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The following is a sample of the lesson plan format used by the University.

Lesson Topic/Focus: Literacy (self-respect presentation) Date: 16/11/16

AusVELS Domain(s): English Year level(s): 5/6

AusVELS strand (s): Creating texts Lesson duration: 1h

AusVELS sub-strand(s):
Creating different types of spoken and
multimodel texts using knowledge of text
structures and language features

AusVELS Dimension(s) or
Religious Education

Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s)/Objective(s):

- Plan, draft and publish informative print and multimodal texts, choosing text structures, language features, images
and sound appropriate to purpose and audience
- Students should be able to plan and present a multimodal text delivering a message that they feel is important to self
respect. The presentation should be appropriate for the information and it should be clear to their other class members
what their message is

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will know/understand that:

- Students will have a better understanding of what self-respect is
- Students will be able to take the idea of self-respect into the context of their lives
- Students will be able to identify the point that they think is the most important in terms of self-respect
- Students will be able to create a presentation that delivers a clear message to their peers
- The language used in the presentation will be appropriate for the audience

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will demonstrate the skills/strategies of:

- Students will have had honest thinking about how they act and what they should do differently in the future
- Students will use the strategy of self-reflection in order to think about the topic and what they think
personally is one of the most important points.
- Students will demonstrate how these topics may not be being met and how that could change
- Students will delve deeper and demonstrate the chosen topic
- Students will be able to pick an appropriate way to present their work
- Students will be able to structure their presentation in a cohesive way
- Students will use appropriate images and sounds that will highlight their message


- This lesson will be assessed using observation and conversations with the students This task will be
completed over a number of lessons so for this lesson only formative assessment will be used

Assessment criteria for analysis:

- Has the student chosen an appropriate topic?
- Has the student clearly expressed the important message they wish to convey?
- Is the message they have created related to self-respect?
- Has the student chosen an appropriate way to present their work?
- Are the students creating a cohesive piece of work in which they are clearly expressing their idea?
- Are the sounds and images that have been chosen appropriate?

Teaching focus:
Teaching skills that the pre-service teacher would like to personally develop.
Make sure instructions are clear and the students know exactly what they are meant to be doing

Background to the learning:

A. References for teacher background knowledge

- Article on self-respect

B. Identify students current knowledge

- Have an understanding of self-respect

- Have done two previous lessons on the topic
- Over the year have worked with a variety of ways to present their work

Lesson resources:
- I-pads
- Self-respect article (see attached)
- List of topics the students have chosen (this was done during the prior lesson)
- The example presentation on the twins with different perspectives that grew up differently. (victim or survivor)
- Interactive whiteboard
- Laptop (to plug in to show the presentation)

Lesson content:
A. Introduction 10 mins

- A group of students will sit down in a group on the floor

- The lesson will begin with a recap of what was done yesterday on the topic of self-respect
Who can remember what we talked about yesterday?
Who can tell me what sort of things self-respect entail?
Is this something that we can use in our everyday lives?
Why is self-respect important?
Why do we need it?
- Rego through the list of topics and give a brief description on what some of the harder ones are
From the list we just read are there some that you can relate to?
Have a think to yourself, is there a situation that happens to you in which you either show some of these
qualities or maybe sometimes you dont?
Can you think of a time when you acted in a way that didnt demonstrate very much self-respect?
Can you change some things you do in your everyday life to that will improve your self-respect?

- Can you think of a time when you may not have acted in the best way?
- Show the students the example presentation (victim or survivor)
- Have the students tell what point they are going to focus on (if they dont remember look at the list)
- Give them a few minutes to think about what message they want to highlight and get across to their audience.

B. Development 10 mins

- Briefly go through the example presentation on the alcoholic father and sons
(victim or survivor)
Slide one: point out that they are twin boys and both grew up with and
were raised by the same father
Slide two: What is this son doing? Is he taking responsibility for his
Slide three: What did this son do that was different to his brother? He
made a choice to do differently to his father.
Slide four: Even though they were twins and grew up in the same
circumstances and had the same alcoholic father they had two
different perspectives. One chose not to be like him whereas the other
blamed his father and followed in his footsteps
Slide five: Perspective is important and will change the way in which
you look at and live life. You can choose to do things differently or
blame others for your actions. Everyday is a new day and you can
always change the way in which you see and react to situations
Slide six: You can be a survivor or a victim its your choice. You can
blame others or you can take responsibility for your own actions and
make better choices.

C. Consolidation, practice, extension 35 mins

- Students will create a presentation on self-respect using the important topic

that they have chosen
- The presentation will be focused around a message that they think is
important to have
- Students will then be told that they are going to make a presentation on the
topic they chose from the article
- Give them a minute of thinking time. What is the message that you want to
get across to the audience about self-respect?
- They are able to present it however they want. It will be presented on Friday
so they must present it in a way that will allow time to complete in the

D. Closure 0 mins (ongoing process throughout the lesson)

It is part of three sessions so there will not be a formal conclusion to this task I will individually touch base with each student
as to where they are at and what their next step is

Post-lesson review and evaluation:

Student achievement:
- Each of the students in the group seemed to understand what self-respect was. And chose an important
message that represented what they thought was important
- Through discussions with the students I was able to get an understanding of whether or not the students
presentation was going to be done in an appropriate way
- The students seemed to be able to make their presentation and not lose focus of what their message was
- The images that the students were adding to their presentation were appropriate and supported their

Teaching effectiveness:
What have you learnt from the lesson?
- Try out different strategies to ensure that I am not talking for the entire floor time. An example of how to
do this would be to have the children think, pair, share about ideas that they have previously talked about
in class (the article)

What do you recommend for future lessons?

- In the future I would read through the lesson plan a few more times before I started the class in order to
have a clear understanding of what comes next in the lesson
- Do a run through with the technology. As I do not use a mac laptop I found it difficult to operate it and it
meant that I showed the students some images before I should have
- Give the students a little bit more think time and have a list of what they chose as their message ready for
the students that had forgotten
- Have the students do more talking during group time so are not just sitting and listening to me the whole

Comment on your effectiveness in the light of the objectives/outcomes of the lesson and your self-
development focus for the lesson, referring to both strengths and areas to be addressed.

- The students seemed to have achieved the goals. They were able to choose a message that is important
and relevant to themselves and choose a presentation method that was suitable for what they were doing
- The images strengthened the words
- The students listened well throughout the lesson with only one misbehaviour that was quickly picked up on
and corrected
- The organisation of being ready before the lesson can be improved on so that the students are not sitting
around waiting on me
- The students seemed engaged in the presentation

Additional notes

- I feel like my confidence in teaching this lesson was a lot higher than it had been in my past placements
- I found it beneficial to see a lesson run like this before I had to take it. I was not stuck and struggling for
ideas of how to teach it

Lesson/activity transition:

The children pack up and get out their brain food which they eat at their tables and then move onto the next activity
(Music specialist)

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