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Dictionary (C)

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cadmium-plated 47 cadence

C (a) (short of) Celsius or centigrade:  cable clamps should be tight on
Ñoä baùch phaân. the terminal posts and free of
(b) = COULOMB: Culoâng (ñôn corrocable covering = outer layer,
vò ño ñieän tích). now nearly always of plastic,
(c) = COMFORT: Söï tieän nghi. serving as electrical insulation for
 C-4 System n. = COMPUTER cables: Ñaàu daây caùp phaûi
CONTROLLED CATALYTIC ñöôïc sieát chaët treân coïc aéc
CONVERTER: boä xuùc taùc quy vaø khoâng bò phuû bôûi gæ
(hoaù khöû khí thaûi) ñieàu chì.
khieån baèng maùy tính  cable brake = mechanical brake
Cab n. (a) = TAXI (CAB ): Xe taéc xi. operated by levers and a cable,
(b) enclosed part at the front of a either unsheathe or a bowden type,
commercial vehicle for the driver now only used for a handbrake or on
and passenger(s): khoan taøi xeá a trailer.: Daây caùp phanh
vaø haønh khaùch cuûa xe taûi.  cable guide = tube section bolted
 cabin n. = passenger or spot-welded to a part of the body
compartment: Khoang haønh such as the floor pan for routing an
khaùch. operating cable, e.g. for a bonnet
 cabin forward design = release: OÁng daãn höôùng daây
passenger car design with a caùp
relatively short front end, and  cable-operated = brought into
footwells extending up to the front operation by a cable: Hoaït ñoäng
axle, providing added passenger nhôø caùp keùo
space: Thieát keá xe ñeå cabin  cabriolet n. convertible with a
roäng soft top and windows, usually a
cable n. (a) assembly of insulated four-seater: Xe mui traàn
electrical conductors, usually wires, CACIS = CONTINUOUS AC
laid together, often around a central IGNITION SYSTEM: Heä thoáng
core and surrounded by a heavy ñaùnh löûa xoay chieàu lieân tuïc
insulation, for heavy duty CAD (short of) computer-aided design:
applications such as battery cables: thieát keá nhôø maùy tính.
Daây caùp, daây ñieän to. cadence braking n. emergency braking
(b) assembly of wire strands twisted method in which the driver rapidly
together used for a pulling or depresses and release the brake
sometimes a pushing or twisting pedal: Söï nhòp phanh khi phanh
action, either without a sheath ( as in khaån caáp
some brake cables), or with a sheath cadmium-plated a. covered in a
as in control cables and drives such coating of cadmium: Maï catmi.
as speedometer cables: Caùp beän, CAE (short for) computer-aided
daây caùp meàm engineering: Kyõ thuaät vôùi söï
 cable clamp = device for hoã trôï maùy tính
connecting cable to their terminals,  CAL (shot for) computer-aided
especially battery cables to the lighting: Heä thoáng chieáu saùng
terminal posts: Ñaàu keïp caùp. vôùi söï hoã trôï cuûa maùy tính

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cam roller 48 camshaft sprocket

calibration n. marking the measuring prevent lateral forces acting on

units on an instrument or checking either the pushrod or valve stem:
their accuracy: Söï ñònh côõ, hieäu Baùnh xe tieáp xuùc vôùi cam.
chænh, caân chænh (b) = TAPPET: Con ñoäi
caliper or calliper n. (a) measuring tool  cam heel n. lowest point of a
with two legs usually mounted in a cam opposite the lobe: Ñeá cam
slide on a measuring bar, for (NOTE: also called base circle)
internal and external measurement;  cam lobe n. projecting part of a
some designs allow depth and step cam which pushes an a pushrod,
measurement a well; the different valve stem, or follower, etc.: Vaáu
types include vernier calipers, dial cam.
calipers, or digital calipers: Thöôùc  cam lubricator n. device, often
keïp in the from of a wick, for
(b) = BRAKE CALIPER: Boä keïp lubricating the contact breaker cam
phanh ñóa. in the distributor: Baác boâi trôn
caliper frame = casting that holds the cam (trong boä chia ñieän).
brake caliper, either directly bolted  cam profile n. exact shape of
to the suspension or to an adapter: the cam face which determines the
Maâm phanh rate and extent of valve lift, i.e. how
 caliper gauge n. = caliper: fast and how far the valve opens,
Thöôùc keïp and all other aspects of valve
cam n. (a) rotating part with a behaviour during the opening and
projection or projections (called closing process: Bieân daïng cam.
lobes) used to push another part at  cam roller n. rotating wheel
precisely defined intervals: Cam acting as a cam follower: Baùnh xe
(b) (informal for ) camshaft: Truïc quay tieáp xuùc vôùi cam.
cam camber n. (a) angle formed by the
 twin cam engine = engine with plane of the wheel to the
two camshafts: Ñoäng cô coù 2 perpendicular as viewed from the
cam. front: Goùc nghieâng cuûa baùnh
 cam angle n. = DWELL: Goùc xe khi nhìn höôùng vuoâng goùc
ngaäm. töø phía tröôùc, goùc camber.
 cam belt n. = TIMING BELT: (b) slightly arched contour of a road
Daây ñai (curoa) cam or other surface: Söï voàng leân,
 cam chain n. = TIMING choã loài leân
CHAIN: Xích (seân) cam. (c) curvature of a leaf spring: Ñoä
 cam design n. = CAM cong cuûa nhíp xe.
PROFILE: Bieân daïng cam.  positive camber = wheel
 cam face n. surface of a cam: leaning outwards at the top: Goùc
Beà maët cam. camber döông (baùnh xe coù
 measure the cam face from nose khuynh höôùng ngaõ ra ngoaøi)
to heel = measure the cam’s surface khi nhìn töø treân
from the highest point to the lowest:  negative camber = Goùc
Ño beà maët cam töø ñieåm cao camber aâm.
nhaát ñeán ñieåm thaáp nhaát camper n. motorized caravan, with a
 cam follower n. (a) part of the body in appearance like a van, built
valve stem-possibly equipped with a on a small to medium-sized
roller mechanism-in a manner to commercial vehicle chassis and

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can 49 capstan screw

offering sleeping, cooking and other  camshaft pulley = pulley on the

facilities: Xe kieåu nhaø löu end of the camshaft for the camshaft
ñoäng. drive belt: Puli cam.
 camping trailer n. (a) trailer  camshaft sprocket = sprocket
containing camping equipment or mounted on the camshaft driven by
fitted with a tent which can erected the timing chain which in turn
on arrival at the desired camping driven by the crankshaft: Baùnh
site: Toa mooùc theo nhaø löu xích (nhoâng) treân truïc cam.
ñoäng. can n. tube in a canned motor pump
(b) US = caravan: Xe lôùn duøng which insulates the motor winding:
laøm nhaø löu ñoäng. Bình nhoû.
camshaft n. shaft carrying the cams candela n. basic unit of luminous
which operate the valves usually of intensity: Ñôn vò ño cöôøng ñoä
a four-stroke engine and rotating at aùnh saùng.
half engine speed: Truïc cam, coát candy paint job n. (informal us)
cam. custom paintwork using a
 camshaft bearing = bearing transparent colour medium applied
(usually a plain bearing) which over the base coat, which adds
supports the camshaft: Baïc loùt translucence and richness to the
truïc cam. paint, especially all shades of red:
 camshaft drive = connection Lôùp sôn laøm boùng.
between crankshaft and camshaft – cannibalize v. to the take parts from (a
either via gears, chain, drive belt, vehicle) to fit to another vehicle:
shaft or eccentric shaft – that Ñoåi phuï tuøng (laáy töø xe naøy
ensures the require speed ratio of gaén qua xe khaùc).
1:2: Söï truyeàn ñoäng cam (qua cantilever spring n. (a) leaf spring
truïc khuyûu). mounted upside down and fixed to
 camshaft drive belt = timing the vehicle at its mid-point, (now
belt: Ñai (curoa) truyeàn ñoäng obsolete): Nhíp ngöôïc (xe cuõ).
truïc cam. (b) quarter elliptic leaf spring: Nhíp
 camshaft drive sprocket = daïng moät phaàn tö elip.
sprocket mounted on the crankshaft can trail n. = roof rail: Thanh ñôõ
to drive the camshaft via the timing mui xe.
chain: Baùnh xích treân coát canvas top n. US soft top for an open
maùy trong truyeàn ñoäng truïc car, especially one made of a natural
cam baèng xích fabric: Mui baèng vaûi baït.
 camshaft end play = free lateral cap n. (a) protective cover, usually
movement of the camshaft: Khe round and such as can be screwed or
hôû doïc cuûa truïc cam twisted on, e.g. radiator cap, petrol
 camshaft housing = housing for cap: Caùi naép ñaäy (thuøng
one of the camshaft of a twin xaêng, keùt nöôùc).
overhead camshaft engine mounted (b) base of a light bulb which fits
on top of the cylinder head, and into the socket: Ñuoâi ñeøn
containing the camshaft and usually capacitor n. assembly of one or more
also the tappets: Naép truïc cam. pairs of conductors separated by
 camshaft journal = part of the insulators, able to store an electric
camshaft running in one of its change where there is a voltage
bearings: Coå truïc cam. difference: Tuï ñieän.

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capstat 50 car stereo

 capacitor discharge ignition  bolt with captive plain washer =

(CDI) (system) = electronic ignition bolt with a plain washer trapped
system whose ignition energy is under its head: Bu loâng vôùi
store in the electrical field of a voøng ñeäm giöõ chaët ñaàu
capacitor, which discharge via the captive nut = nut insert in a sheet metal
ignition transformer when a cage spot-welded to the body in an
thyristor is triggered at the ignition inaccessible position, so that the
point: Heä thoáng ñaùnh löûa item fixed to it can easily be
ñieän dung (baèng tuï). removed: Ñai oác coá ñònh (haøn
capacity n. (a) amount which can be vaøo khung).
contained in a container such as a car n. (a) US = TRAMCAR: Xe
fuel tank, sump, radiator, etc. and ñieän
by extension the swept volume of an (b) = PASSENGER CAR: Xe du
engine: Dung tích lòch
(b) output of an electric motor or  car accident = car crash: Tai
other electrical apparatus: Coâng naïn xe hôi.
suaát ngoõ ra cuûa thieát bò ñieän  car alarm (system) = alarm
(c) volume of fluid handle through a system: Heä thoáng baùo ñoäng
pump, usually in gallons per minute: treân xe hôi.
Löu löôïng tính baèng theå tích  car banger = (informal ) person
(cuûa bôm). or organization that fakes car
 capacity rating n.= rated accident and repair bills in order to
capacity: Dung löôïng ñònh möùc get the repair money from
cuûa aéc quy insurance companies: Ngöôøi nguïy
capillary (tube) n. tube with a very taïo tai naïn xe coä (laáy baûo
small bore used for temperature hieåm).
gauges: OÁng mao daãn  car banging = (informal)
cap nut n. nut whose outer end is insurance fraud involving fake car
closed, covering the thread: Ñai oác accidents and repair bills: Söï giaû
moät ñaàu bòt maïo tai naïn xe coä ñeå laáy tieàn
capping n. see door capping: Mieáng baûo hieåm.
roong cöûa  car blind = blind for the rear
capstan screw n. screw with a round window to prevent dazzle from
head with a hole or holes passing following vehicles’ head–lights:
through it, into which a tommy bar Maøn che choáng choùi phía sau
is inserted for tightening or xe.
loosening: Ñinh oác coù loã noái  car burglar = person who steals
caàn sieát things from cars: Keû troäm ñoà
capstat n. wax-type thermostat at the töø xe hôi.
base of the jet of a SU carburetor,  car cap = waterproof cover for
which expands and reduces fuel the roof, windscreen and windows:
flow when the under bonnet Taám che xe.
temperature rises: Boä ñieàu  car care produce = preparation
chænh nhieân lieäu theo nhieät or article for cleaning, polishing and
ñoä baèng saùp preserving especially the bodywork
captive a. permanently located in the and interior: Caùc saûn phaåm
desired position: Coá ñònh, baét chaêm soùc xe (lau chuøi, ñaùnh
chaët (vaøo vò trí mong muoán). boùng).

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car tax 51 carbon dioxide

 car cover = cover shaped to fit a usually a wax: Chaát phuï gia ñeå
car, usually waterproof for use röûa xe
outdoors, but can also be for  car wax = non abrasive polish
protection against dust and containing wax for protecting a
condensation during storage: Taám car’s finish: Saùp ñaùnh boùng xe.
boïc xe. caravan n. mobile home especially for
 car crash see CRASH: Tai recreational purpose, for towing
naïn xe hôi. behind a car commercial vehicle,
 car insurance = motor usually with two wheels: Nhaø löu
insurance: Baûo hieåm xe hôi. ñoäng keùo theo xe.
 car key = key for the ignition, (NOTE: US English is camping
boot, doors or petrol cap, etc.: Chìa trailer, mobile home)
khoùa xe.  caravanning n. traveling with a
 car park = area or building caravan, usually as a holiday: Ñi du
where cars may be parked: Baõi lòch vôùi nhaø löu ñoäng.
ñaäu xe. carb n. = CARBURETTOR: Boä cheá
 car phone = cellular telephone hoøa khí, bình xaêng con
installed in a car: Ñieän thoaïi carbon n. (a) black material with good
trong xe. electrical properties of conductivity:
 car polish = polish for the Than coác.
exterior paintwork of a car: Söï (b) deposit with forms in the
ñaùnh boùng xe. combustion chamber, on the piston
 car sponge = large sponge for crown and to a lesser extent in the
washing a car: Xoáp lau xe. inlet and exhaust ports, resulting
 car stereo = combination of a form incomplete combustion
stereo radio with a cassette player or especially of oil: Muoäïi than.
sometimes with a CD player, for  carbon black n. engineering
use in a car: Heä thoáng aâm material, used as filler in plastic
thanh xe. mouldings and in tyres, where it
 car tax = tax add to the price of improves the mechanical properties
a new car, or tax payable annually of tyre rubber and produces, as a
or six-monthly for using a caron the side effect, the typical black colour:
road: Thueá xe. Moà hoùng
 car test = road test: Kieåm tra  carbon brush n. rubbing
(thöû) xe treân ñöôøng tröôøng electrical contact in the form of a
 car theft n. stealing cars or carbon block or rod which bears
stealing items from cars: Söï aên against another member, such as a
caép xe hoaëc ñoà vaät trong xe commutator, collector ring or slip
 car thief = person who steals ring, to provide passage for an
cars: Keû troäm xe. electric current, e.g. from an
 car tyre = tyre suitable for a external source to the armature of a
passenger car: Voû xe. motor, as in a starter, or form the
 car wash = (a) drive-in, rotor of an alternator via slip rings
automatic facility for washing a car: to an external circuit: Choåi than.
Traïm röûa xe töï ñoäng.  carbon brush spring = BRUSH
(b) car cleaning agent for adding to SPRING: Loø xo choåi than.
water, containing a detergent and carbon build-up or deposits n. residues
of burnt oil deposited in the

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carbon fibre 52 carcass

combustion chamber, on the piston there are carbon deposits: Raõnh

top and elsewhere in the course of roø ñieän cao aùp.
the combustion process: Muoâïi carburation or US carburetion n.
than (baùm trong buoàng ñoát) mixture of fuel which has been
carbon-core leads n. HT or ignition vaporized with air in the correct
leads with a tiny diameter core of proportions for combustion in an
carbon or graphite: Daây phin internal combustion engine: Cheá
than, daây cao aùp vôùi loõi hoøa khí
cacbon.  carburetion n. US =
 carbon dioxide (CO2) n. CARBURATION
colourless, odourless, non-toxic gas, carburetor = CARBURETTOR: Boä
a natural constituent of the cheá hoøa khí.
atmosphere and a product of carburettor or carburetter or US
breathing and some combustion carburetor n. conventional,
processes: Khí CO2. mechanical device in the engine fuel
carbon fibre n. thin, light and very system, mixing fuel with air to
strong fibre of pure carbon, used as produce a combustible mixture
reinforcement with resins, metal and which is supplied to inlet manifold:
other materials: Sôïi cacbon. Boä cheá hoøa khí.
carbon fouling n. blockings of the  carburettor barrel n. the main
points of a sparking plug by carbon, air passage through the carburetor:
often causing intermittent firing or Loã gioù chính
complete failure: Söï ñoùng chaáu  carburettor engine n. engine
bougie. fitted with a carburettor as opposed
 carbon knock n. type of engine to fuel injection: Ñoäng cô söû
knock in internal combustion duïng cheá hoøa khí.
engines, caused by uncontrolled (NOTE: opposite is fuel injection
ignition as a result of carbon engine)
deposits in the combustion chamber,  carburetor icing n. formation
especially in old engine: Söï rooùc of ice deposits in the carburettor
maùy (kích noå) vì muoäi than. intake during very damp and cool,
 carbon monoxide (CO) n. but not freezing weather: Söï ñoùng
poisonous but colourless and baêng trong boä cheá hoøa khí.
odourless gas resulting from  carburettor throat or
incomplete oxidation or combustion carburettor venturi see venturi:
of carbon, which is one of the three Hoïng khueách taùn boä cheá
major pollutants found in the hoøa khí
exhaust of spark ignition engines: carburization n. process of increasing
Khí CO. the carbon content of steel to
 carbon pin n. spindle-shaped produce a desired degree of
carbon brush in the centre of the hardness, yielding high carbon steel:
distributor cap, bearing on the centre Taêng haøm löôïng cacbon trong
of the contact breaker arm: Choát saûn xuaát theùp.
than trong naép boä chia ñieän. carcass n. basic of a tyre consisting
 carbon tracking n. formatting various plies of cord (made of
of a leakage path for current,e.g. rayon, nylon, polyester or steel),
inside the distributor cap, where which are impregnanted with
rubber: Lôùp boá (voû xe).

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cardan joint
cat 53 catalyst substrate

cardan joint n. most of common tyre of  cast-alloy wheel = one-piece

a universal joint, in which two wheel, as oppesed to two–piece
yokes mounted on the two parts to and three–piece forged wheels,
be coupled, usually a shaft and a produced using the low-pressure
driving or driven member, are die casting process, which offers a
connected with pivots to the arm of great degree of design flexibility as
a cross-shaped piece: Khôùp caùc to the styling of the wheel disc:
ñaêng. Baùnh xe vôùi maâm ñuùc.
 cardan shaft n. shaft fitted with  cast aluminium = aluminium
universal joints at each end: Truïc alloy made by pouring the molten
caùc ñaêng. metal into a sand or metal mould:
cargo area n. US load area of an Hôïp kim nhoâm ñuùc.
estate car or pick-up truck: Vuøng cast iron n. iron with a high carbon
chòu taûi. content and also containing much
carpeting n. carpet made to fit the cementite or graphite, so that it is
front and rear footwells, and also the unsuitable as wrought iron: Gang.
boot in better equipped models: castle nut or castellated nut n.
Thaûm loùt chaân. hexagon nut with slots cut in the top
carriage bolt n. mushroom-headed bolt of each face, two of which are lined
with a square neck which holds it in up with a hole in the bolt or stud and
position in a square hole: Bu loâng a split pin inserted to prevent
thaân xe (ñaàu hình naám, coå loosening: Ñai oác coù loã ñeå gaøi
vuoâng). choát.
cart spring n. (informal) = LEAF  castle section n. panel with fairly
SPRING: Loø xo laù, nhíp xe. shallow strengthening humps that
carvac n. small, easily portable vacuum are, however, deeper than normal
cleaner that can be plugged into the stiffening ribs, e.g. in floor pans
cigarette light of a car: Maùy huùt featuring beaded or offset areas:
buïi mini. Phaàn gaân (thaân xe).
casing n. (a) cover passing all the way  castor or US caster n. (a)
round a piece of equipment, such as inclination or angle from the vertical
an electric motor: Voû boïc. of the kingpin or steering axis on the
(b) tyre, especially in its basic form ground between the extended
before the tread has been moulded vertical axis through the wheel
on: Caïnh voû. centre and the point where the
cassette compartment n. built-in extended steering axis would meet
cassette storage space: Ngaên the ground: Goùc nghieâng tay
chöùa caùt xeùt. laùi, goùc caster.
 cassette player = unit for playing (NOTE: also called castor angle)
audio cassettes, usually incorporated (b) distance on the ground when
in a stereo unit: Maùy caùt seùt. viewed from the side, between the
cast 1 v. to produce (metal part) by point of contact of the tyre (which is
pouring molten metal into a sand or also the extended vertical axis
metal mould: Ñuùc through the wheel centre) and the
2 a. produced by pouring molten point where a line through the
metal into sand or metal mould: inclined kingpin (or the extended
Ñöôïc ñuùc steering axis) would meet the
ground: Khoaûng caùch giöõa

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catalytic converter 54 CCS

ñieåm tieáp xuùc cuûa voû xe vaø efficiency: Söï maát taùc duïng
ñöôøng keùo daøi cuûa truï quay xuùc taùc.
laùi treân maët ñaát, hay coøn  catalyst efficiency n. catalyst
goïi laø goùc caster trail. efficiency: Hieäu quaû xuùc taùc.
(NOTE: also called castor offset,  catalyst indicator n. indicator
trail) light in the instrument panel that
 castor action n. self-centering illuminates after a certain mileage,
action resulting from castor which e.g. after 25,000 miles, to remind
springs the steered wheels back to the driver that the catalytic
the straight ahead position: Taùc converter should be replaced; some
duïng cuûa goùc caster (tay laùi older designs used a mechanical
thaúng trôû laïi). signal: Ñeøn baùo thay boä xuùc
 castor angle n. = CASTOR taùc.
 castor offset n. = CASTOR  catalyst substrate or support n.
cat n. (informal) = catalytic converter: base material carrying the catalytic
Boä xuùc taùc. layer or coating: Söôøn ñôõ chaát
catalyst n. (a) substance that changes xuùc taùc.
the rate of a chemical reaction catalytic converter n. device shaped
without itself being used up; in a like a silence for exhaust emission
catalytic converter the element control installed in the exhaust
which reduces the toxicity of the system as close to the engine as
exhaust gases: Chaát xuùc taùc possible, in which a catalyst-coated
trong boä hoaù khöû khí thaûi. substrate is enclosed in a sheet metal
(b) special agent added to a plastic canister of stainless steel, protect
body filler or resin or two-pack against vibration by wire mesh, its
paint to speed up the setting process lower shell being provided with a
of the basic material applied: Chaát heat shield: Boä xuùc taùc.
xuùc taùc laøm hình thaønh catalytic activity n. rate at which a
nhanh lôùp sôn loùt. given catalytic converter purifies the
 catalyst bed n. layer of catalyst- exhaust gas stream, usually
coated material such as pellets or expressed as a conversion rate: Söï
ceramic in a catalytic converter hoaït ñoäng cuûa chaát xuùc taùc.
through which the gases pass: Lôùp  catalytic efficiency n.
xuùc taùc. effectiveness of the catalyst in
 catalyst charge n. catalyst-coated purifying the exhaust gases: Hieäu
materials such as pellets or ceramic quaû cuûa chaát xuùc taùc.
in a catalytic converter: Khung catalytic layer n. very thin layer of a
phuû chaát xuùc taùc. catalyst, usually consisting of
 catalyst coating n. = catalytic platinum metals, supported by a
layer: Lôùp xuùc taùc. ceramic or metal carrier material:
 catalyst container n. = converter Lôùp chaát xuùc taùc.
housing: Voû boä xuùc taùc. cathode n. negative electrode in an
 catalyst contamination n. loss electrolytic cell: Cöïc aâm, catoát.
of catalytic efficiency caused by cathodic electro painting or
contaminating deposits: Söï laøm cataphoretic painting n. process
baån chaát xuùc taùc. used to apply the first coat of paint
 catalyst degradation or to car bodies involving positively
deterioration n. loss of catalytic charging paint particles, in which

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CDI 55 centre differential

the cleaned metal parts to be coated thoáng ñieàu khieån quaù trình
are immersed in a tank of electrode chaùy.
position paint, and the current is CDI = CAPACITY DISCHARGE
then turned on, so that the positively IGNITION: Heä thoáng ñaùnh
charges particles are attracted by löûa ñieän dung.
the negative metal parts: Sôn tónh CD player n. device for playing
ñieän. compact disc: Maùy haùt ñóa
cathodic protection n. protecting a compact.
metal from electrochemical CD value n. coefficient of drag, a
corrosion by using it as the cathode characteristic indicating the
of a cell with a sacrificial anode: Söï resistance of a given car body to air
baûo veä (choáng aên moøn) flowing against its front, at high
catoát. speed, which is measured in a wind
caustic etching n. removal of metal by tunnel, and unlike drag as such,
dipping aluminium parts in caustic depend only on the shape or outline
soda: Laøm saïch nhoâm baèng of the body, not on the cross-
xuùt. sectional area, and being a
cavitation n. formatting and subsequent coefficient has no unit of
collapse of vapour-filled cavities in measurement: Heä soá caûn gioù
a liquid, such as bubbles, vapour- (khí ñoäng).
filled pockets or a combination of cell n. (a) a system of negative and
both: Söï baøo moøn (do boït khí). positive plates for storage of
cavity n. (a) empty space in a body electricity, either used singly or in
structure, either in a box section or a combination to form a battery:
double-skinned area: Khoang, Hoäc bình ñieän, pin.
hoác. (b) combustion chamber of a rotary
(b) holder and contact for fuses: piston engine: Buoàng chaùy cuûa
Raõnh gaén caàu chì. ñoäng cô piston quay (Wankel).
 cavity sealant n. sealant used for cellular phone n. portable, wireless
protecting cavities against rust, telephone, introduce in 1983 in the
usually consisting of film-forming USA and mainly used as a car
oils, waxes, solvents and rust phone: Ñieän thoaïi di ñoäng söû
inhibitors: Chaát traùm loã. duïng treân xe hôi.
CB (a) = CONTACT BREAKER: Vít  cellulose putty = filler for minor
löûa. surface imperfections: Treùt matit
(b) = citizens’ band: Baêng taàn choã moùp nheï
phoå bieán. cementite (Fe3C) n. iron carbide, a
CBR process n. controlled burnt rate, a very hard substance found in cast
method of improving fuel economy iron: Haït cementit.
by controlling/ accelerating the fuel central gear change n. usual
burn rate: Phöông phaùp kieåm arrangement with the gear lever in
soaùt quaù trình chaùy. the centre of the floor: Caàn soá
CC = CUBIC CENTIMETRES: Cm3. ñaët ôû giöõa saøn.
C-clamp n. screw-activated clocking  central chassis lubrication n.
clamp with long, C-shaped jaws: lubrication of all chassis component
Caùi keïp hình chöõ C. with oil or grease from one central
CCS = CONTROLLED point: Boâi trôn caùc chi tieát
COMBUSTION SYSTEM: Heä khung xe töø moät choã.

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centre drive 56 centrifugal governor

 central locking n. locking of all PLATE: Ñóa truyeàn ñoäng trung

doors by operating an electronic gian.
device or by turning the key in the  centre electrode n. (a)
lock of the driver’s door: Khoùa electrode projecting out of the
cöûa trung taâm (chính) insulator nose of a sparking plug
 central-locking hub n. = typically a compound electrode with
splinted hub: Choát khoùa trung a copper core, or a silver platinum
taâm. electrode: Ñieän cöïc trung taâm.
 central locking wheel = wheel (b) = centre terminal: Cöïc trung
with splines in its centre which taâm.
made with splines on the outside of  centre gear = SUN GEAR:
the hub, usually of the wire-spoke Baùnh raêng trung taâm, baùnh
type fixed with one central nut: raêng maët trôøi.
Baùnh xe daïng nan hoa vôùi  centreline n. imaginary straight
moät oác giöõ line passing through the centre of,
 central reserve or reservation e.g. a vehicle, from front to rear:
n. strip that separates the two sides Ñöôøng taâm.
of a motor-way or dual carriageway:  centre locking disc n. = HUB
Con löôn (xa loä). CAP: Naép troøn ñaäy truïc
 centre v. to place (a part) in a baùnh xe.
central position in relation to  centre lock nut = SPINNER:
another part: Trung taâm, taâm. Ñai oác khoaù chính.
 to centre the clutch = to align  centre of gravity n. point about
the centre hole in the clutch plates with a weight of a body with act or
with the end of the crankshaft, so pivot: Troïng taâm.
that the gearbox shaft will fit easily  centre pillar n. = B-PILLAR:
into the splines: Ñònh taâm boä ly Coät truï trung taâm.
hôïp.  centre punch n. tool with a
 centre console n. centre section sharp conical steel tip for punching
of the dashboard which is extended an indentation where a hole is tube
downwards, with space for a radio drilled: Muõi ñoät daáu.
or stereo unit and storage for  centre section damage n. type
cassettes and the like: Khu vöïc of frame damage where the car is hit
trung taâm cuûa tableau. from the side approximately in the
 centre differential n. differential middle, causing the centre part of
located between two drive axles to the car around the b-pillar to move
balance the speed differences inwards so that, seen from the top,
between the two axles, mainly used the frame is no longer straight, but
in vehicles with permanent four- appears curved like a banana: Söï
wheel drive: Vi sai trung taâm. hö hoûng phaàn giöõa xe.
 centre drive n. engine design  centre terminal n. spring–loaded
with power take off between the carbon pin or carbon brush contact
cylinders rather than at the end of in the centre of the distributor cap
the crankshaft: Ñoäng cô vôùi ñaàu acting and on forming contact with
truyeàn taûi giöõa caùc xy lanh the rotor: Cöïc trung taâm (than
 centre drive plate = naép delco).
INTERMEDIATE (DRIVE)  centrifugal advance n.
automatic mechanical ignition

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centrifugal oil filter 57 chain tensioner

advance by mechanism inside the required to ignite it (the lower the

distributor, controlled by centrifugal cetane number, the higher the
force supplies by advance weights temperature required): Chæ soá
which trunk the distributor cam via xeâtan.
yokes to advance the spark: Cô CFCS or CFC gases n. =
caáu ñaùnh löûa sôùm ly taâm. CHLOROFLUOROCARBONS:
 centrifugal clutch n. clutch in Khí laøm laïnh (coù haïi cho taàng
which the friction elements are ozone)
brought in contact with the clutch cfm (short of ) cubic feet per minute =
face by centrifugal force again the ft3/min.
friction plate as the clutch turns chafer(strip) n. area between the bead
faster: Boä ly hôïp daïng ly taâm. and sidewall of a tyre: Vuøng
 centrifugal force n. force with hoâng baùnh xe (veø).
pushes a body outwards that is  chafing n. wearing away by
rotating about a centre: Löïc ly rubbing: Moøn vì coï xaùt.
taâm. chain n. series of flexibly connected
 centrifugal governor n. device links formed into a loop so that it
controlling speed by means of can be passed over sprockets whose
centrifugal force in automatic teeth engage in the spaces between
transmissions and other the links, in order to transmit
applications: Boä ñieàu toác ly motion: Xích, seân
taâm.  chain case n. metal causing
 centrifugal oil filter n. filter in completely enclosing a drive chain
which suspended solids are removed and its sprockets: Hoäp xích.
from the oil by centrifugal force  chain drive = form of
created by spinning the oil at high transmission using a chain passing
speed in the rotating element: Loïc over sprockets: Truyeàn ñoäng
daàu kieåu ly taâm. xích.
centrifugal pump n. impeller pump in (NOTE: chain drive is still the most
which the liquid is forced, by either common form of transmission on
atmospheric or other pressure, into a motorcycles)
set off rotating vanes constituting an  chain filter wrench = chain
impeller: Bôm ly taâm. wrench whose chain passed round
centrifugal weight n. weight in and grips the body of an oil filter:
governor or other controlling device Caùi môû loïc nhôùt duøng xích.
with is thrown outwards by  chain guard = inverted L-section
centrifugal force as speed increase metal guard placed usually over the
and thus causes a control rod to be upper run of a chain: Voøm baûo
moved or pressure to be exerted: veä xích.
Troïng löôïng ly taâm, quaû  chain pipe wrench = chain
vaêng. wrench whose chain passes round
ceramic honeycomb n. interior of a and grips a pipe: Caùi môû oáng
monolithic converter which supports baèng xích.
the catalyst: Giaù ñôõ kieåu toå  chain hoist = hoist for heavy
ong trong boä hoaù khöû. object such as engines consisting of
cetane rating or number n. measure a chain and a block and tackle:
of the ignition quality of diesel fuel, Caàn truïc xích.
or how high a temperature is

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chain wrench
charge air 58 chassis dynamometer

 chain run = section of a drive (b) to take away and put something
chain that runs between the new or different in its place: Thay
sprockets: Böôùc xích. theá
 chain tensioner = component 2 n. engage of another gear: Söï
usually comprising a spring steel sang soá.
strip pressing on the chain, used  change-speed gearbox n.
mainly on four-stroke engines with gearbox containing sets of gears
a chain-driven camshaft and which can moved in and out of
responsible for maintaining the different ratios between the speeds
proper chain tension: Caùi caêng of the input and output shaft: Hoäp
xích. soá nhieàu caáp.
 chain wrench = tool for  change valve n. valve use to
loosening and tightening round or change gear in an automatic
irregularly shapes objects, having gearbox, operated by rising oil
chain which is passed around the pressure at the vehicle speed up:
object, and lever or key which at the Van sang soá.
same time tightens and the chain (NOTE: US English is shift valve)
and turns the object: Khoùa xích Chapman strut n. form of McPherson
duøng ñeå sieát, nôùi caùc vaät strut used in the rear suspension of
troøn. some car chapman: Heä thoáng
chamber n. combustion chamber of a treo sau kieåu Chapman.
rotary piston engine, particularly characteristic map n. usually three-
where non-cylindrical, as in a dimensional representation of
Wankel engine: Buoàng chaùy several interdependent quantities, in
chamfered a. with a symmetrically most of which engine speed and
beveled surface on an edge or load correspond to the x- and y-
corner: Vaït caïnh, maët vaït. axes, and the third quantity, which
chamois leather n. piece of soft depends on the first two, is
bleached leather from sheep, goats, measured against the z- axis: Baûn
etc. used especially for drying ñoà ñaëc tính ñoäng cô (naïp vaøo
paintwork, chrome and glass after ROM cuûa ECU).
washing: mieáng da thuù duøng charcoal canister n. = activated carbon
lau khoâ xe sau khi röûa. canister: Baàu loïc than hoaït tính.
(NOTE: also called informally charge 1 n. (a) amount of air/ fuel
shammy leather) mixture supplied to the cylinder that
change 1 v. (a) to select and engage a is available for combustion: Naïp.
gear: Chuyeån, sang (soá). (b) definite quantity of electricity,
(NOTE: also more fully to change such as that contained in a storage
gear) (NOTE: US English is to battery: Ñieän löôïng.
shift gear) 2 v. to supply electrical charge to (a
 to change up or down = to battery): Naïp ñieän vaøo bình
engage a higher or lower gear: Sang ñieän.
soá cao hay soá thaáp.  charge air n. air in the air/ fuel
 to change into second or top = mixture: Söï naïp khoâng khí.
to engage second or top gear:  charge air cooling =
Chuyeån sang soá hai hay soá cao INTERCOOLING: Laøm maùt
nhaát. khoâng khí naïp (trong ñoäng cô
taêng aùp).

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chassis frame 59 child restraint system

 charge air recycling (system) = Möùc saïc ñieän (doøng toái ña

device on some turbocharger cuûa heä thoáng naïp).
systems which serves to maintain  charging stroke n. =
the speed of the compressor while INDUCTION STROKE: Thì naïp.
no boost is being delivered, so that chassis n. originally, and today still
boost is more instantly available on in heavy goods vehicles, a separate
demand: Heä thoáng tuaàn hoaøn structure consisting of a frame,
khí naïp trong heä thoáng taêng springs and axles forming the lower
aùp. part of a vehicle, to which the
 charge changing or exchange bodywork is fitted, but with modern
process n. removal of exhaust port unitary construction there is no
an admission of a fresh charge separate chassis and the term is
through the transfer port in a two- used to refer to the running gear, i.e.
stroke engine: Quaù trình queùt suspension, including control arms,
vaø naïp khí trong ñoäng cô hai spring, shock absorbers steering
thì. component, etc.: Khung gaàm
 charger n. = BATTERY oâtoâ.
CHARGER: Maùy naïp bình.  chassis bracket set = set of
 charger characteristic n. brackets to be welded under sill
charger characteristic showing the prior to straightening the accident
dependence of the current on the damage when the standard sill panel
voltage during charge: Ñaëc tính does not have a jointing flange:
naïp. Giaù ñôõ ñeå haøn khung
 charging current n. electric  chassis dynamometer = test
current supplies to the battery when stand for a complete car to
the charging system is operative: determine, for example, its emission
Doøng ñieän saïc (naïp). characteristics under a set of defined
 charging efficiency n. figure driving conditions: Baêng thöû
indicated the mass of charge coâng suaát oâ toâ.
retained in the cylinder of a two-  chassis frame = frame usually
stroke engine after the ports close, consisting of two longitudinal side
divided by the actual swept volume: members joined by a member of
Hieäu suaát naïp. cross-members, to which the
 charging piston n. additional suspension and axles are attached, in
piston formerly fitted to some two- goods vehicles and formerly in cars:
stroke engines, design to Khung söôøn xe.
precompress the fresh charge and to  chassis number = formerly the
supply it at excess pressure into the manufacturer’s number identifying a
engine cylinders: Naïp khoâng khí vehicle: Soá khung xe.
baèng piston (hai kyø). (NOTE: now called vehicle
 charging point n. = battery identification number)
charging station: Traïm saïc bình.  chassis section = box or channel
 charging pressure n. = BOOST section forming part of the chassis:
PRESSURE: AÙp suaát taêng aùp Boä phaän khung xe.
 charging rate n. amount of chatter v. to move jerkily especially at
current, usually in amperes, high speed, making only irregular
delivered by the charging system: contact: Rung ñoäng ôû toác ñoä

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child seat 60 chrome-hardened

check 1 n. inspection to see whether  chemical toilet n. portable toilet

something is all right: Söï kieåm for use in caravans or when
tra. camping: Nhaø veä sinh trong xe
 an engine oil level check = nhaø löu ñoäng.
looking at the dipstick to see if there childproof lock n. lock on rear doors
is enough oil in the sump: Kieåm which when activated prevents the
tra möïc daàu ñoäng cô. door from being opened from inside
2 v. to inspect (something) to see the car: Khoaù choáng môû cöûa
whether it is all right: kieåm tra. sau
 Check the plugs, and replace if child restraint system n. general term
necessary = take the sparking for child seats and accessories, often
plugs out and see whether they are used at a synonym for child seat:
in good condition, if not fit new Gheá treû em
ones: Kieåm tra bougie neáu hö child seat n. combination of a seat
thì thay theá. shell, a belt system and / or an
 check ball n. ball in a ball-type impact cushion, especially suited for
check valve: Bi trong van moät children of the age groups 1 and 2:
chieàu Gheá daønh cho treû em.
 check engine warning light n. chip v. (of stones) to cause damage to
light which indicates a malfunction (paintwork) in the form of small
of the engine system: Ñeøn baùo pits: Laøm bong vuøng sôn nhoû.
kieåm tra ñoäng cô.  chipping n. damage to
 check point n. (a) particular paintwork in the form of small pits
point on a piece of equipment where cause by stones being thrown
it is possible to check if there is any against it: Laøm hö sôn do ñaù
malfunction: Ñieåm kieåm tra. vaêng.
(b) place on a road where vehicles chisel n. simple steel tool with a
are stopped, e.g. at a frontier or on a sharpen end used with a hammer to
rally: Traïm kieåm tra. cut through metal and other
 check routine n. series of checks materials: Caùi ñuïc.
to be made when tracing a fault or chlorofluorocarbons n. gaseous
when inspecting a new vehicle at the compounds used especially as
factory: Loä trình kieåm tra xe propellants for aerosol cans and in
môùi raùp. refrigerants: Khí CFC
check valve n. (a) non-return valve (NOTE: usually called CFCs)
permitting flow in one direction chock n. = WHEEL CHOCK: Caùi
only, widely used in emission loùt truïc baùnh xe.
control systems: Van moät chieàu. choke n. (i) device which restricts the
(b) residual pressure valve in a amount of air entering the
brake master cylinder: Van aùp carburetor in order to enrich the
suaát dö trong xy lanh caùi cuûa mixture when starting the engine
heä thoáng phanh. and running cold: Böôùm gioù. (ii)
chemical brightening or polishing n. choke knob: Nuùt keùo böôùm
improvement of surface smoothness gioù.
of a metal by immersion in a  choke control = system for
suitable solution: Söï laøm boùng actuating a non-automatic choke,
baèng dung dòch hoùa hoïc. usually a cable with a knob on the

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chrome-plated 61 circuit breaker

fascia: Söï ñieàu khieån böôùm  chrome-plated or chromed =

 choked = (a) (of engine) running croâm.
with the choke in operation: Ñoäng  chrome steel = steel containing
cô chaïy vôùi böôùm gioù hoaït chromium for extra hardness an rust
ñoäng resistance: Inox (theùp croâm).
(b) clogged: keït böôùm gioù  chrome work = all the
 choke knob = knob on the chromium-plated items on a car
fascia for operating the choke: body: Caùc chi tieát maï croâm
Nuùm keùo böôùm gioù. treân xe.
 choke tube = CARBURETOR  chromic acid n. electrolyte used
VENTURI: Hoïng khueách taùn. in anodising processed for
 choke valve = valve restricting producing non-transparent, non-
the amount of air or liquid admitted metallic oxide layers: Axit croâmic
especially on a carburettor: Van (dung dòch maï).
gioù  chromium n. hard grey metallic
chop shop n. us workshop or factory element used in electroplating and
specializes in replacing the standard in steel production for extra
steel roof of cars or pick-up trucks hardness and rust resistance: Croâm
with a convertible top: Xöôûng (Cr).
laøm mui xe.  chromium-plated = coated with
chromate 1 n. salt or ester of chromic a thin layer of chromium by electro
acid, often used as pigment: deposition for protection against
Croâmat.2 v. to treat with a corrosion, also with a thicker layer
solution of a chromium compound for wear resistance: Ñöôïc maï
to produce a protective coating of croâm.
metal chromate: Maï croâm.  chromium-plating = process of
 chromate (conversion) coating coating metal with a layer of
= conversion coating produced by chromium and also the result: Lôùp
chromating: Phuû croâm. maï croâm.
 chromate treatment = treatment  satin chromium plating =
of metal with a solution of a chromium plating with a soft matt
chromium compound to produce a sheen: Lôùp maï croâm mòn.
protective coating of metal  chromium steel = CHROME
chromate: Quaù trình xöû lí baèng STEEL
maï croâm. chubby screwdriver n. screwdriver
(NOTE: not to be confused with with a very short handle and blade
chroming) for use in confined spaces: Tua vít
 chromatize v. = CHROMATE cöïc nhoû.
 chrome 1 n. = CHROMIUM chunking n. breaking away of pieces
2. to plate with of the tread of a tyre: Söï maát gai
chromium: Maï croâm. voû (loáp xe).
 chrome-hardened = (of steel) CI (a) = COMPRESSION IGNITION:
hardened by the addition of Söï chaùy baèng caùch neùn
chromium: Laøm cöùng theùp (Diesel).
baèng caùch theâm croâm (b) = COIL IGNITION (SYSTEM):
Cuoän daây ñaùnh löûa, boâbin.

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circuit diagram 62 clay model

CIH (short of) camshaft in head: Truïc the wire which is to be tested; if the
cam ñaët treân naép maùy. light comes on, the circuit is live at
 CIH engine = type of overhead that point: Duïng cuï kieåm tra
valve (OHV) engine with the maïch ñieän (baèng ñeøn).
camshaft enclosed in, not on top of, circular headlamp n. tradition shape of
the cylinder head: Ñoäng cô vôùi headlamp as opposed to the modern
truïc cam ñaët treân naép maùy. rectangular headlamp: Ñeøn pha
(NOTE: not to be with an overhead kieåu hình troøn.
camshaft (OHC) engine) circulating pump n. centrifugal pump
CIM (short of) Computer-integrated designed to generate forced
manufacturing: Heä thoáng saûn circulation of a liquid in a closed
xuaát ñieàu khieån baèng maùy system, e.g. a water pump in an
tính. internal combustion engine: Bôm
circlip n. retaining ring in the form of tuaàn hoaøn.
an incomplete circle and made of CIS = CONTINUOUS INJECTION
spring steel, often with eyes either SYSTEM: Heä thoáng phun xaêng
side of the gap so that it can be lieân tuïc kieåu K-jetronic.
opened for removal: Voøng chaën, Citizens’ band see CB RADIO
caùi phe. city car n. very compact car; usually
(NOTE: US English is snap ring) 10-12 feet in length: Xe hôi loaïi
 circlip plies = special plies with nhoû.
jaw tips coming to point so that they  city cycle n. = URBAN CYCLE
can engage in the eyes of the circlip CL (short of) comfort luxe, denoting a
in order to expand it for removal: model more luxurious than ‘L’ but
Keàm môû phe not as grand as ‘GL’: Kieåu xe
 circuit n. (a) course forming a sang troïng nhöng khoâng baèng
complete loop over which races are kieåu GL.
held: Chu vi voøng ñua. clamp n. fastening which holds an
(b) series of electrical connections item or items in its jaws by strong
forming a complete path for the pressure: Caùi keïp.
current to flow through: Maïch  clamping load n. pressure on the
ñieän. plates in a clutch or coupling: Taûi
 circuit breaker = protective troïng eùp.
device which can be reset; it breaks  class a-thread n. = EXTERNAL
an electric circuit to prevent damage THREAD: Ren ngoaøi.
when the circuit is overloaded or  class b-thread n. = INTERNAL
overheated by excess current flow: THREAD: Ren trong.
Boä ngaét ñieän duøng ñeå baûo classic car n. specially applies to cars
veä. of the postwar era up to about 1970
 circuit diagram = diagram or even 1980, but also used as a
showing the complete wiring system general term for all old cars: Xe hôi
of a vehicle: Sô ñoà maïch ñieän. coå
 circuit tester = tool often  a classic car meeting = a
similar in appearance to a meeting to which enthusiasts bring
screwdriver, with a light in the their old cars to look at them and
handle and a crocodile clip which discuss them, often with a
can be attached to a suitable earth competition to decide which is the
while the point touches the part or

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clean oil 63 clock

smartest (a concours): Ngaøy hoäi the left-hand and the right-hand

cuûa ngöôøi chôi xe coå. corners to show the maximum
 restoration of classic cars = height and width of the vehicle:
putting old cars back as near as Ñeøn baùo chieàu cao vaø beà
possible into as new condition: Söï roäng xe.
taân trang xe hôi coå  clearance volume n. space
classified (ad) n. small advertisement remaining above the piston of an
in a newspaper or magazine, usually engine when it is at top dead centre:
put in by a private person, e.g. with Theå tích buoàng ñoát.
a car for sale: Muïc rao vaët (baùn clear coat or lacquer n. top coat of
xe). base and clear systems: Laøm saïch
claw hammer n. hammer with two lôùp sôn ngoaøi.
curved prongs at the back of the click-type torque wrench n. torque
head for extracting nails, etc.: Buùa wrench design to apply
nhoå ñinh. predetermined torque, to which it is
clay model n. mock-up of a new preset, automatically releasing once
design made before an actual the setting is reached; the release
prototype is built: Moâ hình maãu action is normally accompanied by
xe môùi baèng ñaát seùt. an audible click and/ or visible
clean oil n. fresh engine oil supplied to signal: Caàn sieát löïc töï ñoäng
engine from a container: Nhôùt (baùo hieäu khi sieát ñuû löïc).
saïch töø bình chöùa. climate control n. lever or similar that
 clean oil lubrication = controls the heater and/ or air-
lubrication system in which clean conditioning system: Ñieàu khieån
engine oil is supplied directly to the khí haäu (kieåm soaùt ñoàng
lubrication points of engine, as in thôøi söôûi vaø ñieàu hoøa nhieät
some two-stroke engines: Söï boâi ñoä).
trôn baèng daàu saïch.  climate control system =
clearance n. gap between two parts: combined heating and air-
Khe hôû conditioning system: Heä thoáng
 piston clearance = gap between ñieàu hoaø nhieät ñoä töï ñoäng.
the piston and the cylinder: Khe  climatic chamber n. test
hôû giöõa piston vaø xylanh. chamber which can reproduce
 valve clearance = gap between extremes of temperature and
the top of the valve stem and the humidity, as well as artificial
tappet when the valve is closed and ultraviolet rays: Buoàng khí haäu
the tappet is not pressing on it: Khe nhaân taïo (ñeå thöû nghieäm).
hôû xuùpaùp. climbing ability n. performance when
 clearance height n. (a) = climbing steep gradient: Khaû
ground clearance: Khoaûng caùch naêng leo doác.
gaàm xe vôùi maët ñaát. clip-on weight n. small lead weight
(b) maximum height of a vehicle used to balance a wheel by clipping
such that it can pass under a bridge it onto the rim opposite a heavy spot
or similar obstruction: Khoaûng of the tyre/ wheel assembly:
saùng gaàm xe. Mieáng chì baám vaøo baùnh xe.
 clearance (market) lamp n. clock 1 n. (a) instrument showing
lamp mounted on the roof of vans, time: Ñoàng hoà baùo giôø.
lorries and other large vehicles at

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clutch brake 64 clutch aligning
clutch tool

(b) (informal) = odometer or control systems, in which the valves

speedometer: Ñoàng hoà ño are closed by the valve spring: Caùc
quaõng ñöôøng toång hoaëc toác cam/ coø duøng ñeå ñoùng
ñoä xe. suùpaùp
2 v. to record (a speed or time), or  closing force n. force necessary
to time (a car): Ghi laïi toác ñoä for closing the valves, provide by
hay thôøi gian. the valve spring: Löïc ñoùng van
 clocking n. putting back the (löïc loø xo)
mileage on a car’s odometer, so that  closing panel n. panel that
it shows a lower mileage than the covers a gap in the body framework:
car has in fact done (an illegal Taám bít (thaân xe)
practice): Traû ngöôïc chæ soá cloth upholstery n. upholstery covered
km. in a fabric as opposed to vinyl or
c/locking = central locking: Khoùa leather: Neäm baèng vaûi
cöûa trung taâm. cluster gear n. lay shaft and/or the set
clockwise ad. in the same direction as of gears mounted on it: Cuïm truïc
the hands of a clock: Cuøng chieàu vaø baùnh raêng
kim ñoàng hoà. clutch n. mechanism for connecting or
clog v. to become obstructed with disconnecting the drive between two
debris, sludge or other matter: shafts while they are rotating or at
Laøm taéc ngheõn. rest, placed between the engine and
close coils n. coils at the end of a gearbox in vehicles with manual
spring which are closer together: transmission, and usually mounted
Phaàn cuoái loø xo. on the flywheel: Boä ly hôïp.
closed loop n. chain of control in clutch aligning set n. selection of
which feedback, usually from a different tools used to align the
sensor or sensors, is used to regulate clutch plate with the flywheel,
mixture strength, dwell angle and usually containing a shaft, pilot
other engine functions by electronic bearing adapters, and tapered
means: Cheá ñoä ñieàu khieån universal sleeves: Boä duïng cuï
voøng kín (hoài tieáp). ñeå caân ly hôïp.
close–loop control = electronic control  clutch aligning tool = special
system using feedback to maintain tool, either in the form of a bar or a
correct mixture strength, etc.: Cheá disc, with the aid of which clutch
ñoä ñieàu khieån kín trong ñieàu plate and flywheel can be precisely
khieån phun xaêng (duøng caûm aligned on single disc clutches:
bieán oxi) hoaëc ñaùnh löûa Duïng cuï caân chænh ly hôïp.
(duøng caûm bieán kích noå)  clutch brake n. device for
close-ratio gearbox n. gearbox in slowing down the clutch plate and
which there is relatively little hence the gears on the input shaft in
difference between the gear ratios, order to enable faster and quieter
so that fast changes can be made: engagement of gears: Phanh ly
Hoäp soá coù söï cheânh leäch tæ hôïp.
soá truyeàn nhoû.  clutch cable n. operating cable
 closing cam/ rocker n. cam/ from the clutch pedal to the clutch
rocker which is used to close the release lever: Caùp ly hôïp.
valve in desmodromic valve  clutch cover n. bowl-shaped
operation; unlike conventional valve cover house the rotating elements of

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clutch spring 65 coating

a friction clutch, anchors the clutch to the transmission: Baïc ñaïn ñaåy
spring(s), and is normally attached ly hôïp.
to the flywheel: Naép (baàu) ly (NOTE: US English is throw out
hôïp. bearing)
 clutch disc n. US = CLUTCH  clutch release lever = lever one
PLATE: Ñóa ly hôïp. end of which presses on the clutch
 clutch drag n. failure of the release bearing, the other being
clutch to disengage completely actuated mechanically or
when the pedal is depressed, with hydraulically by the clutch pedal:
the result that gear changes become Caàn ñaåy ly hôïp.
difficult as the driven plate and (NOTE: US English is throw out
input shaft continue to rotate: Söï fork, lever)
tröôït ly hôïp.  clutch shaft n. short gearbox
 clutch facing n. = CLUTCH input shaft, rotating at engine speed
LINING and coaxial with but not connected
 clutch fork n. clutch release lever to the main shaft, which transmits
with a forked end which presses on power from the clutch to the
the release bearing to disengage the gearbox: Truïc boä ly hôïp.
clutch: Caàn nhaû ly hôïp (daïng  clutch slip n. incomplete
næa) engagement of a clutch, so that not
 clutch housing n. = BELT all the drive torque is transmitted
HOUSING: Voû boä ly hôïp vaø even whenthe clutch pedal is fully
baùnh ñaø. released and the driven plate does
 clutch judder n. faulty condition not rotate as fast as the flywheel,
in which the clutch does not take up engine speed increase but road
smoothly but judders during speed open does not: Söï tröôït ly
engagement: Söï rung laéc ly hôïp. hôïp.
 clutch lining n. ring of friction  clutch spring n. one of the coil
material on the clutch plate: voøng springs (generally mounted in the
ñóa ma saùt ly hôïp clutch cover) which press the
 clutch pedal n. pedal which pressure plate against the driven
operates the clutch usually either clutch plate to transmit the drive:
mechanically via a cable, or Loø xo ly hôïp.
hydraulically: Baøn ñaïp ly hôïp.  clutch stop n. = CLUTCH
 clutch plate n. part of the clutch BRAKE
assembly which carries the clutch C-matic transmission n. trade name
lining and is squeezed between the for a semi-automatic transmission
flywheel and pressure plate when developed by Citroen: Hoäp soá
the pedal is released, thus baùn töï ñoäng.
transmitting power to the gearbox CNG = COMPRESSED NATURAL
input shaft: Ñóa ly hôïp. GAS: Khí thieân nhieân neùn
(NOTE: US English is clutch disc) CO = CARBON MONOXIDE
 clutch release or thrust bearing coach n. a single-deck bus, usually with
n. bearing (usually a roller bearing) a luxurious specification, for
that can be moved by the release carrying passenger over long
lever through clutch pedal action to distances, either from city to city
disengage the drive from the engine regular schedules or in groups on
tours: Xe khaùch ñöôøng daøi.

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cock 66 cold cranking ability

coach bolt n. bolt with a mushroom 2 v. to apply a layer of usually

head underneath which it has a liquid material: phuû (sôn).
square neck which holds it in a  coating n. (a) action of applying
matching square recess, e.g. in a layer of material to a surface: Söï
wood, so that a spanner is only taïo maøng.
needed for the nut: Bu loâng chìm. cock n. tap or shut-off valve
coach builder n. firm specializing in controlling the flow of water: Caùi
the production of special bodies for voøi nöôùc.
motor vehicles: Nhaø chuyeân cockpit n. area comprising the driver’s
saûn xuaát thaân xe. seat and all instruments and controls
 coach construction = vehicle especially in a racing car: Buoàng
layout incorporating a separate laùi.
chassis frame which serves as a  coefficient of friction n. ratio of
carrier of all drive train and the force needed to slide one surface
suspension parts, the vehicle body over another to the force preventing
itself not forming an integral the motion: Heä soá ma saùt.
structural part of the vehicle: Caáu cog n. (informal ) gear: Baùnh raêng
truùc toång thaønh  cog-swapping = gear changing:
coach lining n. thin, precisely Söï sang soá.
contoured lines, especially along  cogged belt n. toothed belt: Ñai
the whole side of the vehicle, also raêng.
an motorcycle tanks, the most coil n. (a) device for generating high
common colours being gold and tension voltage consisting of
black: Ñöôøng vieàn chính. primary and secondary windings
 coachwork n. = bodywork: around a laminated iron core:
Thaân xe. Cuoän daây (boâbin ñaùnh löûa)
Coarse (-cut) file = file for the rapid (NOTE: also called ignition coil)
removal of large amounts of (b) FIELD COIL/ WINDING:
material in a first rough shaping Cuoän daây kích töø
stage: Caùi giuõa thoâ. coil chimney n. = COIL TOWER
(NOTE: opposite is smooth file)  coil coating n. process of coating
 coarse pitch n. construction of a continuous metal strips with an
gear or screw thread with relatively organic finishing system for
wide gaps between the teeth or decoration and protection: Daùn
threads: Raêng hoaëc ren thoâ. ñöôøng vieàn.
 coarse-thread = screw thread coil ignition (CI) (system) n. inductive
with relatively wide gaps between ignition system with an ignition coil
the threads, and hence fewer threads which stores the primary current
for a given length of screw: Böôùc from the battery and steps it up to
ren thoâ. ignition (high tension) voltage,
coast v. to run without any drive being which is then transferred to the
transmitted to the wheels, either in sparking plugs via the distributor
neutral or with the clutch out: Chaïy and HT (high tension) leads in the
baèng quaùn tính (khi ñaïp ly engine firing order: Heä thoáng
hôïp) ñaùnh löûa ñieän caûm.
coat 1 n. layer of material, usually coil lead n. HT lead form the coil to
applied in liquid form, cover a the distributor : daây phin (cao
surface: Lôùp, maøng. aùp).

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cold galvanizing 67 column (gear) change

(NOTE: US English is coil wire) after painting: Phöông phaùp phun

 coil spring n. spiral of spring sôn vôùi nhieàu dung moâi
steel wire, used in suspension cold starting n. starting the engine from
systems and clutches and as valve cold: Khôûi ñoäng laïnh.
springs: Loø xo cuoän (xoaén). cold start enrichment n. increasing the
 coil spring clutch = clutch in fuel content of the air /fuel mixture
which a ring of coil springs hold the to compensate for condensation
pressure plate in position: Ly hôïp losses in the intake system when the
loaïi loø xo cuoän. engine is cold: Söï laøm giaøu
 coil spring compressor = spring hoãn hôïp khi khôûi ñoäng laïnh.
compressor: thieát bò neùn loø xo. cold start injector n. device in fuel
 coil tower n. top of the standard injection systems which injects
type of ignition coil in which the additional fuel during starter
socket for the ht lead to the operation when the engine is cold,
distributor is found, projecting working in much the same way as a
upwards: Ñaàu thöù caáp cuûa choke on a carburettor: Kim phun
boâbin. khôûi ñoäng laïnh.
 coil wire n. US = COIL LEAD collapsible spare tire n. US = SPACE
coke n. CARBON: Than coác. SAVING SPARE WHEEL: Voû xe
 coked up a. covered with a döï tröõ.
thick carbon deposit: Ñoùng muoäi  collapsible steering column n.
than daøy steering column designed to fold or
cold-condensate corrosion n. telescope in a case of frontal impact:
corrosion of the inside of exhaust Truïc tay laùi xeáp .
systems by direct chemical attack  collar n. (a) washer fitted under
resulting from an acidic, aqueous the head of a bolt or screw: Voøng
solution that condenses from the ñeäm, loong ñeàn.
exhaust gas at the cooler rear (b) raised area on a shaft to hold it
portions of the exhaust systems: Söï in position, usually against a
aên moøn do ngöng tuï ôû poâ. bearing: Phaàn nhoâ cuûa truïc
cold cranking ability n. criterion for phía gaén oå bi
assessing the performance of a collector’s car n. usually older car
battery based on its ability to supply which is value to collectors: Xe
the considerable amount of current cuûa ngöôøi söu taäp.
need to turn the engine when cold: collet n. removable collar fitting in a
Khaû naêng khôûi ñoäng laïnh. groove to hold, for example, the
 cold galvanizing n. galvanizing valve spring on the stem: Voøng
with zinc-rich paint or similar, or by giöõ (loø xo suùpaùp)
electroplating with zinc: Söï maï colour chart n. booklet containing
keõm nguoäi. details of paint name; codes and
 cold sparking plug n. sparking samples of exact colours, for the
plug with a short insulator nose, customer to choose from: Cataloge
which absorbs less heat and maøu
dissipates heat quickly: Bougie  colour coat n. coat of paint which
nguoäi (laïnh) has desired final colour, often but
 cold spraying n. spraying not always the top coat (in the case
method in which the paint is diluted of two-pack finishes a clear lacquer
with so much solvent evaporating

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combination pliers 68 company car

is applied on top of it): lôùp sôn the cylinder head, in which the air/
cuoái. fuel mixture is burned: Buoàng
 colour–coded a. (a) finished in chaùy.
the same colour as the main part of  combustion chamber recess =
the bodywork: Truøng maøu vôùi area when combustion occurs in a
thaân xe rotary piston engine: Vuøng chaùy
(NOTE: also called colour-keyed or trong ñoäng cô Wankel.
colour-matched)  combustion pressure = pressure
(b) (of wiring, etc.) finished in created during the combustion of the
different colours to aid recognition: air/ fuel mixture in the cylinder,
Kyù hieäu maøu daây. measure in pounds per square inch:
 colour scheme n. combination of AÙp suaát cuûa quaù trình chaùy.
colours, on the outside or inside of  combustion residue(s) = carbon
the vehicle: Toå hôïp maøu trong and other deposits resulting from
vaø ngoaøi thaân xe combustion: Saûn phaåm baùm
column (gear) change n. gear change laïi khi chaùy.
mechanism in which the gear lever CO meter n. device for checking
is on the steering column, just below exhaust gas for carbon monoxide, a
the steering wheel: Cô caáu sang high lever of which indicates an
soá treân voâ laêng. over-rich mixture as well as causing
(NOTE: also called column shift pollution: Thieát bò ño khí CO.
especially in the USA) comet head n. head with a swirl
 combination pliers n. typical chamber for indirect injection diesel
general purpose pliers with serrated engines: Naép maùy vôùi buoàng
jaws, an oval recess and a wire xoaùy loác.
cutter, in the USA they also have a comfort (C) n. fairly basic car model
slip joint so that the jaws can be specification: Xe loaïi tieän nghi.
opened wider: Kìm ña naêng.  Comfort Luxe (CL) = slightly
 combination spanner n. spanner more luxurious specification than
with a ring spanner at one end and comfort: Tieän nghi vaø sang
an open end of the same size at the troïng.
other: Chìa khoùa voøng mieäng. commercial vehicle = vehicle for
 combination valve n. pressure carrying goods or large number of
regulating valve in braking systems passenger for money: Xe kinh
incorporating a failure warning doanh (chôû haøng hoaëc haønh
switch and comprising two or more khaùch)
of the fowling valves; pressure commutator n. series of copper bars at
differential valve, metering valve, one end of the dynamo or starter
proportioning valve: Van toå hôïp motor armature, electrically
(heä thoáng phanh) insulated from one an other by
combustion n.extremely rapid (but not mica: Coå goùp ñieän.
explosive) burning of the air/ fuel compact car n. american car category
mixture timed to occur when the with a length of 14 ft 5 ins -17 ft and
piston is at the top of its stroke, so taking five passengers: Xe hôi loaïi
that it is forced down to turn the nhoû 5 choã.
crankshaft: Söï chaùy. company car n. car provided by an
 combustion chamber = space employer for an employee’s
between the top of the piston and

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company logo spray gun

compressed-air 69 compression

business or private use: Xe coâng and/ or carbon: Truïc caùnh quay

ty. baèng vaät lieäu composite.
 company logo n. emblem compound carburettor n. carburettor
forming the whole or part of a with more than one choke (normally
company’s trademark: Bieåu töôïng two-a small throttle openings and a
cuûa coâng ty. larger one for large throttle
compass (display) n. instrument with a openings), but for fitting to
magnetized needle which always a single port: Boä cheá hoøa khí
point to the magnetic north: La keùp (2 hoïng)
baøn.  compound (centre) electrode
Compensating bar n. = n. electrode for a sparking plug with
COMPENSATOR a copper core and a jacket of a
 compensating jet n. jet in a fixed nickel-based alloy: Ñieän cöïc
jet carburetor which supplies other trung taâm baèng hôïp kim
extra air or extra fuel to maintain the (bougie).
correct mixture strength: Gíclô  compound glass n. = laminated
phuï. glass: Kính eùp.
compensation port n. small hole in the  compound motor n. DC electric
wall of the tandem master cylinder motor with two separate fields
with connect the brake fluid windings, one in parallel and the
reservoir to the pressure chamber: other in series with the armature
Loã buø (phanh) circuit; used as a starter motor:
compensator n. horizontal bar which is Moâtô ñaáu hoãn hôïp.
pulled forward when the handbrake comprehension insurance n. insurance
is applies at its central point, which against most ricks, including third-
is pivoted, while it is connected, at party liability, fire, theft, and
each end to the handbrake cable, damage: Baûo hieåm troïn goùi
enabling equal force to be exerted compress v. to place under pressure or
on each rear brake: Thanh caân to squeeze into a small space: Ñeø,
baèng trong phanh tay. neùn, eùp
competition car n. car specially  compressed air = air at a higher
construct for taking part in than atmospheric pressure, used to
competitions, such as races, hill drive tools and machinery: Khí
climbs and rallies: Xe hôi ñua. neùn.
component n. part which may be either  compressed-air spray gun =
a single piece, such as a brush, or an spray guy which atomizes the
assembly such as a starter or a fuel coating material and projects it
pump: Thaønh phaàn, chi tieát against a surface by mean of the
component sharing = the use of the negative pressure occurring when a
same components (including major stream of air enters a pipe of
components such as engines) in smaller diameter: Suùng phun sôn.
different models and even in models  compressed natural gas (CNG)
from different manufacturers: Söï see NATURAL GAS: Khí thieân
laép laãn chi tieát. nhieân neùn.
composite propeller shaft n.  compression n. (a) compressing
innovative, single-piece propeller of the air/ fuel mixture drawn into
shaft made of fibre-reinforced epoxy the combustion champer before
in which the fibres are usually glass ignition takes place, either by the

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compressor 70 condenser

piston during its upward travel, or  compression ring n. upper piston

in the case of rotating engines by the ring of an internal combustion
reduction of the volume in the area engine: Baïc löûa, seùc-maêng khí
between the rotor and the  compression stroke n. upward
epitrochoid housing: Söùc neùn. stroke of the piston with both valves
check the engine’s compression closed; as the piston ascends, the
= turn the engine and check that air/ fuel mixture (in diesel engines
adequate resistance is felt when it air only) is temperature of the
piston reaches the top of its charge before ignition: Thì neùn.
compression stroke; alternatively  compression tester n. instrument
use a compression tester: Kieåm tra for measuring engine compression
söùc neùn ñoäng cô. when the running or cranking the
the shock absorber is adjustable engine, usually inserted in the
in both compression and rebound plughole on petrol engines: Thieát
= it is possible to adjust the bò ño söùc neùn.
resistance of the shock absorber to  compressor n. (a) pump for
both pressure and rebound: Boä increase pressure used e.g. in air–
giaûm chaán coù theå ñieàu conditioning or in forced induction
chænh söï neùn vaø söï baät laïi. (supercharging or turbo charging):
 compression gauge n. = Maùy neùn (taêng aùp)
COMPRESSION TESTER: Maùy  compressor impeller = impeller
ño söùc neùn. of a turbocharger driven by the
 compression ignition n. system turbine at speed to 160.000 rpm,
on which the diesel engine works, which accelerates by centrifugal
where ignition is caused by the heat force the charge air which enters
of compression and not by a spark: axially and leaves radially at very
Söï chaùy nhôø neùn (diesel) high velocity: caùnh turbine taêng
 compression ignition = DIESEL aùp.
ENGINE: Chaùy nhôø neùn (b) tool for compressing a coil
(Ñoäng cô diesel). spring, such as a valve spring:
 compression leakage n. loss of Thieát bò neùn loø xo.
compression due to the escape of compress (pressure wave)
gases usually part the piston and supercharger n. supercharger using
due to wear of the bores and piston the pressure waves reated by the
rings: Söï giaûm söùc neùn do hôû expanding exhaust gases to
baïc compress the inlet charge: Heä
 compression moulding n. thoáng taêng aùp baèng soùng
shaping of moulding by softening it aùp suaát
under pressure and the action of computer aided a. (of process) in
heat, and forcing it through a hole which computers are used for
into a hollow space which it calculations, etc.: Hoã trôï baèng
completely fills: Söï ñuùc baèng maùy tính.
aùp suaát.  computer controlled a. regulated
 compression ratio (CR) n. ratio by a computer: Ñieàu khieån
of the volume between the piston baèng maùy tính.
and cylinder head when the piston is  computer controlled catalytic
at the top of its stroke (top dead converter = system in which
centre): Tæ soá neùn. exhaust emissions are controlled by

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conductive 71 consumption

close regulation of the a/ f ratio and conductive a. capable of conducting

by the use of a three-way catalytic or carrying electricity: Daãn ñieän.
converter: Boä xuùc taùc ñieàu (NOTE: opposite is resistivity)
khieån baèng maùy tính.  conductor n. material which
(NOTE: opposite is open-loop conducts electricity due to the fact
catalytic converter) that it has many free electrons:
 computer controlled ignition Vaät (chaát) daãn ñieän.
timing = electronic ignition system (NOTE: opposite is insulator)
with an integral microprocessor cone clutch n. early type of clutch in
determining the correct timing using which the driving and driven
information from crankshaft and elements have conical surfaces, still
camshaft sensors: Thôøi ñieåm used in the synchronizing
ñaùnh löûa ñöôïc ñieàu khieån mechanisms of synchromesh
baèng maùy tính. transmissions: Ly hôïp coân.
 concealed headlight n. headlight configuration n. arrangement of part in
which are hidden under covers until relation to one another: Caáu hình.
required, when they are raised into conical a. in the shape of a cone;
position: Ñeøn pha xeáp. tapered: Hình noùn.
(NOTE: also called pop-up  conical seat or seating = circular
headlight) seating, e.g. for a valve or sparking
concept car n. car incorporating new plug, with slopping sides: Beä hình
ideas, of which only one example is coân.
usually made primarily as a design connecting rod n. bar forming the link
exercise, but also to impress the between piston and crankshaft, and
public: Xe thöû nghieäm (thöôøng transmitting the force exerted by the
laø model môùi ñeå tröng baøy) piston to the crankshaft: Thanh
concourse n. a meeting to which truyeàn (tay deân).
enthusiasts bring their classic cars to  connecting rod bearing = BIG-
show, including a competition to END BEARING: Baïc loùt ñaàu to
decide which is the smartest: thanh truyeàn
Ngaøy hoäi xe hôi coå ñieån.  connecting rod shank =
condensation n. liquid, especially longitudinal, usually I-section, part
water, formed due to cooling of of the connecting rod: Thaân thanh
moist air or vapour, also the process truyeàn
of its formation: Söï ngöng tuï. connection n. joining of two parts,
 condense v. to increase in density especially parts connecting
and (of a vapour) to become a electricity: Söï keát noái (noái
liquid: ngöng tuï. daây ñieän)
 condensed water = water  connector n. part which joins
resulting from condensation: nöôùc two or more parts together: Giaéc
ngöng tuï. noái, giaéc caém.
 condenser n. device in an air- con rod n. (informal) = CONNECTING
conditioning system mounted in ROD
front of the car’s radiator with coils console n. small fascia and/ or storage
and turns to liquid: Boä ngöng tuï space between the front seats in a
(giaøn noùng) car, which may serve as a support
(NOTE: opposite is evaporator) for additional instruments: Khung
ñeå gaén tableau.

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ


contact 72 continuous injection system

constantan n. nickel and copper alloy,  contact breaker (CB) n.

used as resistance wire or in mechanical switch as the part of the
thermocouples: Hôïp kim cuûa distributor of breaker-triggered
ñoàng vaø nikel ignition systems which breaks the
constant-mesh gearbox n. most primary current at the ignition point
commonly used transmission type in to provide a spark, consisting of a
which forward gear pairs remain in fixed contact or point and an arm
mesh all the time, the driving pair with a moving contact or point:
being engaged by a clutch Tieáp ñieåm (Vít löûa).
mechanism incorporating a hub and  contact breaker gap = POINTS
sleeve, today almost invariably laid GAP: Khe hôû vít löûa
out as a synchromesh mechanism:  contact breaker plate = plate on
Hoäp soá kieåu luoân aên khôùp. which the the contact breaker
 constant power distribution or assembly is mounted, and which can
split n. system with ensures that the be rotated slightly by the vacuum or
same amount of the power is always centrifugal advance mechanism:
transmitted to the front and rear Maâm xoay vít löûa.
wheels in a four wheel drive  contact breaker point =
vehicle: Söï phaân boá ñeàu coâng individual contact of a contact
suaát treân xe hai caàu. breaker: Ñieåm tieáp xuùc cuûa vít
constant velocity joint (CV joint) n. löûa
universal joint in which the driven  contact chatter n. =
shaft rotates at a constant speed CONTACT BOUNCE
regardless of the angle adopted,  contactless electronic ignition
given a constant input shaft speed: (system) n. = BREAKERLESS
Khôùp noái ñoàng toác. TRANSISTORIZED IGNITION
consumption n. process of using up or (SYSTEM): Heä thoáng ñaùnh
amount used, especially of fuel or löûa baùn daãn khoâng tieáp
oil: Söï tieâu thuï (nhieân lieäu, ñieåm.
daàu nhôùt)  contact patch n. parts of a tyre
contact n. (a) touching of two parts: in contact with the road surface:
Söï tieáp xuùc. Phaàn tieáp xuùc cuûa voû xe
(b) part carrying electricity made to vôùi maët ñöôøng
touch another such part for passing (NOTE: also called foot print)
current, e.g. in a switch or a contact  contact pattern n. wear pattern
breaker: Caùi coâng taéc, tieáp visible at point where two parts
ñieåm. touch: Veát moøn.
contact area n. = CONTACT  contact point n. = CONTACT
PATCH: Vuøng tieáp xuùc. BREAKER POINT
 contact arm n. arm in the  contact set n. replacement
distributor or which the moving contact breaker assembly for fitting
contact is mounted: Caàn vít buùa when new points are required:
(vít löûa) Nguyeân boä vít löûa ñeå thay
 contact bounce n. rapid opening theá
and closing of electrical contacts  contact spring n. spring
causing intermittent functioning of pressing on a contact to hold it in
the circuit: Hieän töôïng rung engagement, in a switch, bulb
tieáp ñieåm (vít)

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continuously variable transmission 73 control stalk

holder, etc.: Loø xo tieáp xuùc duøng trong maùy phaùt moät
(ñuoâi ñeøn, coâng taéc) chieàu.
contaminant n. dirt or other (b) = CONTROL UNIT: Cuïm
undesirable substance or pollutant: ñieàu khieån.
Chaát gaây oâ nhieãm, chaát baån  control cable n. cable usually in
Continental-type fuse n. ceramic fuse an outer sheath, running from a
with conical and caps, colour-coded knob or lever to the device which it
for different values: Caàu chì söù. operates or regulates: Caùp ñieàu
Continuous AC Ignition System khieån.
(CACIS) n. fundamentally new (NOTE: US English is control
ignition system, where a high- wire)
energy AC arc burns for the entire controlled burn rate see CBR
power stroke: Heä thoáng ñaùnh PROCESS: Toác ñoä chaùy ñöôïc
löûa xoay chieàu lieân tuïc kieåm soaùt
continuous injection system (CIS) n. controlled combustion system (CCS)
mechanical fuel injection system n. General Motors term covering a
giving a constant supply of fuel : set of emission control measures,
Heä thoáng phun xaêng lieân tuïc including (i) modified combustion
(kieåu K). champer design, (ii) high-
 continuously variable temperature coolant systems, (iii)
transmission (CVT) n. thermostatically controlled air
transmission system in which the cleaners, (iv) very lean A/F
speed ratio of driving and driven mixtures, (v) high idle speed, (vi)
elements is infinitely variable over severely retarded ignition timing,
the required working range, or is (vii) TCS and TVS: Heä thoáng
varied over a very large of number kieåm soaùt quaù trình chaùy.
fixed ratios, either automatically or controlled vehicle n. vehicle fitted with
by manual control: Hoäp soá voâ a system for reducing exhaust
caáp. emissions, such as a catalytic
control 1 n. (a) device used to regulate converter, egr, air injection or fuel
the functioning of system, either evaporative emission control: Xe
operated by the driver by mean of a ñöôïc kieåm soaùt khí thaûi.
lever, knob or switch, or operating  control plunger n. device in a
automatically: Thieát bò ñieàu fuel injection system whose up-and-
khieån, kieåm soaùt down movement in the metering
(b) ability of the driver to make the unit of the fuel distributor controls
vehicle perform as required: Söï the open cross sectional area of the
ñieàu khieån (xe) metering ports and thus the quantity
2 v. to make do what is required: of fuel supplies to the individual
Ñieàu khieån. cylinders: Van ñieàu khieån
 control arm n. suspension arm nhieân lieäu.
controlling wheel camber, especially  control pressure n. pressure in
the upper or lower wish born: fuel injection systems; pressure in
Thanh giaèng. an automatic transmission which
 control box n.(a) box containing acts on the commands valves and is
voltage regulators and cut-out: derived from line pressure or from
Hoäp ñieän bao goàm tieát cheá throttle pressure: Aùp suaát ñieàu
vaø rôle doøng ñieän ngöôïc khieån .

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ


control unit
convertible 74 converter

 control stalk n. spindle böôùm gioù töï ñoäng sang böôùm

projecting from the steering column gioù tay.
just below the steering wheel, on  conversion coating n. metal
which are grouped controls for some surface coating consisting of a
or all the following; light, compound of the base metal: Lôùp
windscreen wipers and washers, neàn (sôn).
direction indicators and horns:  conversion rate n. rate at which a
Coâng taéc toå hôïp treân tay laùi given catalytic converter purifies the
 control unit n. = ELECTRONIC exhaust gas stream, governed by
CONTROL UNIT: Cuïm ñieàu various parameters such as
khieån ñieän töû. operating conditions and converter
 control valve n. valve regulating design: Toác ñoä hoaù khöû.
or operating a system, especially a converter n. (a) = TORQUE
hydraulic or vacuum control system: CONVERTER: Boä bieán moâ.
Van ñieàu khieån. (b) = CATALYTIC CONVERTER:
 control valve assembly = casting Boä xuùc taùc.
located in the sump of an automatic (c) = ADAPTER: Ñaàu chuyeån
gearbox, which contains most of tieáp, ñaàu noái
the valves for the hydraulic control  converter case n. assembly in
system: Cuïm van ñieàu khieån. an automatic gearbox comprising
 control wire n. US = CONTROL the impeller with the converter
CABLE cover welded to it, containing the
conv n. = CONVERTIBLE converter fluid and vane wheel s
conventional ignition system n. and connected to the crankshaft via
ignition system consisting of the drive plate and revolving at
battery, ignition switch, ballast engine speed: Voû boä bieán moâ.
resistor, ignition coil, distributor and  converter cover n. part in an
capacitor, contact breaker, automatic gearbox welded to the
centrifugal or vacuum advance unit, pump, with which it constitutes the
sparking plug and ignition cables: converter case: Voû bôm boä
Heä thoáng ñaùnh löûa thöôøng bieán moâ.
(vít löûa)  converter housing n. (a)
conventional spare wheel n. spare stationary outer part of the
wheel identical with the standard automatic gearbox casing which
wheels on a car: Baùnh xe döï houses the converter case: Voû
phoøng. hoäp soá töï ñoäng
conversion n. (a) changing from on (b) housing of a catalytic converter:
state into another, e.g. of toxious Voû boä xuùc taùc.
gases into harmless gases: Söï (NOTE: also called converter shell)
chuyeån ñoåi traïng thaùi convertible n. car with a hood that can
(b) altered state of a particular be folded down or a hard top which
system, or set of parts needed to can be removed: Xe mui xeáp (mui
achieve it: Traïng thaùi ñaõ thay traàn)
ñoåi cuûa moät heä thoáng (NOTE: also called open car)
 manual choke conversion (kit) =  US converter top = soft
parts needed to change an automatic foldable top of an open car, top of
choke into a manually operated an open car, made of canvas or vinyl
choke: Phuï tuøng ñeå chuyeån

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ


cord 75 cotter
and usually including a PVC rear lead made of copper, which is an
window: Mui xeáp excellent conductor electricity: Loõi
coolant n. mixture of water and anti- ñoàng cuûa ñieän cöïc bougie
freeze (usually now with corrosion hoaëc daây cao aùp
inhibitors) in the cooling system:  copper-core lead =
Nöôùc laøm maùt ñoäng cô (unsuppressed) HT lead with a
 coolant level warning light n. copper core: Daây phin loõi ñoàng.
light on the instrument panel with  copper-faced hammer n.
comes on when there is too little hammer with a round head made of
coolant in the cooling system: Ñeøn copper, used on items which would
baùo möïc nöôùc laøm maùt be damaged by the use of a harder
 coolant pump n. = WATER steel hammer, such as knock-off
PUMP: Bôm nöôùc laøm maùt hubcaps or spinners: Buùa ñaàu
 coolant temperature sensor n. ñoàng.
sensor usually on the bottom of the  copper plating n. applying a
radiator connected to the thin layer of copper by electrolytic
temperature gauge: Caûm bieán deposition, especially on parts in
nhieät ñoä nöôùc laøm maùt the electrical system such as
cooling fan n. large and powerful fan terminals and contacts: Maï ñoàng
on an air cooled engine, usually of cord n. strong thread usually of nylon
the axial flow type, driven via a v- used in the carcass of a tyre: Loõi
belt from the engine crankshaft, voû xe.
with supplies a large volume of core n. (a) central part which is entirely
cooling air to the cooling fins of the enclosed, as in an ignition coil, a
engine, and adds significantly to sparking plug, an electrical lead or a
engine noise: Quaït laøm maùt tyre valve: Loõi, cöïc
keùt nöôùc (b) main part of a radiator below
 cooling fins n. protruding strips the header tank, consisting of
of flat metal cast on the cylinder of numerous small tubes with cooling
air cooled engines (and sometimes fins and gaps between for the air to
other component) to increase the pass through: Væ laøm maùt trong
available cooling surface, and to keùt nöôùc.
improve heat dissipation: Caùnh  core plug n. sheet metal disc
taûn nhieät. inserted in a hole in the water jacket
 cooling jacket n. = WATER of the cylinder block to prevent it
JACKET: Aùo nöôùc from cracking if the coolant should
cooling system n. system for keeping freeze due to insufficient anti-
the temperature of an engine down freeze, the core plug being forced
to a desirable level, usually by the out by the pressure created by the
circulation of water with additives: expansion of the water when frozen:
Heä thoáng laøm maùt Nuùt choáng nöùt loác maùy
copolymer n. polymer produce from (baèng kim loaïi, ñaët beân ngoaøi
two different monomers: Hôïp aùo nöôùc)
chaát (NOTE: US English is freeze-plug)
cao phaân töû ñöôïc saûn xuaát cornering n. negotiation of a corner or
töø hai ñôn theå bend: Söï quay voøng
copper core n. central electrode of a  good/ poor cornering (ability) =
sparking plug or the wires of an HT ability / inability of a car to go

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ


coulomb 76 crank

round corners safely at a reasonable cotter n. tapered pin or wedge inserted

speed, without body roll and through holes in two parts such as a
breakaway: khaû naêng quay or wheel or other part on a shaft, so
voøng toát / xaáu us to hold the two parts firmly in
 cornering forces = forces position relative to one another:
exerted on a tyre by the slip angle Choát giöõ.
when taking a corner: Löïc taùc  cotter pin = (a) SPLIT PIN
duïng leân baùnh xe khi quay (b) COTTER
voøng coulomb (C) n. unit of electric charge
 corner speed = speed at which a being the amount of electricity
corner is taken: Toác ñoä khi quay conveyed in one second by a current
voøng xe (cua, queïo) of one ampere: Culoâng
corrode v. (a) to suffer corrosion, countershaft n. US = LAY SHAFT:
especially rust: AÊn moøn. Truïc trung gian
(b) to cause corrosion in: Laøm aên countersink v. to enlarge the part of a
moøn. hole on the surface of the material
 corrosion n. chemical process in so that a conical recess is formed to
which a metal is eaten away, such as take the correspondingly shaped
the oxidation of iron and steel, heat of a screw, which will then be
otherwise known a rusting: Söï aên flush with the surface: Maët vaùt
moøn (hoaù hoïc). loã ren.
 corrosion control or prevention  countersunk bolt or screw =
or protection = minimizing bolt or screw the back of whose
corrosion by coating with a head is angled to conform with the
protective metal, an oxide, or angle (countersink angle) of the
similar substance, or with a sides of the hole into which it is
protective paint, or by rendering the fitted: Ñinh vít hoaëc bu loâng
metal passive: Kieåm soaùt chìm
(choáng) söï aên moøn  countersunk hole = enlarged
 corrosion inhibitor = substance hole with slopping sides: Loã vaùt.
formed at a result of corrosion:  counterweight n. (a) weight
Chaát ñöôïc hình thaønh trong added to the crankshaft of an engine
quaù trình aên moøn to improve smoothness of running
 corrosion resistance = ability of at low engine speeds as well as even
metals to withstand corrosion: increase or decrease of speed,
Khaû naêng choáng aên moøn. usually in the form of an extension
 corrosion warranty = ANTI– of the crank web on the opposite
CORROSION WARRANTY side from the crankpin: Ñoái troïng
 corrosive a. causing corrosion: (truïc khuyûu)
Laøm aên moøn (b) = BALANCE WEIGHT: Troïng
cost-effective a. worthwhile in terms löôïng caân baèng
of tangible benefits produced by coupe n. car with closed two-door
money spent: ñaàu tö coù hieäu bodywork usually having a boot (i.e.
quaû, coù lôïi nhuaän not a hatch back) and sleek and
cost option n. option extra for a new sporty lines, the rear seat often
car available on payment of an being rather cramped: Xe 2 cöûa
additional sum: Chi phí gaén coupling n. part for joining two parts,
theâm. especially shafts: Khôùp noái

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ


cranking enrichment 77 crankshaft position sensor

 coupling sleeve = sleeve or  crankcase n. part of the engine

collar moved along the main shaft of that house the crankshaft (and
a gearbox by a selector fork usually the oil pump) and carries the
engaging in a groove of its centre sump, typically made of cast iron
and having dog clutches at either and in one piece with the engine
end: OÁng truïc dòch chuyeån block: Cacte
theo truïc chính cuûa hoäp soá  crankcase breather = vent which
coù cô caáu ñònh vò allows fumes and blowby gases to
courtesy light n. interior light which escape, and reduces condensation,
comes on when the door is opened: usually connected to the air intake
Ñeøn traàn. of the carburettor so that the fumes
cowl n. (a) part of the bodywork with can be burnt in the combustion
protects and/ or provides champer: Loã thoâng hôi cacte
streamlining for a usually projecting  crankcase compression or pre-
component: Taám caûn tröôùc compression = initial compression
ñaàu xe of the fuel/ air/ oil mixture in a two-
(b) US = SCUTTLE stroke engine in the area below the
cowling n. = COWL pistons to enable more fresh charge
C-pillar or C-post n. third vertical to be fed into the cylinder: Neùn
pillar of a typical saloon body shell tröôùc trong ñoäng cô hai thì.
behind the rear door and to either  crankcase emissions =
side of the rear window, connecting pollutants allowed to escape into the
the rear of the roof to the side of the atmosphere from the crankcase: Söï
body: Truï ñôõ phía sau khung oâ nhieãm do hôi cacte
cöûa sau.  crankcase half = one side of the
CR or cr = COMPRESSION RATIO: crankcase where it is split down the
Tyû soá neùn middle, especially in single-cylinder
cracking n. forming of cracks, e.g. in motorcycle engines: Nöûa naép
the sidewalls of a tyre due to cacte (trong xe gaén maùy).
hardening of the rubber, or in  crankcase scavenging = system
paintwork due to weathering of an in a two–stroke engine where the
excessively deep coat: Söï nöùt fresh charge is induced into the
(voû xe hoaëc sôn) cylinder via the crankcase and the
crank 1 n.(a) arm incorporating a right transfer ports: Heä thoáng naïp
angle, often mounted on a shaft: khí qua cacte ( trong ñoäng cô hai
Caùi tay quay thì)
(b) = CRANKSHAFT: Truïc  crankcase ventilation =
khuyûu circulation of air through the
2 v. to turn (the engine) by means of crankcase of a running engine to
the starter or with a handle: Khôûi removed water, blow–by and other
ñoäng, ñeà gases and thus prevent oil dilution
 cranking enrichment = and contamination, sludge formation
posision of a richer mixture for and pressure build-up: Thoâng hôi
starting the engine: Laøm giaøu cacte
hoaø khí khi khôûi ñoäng.  cranked a. having an elbow or
 cranking speed = speed at which right angle shape in it, e.g. a starting
the starter turns the engine: Toác handle or wheel brace: Tay quay
ñoä khôûi ñoäng.

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ


crankshaft pully 78 creep

 crankpin n. journal on which the  crank web n. one of the pair of

connecting rod of a piston engine is arms which carry the big-end
mounted: Coå truïc gaù laép ñaàu journal: Maù truïc khuyûu
thanh truyeàn crash n. collision either with another
 crankshaft n. part of the engine car or into some usually stationary
connected to the pistons by object: Söï ñuïng xe.
connecting rods which converts the  crash barrier = barrier with
reciprocating or up and down longitudinal members designed to
motion of the pistons into rotary prevent a vehicle which is out of
motion used to provide the drive to control from leaving a road or race
the wheels via the clutch and track, or on a motorway from
transmission: Truïc khuyûu, coát crossing the central reserve: Con
maùy löôn, haøng raøo phaân ranh
 crankshaft journal = term giôùi.
usually applied to the journals  crash gearbox n. gearbox
running in the main bearings as without any synchromesh, thus
opposed to those for the big-end requiring double declutching: Hoäp
bearings: Coå truïc chính truïc soá khoâng coù boä ñoàng toác.
khuyûu (NOTE: also informally called
 crankshaft position sensor = crash box)
sensor which transmits data on the crash recorder n. electric device that
exact position of the crankshaft to measure the speed and direction of a
the engine management system for motor vehicle, as well as brake and
accurate ignition timing: Caûm indicator activity: Hoäp ghi döõ
bieán vò trí piston (vò trí truïc lieäu xe khi xaûy ra tai naïn.
khuyûu)  crash sensor = sensor which
 crankshaft pully = pully on the triggers the air bag when a certain
nose of the crankshaft which may degree of deceleration is exceeded,
be toothed for use with a cogged i.e. in a severe frontal crash: Caûm
belt for driving the crankshaft, or bieán va chaïm (ñieàu khieån goái
recessed to accept a v-belt, or hôi)
slotted to take a ribbed belt for  crash test = controlled test in
driving the alternator or dynamo which a vehicle is propelled into a
plus sometimes the fans and water wall or another vehicle at a given
pump, it may also carry timing speed, in order to study the effect on
marks: Puli truïc khuyûu its structure, the effectiveness of
 crankshaft sprocket = sprocket safety belts, etc.: Thöû nghieäm va
mounted on the nose of the chaïm.
crankshaft driving the camshaft via crawler n. (informal) slow-moving
a timing chain: Baùnh raêng truïc vehicle: Xe ruøa, xe chaïy chaäm
khuyûu (truyeàn ñoäng xích)  crawler gear = extremely low
 crank throw n. distance between gear mainly for off-road use: Soá
the crankpin and the axis of rotation cöïc thaáp.
or centreline of the crankshaft,  crawler lane = separate lane for
which is equal to half the stroke: heavy lorries and other slow-moving
Baùn kính khuyûu. vehicles on a hill: Laøn ñöôøng
daønh cho xe chaïy chaäm

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ


creepage 79 cross-head screwdriver

crazing n. development of a network crocodile clip n. spring clip with

of fine cracks on or just under the serrated jaws for making temporary
surface of paintwork: Söï phaùt electrical connections, as on jump
trieån cuûa nhöõng veát nöùt sôn. leads: Keïp caù saáu (ñieän)
crease n. ridge produced by folding of (NOTE: US English is alligator
the metal either as part of the design clip)
or as a result of accident damage: crossbar n. (a) any transverse bar,
Veát moáp. especially a tie rod across the
creep n. tendency of a vehicle with chassis, also specifically the top
automatic transmission to edge tube of a cycle or motorcycle frame:
forwards when idling with drive Thanh ngang
engaged unless held on the brake: (b) US = TOMMY BAR
Söï tröôøn xe ôû toác ñoä caàm  cross coat n. paint spraying
chöøng khi khoâng phanh (xe coù technique in which consecutive
hoäp soá töï ñoäng) coats are sprayed at right angles to
 creepage n. spreading of one another: Kyõ thuaät sôn chöõ
corrosion, especially rust, under thaäp
paintwork causing blistering and  cross - country vehicle n. = off-
flaking: Söï lan gæ döôùi lôùp sôn road vehicle: Xe ñòa hình.
 creeper n. low flat trolley made  cross-draught carburettor n.=
of wooden slats with castors, used side draught carburettor: Boä cheá
by mechanics to lie on when hoaø khí huùt ngang.
working under a vehicle: Xe goã  cross flow cylinder head n.
duøng ñeå chui gaàm (söûa chöõa) cylinder head design (especially in
crescent n. (in internal gear pumps) an OHC–engine) with the inlet
part between the inner and outer manifold on one side and the
gears: Hình löôõi lieàm (phaàn exhaust manifold on the other side
naèm giöõa baùnh raêng trong of the head, so that inlet and exhaust
vaø ngoaøi cuûa bôm baùnh valves are arranged on opposite
raêng) sides of the combustion champer,
crest n. highest point of a screw thread: giving a wider engine but better gas
Ñænh ren flow: Naép maùy (qui laùt) coù
(NOTE: opposite is root) oáng goùp huùt vaø thaûi ñoái
crimping n. creation of corrugations in xöùng
two thin metal parts as they are  cross flow radiator n. radiator in
pressed tightly together in order to which the water flows sideways
join them, a method often used in instead of vertically, and which is
place of soldering for electrical therefore wider than it is high,
connections: Neáp gaáp choã noái permitting a lower bonnet line: Boä
daây vôùi ñaàu giaéc caám taûn nhieät vôùi doøng nöôùc
crimping pliers or tool = tool in the chaûy ngang
form of pliers with serrated jaws  cross-head screw n. screw whose
especially for creating electrical head has a double slot in the
connections: Kìm boùp daây shape of a cross, design to accept a
critical speed n. engine or shaft speed special screw-driver: Vít ñaàu chöõ
at which some unwanted phenomon thaäp
such as vibration sets  cross-head screwdriver =
in: Toác ñoä tôùi haïn screwdriver such as the Phillips or

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cross member
crusher 80 cut-in speed

pozidriv type with cross-shaped  crown wheel and pinion = pair

ridges in its point for cross-head of gears the final drive of a vehicle,
screws: Tua nô vít ñaàu chöõ always found in the back axle of a
thaäp (pa ke) rear-wheel drive layout where the
 cross member n. any structural pinion is on the end of the propeller
main body or chassis member shaft driving the crown wheel
mounted transversely, i.e. linking mounted on the differential at right
left- and right- hand side members: angles to it, and also in front wheel
Thanh ngang (khung) drives where the engine is not
 cross-ply tyre n. tyre in which transversely mounted: Voøng raêng
the plies are laid diagonally, running vaø baùnh raêng noùn chuû
across the carcass and crisscrossing ñoäng (caàu)
one another at an angle of about 300-  cruciform frame n. frame with it
400 : Voû xe vôùi lôùp boá xieân. X-shaped bracing either a chassis
 cross point screwdriver n. = frame, or in a monocoque as
cross head screwdriver: Tua nô vít strengthening for the floor: Khung
ñaàu chöõ thaäp (pa-ke). hình chöõ X.
 cross scavenging n. scavenging cruise v. to drive at a constant speed,
in a two-stroke engine with flow using a fairly small throttle opening:
across the cylinder assisted by a Chaïy theo trôùn
wedge-shaped piston crown: Söï  cruise control n. computer
queùt khí thaúng. controlled system which maintains a
 cross section n. view of an preset speed unit the driver
object when cut transversely at right overrides the system by braking or
angles across its centre: Maët caét. accelerating, or by shutting it off:
 cross shaft n. any transverse Heä thoáng ñieàu khieån chaïy
shaft: Truïc ngang. töï ñoäng.
 cross-spoke wheel n. modern  cruising speed n. constant speed
design of alloy wheel which imitates at which a car can be driven without
the appearance of the classical wire strain: Toác ñoä chaïy theo trôùn.
wheel: Maâm ñuùc giaû caêm crumple zone n. front end (and also
 cross-threaded a. (of a bolt) sometimes the rear end) of a car
damaged by being inserted in a which is so designed that it gives
threaded hole at an angle: Bò treøo way in a crash in order to absorb as
ren. much as possible of the impact:
 crosswind n. wind blowing at Caûn xe.
the side of the car: Gioù ngang (xe) crusher n. machine which crushes
 crown n. (a) top part, especially scrapped cars into small blocks:
of a piston: Ñænh, ñaàu (piston) Maùy eùp xe pheá thaûi.
(b) outward curvature of an cubby hole n. glove compartment on
apparently flat sheet metal panel: older cars, often without a lid:
Ñöôøng cong bieân (thaân xe) Ngaên chöùa ñoà ôû xe ñôøi cuõ.
 crown wheel n. large of two cubes n. (informal) US = CUBIC
gears in a bevel gear drive with INCHES
teeth round its periphery facing cubic capacity n. volume of any
sideways: Baùnh raêng noùn chuû enclosed space, including a cylinder
ñoäng (caàu) or an engine: Dung tích (xy lanh).

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cut-out 81 cylinder head bolt

cubic centimetre n. usual unit of appearance: Laøm thay ñoåi theo

measure for the capacity of an yù chuû xe.
engine, almost always abbreviated cut and shut a. (of a car) shortened by
to cc: phaân khoái (cm3) cutting out a section of the chassis
cubic inch n. unit of measure for and/or bodywork: Caét ngaén
the capacity of an engine used in thaân xe
north America, equal to 16.387 cc:  cutaway a. (of a drawing or
Inch khoái. model) with part of the external
(NOTE: abbreviated as cu .ins) cover or causing removed to show
cup seal n. synthetic rubber seal with a the internal parts and how they
single lip used for sealing hydraulic work: Moâ hình caét boå (hình
and pneumatic pistons: Phoát veõ hoaëc vaät thaät)
(duøng cho piston thuûy löïc  cut-in speed n. speed at which
hoaëc khí neùn) the dynamo has to rotate to produce
 cup-shape wire brush n. a voltage which is greater than that
circular wire brush on an arbor for across the battery terminals: Toác
use with an electric drill: Baøn ñoä phaùt ñieän (maùy phaùt)
chaûi saét ñeå ñaùnh boùng.  cut-out n. circuit-breaker,
curb n. US = KERB: Leà ñöôøng. especially one in the charging
cure v. (of a plastic) to harden: Toâi, circuit of a dynamo, whose points
laøm cöùng. open when the dynamo output is
 curing time n. time required for a less than the battery voltage, so that
plastic such as a filler or coating to the battery does not drain into the
harden: Thôøi gian toâi. dynamo: Rô le ngaét doøng ñieän
current regulator n. device for ngöôïc.
controlling the current output of a cutting compound n. relatively
dynamo (which increases with abrasive paste used to bring up the
engine speed) by opening a switch shine of paint finishes which dry
when the current exceeds a certain dull or have gone dull due to
value, thus protecting the dynamo neglect: Boät nhaùm laøm boùng
from damage due to excess current: sôn
Boä tieát cheá doøng ñieän (cho  cutting disc n. abrasive wheel of
maùy phaùt moät chieàu) an angle grinder: Ñóa caét.
custom a. individually made to suit the  cutting line n. line established
requirements and tastes of the by the factory along which weld-up
owner, especially as regards assemblies must be cut when
appearance: Söï thay ñoåi theo yù replacing a sheet metal part, in order
chuû xe. to maintain structural strength in the
 custom wheel = special wheel finished repair: Vaïch caét.
with attractive styling, usually alloy,  cutting torch n. oxyacetylene
available as an aftermarket torch for cutting through metal, used
accessory, fitted mainly to make a by emergency services and people
car look more sporty: Baùnh xe dismantling vehicles: Moû haøn
kieåu theå thao. caét.
 customize v. to alter a car to suit CV joint n. = CONSTANT
the requirements and tastes of the VELOCITY JOINT
owner, especially as regards CVT = CONTINUOUSLY

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ


cylinder head gasket 82 cylinder wall

CWT = HUNDRED WEIGHT most modern engines of cat

cycle n. sequence of changes of state aluminium, bolted on top of the
after which the system is in its cylinder block, usually containing
original state again: Chu kyø, chu part of the combustion chamber(s)
trình. with the valves and the sparking
cylinder n.tubular chamber which plugs: Naép quy laùt (naép maùy)
accommodates a reciprocating  cylinder head bolt or nut = bolt
piston, a in an engine or a hydraulic or nut holding the cylinder head
system: Xy lanh. down: Bu loâng vaø ñai oác naép
 cylinder bank n. one half of the quy laùt.
V in a V-engine; i.e. one of the two  cylinder head gasket = gasket
rows of four cylinders in the case of locatted between the cylinder block
a V-8: Daõy xylanh. and cylinder head to seal the
 cylinder barrel n. external casing combustion chamber and to prevent
of a cylinder forming a separate compression and coolant leaks,
unit, especially of an air-cooled usually more than one material:
engine: Phaàn boïc xylanh trong Roong naép maùy, roong quy laùt
ñoäng cô laøm maùt baèng gioù cylinder head tester n. device used to
cylinder block n. cast-iron or, less detect cylinder head leakages which
frequently, cast-alloy casing cause combustion gases to appear in
containing the cylinders of an the cooling system: Duïng cuï
internal combustion engine, with a kieåm tra hieän töôïng thoåi
water jacket if water-cooled or roong
cooling fins if air-cooled, and cylinder hone n. special tool for use
usually in one piece with the with an electric drill or air tools to
crankcase: Khoái xy lanh. hone and polish engine, clutch or
 cylinder block heater = electric brake cylinders, with a number of
heater element in the water jacket hone stones that adjust to different
connected to the mains which cylinder bore diameters by spring
warms the coolant before the car is tension: Duïng cuï xoaùy vaø
used, ensuring better starting and ñaùnh boùng xy lanh.
faster engine and heater warm-up:  cylinder liner n. hard metal
Söï haâm noùng nöôùc laøm maùt insert in the cylinder block forming
baèng ñieän trôû nhieät ñeå deã the cylinder wall, and in which the
khôûi ñoäng pistons run: Sômi, oáng loùt.
 cylinder charge n. quantity of (NOTE: also called cylinder sleeve
fresh mixture fed into the )
combustion chamber prior to  cylinder wall n. internal face of
combustion: Löôïng khí naïp. the cylinder or bore: Thaønh xy
 cylinder head n. casting on lanh
earlier engines of cast iron and on

Töï ñieån Anh – Vieät chuyeân ngaønh Coâng ngheä OÂ toâ

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