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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National

Teachers College

National Teachers College

National Service Training Program

Action the Problem. Clean the Environment. Save the Future. (ACES)
A Project Proposal for Brgy. 160 Roxabago St. Tondo, Manila.

Submitted by:

Jemma Rose E. Pableo – 1.1

BTLED Hazel Ann Orozco – 1.1
BTLED Kane Rosales – 1.1 BSED
Zophia Nicole P. Dancel – 1.4 BSED
English Dian Buencibillo – 1.4 BSED

Submitted to:

Ms. Danica

NSTP Cluster Coordinator

National Service Training Program

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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National
Teachers College

October 23, 2022

National Service Training Program

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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National
Teachers College


One of the most common problems in the Barangay 160 Roxabago St. Tondo Manila is

the improper waste disposal, which could affect the current living of the residents of the

barangay. So here is one of the projects that be serve in Barangay160 Roxabago St. Tondo

Manila. ACES “Action the problem. Clean the Environment. Save the future.” Project in 160

Roxabago St. Tondo Manila through this project the resident will be aware and implement the

waste management and this project, residents and Barangay officials will learn to collect their

recycled material.

This project will help Barangay official in Barangay 160 Roxabago St. Tondo Manila to

maintain the proper waste disposal in community. To help reduce the greenhouse gases and

fight climate change, improving the quality of the natural environment. And this project focus on,

resident will collect their recycled material and exchange for food, groceries, and other basic

home supplies.

National Service Training Program

1 Page
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National
Teachers College


Improper waste disposal is no longer given priority in Barangay 160 Roxabago St. Tondo

Manila that can led serious negative enviroment impact like infectious diseases, land and water

pollution and obstruction of drains. It is necessary to act on this problem but the immediately

action taken by the said barangay is not quick. Probably because of lack of awareness, people

do not follow the correct rules and lack of knowledge about hazardous waste in improper waste

disposal. That is why, we will conduct a project proposal.

This project focus on resident can exchange their recycled material for foods and basic

home supplies. Barangay will collect the recycled material in resident. That recycled material will

be sold it in junk shop and the income will be used to buy a goods and basic home supplies.

The Implementation of redeem system is based on the weight of recyclable material exchange.

And the benefits of this project are multifold, not only does it encourage the residents to gather

and trade in their recyclables for valuable commodities instead of throwing them away, but it

also teaches waste segregation, contextualizing value in what is thought of as mere trash, while

also incentivizing the move less reliance on plastic.

The purpose of this project not only help resident through their recycled material and

also help keep the environment clean, but it also makes community's overall health standards

better. With waste being properly disposed of our environment is cleaner, meaning there are

fewer health risks and hazards around to affect’s people in community.

National Service Training Program

1 Page
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National
Teachers College


Project Activity

Title: ACES (Action the problem, Clean the environment, Save the Future) Project in
Barangay 160 Roxabago St. Tondo Manila

The purpose of this project is to help the barangay160 Roxabago St. Tondo
Manila. We create a project called ACES project to help Barangay official, resident
and to maintain the cleanliness of community. Implementation of a redeem system
based on the weight of recyclable materials. In exchange, residents of the barangay
can receive food or other basic home supplies. and to prevent environmental


● Maintain the proper disposal of waste in Barangay 607 Sta. Mesa Manila

● Preventing negative environmental impact that led to another problem (Ex.

Infectious diseases, land and water pollution, and obstruction of drains)

● People in the community were given knowledge and awareness regarding to

the proper waste disposal.

● People in the community will benefits from their recyclable material.


This is the possible and process to achieve the proposal we have it also included the

people involved so they have access from this kind of monitoring. To promote waste

reduction, recycling and reuse and create public awareness on waste management

and environmental concerns. Implementation of redeem system based on the

weight of recyclable material, in exchange, resident of the barangay can receive

food or other basic home supplies. To help reduce the greenhouse gases and fight

climate change, improving the quality of the natural environment.

National Service Training Program

1 Page
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National
Teachers College

Timeline of Activities

Objective for the

Week Activity Persons Involved Resources Needed

1 To submit the Passing the  Chairman/c

proposal and to Proposal paper. hairwomen
obtain the  Barangay
approval of the official
Barangay and  Community
resident people
 Natural

2 To post an A layout of  Chairman  Digital

announcement picture poster /chairwome Resources
about the for the n
activity on announcement  Barangay
Facebook page of the project official
of the barangay will designed by  Environment
ACES project. al
This picture will
be posted at the
Facebook page
of the
4 To distribute flyers ACES project will  Communi  Flyers
to the residents. conduct a ty people  Funds
distribution of

3 To provide We will create a  Chairman  Digital

orientation about video /chairwomen Resources
redeem system of presentation  Barangay
their goods. about redeem official
system of goods  Community
and highlighting people
the importance
of waste

National Service Training Program

1 Page
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National
Teachers College

reuse, and

This video will

be posted at
the Facebook
page of
5 To conduct a ACES project will  Chairman  Funds
proper collection provide a /chairwome
of the recyclable garbage n
material. container for the  Barangay
recyclable official
material.  Community
This garbage
container will be
place in the

National Service Training Program

1 Page
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National
Teachers College

Advertisement #1 - Tarpaulin

The proponent will make a tarpaulin and give it to the barangay officials. The
officials will decide on where to put the said tarpaulin. The most ideal place is
outside the hall, this will be suggested to the officers as well.

National Service Training Program

1 Page
Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services National
Teachers College

Advertisement #2 - Daily announcements.

The proponents will cooperate with the barangay officials for the issuance of

daily barangay announcements regarding proper waste disposal. The

proponents will provide an appropriate script for the officials to read. This will

aid the barangay residents to keep proper waste disposal.

Reference List:




National Service Training Program

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