Accounting Reviewer
Accounting Reviewer
Accounting Reviewer
Module 2 – Reviewer
1) Hardware - the electronic equipment
Scorekeepers – accountants are called
that includes computers, disk drives,
scorekeepers because accounting
monitors, printers, and the network that
provides the business with this
connects them.
2) Software - the set of programs that
drives the computer. Accounting software
Personal financial planning, education reads edits (alters), and stores transaction
expenses, car amortization, business data. It also generates the reports
loans, income taxes and investments are managers use to run the business.
based on the information system that we
3) Company personnel - Good personnel
call Accounting.
are critical to success. Employees must be
both competent and honest.
A. Control - Managers must control MANUAL AND COMPUTER-BASED
operations, or the company will lose SYSTEMS: A COMPARISON
✔ The differences are largely a question
B. Compatibility - A compatible system is of whether specific procedures require
one that works smoothly with the human attention or whether they can be
company's personnel and organizational performed automatically by a machine.
✔ Computers can be programmed to
C. Flexibility - A well-designed system is perform mechanical tasks with great
flexible if it accommodates changes in the speed and accuracy.
✔ However, computers cannot think.
D. Good cost/benefit relationship - Therefore, they are not able to analyze
Managers want a system that gives the business transactions. Without human
most benefit at the least cost. guidance, computers cannot determine
which events should be recorded in
accounting records or which accounts
should be debited or credited to properly ✔ First, learning manual system helps
record an event. establish an important link between
accounting information courses and other
✔ In manual systems, data are entered in
accounting courses.
the form of handwritten journals.
✔ Second, the logic of the business
✔ In a computer-based system, data are
process is more easily understood when it
entered through a keyboard, an optical
is not shrouded by technology. Once
scanner, or any other input device.
students understand what tasks to be
✔ The data may be entered into a performed, they are better equipped to
database, instead of a journal. explore different and better ways of
performing these tasks through
✔ A database is a warehouse of
information stored within a computer
system. The purpose of the database is to ✔ Finally, manual procedures facilitate
allow the information that will be used understanding internal control activities,
for several different purposes to be including segregation functions,
entered into the computer system only supervision, independent verification,
once. audit trails, and access controls.
► The left side of the equation shows the
assets while the right-side show who
provides the funds or resources needed
by the business.
► The amount and the composition of
the assets, liabilities, and owner's equity
change as the business engages in
economic activities.
► Equity means the rights to properties.
► There are two equities: the equity of
the creditors which refers to liabilities
and the equity of the owner or owners
referring to capital.
► In the accounting equation, liabilities
are placed ahead of owner's equity
because creditors have preferential rights
on the assets of the business.
1. Business Transaction – an event that Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity
has effects on the resources of the firm
and on the sources of the firm’s assets.
Liabilities = Assets – Owner’s Equity
2. Internal Transaction – it is a company’s
transactions with its owners and long-
term creditors.
Owner’s Equity = Assets – Liabilities
3. Account Form – the form of the
balance sheet that shows the assets on
the left and the liabilities and owner’s Additional Investment = Ending Owner’s
equity on the right. Equity + Drawings + Total Expenses -
Total Revenue – Beginning Owner’s
4. Source Documents – it is the evidence
of transactions that describes the
essential facts of the transactions.
5. Equity – the rights to properties. Drawing = Beginning Owner’s Equity +
Additional Investment + Total Revenue –
6. Report Form – the form of the balance
Ending Owner’s Equity – Total Expenses
sheet that lists the liabilities and the
equities below the asset section.
7. Operating Activities – it is the Total Revenues = Ending Owner’s Equity
production or purchase of merchandise + Drawings + Total expenses – Beginning
and the sale of goods and services to Owner’s Equity – Additional Investment
8. Balance Sheet – shows the relationship
Total Expenses = Total Revenues +
between the company’s resources and the
Additional Investment - (Ending Owner’s
sources of these resources.
Equity – Beginning Owner’s equity) –
9. Database – a warehouse of information Drawings
stored within a computer.
10. External Transactions – transactions
between the business and an outsider.
Assets and expenses increase when you
debit the accounts and decrease when
you credit them. Liabilities, equity, and
revenue increase when you credit the
accounts and decrease when you debit