TalkingPoints B4U
TalkingPoints B4U
TalkingPoints B4U
It is a great pleasure & honor to be here, and I want to express my appreciation and
thank to CDAC for the arranging this important webinar which is the need of the hour in
current technological era.
Under the patronage of MeitY, C-DAC always has been carried out the novel research
and subsequent contribution aligned to the national missions. The Neuro Cognitive
Artificial Intelligence & Extended Reality group in C-DAC Delhi has extended its arms
with a highly demanded new research areas in the domain of Artificial Intelligence,
ML/DL, Brain Computer Interface and cutting-edge Technologies like AR & VR.
This group at present conducting major projects based upon the analysis of Neuro
Signal in the domain of Brain Machine Interface enabled Assistive Communication
System for Children with Special Needs and Cognitive Behavior Analysis. These two
projects come with the budget of 499.64 Lacs for three years and 199.66 lacs for two
years respectively. So far, MeitY has released Rs. 223.07 Lakhs to CDAC.
As we know that Children with Special Needs (CWSN) are those who have some type of
disability and require exceptional care and extra help depend on the nature of their
disability. The Special Needs of CWSN may include frequent medical testing, hospital
stays, equipment, and accommodations for disabilities. Various conditions and
disabilities of CWSN can be classified into four major categories, namely Physical,
Sensory, Developmental, and Behavioural or Emotional.
According to a 2019 UNESCO report, in India out of 78.64 lakh children with disability,
three-fourths of those aged five years don’t attend any educational institution.
Additionally, 12% of the children with disability have dropped out of school and 27% of
children with disability have never attended any educational institution.
In this situation, the there is a demand for interface by which the mental status or
intention can be detected of the children though he/she is not able to express via
normal means of communications. Targeting for the upliftment of the lives of such
persons, the Brain Machine Interface enables Assistive Communication System for their
day-to-day needs.
I was informed that CDAC Delhi in collaboration of AIIMS Delhi, CDAC Trivandrum and
GMCT TVM is coming up with the solution where person will be able to express their
thoughts by analyzing the brain signals (Electroencephalography EEG). This is targeted
to provide various interfaces covering multiple use-cases. It would provide desktop
application with mental imagery procedure, web-based P300 speller paradigm in
devnagri script and mobile-based calling application using brain signal analysis. I hope
and anticipate these research work definitely would bring the bright colors in the life of
the users.