Singh Dissertation
Singh Dissertation
Singh Dissertation
Hitendra K. Singh
Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
Engineering Mechanics
John G. Dillard
Michael W. Hyer
Scott W. Case
Surot Thangjitham
Keywords: Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC), Elastomeric Seals, Degradation,
Viscoelastic, Stick-slip, Strain Energy Release Rate, Stress Relaxation, Durability, Lifetime
Lifetime Prediction and Durability of Elastomeric Seals for Fuel Cell Applications
Hitendra K. Singh
Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell (FC) stacks require elastomeric gaskets for each
cell to keep the reactant gases within their respective regions[1]. If any gasket degrades or fails,
the reactant gases can leak or mix with each other directly during operation or standby, affecting
the overall operation and performance of the FC. The elastomeric gaskets used as FC seals are
compression between the bipolar plates forming the cell. The combination of mechanical stress
and environmental exposure may result in degradation of the seal material[2] over a period of
time. In order to address the durability and make reliability predictions, the long-term stability of
the gaskets in FC assemblies is critical. The aim of this study is to investigate the performance of
overall scope of the study includes mechanical and viscoelastic properties characterization, and
With the help of finite element analysis software, ABAQUS, a fixture was designed to perform
strain-based accelerated characterization of seal material in air, deionized (DI) water, 50v/50v
ethylene glycol/water solution, and 0.1M sulfuric acid solution. Dogbone samples were strained
to different levels in the custom fixture and submerged in liquid solutions at 90oC and in air at
90oC and 120oC. It was observed that mechanical properties such as tensile strength, strain to
break, 100% modulus, crosslink density, and tensile set degrade due to aging and the extent of
change (increase or decrease) depends significantly on the strain level on the specimen.
Trouser tear tests were conducted on reinforced specimens in air and deionized water (DI) to
evaluate the tear resistance of an elastomeric seal material intended for proton exchange
membrane fuel cells. Plots relating the crack growth rate with tearing energy were obtained at
various temperatures and provided significant insight into the rate and temperature dependence
of the tearing strength of the seal material. Stick-slip crack propagation was observed at all
temperatures and loading rates, although the behavior was suppressed significantly at low
loading rates and high temperatures. Crack growth rate versus tearing energy data at different
temperatures was shifted to construct a master curve and an estimate on the threshold value of
tear energy was obtained which may be helpful in designing components where material tear is
of concern. Strain energy release rate (SERR) value, calculated using the J-integral approach for
a pre-existing crack in ABAQUS, was used to estimate the crack growth rate in a given seal
In order to assess the viscoelastic behavior and to investigate the long term stress relaxation
behavior of the seal material, compression stress relaxation (CSR) tests were performed on
molded seals, called as SMORS, over a range of environmental conditions using a custom-
designed fixture. The effect of temperature and environment was evident on material property
changes and presented in terms of momentary properties and stress relaxation behavior. Various
mechanisms involved in material degradation, chain scission and crosslinking, were suggested
and insights were gained into how cure state and level of antidegradants in a material dictate the
material behavior during the first phase of environmental exposure leading to change in material
properties. Ring samples made of silicone were also tested using the fixture to obtain insight
additional into material degradation due to aging. Results presented from testing on SMORS
showed a lot more variation in data as compared to neat silicone rings due to the complexity
For understanding the deformation behavior of an elastomeric seal and its sealing
performance, finite element characterization of seal cross-section was carried out on O-ring and
SMORS cross-section. The effect of a seal‟s layout on distribution and magnitude of contact
stresses and contact width was investigated for the O-ring and the information obtained thereby
helped to analyze a complex assembly such as SMORS, where several interfaces and boundary
conditions are involved. Stress/strain profiles were generated to visualize their concentration and
distribution in the seal cross-section. Frictionless and rough interfacial conditions between seal
material and platens were assumed and it was found that its effect on contact width and peak
contact pressure was insignificant. Results obtained from FEA on SMORS were validated through
comparison with contact mechanics approach and experimental data and it was found that
Lindley‟s equation correlates well with experimental data whereas ABAQUS overestimates the
load values at a given compression. Lindley‟s approach may be used to develop contact pressure
profiles that may help estimate peak contact pressure at a given time so leaking can be avoided.
I wish to express my sincere appreciation to my advisor, Dr. David Dillard for his patience,
guidance, and support through my time at Virginia Tech providing me with tremendous
opportunities to learn and grow.
I also wish to acknowledge my other committee members Dr. John Dillard, Dr. Michael Hyer,
Dr. Scott Case, and Dr. Surot Thangjitham for taking the time to serve on my advisory
committee, as well as for useful suggestions and guidance on my research work.
I would like to thank Dr. Robert West for teaching me ABAQUS and providing guidance
relevant to various finite element analysis aspects involved in this research. Thanks are also due
to Derek Slaughter for his help during ABAUS modeling.
I would like to thank Dr. Robert Moore and Dr. Wonho Kim for useful discussions and great
help in this work.
I would like to thank the UTC Power for sponsoring this research in coordination with the
Department of Energy, under cooperative agreement number DE-FG36-07GO17005. I wish to
thank Jason Parsons and Bhavana Bommarajapeta at UTC Power, Dr. Matthew Burdzy, Dr.
Yanbing Wang and Dr. Yonghui Zhang at Henkel Corporation, and Mark Belchuk and Dr. Oon
Hock Yeoh at Freudenberg-NOK for their assistance and advice during the project.
I would like to thank Abhijit Chakraborty, Harpreet Chadha, David Pohlit, Edoardo Nicoli,
Kshitish Patankar, Jake Grohs, Geoffrey Tizard, Lei Yan, and Timothy Gray for making my time
as a part of the Adhesion Science Lab incredibly enjoyable and fulfilling.
I would like to thank the Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech for providing
research facilities. Thanks are also due to Joyce Smith, Beverly Williams, Lisa Smith, Pat Baker,
Paul Siburt, Dave Simmons, Darrell Link, Marshall McCord, and Robert Simonds along with all
of the ESM staff.
I would like to especially thank Melissa Nipper for her support and help during my research.
I would like to extend my appreciation to my aunt Dr. Kusum Singh and Uncle Dr. Mahendra P.
Singh for their blessings over the years.
4.4.1 Lifetime Prediction Approach using Finite Element Analysis ............................. 105
4.5 Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 108
5 Viscoelastic Characterization of the Seal Material.............................................................. 124
5.1 Abstract ........................................................................................................................ 124
5.2 Background .................................................................................................................. 125
5.3 Compression Stress Relaxation Fixture Design ........................................................... 128
5.4 Experimental ................................................................................................................ 130
5.4.1 Material & Sample Preparation ............................................................................ 130
5.4.2 Environments and Specimen Conditioning .......................................................... 131
5.4.3 Test Procedure ...................................................................................................... 131
5.5 Results & Discussion ................................................................................................... 132
5.5.1 SMORS ................................................................................................................. 132
5.5.2 Silicone rings ........................................................................................................ 138
5.6 Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 141
6 Finite Element Characterization of Seal Design.................................................................. 169
6.1 Seal Stress Analysis ..................................................................................................... 169
6.1.1 O-ring Analysis ..................................................................................................... 171
6.1.2 SMORS Analysis .................................................................................................. 172
6.2 Contact Mechanics of Elastomeric Seals ..................................................................... 174
6.3 Theoretical & Experimental Validation of Finite Element Results for SMORS ......... 176
6.3.1 No-slippage between seal and GDL ..................................................................... 177
6.3.2 Single GDL with Fixed Boundary Conditions...................................................... 178
6.4 Development of Peak Contact Pressure Profile ........................................................... 178
6.5 Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 179
7 Summary.............................................................................................................................. 209
7.1 Observations ................................................................................................................. 209
7.2 Future Work ................................................................................................................. 213
7.2.1 Characterization of Bulk Material Properties ....................................................... 213
7.2.2 SMORS Characterization...................................................................................... 215
List of Figures
Figure 1.1 Illustration of a fuel cell unit showing membrane electrode assembly, anode, cathode,
gas diffusion layer, seal, and bipolar plates. ................................................................................. 12
Figure 2.1 Evaluation of U and X from instantaneous and stress relaxation curve. ..................... 52
Figure 2.2 Illustration of Arrhenius approach. (a) Change in property with time at three
temperatures, (b) Arrhenius plot. .................................................................................................. 53
Figure 2.3 Illustration of constructing a master curve using WLF approach. .............................. 54
Figure 2.4 Typical true stress-true strain response of an elastomer under uniaxial tension, shear
and biaxial extension..................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 2.5 Sketch of part of a typical elastomeric network. The crosslinks are indicated by filled
circles[120]. .................................................................................................................................. 56
Figure 2.6 The statistically kinked chain. Specification of probability that the end should fall in
the volume element dτ (=dx dy dz). .............................................................................................. 57
Figure 2.7 The tension on a chain whose ends are fixed in position is proportional to the distance
r. .................................................................................................................................................... 58
Figure 2.8 Pure homogenous strain: (a) the unstrained state; (b) the strained state. .................... 59
Figure 2.9 Illustration of an individual chain having an end-to-end distance represented by the
vector ro in the unstrained state of the network. The vector r represents the end-to-end distance
after deformation. .......................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 2.10 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a) unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to uniaxial tension, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) ) Mohr‟s diagram for strain.
....................................................................................................................................................... 61
Figure 2.11 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a)unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to uniaxial compression, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) ) Mohr‟s diagram for
strain. ............................................................................................................................................. 62
Figure 2.12 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a)unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to equi-biaxial extension, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) ) Mohr‟s diagram for
strain. ............................................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 2.13 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a)unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to simple shear, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) ) Mohr‟s diagram for strain. . 64
Figure 2.14 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a) unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to pure shear, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) Mohr‟s diagram for strain. ........ 65
Figure 3.1 Illustration of dogbone specimen used for tensile testing, shown with nominal
dimensions. Holes drilled in the grip region are reinforced with PSA tape to avoid deformation
around holes. ................................................................................................................................. 80
Figure 3.2 Plot of experimental data and predicted uniaxial behavior using various material
models. .......................................................................................................................................... 82
Figure 3.3 Hyperelastic material model evaluation results from ABAQUS for silicone seal
material. ........................................................................................................................................ 85
Figure 3.4 Illustration of dogbone samples under uniaxial tension loading configuration in
ABAQUS. ..................................................................................................................................... 86
Figure 3.5 Illustration of screening tests performed on dogbone samples strained to different
levels in various environments at different temperatures to evaluate their aggressiveness to the
seal material. ................................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 3.6 Illustration of procedure for measuring experimental strain in a dogbone sample
stretched in the custom fixture. ..................................................................................................... 88
Figure 3.7 Uniaxial tension test set up showing the laser extensometer, Instron load frame and
dogbone specimen in the pneumatic grips. White benchmarks on the specimen for the
measurement of strain are also shown in the picture. ................................................................... 90
Figure 3.8 Typical stress strain plot and test results obtained from the uniaxial tension test
performed on silicone elastomer at 500 mm/min at room temperature. ....................................... 91
Figure 3.9 Effect of aging on tensile strength of silicone seal material. ....................................... 92
Figure 3.10 Effect of aging on strain to failure of silicone seal material. ..................................... 93
Figure 3.11 Effect of aging on modulus at 100% strain for silicone seal material. ...................... 94
Figure 3.12 Effect of aging on crosslink density of silicone seal material. .................................. 95
Figure 3.13 Tensile set in the silicone seal material as a result of aging. ..................................... 96
Figure 4.1 Illustration of the sample preparation method for trouser tear testing. (a) illustrates
reinforcing fiber cloth strips in seal material slab, (b) illustrates the trouser tear sample with
dimensions, and (c) illustrates the sample configuration during loading in an Instron load frame.
..................................................................................................................................................... 113
Figure 4.2 Load displacement plot obtained from trouser tear tests conducted at 100 mm/min in
air at RT on hydrocarbon based seal material. ............................................................................ 114
Figure 4.3 Load displacement plot obtained from trouser tear tests performed in air at rates from
2 mm/min to 500 mm/min at RT on hydrocarbon based seal material. ...................................... 115
Figure 4.4 Rate dependence of tearing energy, Gcr in air at RT. ............................................... 116
Figure 4.5 Plot of tearing energy versus test temperatures at different loading rates on
hydrocarbon based seal material. ................................................................................................ 117
Figure 4.6 Plot of tearing energy versus crack growth rate at different temperatures on
hydrocarbon based seal material. ................................................................................................ 118
Figure 4.7 Master curve of tearing energy versus crack growth rate (Treference = 80°C, Tg = -55°C)
for hydrocarbon based seal material. Shift factor, aT, versus temperature is shown in inset...... 119
Figure 4.8 Load versus displacement behavior in DI water and air at various rate and
temperatures for hydrocarbon based seal material...................................................................... 120
Figure 4.9 Finite element simulation of an O-ring under compression with a surface crack. .... 121
Figure 4.10 J-integral contour along with quantities used to calculate SERR around a crack tip.
..................................................................................................................................................... 122
Figure 4.11 Contours around a crack tip and corresponding SERR values. ............................... 123
Figure 5.1 Evaluation of U and X from instantaneous and stress relaxation curve. At a given time
t, U is the value of the relaxed load and U + X is the load obtained from compressing unstrained
samples. ....................................................................................................................................... 148
Figure 5.2 Illustration of quarter-section view of the CSR fixture and other components. ........ 149
Figure 5.3 Illustration of the fixture placed on a polycarbonate support and immersed in the
liquid for aging. Also showing the fixture placed between compression platens in an Instron load
frame. .......................................................................................................................................... 150
Figure 5.4 Illustration of molded seal (SMORS) and silicone rings with dimensions. .............. 151
Figure 5.5 Typical load versus displacement behavior of seals obtained from compressing the
upper stack. ................................................................................................................................. 152
Figure 5.6 Typical load versus displacement behavior of seals obtained from compressing the
lower stack. The value of relaxed load, due to stress relaxation, as well momentary properties of
the seal can be obtained as a function of time. ........................................................................... 153
Figure 5.7 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in air at 120°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c). ........................................................................................... 154
Figure 5.8 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in air at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c). ........................................................................................... 155
Figure 5.9 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in air at 60°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c). ........................................................................................... 156
Figure 5.10 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in DI Water at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c). ........................................................................................... 157
Figure 5.11 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in 50/50 v/v ethylene glycol solution at 90°C. Normalized value of
momentary and relaxed loads at different aging time is shown in (c). ....................................... 158
Figure 5.12 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in 0.1M sulfuric acid solution at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and
relaxed loads at different aging time is shown in (c). ................................................................. 159
Figure 5.13 Mass uptake results at 90°C for seal material used for SMORS. DI Water and 0.1M
sulfuric acid solution show significantly higher mass uptake as compared to ethylene glycol
solution........................................................................................................................................ 160
Figure 5.14 (a) Restoring force decay with time at different temperatures, and (b) shows typical
Arrhenius approach to predict seal life at a desired temperature for a 50% drop in restoring force.
..................................................................................................................................................... 161
Figure 5.15 Compression stress relaxation behavior of SMORS at 120°C, 90°C and 60°C in air.
..................................................................................................................................................... 162
Figure 5.16 Illustration of SMORS failure either due to (a) seal material degradation or (b) poor
impregnation of seal material into GDL fibers. .......................................................................... 163
Figure 5.17 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower silicone rings stack obtained
after different aging times in air at 120°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c). ........................................................................................... 164
Figure 5.18 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower silicone rings stack obtained
after different aging times in air at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c). ........................................................................................... 165
Figure 5.19 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower silicone rings stack obtained
after different aging times in air at 60°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c). ........................................................................................... 166
Figure 5.20 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower silicone rings stack obtained
after different aging times in DI water at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed
loads at different aging time is shown in (c). .............................................................................. 167
Figure 5.21 Difference in stress relaxation behavior for silicone rings tested in forced and gravity
convection ovens at 90°C. Also shown is the result obtained from CSR fixture tested
periodically. ................................................................................................................................ 168
Figure 6.1 Illustration of the O-ring under compression shown with original and deformed
configurations in ABAQUS. ....................................................................................................... 184
Figure 6.2 Plot of experimental data and predicted uniaxial behavior in tension and compression
using various material models. ................................................................................................... 185
Figure 6.3 Material Parameters and stability limit information on (a)Mooney Rivlin, (b) two-
parameter Ogden, (c) Neo- Hookean, (d) Yeoh, and (e) Van der Waals hyperleastic material
models. ........................................................................................................................................ 188
Figure 6.4 FEA simulation of seals subjected to 25% compression for R/r = 1. The interfacial
friction is given by µ = 0.1. Note the asymmetric nature (with respect to 2-direction) of (a)
stresses and (b) strains in 1-2-3 directions for O-ring cross-section. .......................................... 189
Figure 6.5 FEA simulation of seals subjected to 25% compression for R/r = 10. The interfacial
friction is given by µ = 0.1. The stresses (a) and strains (b) are more symmetrically distributed in
1-2-3 directions for O-ring cross-section. ................................................................................... 190
Figure 6.6 FEA simulation of seals subjected to 25% compression for R/r = 100. The interfacial
friction is given by µ = 0.1. The symmetry in stresses (a) and strains (b) is more pronounced in 1-
2-3 directions for O-ring cross-section. ...................................................................................... 191
Figure 6.7 Illustration of concept for contact stress and width for O-ring seal. ......................... 192
Figure 6.8 Contact pressure profile for O-ring for (a) R/r = 1, (b) R/r = 10 & (c) R/r = 100 with
rough (µ = 0.1) interfacial condition. The symmetry of pressure is more evident as the ratio of
R/r increases. ............................................................................................................................... 193
Figure 6.9 Contact width and peak contact stress profiles for O-ring under compression for
different R/r ratios. ...................................................................................................................... 194
Figure 6.10 Illustration of the SMORS under compression showing (a) full cross-section with
original and deformed shape, and (b) half section used for analysis in ABAQUS. ................... 195
Figure 6.11 FEA simulation of SMORS subjected to 25% compression for R/r = 20. The
interfacial friction is given by µ = 0. The stresses (a) and strains (b) are symmetrically distributed
in 1-2-3 directions for O-ring cross-section. ............................................................................... 196
Figure 6.12 Contact stress profile for frictionless and rough conditions from 10 to 40%
compression of SMORS. Note the higher peak contact stress for the case where friction is
present between seal and compression platen. ............................................................................ 197
Figure 6.13 Effect of interfacial friction (frictionless μ = 0 and Rough μ = 0.3) between
compression platens and seal on (a) peak contact pressure and (b) contact width. .................... 198
Figure 6.14 Shape factor for some common geometries. ........................................................... 199
Figure 6.15 Contact width and contact pressure data on O-ring compression from FEA analysis
and Lindley and Dragoni equations. ........................................................................................... 201
Figure 6.16 Calculation of total load from contact width and contact pressure profile obtained
from FEA of SMORS under compression. ................................................................................. 202
Figure 6.17 Comparison of load versus % compression behavior obtained from finite element
analysis in ABAQUS, theoretical approach based on Lindley‟s empirical relationship and
experimental data from SMORS................................................................................................. 203
Figure 6.18 Cross-section of SMORS to illustrate various components of a unitized electrode
assembly (UEA) (membrane electrode assembly (MEA) consisting of cathode-membrane-anode
assembly + two GDL layers). ..................................................................................................... 204
Figure 6.19 (a) Simplified SMORS tested in compression stress relaxation tests, and (b)
delamination at seal/GDL interface due to poor impregnation of seal material into fibers
(Courtesy of Henkel Corporation). ............................................................................................. 205
Figure 6.20 Sliding at seal/GDL interface and lifting of seal web observed in ABAQUS. ....... 206
Figure 6.21 Bending & rotation of GDL on compression of SMORS. ...................................... 207
Figure 6.22 Illustration of Lindley‟s approach used to develop peak contact stress profile to
predict seal leakage. .................................................................................................................... 208
Figure 7.1 New compression stress relaxation fixture design containing a load cell for continuous
data collection via a data acquisition system and LabVIEW code. ............................................ 217
Figure 7.2 Continuous compression stress relaxation test set-up showing (a) fixtures loaded with
SMORS in various liquid solutions arranged in the water bath 90oC, (b) close-up of the fixtures
showing polypropylene balls and glass wool to minimize liquid evaporation. .......................... 218
List of Tables
Table 3.1-1 Hyperelastic material models used in finite element analysis for material evaluatio 81
Table 3.1-2 Experimental validation of ABAQUS simulation results. ........................................ 89
Table 6-1 Test matrix developed to analyze the seal cross-sections using ABAQUS. .............. 183
Table 6-2 Contact width and contact pressure data on O-ring obtained from FEA analysis and
Lindley and Dragoni approach.................................................................................................... 200
1 Introduction
1.1 Background
Due to rising oil prices and increasing environmental concerns, the demand for alternative
sources of energy and environmentally friendly fuels has increased over the years. One such
alternative is the proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell, which is an electrochemical device
that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricity, with water and heat as the by-
product[1]. The PEM fuel cell offers a combination of benefits including low or zero emissions,
high energy conversion efficiency and reliability, multi-fuel capability, scalability and ease of
maintenance[2, 3]. Apart from this, they also exhibit rapid response to varying loads and rapid
startup due to relatively low operating temperatures[3]. Fuel cells operate silently, so they reduce
noise pollution as well as air pollution. The key components of a PEM fuel cell are the
membrane electrode assembly (MEA), gas diffusion layers, bipolar plates, and sealing gaskets,
membrane, typically a perflourinated sulfonic acid polymer membrane sandwiched between two
porous carbon electrodes (anode and cathode) [4]. The polymer membranes employed in PEM
fuel cells are typically thin (18-100 µm) and flexible. The anode is supplied with fuel (hydrogen
gas) while the cathode, the positive side of the fuel cell, is supplied with an oxidant, which is
typically air. The electrodes are made porous to ensure good gas access, increased reaction
surface area, and effective water removal. The polymer electrolyte membrane spatially separates
the anode and cathode and ensures that the two individual half reactions, given in equations 1.1
Anode: H 2 2 H 2e (1.1)
Cathode: O2 + 2 H + + 2e → H 2O (1.2)
The anode conducts the electrons that are freed from the hydrogen molecules so that they can be
used in an external circuit. The cathode conducts the electrons back from the external circuit,
where they can recombine with the hydrogen ions and oxygen to form water. The MEA is
A conductive diffusion material (backing layer or gas diffusion layer), usually made of a
porous carbon paper or carbon cloth, is typically provided on both anode and cathode sides of
MEA. The gas diffusion layer (GDL) is made of a stable material (like carbon) to conduct the
electrons that leave the anode and after passing through the external load enter the cathode. The
porous nature of the backing material ensures effective diffusion (flow of gas molecules from a
region of high concentration to a region of low concentration) of each reactant gas to the catalyst
on the MEA. The gas spreads out as it diffuses so that when it penetrates the backing, it will be in
contact with the entire surface area of the catalyzed membrane. Assembly consisting of MEA and
gas diffusion layers on anode and cathode is called unitized electrode assembly (UEA) which
Pressed against the outer surface of each GDL is a component called a bipolar plate that
typically serves as both flow field and current collector. Channels in the bipolar plate carry the
reactant gas from the place where it enters the fuel cell to the place where it exits. The pattern of
the flow field in the plate (as well as the width and depth of the channels) has a large impact on
how evenly the reactant gases are spread across the active area of the MEA[6]. Flow field design
also affects water supply to the anode side of the membrane and water removal from the cathode.
The current collector plates contain flow channels for effective distribution of reactant gases
along the surface of the electrodes. The conductive collector plates are made of a lightweight,
commonly used[7, 8]. For feeding the reaction media, distributor plates having integrated gas or
liquid feeding ducts are used. In order to prevent an uncontrolled escape of the reaction media,
PEM fuel cell stacks typically require a liquid and gas-tight seal between UEA and bipolar plates
to keep the reactant gases within their respective regions, preventing them from reacting directly.
The long term stability and durability of the elastomeric seal are critical to the lifetime and
commercial viability of the PEM fuel cells. In order to meet DOE requirements, PEM fuel cell
seals are required to demonstrate durability of about 40,000 h under normal operating conditions
(-40oC to 90oC)[9].
The elastomeric seals in a PEM stack are compressed to a desired level in order to generate
required sealing force to prevent any leakage. Due to material aging, the sealing force decays
owing to physical or chemical relaxation of the material. Thus, leakage can occur as a result of
loss of sealing force or seal failure. Air that leaks through the seal chemically interacts with
hydrogen and the Pt-based catalysts, generating hydrogen peroxide, which in turn attacks the
catalysts and the electrolyte membrane and causes gradual loss of electrode catalytic activity and
typically has high concentration of opening tensile stresses on the surface and in the bulk
(comparatively much higher in the bulk than on the outside surface), as shown in Figure 1.1,
which may lead to propagation of an already present crack on the surface. A crack on the surface
and in the bulk of the seal may be introduced during molding or handling the seals during post-
molding operations. These cracks or voids may appear to be insignificantly small/minor flaws at
first but may lead to slow tearing of the material over a period of time as material degrades due
to aging and ultimately affecting the durability target. Also, as the seal under compression is
simultaneously exposed to a hot, humid and acidic environment[11], where the temperature may
reach as high as 90oC depending on the load requirement, temperature cycling in the presence of
environment may introduce hygrothermal fatigue in the material resulting in crack nucleation
and growth over a period of time. Since the long-term performance of fuel cell stacks depends
heavily on the durability of the seals, the resistance of the seal material to the above mentioned
failure modes is one of the functional requirements for improved lifetime of fuel cells.
For lifetime prediction and durability of the seal material and to address issues discussed
above, several aspects must be taken into consideration for mechanical characterization of the seal
1.1.1 Degradation of seal material properties such as tensile strength, modulus etc
elevated temperature. Exposure to environments results in mass uptake due to diffusion of liquid
media into the material matrix and/or mass loss due to the evaporation of volatile components of
seal material in air or degradation of seal material in a liquid environment. The presence of
stresses may even accelerate the mass uptake or loss process, leading to faster degradation of
material properties to an extent that hygrothermal fatigue in the fuel cell eventually gives rise to
crack nucleation and growth. To understand how the combination of stress and environments
result in material degradation, a test fixture was designed so that specimens can be subjected to
strain in the presence of environment. High values of strain (120% in tension) were used so that
degradation process in the seal material could be accelerated to obtain meaningful results in a
comparatively short time. Aged specimens can be taken out of the conditioning media and tested
to evaluate how material properties have changed with respect to neat material properties. Such
seal material so attention during further testing can be focused on environments that degrade the
material faster.
Tear strength is an important property of elastomeric materials for many applications because it
influences the lifetime of a component. Trouser tear tests are typically performed on elastomeric
samples to estimate the tear energy, which depends on rate of testing (loading rate) and
temperature. Data obtained from trouser tear tests conducted at various loading rates and
temperatures is often used to develop master curves. Development of such master curves may
provide an estimate on threshold value of the tear strength. Trouser tear samples can also be aged
in environments and a master curve generated to compare how the threshold value is affected
due to aging. The lowest possible threshold value of tear strength may then be considered during
component design.
Seal material relaxation may be addressed by performing typical compression stress relaxation
(CSR) in commercially available fixtures designed to test disk or ring samples according to the
characterize the bulk material alone. For the case where a seal material is molded onto a UEA,
various interfaces, such as the seal/GDL interface and seal/bipolar plate interface, adds to the
complexity and therefore data obtained from bulk material testing may not be reliably used to
predict relaxation behavior of a molded seal assembly. To effectively characterize the molded
seal assembly during long-term environmental aging, custom designed fixtures were designed for
this study and will be discussed in detail later in the dissertation. Relaxation studies thus
conducted will provide more relevant data that can be used for lifetime predictions
1.2 Motivation
The primary goal of this research was to characterize the mechanical and viscoelastic
properties of elastomeric seals used for fuel cell applications, along with a durability assessment
establish the baseline characterization of the seal material and to obtain bulk material properties,
uniaxial tension (ASTMD412C[13]) and trouser tear (ASTMD624T[14]) tests were conducted
on samples prepared from as-received material. For the purpose of accelerated characterization, a
fixture was designed so that dogbone samples, cut from seal material slabs using ASTMD412
Die C, could be subjected to high levels of strain during aging in various environments. Samples
were taken out of the conditioning media after the desired aging time was reached and tested in a
uniaxial tension test configuration. Useful insights into material property degradation due to the
various combinations of stress and environments were obtained, and aging environments could
then be arranged in increasing order of their aggressiveness to the seal material. With this
information, further testing to explore stress relaxation behavior of molded seal assembly could
be focused on most aggressive environments. Trouser tear tests were conducted on reinforced
samples, prepared using specifications provided in ASTMD624 Type T, at various loading rates
and temperature so that rate and temperature dependence of the fracture energy of the seal
material could be explored, obtained from a tear energy master curve generated on the basis of
Besides obtaining material property data on bulk material and studying aging effects on these
properties, the primary concern of this project was to study stress relaxation of molded seal
assembly or SMORS under compression in various environments. A dual-chamber fixture was
designed so that a material can be evaluated based on a two-network model in rubber elasticity
theory where permanent set of a material could be estimated from stress relaxation and
steel washers were placed in two chambers of the fixture and aged in a given environment. Load
versus displacement data on SMORS from both upper and lower chambers were periodically
obtained by using a high-precision Instron 5848 (Norwood, MA) MicroTester and analyzed to
obtain momentary as well as relaxed properties of SMORS respectively. Data obtained in various
environments were compared and provided significant insight not only to improve seal material
properties, as to the amount and distribution of antidegradants in seal material matrix, but also
mixing and molding parameters to make SMORS. Tests were also carried out on ring samples
cut from silicone slabs and data obtained on relaxed and momentary properties of silicone
provided insight into fixture‟s sensitivity to small load variations leading to change in fixture
design. The change included adding a load cell and a micrometer in the fixture which along with
the data acquisition system provided automatic data collection for long-term studies.
Additionally, finite element characterization of the seal design provided significant insights into
stress/strain, contact pressure, and contact width distribution as well as the role of friction at
various interfaces. Load required to achieve a given compression of SMORS were calculated
using FEA tools and an analytical approach using Lindley‟s equation. Good correlation between
analytical and experimental results was obtained up to 25% compression of SMORS whereas
FEA overestimated the load values at a given compression. Assumptions used in the FEA are
1.3 Dissertation Organization
This dissertation will begin with an in-depth literature review in an attempt to provide sufficient
background to support the topics that will be addressed throughout the remainder of this
dissertation. Various tests were conducted to characterize the seal material, the details of which
will be presented. Finally, this dissertation concludes with the presentation of the analysis
methods used, test results obtained, and conclusions drawn from the work conducted for the
purpose of this research. This dissertation is organized into the following chapters:
and presents the objective and significance of this study along with the organization of
this dissertation.
Chapter 2: Reviews relevant literature with regards to the following key topics: Fuel cell
sealing, seal failure modes, stress relaxation, lifetime prediction methodologies, and
strength, modulus, strain to break etc. is presented and also how these properties are
were employed to study the combined effect of stress and environment on material
properties and also identify the most detrimental environments to the seal material. A
review of the material studied, specimen preparation, method followed, and test methods
Chapter 4: In this chapter, tear property characterization of the seal material in terms of
rate and temperature effect on tear strength is presented. A preliminary estimate of seal
lifetime utilizing finite element analysis tools and tear energy master curve is also
Chapter 5: This chapter investigates the stress relaxation behavior of sub-scale molded
seals. Behavior of molded seals as well as bulk material samples were investigated in
Chapter 6: This chapter presents a finite element characterization of the seal design.
Finite element analysis of several seal cross-sections was carried out and the results
Chapter 7: This chapter provides a summary of the research project including relevant
1. L.J. Blomen and M.N. Mugerwa, Fuel Cell Systems. 1993, New York: Plenum Press.
2. K.A. Mauritz and R.B. Moore, "State of Understanding of Nafion," Chemical Reviews,
104(10), 4535-4585, 2004.
3. S. Gottesfeld and T. Zawodzinki, "Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells," Advances in
Electrochemical Science and Engineering, 5, 195–301, 1997.
4. K.D. Kreuer, S.J. Paddison, E. Spohr, and M. Schuster, "Transport in Proton Conductors:
Reactions and Phenomenology," Chemical Reviews, 104, 4637-4678, 2004.
5. R. O'Hayre, S.-W. Cha, W. Colella, and F.B. Prinz, Fuel Cell Fundamentals. 2006,
Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons.
6. S. Thomas and M. Zalbowitz, Fuel Cell-Green Power. 2006, U. S. Department of Energy
: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
7. V. Mehta and J.S. Cooper, "Review and Analysis of Pem Fuel Cell Design and
Manufacturing," Journal of Power Sources, 114, 32-53, 2003.
8. A. Herman, T. Chaudhuri, and P. Spagnol, "Bipolar Plates for Pem Fuel Cells: A
Review," International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 30, 1297-1302, 2005.
9. M.T. Hicks, K. Epping, and T. Benjamin, Mea and Stack Durability for Pem Fuel Cells,
in 2006 Hydrogen Program Review. 2006, DOE Saint Paul, MN.
10. T.J. Schmidt, U.A. Paulus, H.A. Gasteiger, and R.J. Behm, "The Oxygen Reduction
Reaction on a Pt/Carbon Fuel Cell Catalyst in the Presence of Chloride Anions," Journal
of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 508, 41- 47, 2001.
11. J. Tan, Y.J. Chao, J.W.V. Zee, X. Li, X. Wang, and M. Yang, "Assessment of
Mechanical Properties of Fluoroelastomer and Epdm in a Simulated Pem Fuel Cell
Environment by Microindentation Test," Material Science and Engineering A, In
12. ASTM-D6147-97, Standard Test Method for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic
Elastomer-Determination of Force Decay (Stress Relaxation) in Compression, in Annual
Book of ASTMStandards. 2008, ASTMInternational: West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-
13. ASTM-D412-06a, Standard Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplastic
Elastomers-Tension, in Annual Book of ASTMStandards. 2002, ASTMInternational:
West Conshohocken, PA, 19428-2959.
14. ASTM-D624-00, Standard Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vulcanized
Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers, in Annual Book of ASTMStandards. 2007,
ASTMInternational: West Conshohocken, PA, 19428.
Air H2
Air H2
Air H2
Bipolar Plate
Tensile stress on Air H2
Bipolar Plate
Air H2
Air H2
Air H2
Air H2
Catalyst Layer
Figure 1.1 Illustration of a fuel cell unit showing membrane electrode assembly, anode, cathode,
gas diffusion layer, seal, and bipolar plates.
2 Literature Review
A fuel cell is an electrochemical energy converter that includes two electrodes placed on
opposite surfaces of an electrolyte[1]. Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell (FC) stack
contain 100 or more individual cells connected in series and require elastomeric gaskets on both
sides of each cell to keep the reactant gases within their respective regions. Seals not only
prevent leakages but also function as electrical insulation and stack height control[2]. If any
gasket degrades or fails, the reactant gases can leak overboard or mix with each other directly
during operation or standby, affecting the overall operation and performance of the FC. The
engine sealing application. Dillard et. al.[5] discussed the durability of elastomeric seal in a PEM
fuel cells. Youn and Huh [6] reported the surface degradation of high temperature vulcanizing
HTV silicone and ethylene propylene diene monomer EPDM rubber under accelerated
ultraviolet weathering conditions. Mitra et al. [7] studied the time-dependent chemical
exists regarding degradation of the elastomeric gasket materials, few results were reported for the
degradation and its mechanisms in PEM FC environments [5, 8-13]. Typical sealing materials
utilized in PEM fuel cells include fluorinated elastomers, EPDM, silicone[14, 15], and glass-
reinforced PTFE[16]. All of these materials offer good chemical resistance; however, there are
problems associated with each system. Fluoroelastomers offer excellent sealing properties, but
are poor when it comes to gasketing and disassembly of the cell. Silicone offers good thermal
and chemical resistance but has a high value of compression set. PTFE-based systems are only
suited for one-time use applications due to poor compressive compression set. Tan et. al. studied
the degradation characteristics of silicone[8, 11, 13], fluoroelastomers [8, 9], and EPDM[8, 9] in
a simulated fuel cell environment consisting of solutions containing hydrogen fluoride and
sulfuric acid and found significant leaching of fillers from seal material that contaminated the gas
diffusion layer and the MEA. Cleghorn et. al. [17] and St-Pierre [18] observed the complete
degradation of the glass reinforced silicone seal in the fuel cell stack where silicon from the seal
could be detected throughout the MEA. Schulze et. al.[15] investigated the degradation of
silicone and found that silicone in direct contact with a perfluorosulphonic membrane degraded
at the anode as well as at the cathode, leading to coloration of the membrane and detectable
amounts of silicon on the electrodes. Ahn et al.[19] observed a significant decay in fuel cell
performance due to migration of silicone seal decomposition products at the catalyst layer on
Results from these few studies of PEM sealing systems suggest that a systematic approach needs
to be adopted by which a given seal material, exposed to chemical, thermal, and mechanical
environments in a fuel cell, can be effectively characterized so that high performance sealing
systems could be developed. In order to quantify the performance and durability of a sealing
system so that the long term performance can be accurately predicted, seal failure modes must be
There may be a variety of failure modes in PEMFC stack [5, 20-24] that may result in leakage and
reduced fuel cell performance but the study only focuses on failure modes specific to elastomeric
seals. A review by de Bruijn [25] covers the durability issues associated with several fuel cell
components. During the operation of a fuel cell, the seal material is subjected to mechanical
stress in the presence of cyclic temperature and chemical environments. The chemical and
changing thermal environments pose a significant durability concerns for polymeric materials in
terms of enhanced degradation. Thermal cycling alone may result in enhanced stress relaxation
and compression set leading to reduced stack pressure affecting the performance of fuel cell[26].
state where compressive as well as tensile stresses are present. Residual stresses induced during
seal material curing or due to shrinkage against the bipolar plate may be tensile in nature and lead
to failure over time. The presence of tensile stresses and corrosive environment may lead to the
formation of a crack or growth of a pre-existing crack which may lead to seal failure. The above
mentioned failure modes, each of which is affected by a complex interaction of physical and
These can both depend on diffusion of fluid into the rubber leading to swelling, changes in the
internal rubber structure, and modification of physical properties. The process causing stress
relaxation may be physical or chemical in nature and under normal conditions both processes can
occur simultaneously. Physical relaxation involves the motion of molecular chains towards new
configurations in equilibrium at the new strained state, and may involve the movement of
entanglements and dangling ends [30]. The whole process of chain flow and entanglement motion
is generally believed to be reversible in crosslinked systems, upon removing the strain from the
system. Chemical relaxation[7, 31-35] involves primarily scission and crosslinking events
resulting from the breakage and formation of covalent bonds, respectively[36]. Chemical
processes may occur, either in the absence (thermal degradation [37-41]) or presence of oxygen
(oxidative degradation), both leading primarily to chain scission reactions. The chemical
component of relaxation is typically irreversible. At normal to low temperatures and/or short
periods of time, stress relaxation is dominated by the physical processes, whilst at high
temperatures and/or long time periods, the chemical processes are often dominant[42]. Both
physical and chemical relaxation processes cause a reduction in the counterforce when conducting
relaxation experiments. Cracks may be present on the surface of the seal as a result of
manufacturing or handling and may also develop during service due to seal material degradation.
During the course of fuel cell operation, the seal is subjected to temperature cycling (depending
on the fuel cell usage and load) in the presence of various aggressive environments. A pre-
existing crack on the seal surface may grow and reach a critical size leading to seal failure. Also,
the presence of a liquid environment may significantly reduce the energy required for the crack to
The degradation of the seal material due to the aging in the presence of a corrosive environment,
temperatures as high as 90◦C, and mechanical stress may result in the loss of sealing force
leading external leaks of coolant, gas crossover, or plate electrical shorting. It is, therefore, very
important to develop and fabricate durable seals that could last the desired lifetime of a fuel cell
unit. To be able to choose the best-suited sealing material or to reliably judge whether a given
material is suited for sealing applications, seal material characterization must be conducted and
an accelerated means to degrade seal material must be adopted so that the performance of such
gaskets or seals under service conditions can be accurately predicted. This study involves
developing an approach for seal life prediction that considers the different factors limiting seal
life, and also performs direct measurements of changes in sealing force under relevant
there is an interaction between liquid diffusion, chemical aging, and other changes in physical
properties (such as modulus change and stress relaxation). These changes in the properties of the
seal with time, and the effect of these changes on the sealing ability of the seal, can be measured
on relevant test specimens, provided the means exist to interpret the consequences for actual
Elastomers are normally amorphous polymers above the glass transition temperature. They
exhibit the ability to elongate to a large extent under an applied force and subsequently return to
their original shape. To obtain material properties of the bulk specimens, standard tests such as
uniaxial tension and trouser tear are conducted. These tests are typically performed according to
the procedure outlined in ASTM standards such as ASTM D412 [44] for tensile and ASTM D624
[45] for tear properties and provide baseline properties of the neat material. A typical result of a
tensile test of an elastomer is a stress-strain curve of S-shape, for which Hooke‟s law is not valid.
For characterization of tensile properties of an elastomer, tensile strength, strain to break, tension
set, and modulus at 100% strain are typically used[46, 47]. In measurement of tensile stress-strain
properties, a test piece is stretched to the breaking point, and the force and elongation are
measured at regular intervals. Modulus is relevant where stiffness of the product is important
[46]. Tensile strength can be used to evaluate aging performance, though tensile strength
decreases more slowly than elongation to break[48]. Owing to the differences in aging
characteristics of tensile strength and elongation to break, the most important property criterion
In measuring tensile strength, the material has to completely break through the cross-section in
the absence of a defect, whereas measurement of the tear strength indicates the material resistance
to the propagation of a defect. Tear properties are commonly determined at a constant rate, but
such properties can also be determined at various rates due to the rate-dependent behavior of
elastomeric materials. The tear strength of noncrystallizing elastomers depends on the rate of
tearing and temperature [50, 51]. These variations parallel closely the variation of viscoelastic
properties with rate and temperature, i.e. the tear strength increasing with increasing viscoelastic
dependent manner whereby the force in a trouser tear test carried out at a constant rate remains
tearing generally proceeds in a stick-slip manner (also referred to as knotty tear). In this case,
experimental determination of the critical tearing energy becomes complicated because of the
unstable tearing, where the crack does not propagate at a steady rate but is arrested and re-
initiated at somewhat regular intervals resulting in stick-slip tearing. The force necessary to drive
the crack varies widely from a maximum at crack initiation to a minimum at crack arrest. In some
cases, the crack deviates sideways from a linear path resulting in specimen failure. To suppress
unstable crack growth and crack path deviation, Gent and Henry[52] developed a constrained
trouser specimen by attaching thin fiber reinforced tape on opposite sides of the specimen legs.
The use of this specimen helped to control the crack-path deviation phenomena. Such an approach
was used in this study to characterize tear behavior of the seal material.
Elastomers are widely used for a number of engineering, scientific and industrial applications
estimates for these materials, particularly in harsh environments while under physical stress,
requires detailed knowledge of the degradation processes and the resulting effects on service
properties. For example, elastomeric materials subjected to physical stress while undergoing
crosslinking reactions are known to exhibit permanent set [56, 57]. Elastomeric seals, when used
in compression, generate a restoring force that not only depends on the compressive strain but
also on the aging with time and with exposure to elevated temperature and/or to a chemical
environment. Aging affects thermal rheological properties, and the ability of the samples to keep
their initial dimensions. When stress is removed after a long loading time, a seal only slowly
reaches its initial dimensions or may even show permanent distortion[58]. This phenomenon is
known as „„compression set‟‟ and is of utmost importance for fuel cell applications [59, 60]. The
long-term mechanical behavior of seals is typically studied by compression stress relaxation tests
in which a cylindrical disk sample with dimensions 13.0mm (diameter) × 6.3mm (thickness) or
[61] is sandwiched between two solid parallel surfaces that compress the sample. The resulting
stress in the sample produces a restoring force which decreases with time. A typical compression
stress relaxation experiment imposes a constant strain while measuring the resulting force, F (t ) .
The average normal stress,𝜎(𝑡), is calculated by dividing the restoring force, F (t ) , by the cross-
that hold the seal in compression while measuring the restoring force periodically without
unloading the sample. Numerous methods have been developed to measure stress relaxation in
compression and the advantages and disadvantages of continuous versus intermittent test
methods have been elucidated[62-64]. These methods differ in fixture design and in the
measurement of the sealing force. Hardware or fixture design influences the stress relaxation
response and overall sensitivity of the measurement. Sample geometry (large or small
compression set buttons, o-ring, die cut washer, micro-pellets, molded part) also has an impact
Continuous monitoring of fixtures (e.g. Elastocon[65] & modified Jamak) allows for continuous
force measurement via a force transducer permanently connected to the fixture, whereas in the
strain is initially induced in the sample by sandwiching it in the compression cell and relaxed
force measurements are obtained over time by adding an incremental strain. Such superposition
of small deformations onto a dominant large strain has been shown to be useful for exploring the
Stress relaxation and aging in strained polymer networks can be attributed to two distinct
approach a new equilibrium state through sliding, rotation etc. The dominant effect at long times
is stress relaxation occurring as a result of chemical changes, such as chain scission, that affect the
approximately linearly with logarithmic time and is often overtaken by chemical relaxation which
proceeds approximately linearly with time[73]. Tobolsky [27, 57, 74] and co-workers
systematically studied these chemical relaxation effects and developed a molecular theory based
on which a material postcured in a strained state could be analyzed with a two-network model
consisting of distinct networks crosslinked in the unstrained and strained states. According to the
relaxed state during exposure to elevated temperature provide a method of measuring the net rate
of chain scission and crosslinking. On the other hand, it is possible to isolate the chain scission
reaction by measuring the decay of stress in a sample maintained at constant extension at elevated
temperatures. The decay of stress is a direct measure of scission of the molecular chains of the
network because the crosslinking of the chains, occurring simultaneously, does not cause any
increase of stress. Based on this approach, Andrews, et al. [57] developed the relationship to
% Permanent Set = {[ 1] 2 1}C3 (2.1)
(U/X)C 2 1
lx 3 l 100
where C1 ( ) 1 , C 2 ( x )2 , C3 , lu is the length of the sample before
lu lu (l x /l u ) 1
extension, l x is the length of the sample after compression, U is the value of the relaxed load
obtained from the strained samples in lower stack at a desired strain and U + X can be defined as
the load obtained from unstrained samples in upper stack at a desired strain, as shown in Figure
2.1. In other words, U is a measure of the rate of chain scission and U + X is a measure of the net
rate of chain scission and crosslinking occurring in the material at an elevated temperature so the
difference between the two will provide the net rate of crosslinking and its effect on the seal
behavior in terms of permanent set. For this part of the study, measurement of U and U+X, as
described above, was conducted using a custom-designed fixture. The details on fixture design
Owing to the degradation of a seal material due to aging in environments[75], as-received seal
material properties may change over time and it is very important to estimate the extent to which
a material has degraded in a given environment. Material property changes are usually estimated
by conducting tests on samples aged in relevant environmental conditions for a desired time.
Since aging of a material at operating conditions may take very long to show observable change,
degradation is typically accelerated. The accelerated aging method consists of increasing the
reaction speeds of the material without modifying the degradation mechanisms that are liable to
occur with the long term use of the material. This usually involves increasing the exposure
temperatures, stress levels, or concentration of the liquid solutions in which the material is aging.
Failure times or degradation rates are determined at accelerated aging conditions and are used to
extrapolate material performance to ambient conditions. In order to predict the failure point in the
future, Arrhenius and WLF (Williams-Landel-Ferry transform) [76] methods are often used. The
Arrhenius model is often used where physico-chemical mechanisms are dominant, e.g. thermo-
oxidative aging[48], whereas a WLF approach is employed to predict viscoelastic effects (creep,
relaxation etc.). Arrhenius extrapolations assume that a chemical degradation process is controlled
by a reaction rate k proportional to exp (-Ea/RT), where Ea is the Arrhenius activation energy, R
the gas constant (8.314 J/mol-K), T the absolute temperature, and A the pre-exponential factor, as
k A exp( ) (2.2)
Therefore, a log-plot of reaction rates (k) or degradation times (1/k) versus inverse temperature
(1/T) is expected to result in a straight line, allowing simple extrapolations to lower temperatures,
as illustrated in Figure 2.2. The main assumption made here is that the chemical kinetics of
The WLF model is based on the physical change of the polymer, i.e. the progressive
disentangling of the macromolecules under the effect of stress (creep) or permanent deformation
(relaxation). These viscoelastic processes can be modeled using concepts derived from molecular
dynamics[28]. This approach is based on the time-temperature superposition principle (TTSP)
[77] and involves shifting the plots of property versus time determined at different temperatures
to the plot at a selected reference temperature until the property-time curves overlap. Such
construction is illustrated in Figure 2.3. Hence, by successive shifts, a master curve at the
reference temperature is obtained. Use is made of the WLF equation to perform a time-
temperature superposition:
C1 (T To )
Log(aT )
C 2 (T To ) (2.3)
where aT is the shift factor of an isotherm determined at temperature T, in relation to the isotherm
at the reference temperature To, and C1 and C2 are two adjustable coefficients which are dependent
upon the material. The WLF technique has the advantage that no particular measure of the
reaction rate has to be chosen nor any form assumed for the change of parameter with time, but it
can only be used if the curves at different temperatures have essentially the same form [46].
Although both Arrhenius [78-82] and WLF[83-86] forms have been used for lifetime prediction
of elastomeric material, results obtained from both may be compared to obtain more conservative
lifetime estimates[87].
An elastomer is a polymer that exhibits rubber elastic properties, i.e. a material that can be
stretched to several times its original length without breaking (very high deformability) and
which, upon release of the stress, immediately returns to its original length (complete
recoverability). A typical true stress-strain curve for vulcanized natural rubber is shown in Figure
2.4. In order for a material to exhibit rubber-like properties, three molecular requirements must be
2. weak secondary forces between the molecules i.e. the chains must have a high degree of
3. an interlocking of the molecules at a few places along their length to form a three-
dimensional network.
The first requirement is associated with the very high deformability. It arises from the fact that the
molecules in an elastomeric material must be able to alter their arrangements and extensions in
space dramatically in response to an imposed stress, and only a long-chain molecule possess very
large number of spatial arrangements of very different extensions. The second characteristic
required for rubberlike elasticity also relates to the high deformability. It specifies that the chains
be flexible and mobile enough that the different spatial arrangements of the chains are accessible.
That is, changes in these arrangements should not be hindered by such constraints as might result
from inherent rigidity of the chains, or by decreased mobility as would result from extensive
chain crystallization, or from the very high viscosity characteristic of the glassy state[88-90]. The
last characteristic cited is required to obtain the recoverability part of the definition. The network
of every 100, thereby preventing stretched polymer chains from irreversibly sliding by one
another. The structure obtained in this way is illustrated in Figure 2.5, in which the crosslinks may
be either chemical bonds or physical aggregates, like the small crystallites in a partially crystalline
The early molecular-based statistical mechanical theory was developed by Wall & Flory[91]
and Flory & Rehner[92], with the simple assumption that chain segments of the network deform
independently and on a microscopic scale in the same way as the whole sample (affine
deformation). The crosslinks are assumed to be fixed in space at positions exactly defined by the
specimen deformation ratio. This model is referred to as the „affine network model‟. The affine
network model assumes that the junction points (i.e. the crosslinks) have a specified fixed
position defined by the specimen deformation ratio (λ). The chains between the junction points
are, however, free to take any of the many possible conformations. The stress and strain relations
in a rubber are derived on the basis of the affine network model with the following
2. The free energy of the network is the sum of the free energies of the individual chains.
3. The positions of the crosslinks are changed precisely according to the macroscopic
The derivation of the stress-strain equation goes through some elementary steps. The Gaussian
distribution function for the end-to-end distance expresses the probability of finding the end of a
chain at a certain position (x,y,z) with respect to the other chain end found at (0,0,0), as shown in
Figure 2.6. This equation expresses, to phrase it differently, the number of conformations a chain
can take provided that the chain ends are in (0, 0, 0) and (x, y, z). It is then possible to calculate
the Helmholtz free energy (the free energy associated with constant volume) for a single chain
and by adding the contributions from all individual chains of the network, also for the network.
The stress-strain equation is finally obtained by taking the derivative of the Helmholtz free energy
with respect to length. The Gaussian function describing the distribution of the chain end
p( r ) dxdydz 3
exp( b 2 r 2 ) dxdydz (2.4)
where b 3 . The Helmholtz free energy, A (the free energy associated with constant
2nl 2
A U TS (2.5)
where U is the internal energy, T is the temperature, and S is the entropy of a single chain. For a
dA dU TdS (2.6)
From the first law of thermodynamics, the change in internal energy in any process is given by:
dU dQ dW (2.7)
where dQ and dW are respectively the heat absorbed by the system and the work done on it by
dA dQ dW TdS (2.8)
The second law defines the entropy change dS in a reversible process by the relation:
TdS dQ (2.9)
dW dA dU TdS (2.10)
which signifies that in a reversible isothermal process, the change in Helmholtz free energy is
equal to the work done on the system by the applied forces. According to the basic concept of the
kinetic theory, the deformation of a rubber (at constant temperature) is associated with a reduction
dW dA TdS (2.11)
For gases and solids, the work done on the system in a small displacement is written as:
dW pdV (2.12)
For problems related to the elasticity of solids, the work done by a tensile force, for example, on a
dW fdl (2.13)
When, in addition, a hydrostatic pressure (e.g. atmospheric pressure) is also present, the total
In the case of rubbers, the volume change is usually very small, so as a first approximation can be
f T (2.15)
the entropy will be proportional to the logarithm of the number of configurations available to the
system i.e. to the logarithm of the number of possible configurations corresponding to any
s k lnp(r )d (2.16)
where d is the infinitesimal small volume. Using equations 2.5 and 2.6 along with 2.16 yields,
s k ln( 3
) kb2 r 2 k ln d (2.17)
Since the volume element d is assumed constant, equation 2.18 can also be written as:
s c kb2 r 2 (2.18)
Where c k ln( 3
) k ln d and is of no physical significance when the difference of entropy
between any two states is of concern. Combining equations 2.16 and 2.19 yields:
f 2kTb2 r (2.19)
Thus, a molecule with its ends fixed at specified points is acted upon by a tensile force, f, in the
direction of the line joining its ends and proportional to the length of the line r, as shown in
Figure 2.7. Also, because of continuous fluctuations in a molecular chain, f is an average quantity.
In order to define stress-strain relationships for a rubber specimen, Let‟s take a unit cube
parallelepiped having three unequal edge lengths 1 , 2 , and 3 , as shown in Figure 2.8. These
extension ratios may be greater than unity, corresponding to a stretch, or less than unity,
corresponding to a compression, provided that the assumption for constancy of volume, namely,
12 3 1 (2.20)
is satisfied. For an individual chain, shown in Figure 2.9, having an end-to-end distance
represented by the vector ro , with components ( xo , y o , z o ), in the unstrained state of the network,
and let ( x, y , z ) be the components of the vector length r of the same chain after deformation.
x 1 xo , y 1 y o , z 1 z o (2.21)
The entropy of chain in the original state, as given by equation 2.19, will be
The contribution to the total entropy of deformation for the network due to this chain will be
The total entropy of deformation for all the N chains contained in unit volume of the network will
x o 2 is the sum of the squares of the x o components, in the unstrained state of the network, for the
assembly of N chains. Since the direction of chain vectors ro in the unstrained state are entirely
random, there will be no preference for the x, y, or z directions and hence we may write
xo 2 y o 2 z o 2 ro 2 (2.26)
But ro 2 N ro 2 where ro 2 is the mean-square length of the chains in the unstrained state and
equal to b 2 . Hence from equation 2.26,
S Nk( 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 ) (2.27)
The work of deformation or elastically stored free energy per unit volume (also referred to as
strain-energy function) can be obtained using equation 2.12 and is given by:
W TdS NkT( 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 ) (2.28)
W G( 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 ) (2.29)
It is of particular interest to observe that equation 2.30 involves only a single physical parameter
or elastic constant, G, which is related to the number of chains per unit volume, N, which is itself
determined by the degree of crosslinking. It follows that the elastic properties of a rubber are
independent of the chemical nature of the molecules of which it is composed. The elastic constant
G NkT (2.30)
where G is the shear modulus, N is elastically effective network strands per unit volume, k is the
Boltzmann‟s constant (k = 1.381 × 10-23 J/K), and T is absolute temperature. The derivation of
general stress-strain relations is based on the expression in equation 2.28 for the elastically stored
energy, and makes use of the condition for constancy of volume, equation 2.21. The principal
1 1 f 1 (2.31)
2 3
2 2 f 2 (2.32)
3 3 f 3 (2.33)
1 2
To determine the forces f 1 , f 2 and f 3 , equation 2.14 can be used. Since 1 , 2 and 3 are not
independent of each other and are connected by the constant volume relation, any two of these are
chosen as independent variables to determine the third one. If 1 and 2 are chosen as
3 (2.34)
1 2
Such a condition may be realized for the case where only two forces, f 1 and f 2 , are applied so
that f 3 0 . Therefore, the strain energy function in equation 2.29 can be written as:
1 1
W G( 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 ) (2.35)
2 1 2
dW 1
f1 G( 1 3 2 ) (2.36)
d1 1 2
1 1 f1 G( 1 2 3 2 ) (2.37)
2 2 f 2 G( 2 2 3 2 ) (2.38)
31 Several Common Stress Strain Relationship
For the case of simple extension, a cube of unit length is increased in the ratio in one direction
while the other two dimensions are correspondingly reduced. The strain state along with Mohr‟s
1 , 2 3 2
1 2
W G( 2 3 ) (2.40)
The only force is the tensile force in the direction of extension. If f is the force per unit cross-
dW 1
f G( 2 ) (2.41)
The quantity f is the nominal stress. Since the new cross sectional area is , the true stress σ is
given by:
f G( 2 ) (2.42)
The uniaxial compression strain state is obtained by the application of inwardly directed forces to
a pair of opposite surfaces of a cubical block, the lateral surfaces being free of stress. This strain
state is identical to simple extensions where λ is less than unity. The strain state along with
1 , 2 3 2
The corresponding strain energy, the force per unit unstrained area, f, (negative in this case for
compressive stresses) and the true stress relations are similar to the case of uniaxial tension (and
1 2
W G(2 3) (2.44)
dW 1
f G( 2 ) (2.45)
f G( 2 ) (2.46)
In this type of strain, the rubber is stretched by equal amounts in two directions at right angles.
The state of strain corresponds exactly with that produced by uniaxial compression, the only
difference being in the nature of applied stress. The strain state along with Mohr‟s diagram is
shown in Figure 2.12. If λ1 = λ 2 = λ is the stretch ratio in the plane of the sheet, then
3 (2.47)
Since the stress σ 3 normal to the plane of the sheet is zero, the stress σ 1 (or σ 2 ) can be written as:
1 2 G ( 2 ) (2.48)
Equation 2.49 represents the true stress in the sheet as a function of stretch ratio in the two-
dimensional extension. If d o is the original thickness of the sheet, then force, P, acting on a
section of unit length (in the strained state) cut at right angles to the plane of sheet can be
calculated as:
1 1 1
P 1 3 d o G ( 2 ) d o Gd o (1 - ) (2.49)
For thin sheet, force P per unit length may be thought of as a surface tension. For extensions
Simple shear is a type of strain which may be represented by the sliding of planes which are
parallel to a given plane through a distance proportional to their distance from the given plane. It
is a constant volume deformation, whether the material is incompressible or not. The lateral faces
of a cube are transformed by simple shear into parallelograms, and the amount of shear is
measured by the tangent of angle υ through which a vertical edge is tilted. There is no strain in
the plane normal to the plane of shear; the extension ratio corresponding to this direction is
therefore unity. Since the volume is constant, the three principal extension ratios may therefore be
expressed as,
1 , 3 1 , 2 (2.50)
The strain state along with Mohr‟s diagram is shown in Figure 2.13. The amount of the shear γ
may be related either to the angle υ or to the principal extensions ratio[93] thus
tan (2.51)
1 1 1
W G(2 2 - 2) G 2 (2.52)
2 2
xy G (2.53)
which means that the shearing stress is proportional to the shear strain and therefore Hooke‟s law
is obeyed in simple shear, and the quantity G corresponds to the modulus of rigidity in classical
elasticity. The statistical theory thus leads to the interesting result that a rubber should obey
For some purposes, a less familiar type of deformation known as pure shear is more convenient
than simple shear. In general, a pure strain is one which involves extensions in three
perpendicular directions, without rotation of the principal axes of strain, the most general
homogeneous strain involves both extension and rotations. In pure shear, the extensions ratios are
represented as before for simple shear but the axes of strain do not rotate. A simple shear is thus
equivalent to a pure shear together with a rotation. The state corresponding to pure shear, in the
case of an incompressible material, may be maintained by principal stresses σ 1 and σ 2 only, with
1 , 2 1 , 3 (2.54)
The strain state along with Mohr‟s diagram is shown in Figure 2.14. True stress values can be
written as:
1 G ( 2 ) (2.55)
2 G(1 - ) (2.56)
areas is enormous. The modeling and design of hyperelastic materials consists of the selection of
an appropriate strain energy function W, and accurate determination of material constants for such
elasticity theory is to derive a reasonable and applicable elastic law, which is the key to the
motivated[98, 99] material models have been developed to describe the stress–strain relation for
hyperelastic materials. This section describes several of the most commonly used hyperelastic
materials models.
forces, without losing its original properties. A hyperelastic material has nonlinear behavior,
which means that its deformation is not directly proportional to the load applied. In the finite
element analysis of elastomers, material models are characterized by different forms of their strain
energy (density) functions. Implicit in the use of these functions (usually denoted by W) is the
assumption that the material is isotropic and elastic. The derivative of W with respect to strain, ε,
yields the stress. The commonly available strain energy functions have been represented either in
terms of the strain invariants which are functions of the stretch ratios or directly in terms of the
stretch ratios themselves. The three strain invariants, I1, I2 and I3 can be expressed as:
I1 1 2 3
2 2 2
I 2 1 2 2 3 3 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
I 3 1 2 3
2 2 2
The symbols λ1, λ2 and λ3 represent the principal stretch ratios given by the ratio of stretched to
the unstretched length of the material. In the case of a perfectly incompressible material, the strain
invariant I 3 = λ1 2 λ2 2 λ3 2 = 1 . In this case, the strain energy potential is a function of I1 and I 2 , i.e.
The earliest phenomenological theory of nonlinear elasticity was proposed by Mooney and
Rivlin[94, 95] where strain energy function W is an infinite series in powers of (I 1 −3) and (I 2
W(I 1 , I 2 ) = C
i, j= 0
ij (I1 - 3) i (I 2 - 3) j (2.60)
where Cij are constants. For example, the Mooney-Rivlin form with two parameters is:
Although Mooney-Rivlin model shows good agreement with tensile test data up to 100% strains,
it has been found inadequate in describing the compression mode of deformation[100]. Moreover,
the Mooney-Rivlin model fails to account for the stiffening of the material at large strains[100,
101]. Tschoegl [102] underscored the fact that the retention of higher order terms in the
generalized Mooney-Rivlin polynomial function of strain energy led to a better agreement with
This simplest model of rubber elasticity is obtained by taking only the first term of equation 2.62
W = C10( I1 - 3 ) (2.62)
This model exhibits a constant shear modulus, and gives good correlation with the experimental
data up to 40% strain in uniaxial tension and up to 90% strains in simple shear[100].
Ogden [96] deduced a hyperelastic constitutive model for large deformations of incompressible
rubber-like solids. The strain energy is expressed as a function of principal stretches as:
n →∞
W(1 , 2 , 3 ) = ∑ (1 r 2 r 3 r 3 ) (2.63)
r =0 r
with μ r and α r as material constants, which can be determined by experimental tests. The Neo-
Hookean[88] and Mooney-Rivlin[94, 95] material models are special cases of the Ogden model.
The model gives good correlation with test data in simple tension up to 700%[100]. The model
accommodates non-constant shear modulus and slightly compressible material behavior. Also, for
α < 2 or > 2, the material softens or stiffens respectively with increasing strain.
The Yeoh [103] model depends only on the first strain invariant I 1. The strain energy function W
is obtained by:
W(I1 ) = ∑C i0 (I1 - 3) i (2.64)
n =1
This model is more versatile than the others since it has been demonstrated to fit various modes of
deformation using the data obtained from a uniaxial tension test only. This leads to reduced
requirements on material testing. However, caution needs to be exercised when applying this
This model is based on physical quantities such as the maximum stretching of a polymer chain
and the global interaction between the network chains. The energy function of the Van der Waals
2 I 3 32 1 J el 2 1
W (m 2 3) (ln (1 ) ) a ( ) ( ln J el ) (2.65)
3 2 D 2
I 3
where I (1 ) I1 I 2 and with β representing the linear mixture parameter, λ
m 2 3
The Mooney and neo-Hookean strain energy function have played an important role in the
development of the nonlinear hyperelastic theory and its applications [107, 108]. It has been
shown by Bogert [109] that the Mooney model performs well for moderately large deformation in
uniaxial elongation and shear deformation. But, it cannot describe the typical S-curvature of the
force–stretch relation in the uniaxial elongation experiment. Rivlin[110, 111] modified the
Mooney model to obtain a general expression of the strain energy function expressed in terms of
strain invariants. An alternative high-order polynomial model of the first invariant has been
proposed by Gent [112] and has the form of a natural logarithm. Besides these purely
phenomenological models, micro-mechanics based idealized network models have also been
proposed. The first explicit expression for the configurational entropy of a single chain was given
by Kuhn and Grun [113]. James and Guth [114] proposed a model based on the assumption that
the possible configurations of links in a chain are described by using a Gaussian distribution. This
network model is frequently referred to as the three-Gaussian-chain model, which is available for
small strains. For the large strain range, James and Guth [115] and Wang and Guth [116]
proposed a non-Gaussian network model consisting of three independent sets of chains (each set
contains n/3 chains per unit volume), a so-called three-chain model. Treloar [117] and Flory and
Rehner [92] simplified the complex polymer network by a four-chain model, in which four non-
Gaussian chains are connected to the corners of a tetrahedron. Later on, Arruda and Boyce [118]
developed an eight-chain model and Wu and van der Giessen [119] proposed the so-called full-
network model.
The Mooney-Rivlin, Ogden, Neo-Hookean, Yeoh, and Van der Waals models were evaluated
for best fit analysis with the experimental data from uniaxial tension tests. Attention was later
restricted to the Ogden/Neo-Hookean model for computational analysis of the static behavior of
2.4 Conclusion
Elastomeric materials are used in a number of applications where properties of interest are
characterized and used for lifetime prediction of a component. Depending on the end application
of a product, failure modes for a component must carefully be defined and studied in detail so
that material durability can be estimated. In order to make reliability and durability predictions,
test methods in relevant environmental conditions for material aging can be selected to address
failure modes. Means to accelerate the degradation process can be employed so that data are
generated during the research and development cycle and are extrapolated to predict component
Based on the reviews on various test methods and procedures for characterizing the
elastomeric materials and failure modes that are most relevant to address seal failure in a fuel
cell, tests such as uniaxial tension, trouser tear, and compression stress relaxation were
performed. Accelerated characterization based on thermal and mechanical means were used.
Based on the fundamentals of hyperelasticity theory, several material models were explored to
understand and define seal behavior under compression. With the help of finite element analysis,
the distribution of stress strain and other relevant parameters for the seal were presented.
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Figure 2.1 Evaluation of U and X from instantaneous and stress relaxation curve.
120 oC
t1 t2 t3
Log (t)
1/T Service
Figure 2.2 Illustration of Arrhenius approach. (a) Change in property with time at three
temperatures, (b) Arrhenius plot.
Time Time
True Stress
True Strain
Figure 2.4 Typical true stress-true strain response of an elastomer under uniaxial tension, shear
and biaxial extension [88].
Figure 2.5 Sketch of part of a typical elastomeric network. The crosslinks are indicated by filled
P(x, y, z)
Figure 2.6 The statistically kinked chain. Specification of probability that the end should fall in
the volume element dτ (=dx dy dz) [88].
f f
Figure 2.7 The tension on a chain whose ends are fixed in position is proportional to the distance
r [88].
σ1 λ1 σ1
λ3 λ2
(a) (b)
Figure 2.8 Pure homogenous strain: (a) the unstrained state; (b) the strained state.
Figure 2.9 Illustration of an individual chain having an end-to-end distance represented by the
vector ro in the unstrained state of the network. The vector r represents the end-to-end distance
after deformation [88].
σ1 λ1=λ σ1
1 λ3 = λ λ2 = λ-1/2
(a) (b)
σ1 ε1
σ 1 0 ε
(c) (d)
Figure 2.10 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a) unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to uniaxial tension, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) ) Mohr‟s diagram for strain.
σ1 σ1
1 λ3 = λ
λ2 = λ-1/2
(a) (b)
- σ1 2 ε
σ - ε1 0
(c) (d)
Figure 2.11 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a)unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to uniaxial compression, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) ) Mohr‟s diagram for
σ1 λ1=λ σ1
1 λ3 = λ-2 λ2=λ
(a) (b)
σ1 ε1
σ 0 ε
0 -2ε1
(c) (d)
Figure 2.12 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a)unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to equi-biaxial extension, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) ) Mohr‟s diagram for
λ3 = λ-1
λ2 = 1
(a) (b)
0 0
(c) (d)
Figure 2.13 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a)unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to simple shear, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) ) Mohr‟s diagram for strain.
σ1 λ1=λ σ1
1 λ3 = λ-1 λ2 = 1
(a) (b)
1 σ1 ε1
σ ε
0 2 - ε1 0
(c) (d)
Figure 2.14 Hyperelastic material diagram for (a) unit cube in unstrained state, (b) unit cube
subjected to pure shear, (c) Mohr‟s diagram for stress, and (d) Mohr‟s diagram for strain.
3 Uniaxial Tension Test
3.1 Introduction
Accurate predictions of component properties require both suitable material models and
accurate material property data. Accurate modeling and analysis of elastomers in finite element
analysis often require the use of hyperelastic material models. These models require that
specimens of the subject material be stretched and stress-strain data collected. The uniaxial
tension test is one of the most widely performed tests to determine the mechanical properties of
an elastomer, including Young‟s modulus, tensile strength, and elongation to break in accordance
with ASTM D412[1], which involves dumbbells, parallel-sided strips, or rings as test pieces.
Elastomers often exhibit large strains and usually have nonlinear stress-strain characteristics.
There have been numerous attempts to characterize the large-strain tensile behavior of elastomers,
the most successful of which have used some type of video system to capture images of the
specimen at various stages of extension [2-7]. The laser scanning extensometer used in this study
(Fiedler Optoelektronik, GmbH) enables non-contact measurement of strain within the specimen
during uniaxial tensile testing with a spatial resolution of about 0.25 microns. It utilizes a laser
beam to measure the spacing between reflective tape strips (markers) placed on the specimen to
be tested. The reference length between the markers on the unstrained specimen is recorded
automatically at the beginning of the experiment. Strain introduced in the specimen by the tensile
load changes the distance between the markers, which is continuously recorded throughout the
Tensile properties of elastomers are typically reported based on the initial dimensions of the
test piece due to the difficulty associated with calculation of actual dimensions of the deformed
specimen during testing. For this reason, engineering stress or engineering strain is reported in
The modulus (E) of a material is typically defined as the ratio of tensile stress to tensile strain
in a quasi-static test. Due to the non-linear nature of a typical stress-strain curve for rubber,
modulus is typically reported at a given strain, commonly at 100% strain[8]. An estimate for
Young‟s modulus is typically obtained from the slope of the stress-strain curve in the very early
Tensile Strength:
Tensile strength is defined as the amount of force required per unit original cross-sectional
area to cause failure after elongation. Tensile strength is an important property because it relates
Elastic Deformation
Elongation is the length of stretched material relative to its original dimensions. A property of
interest for elastomers is the maximum elongation at failure. Elastomers inherently have good
elongation properties, but they can vary significantly in the presence of an aggressive
environment. Elongation per unit length, also referred to as engineering strain, is expressed in
L Lo
Strain , (3.1)
where L is the final length after extension and Lo is the original length.
Tensile Set
Tensile set is defined as the tensile elongation remaining after a specimen has been stretched
and allowed to relax. A standard test piece of known length is stretched by a stated percentage
for a period of time and is then released. After recovery the length is measured and the change in
length (i.e. unrecovered length) is expressed as a percentage of the original length as:
L f Lo
Set (%) 100 (3.2)
Corrosive environments and temperature during fuel cell operation may possibly result in the
degradation of the seal material properties (tensile strength, 100% modulus etc.). At operating
conditions, the degradation process may be slow to show any significant change in material
properties within the experimental time frame. Therefore, an accelerated degradation approach is
accepted accelerating parameter but may not exceed a certain level in the presence of liquid
environments. Increasing the concentration of liquid solution is another approach, but because of
the issues associated with handling highly concentrated acidic and/or basic solutions, using higher
stress or strain levels seems more appropriate and suitable. Besides accelerating the degradation
process of the seal material, this test will also help arrange a combination of temperature and
liquid solutions in increasing order of their aggressiveness to the seal material. Based on the
information obtained from accelerated testing, future mechanical/viscoelastic tests can be focused
3.1.1 Experimental
For accelerated testing, dogbone samples were cut from a 200mm×200mm×0.5mm thick
silicone LO305 seal material slab using ASTM D412 Die C and a clicker press (Qualitest Inc.,
Buffalo New York). Thin samples were chosen to enable faster diffusion of environment into the
material. Holes were then punched in the grip regions of the samples using a custom designed
steel rule die to help loading in the custom fixture. Thin dogbone samples tend to deform
excessively at the holes in the grip region, so all samples were reinforced with a plastic tape
bonded to the samples. Figure 3.1 shows the dimensions of the reinforced dogbone sample.
stainless steel tube of rectangular cross section. Type 316 stainless steel was used because of its
ability to withstand highly corrosive environments. The tube was cut to the desired length and
holes were drilled on four sides of the tube wall. Stainless steel pins were then inserted in all the
holes for loading samples. To achieve desired strain in the gage region of the sample loaded in the
custom fixture, the location of the drilled holes was calculated using finite element analysis
Successful modeling and design of elastomeric components using FEA depends on the
constants in the function. Elastomeric materials are usually modeled in FEA using hyperelastic
material models, which are based on the assumption of complete incompressibility. In order to
characterize the material response and to satisfy the input requirements of the hyperelastic
material models that exist in ABAQUS® (SIMULIA Incorporated, Forest Hill, MD), stress-strain
data obtained from multiple loading states such as uniaxial tension, pure shear, uniaxial
compression, etc. are usually desired. For the purpose of this study, data from uniaxial tension
and pure shear test were provided as material input into ABAQUS. Various hyperelastic material
models, given in Table 3.1, were then evaluated in ABAQUS by fitting the material models with
the experimental data from a uniaxial tension test. A least-square fitting procedure was used to
determine the coefficients of the selected model. An improper fit between the model and test data
indicates an unsuitable material model. Figure 3.2 shows the plot of experimental data and
predicted uniaxial behavior and Figure 3.3 provides information on stability of material models
and constants generated from the ABQUS evaluation. It was observed that a two-parameter
Ogden model and neo-Hookean model correlates very closely with the uniaxial test data. The
two-parameter Ogden model was used in this study to further analyze the seals discussed later in
this dissertation and also to calculate properties such as initial modulus. After the selection of a
desired material model for further analysis, the dogbone sample was modeled in ABAQUS under
uniaxial tension loading configuration, as shown in Figure 3.4, and the value of strain in the gage
region was recorded. The sample was meshed with four-node reduced-integration axisymmetric
quadrilateral elements, CAX4R, with hybrid formulation. Pin separation distance with
corresponding strain in the gage region is also provided in Figure 3.4. Holes were then drilled on
four sides of stainless steel tube and stainless steel pins were inserted to make the fixture ready
for loading the samples. Figure 3.5 shows the dogbone samples strained to different levels using
the custom fixture and submerged in various liquid solutions at a desired temperature. These
strained dogbone samples were monitored regularly and any observations related to the
failure/visual degradation of these samples was recorded. After the desired aging time was
reached, all samples were taken out of the containers and tested according to the procedure given
Experimental validation of the ABAQUS simulation for calculating strain in the gage region
was also conducted. For that purpose, two white electrical tape strips were placed on the both
sides of the samples prior to loading in the screening fixture. Initial and final lengths between two
white markers were recorded for each sample, as shown in Figure 3.6, for calculation of
engineering strain, according to Equation 3.1. Experimental strains obtained were compared to
results from FEA simulation and good correlation between ABAQUS and experimental data was
For aging in a desired environment, silicone dogbone samples were loaded in the fixture and
placed in a glass container. For the case of aging in air, the glass containers with fixtures and
strained samples were placed in gravity convection ovens at 120°C and 90°C.For the case of
aging in liquid solutions, glass containers were filled with the desired liquid solution, viz.
deionized (DI) water, 50v/50v ethylene glycol/water, and 0.1M sulfuric acid solutions, as
illustrated in Figure 3.5, and placed in an oven at 90°C. To prevent any unwanted evaporation of
the liquid from the glass containers during aging, they were sealed with an O-ring and glass lid
clamped with the help of binder clips. Samples were aged for two months prior to testing.
After the desired aging time, samples were taken out of the ovens and cooled to RT. Uniaxial
tension tests were then conducted, according to the procedure outlined in ASTM standard
D412[9], using an Instron (Norwood, MA) MicroTester 5848 series test frame outfitted with a
2kN strain-gage-based load cell and operated under displacement control mode at 500mm/min.
Specimens were gripped in the tensile testing machine using pneumatic compression grips. As
load was applied to the specimen, the elongation of the material was measured by a laser
extensometer. Figure 3.7 shows a picture of the laser scanning extensometer and a dogbone
specimen mounted in position for testing. Load–extension curves were recorded for all specimens
by a host computer through a data acquisition (DAQ) card (PCI-6229, National Instruments Inc.).
Figure 3.8 to Figure 3.13 show the results obtained from this part of the study. Typical stress-
strain behavior with other relevant data obtained from testing as-received samples are shown in
Figure 3.8. Properties such as tensile strength, strain to failure, 100% modulus, and initial
modulus are typically reported in the literature and data obtained from as-received material can
be used as a reference point when comparing results with aged samples. Such a comparison may
provide insight into the effect of aging (combination of environment and stress) on material
behavior and may also be useful to identify more aggressive environments for further long term
testing such as compression stress relaxation etc. For example, on comparing tensile strength
Figure 3.9, and if the effect of environment alone is compared (i.e. 0% strain in various
environments) tensile strength certainly reduces but not significantly. However, if the effect of
strength depends on the environment. As an example, increasing the strain from 0% to 120% in
air, DI water, and sulfuric acid solution, results in tensile strength reductions of 43%, 50%, and
58%, respectively, whereas increasing the strain from 0% to 120% in an ethylene glycol solution
reduces the tensile strength by 35%. Also interesting to note in Figure 3.10 is the reduction in
strain to failure and as evident from the graph, strain to failure reduces by approximately 47%
due to aging, but the effect is not distinguishable among different environments and strain levels.
Figure 3.11 shows the change in 100% modulus of the material as compared to as-received
behavior and an increase in modulus was evident for almost all aging conditions except at 120%
strain in air and DI water at 90°C where the value is decreasing. The increase in modulus is
highest for 120°C air and 90°C DI water at 0% strain and lowest for air and sulfuric acid solution
at 90°C at 120% strain. If the modulus change in air is compared at 120°C and 90°C, it is
interesting to note that the modulus increase is higher at 120°C than at 90°C for all strain levels
except 120% strain at 90°C in air, where a decrease in modulus value is observed.
It is evident from the results and discussion on the effect of aging on mechanical properties
that aging certainly affects material properties leading to degradation of the material with time. It
appears that the extent of material degradation not only depends on environment but also on the
level of stress or strain in the material and may even be accelerated by it (as evident for 120%
strain where tensile strength and strain to break significantly reduced). Stress is known to
increase the rate of diffusion of environment solution components into the material[10] affecting
The crosslink density of an elastomer can be determined from swelling measurements, using
measurement. Numerous studies[12-18] have been conducted where both these methods of
crosslink density calculation have been compared and results depend significantly on the
material investigated, cure state, filler content, type etc. The discrepancy in the results obtained
from two methods may also be attributed in part to network defects, such as loops and
entanglements, which behave as crosslinks but play a minor role in the stress-strain behavior of
the elastomers[12, 18]. On the other hand, the swelling behavior of networks is more sensitive to
network irregularities[16], the presence of elastically ineffective chain ends, and presence of
flaws in the materials. The calculation of crosslink density of the seal material used in this study
was conducted based on the statistical theory of rubber elasticity[19], where the initial modulus,
E = 3ν R T (3.3)
where E is obtained from the slope of initial region of a stress-strain plot, ν is the crosslink
density, R is universal gas constant (R = 8.314 J/K.mol) and T is absolute temperature. The
calculation of crosslink density based on equation 1.3 is based on the assumption that surface
degradation or other defects play no role in reducing the modulus of the material. Although the
value of crosslink density calculated using equation 3.3 may not be accurate, it may help us
provide insight into the material behavior by studying the trends in change of crosslink density
with aging. The value of initial modulus, E, at a given temperature can be determined from
uniaxial tension test data for aged and as-received samples, and the value of crosslink density can
therefore be calculated by using Equation 3.3. To determine the elastic modulus, coefficients
obtained above from one of the hyperelastic material models can be used. Both two-parameter
Ogden and neo-Hookean models correlate very well with experimental data. Any of these
models can be used for further data analysis. For this part of the study, elastic modulus, E was
E = 6 C10 (3.4)
where the value of constant C10 was generated using stress-strain data in ABAQUS. Since three
samples were tested for each aging conditions, an average value of E was used to determine the
average value of crosslink density. Figure 3.12 shows the change in crosslink density of the
material in various aging conditions. It is interesting to note that crosslink density increases in
aging conditions where samples were not strained i.e. 0% strain samples in all environments show
an increase in crosslink density compared to as-received material, with the highest increase in DI
water followed by sulfuric acid solution. However, in a given environmental condition, for
example, air at 120°C, the crosslink density decreases monotonically as the stain level increases
and a similar trend is also evident in all other environments. Crosslink density is defined as the
number of elastically effective network chains per unit volume and may change as the material
ages. In most applications, materials age in the presence of a degrading environment as well as
stresses, and observation described above may help explain how stress alone contributes to
an environment, molecular chains have a lot of mobility and freedom to move around in the
network and have a higher probability of finding new sites for crosslink formation though the
degree of crosslink may depend on environment, as evident in Figure 3.12 where unstrained seal
material has different crosslink density in different environments after aging. Since the molecular
chains are not stressed, the process of chain scission is perhaps very slow compared to
crosslinking. Therefore, net result of crosslink formation and chain scission is increase in
crosslink density. On the other hand, if these molecular chains are strained, molecular chains are
extended and have less mobility and therefore the probability of finding new sites for crosslink
formation decreases. At the same time, chain scission is also taking place and the net rate of these
two competing processes will decide change in crosslink density, which again depends on the
aging environment. As evident from the samples strained by 25%, crosslink formation is the
dominant process, leading to an increase in crosslink density compared to the neat material. As
the strain increases, chain scissioning dominates, leading to a decrease in crosslink density. This
observation is evident in all environments, where increasing strain leads to decreasing crosslink
density and therefore degradation of material properties such as tensile strength, shown in
Figure 3.9, and 100% modulus in Figure 3.11. From this observation, it may be concluded that the
crosslink density, and therefore the mechanical properties of a material, are influenced not only by
environment but also the level of stress or strain the material is subjected to during service.
After the desired aging times, samples were removed from conditioning media and cooled to
RT. Sample lengths were measured and compared with as-received sample lengths for calculating
the tensile set using equation 3.2. Figure 3.13 shows the tensile set data in various environments,
1. In a given environment, set is higher at higher temperature. For example, set at 120°C is
2. In a given environment, set is higher at higher strain levels, i.e. 120% strained samples
have higher set values than samples strained by 25%, 50%, or 80%.
3. Tensile set is highest and approximately the same at 120% strain in all liquid solutions.
3.1.3 Conclusions
Dogbone samples were punched out of PEM fuel cell grade silicone and aged in environments
under stress by using a custom built fixture. Finite element analysis was carried out to design a
fixture that enabled stretching the specimens to different strain levels on loading. Samples
mounted in the fixture were then aged for two months in various environments to study the
properties such as tensile strength, strain to break, 100% modulus, crosslink density, and tensile
set all degrade due to aging and the extent of change (increase or decrease) depends significantly
on the strain level on the specimen. A drop in tensile strength and strain to break and an increase
in 100% modulus were observed. Change in the material properties was explained by means of
change in crosslink density of the material due to aging which in itself was largely affected by the
imposed strain state of the material. Tensile set was observed in the material in all aging
conditions and found to be higher in liquid solutions than air for a corresponding value of strain.
Also, in given environment, higher the imposed strain higher is the tensile set. Also, observations
on changes in material properties lead to the conclusion that at 120% strain, sulfuric acid is the
most detrimental to silicone seal material. However, depending on the end application of the seal
material, attention may be restricted to one or two important properties in an environment most
relevant to application. For example, O-rings are typically used for sealing applications and
permanent set is an important parameter in evaluating seal material candidates during screening.
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Addition of Styrene Butadiene Rubber in Natural Rubber and Dichlorocarbene Modifies
Styrene Butadiene Rubber Blends," Journal of Materials Science, 37, 109-116, 2002.
18. J.P. Baker, L.H. Hong, H.W. Blanch, and J.M. Prausnitz, "Effect of Initial Total
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19. L.R.G. Treloar, The Physics of Rubber Elasticity. 2 ed. 1975, Glasgow: Oxford
University Press.
Punched holes to aid mounting
specimen in the fixture
in gT
R ein 6
in gT
o rc
Figure 3.1 Illustration of dogbone specimen used for tensile testing, shown with nominal
dimensions. Holes drilled in the grip region are reinforced with PSA tape to avoid deformation
around holes. All dimensions shown are in mm.
Table 3.1 Hyperelastic material models used in finite element analysis for material evaluation.
Mooney Rivlin 2
Ogden (Order N = 1) 2
neo-Hookean 2
Yeoh 3
True Stress
True Strain
Figure 3.2 Plot of experimental data and predicted uniaxial behavior using various material
Figure 3.3 Hyperelastic material model evaluation results from ABAQUS for silicone seal
Simulated tape
reinforced region for
displacement BC
d final dinitial
dinitial dfinal
Simulated tape
reinforced region for
fixed boundary
116.08 20 22.14
130.58 40 49.18
148.58 60 82.21
173.58 80 122.55
Figure 3.4 Illustration of dogbone samples under uniaxial tension loading configuration in
80% &
Aging time:
8 weeks
RT to 120 °C
DI Water
DI + H2SO4
DI + Ethylene
Figure 3.5 Illustration of screening tests performed on dogbone samples strained to different
levels in various environments at different temperatures to evaluate their aggressiveness to the
seal material.
Initial Length
Final Length
Figure 3.6 Illustration of procedure for measuring experimental strain in a dogbone sample
stretched in the custom fixture.
Table 3.2 Experimental validation of ABAQUS simulation results.
ABAQUS Experimental
with white
Figure 3.7 Uniaxial tension test set up showing the laser extensometer, Instron load frame and
dogbone specimen in the pneumatic grips. White benchmarks on the specimen for the
measurement of strain are also shown in the picture.
Engineering Stress (MPa)
Stress (MPa)
Sample 1
Sample 2
Sample 3
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Mean ± SD 10.8 ±0.6 503 ±11 1.65 ±0.1 3.6 ±0.1 482 ±5
Figure 3.8 Typical stress strain plot and test results obtained from the uniaxial tension test
performed on a silicone elastomer at 500 mm/min at room temperature.
90oC 0.1M
12 90 C Air Sulfuric Acid
90oC 50/50
o Sol.
90 C DI Ethylene
120oC Air Water Glycol Sol.
Tensile Strength (MPa)
As Received
2 120%
Figure 3.9 Effect of 8 weeks aging on tensile strength of silicone seal material. 50/50 ethylene
glycol sol. represents 50v/50v ethylene glycol/DI water solution. Each data point represents an
average of 3 samples and error bars indicate ± one standard deviation.
400 Water
120oC Air
As Received
Figure 3.10 Effect of 8 weeks aging on strain to failure of silicone seal material. 50/50 ethylene
glycol sol. represents 50v/50v ethylene glycol/DI water solution. Each data point represents an
average of 3 samples and error bars indicate ± one standard deviation.
4 90oC DI
120oC Air Water
90oC 0.1M
90 C 50/50 Sulfuric
3.5 Ethylene Acid Sol.
Glycol Sol.
3 90oC Air
100% Modulus (MPa)
As Received
Figure 3.11 Effect of 8 weeks aging on modulus at 100% strain for silicone seal material. 50/50
ethylene glycol sol. represents 50v/50v ethylene glycol/DI water solution.Each data point
represents an average of 3 samples and error bars indicate ± one standard deviation.
800 90oC DI
Water 90oC 0.1M
90 C 50/50 Sulfuric
700 120oC Air Ethylene Acid Sol.
Glycol Sol.
90oC Air
Crosslink Density (mol/m3)
As Received
Figure 3.12 Effect of 8 weeks aging on crosslink density of silicone seal material. 50/50 ethylene
glycol sol. represents 50v/50v ethylene glycol/DI water solution.Each data point represents an
average of 3 samples and error bars indicate ± one standard deviation.
90oC 50/50 90oC 0.1M
o Ethylene Sulfuric
90 C DI
120 Water Glycol Sol. Acid Sol.
Tensile Set (%)
60 90oC Air
As Received
Figure 3.13 Tensile set in the silicone seal material as a result of 8 weeks aging. 50/50 ethylene
glycol sol. represents 50v/50v ethylene glycol/DI water solution.
4 Trouser Tear Test
4.1 Abstract
Trouser tear tests were conducted on reinforced specimens in air and deionized water (DI) water
to evaluate the tear resistance of an elastomeric seal material intended for proton exchange
membrane fuel cells. Rectangular samples were cut from reinforced seal material slabs and split
centrally along its length so that two legs were formed. The legs of the specimen were pulled in
opposite directions, out-of-plane to the test piece, by using an Instron load frame. Moving the
grips at a desired separation rate propagated the crack along the length of the specimen. Tear
force was recorded against crosshead displacement and the critical strain energy release rate
(SERR), Gcr, was calculated and plotted against crack growth rate, . More tests were
conducted at increasing crosshead rates and several temperatures to gain an understanding of the
effect of environmental conditions on crack growth characteristics during tearing. Data obtained
at different temperatures were then used to generate a fracture energy master curve which was
used with strain energy release rate predictions for a given crack to obtain a preliminary estimate
of seal lifetime.
4.2 Introduction
Resistance to tearing is one of more important mechanical properties of flexible materials such as
elastomers, films, etc. The trouser tear test has been widely used to characterize the fracture
properties of elastomeric materials, papers, films etc. The Griffith criterion for crack growth in
brittle material materials was extended by Rivlin and Thomas[1] to study crack growth
phenomena in vulcanized rubber and established a criterion for steady-state tearing based on a
characteristic fracture energy, a material property independent of the type and geometry of test
piece. The energy necessary for crack growth is supplied either from the strain energy in the
deformed rubber, or the applied forces, or both. When the loaded boundaries do not move, the
available tearing energy, G, is the rate of decrease of the elastically stored energy in the cracked
body per unit virtual increment of crack area. A number of test pieces were used by Rivlin and
Thomas[1] to calculate G for elastic materials undergoing large deformations, from which they
were able to determine a critical value of the tearing energy, Gcr, which is characteristic of the
elastomer, analogous to the Griffith characteristic energy. When the tearing energy exceeds the
critical value, Gcr,. crack growth will occur. Many investigators [2-4] have demonstrated that Gcr
is independent of the geometry and dimensions of the test piece and can be considered to be a
material property. For component design, the available energy release rate, G, is calculated for a
hypothetical crack and is compared with Gcr to determine if a crack will propagate. Greensmith
and Thomas[3] developed a method to evaluate the tear resistance of a rubber vulcanizate,
involving the determination of energy required for tearing and its dependence on the rate of
propagation. Sawyers and Rivlin[5] studied the development of tear force for both linear elastic
Experimental determination of critical tearing energy may become tedious when unstable or
stick–slip tearing occurs which has been reported in the literature for a variety of elastomers [6-
8]. In stick-slip crack propagation, the crack does not propagate at a steady rate but arrests and
re-initiates at somewhat regular intervals. The force necessary to drive unstable tearing varies
widely from a maximum at crack initiation to a minimum at crack arrest. In some cases, the
crack deviates sideways from a linear path, resulting in breakage of a specimen leg[9, 10]. In
order to suppress unstable crack growth, control the crack-path deviation phenomenon, and
minimize the effect of large nonlinear deformation of legs, specimen legs are sometimes
reinforced by a fabric cloth either embedded in the mid plane or bonded to the tension side of the
specimen legs[7, 11, 12]. Such reinforced samples, with fabric cloth embedded in specimen legs
For a test piece held under constant displacement conditions such that the forces do not dowork,
the energy release rate, G, available for the propagation of a crack is defined as [13]:
G - (4.1)
where G is the tearing energy (or strain energy release rate), u the elastic energy stored in
specimen, and A the area of one face of the crack. The available energy release rate can be
considered as the driving force for crack propagation. Experimental results indicate that the value
Determination of tearing energy according to equation 4.1 requires measuring the force-
deflection relation in specimens with different crack lengths, calculating the energy stored, and
differentiating with respect to crack length. Determination of tearing energy in terms of applied
forces or deformations for an arbitrarily shaped specimen is difficult because of the nonlinear
behavior and large deformations of rubber. However, the trouser tear specimen geometry
simplifies the calculation of the strain energy release rate (SERR), G, and has become the method
The specimen is a thin rectangular piece cut centrally along its length so that two legs are
formed (Figure 4.1). The legs are pulled in opposite directions out of the plane of the test piece
by equal and opposite forces. The expression for SERR, G, is given as[1]:
2P u o Ao
G (4.2)
where the extension ratio in the legs (ratio of length of deformed to undeformed leg), P is the
force on the legs of the specimen, uo is the strain energy density in the legs of the specimen , Ao
is the cross-sectional area of one of the specimen legs, and h the specimen thickness. When the
specimen legs can be considered inextensible compared with the tearing (i.e. uo≈0 & ≈1 ),
G= (4.3)
The rate of crack propagation, , when the specimen legs are inextensible ( 1 ) is half the
crosshead speed of the testing machine. The average value of the force along the torn path during
crack propagation is measured and used with equation 4.3 to determine the critical SERR, Gcr.
4.3 Experimental
The seal material used in this study is a hydrocarbon elastomer provided by Henkel Corporation
(Rocky Hill, CT). More information on the material can be found in [14]. The
200mm×200mm×2mm thick slabs, with fiber cloth strips embedded at the midplane of the sheet
during molding as shown in Figure 4.1, were prepared at Freudenberg-NOK (Plymouth, MI).
Rectangular pieces with a length of 200 mm and width of 25 mm were cut from 2mm thick
reinforced slabs. Fiber cloth strips (≈ 10 mm in width) embedded in specimen legs left a non-
reinforced test area 5 mm wide along the center of the strip, as illustrated in Figure 4.1. A notch
about 40 mm in length was cut with a razor blade at one end of the test sample.
4.3.2 Test Procedure
The procedure described in ASTM standard D412 [15] was followed for all the tests conducted
in this study. The legs of the trouser specimen were gripped using binder clips in an Instron
(Norwood, MA) 5848 series test frame outfitted with a ±100N strain-gage-based load cell.
Testing at temperatures higher than 90°C precluded the use of available pneumatic grips and,
since the forces during testing are low, binder clips were able to provide slip-free gripping of the
specimen legs. Separating the grips at a desired rate propagated the crack along the length of the
reinforced tear specimen and the tear force was recorded against crosshead displacement. Each
specimen was tested at several discrete crosshead rates ranging from 2mm/min to 500mm/min at
a given temperature. This yields rate dependent data from a single specimen reducing specimen
to specimen variability. Tests were conducted in air at temperatures ranging from -32°C to
100°C. Since the seal material is subjected to humid conditions at high temperature during fuel
cell operation, tests were also conducted in DI water at RT and 90°C to compare the tear
characteristics of the seal material with those obtained in air. In all the tests, specimens were
equilibrated in a forced convection oven at the desired test temperature for a period of one hour
prior to testing. Three replicates were typically tested at each environmental conditions and the
effect of temperature and crack growth rate, , on Gcr was studied.
Figure 4.2 shows a typical load–displacement graph during crack growth for a specimen tested in
air at RT at a 100mm/min crosshead rate. Initial results revealed a stick–slip tearing mechanism
(also referred to as “knotty” tear) during crack growth, characterized by periodic load
fluctuations due to unstable crack propagation and arrest. Tests were conducted at multiple
shown in Figure 4.3. There are two important observations in Figure 4.3:
2. The stick-slip behavior and resulting fluctuation of the force from a maximum value at
crack initiation to a minimum value at crack arrest becomes more pronounced as the
Stick-slip behavior is commonly observed during fracture testing of elastomeric materials [1, 2,
loading rates[16]. Formation of crystallites has a pronounced reinforcing effect within the
network resulting in an increase in mechanical properties[17]. Figure 4.4 shows Gcr versus
on a log-log plot for tests conducted at 2mm/min, 5mm/min, 10mm/min, 20mm/min, 50mm/min,
100mm/min, 200mm/min, and 500mm/min in air at RT, which indicates an increase in Gcr with
described by a power-law relationship. If more tests could be conducted at higher and lower
temperatures, and if crack growth rate versus tearing energy curves have the same trend at all
temperatures, a master curve may be generated, which can be used to predict the crack growth
rate at a given SERR. In an attempt to generate such a master curve, tests were conducted from -
32°C to 100°C and values of Gcr were calculated at each loading rate and temperature and results
are shown as Gcr versus temperature plot in Figure 4.5. There are two main aspects:
At a given temperature, an increase in the loading rate results in an increase in Gcr. However,
such effect of loading rate diminishes as temperature increases. This may be related to the time-
dependent mechanical characteristics of a viscoelastic material where it exhibits stiff behavior at
fast loading or low temperature and soft behavior at slow loading and high temperature.
At a given loading rate, Gcr showed a steady decrease with increasing test temperature. This
behavior is much more pronounced at higher loading rates than at slow tearing of samples. When
independent behavior because of negligibly small viscous resistive forces opposing chain
rearrangement[18] i.e. decrease in the viscoelastic work done by the elastomer when stretched at
A log-log plot of tear energy, Gcr, versus crack growth rate, , at various temperatures is
shown in Figure 4.6. The values of Gcr are seen to change by two orders of magnitude, as the test
conditions change from low tear speeds (2 mm/min) at high temperature (100°C) to high tear
speeds (500 mm/min) at low temperature (-32°C). The data in Figure 4.6 were shifted using a
shift factor, aT, and the results are shown as a master curve in Figure 4.7 for a reference
temperature of 80°C. As shown in Figure 4.7, all data are well superimposed on a single curve. If
more data points at slow tearing rates and high temperatures could be used in the master curve,
an estimate of a threshold value of SERR may be obtained. A threshold value for the fracture
energy of elastomers was first pointed out by Lake and Lindley [20] from fatigue crack growth.
Mueller and Knauss[21] and Gent[22, 23] measured extremely low tearing energies directly by
Often found in the literature is the tear characterization of a seal material in the presence of
air, where the effect of temperature and rate is mostly discussed. Literature is rife with such work
for a variety of elastomeric materials and some of the most cited references are [3, 7, 11, 24-28].
Seals are often required to perform in environments such as liquid solutions (acidic or basic), oils
etc., where swelling, due to mass uptake, and formation of cracks/crazes occurs. Gent [29]
showed the effect of swelling on SERR but, to the best of this author‟s knowledge, very limited
work[30] has been done to evaluate the effect of the presence of a liquid at the crack tip, which
may significantly lower the SERR value required for a crack to propagate. Part of the reason for
limited research in this area may be due to the unavailability of techniques and instruments to
conduct fracture test in controlled environments with good repeatability. In order to investigate
how the presence of a liquid affects the tear characteristics of a material and SERR, tests were
also conducted in DI water at RT and 90°C and compared with the same temperature behavior in
air. Figure 4.8 shows a comparison on a load versus displacement plot, where only the crack
propagation region of the curve is plotted. The results can be summarized as follows:
1. At a given temperature and loading rate, no significant difference in load required for
2. At a given loading rate, increasing the temperature results in a typical decrease in load
and smoother crack propagation but the presence of water at the crack tip does not
These observations indicate that, for the hydrocarbon-based seal material studied here, the
presence of DI water at the crack tip does not lead to an immediate weakening of the material. It
could be possible that environmental aging over a period of time could lead to reduced critical
value of SERR. As seen in Chapter 3, aging affects mechanical properties significantly and to
address aging effects on fracture resistance of the material, trouser tear specimens may be aged
in various environments over a period of time. Such a test matrix is proposed in the future work
Most seals are intended to be used under compression (static or dynamic applications) and when
a certain amount of compressive strain is applied, finite element simulation (details are provided
in next chapter) shows several critical regions where tensile stresses are present. An example is
shown in Figure 4.9 for an O-ring cross-section, where tensile stresses are present not only on the
outside surface of the seal but also to a greater extent in the bulk of the material. The opening
nature of tensile stresses may cause an initial flaw, a crack or scratch on the outside surface or a
void present in the bulk of the material, to propagate. In the static application of the seals used in
compression, crack on the surface may grow initially but not through the seal due to closing
compressive region ahead. In dynamic applications where the seal material is subjected to
fatigue, even in the absence of a flaw to start with, cracks may initiate due to repeated cycling
and grow, resulting in failure of the seal[31, 32]. Since aging in environment (high temperature
and liquid solution) leads to a decrease in the value of the critical tearing energy, the seal may
fail sooner than expected. If an estimate of the available SERR for a given cross-section may be
obtained, it can be used with the fracture energy master curve to estimate the crack growth rate in
the seal material providing a preliminary estimate on seal lifetime. Besides seals, there are many
applications where elastomers are used in form of films/membranes etc., such as silicone
hydrogels for contact lenses, silicone dielectric elastomers[33], synthetic heart valves[34],
subjected to stretching. For such cases also, knowledge of the tear energy master curve and an
The Finite element method (FEM) has been widely used to determine energy release rate
(G)[35, 36] that is one of the most important parameters in fracture mechanics. FEM has the
advantage in its adaptability to the analysis of crack growth in structures that are with
complicated geometry or multiple irregular cracks, especially when subject to complex loading.
Existing FEM-based techniques, such as the virtual crack closure technique (VCCT)[37-41], J-
integral[38, 42-44], and global energy change (GEC) method[44, 45] have been successfully
used for determining the SERR. Busfield [46] showed that all three techniques produced
equivalent results. In this section, an attempt is made to use the fracture mechanical parameter J-
integral and master curve obtained above to predict lifetime of a given seal cross-section. The J-
integral, a path-independent line integral representing the strain energy release rate of non-linear
elastic materials[47], is a standard tool provided in ABAQUS to compute the energy release rate.
It is applicable to large strain elasticity and hence can be applied to the analysis of elastomeric
u i
J w dy Ti ds
x (4.4)
clockwise contour around the tip of the crack, ds is a small element on Γ , n is the unit vector
normal to Γ , σ is the stress, ε is the strain, and u is the displacement vector, as illustrated for a
crack in Figure 4.10. This integral represents the balance of energy flow through any contour
surrounding the notch tip. Although J-integral is path-independent, it is widely accepted that the
first few contours do not provide good results because of numerical singularities. Therefore, J-
integral value is typically obtained at contours away from crack tip in order to get a convergent
value. To check the accuracy of these contours, more contours are typically requested and the
value of the contour integral that appears approximately constant from one contour to the next is
determined. The contour integral values that are not approximately equal to this constant are
discarded. For a given crack on the seal surface, the energy available at the crack tip can be
calculated based on J-integral approach, and when used in conjunction with master curve, may
axisymmetric quadrilateral elements mesh, CAX4R, with hybrid formulation in ABAQUS [48].
In this study, a 2-D unrestrained axisymmetric model of O-ring with a surface crack (for SERR
calculation) was compressed between two rigid plates, as shown in Figure 4.9. During FEA
simulation, the top surface moves down by a fixed distance in the axial direction, compressing
the O-ring against the opposite contact surface to achieve the desired strain. The friction
coefficient between the compression platens and O-ring was assumed to be µ = 0 (frictionless).
Since two-parameter Ogden material model correlates closely with experimental data obtained
from uniaxial tension tests on the seal material, as discussed in chapter 3, the analysis was
carried out using this model. For the crack configuration shown in Figure 4.9, a total of five
crack-tip contours were utilized to obtain accurate results, as recommended in the software
manual[49], with the final contour being used for determining the associated energy release rate
for each test, as the final contour always showed convergence amongst the calculated results.
ABQUS automatically generated contours around the crack tip to carry out the energetic analysis
and value of SERR around each contour was obtained using J-integral. J-integral value around
contour five was used here and found to be approximately 175 J/m2, and the corresponding value
of crack growth rate, obtained from the fracture energy master curve in
Figure 4.7, was approximately 10-6 m/s. It should be noted that the SERR value obtained using
the J-integral is specific to the particular specimen geometry containing a crack of a specific size
and orientation subjected to specific loading conditions. Also, due to the compressive region
ahead of the crack tip in compressed seals, the crack may not grow further in this particular case.
For applications where tensile stresses are present all through the cross-section, such as
elastomeric films or membranes under stretching, estimation of available SERR and crack
4.5 Conclusion
Trouser tear tests were conducted on reinforced samples to evaluate the tear strength of a seal
material proposed for use in PEM fuel cells. Plots relating the crack growth rate with tearing
energy were obtained at various temperatures and provided significant insight into the rate and
temperature dependence of the tearing strength of the seal material. Stick-slip crack propagation
was observed at all temperatures and loading rates, although the behavior was suppressed
significantly at low loading rates and high temperatures. Tests were also conducted in DI water
and compared with tear characteristics in air at the same temperatures (RT and 90°C). No
significant difference in either crack propagation behavior or tearing energy was observed,
leading to the conclusion that presence of media at the crack tip for hydrocarbon elastomer used
in this study may not cause change in tearing energy required for crack propagation. Crack
growth rate versus tearing energy data at different temperatures were shifted to construct a master
curve. Finite element analysis is a useful tool that can be used to characterize the fracture
behavior of elastomers using a fracture mechanics approach, where a measure of the crack growth
rate can be estimated at specific level of available SERR using fracture energy master curve to
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10mm reinforcing
fiber cloth strips
Seal Material
Trouser Tear
40 mm
Figure 4.1 Illustration of the sample preparation method for trouser tear testing. (a) illustrates
reinforcing fiber cloth strips in seal material slab, (b) illustrates the trouser tear sample with
dimensions, and (c) illustrates the sample configuration during loading in an Instron load frame.
Load (N)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Displacement (mm)
Figure 4.2 Load displacement plot obtained from trouser tear tests conducted at 100 mm/min in
air at RT on hydrocarbon seal material.
Figure 4.3 Load displacement plot obtained from trouser tear tests performed in air at rates from
2 mm/min to 500 mm/min at RT on hydrocarbon seal material.
da/dt = 2 10-11Gcr2.4847
Crack Growth Rate, da/dt (m/s)
R² = 0.9915
100 1000 10000
Strain energy release rate, Gcr (J/m2)
Figure 4.4 Rate dependence of tearing energy, Gcr in air at RT on hydrocarbon seal material.
2 mm/min
5 mm/min
10 mm/min
20 mm/min
Tearing energy , Gcr (J/m2)
15000 50 mm/min
100 mm/min
200 mm/min
500 mm/min
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Test Temperature (o C)
Figure 4.5 Plot of tearing energy versus test temperatures at different loading rates on
hydrocarbon seal material.
1.00E-02 -18C
Crack Growth Rate, da/dt (m/s)
1.00E-03 10C
100 1000 10000 100000
Figure 4.6 Plot of tearing energy versus crack growth rate at different temperatures on
hydrocarbon seal material.
1.0E+02 10000
Shift Factor (aT)
Crack Growth Rate, RaT (m/s)
1.0E+00 1
1.0E-01 0.01
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 -32C
T (oC)
1.0E-02 -18C
1.0E-03 -6C
1.0E-05 80C
1.0E-06 100C
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Tearing energy, Gcr (J/m2)
Figure 4.7 Master curve of tearing energy versus crack growth rate (Treference = 80°C, Tg = -55°C)
for hydrocarbon seal material. Shift factor, aT, versus temperature is shown in inset.
DI Water
Load (N)
DI Water
1 Air
10 mm/min @ RT
0.4 100 mm/min @ 90 oC
0.2 10 mm/min @ 90 oC
DI Water
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Displacement (mm)
Figure 4.8 Load versus displacement behavior in DI water and air at various rates and
temperatures for hydrocarbon seal material.
Compression Platen
Compression Platen
Figure 4.9 Finite element simulation of an O-ring under compression with a surface crack.
Crack x
Figure 4.10 J-integral contour along with quantities used to calculate SERR around a crack tip.
Compression Platen
Compression Platen
Figure 4.11 Contours around a crack tip and corresponding SERR values.
5 Viscoelastic Characterization of the Seal Material
5.1 Abstract
This chapter addresses the scientific and technological needs in understanding the viscoelastic
fuel cell assembly through the use of a unique apparatus. This apparatus consists of two sample
chambers, a lower and upper one, in which samples to be studied can be arranged for
modulus, modulus under strain, and compression set over a period of time. Although the fixture
was developed to test a molded seal, a sub-scale elastomeric seal molded onto gas diffusion
media (GDM)) to simulate actual polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cell sealing, it can
also be used to test other seal geometries such as O-rings, disks or rings. If seal dimensions, such
as cross-section diameter or thickness, are very small, , then 10 to 12 such seal-washer assembly
(an assembly of a seal arranged between two parallel stainless steel washers) can be arranged in
series to form a stack, which provides better strain resolution during compression in a load
frame. Since test samples (ring samples cut from a 2mm thick silicon sheet and SMORS) are
small in dimensions (< 2mm in thickness), four seal-washer assemblies were arranged in series
to form a stack. These stacks were then arranged in the lower and upper chambers of the
apparatus. The stack in the lower chamber was compressed and held at a constant strain for long-
term stress relaxation studies. The relaxed load in the seals was measured periodically by
inserting the apparatus in a high precision load frame. The stack in the upper chamber was left
unstrained and was used to obtain data on instantaneous properties of the seals. Together, these
two sets of data allow one to measure changes in seal properties in both compressed and free
states, providing valuable insights into the nature of chemical changes that take place.
A test matrix consisting of test temperatures and environments (relevant to PEM fuel cells)
was developed, and fixtures loaded with seal stacks were placed in these environments and after
the desired aging time, stress relaxation and instantaneous properties the seal material were
measured by generation of load versus displacement plots. The capability to study the stress
fuel cells, makes this apparatus a useful apparatus to characterize long term behavior of seals.
5.2 Background
Elastomers are widely used for a number of engineering, scientific and industrial applications
due to their broad range of tailorable viscoelastic properties[1-3]. Developing lifetime estimates
for these materials, particularly in harsh environments while under physical stress, is often
desired prior to their usage. For example, elastomeric materials subject to physical stress while
undergoing crosslinking reactions are known to be subject to permanent set [4, 5]. This
degradation can limit component lifetime assessment of field aged materials. The performance of
studied polyacrylate rubber in comparison with fluoro-rubber for automotive engine sealing
application. Dillard et. al.[8] discussed the durability of elastomeric seal in PEM fuel cells. Youn
and Huh [9] reported the surface degradation of high temperature vulcanizing HTV silicone and
ethylene propylene diene monomer EPDM rubber under accelerated ultraviolet weathering
conditions. Mitra et al. [10] studied the time-dependent chemical degradation of a fluoro-
degradation of the elastomeric gasket materials, few results were reported for the degradation
and its mechanisms in PEM FC environments [8, 11-16]. Tan et. al. studied the degradation
characteristics of silicone[11, 14, 16], fluoroelastomer[11, 12], and EPDM[11, 12] in a simulated
fuel cell environment. Schulze et. al.[17] investigated the degradation of silicone and resulting
Stress relaxation and aging in strained polymer networks can be attributed to two distinct
processes. The process causing stress relaxation may be physical or chemical in nature, and
under normal conditions, both processes can occur simultaneously. Physical relaxation involves
the motion of molecular chains towards new configurations in equilibrium at the new strained
state, and may involve the movement of entanglements and dangling ends [18]. Upon removing
the strain, the process of chain flow and entanglement motion is generally believed to be
reversible in crosslinked systems. Chemical relaxation[10, 19-23] involves primarily scission and
crosslinking events, resulting from the breakage and formation of covalent bonds[24]. Chemical
processes may occur, either in the absence (thermal degradation [25-29]) or presence of oxygen
(oxidative degradation), both leading primarily to chain scission reactions. The chemical
periods of time, stress relaxation is dominated by the physical processes, whilst at high
temperatures and/or long time periods, the chemical processes are dominant[30]. Both physical
and chemical relaxation processes cause a reduction in the counterforce when conducting
relaxation experiments.
Tobolsky [5, 31, 32] and co-workers systematically studied these chemical relaxation effects
and developed a theory based on two-network model consisting of distinct networks crosslinked
in the unstrained and strained states According to the two-network model, intermittent
elevated temperature provide a method of measuring the net rate of chain scission and
crosslinking. On the other hand, it is possible to isolate the chain scission reaction by measuring
the decay of stress in a sample maintained at constant extension at elevated temperatures. The
decay of stress is a direct measure of breaking of the molecular chains of the network (chain
scission) because the crosslinking of the chains, occurring simultaneously, does not cause any
increase of stress. Based on this approach, Tobolsky [5] developed a relationship to calculate the
% Permanent Set = {[ 1] 2 1}C3
(U / X )C 2 1 (5.1)
l 3 l 2 100
where C1 ( x ) 1 , C 2 ( x ) , C 3 , l u is the thickness of the sample before
lu lu (l x / l u ) 1
compression, l x is the thickness of the sample after compression, U is the value of the relaxed
load obtained from the strained samples in lower stack at a desired strain, and U + X can be
defined as the load obtained from unstrained samples in upper stack at a desired strain, as shown
in Figure 5.1. In other words, U is a measure of the rate of chain scission and U + X is a measure
of the net rate of chain scission and crosslinking occurring in the material at an elevated
temperature, so the difference between the two will provide the net rate of crosslinking and its
effect on the seal behavior in terms of permanent set. Based on a two-network model approach, if
tests are conducted at several temperatures, possibly elevated temperatures for accelerated
thermal aging exposures, data obtained may be used to evaluate material performance at ambient
conditions. The most important methodology for such extrapolations is based on the Arrhenius
by a reaction rate k proportional to exp (-Ea/RT), where Ea is the Arrhenius activation energy, R
the gas constant (8.314 J/mol-K), T the absolute temperature, and A the pre-exponential factor,
k A exp( ) (5.2)
Therefore, a log-plot of reaction rates (k) or degradation times (1/k) versus inverse temperature
(1/T) is expected to result in a straight line, allowing simple extrapolations to lower temperatures.
The main assumption made here is that the chemical kinetics of material degradation remain the
same at elevated and service temperatures. Many studies [33-37] have clearly demonstrated that
some degradation processes can be well described by a simple linear Arrhenius relationship. In
order to estimate seal material lifetime based on accelerated characterization technique mentioned
above, measurement of momentary properties, U+X, and relaxed behavior, U, was conducted in
several environments and temperatures by using a dual-chamber fixture, the details of which are
The fixture used in this study is made entirely of Type 316 stainless steel to enable aging
studies in corrosive environments at elevated temperatures. Since the fixture does not contain
any measuring device, such as a load cell or other transducer, the entire fixture can be immersed
in liquid media at high temperatures for accelerated characterization. The main intention of the
quarter-section view of the fixture can be seen in Figure 5.2. The fixture consists of a top flange
with a center hole, an upper chamber and a lower chamber mounted vertically and connected by
means of a threaded connector, a bottom flange with a center hole, and two pistons, upper and
lower, one for each chamber to compress the seal stack. Sample, such as an O-ring, can be
placed in the upper and lower chambers under the pistons. If the sample is very small in
thickness, it may be difficult to obtain desired precision during compression. In that case, a
sample can be placed concentrically between two stainless steel washers and 10 to 12 such seal-
washer assemblies can be arranged in series to form a stack, as shown in bottom left corner of
Figure 5.2. Since the seal studied here is only a few mm thick (≈ 1.5mm), 4-5 such washers-seal
assembly were arranged in series to form a stack, so as to obtain better resolution during
compression of seals. Such seal stacks prepared in this manner can be placed in the upper and
lower chambers of the fixture. The seal stack in upper and lower chambers are centered and
arranged concentrically with the help of the piston rod attached to the lower piston. The upper
piston compresses the upper seal stack to obtain the instantaneous properties of the seal material
at a given time. The lower seal stack is compressed by pushing the lower piston and locked to a
desired value of compressive strain by means of a spacer. Spacers of different thickness enable a
range of compressive strains. The spacers are attached to the rod, as shown in the bottom right
corner of Figure 5.2, by means of a screw. Simple turning of the rod moves the spacer in and out,
allowing measurement of compression set. After samples were arranged in the two chambers, the
fixture is placed on a polycarbonate base. Since the rod attached to the fixture protrudes out of
the lower flange, the polycarbonate base was used to facilitate placing the fixture on a flat
surface as well as provide room for accommodating the spacer and locking nuts attached, as
shown in Figure 5.3. For aging in desired environmental conditions, the fixture can be placed in
a glass container filled with liquid media and placed in an oven to maintain the desired
temperature. In order to prevent unwanted evaporation of the liquid from glass container, the
glass container can be sealed with an O-ring and glass lid clamped with the help of binder clips
5.4 Experimental
The seal material used for the SMORS is a hydrocarbon elastomer provided by Henkel
Corporation (Rocky Hill, CT). More information on the material can be found in [38]. Custom
designed seals (elastomeric seal material molded onto gas diffusion media), called sub-scale
molded O-ring seal or SMORS, were prepared by Freudenberg-NOK (Plymouth, MI), as shown
in Figure 5.4. The thickness of SMORS was determined using a Mitutoyo thickness
measurement gage (Mitutoyo Corporation, Aurora, IL). Before measuring the thickness, the
sample was arranged between two glass plates and placed on the instrument plate. After zeroing
the gage, the probe was lowered until it touched the glass surface to determine the total thickness
of two glass and sample. Four readings of total thickness were taken around the perimeter at
equally spaced intervals and an average value of total thickness was obtained. The thickness of
each glass plate was then measured separately and subtracted from total thickness to obtain
thickness of the sample. The SMORS cross-section with dimensions is shown in Figure 5.4. Four
SMORS were then arranged between type 316 stainless steel washers in series to form a stack, as
The seal material used for preparing the ring samples is a low-viscosity fuel cell grade
sample are also shown in Figure 5.4) were punched out of 2mm thick silicone rubber sheets and
the.. Silicones are attractive because of low cost and ease of fabrication. They are widely used as
sealing materials, including in fuel cells[13, 39]. Three rings were then arranged between type
5.4.2 Environments and Specimen Conditioning
Mechanical property characterization of SMORS and silicone rings were conducted in air, as
well as immersed in deionized (DI) water, 50v/50v DI water and ethylene glycol, 0.1M DI water
and sulfuric acid solutions for this study. In air, tests were conducted at 120°C, 90°C, and 60°C
whereas tests in the liquid solutions were conducted at 90°C in gravity convection ovens. For
aging in a desired environment, the fixture is placed in a glass container filled with the desired
liquid solution and placed in an oven to maintain the temperature. In order to prevent unwanted
evaporation of the liquid from glass container, the glass containers were sealed with an O-ring
and glass lid clamped with binder clips as shown in Figure 5.3.
For measurements of seal properties, a high precision Instron MicroTester 5848 load frame
equipped with an auto-calibrated 2000 N capacity tension/compression load cell was used. The
load cell measures the force and a linear LVDT measures the displacement. The measured force
was corrected for the weight of the pistons, approximately 1.5N. For measurement of seal
properties, the fixture was periodically removed from the aging oven and placed between
compression platens, as shown in Figure 5.3, for momentary and sealing force measurements and
then returned to the oven for further aging. During the measurement, the piston pushes against
the seal stacks from above. The compression of the upper stack provides information on
momentary seal properties. A superposition of small strain onto a large dominating strain in the
lower stack provides the value of relaxed value of restoring load in the seal stack as well as
stiffness of the seals that were held under constant strain. The rate of loading was 10 mm/min.
For measurement of momentary properties, the seal stack in the upper chamber was
compressed in the fixture. The stress starts to rise when increasing the compression strain and
typical behavior is shown in Figure 5.5 (plotted in first quadrant). The experiment is stopped
when the desired compression of the seals is achieved. For measuring the relaxed force (restoring
force) and stiffness in a compressed sample in the lower seal stack, an incremental strain is
applied by pushing the lower piston. A typical curve, as shown in Figure 5.6, shows two distinct
regions. In region 1, when the compression platen starts to touch the lower piston, the load cell
registers an abrupt increase in compressive force. The slope of this region indicates the stiffness
of the load train in the fixture-test material assembly. In region 2, as a small amount of strain is
superimposed on a dominating large strain, the seals get compressed by an incremental amount,
causing a comparatively slight increase of force with displacement. Further piston movement
results in the typical compression curve for an elastomeric material. The stiffness of the seals
held under strain for a given aging time can be calculated from the slope of force versus
displacement plot in region 2. Comparison of slope obtained from stress free samples with the
value obtained from seals held under strain can provide insight into how stresses in a compressed
seal affect material properties due to aging in an environment. The value of the force, measured
at the intersection of linear extrapolations of region 1 and 2, as shown in Figure 5.6, is the
5.5.1 SMORS
Results obtained from the testing performed on SMORS are shown in Figure 5.7 to Figure 5.9
for air at 120°C, 90°C, and 60°C, respectively and in Figure 5.10 to Figure 5.12 for DI water,
50v/50v DI water/ethylene glycol solution, and 0.1M sulfuric acid solution at 90°C, respectively.
The spacer provided 25% compression of each seal in the stack. For a given aging environment,
load versus strain plots were generated to determine momentary and compression stress
relaxation behavior of SMORS from the upper and lower stack, respectively. Plots of decay in
normalized relaxed force, represented by F (t ) where Fo is the initial force at the desired
compression, against time were also generated for both momentary as well as relaxed values of
force. Momentary Properties from Top Stack: SMORS Behavior in Environment without Stress
In this case, the measured load depends on the net difference between crosslinking and chain
scission during aging. As observed in plots of F (t ) versus time from Figure 5.7 to Figure 5.12,
an initial increase and then decrease in the value of force at desired compression was observed.
The initial increase in load was different for different environmental conditions the SMORS was
exposed to. For example, SMORS in air at 120°C, 90°C and 60°C show approximately 80%
(Figure 5.7), 25% (Figure 5.8), and 10% (Figure 5.9) increases, respectively and SMORS in
ethylene glycol solution (Figure 5.11) show approximately a 30% increase in load. On the other
hand, SMORS in DI water and sulfuric acid solution at 90°C did not show a significant increase
in load value. This behavior may be attributed to aging, which is common to a wide variety of
natural and synthetic elastomers[40], leading to changes in properties. For instance, in oxygen-
containing environments, the mechanical strength of rubber can be greatly affected by oxidation,
especially at high temperatures[41]. Based on the statistical theory of rubber elasticity, one can
G NkT (5.3)
where G is the shear modulus, N is elastically effective network strands per unit volume, k is the
Boltzmann‟s constant (k = 1.381 × 10-23 J/K), and T is absolute temperature. Equation 5.3 can
E 3NkT (5.4)
At constant temperature, Equation 5.4 indicates that stiffness or elastic modulus of an elastomer
is linearly related to crosslink density of the material. Crosslink type and density of a rubber
vulcanizate determine physical properties such as modulus, hardness, elongation to break, etc.
By increasing crosslink density, modulus, hardness, and abrasion resistance increase[42]. During
thermal aging, chain scission and crosslinking may occur, leading to changes in mechanical
properties [41, 43-47]. The greater the degree of crosslinking, the greater the elastic modulus
becomes and initial increase in load discussed above may be attributed to this behavior. During
the initial phase of environmental exposure, new crosslink formation is the dominating process
leading to increase in modulus of the material. After this initial increase, chain scissioning may
Also, the degree of crosslinking or change in stiffness of the material seems to depend on how
a given material reacts to a certain environment. For example, higher temperatures lead to higher
degrees of crosslinking, as observed in air at 120°C, 90°C, and 60°C. On the other hand, at a
given temperature, the higher the mass uptake, the lower the degree of crosslinking because the
presence of liquid solution in the network may interfere with the process of crosslink formation
and contribute more towards chain scission. Hence the presence of a liquid environment may
lead to decay in material properties if a seal material has high mass uptake in a given solution.
This is clearly evident in Figure 5.10 and Figure 5.12 for DI water and sulfuric acid solutions,
respectively, where higher mass uptake in these solutions compared to ethylene glycol, as shown
in Figure 5.13, seems to mitigate the crosslinking process to a great extent, resulting in an CSR from Bottom Stack: SMORS Behavior under stress in Environment
Figure 5.7 to Figure 5.12 show results for stress relaxation tests performed in different
environments. For a typical compression stress relaxation process, the restoring force decays
with time owing to both physical and chemical relaxation taking place in the seal material. There
is an immediate physical relaxation of molecular chains and fillers due to the deformation. The
whole process of chain flow and resulting movement of their entanglements is reversible upon
removing the strain from the system. A continuous stress relaxation test apparatus, such as
developed by Elastocon [48], is usually better equipped to capture initial physical relaxation of
the material. Since the fixture was mainly designed for long term testing of seal material through
intermittent data collection, physical relaxation is not evident in the results presented here.
Physical relaxation is often followed by chemical relaxation process, either in the absence
chain scission type reactions and loss of polymer molecular weight. The chemical component of
relaxation is irreversible.
Although the decay was observed in all the cases studied here, an increase in restoring force
was initially observed except in DI water and the 0.1M sulfuric acid solution. As mentioned
earlier, specimens in DI water or the sulfuric acid solution exhibited significantly higher mass
uptake values compared to the aqueous ethylene glycol solution, as shown in Figure 5.13. The
increase in restoring force may be attributed to thermal expansion of the seal material, and
depending on coefficient of thermal expansion of the seal material, may give rise to a significant
increase in restoring force[49]. The decay in restoring force provides a measure of the
degradative reaction in the network because any new networks/crosslinks formed are considered
to be in equilibrium with the main network and do not impose new stress[50]. Only scission of
the original network chains causes reduced restoring load. Since thermal expansion leads to
increase and chain scission results in decay in relaxed load, the effect of these competing
When such CSR tests are performed over a wide range of strains and environmental
conditions, life prediction charts can be compiled as a predictive guide. One common method of
using such data is to select an arbitrary degradation criterion and find the time at each
temperature required to reach this criterion. These times are then plotted versus reciprocal
temperature on an Arrhenius graph to see whether linear (e.g., Arrhenius) behavior is indicated.
For example, F (t ) 0.2 can be chosen as the degradation criterion and pick off the times required
to reach this value at each temperature. This approach is illustrated in an Arrhenius graph in
Figure 5.14. The principle of the Arrhenius approach is based on accelerating the physico-
chemical change of the material by raising the temperature to simulate its long-term state, and
then measuring the relevant properties in this thermo-activated state. This method assumes that
the same state of the material is attained after both a long period of exposure to the working
temperature and a shorter period of exposure to a higher temperature. The resulting property
values can then be estimated far in excess of the experimentally accessible time scale.
The seal material studied here is expected to have a lifetime of 40,000 hours (≈ 10 years) at
70°C in the PEM fuel cell. To make lifetime predictions using the Arrhenius approach, CSR data
obtained at temperatures higher than 70°C can be used. Figure 5.15 shows the normalized
relaxed value of the force in SMORS at three different temperatures and as evident from the
figure, the erratic nature of the data and the absence of distinguishable temperature-dependent
behavior makes it impossible to use an Arrhenius approach. The erratic behavior may result from
Oxidative aging of rubber is one of the most important problems in rubber technology because
the absorption of a small amount of oxygen causes a considerable change in physical and
mechanical properties[51, 52]. Oxidation is usually accelerated by heat and stress and oxygen
can react with elastomers and alter network structure by causing chain scission and/or
crosslinking [53]. If chain scission dominates during aging, the elastomer softens and becomes
sticky, eventually resulting in complete loss of seal bead, as evident in Figure 5.16 (a). An
antioxidant, derivatives of amines and phenols[54], is usually added to inhibit oxidation but
Differences in the state of cure may result in poor predictability of test results. Friction
Due to change in seal material properties with time, the friction between seal and surrounding
As mentioned before, the seal material is molded onto a UEA where porous gas diffusion layers
are assembled on either side of membrane electrode assembly (MEA), as shown in Figure 5.16
(b). In an ideal situation, seal material, when injected in the mold, penetrates the porous gas
diffusion layer and forms mechanical interlocking with the porous media, so that there is no
relative slippage between the seal and gas diffusion layer. Such interlocking is very critical to
seal performance in fuel cell assembly because any slippage at the seal-GDL interface, due to
either partial or no impregnation of seal material into GDL, may result in the leakage at seal-
GDL interface.
The purpose behind conducting compression stress relaxation tests on bulk material samples was
to investigate the root cause of erratic nature in the results obtained for SMORS. As mentioned
above, error in the data may come from frictional sliding at interfaces, level and performance of
antioxidants in the seal material, and when seal material is molded onto UEA forming an
assembly. Silicone was selected as bulk material because silicone is a well understood material
and known for its excellent properties at high temperature (≈ 250°C) in oxygen containing
Results obtained from the testing performed on silicone rings are shown in Figure 5.17 to
Figure 5.19 for air at 120°C, 90°C and 60°C, respectively and Figure 5.20 for DI water at 90°C.
For a given aging environment, load versus strain plots were generated to determine momentary
and compression stress relaxation behavior of silicone rings from upper and lower stack
respectively. The specific set of silicone rings stack and spacer provided an average compression
of 25% in each ring sample. Plots of F (t ) against time were also generated for both momentary
Fo Momentary Properties from Top Stack: Silicone Behavior in Environment without Stress
Initial increase in modulus of silicone, as shown in (a) in Figure 5.17 to Figure 5.20, is similar
to what was observed for SMORS. This observation from silicone and SMORS confirms the
material properties changes due to aging in the environment. However, weakening of the
material followed by initial stiffening was not observed for silicone and this may be attributed to
silicone‟s excellent resistance against oxidation and also indicates towards the unstable nature of CSR from Bottom Stack: Silicone Behavior under Stress in Environment
Normalized decay in relaxed load, as shown in Figure 5.17 (c) to Figure 5.20, is comparatively
much smoother compared to erratic behavior from SMORS although some amount of roughness
in the data is still observed and this could be due to CSR fixture resolution. Comparatively better
results obtained from bulk silicone samples indicate the complexity associated with testing
seal/GDL assembly or SMORS. Because the elastomer does not impregnate the GDL, relative
slippage at seal/GDL interface during compression is possible. Also, friction present at seal/GDL
and seal/washer interface, measured by the coefficient of static friction (which depends on test
environment i.e. either air or liquid solutions); may contribute to the error in measuring the
relaxed load.
Also important to consider is an initial increase in relaxed load, as shown in (c) in Figure 5.17
to Figure 5.20. Since newly formed crosslinks are not contributing to any increase in load,
swelling of the material seems to be a viable alternative. In order to define this process of initial
increase and then decay, investigation must be conducted into physical or chemical processes
(c) Swelling
Physical relaxation is dominant during the first moments of CSR leading to an instantaneous
drop in relaxed load. Chemical relaxation involves chain scission and crosslink formation where
chain scission leads to drop in relaxed load over time. Swelling of the material will lead to
increase in relaxed load. Hence, there are a few competing mechanisms, especially chemical
relaxation and swelling, going on at the same time and depending on the rate of these processes,
an increase or decrease may be observed. For example, if chain scissioning is a dominant process
and occurs at a rate faster than thermal expansion of the material, the net effect of these
phenomena should not result in any increase in load. On the other hand, if chemical relaxation is
slower than thermal expansion, an increase in load should be observed. High temperature or the
presence of a liquid environment (due to diffusion of liquid media into material) or both may
In order to distinguish between these two competing processes, two continuous CSR
experiments were additionally performed in air at 90°C on silicone rings where the fixture,
loaded with silicone ring stacks in the bottom chamber, was placed in an Instron load frame
fitted with a convection oven for temperature control. Ring stacks were compressed to 25% and
relaxed load in silicone rings was continuously measured by load cell for two environmental
conditions as follows:
(a) The fixture was placed in the oven so that the seal stack is completely exposed to air
(b) The fixture was placed in a glass container and covered with a lid so that no circulation of
air is available. The air in the container will move around due to gravity convection only.
Figure 5.21 shows the results for cases (a) and case (b) as well as results obtained from the CSR
fixture. Plenty of air circulation in the forced convection oven leads to faster chain scission rate
so the effect of thermal expansion is not evident. In the absence of good air circulation around
the seal material in the gravity convection oven, the chain scissioning process is slower
compared to swelling and hence an increase in the load was initially observed. Therefore, chain
show different behavior during CSR. Because all CSR tests on SMORS and silicone rings were
conducted in gravity convection ovens, the observation above may explain the initial increase in
relaxed load in all tests conducted in air but lacking the reason for significant difference between
continuous relaxation and relaxation data from the CSR fixture. This may indicate the poor
sensitivity of the fixture in measuring the load. If changes in material properties are significant,
the CSR fixture is good to capture the increasing or decreasing trend in material behavior.
However, if a material does not degrade much, and load change is very minor, error in the data is
inevitable. In order to minimize error in future tests, the fixture was redesigned using a load cell
to for automatic data collection using a data acquisition board and custom designed LabVIEW ®
5.6 Conclusion
Viscoelastic property characterization of a proprietary molded seal material (FCS1 molded into
SMORS) and a silicone system used in PEM fuel cells was conducted using a novel fixture
which enables a comparison of material properties of strained and unstrained samples in a given
material properties obtained through these tests provided significant scientific insight and
temperature and environment were evident on material property changes and could be
mechanisms involved in material degradation, chain scissioning and crosslinking, were discussed
and insights were gained into how the cure state and level of antidegradants in a material dictates
the material behavior during the first phase of environmental exposure leading to modulus
change in the material tested here. Also discussed was the effect of competition between several
mechanisms such as chain scissioning, crosslinking, and thermal expansion on stress relaxation
behavior initially although chain scission dominated the long term relaxation behavior.
Results presented from testing on SMORS showed much more variation in data compared to
data from neat silicone rings due to nature of complexity involved in making SMORS. However,
data from SMORS and ring testing indicated the fixture‟s inability to capture trends in material
property changes if such a change does not fall within sensitivity/resolution bands of the fixture.
In order to obtain better resolution in future tests, the fixture was redesigned for automatic data
collection so error due to many factors involved in taking measurement can be reduced to an
acceptable value.
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F(t )
Stress Relaxation
Log (t)
Figure 5.1 Evaluation of U and X from instantaneous and stress relaxation curve. At a given time
t, U is the value of the relaxed load and U + X is the load obtained from compressing unstrained
Top Flange
Upper Chamber
Upper Piston
Upper Seal Stack
Lower Chamber
Lower Piston
Lower Seal Stack
Bottom Flange
Locking Nut Spacer
Figure 5.2 Illustration of quarter-section view of the CSR fixture and other components.
O Ring
Polycarbonate support to
house spacer & locking nut
Figure 5.3 Illustration of the fixture placed on a polycarbonate support and immersed in the liquid
for aging. Also showing the fixture placed between compression platens in an Instron load frame.
Molded Seal
Half section
Silicone Ring
Figure 5.4 Illustration of molded seal (SMORS) and silicone rings with dimensions.
70 Load at
Desired Strain
Load (N)
10 Desired
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Displacement (mm)
Figure 5.5 Typical load versus displacement behavior of seals obtained from compressing the
upper stack.
Region II (Slope of this portion of the curve provides
modulus of the seal material held under strain)
Initial Load after
Load (N)
r e ssi
40 mp tac
l Co er S
tia w Subsequent Compression
Ini Lo
Region I (superposition of small
20 deformation onto a
dominating, large strain)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Desired compressive
Displacement (mm) Strain
Figure 5.6 Typical load versus displacement behavior of seals obtained from compressing the
lower stack. The value of relaxed load, due to stress relaxation, as well momentary properties of
the seal can be obtained as a function of time.
As Rcvd.
70 1 Day
2 Days
60 3 Days
4 Days
50 5 Days
7 Days Increase in load with
Load (N)
Strain (%)
(a) 0.6
80 0.4
Initial Loading 0.2
70 1 Day
2 Days
60 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
3 Days
Time (Hrs)
4 Days
5 Days (c)
Load (N)
40 7 Days
9 Days
30 17 Days
22 Days
20 28 Days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.7 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in air at 120°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c).
As Rcvd.
1 day
2 Days
5 Days
Load (N)
9 Days
18 days
15 28 Days
10 45 days
5 1.4
1.2 Momentary
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
1 Relaxed
Strain (%)
F(t) / Fo
As rcvd
50 1 Day 0.2
2 Days 0
5 Days 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Load (N)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.8 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in air at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c).
As Rcvd.
2 days
30 9 Days
22 Days
25 32 Days
Load (N)
45 Days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Strain (%)
F(t) / Fo
(a) 0.6
50 0.4
45 Initial Loading
2 Days 0.2
9 Days
35 0
22 days
30 0 500 1000 1500
32 Days
Load (N)
Time (Hrs)
45 Days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.9 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in air at 60°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c).
As Rcvd.
1 day
30 2 Days
5 Days
9 Days
Load (N)
20 18 Days
28 days
15 45 days
5 1.2
0 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Strain (%) 0.8
Initial Loading 0.2
1 Day
50 2 Days 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
5 Days Time (Hrs)
Load (N)
9 Days
30 18 Days
28 Days
45 days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.10 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in DI Water at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c).
As Rcvd.
1 day
30 5 Days
25 9 Days
Load (N)
18 Days
28 Days
45 Days 1.4
10 Momentary
F(t) / Fo
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Strain (%) 0.6
(a) 0.4
50 0.2
45 Initial Loading 0
40 1 Day 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
30 9 Days
Load (N)
25 18 Days (c)
20 28 Days
45 Days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.11 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in 50/50 v/v ethylene glycol solution at 90°C. Normalized value of
momentary and relaxed loads at different aging time is shown in (c).
40 As Rcvd.
2 Days
5 Days
30 9 Days
25 18 Days
Load (N)
28 Days
45 Days
0 1
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Relaxed
Strain (%)
F(t) / Fo
(a) 0.6
Initial Loading 0.2
40 2 Days 0
35 5 Days 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
18 Days (c)
28 Days
45 Days
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.12 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower SMORSs stack obtained after
different aging times in 0.1M sulfuric acid solution at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and
relaxed loads at different aging time is shown in (c).
Mass Uptake (%)
DI Water
0.1M Sulfuric Acid
50/50 Ethylene Glycol
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Time (Days)
Figure 5.13 Mass uptake results at 90°C for seal material used for SMORS. DI Water and 0.1M
sulfuric acid solution show significantly higher mass uptake as compared to ethylene glycol
80 oC
100 oC
0.1 o
120 C
t1 t2 t3
Log (t)
1/T Service
Figure 5.14 (a) Restoring force decay with time at different temperatures, and (b) shows typical
Arrhenius approach to predict seal life at a desired temperature for a 50% drop in restoring force.
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
Time (hrs)
Figure 5.15 Compression stress relaxation behavior of SMORS at 120°C, 90°C and 60°C in air.
Sticky material
Missing seal bead
Molded Seal
Gas Diffusion
Layer (GDL)
Figure 5.16 Illustration of SMORS failure either due to (a) seal material degradation or (b) poor
impregnation of seal material into GDL fibers.
900 As Rcvd.
3 hrs.
7 Hrs.
700 11 Hrs.
1 Day
600 1 Week
Load (N)
2 Weeks
500 4 Weeks
5 Weeks
6 Weeks
100 2
0 1.8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Strain (%)
F(t) / Fo
(a) 1
1000 0.8
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.17 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower silicone rings stack obtained
after different aging times in air at 120°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c).
800 As Rcvd
2 Hrs.
700 6 hrs.
10 hrs.
600 1 Day
1 Week
500 2 Weeks
Load (N)
4 Weeks
400 6 Weeks
8 Weeks
300 10 Weeks
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1.2
Strain (%)
F(t) / Fo
(a) 0.8
900 Momentary
0.4 Relaxed
800 As Rcvd
2 Hrs.
700 6 hrs.
10 hrs. 0
600 1 Day 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
1 Week
500 2 Weeks Time (Hrs)
Load (N)
4 Weeks
400 6 Weeks
8 Weeks
300 10 Weeks
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.18 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower silicone rings stack obtained
after different aging times in air at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c).
As Rcvd
2 Hrs.
6 hrs.
500 10 hrs.
1 Day
1 Week
2 Weeks
Load (N)
4 Weeks
300 6 Weeks
8 Weeks
10 Weeks
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Strain (%) 0.8
F(t) / Fo
(a) 0.6
900 As Rcvd
2 Hrs. Relaxed
800 0.2
6 hrs.
700 10 hrs.
1 Day 0
600 1 Week 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
2 Weeks
Load (N)
10 Weeks (c)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.19 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower silicone rings stack obtained
after different aging times in air at 60°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads at
different aging time is shown in (c).
As Rcvd
500 2 Hrs.
6 hrs.
10 hrs.
400 1 Day
1 Week
2 Weeks
Load (N)
300 4 Weeks
6 Weeks
8 Weeks
200 10 Weeks
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Strain (%)
F(t) / Fo
1000 0.6
900 Momentary
As Rcvd 0.4
2 Hrs.
800 Relaxed
6 hrs.
700 10 hrs.
1 Day
600 1 Week 0
2 Weeks 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Load (N)
4 Weeks Time (Hrs)
6 Weeks
8 Weeks
300 10 Weeks (c)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Strain (%)
Figure 5.20 Load-displacement data from (a) upper and (b) lower silicone rings stack obtained
after different aging times in DI water at 90°C. Normalized value of momentary and relaxed loads
at different aging time is shown in (c).
Figure 5.21 Difference in stress relaxation behavior for silicone rings tested in forced and gravity
convection ovens at 90°C. Also shown is the result obtained from the CSR fixture tested
6 Finite Element Characterization of Seal Design
Finite element analysis is widely used to obtain approximate numerical solutions to boundary
value problems. Finite element analysis tools, such as ABAQUS, can be used to predict the
response of a system when subjected to external loading conditions. Elastomeric seals are used for
a variety of applications where they are subjected to compressive loads, static or dynamic in
nature, in the presence of environments. The stress-strain and the contact pressure distribution
resulting from the seal compression are good indicators of a seal‟s performance, as well as of its
sealing characteristics[1]. During compression of an elastomeric seal, tensile stress in the interior
region and on the outside surface of the seal may cause a failure by propagating a pre-existing
flaw or crack due to the opening nature of these tensile stresses[2]. A thorough understanding of
the local stress state within generic seal profiles may be useful for optimization of the seal design
so as to minimize stresses that may lead to seal failure. Results obtained from finite element
analysis can be compared with experimental data to check the accuracy of the solution obtained.
To simulate seal compression between two bipolar plates in a fuel cell assembly, a two-
commercially available finite element software package. Two seal cross-sections, an O-ring and
the SMORS configuration, were considered in the analysis. The seal was meshed with four-node
master-slave relationship was established between the compression platen and seal, respectively
to prevent the rigid platen from passing through the seal as it progressively compresses the seal
during each computational iteration. Interaction between the compression platens and the seal
was established to allow for direct surface-to-surface contact. In order to investigate the effect of
interfacial friction between seal and compression platens on the stress/strain profile, the friction
coefficient between compression platen and seal material was assumed to be µ = 0 (frictionless)
and 0.3 (rough) (value provided by the sponsor for friction between seal material and bipolar
plates). Fixed boundary conditions were used at the lower compression platen while a
displacement ramp was given to the top compression platen such that the top platen moves down
by a fixed distance in the axial direction, compressing the seal against the bottom platen to
achieve the desired strain. Furthermore, a parallel-face boundary condition was established
between top and bottom compression platens to prevent any rotation during simulation. A
schematic of the applied boundary conditions is also illustrated for O-ring in Figure 6.1. The
final deformed shape along with the spatial displacement, stress, strain, contact stress, and
contact width distribution, was generated. Table 6.1 outlines the plan for the finite element
analysis for various ratios, where R represents the distance of the center of the seal from axis
and r is the diameter of seal cross-section, as illustrated for O-ring in Figure 6.1. When a seal
bead is laid out on MEA or any substrate, it may follow a path where the bead has varying
curvature represented by the ratio . Lower the ratio, the higher is the curvature of the seal
r r
at a given location which may result in lower value of contact stress where leakage may occur.
In order to characterize seal material response and to satisfy the input requirements of
hyperelastic material models in ABAQUS®, stress-strain data from uniaxial tension tests of a
hydrocarbon-based fuel cell seal material were used in this study and provided as material input
into ABAQUS. Various hyperelastic material models were evaluated in ABAQUS by fitting the
material models with the experimental data from uniaxial tensile tests. A least-square fitting
procedure was used to determine the coefficients for the selected model. Improper fit between
the model and test data indicates an unsuitable material model. Figure 6.2 shows a plot of
experimental data and predicted uniaxial behavior and Figure 6.3 provides information on
stability of material models and constants generated from ABAQUS evaluation. It was observed
that the two-parameter Ogden model and neo-Hookean models correlate very closely with the
uniaxial test data and may also be used for analyzing uniaxial compression up to 50% strain. A
two-parameter Ogden model was used in this study to further analyze seal compression between
two rigid plates and also to calculate properties such as initial modulus.
Figure 6.5, Figure 6.5, and Figure 6.6 show ABAQUS-generated stress (σ11, σ22, σ33) and strain
(ε11, ε22, ε33) profiles from simulation of a frictionless (µ = 0) O-ring under 25% compression for
1, 10 & 100 respectively. The distribution of the strain, ε22, shown in Figures 6.4 (b), 6.5 (b)
& 6.6 (b), is compressive where the plates are touching the O-ring in the deformed state (the
region of contact width). Beyond the contact width, b, the strain is tensile in nature. Also
interesting to note is the tensile nature of stresses in the 1 and 3 direction, as shown for σ 11 and σ
33. The presence of tensile stresses (or strains) on the outside surface may be detrimental in the
presence of temperature and aggressive environments. Stress increases the rate of diffusion in a
material, which can lead to a reduction in material strength over a period of time. The presence of
tensile stresses may make the situation worse because any minor flaw or crack in the material
could propagate under these opening stresses[2]. Also, the stress/strain distribution is more
The sealing capability of an elastomeric O-ring seal depends on the contact stresses that
develop between the O-ring and the surfaces with which it comes into contact. An illustration of
contact stress (σc) and contact width (b) is shown in Figure 6.7. It has been suggested in the
literature[4] that leakage onset occurs when the the peak contact stress, σcmax, reduces to a value
lower than the pressure differential across the seal, p, (i.e., σcmax≤ p). Contact stress profiles (σc)
were generated for the O-ring for rough surface conditions (µ = 0.1), and nominal compression
ranging from 5 to 40%. Contact stress profiles were plotted as the nodal stress component versus
the x-coordinates (defined as the horizontal distance from the center of the O-ring cross-section
to a node along the perimeter), as shown in Figure 6.8. The information on contact width (b),
which is the length of the O-ring that touches the retaining surfaces when viewed from the cross-
section (the distance between two points on each profile where the contact stress curve intersects
the zero stress line) and peak contact stress (σcmax) versus , was extracted from the contact
pressure profiles in Figure 6.8, and results are summarized in Figure 6.9. Results in Figure 6.9
indicate that the values of contact width and peak contact stress do not change significantly as
the ratio of R/r increases, i.e. as the cross-section of the O-ring gets farther away from the central
axis. This is an important observation and may prove to be helpful when seal bead is laid out in a
It was observed in Figure 6.9 that increasing the ratio greater than 10 does not lead to
significant change in contact stresses and contact width, SMORS compression analysis was also
carried out for = 20 (also realistic to actual SMORS tested in experiments), according to the
plan in Table 6.1, to generate stress, strain, contacts stress, and contact width profiles versus
compression strain. In order to simplify the analysis and save computational time, only half a
model of the SMORS was analyzed, where the bottom compression platen was removed and a
plane of symmetry at the midplane of GDL was used. Fixed boundary conditions were used at
the lower edge of the GDL such that no movement was allowed in the 2-direction but permitted
in 1-and-3 direction under the applied displacement conditions. Also, top compression platen
was replaced by an analytically rigid line which eliminated the need to model both platens in the
analytically rigid line and GDL in order to prevent any rotation during simulation. A schematic
of the applied boundary conditions is illustrated for SMORS in Figure 6.10. A typical
stress/strain distribution is shown in Figure 6.11 for 25% nominal compression of the seal; the
presence of tensile stresses is evident on the outside surface of the seal, similar to what was
observed for the O-ring geometry. Again, the presence of these tensile stresses may be
detrimental to a seal, especially if surface flaws are present. Due to hygrothermal fatigue (due to
temperature cycling in the presence of moist environment in fuel cell unit), the seal material may
degrade over time, resulting in reduced tensile strength/tear strength and eventually leading to
surface crack propagation[6]. Any leakage due to seal failure may impede the function of a fuel
cell stack. It is therefore critical to design seals so as to minimize the level of tensile stresses on
the outside surface. Contact stress profiles were also generated for smooth (μ = 0) and rough
surfaces (μ = 0.3) for R/r = 20, as shown in Figure 6.12, and information on contact width and
stresses were extracted. As shown in Figure 6.13, the contact width, b, and peak value of peak
contact stress, σcmax are not significantly different for frictionless and rough surfaces, indicating
that friction does not play a significant role in the distribution of contact stresses and width when
a SMORS is compressed.
6.2 Contact Mechanics of Elastomeric Seals
When an elastomeric seal is installed and compressed, the contact configuration is generally
regarded as Hertzian contact[7]. In this case, the contact pressure profile along the horizontal
direction of a seal‟s cross-section becomes a parabola, which is the well-known Hertz pressure
between a compressive force and fractional compression for a bonded rubber block of circular
where F is the total compressive load, 2R and 2r are the mean and cross-section diameters,
respectively, C (= x/d where x is the diametric compression) is the fractional compression, and Ec
is the effective compression modulus. The elastic modulus of the compression platen material was
regarded to be infinite when compared with that of the seal. The material of the seal was also
regarded as incompressible (i.e., Poisson ratio, ν = 0.5). Using Equation 6.1 and Hertz theory[7],
the contact width, b and the peak contact stress (the highest value of the Hertz pressure profile),
bd g (c ) (6.2)
16 2
σ cmax Ec g(c) (6.3)
where g (c) 1.25C1.5 50C 6 . Dragoni and Strozzi [9] analyzed the problem of O-ring
compression using finite element analysis method and proposed a modified relationship given as:
b dC 3 (6.4)
10 2
c max Ec C 4 (6.5)
For use with equations 6.3 and 6.5, the effective compression modulus, Ec, is given as[10]:
Ec E (1 2Κ S 2 ) (6.6)
where E (μ1 α1 ) is the small-strain tensile modulus calculated from Ogden material
coefficients μ1 and α1 provided in Figure 6.3 (b), K is the numerical factor depending on the
hardness of the seal material and goes from 0.9 for 30 Shore A to 0.5 for 75 Shore A, and S is the
S = loaded Area/ force-free Area
and may be defined for the O-ring by an approximate relationship given as:
2 R b
2 2 ( R r Cos ) d
where b is the contact width and R is the mean radius of the seal cross-section, as illustrated in
Figure 6.14 for various common geometries and O-ring. The seal material used here has a Shore
A hardness value of 30 (provided by Henkel Corporation). Therefore a value of K = 0.9 was used
Hertz theory is valid if the contacting bodies are assumed to be semi-infinite when compared
with the contact dimensions; the strains in the contact region must be infinitesimal to apply the
theory of linear elasticity; and the contact surface is frictionless. None of these is valid for the O-
ring‟s contact problem. This has previously been discussed[11], but the results showed that the
Hertz theory was applicable until fractional compression of up to 25% [4] or 30% [12]. The
contact stress and contact width results obtained from FEA analysis on the O-ring were compared
with results obtained by using Lindley‟s and Dragoni‟s equations. Figure 6.15 shows the
comparison results (also summarized in Table 6.2 along with shape factor and compression
modulus values) and a good agreement was found between FEA and analytical approaches
6.3 Theoretical & Experimental Validation of Finite Element Results for SMORS
From experimental testing of SMORS, load versus displacement profiles were obtained, as shown
and discussed in chapter 3. Load versus displacement profiles were also generated using
Lindley‟s formula (Equation 6.1) and the FEA method so comparison could be made with
experimental data for validation. The total force for a given compression of the seal was
calculated from contact width and peak contact pressure profile obtained from FEA, according to
FFEA 2 (R x) σ c (x) dx (6.9)
where is ( x ) the parabolic pressure distribution at the contact width given as:
4 2
σ c (x) σ cmax (1 x ) (6.10)
and illustrated in Figure 6.16. Load values thus obtained from the FEA analysis, the Lindley
approach, and the experimental results were plotted against % compression of the seal. Results
provided in Figure 6.17 show a very good agreement between Lindley‟s approach and the
experimental data up to 25% compression, whereas the FEA method shows reasonable agreement
with experimental data up to 10% compression of the seal. For more than 10% compression of the
seal, the FEA results overestimate the load values. This may be attributed to a number of reasons
explain the FEA results in light of the comparison shown in Figure 6.17, it is important to discuss
SMORS in detail so that the differences in experimental testing of real geometry and the
simplified model analyzed in ABAQUS can be outlined. As discussed earlier, SMORS stands for
sub-scale molded o-ring seal where seal material is molded onto two porous gas diffusion layers
(GDL) made of graphite fibers (fiber volume fraction approximately 0.3). During molding
process, the seal material was required to impregnate the GDL all along the perimeter (area under
seal web) so that mechanical interlocking could be established to prevent relative slipping
between GDL and seal web. Such an assembly was desired so that conditions for a fuel cell
application could be mimicked. In a PEM FC stack, two outer GDL layers would sandwich a
with seal molded outside, illustrated in Figure 6.19 (a), was tested in compression to obtain load
versus displacement data. The geometry of the SMORS analyzed in ABAQUS is shown in Figure
6.10 (b), where several assumptions were made to simplify the model and provide stability during
In the ABAQUS modeling, no slippage was assumed at the seal/GDL interface. However, it was
found during post-analysis of seals failed during CSR testing that adequate impregnation of GDL
layers was not achieved during molding, as shown in Figure 6.19 (b), which may lead to
delamination. Such delaminations at the seal/GDL interface would reduce the load at a given
significant sliding and lifting of the seal web was observed, as shown in Figure 6.20, resulting in
an instability in the model and questionable values of contact pressure and width.
In ABAQUS modeling, only one GDL layer was assumed as opposed to the two GDL layers
present in each SMORS with a very fine gap in between where seal material tends to flow during
the molding process. The presence of two GDL layers instead of one, adds one more interface at
which sliding may occur, leading to reduced load values measured during experimental testing.
Also, fixed boundary conditions were applied to the GDL preventing its movement and rotation in
all direction. However, compression of SMORS during the experiment may result in bending,
rotation, and crushing of the GDL, as shown in Figure 6.21, which may possibly result in
additional sliding at interfaces in a SMORS. Such assumptions in ABAQUS modeling may lead
Due to stress relaxation in the seal compressed between platens, the initial peak contact pressure
should decay with time. As illustrated in Figure 6.22, maintaining the peak contact pressure
greater than the pressure differential across the seal is important to prevent gas leakage. To
develop a long-term peak contact pressure profile and to estimate its value at a given time, time
dependent properties, such as modulus decay with time typically obtained from stress relaxation
tests, may be used as an input into ABAQUS modeling. When complex seal cross-sections are
involved, such as the one studied here, and building a robust finite element model is difficult, an
alternative theoretical approach may be used provided the approach correlates well with
experimental results. Based on the results discussed above, it is evident that Lindley‟s analytical
approach showed good correlation with experimental results, and if used in conjunction with
compression stress relaxation (CSR) data, may be helpful in developing the long-term pressure
profile to predict the decay in peak contact pressure with time. If decay in the modulus of the seal
material with time, E(t) versus t, can be obtained from CSR tests in a given environment, decay in
peak contact stress with time may be estimated by using Lindley‟s approach such that:
6.5 Conclusion
For the purpose of understanding the deformation behavior of an elastomeric seal and its sealing
performance, finite element characterization of representative seal cross-sections was carried out.
Uniaxial test data obtained from experiments was used as material property in ABAQUS and
several known hyperelastic material models were evaluated. It was found that the two-parameter
Ogden or Neo-Hookean models correlated well with experimental results and also exhibited
stability in other modes of seal deformation, such as uniaxial compression, shear etc. For
simplicity and robustness, the two-parameter Ogden model was selected to carry out seal analysis
under compression. The O-ring cross-section was first studied to understand the stress-strain
distribution and to develop the contact stress and contact width profiles for a range of
compression and how they are affected by the seal‟s radius of curvature. Symmetric stress/strain
distribution and insignificant change in values of contact width and peak contact stress were
observed as the curvature of the seal increases ( 10 ). This observation may be helpful when
the seal bead is laid out on a substrate for certain application. A simple analysis conducted on an
SMORS, where several interfaces and boundary conditions are involved. In order to simplify the
modeling process for SMORS, a ratio of 20 was selected (corresponds to SMORS tested in
CSR experiments) and axisymmetric analysis was conducted on simplified SMORS model.
Stress/strain profiles were generated to visualize their distributions within the seal cross-section.
Frictionless and rough interfacial conditions between seal material and platens were assumed, but
their effect on contact width and peak contact pressure was insignificant. Therefore, further
analysis was carried out assuming frictionless conditions at the seal/platen interface.
The finite element model developed for seal analysis was validated through comparison with a
contact mechanics approach and experimental data. Load versus displacement (or % compression)
results from ABAQUS, Lindley‟s approach, and experiments were compared and it was found
that Lindley‟s equation correlates well with experimental data whereas ABAQUS overestimates
the load values at a given compression. Lindley‟s approach may also be used to develop contact
pressure profiles that may help estimate peak contact pressures at a given time so leaking can be
avoided. Assumptions made in ABAQUS to provide stability and simplifying the modeling of the
complex SMORS assembly resulted in overestimating the load values and better estimates may be
obtained if:
SMORS could be avoided by achieving uniform impregnation of seal material into the
GDL. This can be achieved by using a multi-point injection mold rather than single point
injection one, which is currently used. Good impregnation of GDL layers may also
3. If seal material relaxation behavior is of primary concern, the GDL in SMORS assembly
may be replaced by a single rigid substrate that would not crush, bend or rotate and is
bonded to the seal under the web. This will not only provide a rigid support to the seal but
Modification of SMORS based on suggestions provided above may provide improved correlation
between finite element analysis and experimental data so that future seal designs can be reliably
1. F.H. Theyse. The Inverse Hydrodynamic Theory and Its Application in the Design of
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2. T. Ebisu, M. Yamamoto, H. Maekawa, and A. Onodera. Fundamental Studies on the
Performance of O-Ring for Cask. in The 7th International Symposium on Packaging and
Transportation of Radioactive Materials. 1983. New Orleans.
3. I. Green and C. English, "Analysis of Elastomeric O-Ring Seals in Compression Using
the Finite Element Method," Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers-
Tribology Transactions, 35(1), 83-88, 1992.
4. P.B. Lindley, "Compression Characteristics of Laterally Unrestrained Rubber O-Ring,"
Journal of International Rubber Institute, 1, 202-213, 1967.
5. M.W. Fowler, Degradation and Reliability Modeling of Pem Fuel Cells, in Chemical
Engineering. 2003, Royal Military College of Canada: Kingston, Canada.
6. M.D. Ellul, Mechanical Fatigue, in Engineering with Rubber: How to Design Rubber
Components, A.N. Gent, Editor. 2001, HanserGardner Publications: Cincinnati. 137-175.
7. K.L. Johnson, Contact Mechanics. 1985, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
8. P.B. Lindley, "Load-Compression Relationships of Rubber Units," The Journal of Strain
Analysis, 1(3), 190-195, 1966.
9. E. Dragoni and A. Strozzi, "Analysis of an Unpressurized Laterally Restrained,
Elastomeric O-Ring," Trans. ASME, Journal of Tribology, 110(2), 193-199, 1988.
10. A.N. Gent and P.B. Lindley, "The Compression of Bonded Rubber Blocks," Proceedings
of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 173(3), 111-122, 1959.
11. H. Blok. Inverse Problem in Hydrodynamic Lubrication and Design Directives for
Lubricated Flexible Surfaces. in Symposium on Lubrication and Wear. 1963. Houston,
12. H. Fessler and E. Ollerton, "Contact Stresses in Toroids under Radial Loads," Journal of
Applied Physics, 8, 387-393, 1957.
Table 6.1 Test matrix developed to analyze the seal cross-sections using ABAQUS.
O-Ring 10% ≤ ≤ 40% 1, 10 & 100 µ = 0.1
2r r Stress distribution: σ11, σ22, σ33
Compression Platen
R 1
Compression Platen
Figure 6.1 Illustration of the O-ring under compression shown with original and deformed
configurations in ABAQUS.
True Stress
True Strain
Figure 6.2 Plot of experimental data and predicted uniaxial behavior in tension and compression
using various material models.
Figure 6.3 Material Parameters and stability limit information on (a)Mooney Rivlin, (b) two-
parameter Ogden, (c) Neo- Hookean, (d) Yeoh, and (e) Van der Waals hyperleastic material
Figure 6.4 FEA simulation of seals subjected to 25% compression for R/r = 1. The interfacial
friction is given by µ = 0.1. Note the asymmetric nature (with respect to 2-direction) of (a)
stresses and (b) strains in 1-2-3 directions for O-ring cross-section.
Figure 6.5 FEA simulation of seals subjected to 25% compression for R/r = 10. The interfacial
friction is given by µ = 0.1. The stresses (a) and strains (b) are more symmetrically distributed in
1-2-3 directions for O-ring cross-section.
Figure 6.6 FEA simulation of seals subjected to 25% compression for R/r = 100. The interfacial
friction is given by µ = 0.1. The symmetry in stresses (a) and strains (b) is more pronounced in 1-
2-3 directions for O-ring cross-section.
Peak Contact
Compression Platen
Compression Platen
Figure 6.7 Illustration of concept for contact stress and width for O-ring seal.
5% Compression
0.7 10% Compression
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance r, (mm)
5% Compression
10% Compression
1 15% Compression
20% Compression
Contact Stress (MPa)
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance r, (mm)
5% Compression
10% Compression
15% Compression
Contact Stress (MPa)
20% Compression
0.8 25% Compression
30% Compression
0.6 35% Compression
40% Compression
-2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Distance r, (mm)
Figure 6.8 Contact pressure profile for O-ring for (a) R/r = 1, (b) R/r = 10 & (c) R/r = 100 with
rough (µ = 0.1) interfacial condition. The symmetry of pressure is more evident as the ratio of
R/r increases.
5% Compression
10% Compression
Contact Width, b (mm)
15% Compression
20% Compression
25% Compression
30% COmpression
35% Compression
40% Compression
1 10 100
Peak Contact Stress, σcmax (MPa)
5% Compression
10% Compression
1 15% Compression
25% Compression
30% Compression
35% Compression
40% Compression
1 10 100
Figure 6.9 Contact width and peak contact stress profiles for O-ring under compression for
different R/r ratios.
Compression Platen
Compression Platen
Figure 6.10 Illustration of the SMORS under compression showing (a) full cross-section with
original and deformed shape, and (b) half section used for analysis in ABAQUS.
Figure 6.11 FEA simulation of SMORS subjected to 25% compression for R/r = 20. The
interfacial friction is given by µ = 0. The stresses (a) and strains (b) are symmetrically distributed
in 1-2-3 directions for O-ring cross-section.
10% Compression (mu = 0)
1.8 20% Compression (mu = 0)
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
Distance, X (mm)
Figure 6.12 Contact stress profile for frictionless and rough conditions from 10 to 40%
compression of SMORS. Note the higher peak contact stress for the case where friction is
present between seal and compression platen.
Max. Contact Pressure (MPa)
Rough Peak Contact
0 10 20 30 40 50
% Compression
0.8 Frictionless
Contact Width, b (mm)
0.5 Width
0 10 20 30 40 50
% Compression
Figure 6.13 Effect of interfacial friction (frictionless μ = 0 and Rough μ = 0.3) between
compression platens and seal on (a) peak contact pressure and (b) contact width.
S 4 d
ho force free dh o 4h o
l loaded bl
ho S
force free 2 h o ( b l)
r 2 R b
θ 2
R 2 2 (R r Cos ) d
Table 6.2 Contact width and contact pressure data on O-ring obtained from FEA analysis and
Lindley and Dragoni approach.
2 Lindley
Dragoni & Strozzi
Contact Width, b (mm)
0 10 20 30 40 50
% Compression
1.2 Lindley
Max. Contact Pressure (MPa)
0 10 20 30 40 50
% Compression
Figure 6.15 Contact width and contact pressure data on O-ring compression from FEA analysis
and Lindley and Dragoni equations.
σ c (x)
FFEA 2 (R x) σ c (x) dx
b b
2 dx 2
R x
Figure 6.16 Calculation of total load from contact width and contact pressure profile obtained
from FEA of SMORS under compression.
Experimental Data
Total Force (N)
80 Lindley
0 10 20 30 40 50
% Compression
Figure 6.17 Comparison of load versus % compression behavior obtained from finite element
analysis in ABAQUS, theoretical approach based on Lindley‟s empirical relationship and
experimental data from SMORS.
Half section
Molded Seal
Seal/GDL Interface
Seal Web
Seal/GDL Interface
Figure 6.19 (a) Simplified SMORS tested in compression stress relaxation tests, and (b)
delamination at seal/GDL interface due to poor impregnation of seal material into fibers
(Courtesy of Henkel Corporation).
Seal web Seal web
Figure 6.20 Sliding at seal/GDL interface and lifting of seal web observed in ABAQUS.
Original Configuration
Deformed State
Rotation of
Peak Contact
Gas Pressure,
Po Patm
Figure 6.22 Illustration of Lindley‟s approach used to develop peak contact stress profile to
predict seal leakage.
7 Summary
7.1 Observations
The elastomeric seals in PEM fuel cells are exposed to an acidic environment, humid air, and
hydrogen, as well as mechanical compressive loads. Due to aging in these environments, the seal
material may degrade or fail resulting in the leakage of the reactant gases during operation or
standby. Failure of the seal not only affects the overall operation which reduces performance but
also poses a safety concern. Since mechanical and viscoelastic properties of elastomeric gasket
materials are very important indicators of their level of functionality, long-term mechanical and
viscoelastic durability of a seal material are crucial for fuel cell integrity. In this study,
mechanical and viscoelastic property degradation of the seal material was investigated by
conducting tests such as uniaxial tension, trouser tear, and compression stress relaxation under
simulated fuel cell environmental conditions. The objectives of this study were to:
1. Evaluate the mechanical properties (load to break, elongation to break, tensile set, and
critical strain energy release rate (SERR)) of a seal material in relevant PEM fuel cell
2. Understand the effect of exposure medium, temperature and stress on the mechanical
properties of the materials over time and screen the environments most aggressive to seal
4. Develop contact pressure, contact width, and distribution of stress and strains profiles of
a custom seal cross-section using finite element analysis techniques along with
For mechanical property characterization, uniaxial tension and trouser tear tests were
conducted. To determine tensile properties and study the long-term effect of combination of stress
and environments on these properties, dogbone samples were prepared from a silicone sealant
material. Samples were stretched to different levels in a custom-built fixture and aged in
environments for two months. It was observed that aging degrades material properties such as
tensile strength, strain to break, 100% modulus, crosslink density, and tensile set and the extent of
degradation (increase or decrease) depends significantly on the environment as well as the strain
level in the specimen. However, depending on the end application of the seal material, attention
application. For example, O-rings are typically used for sealing applications and a permanent set
observations on change in material properties lead to the conclusion that sulfuric acid is most
To characterize the fracture behavior and to study the effect of temperature, loading rate, and
environment on the tear strength of a seal material, trouser tear tests were conducted on reinforced
samples. Stick-slip crack propagation was observed at all temperatures and loading rates,
although the behavior was suppressed significantly at low loading rates and high temperatures.
Plots relating the crack growth rate with strain energy release rate or tearing energy were obtained
at various temperatures. Significant insights into the effect of rate and temperature on the tearing
strength of the seal material were obtained. Data obtained from testing at different temperatures
were shifted to construct a master curve which may be used in conjunction with strain energy
release rate values obtained using J-integral in FEA to predict component lifetime. Tear tests were
also conducted in DI water at room temperature (RT) and 90oC and were compared with tear
characteristics in air at the same temperatures. It was observed that the presence of liquid at the
crack tip during fracture does not affect the tear strength of the material.
For long-term viscoelastic characterization of a molded seal (SMORS) and a silicone seal,
compression stress relaxation tests were conducted by using a novel fixture. The fixture was
designed such that the material properties of strained and unstrained samples, relaxed and
network model and rubber elasticity theory, strained and unstrained material properties provided
environmental conditions. Results obtained from testing on SMORS showed more variation in
data as compared to silicone rings due to the complexity associated with various interfaces in the
SMORS. Various mechanisms involved in material degradation e.g. chain scission and
crosslinking, were discussed and insights were gained into how friction at various interfaces,
cure state, and the level of antidegradants dictates the material behavior during testing.
Competing mechanisms, such as chain scission, crosslinking, and swelling may affect the
relaxation behavior of a material during the first phase of the testing i.e. physical relaxation.
Also, testing on SMORS and ring samples indicated the fixture‟s inability to capture small
changes in the relaxed load values and therefore a modified fixture was used for further testing.
For the purpose of understanding the deformation behavior of SMORS when subjected to
compression in fuel cell stack and to be able to predict its sealing performance, finite element
characterization of O-ring and SMORS cross-section was carried out. Seal material properties in
terms of uniaxial stress-strain data was provided as an input to ABAQUS and several
hyperelastic material models were evaluated. A two-parameter Ogden model was selected (due
to its excellent correlation with experimental uniaxial tension tests data) for compression analysis
of SMORS and the O-ring. Since O-rings are often used for many sealing application and has a
simple cross-section to analyze, finite element analysis was carried out to obtain some basic
information related to stress-strain, contact pressure, and contact width distribution and how they
are affected by seal‟s radius of curvature. It was observed that as the curvature of the seal
increases such that 10 , the values of contact width and peak contact stress do not change
significantly. Information obtained on the effect of seal curvature on maximum contact pressure
can be helpful when a seal bead is laid out on a substrate where it may have different curvature
in different regions of the substrate. If a pressure differential needs to be maintained across the
seal bead, the value of lowest maximum contact pressure (for regions where curvature is smallest
i.e. 10 ) should be used to prevent leakage. Results and insights obtained from O-ring
analysis proved to be helpful for analyzing a complex assembly such as SMORS, where several
interfaces and boundary conditions are involved. An axisymmetric analysis of SMORS was
carried out for 20 (more realistic to SMORS tested in CSR experiments). In order to
simplify the analysis process and to cut down on computing time, only half-section of the
SMORS were analyzed where the top compression platen was replaced with an analytically rigid
body. Stress/strain profiles were generated to visualize their distribution and concentration in the
seal cross-section. Frictionless and rough interfacial conditions between seal material and the
analytically rigid body were assumed and it was found that the effect of friction on contact width
Load versus displacement (or % compression) data generated on SMORS with the help of
ABAQUS were validated through comparison with a contact mechanics approach (Lindley‟s
approach) and experimental data. It was observed that Lindley‟s equation correlates well with
experimental data up to 25% strain whereas ABAQUS shows good agreement up to 10%
compression of SMORS. For more than 10% compression of SMORS, load values were
overestimated by ABAQUS and may possibly be due to assumptions made to simplify the
SMORS analysis.
Although considerable data was generated from mechanical and viscoelastic characterization of
the material which provided a significant insight into the material behavior under various loading
prediction of SMORS when used in fuel cells. In order to address issues related to material
A great deal of information was obtained from conducting tests on silicone dogbone samples
stretched to various levels of strains in environments. Similar tests can also be performed on
other seal materials so that a comparison can be made between several fuel cell grade seal
materials and durability estimates may be obtained. Changes in material property due to aging
can be explained based on the chemical analysis of the seal materials before and after aging.
Techniques such as X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy can be utilized to study changes in chemical properties. Even
though the values of crosslink density obtained from tests may not be accurate, the values may
be used as a tool to study trends in material behavior in presence of stress and environments. In
order to obtain a better estimate of crosslink density and also to double-check the values obtained
from mechanical tests, samples should be prepared from seal material for swelling experiments
and the Flory-Rehner [1] equation used to obtain a measure of the degree of crosslinking.
Using the fixture designed to strain samples in environments, samples should be aged for
different aging times, from 1 week up to 24 weeks, and after the desired aging time has been
reached, samples should be taken out and studied by chemical and mechanical means. Since
strain, rather than temperature, is used as accelerating parameter for material degradation, an
approach similar to Arrhenius technique may be useful to predict material property degradation
Information on rate-dependent and temperature dependent fracture behavior of the seal material
helped obtain master curve which can be used to make prediction for crack growth rate based on
strain energy release rate (SERR) values obtained from finite element analysis. Although a
threshold value of SERR was not clearly evident in the master curve plot, such a value has been
reported by several researchers [2-4]. To estimate a threshold value of SERR for the material
studied here, a similar approach may be adopted where trouser tear tests are conducted on
samples that were aged in a given environment for a period of time. Alternatively, tests may be
conducted at higher temperatures and slower rates to obtain threshold values but caution must be
exercised in:
1. Selecting a load cell to accurately read small load values during crack propagation.
2. Preventing the heat transfer to the load cell at high temperatures through load train used
for testing.
7.2.2 SMORS Characterization
Compression stress relaxation (CSR) of SMORS in various environments was a major part of
this study, the data from which is typically helpful in predicting lifetime of a component. Due to
the problems associated with obtaining good quality molded SMORS to obtain repeatable results
as well as CSR fixture‟s resolution to detect small changes in relaxed load values, several
modifications were made so that issues related to fixture sensitivity can be addressed. Figure 7.1
shows the modified design of the CSR fixture where the relaxed load in SMORS stacked in the
lower chamber is automatically recorded by a load cell connected to the data acquisition system
through a custom designed LabVIEW code. A high precision micrometer head attached to the
unit provides good results obtained during compression of the seals. Momentary properties of the
seals will be obtained separately based on the procedure used with the old fixture design. Figure
7.2 shows three fixtures positioned in a water bath at 90oC collecting stress relaxation data in DI
1. P.J. Flory and J. Rehner, "Statistical Mechanics of Cross-Linked Polymer Networks. Ii.
Swelling," Journal of Chemical Physics, 11, 521-526, 1943.
2. A.N. Gent and R.H. Tobias, "Threshold Tear Strength of Elastomers," Journal of
Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 20(11), 2051-2058, 1982.
3. A.K. Bhowmick, C. Neogi, and S.P. Basu, "Threshold Tear Strength of Carbon Black
Filled Rubber Vulcanizates," Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 41(5-6), 917-928,
4. A.N. Gent and J. Jeong, "Tear Strength of Oriented Crystalline Polymers," Journal of
Materials Science, 21(1), 355-363, 1986.
System Load Cell
Figure 7.1 New compression stress relaxation fixture design containing a load cell for continuous
data collection via a data acquisition system and LabVIEW code.
Water bath with
modified CSR fixtures
Figure 7.2 Continuous compression stress relaxation test set-up showing (a) fixtures loaded with
SMORS in various liquid solutions arranged in the water bath 90oC, (b) close-up of the fixtures
showing polypropylene balls and glass wool to minimize liquid evaporation.