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Abstract This paper describes about the ongoing project aiming to the development of the new methodologies. This paper reports our research on service-oriented robotics computing and our design, implementation, and evaluation of Robot as a Service (RaaS) unit. To fully qualify the RaaS as a cloud computing unit, we have kept our design to comply with the common service standards, development platforms, and execution infrastructure.A dream of humanoid robot researchers is to develop a complete human-like (whatever that means) artificial agent both in terms of body and brain. We now have seen an increasing number of humanoid robots. These, however, display only a limited number of cognitive skills in terms of perception, learning and decision-making. In this paper, we propose an intermediate approach for robot for use in a shopping mall to provide information, offer route guidance, and build rapport. For this purpose, we have implemented our RaaS on Windows and Linux operating systems running on Atom and Core 2 Duo architectures. RaaS supports programming languages commonly used for serviceoriented computing such as Java and C#. Special efforts have been made to support Microsoft Visual Programming Language (VPL) for graphic composition.An ongoing issue in human robot interaction (HRI) is how people and robots communicate with one another. While there is considerable work in real-time human-robot communication,fairly little has been done in asynchronous realm.The developed robot system detects a person with floor sensors to initiate interaction, identifies individuals with radio-frequency identification (RFID) transmitter and receiver, gives shopping information while chatting, and provides route guidance with deictic gestures.The robotwas partially teleoperated to avoid the difficulty of speech recognition as well as to furnish a new kind of knowledge that only humans can flexibly provide.. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.2.9 [Robotics]: Operator Interfaces General Terms: Experimentation, Human Factors, Design Keywords: Human-Robot Interaction, Raas,Iaas,Saas Information-providing, network robot system,
computations on stored data using the Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). This type of computing provides many advantages for businesses including low initial capital investment, shorter start-up time for new services, lower maintenance and operation costs, higher utilization through virtualization, and easier disaster recovery that make cloud computing an attractive option. Reports suggest that there are several benefits in shifting computing from the desktop to the cloud. What about cloud computing for mobile users? The primary constraints for mobile computing are limited energy and wireless bandwidth. Cloud computing can provide energy savings as a service to mobile users, though it also poses some unique challenges. Embracing the cloud could make robots lighter, cheaper, and smarter, he said in his talk, which created much buzz among attendees ,psychiatrist who introduced us to the concepts of the human robot. Human robots are people they are expected to interact with people and support daily activities. In particular, humanoid robots are already being used to provide help with physical activities [1]. While the domain of science fiction, robots are now established in the domestic setting [5]. Commercial service robots, such as the iRobot Roomba, often perform tasks in households [5], [9]. Because most of todays tasks are simple ones, such robots are predominantly autonomous. However, we anticipate that future robots will be able to perform a variety of different, more complex tasks to support families in their homes .
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II. CLOUD ROBOTICS: For us humans, with our non-upgradeable, offline meat brains, the possibility of acquiring new skills by connecting our heads to a computer network is still science fiction. Not so for robots.For instance, previous studies have revealed that robots can be used as museum guides [8], [9] in city exploration [10], as receptionists who assist visitors [11], as peer tutors in schools [12], in mental healthcare for elderly people [13], in autism therapy [14], [15], and in childcare [16] reports our challenges in applying a robotic system to an information-providing task in the daily environment of a shopping mall. The difficulties included sensing the human behaviors and conversation in a noisy daily environment,the unexpected,needs.of.various.information,during conversation. Our approach used a network-robot system to supplement robots that rely on cloud-computing infrastructure to access vast amounts of processing power and data. This approach, which some are calling "cloud robotics," would allow robots to offload compute-intensive
THE HUMAN ROBOT began in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico in 1973. Cloud computing is a new paradigm in which computing resources such as processing, memory, and storage are not physically present at the users location. Instead, a service provider owns and manages these resources, and users access them via the Internet. For example, Amazon Web Services lets users store personal data via its Simple Storage Service (S3) and perform
This work was supported in part by Dr. MG.BASKARAN the chairman of Bhajarang engineering college.(2011),and our beloved E.C.E H.O.D Mr.ANNAMALAI and staff faculties of Bhajarang Engg College
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tasks like image processing and voice recognition and even download new skills instantly, Matrix-style.
Human-computer interaction (HCI), as a field, has made great strides toward understanding and improving our interactions with computer-based technologies. From the early explorations of direct interaction with computers, we have reached the point understanding and improving our interactions with computer-based technologies. From the early explorations of direct interaction with computers, we have reached the point Semiotics studies the interactions among human These are often characterized by the loose specification of objectives for instance as when a sentence expresses an intention of motion instead of a specific path where usability, usefulness, and an appreciation of technologys social impact, including its risks, are widely accepted goals in computing. HCI researchers, designers, and usability engineers work in a variety of settings on many kinds of technologies. Recent proceedings of the CHI conference give evidence of this diversity. would allow robots to offload compute-intensive tasks like image processing and voice recognition and even download new skills instantly, Matrix-style. Imagine a robot that finds an object that its never seen or used beforesay, a plastic cup. The robot could simply send an image of the cup to the cloud and receive back the objects name, a 3-D model Topics include not only the office systems where HCI work began, but also tiny mobile devices, web and Internet services, games, and large networked systems. This special issue introduces a rapidly emerging technology and new focus for HCI autonomous robots and the human-robot interactions required by these robots. For conventional robots, every taskmoving a foot, grasping an object, recognizing a facerequires a significant amount of processing and preprogrammed information. As a result, sophisticated systems like humanoid robots need to carry powerful computers and large batteries to power robots could offload CPU-heavy tasks to remote servers, relying on smaller and less power-hungry onboard computers. Even more promising, the robots could turn to cloud-based services to expand their capabilities Cloud robotics could make that possible by expanding a robots knowledge beyond its physical body.Coupling robotics and distributed computing could bring about big changes in robot autonomy
proposed to simulate robot systems and also as a mean to interact with them. BOBJ was used in (Goguen, 2003) to illustrate examples on that convey information on their intentions to the outside environment. These behaviors represent a form of implicit communication between agents suchas the robot following a human without having been human-computer interfacing. RoboML,(Makatchevand Tso, 2000), supported on XML is an example Capturing some of these features.
Figure 1: A comparison of (a)traditional robotic control system and (b)the Service-Oriented Architecture
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Figure 2: A guiding approach is as shown in the above fig Avoid wasting energy. Whole systems or individual components may enter standby or sleep modes to save power. Execute programs slowly. When a processors clock speed doubles, the power consumption nearly octuples. If the clock speed is reduced by half, the execution time doubles, but only one quarter of the energy is consumed. Eliminate computation all together. The mobile system does not perform the computation; instead, computation is performed somewhere else, thereby extending the mobile systems battery lifetime. We focus on the last approach for energy conservation.
LITRATURE SURVEY: Aylett,Barnes,1998),(Huntsberger et al., 2003),(Albus, 1987),(Kortenkamp et al. If the humans are assumed to have enough knowledge on the robots and the environment, imperative computer languages can be used for HRI, easily leading to complex communication schemes. Otherwise, declarative, context dependent, languages, like Haskell, (Peterson and FROB, (Hager andPeterson,1999), have been
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be encountered in a smart kiosk. This data is entered into the patients file, and then the patient is directed to the Robot Triage Nurse Assistant for gathering other diagnostic data. B. Robot As A Assistant This robot is likely to have a specialized form designed specifically for taking measurements. A likely form is that of a chair instrumented with the necessary sensors. In general, the high-level interaction skills of this robot are less complex than the others, since its duties are more specifically prescribed. On the other hand, it will require a higher level of motor skills since it will be responsible for taking measurements directly from the patients. After this data is gathered, the patient is sent back to the waiting room where he/she will be monitored while waiting for treatment. C. Robot Monitoring Assistant After reviewing all the data collected, the Robot Monitoring Assistant selects an appropriate time interval for checking up on the patient in the waiting room. This robot will periodically check to see if the patient is still in the waiting room, if they are conscious, and possibly take simple measurements such as blood pressure and pulse rate. Additionally, it may inquire about the level of pain. There is some flexibility in the form of this robot. It is likely to be a mobile robot and may or may not have humanoid characteristics. It will require a substantial level of cognitive skill in order to interpret and respond to a wide variety of events and interactions in the waiting room. D. Supervisor The Supervisor will act as the central manager of all the robots, as well as providing an interface to hospital personnel and databases, except for the doctors and nurses that interact directly with the patients. They, of course, will still have the direct interfaces that they usually use. Additionally, there are likely to be sensors, such as cameras, monitoring the waiting room and possibly the treatment rooms. These would enable the Supervisor to check for important events including whether a patient has fallen to the floor or whether a patient is still conscious. Finally, the Supervisor may calculate possible diagnoses and suggest early testing or other non-physician care. E. Communication: Communication has many facets. Direct human-robot communication is possibly the most obvious issue. Modalities include: speech, vision, gesture, and teleoperation, though there may be other forms. Mediated human-robot communication is another topic. This arises from virtual environments, graphical user interfaces, and can be enacted by collaborative software agents. The physical interaction and interfaces impact communication. These methods include physical interaction between robots and humans, mixed initiative interactions between humans and robots, and dialog-based interaction. There are many aspects
The main robots and agents of the robot System are now described in greater detail. We will describe them in the order in which a patient is likely to encounter them. A. Robot Registration Assistant The Robot Registration Assistant would be at the registration desk and would be the first robot encountered by the patient. This robot will have a humanoid form and will need a high degree of ability to interact with the patient. It must be able to recognize humans and track them in its environment. Additionally, it must be able to engage in basic conversation with the registering patients. Of course, it must also be able to interact with the other agents in the system. This robot will gather basic patient data such as name, address, telephone numbers, insurance information, etc. It will also start gathering some diagnostic data by asking such questions as What is the chief complaint?, Where is the pain? and What is the level of pain?. Visual Analog Scores may be used to assess pain levels, shortness of breath, etc. The methods of interaction used for gathering this data may include voice dialog and touch sensitive screens as may
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of interaction and interfaces which need to be explored. Inferring intent of an agent was noted as being critical. F. modelling: Modeling issues spanned traditional concerns (cognitive, task and environment modeling) to more HRI specific concerns. Cognitive modeling of human reasoning, behavior, intention and action is needed for imitation (i.e., the robot learns how to behave from the human) and for collaboration (i.e., the robot understands what the human is doing within the context of the task). Task and environment modeling are needed as a basis for performance. enough metacognitive ability to recognize its lack of knowledge. A cognitive humanoid robot operating well in a human-like environment had best be controlled by a cognitive architecture capable of perceptual and attentional learning, as well as of higher-level cognitive processes such as metacognition [20] [21]. B. Establish dynamic sensory-behavior linkages As the need for cognitive humanoid robots to become useful partners in our society increases, it is important to look beyond engineering-based control and learning approaches. For example, humans have the capacity to receive and process enormous amount of sensory information from the environment, integrating complex sensory-motor associations as early as two years old [22] [23]. Most goal-oriented robots currently perform only those or similar behavioral tasks they were intended for. Very little adaptability in behavior generation is exhibited when an important environmental event occurs. What is needed here is an alternative paradigm for behavioral task learning and execution. Specifically, we see cognitive flexibility and adaptability in decision making in our brain as a desirable design goal for the next generation of cognitive robots. For example, human decision making is strongly influenced by our internal states such as emotions. A change in internal state results in changes in our perception of which goals are more important. This type of decision making leads to more acceptable solutions rather than precise engineering solutions. C.architecture, perception, attention, and situational awareness As pointed out earlier, each of the robot assistants, as well as the software agent supervisor, will require a cognitive control architecture. Perception systems will play a critical role for the performance of the motor actions in each of the robots and in the supervisor. Each robot may encounter many percepts at any given moment, and many of them may be distractors for the current task. The limited capacity property of an attention system provides focus for the robots to search for appropriate actions in order to accomplish the given tasks. A significant role of the attention system is the determination of which chunks1 of information should be actively retained, and which may be safely discarded, for the current critical task success. Furthermore, the emergency department domain will require of each robot assistant, and of the supervisor, considerable situational awareness, that is the perception of elements in the environment within a volume or time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and projection of their states in the near future. [29] Situation awareness by triage robot assistants in an emergency department setting includes being aware of unexpected events and of the unpredictable behavior of patients. For these responsibilities, and more, we model.
IV. ARCHITECTURAL CONCERNS A. Requirements for a Robot in a Partially Structured Environment Humans process sensory data, and select and begin executing a response five to ten times a second [18]. Humanoid robots, operating in human-like environments should also be able to process sensory data and choose actions at a similar rate of 5-10 Hz. Humans deal continually with tremendous amounts of sensory data, much of it irrelevant, by employing their attention mechanisms as a filter. A humanoid robot living in a typical partially structured environment should also filter large amounts of sensory data using an attention mechanism. This implies that the robot must be capable of attentional learning, that is, of learning what to pay attention to. Such learning would seem to require both top-down and bottom-up processing, as well as the self-organization of concepts. The latter will also require self-derived representation, that is, perceptual learning. All this entails considerable bottom-up modifying of representations and organizing, combined with top-down analysis of performance. If a cognitive humanoid robot has humans or databases readily available, say for example, via a wireless internet connection, it might not have to be widely knowledgeable, being able to ask about what it doesnt know. That, of course, requires that it be smart enough to know when it doesnt know [19]. In order for a cognitive humanoid robot to rely on humans or databases for knowledge, it must have
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1 In this context, the term "chunks" is used to refer to the memory items that are utilized by the working memory.
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Fig A RaaS unit 1.Hardware: Generic Intel processor and mother board are used. We have test the RaaS on Core 2 Due and Atom processors Robotics and service-oriented robotics computing start to joint this new paradigm in the past five years and are now ready to participate in large scale. This paper reports our research on service-oriented robotics computing and our design, implementation, and evaluation of Robot as a Service (RaaS) unit. To fully qualify the RaaS as a cloud computing
Operating systems: We have implemented an Windows XP version and a Linux version. Programming languages: We have used C# and Java to program the services and the applications. We also implemented a service that interfaces Visual Programming Language (VPL) applications to Intel platform. 1.A RaaS cloud unit is a service provider: Each unit hosts a repository of preloaded services. A developer or a client can deploy new services into or remove service from a robot. The services can be used by this robot can also be shared with other robots. 2. A RaaS cloud contains a set of applications deployed: A developer or client can compose a new application (functionality) based on the services available in the unit and outside the unit. Figure 5: A communication Robovies over view of system Architecture III. HARDWARE AND SYSTEM DESIGN 3. A RaaS unit is a service broker: a client can look up the services and applications available in the unit client can search and discover the applications and services deployed on the robot by browsing the directory. The services and applications can be organized in a hierarchy of classes to facilitate the discovery. The SOC software in RaaS will communicate with the drivers and other operating system components, which further communicate with the devices and other hardware components. The RaaS units can directly communicate with each other through Wi-Fi, if the wireless infrastructure is available or through Bluetooth, if two units are close to each other. The communication between RaaS and other services in the cloud are through standard service interface WSDL. The communication protocol supporting the invocations is SOAP or REST protocol. we have kept our design to comply with the common service standards, development platforms, and execution infrastructure. We also keep the source code open and allow the community to configure the RaaS following the Web 2.0 principles of participation. Developers can add, remove, and modify the RaaS of their own. For this purpose, we have implemented our RaaS on Windows and Linux operating systems running on Atom and Core 2 Duo architectures. 4.RaaS supports programming languages commonly used for service-oriented computing such as Java and C# . As in a Wizard of Oz (WOZ) method, speech recognition is conducted by a human operator. This inform-ation is sent to
To prove the concepts, we have implemented a prototype of the RaaS shown in Figure 2. To make the RaaS more adaptable, we have made the following decisions in the implementation:
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a behavior selector that chooses an interactive behavior based on preimplement ed rules called episode rules, which are the history of previous dialogues with this person and her/his personal information .Our architecture is behaviorbased, where low-level sub-modules can be restr-icted by modules in higher layers 1) Position Estimation: We used external sensors for detecting and tracking peoples positions around the robot, since we need such highly accurate detection to robustly operate the robot in crowded environments. We chose floor sensors, because they are the most robust device in terms of stability to detect a persons presence, and their area can also be used to indicate the conversational distance of the robot, where people can interact with it. unveiled their Android powered robot software and a small mobile robot dubbed the cellbotThe software allows an Android phone to control robots based on Lego Mindstorms and other platformsIt could apply to any kind of robot, large or small, humanoid or not. Eventually, some of these robots could become more standardized, or de facto standards, and sharing applications would be easier. system based on passive-type RFID tags requires intentional user contact with an RFID reader; since passive-type RFIDs are already widely adopted for train ticket sin Japan, people are accustomed to using them. We do not consider this problematic.The left side of Fig. 7 shows a passive-type RFID tag (Texas Instruments Incorporated, RI-TRP-WRHP) embedded in a cellular phone strap that uses a frequency of134.2 kHz. The accessoryis 4 cm high. The RFID tags reader is attached to the robots chest. Since a passive-type RFID system requires a contact distance for reading, users were instructed to place the tag on the tag reader for identification and to interact with the robotWe provided this RFID tag to mall customers,who registered for the fieldtrial.Once an RFID tag is read by the reader, the system associates the persons ID with the person detected by the floor sensor .When multiple persons are tracked with thefloor sensors, it a ssociates the IDto the nearest person. Once the ID is associated,it keeps tracking the ID until the person with the ID leaves thearea on the floor sensors.The location of the person with the ID is repeatedly used during interaction. The robot orients the body direction and maintains eye contact; the interaction is concluded when the person leave.Each situated module has a unique identifier called a Module ID. <ModuleID = result_value> refers to the execution history and the result value of the situated modules. <ModuleID1 = result_value1> <ModuleID2 = result_value2>. . . means the referring rule of the previously executed sequence of situated modules (see Table V, item 1). <. . .><. . .> denotes a selective group (OR) of the executed situated modules, and (. . .) means a block that consists of a situated module, a sequence of situated modules,or a selective group of situated modules 3). Similar to regular expressions, we can describe the repetition of the block as (. . . {n, m}, where n gives the minimum number of times that match the block, and m gives the maximum (see Table V, item 3). We can specify the negation of the whole episode rule with an exclamation mark !. For example, ! <. . .>. . .<. . .>NextModuleID (see Table V,item 4) means the module of NextModuleID will not be executed when the episode rule matches the current situation specified by <. . .>. . .<. . .>. The negation of a Module ID or a result value is written with a caret: (see Table V, item 5).
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Figure 6 Shows The Hard Ware And Software Design 2) Person Identification With RFID Tag: Various techniques for person identification exist, including Fig. 7. RFID tag and reader.recognize faces, active-type RFIDs, and passive-type RFIDs. For person identification, we employed a passive-type RFID tag because of their 100% accuracy in person identification .Such accuracy is crucial, since the misidentification of a person causes embarrassing interaction in human communication. One downside is that a
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the cloud, a robot could improve capabilities such as speech recognition, language translation, path planning, and 3D mappingNow cloud robotics seeks to push that idea to the next level, exploiting the cheap computing power and ubiquitous Net connectivity available today. However, in a real environment,false-positive faces were frequently detected, whichlargely hindered the performance. Thus, in addition to this basic mechanism, we used informationfrom person tracking and identification. The search area ofa persons face is limited to the area, where people are detectedby floor sensors. When the person is identified by the RFID tags,the system retrieves the persons height information, which isprestored to vertically limit thesearch range.With these combinations,the robot was usually able to orient its gazing directionto a users face.
4) Using dialog history: The robot has a mechanism for adjusting its interactive behaviors to each individual based on its dialog history. For example, the robot asks whether the persolikes icecream on day one; when the person revisits the roboton day two, the robot starts a conversation: Last time, you saidthat youliked ice cream. Well, I asked about ice cream in this shopping mall, and I found. . .
Fig7: shows the face tracking system
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Face-Tracking System: We developed a face-tracking algorithm for a communication robot that integrates information from both foveal and omnidirectional visions and actively controlsthe robots head orientation [30]. a robot would send images of what it is seeing to the cloud, receiving in return detailed information about the environment and objects in it. Using
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Fig 9: shows the face tracking system. And diagnosis in face trackin
V.CHALLENGES ON PERFORMENCE Operating a cognitive system in the complex dynamic environment of an ED poses many challenges. Some challenges we have identified include the following. A large number of experiments have been performed and data on performance and power consumption are collected for different processors (Core 2 and Atom) and at different clock rates. This section will present a sample set of data and the interpretation of the data. Experiment setting: Experiments were conducted on Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Atom N270 processors by running a specific number of threads in parallel. Each thread represents an instance of a service. The experiments have been conducted on physical services that read sensors and control actuators. For Intel Atom N270, the experiment was conducted for 1.6 GHz only, as the Atom was running in Windows XP, which does not support the adjustment of clock rate. The data collected are shown in Figure 12. The processor usage data collected in the experiments give us a good idea how many services, modeled by the number of threads in the diagrams, a RaaS can host, and how many requests, modeled by the sleep times/request intervals in the diagrams, a RaaS can handle.If a RaaS is running significantly lower number of services than its full capacity, the system should adjust its clock rate to a lower level to achieve desired performance while reducing processor heating and increasing power consumption. Processor temperature and power consumption rise exponentially to the clock rate increase. Similarly, one may make a choice between a multiprocessor and a single processor system as per the estimated load of the system. We also collected data for other type of Intel processors, as well as the on power consumption for the processors. The data will be presented with the further experiments in the subsequent
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ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank our beloved CHAIRMAN Dr.MG.BASKARAN Of Bhajarang Engineering College) Respected H.O.D MR.ANNAMALAI, And Mr.Kumaresan (senior Lecturer), Mr.Sentamilselvan (senior Lecturer) ,Ms.Heema and other Staff Faculties Of Our College. REFRENCE
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