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Ffi Ffiq D (,: Rie Frncfusru'Q

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+rfr wq RiE frncfusru'q, il6

Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut

t-n t,
urard 7waruflfrtvro,
w qaio: gw vften-2o2zt 6e A2_
ftqio: 4-.04.2022

vqikr gttEl rarfuqroq,/Ti{eTH,

ffi qr"r Rre ffiq;d{,
tta t

frvq :- se zozr-zz of qq rrftrr-zozz fti*Qnrrfr \'d qfurrd/TaTd ur* vftrr /ye'd fqqqZfuft
B-rrqq rftffir$ q t6' tw rftffiI-zozt 6 qfrffircil (qrffio, sunft A sffi.ld riqTPdril) A rftffi
o.rdmq d sqq d

eTlqo) Grcrrrd 6aFIT t fu ffiqro-q o1 5w qfte+r-zozz (Tiranrrd \d qforrd7+[ogd 6ra
qfreTr/\'fia frqq/Arft Bqqq qfteTr.f) q to tw .rftHr-zozr o1 qfreTr( (qrffio. q"nft d crf,.fd
riqrfrrf,) ftritn osos.2ozz t qR"T o{r$ qrft q-wtffd t r

sm qfrer fr qqRrd qften ordmq +t q'h ffiqroq Me vyww.ccsuniversity.ac.in Tr

GTIqd qo ergtu d srq Bqf,eT 6{rft qr rfr t fu orq sm qften o-rtrf,q t olqq rarB-erdqlri{Qrn
d wrw qqRt-d q-fteilfff ai qrq6 K{ qt Grcr-rkr o-rrqr ur+ gfrfta-o o-G or o-e of dsfl v.Kr
qften eTd-mq t qR ot$ €qil*r-{ qig=ftq d el oqqTr fuTrrr qr} d@-rfl qqrm o-sri or oe tnt, m
qftmr oTd-f,q fr errqrffi' ffiffi or r{vilfuo qfte{r E r&Fq ffieroq 01 Me q{ Bqcrer tr-{Err qT
qle :- s-m qftHr o-rdm-q ti qrcqfto C{qd srftu) uw qa o1 vrq Gi-qE a tit oer q-gffiq
(trqfts) rrv=T rrr efi qrru erqB z dt €rft t

frqlq:- srrt rgrfuqrcq/riern d tkf,o, rrgrflt olfu+rg fr wqfud orrirq{rfi sreqrffit or srEqrEFr
ghfu ovt or oe o.{'
Hil.f6' : sqtm-r5sn I
sfrftTfr ffifuT of W-{p, gi sTrsc{tr ortr{-& tg
'- d qrq fu qqqr sff q-d-dqrf q++ o) oqi qqrF-d tF-6
01. g,qr<tn, wrrw tfuo Hrrrqx qa, tEs o) gs sr-dtq
HrrrErR qa d wfr ffii d ffis tem td gq, El-{trd fr fr,gEtF. q-d-ftrd o-sri oT a'q 6f I

02. Hfus, e-dch o1 qro qdqft fr d rp+nf r

03. ffio s6f{o, qft e-dqfr o) qro cFi e-dcFi m d q+<ref t

04. A-qfrn-qr H6r{m, e-d-sftq d e-d-sfr-s d d q++rrf t

os. ffio' sdrrm, qqflr fu-r-+. o\ qfren ftd7-6 m d qmnf r

06. ffio. s6r{o, fuf, 3rffi a} f{f, orffi

m d q+qnir
07. qqrft<Tfr rffiq f+ry 6 H-<Ffd qfreTr o-rfm-q 01 cffii sFo I

08. e-oo gasfuo7mnft (qfrelr) oi eTrq{rrm' olffi

tg I

oe. $Trft-ffi (cfrHr) *1 sqAfu qfre{r o.rfm-q ri(fltra vwi gq orqr{Io oTffi ffi
qri fu nka r

10. qffi-qmrq qo-sn/oi-A Q-a7oqx d<,/B-flr gk-o.r o1 {qilef gi sTrqcro o.rffi & nB-( r

11. ffieraq ilr lrrffI of gs eTtcl-q iB-a fu s-o qfr oi ErTtrd fr ft:go q-o-fvt-{ tg sqrqx qfr of o-{i tr(
or oe ott
12. yqr0-ffiora-q t{sr$e a} qgrTQf G orsr{fi oTffi fu nR-d I

13. sqqqo-frofro0ofro ovdd qq o] qr{rsf \'s snqrqo o-rffi fu nfuo

j4 ffiqrf,q f,E-f,t-u dqrzwqcr qd

1s. ffiqmq orftf( vffi af {qcTef t's 3r-qr{o. olffi fu nR-o I

16. ..rrg $T{-d-"qftHr or-trmq" t

vsro Eer*rfuq (qfrHr)

Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut
Annual Scheme ofRegular & Prt. Examination - 2022

Class Su bject Ist Shif't (7 AM to l0 AM) IInd Shift (l I AM to 2 PM) IIIrd Shift (3 PM to 6 PM)
Date & Dav Course Paper Code Course Paper Code Cou rse Paper Codc

A-r09 otd Drama A 209 old History of English A-309 old

05-May -2022

]t\u.{t -



Short Stories A*109 New British Poetrv 4-209 Ncrv

lndian Writings in English 309(New)
(Res. & Pvt.) nram, ,nd Fi.tion
d B-206 Inorganic Chemistry B-306
^r B. Sc

Chemistrv Inorganic Chemistry B- 106 lnorganic Chemistry

Managcrial Economics I-305 Ne$

06-May-2022 B.A. Political National Movement and ,4-139 (Reg. & lndian Political Thought A-339
Friday Science Constitution of lndia Pvt.) lntemational Politics A-540
M.Com Security Analysis & I-401 New
Portfolio Management
Marketing Management I-403 New
Human Resource I-405 New

M.A. English American Literature G-312 New &

Shakespeare old
M.A. Ilindi Adhunik Kavya (ChayaYad G-325 New &
Prayant) old
Prachin Evam Madhya
Kaleen Kavya
M.A. Maths lntegration Theory and G - 349
Functional Analysis
M.A. Philosophy Contemporary Westem G 545
M.A. Def. Studics Theory and Development G-195
of war Since 1789 AD to
M.A. Economics Micro Economics-l C-I06 New
Micro Economic Thcory & old
M.A Education Psychological Foundation G-102
of Education
M.A. Historv Historiography: Concepts, G-137 New
Methods, Approaches and & old
Historiography : Concept
Method & Tools

M.A Sanskrit Ved, Upnishad, Shiksha & G-I82 New
History of Vedic Literature & old
Vedic l,iterature & Histon,
M.A Urdu Origin & Develop OF Urdu G 162 New
Language & old
Modem Prose

01-May-2022 B.A Drg. & Ptg. History of lndian Painting l\-203

Saturday (Primitive An and lst
Century to
l Tth Century A.D.)
B,A Statistics Numerical Analysis and A 394
Computational Techniques

B. Sc Statistics Probabilitv Distribution and B-196 Linear Programming & B 396

Theorv of Attributes Computational Techniques

B.Sc Geology Applied Geology &Clobal B-338

B.Con1 Business Regulatory c-104 lncomc Ta\ c 204 Economic Laws c-304
Framework New & Old New & OId New
B.Com Information Technology & c-304
its Implications in ord
M.A Def. Studies Intemational Law G 395
M.A Economics Any one from the following
paper: (a)Econometdcs G-410 New
(b)Gender Economics G-309 New
(c)lndustrial Economics G-406 New
and Entrep reneurship & old
Agricultural Economics

(d)Economics of
Insurance C-41I New
(e)Computer Application
in Economics
G 4l2 New

M.A Education Comparative Education G-302

-z- >y
M.A. History Tourism in India G-437 New &
- History ofAncient India
and Greco Roman Contacts
(c.BC 600-78 A)

M.A. English Chaucer to Milton G-t 12 New

Literaturc in English from & old
1340 to 1660 (Excluding

M.A. Ilindi Hindi Sahitva Ka Itihas G-125 Ncrv

M,A, Maths Topology c-149
M.A Philosophy Ethics c-145
M.A Political Traditions of Political G-l70 New
Science Thinking & old
Westem Political Theory

M.A. Sociology Classical Thinkers G-187 New

Classical Sociological & old
09-May-2022 B.A. & Economics lndian Economic Problems A&B-r46 ()ld Public Finance and A&8-246 otd Quantitative Methods A,&B-346
Monday B.Sc. Intemational Trade New & old
B.A. & Economics Macro Ec()nomics A&B-146 New Public Finance A&B-2A6 A&B_
Economic Crowth &
B.Sc. New
International Trade

B.Sc. (PE, Theory of Games & Sports s - 104 Theory of Games & Sports s 204 Theory of Games & Sports s 304
HE& (G)'mnastics) (Gymnastics) (Track & Field)
M.Com Securities Laws & Capital I-402 Net!
lntemational Marketing I-404 New
lndustrial relations & l-406 New
Labour Laws
B. Sc Lnemlstrv urganlc Lnemrsrry t lu/ Organic Chemistry 8,207 \rrgantc Lnemtslry

M.A. Def. Studies War and Intemational G-t 96

Relation Since 1945
M.A Economics Macro Economics-l New & old
Statistical Methods tbr
Economic Analysis

9 2.\
M.A Education Philosophical Foundation G-103
of Education
M.A History History of Ancient India G-138 New
(From Ealiest Times to & old
Post Harappan
Twentieth Century

M.A Sanskrit Indian Philosophy (Nyay- G-I83 New

Vaisheshik, Sankhy & & old
Grammar, Linguistics
& Essay

M.A. Urdu Literary Tradition of Urdu G-163 New

Modern Poetry & old

1l-May-2022 B.A Statistics Applied Statistics and A-395

Wednesday Linear Programming
B.Sc. Chemistry Physical Chemistry B-1 08 Physical Chemistry B-208 Physical Chemistry B-308
B.Com Business Economics c-l 05 Fundamentals of c105 E-Commerce c-30s
New &Old EntreDreneurship New &Old New
B.Com Financial Management c-305
M.A. Political Western Political Thought G-371 New&
Science Contemporary Political old
M.A Sanskrit Sanhita, Nirukt G-583 New&
Sanskrit Natyashastra old
M.A Sociology Social Change in India G-388 New &
Sociology of Change and old
M.A. Urdu Urdu Nazm G-363 New&
Early & Medieval Poetry old
M.A. English Literary Theory and G-l13 New
Cultural Studies & old
Literature in English from
1661 - 1798

M.A. Hindi Pracheen Evam Purv G-126 New

I Madhyakaleen Kavya

\ vLl
M.A Malhs Real Analysis G-150

M.A Philosophy Indian Philosophy G-146

M.A Political Indian Political System G-l7l New

Indian Govemment & & old

M,A, Sociology Methodology of Social G-I88 New

Rescarch & old

lz-May-2022 B.A. Sociology Society in lndia-Structure A-133 (Reg. & Social Research Methods A-3 33
Thursday and Change Pvt.)
B.Sc. (PE, Theory of Games Sports s-105 Basket Ball s-205 Badminton s-3 05
HE& (Yoga) Hockey s-206 Kabbaddi s-306
Sports) Foot Ball s-207 weisht Liftins s-307
M.A. English English Phonetics and G-313 New &
Linguistics otd
Indian Writing in English

M.A. !lindi Bhasha Vigyan Evm Hindi G 326 New &

Bhasha old
M.A. Maths Fluid Dvnamics G 350
M.A Philosophy Philosophy of Religion G-546
M.A. Del'- Studics Economics Aspects ol G 294
M.A. Economics Economics ol'Crowth and G-108 New
Development & old
M.A. Education Methodology of Education G-202
Research and Educational
M,A History History of Ancient India G-I39 New
(From Vedic Age to & old
Mauryan Kingdom)
National Movement in lndia
(AD r 8s7 - 1947)

M.A Sanskrit Natika & Dramaturgy C-184 New

M.A. Urdu Literary Critisnr G-164 New

l-iterary Histor) & old

13-May-2O22 B.A Philosophy Indian Philosophy A 124 Philosophy of Religion A424


Hindi A-0l l
English A-012
Sanskrit A-013
B.Com Business Environment c-106 Public I'inance C-206 (same) Management Accounting c 306
New New &Old New
B.Com Business Enrironmenl c-106 Principles of Marketing c-306
otd otd
M.A Def. Studies National Security of India G-396

M.A Economics Public Economics G 307 New &

M.A Education Teacher Education G-303

M.A History History of Medieval India C-441 New &

(Tilr 1526 A.D.) old
INDIA - History of Medieval
India and Central Asia (c.AD
1200- 1526)

M.A English Shakespeare C-l 14 New

Literature in English from & old
1799 - 1837

M.A Hind i Naatak Aur Rangmanch G-127 New

M.A Math s Discrete Mathematics c t5l
M.A Philosophy Weste rn Philosophy G-147
M.A Political Comparative Politics G-270 New
Science & old
M.A Sociology Sociological Concepts C-287 New
Gender and Society & old

14-Mav-2022 B.A. Home Sc Extcnsion Education A I l8 Child Development A-218 Dietetics and Therapeutic A-318
Saturdav Nutrition
B.A. Sociology Indian SocietyJssues and A-233 (Pvt.)
M.Conr Management Concepts & I-101 Nerv &
Organizational old
Management Concepts &
Organizational Behaviour

M.A. Politiaal lndian Administration G-470 New

Science lntemational Law old

L >Lt
M.A Sanskrit Linguistics & Sanskrit G-585 New
M.A. Sociology Modem Sociological G-389 Nerv
Theories & old
Criminology and Penology
M.A Urdu (A) Mass Media G-364 New &
Special Study of a Poet or old
Author : (a) Shibli

(B) Any one from the G-366 New &
following paper:
(a)Sir Syed Ahmad khan
Prose Forms & old
Techniques : Essay &

(b)Premchand C-367 New

(c)Maulana Abul Kalam G-462 New

M.A Def. Studies Operation Research G-295
M.A Economics Quantative Methods G-I09 New
lntemational Trade and & old
M.A. Education Sociological Foundation of G 203
M.A. History History of Ancient India G-240 New
(F'rom shunga Dynasry to & old
Rajput Em)
Economic History of India
(c.AD 1757 - 1964)
M.A. Sanskrit Geetikavay and C -185 New
M.A U rdu Option-A: lnformation G-165 New
Option-B: Urdu Drama G-262 New

17 -May -2022 B.A Education Principles of Education A- 160 Thoughts and Practices in A-26t New Trends and A-360
Tuesday Education lnnovations in Education
and Management

a D\
B.Sc. (PE, Hindi c&s-o1 r
HE& English c&s-0r 2
Sports) Sanskrit c&s-0 r 3
M.A. English 20th Century British Poetry C-314 New &
American Literature otd
M.A Hindi Kavya Shastra (Bhartiya G-330 Ncrv &
Evm Paashchatya) old
Prayojan Mulak Hindi

M.A. Maths Operations Research G-351

M.A. Philosophy Advanced Ethics G 550
M,A English Research Methods and G-l 15 New
Materials in English & old
Literature in English from
1838 - 1890
M.A llindi Prayojanmulak Hindi G 128 New
M.A Maths Complex Analysis c-152
M.A. Philosophy Socialand Political G 248
M.A. Political Intemational Relations G-271 New
Science Theories of Intemational & old
NI,A Sociology Rural Sociology G 190 New
Rural Society in India & old

1&-May-2022 B.A Philosophy Modem Westem A-12 5 Logic (lndian & Westem) A-225 Social and Political A-425
Wednesday Philosophy Philosophy A-426
Applied Philosophy
M.Com. Direct TaxJ,aw and I-102 New &
Practice old
Business Environment
M-A Def. Shrdies Disarmament, Arms G 495
Control and Peace
M.A. Economics Indian Economv G-308 New &
M.A. Education Intelligence, Creativity and c-304

6 2Ll /
M.A. Sociology Any one from the following
papers :
(a)Tribes in India G-487 Nerv &
Sociology of old
(b)Sociology of G-491 New &
Sociology ofAging
(c)Sociology of Social
G-489 New &
Sociotogy of
(d)Political Sociology G-494 New

M.A. Urdu Any one from the following

(a)Meer Taqi Meer G-463 New
(b)Chalib G-464 New
(c)lqbal G-365 New
Special Study ofa Poet or & old
Author ; (b) Iqbal
M-A. English Restoration to 1798 G-I I6
Literature in English from New& old
l89l - 2000
M.A Ilindi Uftar Madhvakaleen Kawa G 129 New

M.A Math s Any one from the following

papers : G- 153
(a) Differential Equations G- 154
Differential Geometry (c) G- 155
M.A Philosophy Modem lndian Thought c-249
M.A Political Administative Theory G-272 New
Science Major ldeas & Issue in Public & old
Adm inistration

1 w -V
M.A History History of Medieval India G-442 New &
(rs26-1707 A.D-) old
INDIA - History of Medieval
India (c.AD 1526-1657\

M.A Def. Studies Ballistics G-296

M.A. Economics Any one from the following
(A) Economics of G-206
Education and Health New& Old
Industrial Economics
(B) Agricultural economics G-208 New
(C) Labour Economics G-209 New
(D) Economics of G-207 New
(E) Research Methodology G-210
Mathematical Economics
New& Old

M.A Education Essay on any paper I To G-204

M.A. Historv Socio-Economic and G-241 New
Cultural History of Ancient
India (Till 1200 A.D.)

M.A. Sanskrit Sanskrit Epic G-186 New

M.A. Urdu Urdu Ghazal G-263 New
l9-May-2022 B.A. Physical Foundations of Physical A-1 85 Health Education A-285 Management in Physical A-385
Thursday Education Education Education

B.Sc. (PE, Sports & Games of s-106 Cricket s-208 Theory of Games & Sports s-308
HE& Speciality Hand BallVolley s-209 (Sports Specialization)
Sports) Ball Vocational s-2 10
Oriented Courses s-21 I

M.A Political State Politics in India G-471 New &

Science Ancient Indian Political old

M.A. Sanskrit Dharma shastr &Artha G-587 New


lo aq
M.A. Sociology Basic Statistics & G-288 New
Computer Application in & old
Social Research
Education and Society

20-May-2022 B.A Sanskrit Sanskritkavyam A-130 Natakam, Natya- A130 Veda-Upnishad- A-330
Friday Kavyashastrancha shaityetihasashcha Arshkavyam-
B.Sc. (PE, General Awareness
M.Com Statistical Analysis l-103 New &
Managerial Economics old

M.A English English Language G-315 New &

Teaching and English in old
Literary Theory and Research
M.A. Hindi Patrakarita-Prashikshan G-329 New &
M.A. Maths Any one from the lollowing
(a) Difference Equations G-449
(b) Integral Equations and G-450
Boundary Value Problems
(c) Wavelets
(d) Information Theory and G-451
Reliability Theory G-452

M.A Philosophy Philosophy of Sankara G-555

M.A Economics Micro Economicsll G-l l0 New

M.A Historv History of Modem Europe G-242 New
(1789-1919) & old
History of Medievel
Rajasthan (c.AD 1400-1708)

M.A. Urdu Urdu Fiction G-264 New

M.A. Sanskrit Sanskrit Poetics G -282 New
,l Indian Philosophy & old

\r >u
M.A. Def. Studies Psychology of war G197
2l-May-2022 B.A. Physical History of Physical A-1 86 Psychological Foundations A-286 Kinesiology & Bio- A-386
Saturdav Education Education of Physical Education Mechanics in Physical
B.A English Prose {-110 01d

B.A. English English Grammar and A-ll0 New

Phonetics (Reg. &Pvt.)
M.A. DeL Studies Man Power Studies G496
M.A. Economics International Economics G-306 new &
Macro Economics old
M.A Education Special Education G-305

M.A History History of Modern India G-443 New &

(1707-1885 A.D.) old
INDIA - History of Medieval
India (c.AD 1658-1761)

M.A Urdu Modern Literature G-465 New

M.A Sociology Social Problems in India G-390 New

M.A. English Romantic Literature G-l17 New
M.A Hindi Katha-Sahitva G-130 New
M.A Political Ancient Indian Political G-273 New
Science thought
M.A. Sociology Neo-Classical Theories G-289 New

M.A. Maths Any one lrom the lollowing

(a) Advanced Abstract G-156
(b) Theory of Numbers G- 157
(c) Mathematical Statistics G- 158

23-May-2022 B.A Sanskrit Vyakaranam, Anuvadeh, A-l3l Gadhyakavyam,- A13l Gadyakavyam- A-33 I
Monday Sanskritsahityetihasshcha Vyakaranam, Neetikavyam-
Nibandhah, Gadhya,- Vayakaranam-
Shaityetihas Chandashcha

l> >Ll
B.Sc. (PE, Kho Kho s-309
HE& Table Tennis s-310
Sports) Wrestling s-3ll
Theory of Vocational s-312
oriented courses
M.Com Financial Management l-104 New &
Statistical Analysis old

M.A Political Modem Indian Political G -472 New &

Science Thought old
South Asian Political
Systems (Pakistan, Srilanka,
Nepal, Bangladesh)

M.A. Sanskrit Dhwani, Vyanjana G-584 New &

Sthapan & Kavyashastriy old
Shat Prasthan
Vedic Literature & Grammar

M.A. llindi Chayavadottar Kavya G-332 New &

Natak Evam Rangmunch old
M.A. Economics Macro Hconomics-ll G ll1 New
M.A Def. Studies Area Study (Himalayan G,298
States-Nepal& Bhutan) &
M.A. History Any one from the following
(a) Histury of Modem G-243 New
World (1920-1960) & old
Women In Indian History
(b) Archaeology of Ancient G-244 New
Indian History
(c) History of South hdia G 245 New
(From Sangam Age to & old
Vijay Nagar Empire)
History of Architecture of

M.A Urdu Non-Fictional Prose G-265 New

& old
M.A Sanskrit Sanskrit Grammer, Essay G -283 New
&Anuwaad & old
Poetics and Aesthetics

l= ,41
24-May-2022 B.A. Physical Anatomy & Physiology in A-l 87 Athletic Injuries & A187 Introduction to Statistics & A-387
Tuesday Education Physical Education Rehabilitation Computer Application in
Physical Education
M.A English 20th Century British G-316 New &
Fiction, Drama and Prose old
Classical Literature
M.A Maths Any one from the following
papers :
(a) Computer G-453
Programming &Data
(b) Non Linear G-454
(c) Spherical Astronomy & G-455
Space Dyanamics
(d) Fuza Set Theory, G-456
Fuzry Logics &their
M.A. Historv History of Modem India G-444 New&
(1885-1950 A.D.) old
INDIA - Society, Economy
and Culture of Medieval
India (c.AD 1200-1750)
M.A Urdu Any one from the following
(a)Soipt writing & G-466 New
Translation Or
(b)Essay Writing & G-467 New
M.A. Economics Financial Institutions and G-408 New &
Markets old
M.A. English Victorian Literafure G-l18 New

tt\l v\
M.A Hindi VII Optional Papers :
1. Katheitar Gadh Sahitya 131 Nerv
2. Vishisth Rachnakar
(Any one :)
a) Soordas 225 New
b) Goswami Tulsidas 226 New
c) Jayshankar Prasad 227 New
d) Premchand 228 New
e) Agyey 229
f) Kabir Das bgo N.*
M.A Political Contemporary Political G-274 New
Science Theory

M.A Sociology Social Change: Concept G-290 New

and Theories & old
Political Sociology
25-May-2022 B.A. & Def. Studies Art of War in India (upto A&B-104 Art of War in lndia (After A&B-204 Evolution of Strategic A&B-304
Wednesday B.Sc. r947) 1947) Thought

8.A.. B.Sc Comp. Computer Fundamentals A*192 System Analysis and A,B-292 Java Programming A,B-392
Application and Intemet Development

B.Sc. Comp. Operating System B-297 Visual Basic and B-397

Science Introduction to Web-

M.Com Indirect Taxes-GST and I-105 New &

Custom Law old
Corporate Financial
M.A. Def. Studies Science and Technology G497
in war

M.A. Education Distance Education G402

M.A. Hindi Hindi Aalochana G-333 New

M.A Sociology Classification in Sociology G-391 New

ls D,q
Thursdav General Awareness BP) General Awaneness BP)

M.A. Political lndia and the World C-473 New &

Science Research Methodology old
M.A Sanskrit Indian Philosophy G-586 New &
Sanskrit Grammar & The old
Philosophy ofGrammar

M.A History Research Methodology G-438 New &

- History ofAncient lndia
(c.AD 78-6s0)

M.A Urdu Classical Literature G-468 New

M.A Economics Demography G-409 New

M.A Def. Studies Insurgency & Counter G 299

27-May-2O22 B.A. & Del. Studies Evolution of Armament A&B 105 National Securitv A&ll 205 Studv of War and Peace A&8 305
Friday B.Sc. and Westem Art of

B.A., B.SC Comp. Data Communication A-193 DBMS and RDBMS A,B-293 Advanced Topics in A,B-393
Application Computer

B. Sc. Comp. Programming in C B 198 C+ and Object Oriented B 298 Computer Architecture & B 398
Science Programming DaIA

M.A English Indian Literature in English G-317 New &

Phonetics, Linguistics and old
M.A Maths Any one from the following
papers :
(a) Mathematical G-457
(b) Partial Diffematial G-458
(c) Bio-Mathematics G-459
(d) Mathematics of fmance G-460
& Insurance

r6 >r-l
M.A. Hindi Any one from the following
(a)Vishisth Sahityadhara G-327 New
(Bhartiya Sahitya) & old
(b)Vishisth Sahityadhara G-328 New
(KaurviLok Sahitya) & old
(c)Vishisth Sahityadhara G-334 New
(Pravasi Hindi Sahitya)
G-336 New
Sahityadhara( Sanskrit)
(l)Vishisth G-337 New

28-May-2022 B.A Urdu Nazam A-137 Ghazal A-237 Classical Poetry A-437
Saturday Essay Translation & A-438
M.Com Corporate Financial I-106 New &
Accounting old
Accounting for Managerial
M.A. Def. Studies Civil & Militarv Relations G--498

M.A. Education Educational Technology G-403

M.A Economics Environmental G-413 New

30-May-2022 B.A. Economics Principles of Economic A-145 Old National Income Analysis, A&B-245 Old Indian Economy A&B-345
Monday Analysis Money and Banking & old
Economics of Growth and new
B.A. Economics Micro Economics ,4.-145 New Elementary Quantitative A&B--245
Methods New

M.A Political Local Governance in India G474 New &

Science Indian Administration old
M.A. English Translation Studies G-3 l8 New

M.A. Sanskrit Brahman Pratishakhy & G-588 New

Nirukt I
t) >9
M.A. Sociology Perspectives on Indian G-392 New

3l-May-2022 B.A. History Political History of Ancient A-l l5 New&Old Political History of A-215
Tuesday India (Reg. & Pvt.) Medieval India (1206 - New&Old
(B.C. 600 - A.D.606) 1526 A.D.)
M.A. History Any one lrom the following
(a)Socio- Cultural History G-445 New &
of Modern India ( I 757- old
1947 A.D.)
- History of Modem India
(c.AD 1757 -1857)
(b)Economic History of G-446 New &
British India (17 57-lg5o) old
Group C : MODERN
INDIA - History of
lModern India
l(c)Women Through G-447 New &
lng". old
l- Uistory of Modern India (c.
0l-Jun-2022 B.A Psychology Basic Psychological A-140 Psychological A439
Wednesday Processes Measurement and Tests

B.A. & Geography Economic Geography A&B-21 I


B.Sc. Botany Diversity of Angiosperms : B-201

Systematics, Development

B.Sc Indus. Material Science and 8153 Industrial Chemical B-353

Chemistry Industrial Analysis
B.Sc Phvsics Physical Optics and B-2t6
M.Com. Corporate Laws and I-107 New
L8 w
02-lw-2o22 B.A Fiction A-2r0 old Indian Writings in English A-310

B.A. Indian Writings in English A-210 New Shakespeare 310(New)

Prose and
O3-lw-2O22 B.A Psychology Experimental Methodology A l4l Counseling and Guidance A-440
Friday and Statistics Organizational Behaviour
Health Psychology A-441
Environmental Psychology A,-442

B.A. & Geography Geography of lndia A&8112


B. Sc. Botanv C,,lology, Genetics, B ).O2

Evolution & Ecology

B.Sc lndus. Unit Processes in Organic B-254 Chemical Process B 354

Chemistry Chemicals Manufacture Economics and Indushial
Il.Sc Phvsics Electromagnetics B-217

O6-Jw-2022 B.A. Sociology Social Change and Social 4 2.32 Social Change and Social A-232 (Pvt.)
Monday Control (Regular) Control

O7-run-2o22 B.A Education llistory and Development A-l6l Educational Psychology A-260 Measurement and A 361
Tuesday of lndian Education Evaluation in
08-lun-2022 B.A Sociology Introduction to Sociology 4-132 (Reg. & Functions of Sociological A-332
Wednesday Pvt.) Thought

09-Jun-2022 B.A Political An Outline History of A138 An Outline History o[ A-238 (Pvt.)
Thursday Science Western Political (Regular) Western Political'Ihought
I].A Drg. & Ptg. Fundamentals ofvisual A t03 Philosophy of An and A-303
Art & Indian Folk Art Modem Indian Painting
(l8th Century A.D. upto
Present Age)

tq vu
lO-Jttn-2022 B.A. History Political History of Indian A-l l6 Political History of A-216 New& Historv of lndian Culture A-416 new
Friday (From A.D. 606 upto A.D New&Old Medieval India ( 1526 - otd & old
t206) (Res./Ex.iBP) 1740 A.D.) History of Modem World A-417 New
( A.D.)
1453- 1950 & old
History of Modem World
lllun-2022 B.A. Music Vocal (Theory Paper) A-265
Saturday Sitar (Theory Paper) A-267
Tabla (Theory Paper) A-269
B.A, Hindi Prachin Evam A-l l3 old Adhyatan Hindi Evam A-31 3
Madhyakaleen Kav.va Kaurvi Lok Kavya Nerv & Old
B.A Hindi Prachin Evam A 113 New
Madhyakaleen Kavya (Rcs. & Pvt.)
l3-lun-2022 B.A. Political Comparative Govemment A139 Comparative Govemment A-239 (Pvt.)
Monday Science (Regular)
B.A. Mu sic Tabla (Theory A- 169 Vocal (Theory Paper) A-365
Paper) Sitar (Theory Paper) A-367
Tabla (Theory Paper) A-369
l4)\tn-2o22 B.A. Psychology Psychopathology A 240
B.A. Comp. Programming in C A-490 Object Oricnted A,B&C 590
Application Programming with C++

8..9c Comp. Data Structure Using C B 299 Introduction To B-399

Science DBNS_SQL
&Software Engineering
l5-lun-2022 B.A. llindi HindiNatak & Rangmunch A ll4 old
B.A H indi HindiNatak & Rangmunch A-l 14 New I lindi Katha Sahitva A114 HindiNibandh and Anaya A-314
(Res. &Pvt.) Ncw &Old Gadh Vidyaye New & Old
l6-Jun-2022 B,A Library & Knowledge Organisation in A12t Computer applications A-321
Thursday lnformation Libraries inLibraries
B. Sc. Botany Diversity of Viruses, B tot Plant Physiology and B-203 Plant Resource Utilization, B-3 0l
Bacteda & Fungi Biochemistry Palynology. PIant
Pathology and Biostatistics

B..tc lndus. Eftluent Treatment, Waste B 255 Polvmers B--4 5 5

ChemistD, Management and Process
in Strumentation

c)_n Dq
B.Sc Physics Mechanics and Wave B-l l6 Elements of Quantum B 2r8 Relativitv and Statistical B 316
Motion Mechanics, Atomic and Phvsics
Moleculars Spectra
17 -lun-2o22 B.A Statistics Statistical Infercnce A 294
B.Sc. Statistics Analysis of Variance and B-296
Design of Expcriment
B. Sc ceology Petrology B 238

l8-l]Jl].-2022 I].A Psychology Social Psychology A 241

B.A, Statistics Survcy Sampling A--295

B.A. History I'olitical llistory of India A-41 5 new

(1'740-1947) & old

B. Sc B()tany Diversity of Algae, Lichens B-102 Molecular Biology & B-3 02

& Bryophytes Biotcchnology
B. Sc lndus. Pharnlaceulicals B457

B. Sc. Physics Kinetic Theory and B-t l7 Solid State &Nuclear B-3t7
Thermodynamics Physics
20-lut-2022 B.A. Ilindi Adhunik Hindi Kawa A-213
Monday New & Old
B.A. Geography Physical Geography A-l l1 En\ ironmental Studies A&B-51 I

2llun-2022 B.A. QUALIFYINC COURSE. A--008

Tuesday B.Sc. Environmental Studies B-008
B.Com. & C&S-008(For
B.Sc. (PE, Regular &
HE& Pii\,e)
General Awareness
B. Sc B()tanl Diversity of Pteridophltes B-103 Environmental Botany B-303
& Gymnesperms

B.Sc Indus. Healv and Fine Chemicals B-459


z D.y
Il. Sc I'hvsics Circuit Fundamentals and B-lt8 Solid State Electronics B-3In
Basic Electronics
22-run-2022 B.A. Ceography Human Geography A 112 Any one of the following :

Wednesday South West Asia A&B-512

South East Asia A&B-513
Far East Asia A & B-514
South Asia A&B-515

B.A Sociology Indian Society-lssues and A-233

Problems (Regular)

23.Jun-2022 B,A, Library & lnformation Storage and 4122 Library Management A-322
Thursday lnformation Retrieval Svstem
B.A Philosophy Ethics (lndian & Westem) A124
Friday Sports & Physical Sports & Physical Sports & Physical
Education Education Education
Spofts & Physical Sports & Physical Sports & Physical
Education Education Education
Sports & Physical Sports & Physical Sports & Physical
Education Education Education
25-Jv-2O22 B.A. & Maths Algebra and Trigonometry A&B 126 Linear Algebra and A&B-226 Anallsis A&B-326
Saturday B.Sc. Mahices
B. Sc. F.S. & Q.C. Food Preservation B-256 Food Analvsis B-356

B. Sc. Indus. Microbial Genetics and B 213 Immunology & Medical B-313
Microbiology Molecular Biology Microbiology
B.Sc Zoology Lo|er Non Chordata B- 120 Chordata B-220 Applied and Economic B 320
(Protozoa Helminths) zoology
B.Sc Microbiology Instrumentation and B-241 Immunology &Medical B-341
Bioalalytical Techniques Microbiology

B.Sc. (l'8, llealth Education, Safely s-201 Psychology & Sociology s-301
HE& Education, First Aid and Physical Education &
Sports) Rehabilitation Sports
M.Com Operations Research I-301 New &
Computer Application in old

2.2 '>l
27-lun-2022 B.A. FOUNDATION COURSE . A-{09
Monday B.Sc. Bhartiya Sanskriti Evam B-009
B.Com. & Rashtra Gaurav c&s {09
B.Sc. (PE,
(Regular &
Sports) Private)

28-Jun-2O22 B.A. & N.la1hs Ualculus A&U t2't Differential Equations and A&8-227 Linear Programming A&.U -127
Iuesday B.Sc. lntegral Transforms
B.Sc !.s. & Q.c. Sensary Evaluation & t] 25'7 Introduction to food B-357
Analltical Manufacture
B. Sc Zoology Higher Non Chordata B t2l Animal Distribution, B-221 Biotechnolosv- B 321
(Annelida-chinodermata) Evolution and lmmunolopv]'Eiolopical
Tools and'fechnio es and
Developmental Biology Biostatistics
B. Sc. Mlcrobrology Cell Biology, Microbial B--242 Food, f)airv and ts-342
Genetics and Molecular Agricu IturaI Microbiology
B.Sc lndus. Environmental B 214 Agriculture & Food B-314
Microbiology Microbiology Microbiology
M.Com. Research Methodology I-302 New &
Corporate Legal Frame old
29- l\tn-2022 B.A Political Pohtlcal I heorv A-138 (Res. & Princioles of Public A SJtt
Wednesday Scicncc Pvt.) Admiriislration

B. Sc Statistics Statistical Methods B-194 Statistical In[erence B-294 Non-Parametric Methods B-394
and Numerical Analysis

B. Sc. Gcolog)' Stratigraphy B-236 StratieraDhic Plaeontoloav B-f3 6

& Sedimentologl
B.Com Business Communication c-l0l Corporate Law c-201 old Corporate Accounting c-301
New & Old New & Old
B.Com. Company Law C-201 New

30.J\n-2022 B.A. & Maths Geometry and Vector A&B 128 Mechanics A&u-228 Numerical Methods and A&B-328
Thursday B. Sc. Calculus Fundamentals of
B.Sc. F.S. & Q.C Packing Material Testing B-258 Food Toxicology, Food B 35ti
Adultration ard Testins
B.Sc Zoology Cell Biology and Genctics B-t22 Physiology and Bio- B-222 Ecology, Microbiology B 322
chemistry Animal Behavior and
I Pollution and Toxicology

2> 2tl
B. Sc Microbiology Microbial Physiology & B 243 Industrial and B-343
Metabolism Environmental
B. Sc lndus. Computers, Bioinformatics B-215 Industrial Microbiology B-315
Microbiology and
B.Sc. (PE, Anatomy and Physiology s - 102 Physiology of Exercise s-202 Fundamentals of Sports s-302
HE& Training
M.Com. Strategic Management l-303 New &
Corporate Tax Planning & old

02-luly -2022 B.A. Home Sc. Home Management and A-117 Introduction to Textiles A-217 Fundamentals of Food & A 317
Saturday Housing Nutrition
B.Com Business Statistics c-102 Cost Accounting c-202 Auditing c-302
New & Old New & Old New & Old
041\lt -2022 B. Sc. Statistics Probabilitv B-195 Survey Sampling B 295 Applied Statistics B-3 95
B. Sc Geology Palaeontology B-237 Economic Geology B,337

B.Com. Financial Accounting c-103 Principles of Business c 2.o3 Principles of Marketing c-303
New &Old Management Nerv & Old New
B.Com. Money and Financial c-303
System otd
B.Sc. (PE, Theory of Games & Sports s - 103 Theory of Games & Sports s 203 Kinesiology & Bio- s-303
HE& (Track & Field) (Track & Field Events) Mechanics
M.A. Political Research Methodology C-370 New &
Science Modem Indian Political old

M.n. Sanskrit Roopak & Champu-Kavy G-582 New &

Sanskrit Kavyashastra old

M.A Sociology Society in India G-387 New

Theoretical Prespectives in &old
M.A. Urdu Folk Tradition in Urdu G-362 New &
Early & Medieval Prose old
B.A Urdu Fiction A-136 Prose AJ36 History of Urdu Literature A-436

21 >y *#. gistrar (Exam)


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