Final UM101 2020-21
Final UM101 2020-21
Final UM101 2020-21
a) You are allowed 135 minutes to write AND scan (as a PDF file) your answer-script for this exam!
Your scanned PDF file must reach your TA within 15 minutes past the above-mentioned duration.
b) Please note that Problems 1–5 are compulsory, and you are required to solve any one out of
Problems 6 & 7.
c) Please look at the next page for some useful information. If you need to use any of it, you may make
use without proof.
d) Unless stated otherwise, you can freely use without proof all the facts about the arithmetic of
real numbers — and its interaction with >, ≥, etc. — taken for granted in school. The same applies to
high-school algebra and trigonometry.
e) Unless stated otherwise, you may freely use without proof any result presented in lectures or designated
for self-study, as well as any result in Apostol’s book corresponding to the sections and sub-topics
listed in the syllabus for this exam. Anything not in this set will require justification (e.g., any Test
for infinite series other than those in the above-described set, if used, will require justification).
a) (5 marks) Suppose f (n) = 0 for every n ∈ Z and suppose g 0 (x) = f (x + 1) for every x ∈ R.
Write h = g ◦ f . Explain in 1–2 sentences why h0 (0) exists. Next, compute h0 (0).
b) (5 marks) Let a > 0 be a real number. Suppose f (x + a) = g(x2 ) for every x ∈ R. Express
f 0 (x) in terms of g, giving justifications.
2. Recall that if I is a non-empty open interval and f : I → R is continuous on I, then f (x) dx —
i.e., the “indefinite integral” of f — is the Leibnizian notation for any function in x, indefinite up to
a constant, that is a primitive of f on I. For the following “indefinite integrals”
• clearly state an I relevant to your calculations,
• state justifications for your work,
and compute:
x2 1 − ax dx, where a > 0 is a fixed real number.
a) (7 marks)
Note that in (b), more than one choice of I works. Make an appropriate choice and state it clearly.
3. (9 marks) Determine, with appropriate reasons, whether the series
∞ n
X 2 + (−1)n
√ n
converges or diverges.
4. (8 marks) Decide, with appropriate reasons, whether or not the following limit exists. If it exists,
then please also determine this limit:
5. Let Vfn, R denote the vector space of all R-valued functions defined on R (with the standard
addition and scalar multiplication, as described in Homework 11), and write
With this information, compute the functions to which T maps each of the three basis elements.
c) (3 marks) Let us now fix an order of the elements in S by writing B = (eax , cos x, sin x).
Determine the matrix [T ]B, B . Don’t just write the matrix; for full credit, please give a brief
7. (10 marks) Let f : [0, 1] −→ R be a continuous function and assume that f (0) = f (1). Fix a
number N ∈ N, N ≥ 2. Show that there exists a point x0 ∈ [0, 1] such that f (x0 ) = f x0 + N1 .
We have rigorously explained what the intefinite integrals xn dx are for each n ∈ Z. However, from the