Shailesh Nayak Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad 380 015, India. E-Mail
Shailesh Nayak Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad 380 015, India. E-Mail
Shailesh Nayak Space Applications Centre (ISRO), Ahmedabad 380 015, India. E-Mail
Shailesh Nayak
Commission VII, Th S 18
The coastal zone represents varied and highly productive ecosystems such as mangroves, coral reefs, sea grasses and sand dunes. These
ecosystems are under pressure on account of increased anthropogenic activity on the coast, as a result of globalisation. It is necessary to
protect these coastal ecosystems to ensure sustainable development. This requires information on habitats, landforms, coastal processes,
water quality, natural hazards on a repetitive basis. In India, remote sensing data, especially Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) data, having
moderate (23-36 m) to high spatial resolution (6 m), have been used to generate database on various components of coastal environment
of the entire country. However, the moderate resolution data provide macro-level information on 1:250,000 and 1:50,000 scale about the
condition of habitats, type of landforms and areas under erosion and deposition. The major advantage of remote sensing data is
monitoring of change periodically. The combination of moderate and high-resolution data provided detailed coastal land use maps on the
1:25,000-scale for implementing coastal regulation measures. The classification accuracy have been achieved is 85 per cent or better at
90 per cent confidence level. Mangrove areas were classified up to community level through contextual editing. Various zones of coral
reef were identified, however, species level information is not possible to generate using such data. The knowledge about bio-optical
properties of water is vital for coral reef and sea grass bed monitoring. The OCEANSAT I (IRS P4) Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) data
provide useful information on the phytoplankton and suspended sediments. The information on phytoplankton and sea surface
temperature (SST) has been used to predict potential fishery zones routinely. The information on sediments provides some insight in to
the movement of sediments along the coast. Satellite-derived derived information were integrated with the other collateral information
through GIS to select sites for aquaculture, zoning of coastal zone for regulatory purpose and assess possible impact of sea level rise.
Realising the value of the remote-sensing derived information, the state and central agencies responsible for the conservation of these
ecosystems are increasingly adopting remote sensing data for their routine use.
Thus there is an urgent need to conserve the coastal ecosystems
The coastal zone of world is under increasing stress due to and habitats including individual plant species and communities
development of industries, trade and commerce, tourism and so, settlements, recreation, environment and agriculture.
resultant human population growth and migration, and
deteriorating water quality. This region is of very high biological In order to ensure sustainable development, it necessary to
productivity and thus an important component of the global life develop accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive scientific
system. Coastal ecosystems harbour wealth of species and databases on habitats, protected areas, water quality,
genetic diversity, store and cycle nutrients, filter pollutants and environmental indicators and carry out periodic assessment of the
help to protect shorelines from erosion and storms. Marine health of the system. The modern scientific tools of remote
ecosystems play a vital role in regulating climate and they are a sensing, GIS and GPS are extremely valuable in development of
major carbon sink and oxygen source. The industrial development databases and to analyse them in the integrated manner and derive
of coast has resulted in degradation of coastal ecosystems and management action plans. Availability of repetitive, synoptic and
diminishing the living resources of Exclusive Economic Zone multi-spectral data from various satellite platforms, viz. IRS,
(EEZ) in form of coastal and marine biodiversity and LANDSAT, SPOT, have helped to generate information on varied
productivity. More than half population lives within 60 km of the aspects of the coastal and marine environment. Ocean colour data
coast and would rise to almost three quarters by 2020 (Anon, from OCANSAT I OCM, SeaWiFS, MODIS, provide information
1992). Episodic events, such as cyclones, floods, pose serious on biological aspects useful for fisheries and coastal ecosystems.
threat to human life and property in the coastal zone. Human In India, satellite based information has been used for generating
activities also induce certain changes or accelerate the process of inventory on coastal habitats, landforms, coastal land use and
change. shoreline condition, condition assessment of protected areas,
exploration of marine fisheries, mitigation of coastal disasters and sources, both natural and human. The information on loss of tidal
understanding of sediment dynamics. GIS has been used for the wetlands is important as they provide a vital link in the marine
integrating satellite based information for identifying aquaculture energy flow through transfer of solar energy into forms, which are
sites, coastal regulation and environmentally sensitive zones. readily usable by a wide variety of estuarine organisms.
Coastal development
i) Appropriate site selection for industries, landfall
points, aquaculture, recreational activities, etc.
ii) Assessment of conditions in regulation zones,
areas under construction setback–lines, mega-
cities, etc.
3.1Coastal Ecosystems
Coastal habitats, especially wetlands, coral reefs, mangroves, salt Fig. 1. Change in mangrove area during 1986-1993.
marshes, and sea grasses, are highly productive, serve important
ecological functions, provide coastal protection and are critical Dense, degraded, mangrove plantation areas and reclaimed areas
resources for food, energy, tourism and economic development. can be distinguished using IRS LISS III data (Nayak et al. 1996,
Such coastal systems are under stress or threatened from various
Nayak and Bahuguna, 2001, Blasco and Aizpuru, 2002). Principal data have shown potential in identifying various coral reef
component analysis and band ratio are important techniques for features. Coral reef features such as type (fringing, atoll, platform,
distinguishing mangroves (Nayak et al. 1985, Nayak, 1994, Green patch, coral heads, sand cays, etc.), reef-flat, reef vegetation,
et al. 1998). It was found that spectral resolution is more crucial degraded reef, lagoons, live corals and coralline shelf have been
in distinguishing mangroves (Gao, 1999a, 1999b). mapped using IRS LISS II and III data on 1:50,000 scale for the
Indian reefs (Nayak et al. 1996, Bahuguna and Nayak, 1998).
Uncharted coralline shelf, coral heads, live coral platform and
Mangroves are characterised by the presence of particular coral pinnacle were mapped. These maps have been used as a
dominant communities/species, physico-chemical environment, basic input for identifying the boundaries of protected areas and
extent and frequency of inundation by tidal waves, salinity and a biosphere reserves. It was observed that coral reef degradation is
soil types. It is possible to identify major mangrove communities more serious problem than total destruction (Bahuguna and
such as Avicennia spp.; Rhizophora forest, Sonneratia spp., Nayak, 1998). The felling of mangroves and clearing of forests
Phoenix spp. and mangrove scrub using LISS III and PAN data have increased sedimentation and affected live coral and species
on the Indian sub-continent (Fig. 2). The variation in pigment diversity. It was observed that annual growth of coral reefs
content, leaf structure and water content in mangroves leaves decreases with increase in sediment loading in the Mayaquez bay
along with the associated features and location were exploited to in Puerto Rico (Miller and Cruise, 1995).
identify dominant mangrove types. Information regarding
different mangrove community zonation is a vital for bio- Coral reefs show distinct morphological and ecological
diversity assessment and for preparing management plans for characters. Water column modifies the apparent reflectance
conservation. spectrum of an object on the sea bottom. Water column correction
Avicennia alba and contextual editing increased the classification accuracy
(Mumby et al. 1998). IRS-1C LISS III and PAN merged data
have been used for coral reef zonation study (Nayak et al. 1996).
It is possible to identify reef edge, reef crest, algal ridge, moat,
Aegialitis coral knolls, reef platform, reef flat (consisting of sea grass,
algae/seaweed, shallow pools, mud over reef and sand apron).
IRS LISS III green band (520-590 nm) is quite useful. The live
coral area as small as 50-sq. m was possible to identify. The use
of very high-resolution data such as IKONOS has further
improved the accuracy of classification as well as delineation of
Avicennia boundary (Fig. 3).
sparse Outer RF with algae
Algal ridge
Inner RF Inner RF
wit (sand +
Fig. 2. Mangrove zonation in the part of Sunderbans, India usng mud)
IRS LISS III and PAN merged data
3.3 Coral Reefs
It was observed that such forecast are 70-90 per cent accurate
150 results in 70-100 per cent increase in catch, both pelagic and
demersal (Solanki et al. 2003). The benefit to cost ratio has
100 increased from 1.3 to 2.1 for those fishermen who have used
satellite-based fishery forecast (Nayak et al. 2002). The
50 information on sea-surface wind is being integrated to increase of
validity of forecast. Initial results indicate quite a good promise.
0 Apart from this, new resources through sea ranching and mari-
culture in enclosed and semi-enclosed bodies will have to be
1975 1986 1993 1998 2000 2001 tapped. Efforts are continuing to predict primary productivity and
link it to fish stock using ocean colour data. The bio-geographical
Total mangroves Dense mangroves zoning of the Indian waters is under progress. All these efforts
Sparse mangroves Reef will lead to achieve food self-sufficiency in developing countries.
Mud over reef
Change in
In world, many areas are being eroded and threaten the life and on
property of local population. The economic and human costs of
the coastal erosion are growing as more people migrate towards
coast. Healthy coastal ecosystems cannot completely protect coast
from impacts of storms and floods, but they do play an important
role in stabilizing shorelines and buffering coastal development
from impact of storm. One of the major requirements of planning
coastal protection work is to understand coastal processes of
erosion, deposition, and sediment-transport, flooding and sea-
level-changes, which continuously modify the shoreline. The
Fig. 6. Changes in shoreline between 1929 and 2001 in the
historical and functional approaches to study shoreline changes
deltaic region of Maha Nadi, Eastern India.
along with various landforms help in deciphering the coastal
processes operating in an area (Shaikh et al. 1989, Nayak, 2000). It is recently realised that construction of dam on rivers
Coastal geomorphology of the Godavari delta was studied using significantly alters coastal environment at least for some time.
airborne X band SAR and IRS LISS II images (Madhavan, et al. The Dhuvaran Thermal Power Station located on the northern
1999). Multi-date satellite data have been used to study shoreline bank of the Mahi estuary in the Gulf of Khambhat (Cambay) had
change and coastal landforms, which provided insight into large experienced severe erosion during 1979-1981. The analysis of
area sediment transport studies and detecting long-term change in multi-date satellite imagery indicated significant shoreline
entire coastline (Nayak, 2000). The planimetric accuracy was 15 changes in the Mahi estuary, western coast of India, between
m at the 1:50,000-scale (Chauhan and Nayak, 1995). Use of 1972 and 1988 (Nayak and Sahai, 1985). These changes were
digital terrain model along with tidal heights can improve attributed to construction of dams on the Mahi and Panam rivers
shoreline change detection (Chan and Raul, 1998). in upstream regions during 1975. Remedial measures in the form
of diaphragm wall and spurs ave certainly helped to check the surveillance is possible if high-resolution remote- sensing geo-
erosion. Recently available high-resolution images will be synchronous satellite is available. Smaller spills from vessels,
extremely useful for such analysis. maintenance of oil infrastructure is a major source and is not
detected on satellite images. Systematic observation with high-
The knowledge about suspended sediment movement helps in resolution satellite data will be helpful to study their effect on
understanding near-shore water flow. In one such study, a coastal habitats.
sediment plume emerging from the Kochi harbour made a sharp
contact with the sediments along the coast indicating two different
water masses. This clearly indicated that the plume is acting as
obstruction to the sediment movement. This had resulted in
erosion on the southern coast and deposition on the northern
coast. The IRS P4 OCM data are extremely useful to study
sediment dispersal and sediment transport studies due to their 2-
day repeat cycle. The sequential nature of OCM helped in
understanding sediment movement along the coast. OCM data has
been used for computing advective velocity of surface currents
(Prasad et al. 2002).
Fig. 8. Coral beaching seen on IRS LISS III image during 1998.
The sea level rise is highly variable both in terms of time and
space. Various estimates for the Indian coast vary from 0.5 to 2.2
mm per year. It is expected that the rise in sea level will lead to
increased erosion and habitat loss, increased salinity in estuaries,
alter tidal range, change sediment transport and increase coastal
flooding. Rising levels will also increase impact of storm surges.
The response of different ecosystems to sea level rise has been
evaluated based on their characteristics for the Gujarat coast
(Nayak, 1994). Small increase in sea level has potential of
causing significant changes to small islands and low-lying coasts.
It seems that conservation of mangrove areas will be one of the
important step to mitigate impact of the sea level rise (Baba and
Nayak, 2002).
Forest Natural
Wetland Estuary
Tidal Flat/ Mudflat
Coral reef
Rocky coast
Mangroves Dense
Salt marsh/ Marsh vegetation
Other vegetation
(Scrub/grass/algae/sea weeds)
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