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# SQL -->

# 1. DDL => Data Definition Langugage

# create, insert, update, drop ---

create schema company ;

use company ;


fname varchar(30), # varchar becoz - frees extra memory

minit char(1),

lname varchar(30),

ssn char(9),

bdate date,

address varchar(50),

sex char(1),

salary float(10, 2),

super_ssn char(9),

dno char(3)


insert into employee values

('John','B','Smith','123456789','1965-01-09','731 Fondren, Houston, TX','M',30000,'333445555',5),

('Franklin','T','Wong','333445555','1955-12-08','638 Voss, Houston, TX','M',40000,'888665555',5),

('Alicia','J','Zelaya','999887777','1968-01-09','3321 Castle, Spring, TX','F',25000,'987654321',4),

('Jennifer','S','Wallace','987654321','1941-06-20','291 Berry, Bellaire, TX','F',43000,'888665555',4),

('Ramesh','K','Narayan','666884444','1962-09-15','975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX','M',38000,'333445555',5),

('Joyce','A','English','453453453','1972-07-31','5631 Rice, Houston, TX','F',25000,'333445555',5),

('Ahmad','V','Jabbar','987987987','1969-03-29','980 Dallas, Houston, TX','M',25000,'987654321',4),

('James' , 'E','Borg','888665555','1937-11-10','450 Stone, Houston, TX','M',55000, NULL,1) ;

create table deptt (

dname varchar(20),

dnumber varchar(2),

mgr_ssn char(9),

mgr_start_date date);

insert into deptt VALUES




create table dept_locations(

dnumber int,

dlocation varchar(20));

insert into dept_locations values

(1, 'Houston'),

(4, 'Stafford'),

(5, 'Bellaire'),

(5, 'Sugarland'),

(5, 'Houston');

create table works_on(

essn char(9),

pno int,

hours float(4,2));
insert into works_on (essn, pno, hours) values

('123456789', 1, 32.5),

('123456789', 2, 7.5),

('666884444', 3, 40.0),

('453453453', 1, 20.0),

('453453453', 2, 20.0),

('333445555', 2, 10.0),

('333445555', 3, 10.0),

('333445555', 10, 10.0),

('333445555', 20, 10.0),

('999887777', 30, 30.0),

('999887777', 10, 10.0),

('987987987', 10, 35.0),

('987987987', 30, 5.0),

('987654321', 30, 20.0),

('987654321', 20, 15.0),

('888665555', 20, NULL);

create table project(

pname varchar(30),

pnumber int,

plocation varchar(30),

dnum int);

insert into project(pname,pnumber,plocation,dnum) values

('ProductX', 1, 'Bellaire', 5),

('ProductY', 2, 'Sugarland', 5),

('ProductZ', 3, 'Houston', 5),

('Computerization', 10, 'Stafford', 4),

('Reorganization', 20, 'Houston', 1),

('Newbenefits', 30, 'Stafford', 4);

create table dependent(

essn char(9),

dependent_name varchar(30),

sex char(1),

bdate date,

relationship varchar(20));

insert into dependent(essn,dependent_name,sex,bdate,relationship) values

('333445555', 'Alice', 'F', '1986-04-05', 'Daughter'),

('333445555', 'Theodore', 'M', '1983-10-25', 'Son'),

('333445555', 'Joy', 'F', '1958-05-03', 'Spouse'),

('987654321', 'Abner', 'M', '1942-02-28', 'Spouse'),

('123456789', 'Michael', 'M', '1988-01-04', 'Son'),

('123456789', 'Alice', 'F', '1988-12-30', 'Daughter'),

('123456789', 'Elizabeth', 'F', '1967-05-05', 'Spouse');

#drop table employee ;

#truncate table deptt ;

#drop schema company ;

# 2. DQL --> Data Query Language

# Select 'columns'
# From 'table'

# 1. Retrieve all rows and all columns of employee table.

select * from employee ;

# 2. Retrieve First name and last name of all employees.

select fname, lname from employee ;

select fname as 'First Name', lname as 'Last Name' from employee ;

# 3. Retrieve bdate and super_ssn of all employees using alias.

select bdate as Date_of_Birth ,

super_ssn as Boss_SSN

from employee ;

# 4. Retrieve details of all employees who draw salary at least 40000.

select *

from employee

where salary >= 40000 ;

# 5. Retrieve the relationships of all dependents of ssn 333445555.

select essn, dependent_name, relationship

from dependent

where essn = 333445555 ;

# 6. Retrieve details of female employees who draw a salary at least 40000.

select *

from employee

where sex = 'f' and salary >= 40000;

# 7. Retrieve details of female employees or employees who drawing salary at least 40000.

select *

from employee

where gender = 'f' or salary >= 40000;

# 8. Display details of all (male employee who earn more than 40000)

# or

# (female employees who earn less than 40000).

# Hint: Pay attention to paranthesis.

select *

from employee

where (sex = 'M' and salary > 40000) or

(sex = 'F' and salary < 40000) ;

# 9. Retrieve details of projects that are based at Houston or Stafford.

select *

from project

where plocation = 'Houston' or plocation = 'Stafford' ;

select *

from project

where plocation in ('Houston', 'Stafford') ;

# 10. Retrieve details of projects that are NOT based at Houston nor Stafford.

select *

from project

where plocation != 'Houston' and plocation != 'Stafford' ;

select *

from project

where plocation not in ('Houston', 'Stafford') ;

# 11. Display the essn of employees who have worked between 25 and 50 hours.

select essn, hours

from works_on

where hours >= 25 and hours <= 50 ;

select essn, hours

from works_on

where hours between 25 and 50 ;

# 12. Display employees whose first name begins with 'A'.

select *

from employee

where fname like 'A%' ;

# 13. Display names of all employees who live in Houston.

select fname, address

from employee

where address like '%Houston%' ;

# 14. Display full names of all employees in one-go i.e. one single column.

select concat(fname , ' ' , minit , ' ' , lname) as Emp_Name

from employee ;

# Aggregate :- sum() , avg() , min() , max() , count()

# 15.a) Calculate total salary of employees.

# 15.b) Calculate average salary of employees.

# 15.c) Calculate minimum salary of employees.

# 15.d) Calculate maximum salary of employees.

select sum(salary) from employee ;

# Underscore wild card

# Print fnames whose 3rd letter is 'i'.

select fname from employee

where fname like '__i%';

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