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Health- The learners…. The learners…. At the end of the
optimizing P.E lesson, the students I. Readiness Phase: Group Activity:
(H.O.P.E) 3 shall be able to: Guide Questions: Instruct the students
Demonstrates Leads dance 1. Know the brief 1. What is dance? to form into two
Unit 1 understanding of events with history of dance; 2. Do you know where groups of five to ten
(Introduction dance in proficiency and 2. Discuss the nature dances come from? members. Let them
to Dance) optimizing one’s confidence of dance; II. Experiential Phase share their answers to
health; as resulting in 3. Enumerate the 1. Provide a short lecture their group mates. Ask
requisites for independent benefits of dance by presenting a chart one member of the
2 hours Chapter 1: physical activity pursuit and and creative or a PowerPoint group to take down
LESSON 1: assessment influencing movements; and presentation on the notes and consolidate
performance and others positivity 4. Realized the nature and history of common answers from
1. Brief as a career importance of dance. the group.
History and opportunity dance on health 2. Discuss the benefits of
nature of and performance. dance in terms of
Dance Physical,
al, social and cultural
2 hours Chapter 2: At the end of the I. Readiness Phase: Activity:
LESSON 2: lesson, the students 1. Instruct the students Using the elements of
shall be able to: to prepare a piece of dance, instruct the
Elements Of 1. Identify the paper with three students to make a
Dance elements of dance columns marked snapshot description
2. Apply these “Activity,” “Place.” of each of the
elements in And “Time. following:
creating dance Instructions:
choreography; Under “Activity,” list 5 a) A Friend
and activities which are part of b) A Family
3. Realize the your required daily routine. Member
importance of Be as specific as possible. c) An animal
elements of dance Under those five, list five
on choreography more activities that are no Show a dance clip and
and performance. required in your daily ask the students the
routine but are those that following questions:
you choose to do. Now, go 1. What
back over the whole list, and elements of
next to each of ten activities dance are
that you identified, start used in the
another list under “Place” clip
that describes where your 2. How did the
activities occur. dancers use
II. Experiential Phase these
a) Provide a short lecture elements
by presenting a Power 3. What are the
Point presentation on different
the elements of dance energies
dance. used?
2 hours Chapter 3 At the end of the I. Readiness Phase: Activity:
LESSON 3: lesson, the students Guide questions: Allow the students to
shall be able to: a) What are the do the activity:
Characteristics 1. Define form, motif characteristics of 1. Simple dance
of Good Dance and phrasing in dance? Phrase,
dance; Show a video clip of 2. Linking a
2. Understand itik-itik dance. Instruct dance phrase
choreographic them to observe how 3. Find the motif
principles and the dance develops.
structures of II. Experiential Phase: From “let’s Do
dance; and a) Provide a lecture by This!” on page
3. Explore and create presenting a Power 19 of their
movement Point presentation on work text.
phrasing and form, phrase and
dance form. motif in dance.
b) Explain the motif and PERFORMANCE TASK:
form used in the video Mastery Phase
clip. Activities
c) Provide a lecture on
Unity, variety, Rubrics: (Page 11:
contrast, continuity, Physical Education and
transitions, repetition, health II Teachers
and climax. Resource material).
2 hours Chapter 3: At the end of the I. Readiness Phase: Activity:
LESSON 2: lesson, the students Guide Questions: “Performance Task”
shall be able to: 1. What makes a
Choreographic 1. Identify the good dance?  For 5-10 members
Forms choreographic 2. What is a form? per group. Do the
forms in dance; 3. What is a activity 6:
2. Remember the phrase? identifying
process in making 4. What is a motif? Choreographic
a dance; II. Experiential Phase Forms of Dance
3. Create simple a) Provide a short lecture from “ Let’s Do
movement about the different this!” on page 20 of
choreography choreographic forms their work text
using of dance. Show a  With the same
choreographic video clips on dance grouping ask the
forms in dance; choreography. students to create a
4. Appreciate dance b) After the lesson create series of
choreography and a simple AB form. movements at least
performance; and Create several phase 32-64 counts in
5. Realize the of movement to make length. Choose a
importance of an A section. Add choreographic form
choreographic more phrases that of their choice and
forms of dance in contrast with the A apply it to their
creating and section to make up the movement
performing dance B section. Teach sequence.
routines. you’re A and B
sections to the class. Rubrics: Page 14
(Physical Education
and health II Teachers
Resource material).
2 hours At the end of the I. Readiness Phase: Unit Test:
Chapter 3: lesson, the students 1. Choose a short dance
LESSON 3: shall be able to: piece or video clip of (Page 17-19)
1. Develops skills, dance choreography (Physical Education
Evaluating a and assessing and from any available and health II Teachers
Good Dance evaluating resources. Show the Resource material).
different forms of video clip to the class
dance and dance and ask them to
performances; closely observe by
2. Create dance noting down the
analysis and composition of the
evaluation in a dance in terms of
dance elements and the
performance; and characteristics of the
3. Appreciate dance dance performance.
in different points 2. Guide Questions:
of view as that of a) Is it a good dance?
a choreographer, b) How should you
a dancer, and an know if a dance is
spectator. good or not?
II. Experiential Phase
1. Provide a short
lecture on the
different roles of
evaluators. Give
examples for
2 hours Unit 2 At the end of the I. Readiness Phase: Group Activity:
lesson, the students Guide questions:
World Of shall be able to: 1. What is folk 1. Have the class
Dance 1. Review the origin dance? follow and execute
of folk dances as 2. Who is the the fundamental
Chapter 4: they have founder of folk steps or arms and
LESSON 1 developed in dance? feet in Philippine
specific folk II. Experiential Phase: folk dance.
Folk Dance cultures; a) Provide a lecture on 2. Give a brief back
2. Know the the definition and ground of Sakuting
fundamental characteristic of a folk folk dance (For
movements of dance. their next
which basic folk b) Explain the different Performance Task)
dance steps are between folk,
made; national, and ethnic
3. Developed the dances.
ability to dance c) Discuss the
rhythmically with background of
poise and well- Sakuting.
coordinated body
which moves as
one unit;
4. Appreciate skills n
folk dance that is
appropriate in
style and spirit for
each specific
dance; and
5. Appreciate the
value of folk
dance as an
activity for
among the
peoples of the
At the end of the I. Readiness phase Group Activity:
lesson, the students 1. Show the video clip Performance task
Chapter 4 shall be able to: to the class with the
LESSON 2: famous a) Let the class
1. Know the brief choreographer practice the five
Ballet history of ballet; George Balanchine. different ballet
2. Know the And ask the class to dance position.
vocabulary in note down their Give them time to
classical ballet and observation of the master these
its fundamental movements used in positions. Provide
steps; that ballet music to enhance
3. Execute performance. timing and grace.
ballet skills and II. Experiential Phase Rubrics:
4. Create simple a) Provide a lecture by Page 31 (Physical
ballet showing a chart or Education and health II
choreography; Power Point Teachers Resource
5. Develop the presentation on the material).
ability to dance brief history of
rhythmically with ballet as well as how
poise and well- ballet started in the
coordinated body Philippines.
which moves as b) Provide a short
one unit; and lecture on the
6. Appreciate and composition of a
support ballet ballet class. Explain
dance the importance of
performance. each part. Show
illustration for each
c) Explain the
importance of basic
ballet dance
Chapter 4 At the end of the I. Readiness phase
LESSON 3: lesson, the students 1. Ask the students to
shall be able to: choose a simple,
1. Define the everyday activity.
Modern Dance meaning of Let them do the
modern and movements of this
contemporary activity as slowly,
dance; importantly, and
2. Know and identify directly as possible.
the characteristics Your intent should
of modern dance; be to transform this
3. Execute and activity into a ritual.
perform the 2. Show a video clip or
fundamental an excerpt of a
movements of modern dance
modern dance; performance. Ask
4. Discover the students to note
movement as down their
medium for the observations in
creative terms of movements
development and used in the
expression of choreography.
5. Create simple II. Experiential Phase
modern dance a) Provide a brief
routine; lecture on the
6. Appreciate skill in definition and
contemporary characteristics of a
dance; and modern dance.
b) Provide a chart or a
7. Appreciate power point
modern dance presentation on the
performances. brief history of
modern dance.
c) Show illustrations of
the pioneers of
modern dance.
Chapter 5 At the end of the I. Readiness phase:
lesson, the students a. Ask the students to
LESSON 1: shall be able to: recall a cheer they
previously learned.
1. Know the b. Ask them to add a
Cheer Dance origins of few hand and body
cheerleading actions to go with the
and how cheer cheer.
dance came II. Experiential
about; Phase:
2. Know the a. The beginning
fundamental activity of the class
movements of uses prior knowledge
which cheer to bring the students
dances are attention to cheer
made of; dance.
3. Execute basic b. Provide a brief
gymnastics lecture on the
skills such as definition and history
jumps and of cheerleading.
tumbling; c.
4. Create simple
cheer dance
skills such as
jumps and
5. Create simple
cheer dance
6. Enhance
skills, fun, and
friendship; and
7. Appreciate the
skills and value
of cheer dance
as an activity
to build people

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