Dictionary (C)
Dictionary (C)
Dictionary (C)
cadmium-plated 47 cadence
C (a) (short of) Celsius or centigrade: cable clamps should be tight on
Ñoä baùch phaân. the terminal posts and free of
(b) = COULOMB: Culoâng (ñôn corrocable covering = outer layer,
vò ño ñieän tích). now nearly always of plastic,
(c) = COMFORT: Söï tieän nghi. serving as electrical insulation for
C-4 System n. = COMPUTER cables: Ñaàu daây caùp phaûi
CONTROLLED CATALYTIC ñöôïc sieát chaët treân coïc aéc
CONVERTER: boä xuùc taùc quy vaø khoâng bò phuû bôûi gæ
(hoaù khöû khí thaûi) ñieàu chì.
khieån baèng maùy tính cable brake = mechanical brake
Cab n. (a) = TAXI (CAB ): Xe taéc xi. operated by levers and a cable,
(b) enclosed part at the front of a either unsheathe or a bowden type,
commercial vehicle for the driver now only used for a handbrake or on
and passenger(s): khoan taøi xeá a trailer.: Daây caùp phanh
vaø haønh khaùch cuûa xe taûi. cable guide = tube section bolted
cabin n. = passenger or spot-welded to a part of the body
compartment: Khoang haønh such as the floor pan for routing an
khaùch. operating cable, e.g. for a bonnet
cabin forward design = release: OÁng daãn höôùng daây
passenger car design with a caùp
relatively short front end, and cable-operated = brought into
footwells extending up to the front operation by a cable: Hoaït ñoäng
axle, providing added passenger nhôø caùp keùo
space: Thieát keá xe ñeå cabin cabriolet n. convertible with a
roäng soft top and windows, usually a
cable n. (a) assembly of insulated four-seater: Xe mui traàn
electrical conductors, usually wires, CACIS = CONTINUOUS AC
laid together, often around a central IGNITION SYSTEM: Heä thoáng
core and surrounded by a heavy ñaùnh löûa xoay chieàu lieân tuïc
insulation, for heavy duty CAD (short of) computer-aided design:
applications such as battery cables: thieát keá nhôø maùy tính.
Daây caùp, daây ñieän to. cadence braking n. emergency braking
(b) assembly of wire strands twisted method in which the driver rapidly
together used for a pulling or depresses and release the brake
sometimes a pushing or twisting pedal: Söï nhòp phanh khi phanh
action, either without a sheath ( as in khaån caáp
some brake cables), or with a sheath cadmium-plated a. covered in a
as in control cables and drives such coating of cadmium: Maï catmi.
as speedometer cables: Caùp beän, CAE (short for) computer-aided
daây caùp meàm engineering: Kyõ thuaät vôùi söï
cable clamp = device for hoã trôï maùy tính
connecting cable to their terminals, CAL (shot for) computer-aided
especially battery cables to the lighting: Heä thoáng chieáu saùng
terminal posts: Ñaàu keïp caùp. vôùi söï hoã trôï cuûa maùy tính
car cover = cover shaped to fit a usually a wax: Chaát phuï gia ñeå
car, usually waterproof for use röûa xe
outdoors, but can also be for car wax = non abrasive polish
protection against dust and containing wax for protecting a
condensation during storage: Taám car’s finish: Saùp ñaùnh boùng xe.
boïc xe. caravan n. mobile home especially for
car crash see CRASH: Tai recreational purpose, for towing
naïn xe hôi. behind a car commercial vehicle,
car insurance = motor usually with two wheels: Nhaø löu
insurance: Baûo hieåm xe hôi. ñoäng keùo theo xe.
car key = key for the ignition, (NOTE: US English is camping
boot, doors or petrol cap, etc.: Chìa trailer, mobile home)
khoùa xe. caravanning n. traveling with a
car park = area or building caravan, usually as a holiday: Ñi du
where cars may be parked: Baõi lòch vôùi nhaø löu ñoäng.
ñaäu xe. carb n. = CARBURETTOR: Boä cheá
car phone = cellular telephone hoøa khí, bình xaêng con
installed in a car: Ñieän thoaïi carbon n. (a) black material with good
trong xe. electrical properties of conductivity:
car polish = polish for the Than coác.
exterior paintwork of a car: Söï (b) deposit with forms in the
ñaùnh boùng xe. combustion chamber, on the piston
car sponge = large sponge for crown and to a lesser extent in the
washing a car: Xoáp lau xe. inlet and exhaust ports, resulting
car stereo = combination of a form incomplete combustion
stereo radio with a cassette player or especially of oil: Muoäïi than.
sometimes with a CD player, for carbon black n. engineering
use in a car: Heä thoáng aâm material, used as filler in plastic
thanh xe. mouldings and in tyres, where it
car tax = tax add to the price of improves the mechanical properties
a new car, or tax payable annually of tyre rubber and produces, as a
or six-monthly for using a caron the side effect, the typical black colour:
road: Thueá xe. Moà hoùng
car test = road test: Kieåm tra carbon brush n. rubbing
(thöû) xe treân ñöôøng tröôøng electrical contact in the form of a
car theft n. stealing cars or carbon block or rod which bears
stealing items from cars: Söï aên against another member, such as a
caép xe hoaëc ñoà vaät trong xe commutator, collector ring or slip
car thief = person who steals ring, to provide passage for an
cars: Keû troäm xe. electric current, e.g. from an
car tyre = tyre suitable for a external source to the armature of a
passenger car: Voû xe. motor, as in a starter, or form the
car wash = (a) drive-in, rotor of an alternator via slip rings
automatic facility for washing a car: to an external circuit: Choåi than.
Traïm röûa xe töï ñoäng. carbon brush spring = BRUSH
(b) car cleaning agent for adding to SPRING: Loø xo choåi than.
water, containing a detergent and carbon build-up or deposits n. residues
of burnt oil deposited in the
cardan joint
cat 53 catalyst substrate
ñieåm tieáp xuùc cuûa voû xe vaø efficiency: Söï maát taùc duïng
ñöôøng keùo daøi cuûa truï quay xuùc taùc.
laùi treân maët ñaát, hay coøn catalyst efficiency n. catalyst
goïi laø goùc caster trail. efficiency: Hieäu quaû xuùc taùc.
(NOTE: also called castor offset, catalyst indicator n. indicator
trail) light in the instrument panel that
castor action n. self-centering illuminates after a certain mileage,
action resulting from castor which e.g. after 25,000 miles, to remind
springs the steered wheels back to the driver that the catalytic
the straight ahead position: Taùc converter should be replaced; some
duïng cuûa goùc caster (tay laùi older designs used a mechanical
thaúng trôû laïi). signal: Ñeøn baùo thay boä xuùc
castor angle n. = CASTOR taùc.
castor offset n. = CASTOR catalyst substrate or support n.
cat n. (informal) = catalytic converter: base material carrying the catalytic
Boä xuùc taùc. layer or coating: Söôøn ñôõ chaát
catalyst n. (a) substance that changes xuùc taùc.
the rate of a chemical reaction catalytic converter n. device shaped
without itself being used up; in a like a silence for exhaust emission
catalytic converter the element control installed in the exhaust
which reduces the toxicity of the system as close to the engine as
exhaust gases: Chaát xuùc taùc possible, in which a catalyst-coated
trong boä hoaù khöû khí thaûi. substrate is enclosed in a sheet metal
(b) special agent added to a plastic canister of stainless steel, protect
body filler or resin or two-pack against vibration by wire mesh, its
paint to speed up the setting process lower shell being provided with a
of the basic material applied: Chaát heat shield: Boä xuùc taùc.
xuùc taùc laøm hình thaønh catalytic activity n. rate at which a
nhanh lôùp sôn loùt. given catalytic converter purifies the
catalyst bed n. layer of catalyst- exhaust gas stream, usually
coated material such as pellets or expressed as a conversion rate: Söï
ceramic in a catalytic converter hoaït ñoäng cuûa chaát xuùc taùc.
through which the gases pass: Lôùp catalytic efficiency n.
xuùc taùc. effectiveness of the catalyst in
catalyst charge n. catalyst-coated purifying the exhaust gases: Hieäu
materials such as pellets or ceramic quaû cuûa chaát xuùc taùc.
in a catalytic converter: Khung catalytic layer n. very thin layer of a
phuû chaát xuùc taùc. catalyst, usually consisting of
catalyst coating n. = catalytic platinum metals, supported by a
layer: Lôùp xuùc taùc. ceramic or metal carrier material:
catalyst container n. = converter Lôùp chaát xuùc taùc.
housing: Voû boä xuùc taùc. cathode n. negative electrode in an
catalyst contamination n. loss electrolytic cell: Cöïc aâm, catoát.
of catalytic efficiency caused by cathodic electro painting or
contaminating deposits: Söï laøm cataphoretic painting n. process
baån chaát xuùc taùc. used to apply the first coat of paint
catalyst degradation or to car bodies involving positively
deterioration n. loss of catalytic charging paint particles, in which
the cleaned metal parts to be coated thoáng ñieàu khieån quaù trình
are immersed in a tank of electrode chaùy.
position paint, and the current is CDI = CAPACITY DISCHARGE
then turned on, so that the positively IGNITION: Heä thoáng ñaùnh
charges particles are attracted by löûa ñieän dung.
the negative metal parts: Sôn tónh CD player n. device for playing
ñieän. compact disc: Maùy haùt ñóa
cathodic protection n. protecting a compact.
metal from electrochemical CD value n. coefficient of drag, a
corrosion by using it as the cathode characteristic indicating the
of a cell with a sacrificial anode: Söï resistance of a given car body to air
baûo veä (choáng aên moøn) flowing against its front, at high
catoát. speed, which is measured in a wind
caustic etching n. removal of metal by tunnel, and unlike drag as such,
dipping aluminium parts in caustic depend only on the shape or outline
soda: Laøm saïch nhoâm baèng of the body, not on the cross-
xuùt. sectional area, and being a
cavitation n. formatting and subsequent coefficient has no unit of
collapse of vapour-filled cavities in measurement: Heä soá caûn gioù
a liquid, such as bubbles, vapour- (khí ñoäng).
filled pockets or a combination of cell n. (a) a system of negative and
both: Söï baøo moøn (do boït khí). positive plates for storage of
cavity n. (a) empty space in a body electricity, either used singly or in
structure, either in a box section or a combination to form a battery:
double-skinned area: Khoang, Hoäc bình ñieän, pin.
hoác. (b) combustion chamber of a rotary
(b) holder and contact for fuses: piston engine: Buoàng chaùy cuûa
Raõnh gaén caàu chì. ñoäng cô piston quay (Wankel).
cavity sealant n. sealant used for cellular phone n. portable, wireless
protecting cavities against rust, telephone, introduce in 1983 in the
usually consisting of film-forming USA and mainly used as a car
oils, waxes, solvents and rust phone: Ñieän thoaïi di ñoäng söû
inhibitors: Chaát traùm loã. duïng treân xe hôi.
CB (a) = CONTACT BREAKER: Vít cellulose putty = filler for minor
löûa. surface imperfections: Treùt matit
(b) = citizens’ band: Baêng taàn choã moùp nheï
phoå bieán. cementite (Fe3C) n. iron carbide, a
CBR process n. controlled burnt rate, a very hard substance found in cast
method of improving fuel economy iron: Haït cementit.
by controlling/ accelerating the fuel central gear change n. usual
burn rate: Phöông phaùp kieåm arrangement with the gear lever in
soaùt quaù trình chaùy. the centre of the floor: Caàn soá
CC = CUBIC CENTIMETRES: Cm3. ñaët ôû giöõa saøn.
C-clamp n. screw-activated clocking central chassis lubrication n.
clamp with long, C-shaped jaws: lubrication of all chassis component
Caùi keïp hình chöõ C. with oil or grease from one central
CCS = CONTROLLED point: Boâi trôn caùc chi tieát
COMBUSTION SYSTEM: Heä khung xe töø moät choã.
chain wrench
charge air 58 chassis dynamometer
chain run = section of a drive (b) to take away and put something
chain that runs between the new or different in its place: Thay
sprockets: Böôùc xích. theá
chain tensioner = component 2 n. engage of another gear: Söï
usually comprising a spring steel sang soá.
strip pressing on the chain, used change-speed gearbox n.
mainly on four-stroke engines with gearbox containing sets of gears
a chain-driven camshaft and which can moved in and out of
responsible for maintaining the different ratios between the speeds
proper chain tension: Caùi caêng of the input and output shaft: Hoäp
xích. soá nhieàu caáp.
chain wrench = tool for change valve n. valve use to
loosening and tightening round or change gear in an automatic
irregularly shapes objects, having gearbox, operated by rising oil
chain which is passed around the pressure at the vehicle speed up:
object, and lever or key which at the Van sang soá.
same time tightens and the chain (NOTE: US English is shift valve)
and turns the object: Khoùa xích Chapman strut n. form of McPherson
duøng ñeå sieát, nôùi caùc vaät strut used in the rear suspension of
troøn. some car chapman: Heä thoáng
chamber n. combustion chamber of a treo sau kieåu Chapman.
rotary piston engine, particularly characteristic map n. usually three-
where non-cylindrical, as in a dimensional representation of
Wankel engine: Buoàng chaùy several interdependent quantities, in
chamfered a. with a symmetrically most of which engine speed and
beveled surface on an edge or load correspond to the x- and y-
corner: Vaït caïnh, maët vaït. axes, and the third quantity, which
chamois leather n. piece of soft depends on the first two, is
bleached leather from sheep, goats, measured against the z- axis: Baûn
etc. used especially for drying ñoà ñaëc tính ñoäng cô (naïp vaøo
paintwork, chrome and glass after ROM cuûa ECU).
washing: mieáng da thuù duøng charcoal canister n. = activated carbon
lau khoâ xe sau khi röûa. canister: Baàu loïc than hoaït tính.
(NOTE: also called informally charge 1 n. (a) amount of air/ fuel
shammy leather) mixture supplied to the cylinder that
change 1 v. (a) to select and engage a is available for combustion: Naïp.
gear: Chuyeån, sang (soá). (b) definite quantity of electricity,
(NOTE: also more fully to change such as that contained in a storage
gear) (NOTE: US English is to battery: Ñieän löôïng.
shift gear) 2 v. to supply electrical charge to (a
to change up or down = to battery): Naïp ñieän vaøo bình
engage a higher or lower gear: Sang ñieän.
soá cao hay soá thaáp. charge air n. air in the air/ fuel
to change into second or top = mixture: Söï naïp khoâng khí.
to engage second or top gear: charge air cooling =
Chuyeån sang soá hai hay soá cao INTERCOOLING: Laøm maùt
nhaát. khoâng khí naïp (trong ñoäng cô
taêng aùp).
CIH (short of) camshaft in head: Truïc the wire which is to be tested; if the
cam ñaët treân naép maùy. light comes on, the circuit is live at
CIH engine = type of overhead that point: Duïng cuï kieåm tra
valve (OHV) engine with the maïch ñieän (baèng ñeøn).
camshaft enclosed in, not on top of, circular headlamp n. tradition shape of
the cylinder head: Ñoäng cô vôùi headlamp as opposed to the modern
truïc cam ñaët treân naép maùy. rectangular headlamp: Ñeøn pha
(NOTE: not to be with an overhead kieåu hình troøn.
camshaft (OHC) engine) circulating pump n. centrifugal pump
CIM (short of) Computer-integrated designed to generate forced
manufacturing: Heä thoáng saûn circulation of a liquid in a closed
xuaát ñieàu khieån baèng maùy system, e.g. a water pump in an
tính. internal combustion engine: Bôm
circlip n. retaining ring in the form of tuaàn hoaøn.
an incomplete circle and made of CIS = CONTINUOUS INJECTION
spring steel, often with eyes either SYSTEM: Heä thoáng phun xaêng
side of the gap so that it can be lieân tuïc kieåu K-jetronic.
opened for removal: Voøng chaën, Citizens’ band see CB RADIO
caùi phe. city car n. very compact car; usually
(NOTE: US English is snap ring) 10-12 feet in length: Xe hôi loaïi
circlip plies = special plies with nhoû.
jaw tips coming to point so that they city cycle n. = URBAN CYCLE
can engage in the eyes of the circlip CL (short of) comfort luxe, denoting a
in order to expand it for removal: model more luxurious than ‘L’ but
Keàm môû phe not as grand as ‘GL’: Kieåu xe
circuit n. (a) course forming a sang troïng nhöng khoâng baèng
complete loop over which races are kieåu GL.
held: Chu vi voøng ñua. clamp n. fastening which holds an
(b) series of electrical connections item or items in its jaws by strong
forming a complete path for the pressure: Caùi keïp.
current to flow through: Maïch clamping load n. pressure on the
ñieän. plates in a clutch or coupling: Taûi
circuit breaker = protective troïng eùp.
device which can be reset; it breaks class a-thread n. = EXTERNAL
an electric circuit to prevent damage THREAD: Ren ngoaøi.
when the circuit is overloaded or class b-thread n. = INTERNAL
overheated by excess current flow: THREAD: Ren trong.
Boä ngaét ñieän duøng ñeå baûo classic car n. specially applies to cars
veä. of the postwar era up to about 1970
circuit diagram = diagram or even 1980, but also used as a
showing the complete wiring system general term for all old cars: Xe hôi
of a vehicle: Sô ñoà maïch ñieän. coå
circuit tester = tool often a classic car meeting = a
similar in appearance to a meeting to which enthusiasts bring
screwdriver, with a light in the their old cars to look at them and
handle and a crocodile clip which discuss them, often with a
can be attached to a suitable earth competition to decide which is the
while the point touches the part or
clutch brake 64 clutch aligning
clutch tool
a friction clutch, anchors the clutch to the transmission: Baïc ñaïn ñaåy
spring(s), and is normally attached ly hôïp.
to the flywheel: Naép (baàu) ly (NOTE: US English is throw out
hôïp. bearing)
clutch disc n. US = CLUTCH clutch release lever = lever one
PLATE: Ñóa ly hôïp. end of which presses on the clutch
clutch drag n. failure of the release bearing, the other being
clutch to disengage completely actuated mechanically or
when the pedal is depressed, with hydraulically by the clutch pedal:
the result that gear changes become Caàn ñaåy ly hôïp.
difficult as the driven plate and (NOTE: US English is throw out
input shaft continue to rotate: Söï fork, lever)
tröôït ly hôïp. clutch shaft n. short gearbox
clutch facing n. = CLUTCH input shaft, rotating at engine speed
LINING and coaxial with but not connected
clutch fork n. clutch release lever to the main shaft, which transmits
with a forked end which presses on power from the clutch to the
the release bearing to disengage the gearbox: Truïc boä ly hôïp.
clutch: Caàn nhaû ly hôïp (daïng clutch slip n. incomplete
næa) engagement of a clutch, so that not
clutch housing n. = BELT all the drive torque is transmitted
HOUSING: Voû boä ly hôïp vaø even whenthe clutch pedal is fully
baùnh ñaø. released and the driven plate does
clutch judder n. faulty condition not rotate as fast as the flywheel,
in which the clutch does not take up engine speed increase but road
smoothly but judders during speed open does not: Söï tröôït ly
engagement: Söï rung laéc ly hôïp. hôïp.
clutch lining n. ring of friction clutch spring n. one of the coil
material on the clutch plate: voøng springs (generally mounted in the
ñóa ma saùt ly hôïp clutch cover) which press the
clutch pedal n. pedal which pressure plate against the driven
operates the clutch usually either clutch plate to transmit the drive:
mechanically via a cable, or Loø xo ly hôïp.
hydraulically: Baøn ñaïp ly hôïp. clutch stop n. = CLUTCH
clutch plate n. part of the clutch BRAKE
assembly which carries the clutch C-matic transmission n. trade name
lining and is squeezed between the for a semi-automatic transmission
flywheel and pressure plate when developed by Citroen: Hoäp soá
the pedal is released, thus baùn töï ñoäng.
transmitting power to the gearbox CNG = COMPRESSED NATURAL
input shaft: Ñóa ly hôïp. GAS: Khí thieân nhieân neùn
(NOTE: US English is clutch disc) CO = CARBON MONOXIDE
clutch release or thrust bearing coach n. a single-deck bus, usually with
n. bearing (usually a roller bearing) a luxurious specification, for
that can be moved by the release carrying passenger over long
lever through clutch pedal action to distances, either from city to city
disengage the drive from the engine regular schedules or in groups on
tours: Xe khaùch ñöôøng daøi.
is applied on top of it): lôùp sôn the cylinder head, in which the air/
cuoái. fuel mixture is burned: Buoàng
colour–coded a. (a) finished in chaùy.
the same colour as the main part of combustion chamber recess =
the bodywork: Truøng maøu vôùi area when combustion occurs in a
thaân xe rotary piston engine: Vuøng chaùy
(NOTE: also called colour-keyed or trong ñoäng cô Wankel.
colour-matched) combustion pressure = pressure
(b) (of wiring, etc.) finished in created during the combustion of the
different colours to aid recognition: air/ fuel mixture in the cylinder,
Kyù hieäu maøu daây. measure in pounds per square inch:
colour scheme n. combination of AÙp suaát cuûa quaù trình chaùy.
colours, on the outside or inside of combustion residue(s) = carbon
the vehicle: Toå hôïp maøu trong and other deposits resulting from
vaø ngoaøi thaân xe combustion: Saûn phaåm baùm
column (gear) change n. gear change laïi khi chaùy.
mechanism in which the gear lever CO meter n. device for checking
is on the steering column, just below exhaust gas for carbon monoxide, a
the steering wheel: Cô caáu sang high lever of which indicates an
soá treân voâ laêng. over-rich mixture as well as causing
(NOTE: also called column shift pollution: Thieát bò ño khí CO.
especially in the USA) comet head n. head with a swirl
combination pliers n. typical chamber for indirect injection diesel
general purpose pliers with serrated engines: Naép maùy vôùi buoàng
jaws, an oval recess and a wire xoaùy loác.
cutter, in the USA they also have a comfort (C) n. fairly basic car model
slip joint so that the jaws can be specification: Xe loaïi tieän nghi.
opened wider: Kìm ña naêng. Comfort Luxe (CL) = slightly
combination spanner n. spanner more luxurious specification than
with a ring spanner at one end and comfort: Tieän nghi vaø sang
an open end of the same size at the troïng.
other: Chìa khoùa voøng mieäng. commercial vehicle = vehicle for
combination valve n. pressure carrying goods or large number of
regulating valve in braking systems passenger for money: Xe kinh
incorporating a failure warning doanh (chôû haøng hoaëc haønh
switch and comprising two or more khaùch)
of the fowling valves; pressure commutator n. series of copper bars at
differential valve, metering valve, one end of the dynamo or starter
proportioning valve: Van toå hôïp motor armature, electrically
(heä thoáng phanh) insulated from one an other by
combustion n.extremely rapid (but not mica: Coå goùp ñieän.
explosive) burning of the air/ fuel compact car n. american car category
mixture timed to occur when the with a length of 14 ft 5 ins -17 ft and
piston is at the top of its stroke, so taking five passengers: Xe hôi loaïi
that it is forced down to turn the nhoû 5 choã.
crankshaft: Söï chaùy. company car n. car provided by an
combustion chamber = space employer for an employee’s
between the top of the piston and
compressor 70 condenser
conductive 71 consumption
holder, etc.: Loø xo tieáp xuùc duøng trong maùy phaùt moät
(ñuoâi ñeøn, coâng taéc) chieàu.
contaminant n. dirt or other (b) = CONTROL UNIT: Cuïm
undesirable substance or pollutant: ñieàu khieån.
Chaát gaây oâ nhieãm, chaát baån control cable n. cable usually in
Continental-type fuse n. ceramic fuse an outer sheath, running from a
with conical and caps, colour-coded knob or lever to the device which it
for different values: Caàu chì söù. operates or regulates: Caùp ñieàu
Continuous AC Ignition System khieån.
(CACIS) n. fundamentally new (NOTE: US English is control
ignition system, where a high- wire)
energy AC arc burns for the entire controlled burn rate see CBR
power stroke: Heä thoáng ñaùnh PROCESS: Toác ñoä chaùy ñöôïc
löûa xoay chieàu lieân tuïc kieåm soaùt
continuous injection system (CIS) n. controlled combustion system (CCS)
mechanical fuel injection system n. General Motors term covering a
giving a constant supply of fuel : set of emission control measures,
Heä thoáng phun xaêng lieân tuïc including (i) modified combustion
(kieåu K). champer design, (ii) high-
continuously variable temperature coolant systems, (iii)
transmission (CVT) n. thermostatically controlled air
transmission system in which the cleaners, (iv) very lean A/F
speed ratio of driving and driven mixtures, (v) high idle speed, (vi)
elements is infinitely variable over severely retarded ignition timing,
the required working range, or is (vii) TCS and TVS: Heä thoáng
varied over a very large of number kieåm soaùt quaù trình chaùy.
fixed ratios, either automatically or controlled vehicle n. vehicle fitted with
by manual control: Hoäp soá voâ a system for reducing exhaust
caáp. emissions, such as a catalytic
control 1 n. (a) device used to regulate converter, egr, air injection or fuel
the functioning of system, either evaporative emission control: Xe
operated by the driver by mean of a ñöôïc kieåm soaùt khí thaûi.
lever, knob or switch, or operating control plunger n. device in a
automatically: Thieát bò ñieàu fuel injection system whose up-and-
khieån, kieåm soaùt down movement in the metering
(b) ability of the driver to make the unit of the fuel distributor controls
vehicle perform as required: Söï the open cross sectional area of the
ñieàu khieån (xe) metering ports and thus the quantity
2 v. to make do what is required: of fuel supplies to the individual
Ñieàu khieån. cylinders: Van ñieàu khieån
control arm n. suspension arm nhieân lieäu.
controlling wheel camber, especially control pressure n. pressure in
the upper or lower wish born: fuel injection systems; pressure in
Thanh giaèng. an automatic transmission which
control box n.(a) box containing acts on the commands valves and is
voltage regulators and cut-out: derived from line pressure or from
Hoäp ñieän bao goàm tieát cheá throttle pressure: Aùp suaát ñieàu
vaø rôle doøng ñieän ngöôïc khieån .
control unit
convertible 74 converter
cord 75 cotter
and usually including a PVC rear lead made of copper, which is an
window: Mui xeáp excellent conductor electricity: Loõi
coolant n. mixture of water and anti- ñoàng cuûa ñieän cöïc bougie
freeze (usually now with corrosion hoaëc daây cao aùp
inhibitors) in the cooling system: copper-core lead =
Nöôùc laøm maùt ñoäng cô (unsuppressed) HT lead with a
coolant level warning light n. copper core: Daây phin loõi ñoàng.
light on the instrument panel with copper-faced hammer n.
comes on when there is too little hammer with a round head made of
coolant in the cooling system: Ñeøn copper, used on items which would
baùo möïc nöôùc laøm maùt be damaged by the use of a harder
coolant pump n. = WATER steel hammer, such as knock-off
PUMP: Bôm nöôùc laøm maùt hubcaps or spinners: Buùa ñaàu
coolant temperature sensor n. ñoàng.
sensor usually on the bottom of the copper plating n. applying a
radiator connected to the thin layer of copper by electrolytic
temperature gauge: Caûm bieán deposition, especially on parts in
nhieät ñoä nöôùc laøm maùt the electrical system such as
cooling fan n. large and powerful fan terminals and contacts: Maï ñoàng
on an air cooled engine, usually of cord n. strong thread usually of nylon
the axial flow type, driven via a v- used in the carcass of a tyre: Loõi
belt from the engine crankshaft, voû xe.
with supplies a large volume of core n. (a) central part which is entirely
cooling air to the cooling fins of the enclosed, as in an ignition coil, a
engine, and adds significantly to sparking plug, an electrical lead or a
engine noise: Quaït laøm maùt tyre valve: Loõi, cöïc
keùt nöôùc (b) main part of a radiator below
cooling fins n. protruding strips the header tank, consisting of
of flat metal cast on the cylinder of numerous small tubes with cooling
air cooled engines (and sometimes fins and gaps between for the air to
other component) to increase the pass through: Væ laøm maùt trong
available cooling surface, and to keùt nöôùc.
improve heat dissipation: Caùnh core plug n. sheet metal disc
taûn nhieät. inserted in a hole in the water jacket
cooling jacket n. = WATER of the cylinder block to prevent it
JACKET: Aùo nöôùc from cracking if the coolant should
cooling system n. system for keeping freeze due to insufficient anti-
the temperature of an engine down freeze, the core plug being forced
to a desirable level, usually by the out by the pressure created by the
circulation of water with additives: expansion of the water when frozen:
Heä thoáng laøm maùt Nuùt choáng nöùt loác maùy
copolymer n. polymer produce from (baèng kim loaïi, ñaët beân ngoaøi
two different monomers: Hôïp aùo nöôùc)
chaát (NOTE: US English is freeze-plug)
cao phaân töû ñöôïc saûn xuaát cornering n. negotiation of a corner or
töø hai ñôn theå bend: Söï quay voøng
copper core n. central electrode of a good/ poor cornering (ability) =
sparking plug or the wires of an HT ability / inability of a car to go
coulomb 76 crank
cross member
crusher 80 cut-in speed