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Detailed Lesson Plan in Educ 50

Prepared by: Kirstie Dianne Villanueva

I. Objectives : At the end of the lesson the students are able to:
a. come up with helpful ideas to be used in the classroom in dealing with diverse group of students.
b. identify what learning strategies that would be effective in bringing diversity in the classroom.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Tips on Student Diversity

Reference: Facilitating Learning Module 4 p. 53
Materials: Visual Aids, book

III. Procedure

A. Learning Activities
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Good morning class....” “Good morning Miss!”

“Let us pray first before we start our class.” (One student will lead the prayer)

(Checking of attendance) (Students raise their hand and say present as the teacher calls
... Say present... in their name)

“Please pick up pieces of paper under your chair” (Students pick up pieces of paper)

“So how was your weekend?” “It was great Miss!”

“That’s good! Have you enjoyed your weekend bonding “Of course Miss! It was a lot of fun!”
with your family?
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

“Who can remember the last topic that we discussed last “Our lesson last meeting was all about “Tips on Student
meeting? Yes, Miss Alfante?” Diversity.”
“Very good. So for this afternoon, we will continue
the discussion about the tips on student diversity.”

“But before we proceed to our discussion, I will give you
“Yes, Miss! We are ready!”
an activity. Please group yourselves first into four. Done? So I
have here set of cut letters that will be given on each group, and
what you will do is to construct the correct word based on the
meaning that I have written on the board. I will give you three
minutes to do this activity. Okay, is that clear? Any questions?

“Good job, class! Ok. Let’s start our discussion now. Since
we have already discussed the six tips, I will continue discussing
the three tips left on our lesson last meeting. So, let’s proceed to (Students reading the seventh tip)
our lesson. Kindly read the seventh tip class.
7. Adapt to the students’ diverse backgrounds and learning styles
by allowing them personal choice and decision-making
opportunities concerning what they will learn and how they will
Giving the learner more decision-making opportunity with respect
to learning tasks: a. promotes positive student attitudes toward the
subject matter- b. foster moves positive interactions among
students c. results in students working more consistently with
lesser teacher intervention. Also, when individuals are allowed to
exert some control over task, they tend to experience less anxiety
or stress while performing that task.
8. Diversify your methods of assessing and evaluating student
You can accommodate student diversity not only by varying what
you do with your teaching, but also by varying what you ask
students to do to demonstrate learning. In addition to the
traditional paper and pencil test and written assignments, student
can demonstrate their learning in a variety of performance
formats , such as : a) individually-delivered oral report b) panel
presentation c) group project d) visual presentation(e.g., concept
maps ,slide presentation , PowerPoint ,collages , exhibits) e)
dramatic vignettes-presented live or on videotape. One potential
benefit of allowing students to choose how they demonstrate their
learning is that variety of options exercised may be powerful way
to promote student awareness of the diversity of human learning
9. Purposely, form small discussion groups of from diverse
backgrounds. You can form groups of students with different
learning styles, different cultural background, etc.
Small peer-learning groups may be effective for promoting
student progress to a more advanced stage of cognitive
advancement because:
a. the instructor is removed from center stage, thereby reducing
the likelihood that teacher is perceived as the ultimate or absolute
b. student are exposed to the perspectives of other student, thus
increasing their appreciation of multiple viewpoints and different a. promotes positive student attitudes toward the subject matter-
approaches to learning. b. foster moves positive interactions among students
c. results in students working more consistently with lesser
Analysis: teacher intervention
1. Give at least 5 effective ways to apply in the classroom as a d. individually-delivered oral report
teacher of diverse group of students? e. panel presentation
f. group project

- Adapt to the students’ diverse backgrounds and learning

styles by allowing them personal choice and decision-
making opportunities concerning what they will learn and
how they will learn.
2. Give three tips on student diversity. - Diversify your methods of assessing and evaluating
student learning.
- Purposely, form small discussion groups of from diverse

The students will answer the following questions below in a - By allowing them personal choice and decision-making
one half sheet of paper. opportunities concerning what they will learn and how
they will learn.
1. As a teacher how will you adapt to the students’ diverse
- a) individually-delivered oral report b) panel presentation
backgrounds and learning styles?
c) group project d) visual presentation(e.g., concept maps,
slide presentation, PowerPoint, collages, exhibits)
e) dramatic vignettes-presented live or on videotape
2. What are the varieties of formats that students can use to
demonstrate learning? - Yes, because the instructor is removed from center stage,
thereby reducing the likelihood that teacher is perceived as
the ultimate or absolute authority and student are exposed
to the perspectives of other student, thus increasing their
3. Is forming a small-peer learning group effective in promoting appreciation of multiple viewpoints and different
student progress to a more advanced stage of cognitive approaches to learning.
advancement? Yes or No? Why?

Assignment: “Good bye, Miss!”

Please study in advance the next chapter for our
discussion next meeting.

“That’s all for our lesson this afternoon.”

“Good bye, class!”

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