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Electro Chemical Process: Shivam Jaiswal

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1. Introduction:

The process of metal removal by electro chemical dissolution was known as long back as 1780 AD
but it is only over the last couple of decades that this method has been used to advantage. It is also
known as contactless electrochemical forming process. The noteworthy feature of electrolysis is
that electrical energy is used to produce a chemical reaction, therefore, the machining process
based on this principle is known as Electrochemical machining (ECM). This process works on the
principle of Faraday’s laws of electrolysis.

Michael Faraday discovered that if the two electrodes are placed in a bath containing a conductive
liquid and DC potential (5-25V) is applied across them, metal can be depleted from the anode and
plated on the cathode. This principle was in use for long time. ECM is the reverse of the

ECM can be thought of a controlled anodic dissolution at atomic level of the work piece that is
electrically conductive by a shaped tool due to flow of high current at relatively low potential
difference through an electrolyte which is quite often water based neutral salt solution.

In ECM, Electrolyte is so chosen that there is no plating on tool and shape of tool remains
unchanged. If the close gap (0.1 to 0.2mm) is maintained between tool and work, the machined
surface takes the replica of tool shape.



2. Chemistry of Process

During ECM, there will be reactions occurring at the electrodes i.e., at the anode or work piece and
at the cathode or the tool along with within the electrolyte.

Let us take an example of machining of low carbon steel which is primarily a ferrous alloy mainly
containing iron. For electrochemical machining of steel, generally a neutral salt solution of sodium
chloride (NaCl) is taken as the electrolyte. The electrolyte and water undergo ionic dissociation as
shown below as potential difference is applied

NaCl ↔ Na+ + Cl-

H2O ↔ H+ + (OH)-

As the potential difference is applied between the work piece (anode) and the tool (cathode), the
positive ions move towards the tool and negative ions move towards the work piece.

Thus, the hydrogen ions will take away electrons from the cathode (tool) and from hydrogen gas

2H+ + 2e- = H2 ↑ at cathode

Similarly, the iron atoms will come out of the anode (work piece) as:

Fe = Fe+ + + 2e-

Within the electrolyte iron ions would combine with chloride ions to form iron chloride and
similarly sodium ions would combine with hydroxyl ions to form sodium hydroxide

Na+ + OH- = NaOH

In practice FeCl and Fe (OH) would form and get precipitated in the form of sludge. In this manner
it can be noted that the work piece gets gradually machined and gets precipitated as the sludge.
Moreover, there is not coating on the tool, only hydrogen gas evolves at the tool or cathode. Figure
2 depicts the electro-chemical reactions schematically. As the material removal takes place due to
atomic level dissociation, the machined surface is of excellent surface finish and stress free.



Summary of cathode and anode reaction is given below: -

Cathode Reaction

Na+ + e- = Na
Na+H20 = Na (OH)+H+
2H++2e- =H2 ↑

It shows that there is no deposition on tool but only gas is formed, whereas, in cathode in machining
an iron.

Anode Reaction

Iron (Fe) ↔ Fe++ + 2e- Fe++ +2cl- ↔ Fecl2

Fe++ +2(OH)- ↔ Fe (OH)
Fecl2 +2(OH)- ↔ Fe (OH)2 +2cl-

It shows that metal (work piece) i.e., Fe goes into solution and hence machined to produce reaction
products as iron chloride and iron-hydroxide as a precipitate. Interesting part is that the removal is
an atom by atom, resulting in higher surface finish with stress and crack free surface, and
independent of the hardness of work material.

Smaller the interelectrode gap (IEG) the gap, greater will be the current flow because resistance
decreases and higher will be rate of metal removal from the anode. Higher current density, in small
spacing (usually about 0.5mm or less), promotes rapid generation of reaction products.



The voltage is required to be applied for the electrochemical reaction to proceed at a steady state.
That voltage or potential difference is around 2 to 30 V. The applied potential difference, however,
also overcomes the following resistances or potential drops. They are:

• The electrode potential

• The activation over potential
• Ohmic potential drop
• Concentration over potential
• Ohmic resistance of electrolyte

Fig. 3 shows the total potential drop in ECM cell.


The electrochemical machining system has the following modules:

• Power supply
• Electrolyte supply and cleaning system
• Tool and tool feed system
• Work piece and Work holding system.

Power supply: During ECM, a high value of direct current (may be as high as 40000 A) and a low
value of electric potential (in range of 5-25 V) across IEG (Interelectrode gap) is desirable. The
highest current density achieved so far is around 20,000 A/cm2. Hence, with the help of a rectifier
and a transformer, three phase AC is converted to a low voltage, high current DC. Silicon
controlled rectifier (SCRs) are used both for rectification as well as for voltage regulation
because of their rapid response to the changes in the process load and their
compactness. Voltage regulation of ± 1% is adequate for most of the precision



ECM works. However, lack of process control, equipment failure, operator’s error, and similar
other reasons may result in sparking between tool and work. The electrical circuitry detects these
events and power is cut off (using the device like SCRs) within 10 microseconds to prevent the
severe damage to the tool and work. In case of precision works even a small damage to an electrode
is not acceptable. It may be minimized by using a bank of SCRs placed across the DC input to
ECM machine.

Electrolyte supply and Cleaning system: The electrolyte supply and cleaning system consisting
of a pump, filter, piping’s, control valves, heating or cooling coils, pressure gauges, and a storage
tank (or reservoir). Electrolyte supply ports may be made in the tool, work or fixture, depending
upon the requirement of the mode of electrolyte flow. Small inter electrode gap, usually smaller
than 1mm, should be maintained for achieving High MRR and high accuracy. For this purpose,
smooth flow of electrolyte should be maintained and any blockade of such a small gap by particles
carried by electrolyte, should be avoided. Hence, electrolyte cleanliness is imperative. It is
normally done with the help of filters made of SS steel, Monel or any other anticorrosive material.

It should be ensured that the piping system does not introduce any foreign material like corroded
particles, scale or pieces of broken seal material. Piping system is therefore made of SS steel, Glass
fibre reinforced plastic (GFRP), plastic lined MS or similar other anti-corrosive material. The
required minimum capacity of electrolyte tank is 500 gallons for each 10000 A of current. ECM is
supposed to machine different metals and alloys at optimum machining conditions and with
varying requirements of accuracy, surface texture, etc. Under such situations, a single tank system
is not recommended because of loss of time and wastage of electrolyte during drilling cleaning,



mixing or filling of new electrolyte in the tank. It results in higher cost and poor accuracy of electro
chemically machined surface and also poor control of operating conditions. More than one tank
therefore, can be used and their number would depend upon the range of electrolytes needed to
meet the work load.

Tool and Tool Feed system: - Use of anti-corrosive material for tools and fixtures is important
because they are required for a long period of time to operate in the corrosive environment of
electrolyte. High thermal conductivity and high thermal conductivity are main requirements. Easy
machining of tool material is equally important because dimensional accuracy and surface finish
of the tool directly affect the work piece accuracy and surface finish. Aluminium, Brass, Bronze,
copper, carbon, stainless steel and monel are a few of the material used for this purpose. Further,
those areas on the tool where ECM action is not required, should be insulated. For example, lack
of insulation on the sides of die sinking tool causes unwanted machining of work and results in a
loss of accuracy of the machined work piece. Use of non – corrosive and electrically non
conducting material for making fixtures is recommended. Also, the fixtures and tools should be
rigid enough to avoid vibration or deflection under the high hydraulic forces to which they are

Work piece and work holding system: - Only electrically conductive material can be machined
by this process, the chemical properties of anode (work) material largely govern the material
removal rate (MRR). Work holding devices are made of electrically nonconductive materials
having good thermal stability, and low moisture absorption properties, For Example, graphite
fibres reinforced plastics, plastics, Perspex, etc., are the materials used for fabricating the work
holding device.

Process Parameters

1. Power supply Type – DC

Voltage – 30V
Current - 40000A
Current Density – 500 A/Cm2

2. Electrolyte
Type – Nacl, NaNo3, Proprietary mixtures. Temperature – 26 to 50
Flow rate – 16 LPM to 20 LPM Velocity – 1500
m/min to 3000 m/min Inlet pressure – 2200 kPa.
Outlet Pressure- 300 kpa
3. Working Gap
0.075 to 0.75mm
4. Side over cut
0.125 to 1mm



5. Feed rate
0.500 to 13 mm/min
6. Electrode material
Copper, Brass, Bronze
7. Tolerance
0.025mm (2D) and 0.050mm(3D)
8. Roughness
1.5 microns


1. ECM can be used to make disc for turbine rotor blades made up of HSTR alloys.
2. ECM can be used for slotting very thin-walled collets.
3. ECM can be used for copying of internal and external surfaces, cutting of curvilinear slots,
machining of intricate patterns, production of long curved profiles, machining of gears and
chain sprockets, production of integrally bladed nozzle for use in diesel locomotives,
production of satellite rings and connecting rods, machining of thin large diameter diaphragms.
4. ECM principle has be employed for performing a number of machining operations namely,
turning, trepanning, broaching, grinding, fine hole drilling, die sinking, piercing, deburring,
plunge cutting etc.
5. ECM can also be used to generate internal profile of internal cams.

Die sinking 3D profiling


ECM offers impressive and long lasting advantages.

1. ECM can machine highly complicated and curved surfaces in a single pass.
2. A single tool can be used to machine a large number of pieces without any loss in its shape and
size. Theoretically tool life is high
3. Machinability of the work material is independent of its physical and mechanical properties.
The process is capable of machining metals and alloys irrespective of their strength and



4. Machined surfaces are stress and burr free having good surface finish
5. It yields low scrap, almost automatic operation, low overall machining time, and reduced
inventory expenses.
6. There is no thermal damage and burr free surface can be produced.


1. High capital cost of equipment

2. Design and tooling system is complex
3. Hydrogen liberation at the tool surface may cause hydrogen embrittlement of the surface.
4. Spark damage may become sometimes problematic
5. Fatigue properties of the machined surface may reduce as compared to conventional techniques
(by 20%)
6. Nonconductive material cannot be machined.
7. Blind holes cannot be machined in solid block in one stage
8. Corrosion and rust of ECM machine can be hazard
9. Space and floor area requirement are also higher than for conventional machining methods.
Some additional problems related to machine tool requirements such as power supply,
electrolyte handling and tool feed servo systems.

Theoretical Analysis of ECM Metal removal rate calculations

During ECM, metal from the anode (or work piece) is removed atom by atom
by removing negative electrical charges that bind the surface atoms to their
neighbours. The ionized atoms are then positively charged and can be
attracted away from the work piece by an electric field. In an electrolytic cell
(ECM cell) material removal rate is governed by Faraday’s law of electrolysis.

The amount of chemical change produced by an electric current (or

the amount of substance deposited or dissolved) is proportional to
the quantity of electric charges passed through electrolyte.
The number of different substances deposited or dissolved by the
same quantity of electricity are proportional to their Electro
chemical equivalent weights. (ECE)
ECE= M/v

Where M is the atomic weight and v is the valency.



These laws can be expressed in mathematical form as follows:


W=1/F(ECE). Q

MRR =1/F(M/v).I.t

Where F is the faraday’s constant=96500 coulombs =26.8amp-hr, Q is the charge (0coloumb), I

the current (ampere) and t is the dissolution period.

This equation is based on number of simplified assumption and does not account for the effect of
some of significant process variables, namely, changes in valency of electrochemical EC
dissolution during the operation, gas evolution and bubble formation, electrolyte electrical
conductivity and temperature variation along the electrolyte few path, over potential m presence
of passivation film etc. Passivity arises because of chemical and electro chemical behaviour of
metals which results in the formation of protective film on their surfaces. Further, dissolution of
iron in NaCL solution, depending upon the machining conditions, may be either in the form of
ferrous hydroxide or ferric hydroxide. Mode of dissolution during machining if alloys, is still more
difficult to know. The preferential valency mode of dissolution has been found to depend upon the
electrolyte flow rate, IEG and length of electrolyte flow path.

Electrochemical Equivalent of alloys.

The evaluation of MRR becomes difficult when the anode is made up of an alloy because the value
of electrochemical equivalent of an alloy.

An alloy consists of different elements to give required properties. To find the rate of dissolution
of an alloy, one must consider each element separately and combine them for the whole alloy.

1,2, 3,…. n = number of elements in alloy
m1, m2, m3…… mn = atomic weight of individual element in alloy
v1, v2, v3…….vn = valency of the respective elements
x1,x2,x3……xn = percentage of element present in the alloy
p= density of alloy
Va= volume goes into solution in each time t
w1, w2, w3…. wn = weight of element in alloy.

Weight of first element




and so on

The charge (Q1-Qn) taken by each element present in the alloy can be the given by the eq as


Now the total charge requires for removing all the elements from the alloy will be

Qtotal = Q1+Q2+……+Qn;

Hence volumetric material removal rate Vm per unit charge is given by

If current I flow for time t sec, then from equation,



Mechanical properties of parts produced by ECM process

It is important to know the effect of ECM on the mechanical properties of electrochemically

machined parts. This will greatly affect the acceptability of the process in different industries.
Hardly any evidence is available about the hydrogen embrittlement of the ECM components. The
basic reason being that hydrogen is evolved at cathode while metal removal is taking place due to
anodic dissolution at the anode. It has been reported that there is no effect of ECM on ductility,
yield strength, ultimate strength, and micro hardness of the machined component.

Surface layers damaged during conventional machining or by some other processes, may be
removed by ECM and this may result in improvement in the properties of the work material.
However, such removal of layers from the work surface reduces fatigue strength of a
conventionally machined components. The conventionally machined surfaces have compressive
residual stresses responsible for higher fatigue strength. This fact has been verified experimentally.
However, the required fatigue strength can be restored by further appropriate post mechanical
finishing treatment. These subsequent mechanical treatments impart compressive stresses to the
surface, so that the resulting work piece can exhibit fatigue properties comparable to or better that
those of mechanically finished parts.

The surface finish produced by ECM may also be source of reduction in fatigue properties. The
surface produced by ECM generally has better wear friction and corrosion resistance properties
than those produced by mechanical means. Following Table gives effect of type of finish on fatigue

Surface finish Fatigue life x 105 cycles.

Electrochemically polished 4.9
Etched 4.4
Intergranular attack 4.25
Hemispherical pits 3.3

Micro examination of specimen has revealed that fatigue cracks usually originate from pits. Due
to flowing electrolyte, these defects are more severe than those found in electro polishing.
However, reduction in fatigue life is low and depth of inter granular attack measured is about
hundreadth of a millimeter or even less. Removal of compressive stress layer seems to be the main
reason, and inter granular attack and other defects induced during ECM appears to be secondary
reasons for reduction in fatigue strength. Improper combination of work and electrolyte or
inappropriate selection of operating conditions may result in non-uniform dissolution of metals
and alloys. It would lead to selective etching, intergranular attack or pitting. But such defects can
be minimized by employing proper heat treatment procedure and also by developing an appropriate
electrolyte and selecting proper operating conditions.



Dynamics of ECM Process

In last section, we have derived an expression for MRR in ECM. Now the question arises whether
one should allow machining without any feed or give a feed. To solve this, let us consider an
electrolyte flowing through a parallel gap “h” between tool and work piece. If the constant voltage
(V) is applied across the gap, one should find out how gap changes take place.

Zero feed rate

Now if dh is the change in gap in a given time dt area of cross section of tool(reaction area) is A
and density of material then the weight dissolved

the rate of change of gap is proportional to current density(I/A). now, if V is the applied D.C
voltage, R is the resistance of electrolyte and r the specific resistance of the electrolyte, then

On substituting the value of I from equation, we can rewrite

and for a constant voltage source




For an alloy which shows that the rate of change of gap is inversely
proportional to gap length i.e. with time the arte of change of gap or the
dissolution rate falls.

Now let us examine if no feed is given under zero feed arte condition how
the gap varies with time. We know

integrating this within the limits

(h21- h20) = Ct

Which gives the parabolic variation of gap shown in fig it shows that if we do not give any feed to
the tool, the dissolution rate falls. Hence it is necessary to give a feed to the tool

Dynamics under given feed conditions

If feed S is given to the tool, then equation is modified to



It is necessary to establish the feed rate because if S is high compared to rate of change of gap,
then the short circuit will result in stoppage of electro chemical reaction. Hence to establish a
reaction for feed a steady state condition of electro-chemical reaction is to be established under
this steady state condition


The gap under steady state condition he is

In steady state or equilibrium condition with a constant feed, the gap remains constant.
Now it is necessary to know how and when the equilibrium condition is reached. To establish this
one must find out the behaviour of equation with respect to feed. The approach to the equilibrium
gap can be found out by method of substitution of the equation, by reducing the variable to ECM
units since they are not dimensionally balanced.

In ECM units we can assume the equilibrium gap he to a unit for conversion of gap and time units.

Gap, and time Hence,


Therefore, the above equation is converted and expressed as


on integration or



The plot of above equation is shown in above Figure.

This shows that whatever the initial gap is given, it tends to a unit gap, equilibrium is reached,
since approaches the gap asymptotically.

Hence h’=1 or

From which,

Where, , or


It is seen that, in a constant feed rate ECM system, the machining process is inherently self-
regulated since the MRR tend to approach the feed rate. Another interesting phenomenon is that a
highest feed condition (for a limiting value of current) the equilibrium gap is minimum and
produces a closer tolerance between the tool and the work surface, i.e., as production rate is
increased the accuracy is maintained is higher in ECM operation. Hence it can be considered as
one of high production system.




Run Independent parameters Dependent

No. parameters
Electrolyte Electrolyte
Voltage Current Feed Pressure MRR SR
Conc. Flow 2
(V) (Amp) (MM/min) (Kg/Cm ) (mg/min) (µm)
(gms/Ltr) (Ltrs/min)
E B A 0.1 C F G H
1 125 10 100 0.2 4 3.4 5.277 4.074
2 125 10 125 0.3 5 3.6 5.224 3.788
3 125 10 150 0.4 6 3.7 5.259 3.775
4 125 10 175 0.1 7 3.8 6.380 5.591
5 125 14 100 0.2 5 3.6 4.430 3.626
6 125 14 125 0.3 4 3.4 5.586 3.306
7 125 14 150 0.4 7 3.8 5.161 3.491
8 125 14 175 0.2 6 3.7 4.136 3.304
9 125 18 100 0.1 6 3.8 4.705 3.677
10 125 18 125 0.4 7 3.7 5.859 3.603
11 125 18 150 0.3 4 3.6 6.056 5.099
12 125 18 175 0.2 5 3.4 4.811 4.474
13 125 22 100 0.1 7 3.7 4.497 4.013
14 125 22 125 0.4 6 3.8 5.365 3.573
15 125 22 150 0.3 5 3.4 5.086 3.760
16 125 22 175 0.4 4 3.6 4.789 3.458
17 150 10 100 0.3 4 3.8 5.612 4.299
18 150 10 125 0.2 5 3.7 4.922 3.362
19 150 10 150 0.1 6 3.6 5.373 3.510
20 150 10 175 0.4 7 3.4 5.343 3.259
21 150 14 100 0.3 5 3.7 6.703 6.402
22 150 14 125 0.2 4 3,8 4.514 3.268
23 150 14 150 0.1 7 3.4 6.705 5.971
24 150 14 175 0.3 6 3.6 5.468 3.713



25 150 18 100 0.4 6 3.4 5.144 3.149

26 150 18 125 0.1 7 3.6 4.657 3.602
27 150 18 150 0.2 4 3.7 5.439 4.612
28 150 18 175 0.3 5 3.8 6.754 4.474
29 150 22 100 0.4 7 3.6 4.772 3.947
30 150 22 125 0.1 6 3.4 4.540 3.530
31 150 22 150 0.2 5 3.8 5.362 3.589
32 150 22 175 0.3 4 3.7 3.607 3.270
∑ 4400 512 4400 0.4 176 112.2 165.044 124.566

MRR = Constant × Aa × Bb × Cc × Dd × Ee × Ff

Where a,b,c,d,e,f are the indices for current, voltage, electrolyte flow, feed rate, Electrolyte
concentration and pressure.

Mathematical Eqn for MRR is

MRR= 3.14695 A0.002050* B-0.01061875*C0.001225*D0.10975*E- 0.00345*F-0.0104625

Mathematical Eqn for SR is
SR= 2. 2425000 A0.0024500* B-0.0196875*C0.0212500*D0.0375000* E- 0.0022500*F0.0093750


Graph 1
E B A 0.1 C F G H
(gms/Ltr) (Ltrs/min) (mg/min)
Electrolyte Voltage (V) Current (Amp) Feed Electrolyte Pressure MRR SR (µm)
Conc. (MM/min) Flow (Kg/Cm2)

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4



Graph 2
Electrolyte Voltage (V) Current (Amp) Feed Electrolyte Pressure MRR SR (µm)
Conc. (MM/min) Flow (Kg/Cm2)

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5

Graph 3










Electrolyte Voltage (V) Current (Amp) Feed Electrolyte Pressure MRR SR (µm)
Conc. (MM/min) Flow (Kg/Cm2)

Series1 Series2 Series3 Series4 Series5



The conclusions derived from the experiment are summarized as below:

1. The machining process is carried out ion by ion so it is possible to machine intricate shapes
and sizes.

2. The machining can be carried out for any material irrespective of its hardness.

3. As there is no tool contact with work piece the important post process defects such as thermal
damage, stresses, tool wear does not exist and smooth surface is obtained.

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