procedures.
Program Content
Level 1
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about fibreglass construction, its
maintenance and use of sealants, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and
score a minimal 70% or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Program Content
Level 2
Level 2
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Explain electrical theory.
Explain the construction and purpose of selected electrical components.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the basic principles of
electricity, the learner will answer all questions and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers
without reference material.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to explain electrical theory and explain the
construction and purpose of electrical test equipment.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about electrical test equipment,
the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct
answers without reference material.
a. Given selected electrical test equipment, the learner will demonstrate the correct
procedures for operating selected electrical test equipment.
b. The learner will demonstrate selection of the correct meter settings and connections of a
voltmeter to a live electrical circuit with 100% accuracy.
c. The learner will demonstrate selection of the correct meter settings and connections of
an ammeter to a live electrical circuit with 100% accuracy.
d. The learner will demonstrate selection of the correct meter settings and connections of
an ohmmeter to a dead electrical circuit with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify the components of outboard charging systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate their service procedures.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about outboard charging systems,
the learner will answer all questions and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers without
reference material.
Given a selected outboard, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures to remove and disassemble the
charging system to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard charging system and appropriate service manual, the learner
will describe the components and operation of the charging system with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard charging system and appropriate service manual, the learner
will demonstrate the testing of the charging system components as directed by the service manual
with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard charging system and appropriate service manual, the learner
will demonstrate installation and testing of the charging system to service manual specifications
with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify the components of inboard/outboard charging systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate their service procedures.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about inboard/outboard charging
systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected inboard/outboard, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service
manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures to remove and
disassemble the charging system to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard charging system and appropriate service manual, the
learner will describe the components of the charging system and their operation with 100%
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard charging system and appropriate service manual, the
learner will demonstrate the testing of the charging system components as directed by the
service manual with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard charging system and appropriate service manual, the
learner will demonstrate installation and testing of the charging system to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe and demonstrate testing and
servicing of point ignition systems as used on inboard/outboard engines.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about standard inboard/outboard
point ignition system, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a
minimum 70% or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Giving an inboard/outboard point ignition system, the learner will correctly select the appropriate
service manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct procedures for removal of the
point ignition system distribution and related components with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled point ignition distributor and appropriate service manual, the learner will
describe the components and their operation with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled point ignition distributor, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate inspection and repairs of the components to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled point ignition distributor, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate installation of replacement parts, reassembly of components, installation
on an engine and all adjustments including dwell and timing to service manual specifications with
100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify outboard electronic ignition components.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate testing and service procedures.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about outboard electronic ignition
systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given an outboard engine electronic ignition system, service manual and schematic, the learner
will identify the components of the electronic ignition system and explain their operation with
100% accuracy.
Given a selected outboard electronic ignition system, the learner will correctly select the
appropriate service manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct procedures to test
the individual components to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected outboard electronic ignition system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate replacement of selected components including the sensors, ignition
coil(s) and electronic control module as specified in the service manual with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected outboard electronic ignition system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate testing and adjustment on a running engine to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify components of inboard/outboard electronic ignition systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate their service procedures.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about inboard/outboard electronic
ignition systems. The learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum of
70% or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Given an inboard/outboard engine electronic ignition system, service manual and schematic, the
learner will identify the components of the electronic ignition system and explain their operation
with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected inboard/outboard electronic ignition system, the learner will correctly select the
appropriate service manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct procedures to test
the individual components to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected inboard/outboard electronic ignition system, appropriate service manual, and
tools, the learner will demonstrate replacement of selected components including the sensor,
ignition coil(s) and Electronic Control Module as specified in the service manual with 100%
Given a selected inboard/outboard electronic ignition system, appropriate service manual, and
tools, the learner will demonstrate testing and adjustment on a running engine to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe and demonstrate the service and
testing of electric starters used in marine engines.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about electric starters, the learner
will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers
without reference material.
Given selected electric starter, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the removal and disassembly of service an electric starter to
service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled electric starter and appropriate service manual, the learner will describe
the components and their operation with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled electric starter and appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate inspections and testing of internal components including the brushes and
commutator to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled electric starter and appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate reassembly, installation and testing, including current draw, on a running engine to
service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe characteristics and classification of
fuels used in marine engines.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the fuels used in marine engine
systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to identify and describe marine carburetors as
used in marine engines.
Achievement Criteria
Test in G5.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify components of outboard fuel systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 2
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 20 recall/recognition type items about outboard fuel systems, the
learner will answer all questions within 16 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 14 correct answers
without reference material.
Given a selected outboard carburetor, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual
and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to remove and
disassemble the carburetor to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard carburetor and appropriate service manual and schematic, the
learner will describe the internal components and the operation of the fuel/air circuits with 100%
Using the disassembled outboard carburetor, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate inspection, and repairs to the carburetor to service manual specifications with 100%
Using the selected outboard carburetor and appropriate service manual, the learner will demonstrate
adjustment and reassembly of the carburetor to service manual specifications. This will include float
as specified in the service manual with 100% accuracy.
Using the selected carburetor, the learner will demonstrate the installation, and adjustment of the
carburetor, including idle mixture, idle RPM and synchronization on a running engine to service
manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify the components of inboard/outboard fuel systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 2
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about inboard/outboard carburetor fuel
systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected carburetor, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and tools.
The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to remove and disassemble the
carburetor to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled carburetor and appropriate service manual and schematic, the learner will
describe the internal components and the operation of the fuel/air circuits with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled carburetor, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate inspection, and repairs to the carburetor to service manual specifications with 100%
Using the selected carburetor and appropriate service manual, the learner will demonstrate
adjustment and reassembly of the carburetor to service manual specifications. This will include flat
level as specified in the service manual with 100% accuracy.
Using the selected carburetor, the learner will demonstrate the installation, and adjustment of the
carburetor, including idle mixture, and idle RPM on a running engine to service manual specifications
with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify components of the marine engine fuel injection system.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about fuel injection systems, the
learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers
without reference material.
Given a selected fuel injected engine, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual
and schematic. The learner will correctly identify and explain the operation of the fuel injection system
with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected fuel injection system, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual
and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures to replace a dual injector to
service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using a given fuel injection system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate testing of the fuel injection system including, fuel pressure, operation of sensors and
function of individual injectors as specified in the service manual with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify components of four-cycle oil systems.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 2
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about four-cycle oiling systems, the
learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers
without reference material.
Using a disassembled engine and service manual, the learner must be able to explain the operation
of the lubrication system identifying the following with 100% accuracy:
a. Oil pan
b. Oil pickup
c. Oil pump
d. Oil filter
e. Oil distribution system
f. Crankcase ventilation system
g. Oil cooler
Given a disassembled engine, service information, and tools, the learner will demonstrate the:
a. Disassembly of the oil pump and measure it to service manual specifications with 100%
b. Service of valves and oil passages to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Given a selected engine, service manual, and tools, the learner will demonstrate:
a. Successful draining of the engine oil and removal of the oil filter to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
b. Selection and installation of the correct oil and filter for the engine to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
c. The running of the engine with note of oil pressure and correct operation of all warning
systems to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify boat trailer components.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 2
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about boat trailers, the learner will
answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers without
reference material.
Given a selected boat trailer, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to remove and
disassemble the wheel bearings to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled boat trailer wheel bearing(s), appropriate service manual and tools, the
learner will demonstrate inspection, and repairs/replacement of wheel bearings to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the selected boat trailer wheel bearings and appropriate service manual, the learner will
demonstrate the reassembly and adjustment of the wheel bearings to serviced manual specifications
with 100% accuracy.
Using the selected boat trailer, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will demonstrate
testing and service of the trailer wiring and light systems to service manual specifications with 100%
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the characteristics and procedures
used in marine parts departments.
Program Content
Level 2
Achievement Criteria
Program Content
Level 2
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the characteristics and procedures
used in marine service department record keeping systems.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about service department record
keeping systems used in marine service departments, the learner will answer all questions within 12
minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected marine product, the learner will demonstrate the correct procedure for ordering a
given part using both a manual (microfiche) and computerized parts ordering system with 100%
Given a selected marine product, the learner will demonstrate the correct procedures for filling out a
work order describing, service required, part used, labor charge, description of work done, and the
total work order with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 3
Level 3
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify components of outboard exhaust housings.
Explain their purpose.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 3
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about servicing outboard exhaust
housings, the learner will answer all questions within 12 muutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected outboard, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures to remove and disassemble an
exhaust housing and related components to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled exhaust housing and appropriate service manual, the learner will identify
and describe the function and operation of selected components including the swivel bracket,
reverse lockout, tiller handle, and seals with 100% accuracy. As well, the learner will accurately
trace the water flow.
Using the disassembled exhaust housing, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate inspection and repairs to selected components noting wear and alignment, to
service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled exhaust housing, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the reassemble and adjustment of the components, including reserve lock operation
and tiller operation (if applicable) to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the characteristics and procedures
used in servicing inboard/outboard transom assemblies.
Program Content
Level 3
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about servicing inboard/outboard
transom assemblies, the learner will answer all questions within 12 muutes and score a minimum
70% or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected inboard/outboard transom assembly, the learner will correctly select the
appropriate service manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service
procedures to remove and disassemble a transom assembly and related components to service
manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard transom assembly and appropriate service manual,
the learner will identify and describe the function and operation of selected components including
the gimble housing, pivot housing transom plate with 100% accuracy. As well, the learner will
accurately trace the water flow.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard transom assembly, appropriate service manual, and
tools, the learner will demonstrate inspection and repairs to selected components noting wear
and alignment, to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard transom assembly, appropriate service manual, and
tools, the learner will demonstrate the reassemble and adjustment of the components, including
shimming, alignment, routing of cables and hoses to manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the characteristics and design of
outboard gearcases.
Program Content
Level 3
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the design of outboard
gearcases, the learner will answer all questions within 12 muutes and score a minimum 70% or
11 correct answers without reference material.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify outboard gearcase components.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 3
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 20 recall/recognition type items about the service of outboard
gearcases, the learner will answer all questions within 16 minutes and score a minimum 70% or
14 correct answers without reference material.
Given an outboard gearcase, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures to remove and disassemble an
outboard gearcase to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard and appropriate service manual, the learner will identify and
describe the function of the parts of the outboard gearcase with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard gearcase, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner
will demonstrate inspection and repairs to the outboard gearcase, to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard gearcase, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner
will demonstrate the correct shimming and reassembling of the gearcase to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the selected gearcase, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will demonstrate
the correct installation, filling of lubricant and sighting adjustment of the gearcase on a running
engine. The learner will demonstrate correct shift operation in forward, neutral and reverse with
100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Identify the components of inboard/outboard drive legs.
Explain their operation.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 3
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 20 recall/recognition type items about the design and construction of
inboard/outboard drive legs, the learner will answer all questions within 16 minutes and score a
minimum 70% or 14 correct answers without reference material.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe and demonstrate the service of
inboard/outboard drive legs.
Program Content
Level 3
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the service of
inboard/outboard drive legs, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a
minimum 70% or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Given an inboard/outboard drive leg, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service
manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures to remove and
disassemble an inboard/outboard drive leg to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard drive leg and appropriate service manual, the learner
will identify and describe the function and operation of the parts of the inboard/outboard drive leg
with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard drive leg, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate inspection and repairs to the drive leg to service manual specifications
with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard drive leg, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate the installation, filling of lubricant and adjustment of the drive leg on a
running engine. The learner will demonstrate correct shifting in forward, neutral and reserve
manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the construction and operation of
inboard transmissions.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the design and service of
inboard transmissions, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a
minimum 70% or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Given an inboard transmission schematic, the learner will identify and describe the function of
selected components with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Describe the construction and operation of jet drive systems.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the design and service of jet
drive systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70%
or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected jet drive, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to remove and
disassemble the jet drive from the power unit with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled jet drive, and appropriate service manual, the learner will identify and
describe the function and operation of the components of the jet drive with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled jet drive, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate inspection and repairs to the jet drive to service manual specifications with 100%
Using the disassembled jet drive, the learner will demonstrate the reassembly, shimming,
installation and adjustment of the jet drive to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Describe the construction and operation of outboard trim and tilt systems.
Demonstrate service procedures.
3. Service outboard hydraulic trim and tilt units Test trim and tilt units
- Electrical systems
- Hydraulic systems
- Control systems
Disassemble trim and tilt units
- Remove unit from engine
- Disassemble electric system
- Disassemble hydraulic system
Inspect trim and tilt parts
- Cylinders
- Valves
Reassemble trim and tilt
- Install valves
- Test hydraulic circuits
Install the outboard
- Adjust
Program Content
Level 3
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about the design and servicing of
outboard trim and tilt systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a
minimum 70% or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Given an outboard trim and tilt, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service manual
and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures to remove and
disassemble an outboard trim and tilt system to service manual specifications with 100%
Using the disassembled outboard trim and tilt systems, appropriate service manual, the learner
will identify and describe the function and operation of parts to service manual specifications with
100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard tilt and trim system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate inspection and repairs to selected components to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Given an outboard trim and tilt system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate testing the trim and tilt with pressure gauges to service manual specifications with
100% accuracy.
Given an outboard trim and tilt system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the installation on an outboard of the trim and tilt and demonstration of filling,
bleeding and operation of all functions to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 3
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Describe the construction and operation of inboard/outboard trim and tilt systems.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 3
2. Service inboard/outboard trim and tilt units Test trim and tilt units
- Electrical systems
- Hydraulic systems
- Control systems
Disassemble trim and tilt unit
- Remove unit from engine
- Disassemble electic systems
- Disassemble hydraulic systems
Inspect trim and tilt parts
- Cylinders
- Valves
- Pumps
- Electrical systems
Reassembly of trim and tilt units
- Install seals
- Install valves
- Install pistons
- Testing hydraulic circuits
- Electrical system
Install on the inboard/outboard
- Adjust
- Test
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about servicing two-cycle
powerheads, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70%
or 11 correct answers without reference material.
Given an inboard/outboard trim and tilt unit, selected outboard, the learner will correctly select the
appropriate service manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service
procedures required to remove an inboard/outboard trim ram cylinder system with 100%
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard trim and tilt ram, appropriate service manual, the
learner will identify and describe the function and operation of the parts to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled inboard/outboard trim and tilt ram, appropriate service manual, and
tools, the learner will demonstrate inspection and repairs and reassembly to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Given an inboard/outboard trim and tilt ram, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner
will demonstrate testing the trim and tilt system with pressure gauges to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 4
Level 4
Inboard/Outboard Mechanic
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to explain and demonstrate troubleshooting of
charging systems.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about troubleshooting charging
systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected marine engine charging system, the learner will select the appropriate service
manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to
troubleshoot a charging system including the following criteria:
a. A systematic approach with specific goals is followed.
b. Application of understanding of marine engine charging system operating principles is
demonstrated during the troubleshooting.
c. Charging system operates according to manual specifications when troubleshooting is
successfully completed.
Given a selected marine engine charging system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate the use of test equipment to diagnose and evaluate the charging system
on a marine engine to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to explain and demonstrate troubleshooting of
ignition systems.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about troubleshooting ignition
systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected marine engine ignition system, the learner will select the appropriate service
manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to
troubleshoot a ignition system including the following criteria:
a. A systematic approach with specific goals is followed.
b. Application of understanding of marine engine ignition system operating principles is
demonstrated during the troubleshooting.
c. Ignition system operates according to manual specifications when troubleshooting is
successfully completed.
Given a selected marine engine ignition system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the
learner will demonstrate the use of test equipment to diagnose and evaluate the ignition system
on a marine engine to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to explain and demonstrate troubleshooting of
fuel systems.
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about troubleshooting fuel
systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected marine engine fuel system, the learner will select the appropriate service
manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to
troubleshoot a fuel system including the following criteria:
a. A systematic approach with specific goals is followed.
b. Application of understanding of marine engine fuel system operating principles is
demonstrated during the troubleshooting
c. Fuel system operates according to manual specifications when troubleshooting is
successfully completed.
Given a selected marine fuel charging system, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner
will demonstrate the use of test equipment to diagnose and evaluate the fuel system on a marine
engine to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the operation and design of two-
cycle outboard powerheads.
Program Content
Level 4
Achievement Criteria
Test in I2.
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Describe the operation and design of outboard powerheads.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 4
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 25 recall/recognition type items about servicing two-cycle
powerheads, the learner will answer all questions within 20 minutes and score a minimum 70%
or 18 correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected two-cycle powerhead, the learner will correctly select the appropriate service
manual and tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to
remove and disassemble a two-cycle outboard powerhead to service manual specifications with
100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled two-cycle outboard powerhead and appropriate service manual, the
learner will identify and describe the function and operation of the parts with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled two-cycle outboard powerhead, service manual, and tools, the learner
will demonstrate the inspection, including measuring cylinders for taper and out-of-round,
measuring pistons and crackshaft to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled two-cycle outboard powerhead, service manual, and tools, the learner
will demonstrate the cleaning of the components and repairs to threads and castings to service
manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled two-cycle outboard powerhead, service manual, and tools, the learner
will demonstrate reassembly of the powerhead components to service manual specifications with
100% accuracy. Special note to be made of the following procedures:
a. Alignment of connecting rods is correct.
b. All fittings will be tightened to the correct torque and sequence of torquing.
c. All components, such as pistons and connecting rods, will be assembled in the correct
order and orientation.
Using the selected two-cycle powerhead, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the installation, adjustments and running of the powerhead on an outboard engine
with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Describe the design and operation of marine outboard cooling systems.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 4
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 15 recall/recognition type items about servicing two-cycle cooling
systems, the learner will answer all questions within 12 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 11
correct answers without reference material.
Given a selected two-cycle powerhead, the learner will select the appropriate service manual and
tools. The learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to remove the water
pump from an outboard engine with 100% accuracy.
Given a two-cycle outboard schematic and appropriate service manual, the learner will describe
and identify the components and passages of the cooling system water flow from the water
pickup through the powerhead and thermostat and back to the exhaust system with 100%
Using an outboard water pump, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the replacement of the impeller and other related wear items to service manual
specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled outboard water pump, service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the installation and operation of the cooling system to service manual specifications
with 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to describe the operation and design of four-
cycle marine powerheads.
Achievement Criteria
Test in I5.
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to:
Describe the operation and design of four-cycle powerheads.
Demonstrate service procedures.
Program Content
Level 4
Achievement Criteria
Given a multiple choice test of 25 recall/recognition type items about four-cycle powerheads, the
learner will answer all questions within 20 minutes and score a minimum 70% or 18 correct
answers without reference material.
Given a four-cycle engine, the learner will select the appropriate service manual and tools. The
learner will demonstrate the correct service procedures required to remove and disassemble a
four-cycle powerhead to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled four-cycle powerhead and appropriate service manual, the learner will
identify and describe the functions and operations of the parts with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled four-cycle powerhead, service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the inspection, including measuring cylinders for taper and out-of-round, pistons and
crankshaft to service manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled four-cycle powerhead, service manual and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the cleaning of the components and repairs to the threads and castings to service
manual specifications with 100% accuracy.
Using the disassembled four-cycle powerhead, service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate reassembly of the powerhead components to service manual specifications with
100% accuracy. Special note to be made of the following procedures
a. Crackshaft and piston clearances
b. Valve timing
c. All components wil be assembled in the correct order and orientation such as pistons
and connecting rods.
Using the selected four-cycle powerhead, appropriate service manual, and tools, the learner will
demonstrate the installation, adjustment and running of the powerhead to 100% accuracy.
Program Content
Level 4
To be competent in this area, the individual must be able to explain and demonstrate troubleshooting
Program Content
Level 4
Achievement Criteria
Program Content
Section 4
Section 4
Program Content
Section 4
Facility Requirements
Classroom Area
Shop Area
Lab Requirements
Student Facilities
Program Content
Section 4
Hand Tools
¼” drive
3/8” drive
½” drive
Breaker bar
3/8” drive 18” | ½” drive 24”
3/8” drive set standard ¼” to 1” | ½” drive set standard ½” to 1 3/16” | 3/8” drive metric 6mm to
26mm | 3/8” drive spark plug 13/16” & 5/8” | 3/8” drive Allen Head 3/16” to 3/8” | Universal drive
6mm to 15mm | Universal drive 3/8” to 5/8”
o 3/8” drive 3”, 6”, 12” |
o ½” drive 3”, 6”, 12”
Combination, standard 5/16” to 1 3/8” | Combination, metric 8mm to 34mm | Adjustable
(crescent) 15” | Oil filter removal
Hex wrenches
sets1/16” to ½” | sets 1.5mm to 10mm
T8 to T15
Screw drivers
sets, flat ¼” to 3/8” | sets, Phillips head #1, #2, #3
Mirror, inspection
Standard 6” 9” | Adjustable 6”, 9”, 12” | Needle nose 6”, 8” | Vise grips 8” | Retaining ring external
7”, 10” | Retaining ring internal 7” 10” | Insulated handles for ignition testing
Hack saws
Torque wrenches
3/8” drive | 3/8” drive 75 | ½” drive 75
Program Content
Section 4
Air compressor
Air lines
Air tools
blow gun
Parts wash tank
Hydraulic press
10 ton
Bench grinder
Microfiche reader
Work bench
Engine stand
Engine stand
Stern drive engine
Greasecase stand
Outboard motor
Mobile hoist
Capable of lifting a stern drive engine
Gearcase oil filter
Gearcase tester
Drill press
Test tank
Ventilation system
Oil drain pump
Grease gun
Valve seat cutting
Misc. sizes
Straight edge
2ft long min.
Valve spring scale
Valve guide cleaner
Valve spring scale
Valve guide cleaner
Valve spring
Program Content
Section 4
Cylinder hones
Ball and stone
2 to 4 inch
Ring expander
2 to 4 inch
Promare torch
Oil cans
Fuel vacuum tester
Hydraulic pressure gauges
Anti-freeze tester
Carbon scraper
Pry bar
Tape measure
10 ft
Ball peen 8oz and 24oz | dead blow 32oz | soft face 24oz
Impact drive sets
Utility knives
Selected flat and round
Wire brushes
Other Tools
Electric hand 3/8” electric drill | electric hand ½” electric drill
Drill bits
Set standard and metric 1/8” to 1/2 “
Hole saw
Set ¾” to 2 1/8”
Reciprocating or jig saw
Tapes and dies
Set inches | Set metric
Thread restoring
Files, tapes and dies Metric and inches
Metric 0 to 75mm | Standard 0 to 4 inch
Screw extractors
Metric and standard
Program Content
Section 4
Depth gauge
Metric | Standard
Feeler gauges
Standard .001 thru 040 inch | Metric .020 thru .040inch
Spark plug gauges
Metal ruler
Metric and Standard 1ft
Dial gauges
Metric and Standard
Dial gauge base
Magnetic and Clamp-on
Telescoping gauges
1” thru 4” both inches and metric
Small hole gauges
Slide Hammer
Utility light
Pen light
Compression gauge
Spring scale 0 to 20lbs
Anti-freeze tester
Propylene glycol
Coolant system
Pressure vacuum tester
Electrical Tools
VOA digital | VOA analog | RPM | Dwell | Inductive amp meter 0-to-100 & 100-to-500
Wire pliers
Soldering iron
Rosen core solder
Circuit tester
Self powered
Fuse tester
Trouble light
110 volt
Timing light
Extension cord
Power bars
Battery charger
6-to-40 amp
Hydrometer battery
Load tester battery
Program Content
Section 4
Program Content
Section 4
Reference Materials
Recommended Resources
Mercury Marine Outboard Service Manuals for appropriate models
by Mercury Marine
Mercruiser Stern Drive Service Manuals for appropriate models
by Mercury Marine
Johnson and Evinrude Service Manuals for appropriate models
by Bombardier Inc.
Volvo Stern Drive Service Manuals for appropriate models
by Volvo Penta of the Americas, Inc.
Yamaha Outboard
by Yamaha Motors, Canada
Honda Outboard
by Honda, Canada
Suzuki Outboard
by Suzuki, Canada
Inboard Motor Installation
by Glen L. Witt
Fundamentals of Service (F.O.S) Bearings and Seals
by John Deere
Fundamentals of Service (F.O.S) Identification of Failed Parts
by John Deere
Fundamentals of Service (F.O.S) Electrical Systems
by John Deere
Automotive Encyclopedia
by Toboldt, Johnson and Gauthier
Program Content
Section 4
Instructor Requirements
Occupation Qualification
The instructor must possess:
Inboard/Outboard Mechanci – BC Certificate of Qualification
Work Experience
10 years experience working in the industry as a journeyperson.
Completion of trade related apprenticeship is preferred.
Instructional Education
It is preferred that the instructor also possesses one of the following:
Grade 12 or equivalent
Instructor Diploma