hw1 UM101
hw1 UM101
hw1 UM101
“AUTUMN” 2020
1. In class we encountered one of the axioms of set-theory, stated as “The rule defining when two
sets are equal,” and for which you were referred to Section I-2.2 of Apostol’s book. Using this
rule, justify the following equalities of sets:
(a) {a, a} = {a}
(b) {a, b} = {b, a}
(c) {a} = {b, c} if and only if a = b = c.
2. (Prob. 20(b) from Apostol, Section I-2.5) Show that one of the two expressions below is always
right and that the other is sometimes wrong:
i) A − (B − C) = (A − B) ∪ C,
ii) A − (B ∪ C) = (A − B) − C.
(Note. What this means is that you must provide a proof of the expression that you think is
always true, and you must provide one counterexample showing that the other is false.)
3. In class, we mentioned that if A and B are two sets, then we take as an axiom — The Axiom of
Unions — that A ∪ B is a set. In contrast, show that we do not need any axiom beyond those that
were mentioned in class to assert that A ∩ B is a set. Specifically show that the fact that A ∩ B
is a set is given by the set-builder axiom.
The following problem will go a little beyond what has been taught until now. You will need the
material of the lecture of November 20 to solve it.
5. Refer to Peano’s Axioms. For a natural number n, S(n) will denote the successor of n. Let “+”
denote the Peano addition between two natural numbers (which formalises the addition you learnt
as children). Define:
1 := S(0),
2 := S(1) = S(S(0)),
3 := S(2) = S(S(1)) = S S(S(0)) .
Using the rules of Peano addition, justify that
(a) 1 + 1 = 2.
(b) 1 + 2 = 3.
Note. You may freely use the fact n + m = m + n for all m, n ∈ N without proof. Using this will
provide a somewhat shorter proof of (b) than the one resulting from following the rules of Peano
addition slavishly.