Agay Ayan ES Evaluation G1 3
Agay Ayan ES Evaluation G1 3
Agay Ayan ES Evaluation G1 3
Department of Education
Region V
Instructions: This monitoring tool is designed for use by the Division Literacy and Numeracy Team composed of the CID Chief and
the division learning area supervisors in Mother Tongue, English, Filipino, and Mathematics in Region V, the accomplishment of
which should be made after the completion of the implementation of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum to the Grades 1-3
It is expected that the consolidated information contained in this Tool is generated from the extensive monitoring conducted by the
CID Chief, PSDSs, learning area supervisors and other division monitors during the program implementation and reflexive of the
feedback coming from school heads, teachers, parents and education stakeholders during school visits, casual observations, informal
and formal meetings, and focus group discussions. These division monitors should sit together and decide the consolidated inputs
that should be included in this Tool.
Date Privacy Statement: All the data to be generated will be treated with utmost confidentiality and shall be governed by Republic
Act 10173, otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
PART I. Directions: Study carefully the given significant components of the 8-Week Learning Recovery Curriculum which include
Training and Orientation, Utilization of CRLA and ALNAT, Assessment, and Curriculum Implementation and Delivery. For each
item, write the consolidated data issue/gaps/concerns that the teachers encountered in the implementation of the contextualized
curriculum in Mother Tongue, English, Filipino, and Mathematics; specific solutions that they implemented as a result of technical
assistance or discussions; suggestions that can be given to further improve such component, and best practices that have been
implemented. If any.
1.Training and orientation Training conducted The grades 1-3 teachers Conduct training ahead Orientation and Training
prior the attended the training and for the implementation so Conducted.
were conducted to division
implementation. Orientation with regards that we can prepare the
supervisors, school heads,
of the 8-Week Learning needed materials.
Grades 1-3 teachers and Recovery Curriculum
parents prior to the
implementation of the 8-
Week Learning Recovery
Curriculum in the Division.
II. On the Utilization
of the CRLA and
ALNAT Pre-Test in week 1 were Utilized the pre-test for Give more time to assess The materials were
utilized to determine the each pupil in Grades 1-3 learners to determine their provided by the Division.
2. Results of the ability groupings learners. ability grouping.
Comprehensive Rapid
Literacy Assessment
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Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
4. LRC pre-assessment in The time constrains in The pupils were divided in Need more time in giving The assessment tools were
Mother Tongue, Filipino, giving assessment to each day to assess their assessment for each provided by the Division.
and English were each learner were not ability level in literacy and learner.
administered to Grades 1- enough due to the numeracy.
number of pupils in each
3 learners to determine
specific difficulties in Additional Remedial 1-2 whole day remedial
literacy. Plenty of pupils fall on hours. classes per week for slow
the Alphabet knowledge learners.
In numeracy, LRC pre- ability.
assessment was
administered to Grade 1
learners, while Grades 2
and 3, the EOSY- ALNAT
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results were used to
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
determine specific
difficulties in numeracy.
5. LRC pre-assessment (in
literacy) and ALNAT (in The lessons should vary The lessons were The assessment tools must The assessment tools were
numeracy) results served according to the level of appropriate to the level of suit to the level of grades provided by the Division.
as basis of specific lessons/ the learners. the learners. 1-3.
interventions to Grades 1-
3 learners
6. Formative assessments
and performance task The time constrains in The teachers equally Need more time in giving Provided by the teachers
were administered by the giving formative divided the time to assessment for each the Formative assessments
teachers within the assessment within the conduct the Formative learner. and Performance Task.
implementation of the 8- implementation of the 8- assessment and
Week Learning Recovery Weel Learning recovery performance task.
9. LRC post-assessment Lock of assessment tool The teachers created and Give more assessment The teachers ccreated and
and ALNAT were in each literacy and printed assessment tools tools to the learners in printed the assessment
administered to Grades 1- numeracy level for the to administer to the each level for the literacy tools.
3 in Mother Tongue, learners. learners. and numeracy.
Filipino, English and
Mathematics in the
succeeding weeks after the
completion of the 8-Week
LRC implementation
IV. On Curriculum
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V
and Delivery
The teachers equally Give more time in The teachers made class
10. Five days a week face- Lock of time in giving divided the time for each Reading and Numeracy. schedule.
the implementation of subject to implement the
to-face modality was
the 8-week learning 8-Week Learning
adopted for Grades 1-3
Recovery Curriculum in Recovery Curriculum.
classes in the each subject.
implementation of the 8-
Week Learning Recovery
utilization of learning
14. Aside from the Locking of printed Needed more printed Utilized and adopted. Provided by the Division
worksheets contained in materials, such as worksheets. Office.
the 8-Week LRC package, pictures, worksheets and
additional worksheets other manipulative
were developed by the materials.
teachers to suit the
context of their grade
15. early grade teachers Give only enough task Teachers must Focus only
supported one another in The teachers were No extra assigned task such as giving extra paper teaching the learners.
the development of loaded in terms of paper given to the teachers. works so the teachers can
supplemental materials works. only focus on the learner’s
and additional worksheets. activity.