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The following is a sample of the lesson plan format used by the University.
(see Unit Outline for PEP program)

Lesson Topic/Focus: English (writing on Luna part snapshot) Date: 17/06/2016

VCF-10 Learning Area: English Year level(s): 5/6
VCF-10 Mode: English Lesson duration: 35 minutes
VCF-10 Strand(s): Language

VCF-10 sub-Strand(s): Expressing and developing ideas

Learning Standard(s)/Outcome(s)/Objective(s):

Investigate how vocabulary choices, including evaluative language can express shades of meaning,
feeling and opinion

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will know/understand that:

- Understand that when doing most pieces of writing their piece of writing they will have who, what,
when and where
- The importance of adding descriptive language to their snapshot
- Create an image in their head of what Luna park would be like

At the conclusion of this lesson, the students will demonstrate the skills/strategies of:
- Using a graphic organiser as a tool for planning their descriptive piece of writing
- Including who, what, when and where
- Using descriptive language in their graphic organiser
- Giving ideas that would correlate with Luna park

Collecting the students work
Roam around the classroom and read the ideas the children have thought up
With the help of questioning students create deeper responses

Assessment criteria for analysis:

- Students have used descriptive language
- Students have created a snapshot rather then a story
- Students have written about things that are relevant to Luna park

Teaching focus:
A. the pre-service teacher's teaching skill for observation by Supervising Teacher;
Making sure that my instructions are clear and the students know what they are doing when they go to
their tables
Background to the learning:
A. References for teacher background knowledge
- Need to have ideas of descriptive language related to luna park
- What descriptive language is

B. Identify students current knowledge

-The students have spent the previous lesson making a graphic organiser which will help them write
their story
- The students have previously spent a lesson on what they would see, hear, smell, touch and taste at
Luna park and made a list of descriptive words that would describe those senses-

Lesson resources:

- Graphic organisers (see resources)

Lesson content:
A. Introduction
10 mins

The students will be reintroduced into the topic of Luna park and descriptive language. As a class we will do a brief re cap of
what they have already done on the subject and what they will be working towards.

B. Development
5 mins

Remind the students of what a snapshot is (a moment in time you imagine and can see when you close your eyes
and think of being at Luna park), it is not a story
Ask students to get out their table of descriptive words for all the different senses.
Ask a few students to share their ideas of what they will be writing about
Show the students the graphic organiser explain that it will be who, what, when and where.
Who: who can you see? Who are you there with?
What: What is around you? What can you see? What can you hear?
When: When are you there? Whats the day like?
Where: Where are you in Luna park?

C. Consolidation, practice, extension

30 mins
Step one: The students will be given a graphic organiser
Step two: The students will fill in their graphic organisers
Step three: with help from their table of descriptive words the students will be creating a descriptive piece of language. It is
important it is only a snapshot in time not a series of events
Will and Josh Hammond will begin the lesson by finishing off their tables and then go onto the graphic organisers

If students continue this early they can go on and start their writing

D. Closure
5 mins

Post-lesson review and evaluation:

Student achievement:
To what extent were outcomes achieved? How did the students demonstrate this?

Teaching effectiveness:
What have you learnt from the lesson?
What do you recommend for future lessons?
Comment on your effectiveness in the light of the objectives/outcomes of the lesson and your self-development
focus for the lesson, referring to both strengths and areas to be addressed.

Lesson/activity transition:
This is the activity required to terminate the first lesson/activity and to initiate the next lesson/activity. A
lesson/activity transition is not to be confused with a lesson/activity conclusion.

The maximum recommended time is 3-4 minutes. Activities may include collecting used materials, tidying the
room, returning materials to shelves, a song, a jingle/action rhyme, a stretching activity, reorganisation of
furniture, distribution of materials for the next lesson/activity.

The following format should be used to present the lesson/activity transition:

Step 1:

Step 2: (etc.)


Student Assessment Criteria

Name 1. 2. 3.
(three focus
students for
the lesson)

Purpose of Assessment

To inform To ensure To discuss To inform 1:1 Evidence for

future lesson coverage of with parent conference school report
& student Victorian with student
learning Curriculum including
standards setting future
learning goals

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