Coastal Zone Management in India Present Status and Future Needs
Coastal Zone Management in India Present Status and Future Needs
Coastal Zone Management in India Present Status and Future Needs
Shailesh Nayak
To cite this article: Shailesh Nayak (2017) Coastal zone management in India −
present status and future needs, Geo-spatial Information Science, 20:2, 174-183, DOI:
slowly and showing its resilience capacity (Bahuguna, developed based on canopy cover, floral diversity, frag-
Nayak, and Roy 2008). Mesoscale processes such as mentation and hydrological parameters and applied in
cyclonic eddy can affect coral reefs. It is inferred based the selected areas to assess the health of mangroves (SAC
on model outputs that cyclonic eddy observed in South- 2011). This model is yet to be applied for the coastline
west (SW) of Sumatra, though it generally enhances of the entire country.
primary productivity, it can significantly damage corals The extent and condition of coral reefs and man-
through asphyxiation caused by massive phytoplankton groves, mapped by using satellite data, is useful as an
blooms (Reddy et al. 2010). input to identify boundaries of the protected areas and
Incidences of coral bleaching have increased during biosphere reserves as well as to monitor them to detect
the last two decades, especially in 1998 and 2010, due changes, if any. About 128 marine protected areas have
to warming of the sea. Coral reefs are made of many been identified, and monitored using IRS LISS III and
species of corals, each of which has a symbiotic relation- IV data. It is demonstrated that the degradation of man-
ship with algae living in their tissues. These algae supply groves and coral reefs can be halted and the recovery of
vital nutrition to the host but are sensitive to environ- these ecosystems can take place by suitable conserva-
mental changes including increase in seawater temper- tion measures as observed in marine protected areas in
ature. However, we know that in the Persian Gulf, corals the Gulf of Kachchh (Nayak et al. 1989). The sustained
withstand high temperature, probably because of high conservation measures in the Gulf of Kachchh led to
thermal tolerance by algae (Hume et al. 2013). In view substantial increase in both density and extent of man-
of increased warming of sea, corals may be quite differ- groves despite increased industrial activities (SAC 2011).
ent in the future (Normile 2010). The associated loss of However, degradation of these two key ecosystems was
algae is known as coral bleaching. Hence, monitoring the observed in many other protected areas.
health of order coral reefs is very vital. NOAA AVHRR The degradation of coastal habitats also results in
Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data were used to iden- loss of biodiversity. The information on biodiversity
tify cumulative temperature anomalies and thermal is very crucial, and is likely to be affected by anthro-
stress over coral reef regions. These two products were pogenic activity and impact of global warming of sea.
used to identify probable areas of bleaching (Mohanty The impact of the loss of marine biodiversity on other
et al. 2013). It was observed that soft corals such as processes needs to be understood. The detailed records
Acropora are affected significantly, unlike hard corals of marine life and changes need to be meticulously
such as Porites. Using this concept, Coral Bleaching Alert recorded. The Indian Ocean Biogeographic Information
System (CBAS) has been introduced and regular bulle- System (IndOBIS) and Census of Marine Life programs
tins are issued for coral reef areas ( have been launched to pool all the information, which
The estimate for mangroves based on satellite data made it available through a portal and internationally
was 4460 km2 (Nayak and Bahuguna 2001). The iden- accepted data protocol. At present, IndOBIS has records
tification of dominant communities, viz. Avicenna, of over 122,000 species, including new records of several
Rhizophora, Ceriops, Heritiera, Excoecaria, Sonneratia, species (, for the Indian Ocean. The
Xylocarpus, etc. was accomplished using a combination focus is on the understanding of the structure, function
of red, infrared, and middle-infrared bands of IRS 1C and vulnerability of ecosystems. We need to ensure a
LISS III data (Nayak et al. 1996). The community-wise healthy ocean environment for the sustained benefit of
classification of mangroves for the entire Indian coast our successive generations. Similar information systems
was carried out (Ajai et al. 2013; SAC 2011). The man- for coastal areas need to be developed.
grove area along the Indian coast has increased to Brackish water aquaculture is one of major activities
4956 km2 (SAC 2011). The increase in mangrove extent along most coastal regions of India. The selection of suit-
was observed on the coasts of Maharashtra, Goa, Tamil able sites is an important step towards efficient manage-
Nadu, Orissa, and West Bengal, essentially due to con- ment and reducing environmental impacts. The coastal
servation measures. The major decrease in mangroves habitat data created for the entire coast were utilized
was noticed on the Gujarat coast. In most cases the deg- to select the probable areas. Coastal habitat, drainage,
radation in mangrove habitat was due to their conversion transportation network, salinity, pH and other param-
for agriculture, aquaculture or industrial use. Significant eters were used to develop a criteria-based GIS model to
decrease in mangrove areas (150 km2), on the Andaman prioritize sites (Gupta, Krishnarajan, and Nayak 2001).
and Nicobar Islands was due to the damage caused by the
tsunami in 2004 (Nayak and Bahuguna 2008). Cyclones 3. Coastal processes and natural hazards
do damage mangroves and such damage is visible in
NDVI images generated from OCEANSAT-1 OCM and Geomorphic processes of erosion, sediment transport,
IRS WIFs (Nayak, Sarangi, and Rajawat 2001). It can also deposition and sea level changes continuously modify
be observed in subsequent NDVI images that mangroves the shoreline. The understanding of coastal processes
are very resilient and they recover within six months. A is vital to plan effective coastal protection measures.
model for assessing the health of mangroves has been It is also vulnerable to various natural hazards such
the multi-hazard and risk maps for part of the tsunami- countries through web-based services. The performance
affected area on the East coast of India (Mahendra et al. of the tsunami warning system is as per design speci-
2011, 2010b). fications (Kumar et al. 2012a, 2012b). The system has
Rising sea levels are already eroding shorelines, slowly provided very useful advisories during last ten years.
drowning low-lying areas, and changing shoreline con- It is now recognized as the Regional Tsunami Service
figuration of the coast. These changes in sea level cou- Provider for the Indian Ocean.
pled with high tides and waves and storm surges can The prediction of cyclone tracks and landfall, 24 h
cause excessive episodic flooding. Such flooding affects before the event, has been improved to 140 km and
the ecosystems, settlements, and port operations, and 70 km, respectively (Mohapatra et al. 2013, 2015). The
ultimately the livelihood of coastal communities as assimilation of OSCAT data improved the location of
well as leads to migration of local people to other areas the center and track predictions (Prasad et al. 2013). The
(Nayak 1994b). Human modification of the shoreline information on storm surges and associated inundation
has altered currents and sediment delivery, resulting in is very important for disaster management authorities.
the advancement of the coast in some areas and eroding A simulation of both these aspects was carried out using
beaches in others regions. We know that the evolution of the ADCIRC model (Kumar et al. 2015). The simulated
coast depends on regional tectonics, sea level rise, vege- and observed surge heights matched well, but were
tation, and wave activity. One view is that the slow rise in underestimated. The extent of inundation matched rea-
the sea level will advance the coasts while rapid rise will sonably well but an improved topographic model using
erode them (Stutz and Pilkey 2011). Recently, a distinct CARTOSAT and ALTM data can further enhance the
reversal of the Northern Indian Ocean (North of 5°S) accuracy of delineation of inundation boundaries.
sea-level decadal trend between 1993 and 2013 by using
satellite and in situ observations, ocean analysis products 4. Water quality
and model simulations was reported (Srinivasu et al.
2017). We need to model the impact of such changes Many national and regional monitoring programs exist
in sea-level rise on coasts and islands. We should make for monitoring a variety of pollutants. In India, coastal
people aware of the changing environment and take water quality is being monitored for last 25 years at 24
adaptive and mitigation measures. Healthy mangrove priority sites. Various physical, chemical and microbio-
and coral reef ecosystems can significantly mitigate the logical parameters (total 54) for water and sediments are
impact of sea-level rise on coastal areas (Baba and Nayak measured seasonally. Increased nutrient inputs to coastal
2002). waters due to rise in coastal population and agriculture
Cyclones over the oceans trigger strong biological intensification have been observed at many sites. This
response and induce phytoplankton blooms (Vinay led to decreased levels of dissolved oxygen in coastal
Chandran and Mathew 2003). In the Bay of Bengal, waters, although they are not at the alarming levels. This
cyclones are very frequent and cause lots of damage data helped to take mitigating action wherever pollution
to infrastructure and life. The super cyclone which levels crossed threshold values. The data is available on
occurred during October 1999 in the Bay of Bengal,
induced meso-scale phytoplankton bloom as evidenced Suspended sediments movement along with shore-
from satellite data and persisted for over a month (Reddy, line change information helps to understand rela-
Salvekar, and Nayak 2008). It was observed that produc- tionships between sediment input, transport, and
tivity increases substantially along the track of a cyclone. deposition (Nayak 2009). In tide-dominated areas,
Such blooms were observed during subsequent cyclones such as the Gulf of Khambhat and the Hooghly estuary,
as well. However, the magnitude of productivity varies tides play very critical role in movements of sediments
during such events (Lotlikar et al. 2014; Masuluri 2009). and fronts (Nayak and Sahai 1985; Nayak et al. 1996).
Since phytoplankton plays a very significant role in the OCEANSAT-1 Ocean Colour Monitor (OCM) provides
global carbon cycle, it is necessary to compute the uptake extremely useful information on decay of fronts, eddies,
of carbon dioxide during such blooms. gyres, plumes, etc. Due to its high temporal resolution
A tsunami is a system of ocean waves formed as a (as shown in Figure 3), OCM data were used to com-
result of large scale disturbances of the ocean floor. pute the advective velocity of surface currents and thus,
A state-of-the-art tsunami warning system has been to understand movement of sediments (Nayak 2009;
designed around GIS and implemented after the dev- Prasad et al. 2002). Such information is very useful in
astating tsunami in December 2004 (Nayak and Kumar modeling the path of waste effluents.
2008, 2009, 2011). The system is capable of receiving and The frequency of Harmful Algal Blooms, resulting
analyzing seismic and sea level, both on coast and deep in mass mortality and morbidity of marine organisms,
sea, received from the Indian and global stations, in real has increased significantly. In the North Arabian Sea,
time. It provides advisories about travel time, and run- we have observed the shift from diatom to green dino-
up-height at 1800 coastal forecast points within 10 min flagellates (Gomes et al. 2008). The increase in extreme
to all concerned within India and the Indian Ocean Rim rainfall also increases river run-off, polluting coastal
accurate delineation of HTL and LTL is very critical. have significantly affected our coastal environment and
They have been delineated based on tonal discontinuity have also become major driver of influencing the earth
on satellite images (Nayak 2009). This regulation has system. The earth system processes, especially carbon
undergone too many changes over last 25 years, mainly cycle, ocean acidification, sea level changes, loss of bio-
due to incorrect interpretation of HTL and conflicting diversity, and modern agriculture-induced pollution of
laws of state and central governments. In view of this, it reactive nitrogen and phosphorous, have reached a level
was suggested that such anomalies should be removed. at which they can cause damage to the entire earth sys-
CRZ regulation needs to focus on protecting ecologically tem (Rockström et al. 2009). We need to model impacts
sensitive areas, while urban and rural areas are governed of these processes and design adaptive and mitigation
by existing laws of state and central governments with strategies for the sustainable development of the coastal
few conditions (Nayak et al. 2015). Local communities zone. Geospatial information technology can contribute
may be allowed to take up traditional aquaculture, orna- greatly to develop such models.
mental fisheries, etc. In a separate report, it was also sug-
gested to draw HTL using ALTM and high-resolution Acknowledgments
satellite data for the coastline of the entire country and
use it as a construction setback line to draw boundaries The author is extremely grateful to Dr. M. Rajeevan, Secretary,
Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Government of India,
of CRZ. However, these suggestions are yet to be imple- and Dr. A. S. Kiran Kumar, Chairman, Indian Space Research
mented. Despite these limitations, this regulation has Organization (ISRO) and Secretary, Department of Space,
helped to conserve most of the protected areas, ensure Government of India, for encouragement and useful sugges-
livelihood security of fishermen, provide resilience to tions. My deep sense of gratitude are to Dr. Tapan Mishra,
impacts of hazards and promote socio-economic devel- Director, Space Applications Centre, ISRO and Dr. Satheesh
Shenoi, Director, ESSO – Indian National Centre for Ocean
opment based on scientific principles.
Information Services (INCOIS), for their keen interest in
The effects of anthropogenic activities on ecosystems this study. My colleagues, both at ISRO and ESSO-MoES,
have not been well-understood. We need to carry out deserved special thanks for their support and discussions.
predictive modeling, using existing climatic, coastal, and
topographic data combined with ecological information,
Notes on contributors
where historical data is available. We also know that the
current climate impact models have been showing very Shailesh Nayak is the distinguished scientist in the Ministry
large uncertainty. We need to improve the understand- of Earth Sciences (MoES) and the President of the 36th
ing of likely impact of anthropogenic activities on the International Geological Congress. He obtained his PhD
coastal environment. degree in Geology from the MS University of Baroda in 1980.
The advisory services for the cyclone and tsunami He was the Secretary of MoES, Government of India, during
August 2008–2015, and provided leadership for programs
have been provided to all stakeholders. The response related to earth system sciences. He set up the state-of-the-
of the government to such events at the local, state and art tsunami warning system for the Indian Ocean in 2007,
national levels has been exemplary. In the last century, and provided tsunami advisories to the Indian Ocean rim
a super cyclone struck the Orissa coast and more than countries. He has pioneered the development of algorithms
10,000 people died. During the last 10 years, loss of and methodologies for the application of remote sensing to
the coastal and marine environment, generated the baseline
lives has been minimized because of the availability
database of the Indian coast, and developed services for fish-
of accurate and timely information on track, landfall ery and ocean state forecast. This coastal database has formed
point, velocity of wind, storm surge, etc. (Mohapatra the basis of managing the coasts in India. He is fellow of the
et al. 2013, 2015), the suitable response and actions of Indian Academy of Sciences, and the National Academy
the government and the trust of local people in the fore- of Sciences, India, fellow of the International Society of
cast and government. The tsunami warning center has Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing (ISPRS) and elected
member of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).
performed very well (Kumar et al. 2012a) and there has He was conferred the prestigious ISC Vikram Sarabhai
been no false warning during the last 10 years. Such Memorial Award 2012, as well as Bhaskara Award 2009, for
systems have definitely helped to reduce risk from these his outstanding contributions in remote sensing and GIS. He
hazards. Though coral reef bleaching alert bulletins have has published about 150 papers in peer-reviewed journals.
been issued, it is not clear how one can respond to such
an event. We need to address the issue of developing a
response mechanism. References
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