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School: President Elpidio Quirino National High School Grade & Section: STE MARS GRADE 8
Teacher: Etheyl F. Solano Learning Area: Mathematics
Teaching Date and Time: January 18, 2023/7:30-8:30 AM Quarter: Second


At the end of the one-hour period (60-minute period), the student should
be able to:
(KNOWLEDGE): 1. identify the quartiles of an ungrouped data
(SKILL): 2. solve quartile value of an ungrouped data
(ATTITUDE): 3. appreciate the concept of measures of position in real life


A. Topic: Measures of Position (Quartile)

B. Learning Competency: Illustrates the following measures of position: quartiles, deciles

and percentiles. (Learning Competencies Basic Statistics 10.1)

C. References: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/q/quartile.asp

D. Materials: visual aids, activity sheets, board and chalk/chalkboard, TV/powerpoint


E. Integration : Reading/Equipped learners to meet the challenges in life


A. Preparation
1. Prayer
Please all stand for the prayer. “In the name of the father… amen.”
Good morning class! Good morning, Mrs. Solano!
2. Checking of attendance
Let us recall again our classroom rules. Classroom rules.
1. No using of cellphones during class
unless allowed by the teacher.
2. Listen when someone is talking/reciting.
3. Respect everyone.
4. Raise your hand if you want to answer
or if you have something to say.
B. Presentation

5-minute reading (Four Seasons of a Tree) (Reading Fluency only.)

Who can recall about the lesson we Our lesson last meeting is all about
discussed last meeting? measures of central tendency.
Then, what are the measures of central The measures of central tendency are the
tendency? mean, median and the mode.
What is mean? The mean is the average of the data set.
How about median? The median is the middle term of the data.
And what is mode? The mode is most frequent occurring value in
the data.
Very good!

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
Now, let’s have a group activity.
I want you to play a game. This game is
what we call “4 pics 1 word”. The mechanics
are easy, just use the scrambled letters to
have the right answer. The group who will
get the correct answer will be given 1 point.
The group that has the highest points will
Yes ,ma’am.
get a price. Are you ready?








Okay, what words did you encounter from the The words we encountered are measure,
activity? position, divide, equal, lower, quarter.

Very good!

How do you feel with that given activity? We feel happy, ma’am.

Those words are related with our lesson this



This morning, our lesson is all about

Measures of Positions on Quartiles.

But before that, let’s define these

terms first.

What do we mean when we say The measure is about an amount or degree

measure? of something.

Any other definition? None, ma’am.

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
Let us read the definition of measure. Measure is a standard unit used to express
the size, amount, or degree of something.

How about position? Position for me, ma’am, is all about taking an
action of where you belong. It gives us
direction. (Answer may vary.)

Yes. Another definition, position is all about

arranging a particular position of persons.

For instance, what is your position among (Answer may vary.)

the siblings in your family?

Now, let’s talk about quartile.

What is quartile? Who has an idea? No idea, ma’am.

A quartile is a statistical term that describes

a division of observations into four defined
intervals based on the values of the data
and how they compare to the entire set of

Like in our quarterly examination, it is 3rd quarter and 4th quarter ma’am.
divided into 4 quarters, 1 st quarter, 2nd
quarter and what else?

Now let’s discuss about the quartile. Please Quartile i s the score points which divide a
read the definition for quartile. distribution into four equal parts.

We have 3 quartiles, the lower quartile

Q1, middle quartile or median Q2, and the
upper quartile Q3.

25% of the data has value ≤ Q1.

50% of the data has a value ≤ Q2
75% of the data has a value of ≤Q3.

We have the formula for getting quartiles.

Quartiles for ungrouped data:

 Arrange the observations in
ascending or descending order.
 Q1 = value of th observation
2(n+1) n+1
 Q2 = value of or th
4 2

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
 Q3 = value of th observation
*Q2 =Median

If your answer is in decimal, used the linear

interpolation formula:
 Find the difference between the
2 values wherein Qn is situated.
 Get the decimal part result and
multiply it with the difference of
the 2 values where Qn is
 Add the result to the smallest
value wherein Qn is situated.

Let’s have an example:

The scores of 7 students in a Mathematics

seatwork are: 7, 4, 3, 6, 7, 4, 8. Find Q1, Q2,
and Q3.

1st step _________________________ Arranging the data into ascending

write the scores on the board 3,4,4,6,7,7,8

2nd step is to find Q1. What formula are n+1

we going to use? Q1 = value of th observation

Let us solve, substitute for the values where n n+1

=7 Q1 = value of th observation
where n = 7
Q1 = value of th observation
Q1 = value of th observation
Q1 = value of 2th observation
Explain your answer.
Since Q1 = 2th observation, then, from the
given data 3,4,4,6,7,7,8; 2th observation = 4

So, we have the 2nd position as the

lower quartile. Q1 is 4. Then, we can say
that 25% of the data has values of ≤ 4.

3rd step is to find Q2. Use the formula

2(n+1) n+1
Q2 = value of or th
4 2

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
Let us solve for the Q2 and explain your work. 2(n+1) n+1
Q2 = value of or th observation
4 2
Q2 = value of th observation
Q2 = value of th observation
Q2 = value of 4th observation = 6

Is the answer correct? Yes or No? Yes ma’am, the answer is correct because
And why? the Median of the scores is 6 and Q2 =
Median, therefore the answer is correct.
Good job!

Then, we can say that 50% of the data has

values of ≤ 6.

4th step is to find Q3. Use the formula 3(n+1)

Q3 = value of th observation; n=7
3(n+1) 4
Q3 = value of th observation; n=7
4 3(7+1)
Q3 = value of th observation
Solve for the Q3. 4

Discuss your work. 3(8)

Q3 = value of th observation
Q3 = value of th observation
Q3 = value of 6th observation = 7

Then, we can say that 75% of the data has

values of ≤ 7.
Let’s have another example.
Find Q1, Q2, and Q3 for the data set 10,
2, 9, 15, 23, 30, 8, 17, 25, 28.

What is the 1st step? Arrange the data in ascending order.

2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 23, 25, 28, 30

What is next after arranging the data in After arranging the data in ascending order,
ascending order? find the value of Q1, Q2 and Q3,.

Then, let us solve for Q1 first. n+1

Q1 = value of th observation, n=10
Q1 = value of th observation
Q1 = value of th observation
Q1 = value of 2.75th observation
*Since the answer is in decimal, we are going
to use linear interpolation method.

 Q1 = 2.75th
2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 23, 25, 28, 30
The values where Q1 situated are:
2th = 8
3rd = 9
Find the difference of the 2 values.
9–8 =1

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
Multiply the decimal part (0.75) to the
difference of the two values.
1(0.75) = 0.75
Add the result to the lowest value where Q 1
8+ 0.75 = 8.75
Therefore, Q1 = 8.75

Then, we can say that 25% of the data has

values of ≤ 9.75.

Next, let’s solve for the value of Q2. n+1

Q2 = value of th observation; n=10
Q2 = value of th observation
Q2 = value of th observation
Q2 = value of 5.5th observation
Q2 = 5.5th

2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 23, 25, 28, 30

X5 = 15 ; x6 = 17
 17 – 15 = 2
 2(0.5) = 1
 15 + 1 = 16
Therefore, Q2 = 16.

We can say that 50% of the data has values of

≤ 16.

Last, let’s find the value of Q3. 3(n+1)

Q3 = value of th observation; n=10
Q3 = value of th observation
Q3 = value of th observation
Q3 = value of th observation
Q3 = value of 8.25th observation

Q3 = 8.25th
2, 8, 9, 10, 15, 17, 23, 25, 28, 30
X8 = 25; X9 = 28
 28 – 25 = 3
 3(0.25) = 0.75
 25 + 0.75 = 25.75
Therefore, Q3 = 25.75

Then, we can say that 75% of the data has

values of ≥ 25.75.

The answer is correct! Any questions? None, ma’am.

Clarifications? Violent reactions?

3. Abstraction

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
What is our lesson this morning? Our lesson this morning is all about
measures of position on quartiles.

Why is it important to study the measure of It is important for us to know or to study the
position? measure of position because it gives us a way
to see where a certain data point or value falls
in a sample distribution. It tells us whether a
value is about the average , or whether it’s
unusually high or low.

How do we solve for Q1, Q2, and Q3 of We can solve for Q1, Q2, and Q3 of ungrouped
ungrouped data? data by the following steps and formula:

First is arrange the observations in ascending

or descending order.
Then solve for the value of Q1, Q2, and Q3 of
ungrouped data using the following formula:

Q1 = value of (n+1)/4 th observation

Q2 = value of (2(n+1))/4 or (n+1)/2th
Q3 = value of (3(n+1))/4 th observation
*Q2 =Median

If your answer is in decimal, used the linear

interpolation formula:
1. Find the difference between the 2
values wherein Qn is situated.
2. Get the decimal part result and
multiply it with the difference of the 2
values where Qn is situated.
3. Add the result to the smallest value
wherein Qn is situated.

How do we apply it in the real-life situation? We apply it using our grades ma’am if it is
below the average or above the average.

Yes, very good!

So, we can give focus on the grades we need

to improve.

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
I will give you another scenario for measures
of position.
When your 9 classmates will fall in line, then
we arrange them in ascending order from
shortest to tallest, what is the position of the The position of the 5th Q2 or median
5th person? Are you sure? ma’am. Yes ma’am.

How about the 3rd person from the shortest to The 3rd person from the shortest to
tallest? tallest is Q1 ma’am.

Is that correct? Very good! Yes, ma’am.

What about positions of quartile? The positions of quartile are 3, t h e lower

quartile, middle quartile and the upper

What is the other term for the middle quartile? The middle quartile is the median, ma’am.

Very good!

4. Application
Using the same group, I want you to choose
one representative each group to pick one
envelop from me. Each envelop has a task to

Inside these envelopes there are problems for

you to solve, and also, it has a way on how
you present your work in front. Like dancing,
singing and others.
Yes, ma’am.

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
Present your work in a creative way given in
the envelop.

You have 2-3 mins. to present your work and

will be graded according to these criteria

Content 20%
Creativity 10%
Presentation 15%
Cooperation 5%
Total 50%

You may start discussing with your


You will present by:

1. RAP

(First group problem)

You are going to know what the
quartiles of the scores in your mathematics
class of your 5 friends is including yours.
The scores are 3, 5, 6, 8, 8, 10. Find the Q1,
Q2, and Q3.
(After the presentation)
Let’s give the group a DAB Clap

(Second group problem)

You have a big problem in your
assignment about getting the quartiles of
given distribution. Now, find a way that you
can get the values of the quartiles of the
ages of malnourished students in PEQNHS.
7, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 15, 16, 16
(After the presentation)
Let’s give the group a Firecracker clap.

(Third group problem)

You want to know how to easily solve a
problem on quartile. So, you invite a
celebrity to give you tips on how to solve
quartiles given a sample problem. Find the
quartiles of the scores of 7 students in
mathematics remedial class
5, 5, 6, 7, 8 ,9, 10
(After the presentation)
Let’s give them an Aleng Dionisia Clap

(Fourth group problem)

You are in a Broadway and you are going
to have a conversation on how did you solve
for quartiles. Explain to the audience how
did you solve the problem.
Get the quartiles for the numbers won by
a famous basketball team in the year 2000

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!
E. Assessment
Get ½ lengthwise and answer these following questions.

Find the lower quartile (Q1) and upper quartile (Q3) of the data. The number of
days taken by each of 11 employees to finish a job were:
32 39 27 23 42 35 42 29 46 37 42.


23 27 29 32 35 39 42 42 46

F. Assignment

Research and study in advance about Measures of Positions on Deciles.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher I, Math Master Teacher II, Math Department Head III, Math

Noted by:

School Principal II

President Elpidio QuirinoNatioinal High School

San Agustin East, Agoo, La Union
(72) 687-0599 / peqnhsagoo@gmail.com …….where future leaders grow!

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