5analysis of Capped Pile Groups Subjected To Horizontal and Vertical Loads
5analysis of Capped Pile Groups Subjected To Horizontal and Vertical Loads
5analysis of Capped Pile Groups Subjected To Horizontal and Vertical Loads
102 961
2 authors, including:
John C. Small
The University of Sydney
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Analysis of piled raft load sharing under vertical and horizontal loading View project
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ET-SEVIER Computers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-21
www. elsevier.com/locate/compgeo
Received 16 April 1999; received in revised form 17 September 1999; accepted 20 September 1999
This paper presents a method of analysis for an off-ground cap supported by piles embed-
ded in a tayereO soil and subjected to horizontal and vertical loads. The cap is modelled as a
thin plate and the piles as elastic beams and the soil is treated as consisting of horizontal
layeri of different materials. Finite element theory is used to analyse the cap and piles while
finite layer theory is employed to analyse the layered soil. Using program APPRAF (Analysis
of piles and Piled RAft Foundations) to carry out the analysis described above, comparisons
of the behaviour of capped pile groups are made and factors affecting the displacements of
capped pile group foundations are examined. Finally, an example related to three types of
,oits wh.re the moduli increase with depth is illustrated. The results show that the present
method is a powerful and useful way to evaluate the behaviour of capped pile foundations
embedded in different types of soils and subjected to both vertical and horizontal loadings.
@) 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved'
1. Introduction
Off-ground pile groups with stiff caps are widely used as foundations for struc-
tures and offshore platforms (wharves or drilling platforms). Generally, capped pile
groups will be subjected to both vertical loads transferred from the structure above
and horizontal loads caused by winds, waves, earth pressures or earthquakes. It is
therefore necessary to develop a method which can not only analyse capped pile
group foundations under vertical loading but can also analyse their behaviour when
0266-352X100/$ - see front matter @ 2000 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0 266-3 5 2x(99)00 029 -4
H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small I Computers and Geotechnics 26 (2000 ) I-2 I
2. Method of analYsis
For a capped pile group foundation, external loads including vertical and hor-
izontal concentrated or uniform loads and moments in each of the three (orthogo-
nal) axis directions may be applied to the cap and are transferred from the cap to the
piles and then through the piles to the soil. Based on this consideration, analysis of a
capped pile group system is carried out by separating a capped pile group into three
puiL' the cap, the group of piles and the layered soil. The cap is assumed to be a
ihin elasti" plut. utta ttt. finite element method developed by Bogner et al. [7] is
employed toanalyse the cap. Element division of the cap should be such that the pile
head fits within one element of the cap. Each cap element has four nodes and 24
degrees of freedom. The contact forces applied to the cap elements that are con-
n.Jt.d to the pile heads are assumed to be uniform loads on the cap and con-
centrated loads on the piles as shown in Fig. 1.
A pile is modelled as a beam and a simple finite element method is used to analyse
the pile. The part of a pile which is embedded in the layered soil is divided into the
sarne number of elements as the number of layers in the soil while the upper exposed
part of the pile may just be taken as one element or more if it is of some length. A
series of vertical or horizontal ring loads are assumed to act on the soil interfaces
(corresponding to each node along the pile shaft) but a circular load is assumed to
act on the soil at the pile base. Point vertical and horizontal forces are assumed to
act on the pile at each node. Interface forces transferred from the cap to the pile
heads may be simplified into equivalent concentrated loads, and these loads are
considered as external forces for the group of piles. Torsional loadings are not con-
sidered along the pile shafts, and so the analysis is limited to where torsion is not of
major concern.
H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small lComputers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-21
Pile 1
Rigid base
A modified finite layer method based on that developed by Small and Booker [8] is
used to analyse the layered soil. Generally, the layered soil above
the base of a pile is
divided into 12-15 layers or more based on the soil properties and required
ical accuracy, while tle soil beneath the base of the pile may be divided into one
more layers according to the soil properties and strata'
The analysis of the cap and the piles is carried out separately and, in the
free body
analysis, some nodes on the cap must be restrained from undergoing
rotations and translations. For convenience, in the present paper two corner
of the cap were chosen as points of restraint as shown in Fig' 1' At pin 1, the node is
completeiy fixed in all dirictions (i.e. six freedoms) and pin 2 is fixed only
in the y-
direction to resist the cap from rotating about the z-axis. Based on the above
assumption, the actual displacement {6r} at the centre of each cap element
ing a pile may be exPressed as
{6,}: t/.ltP,} * lalD,+ {blDy* (c}D,+ {dlT*+ le}0v + {fle' * {d'o} (l)
6i: D'u't
j: I
{ Aro } : displacements at the pile heads
+ -+ -+
-+ -+ I
-+ h" ---->
Fig. 2. Uniform shear loading over a circular region showing axis systems.
The second set of equations also results for the soil layer (called the uncoupled
tK,,l'{61,} - lPiI
{a;} : {IJro,un".,)].
{P'"I : (Tro, -Ta^)'
where U, is the transform of displacement in the 4 direction and T, is the
of the shear in the qz-dftection (see Fig. 2)'
These stiffness matrices may be assembled for each soil layer into
a global matrix,
(Jr,UE,U, at the layer interfaces'
and solved to give the transformed displacements
Upon addition of layer matrices all interface stresses cancel, and so the right-hand
side only consists of ihe transform of the load at the interface
where it is applied.
load- Transform of horizontal loadings. The transform of a horizontal shear
may be shown to
ing in the x-axis diiection and applied uniformly over a circle
,.dr'tt. to the Hankel transform of the load
rr ih"al (pa) (6)
H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small I Computers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-2 1
where ft. is the shear load. The components of the shear load for use in the finite
layer Eqs. (4a) and (4b) are therefore
,^ _ ,rn,
: fiJo@a) (1)
2.2.L2. Transforms of vertical loadings. The transforms of the vertical ring loads
that are appfiLd along the pile shaft or the uniform load that is applied at the
base can atso Ue found by using a double Fourier transform. The transform
to the Hankel transform of the load. For a uniform vertical load q the transform is
qalr@a) (B)
e, - p
The solution to the finite layer equations results in the transformed displacements
that may be inverted to yield the actual displacements. The real part is the dis-
placement due to the vertical loading and the complex part is the displacement due
io the horizontal loading. In the case of horizontal loading, the components of dis-
placement from both sets of Eqs (4a) and (4b) need to be combined to compute
displacement in say the x- or y-direction'
Th. flnit. layer iechnique can therefore be used to compute the response of the
loads at the
layered soil to ring loads at the soil layer boundaries or uniform shear
pile toe.
{Er} : {a'o}
( 10)
tP,) - -{P,p}
Combination of Eqs. (l) , (z), (10) and (11) leads to
(l+t+ [r,ol11r,o1 - {alD*- {blDy- {c}D,- {dll*- {elly- lfle': t6.o} 02)
To guarantee force and moment equilibrium of the cap, the following equations
must be satisfied:
{o'l{r'o } : P*
{u'l{r,o} : Pv
{t'l{P'o} : P, (15)
{r/'}{P,ol - M*
( 17)
{r'}{P,o} - Mr
( 1 B)
{/'}{r,o} - M,
and where
Ai : thearea of element i in the cap, and P,s, Py, P, ate the total loads applied
to the
cap in the x-, and, z-directions and M', M, are the total moments applied to
thi A, ii the total moment about the z-axis (at pin l) due to P' and Pr'
Solving Eqs. (12)-(18), we may obtain interaction forces on the pile heads
at the
pile-caplnt"ifacrs, and'the rigid body rotations and translations of the cap relative
io the pins. Substiiuting the risults into Eq. (1) it is possible to work out the actual
external for-
displacements of the ca-p elements that contain piles under the applied
,... By substituting the interaction forces into Eq. (2) it is also possible to calculate
the displacements of the pile heads'
3. Results
f ur, : (20)
LtzzEtD lQrBrL,
where u** is the displacement of one of the pile heads in the x-direction induced by
horizontal loads; u' is the displacement of one of the pile heads in the z-direction
induced by vertical loads; B, and L, are the breadth and length of the cap, respec-
tively; D is pile diameter.
(at 0.6
-e- Capped Pile grouP
''tl" Piles with flexible caP
' ' A ' Piles with rigid caP
.^ xx
-J HJD= 2.5
0) Lon'/D = 25
lrr, = ur*ErD/P"
o 0.3 H/Lom = 100
t 'L_
:ffiT:r x
69 12
tbt 0.0
H"/D= 2.5
L"JD = 25
.9 luyy = urrEuD/P,
E H/Lu,n = 100
2 o.z
Fig. 3. Comparison of 2-pile group with capped pile group: (a) P" only; (b) Py only.
|2 H.H, Zhatlg, J.C. Snlall lComputers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I_21
Pite spacing, S/D
pile group'
Fig. 4. Typical horizontal load distributions in fixed head pile group and capped
H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small I Contputers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) l-21 13
The load distributions against pile spacing are plotted in Fig. 4. We can observe that
for a pile spacing ratio of less than 4 there is poor agreement of the typical hor-
izontal load distributions between the fixed-head pile group and the capped pile
group. Load on piles 3 and 4 computed using the present method is higher than that
given by Poulos I l], while the load on piles I and 2 is lower, especially for a capped
pile group with close pile spacing. With increase of the pile spacing, the load dis-
tributions tend to become more uniform.
Because of the lack of agreement, a further comparison was made with the results
of El Sharnouby and Novak [12] for the same problem. It may be seen in Fig. 4 that
these results are in fairly good agreement with the present results.
6 0.1 5
l- 0.10
1 E+01 1 E+02 1 E+03 1 E+04 1 E+05 1 g+06
Fig. 5. The effect of pile-soil stiffness ratio on deflection of capped pile groups under horizontal loads.
14 H.H. Zhang, J.C. Sntall I Computers qnd Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-21
In order to demonstrate the use of the present method for the analysis of laterally
or axially loaded capped pile groups, the most critical parameters were examined to
show their effects on the maximum displacement of a capped pile group. The
ratios of the embedded pile length to pile diameter (L" /D) were chosen to be 10,
20, 40,80. The Poisson's ratios of the soil and the cap were assumed to be 0.35
and 0.15, respectively. The ratio of the exposed pile length Ho to pile diameter
was 2.5 and the pile spacing ratio was taken as 5. The thickness of the cap was
0.5 m, while the breadth and length of the cap were chosen to be 18 and 13 m,
3.2.1 .
The effect of soil and pile moduhts
Varying the pile-soil stiffness ratio Epf E,from 10r (flexible pile) to 106 (rigid pile)
and keeping the cap-soil stiffness ratio constant (E, / E':
2000), the present program
APPRAF was used to calculate displacements at the central point of each pile head.
The normalised displacements for pile 5 (maximum displacements generally occur
for this pile) are plotted in Figs. 5 and 6 against the pile-soil stiffness ratio.
urz= displacement at the top of pile No. 5 |
Il-. I Ho/D=z.S
lu.o= u=ErD/QrB,L,
I s/D=s.o
E/E' = 2ooo
Vs = 0.35
Vr = 0'15
0.06 H/L€m = 100
E Lrr/D = 20
1O 40 00
1E+02 1 E+03 1 E+04 1 E+05 1 E+06
Fig. 6. The effect of pile-soil stiffness ratio on deflection of capped pile group under vertical loads.
H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small lComputers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-21 l5
It may be seen from Fig. 5 that the horizontal displacements of the capped pile
group decrease rapidly with the pile-soil stiffness ratio. The results corresponding to
four pile lengths shows that there is almost no influence of the pile lengths on the
displacement of the capped pile group for a pile-soil stiffness ratio of less 103 and for
pile slenderness ratios in excess of 10. However, when the piles become substantially
rigid (Er/E, up to 106), the shorter piles will obviously produce higher displacement
than the longer piles.
Fig. 6 shows that for vertical loading and a pile-soil stiffness ratio of less than 100,
the displacement of the capped pile group increases sharply as the pile-soil stiffness
ratio reduces. For pile-soil stiffness ratios greater than 100, the displacement of
the capped pile group will decrease very slowly, especially when the piles are short.
Fig. 6 also shows that there are no obvious differences in the deflections of the group
with small pile-soil stiffness ratios (<100) for different pile lengths. However,
for pile-soil stiffness ratios of over 100, pile lengths have more effect on the
deflections of the group and the group with longer piles will produce lower vertical
u*x = displacement at the top of pile No. 5
lrr* = ur*ErD/QrB,L,
o 0.09
o. HJD = 2,5
p S/D =5.0
o E/E' = 2000
o v.= 0.35
o V,'=0'15
E 0.06 H/L.' = 100 L"JD = B0
o i
1 E+01 1E+02 1 E+03 1 g+04 1 E+05 1 E+06
Fig. 7. The effect of cap-soil stiffness ratio on deflection of capped pile groups under horizontal loads'
16 H.H. Zhang, J.C' Small lComputers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) 1-21
o 0.03
E 0.02
1 E+01 1E+A2 1E+03 1E+04 1E+05 1 E+06
Fig. g. The effect of capsoil stiffness ratio on deflection of capped pile groups under vertical
H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small lComputers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-21 17
the group. For example, as shown in Fig. 8, the vertical displacemsnt of the group
wittr- a pile slenderness ratio of 80 may be reduced to approximately 4348% of that
of a capped pile group with LID : 10.
+ Pile
Case 1: Gase 2: Banerjee'ssoil Gase 3: parabolic soil
Gibson's soil Assuming E'u/E'o = 3 Assuming modulus
at any point given bY
Er(z) = Ero(/Lr')o't
Fig. 9. Models for soils where the modulus increases with depth.
--ts Case 1
E.b = 7 MPa
-*- Case 2
HJD = 2.5
-o- Case 3
L"r/D = 20 +F Homogeneous
lr*" = urrErpD/qrB,Lt
i 0.2
0 5 10 15 20
Fig. 10. The effect of different soils on the displacement of capped pile groups under horizontal loading.
18 H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small lComputers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-21
3.3. Cappect pile groups embedded in soils where the modulus increases with depth
Three types of elastic soils where the modulus increases with depth are chosen in
this paper to demonstrate this method. The soil models are shown in Fig. 9. It is
assumed that the capped pile group with 12 piles as shown in Fig. I is embedded in
the different soil types. The stiffnesses of the different soils can be expressed as
- Eo * m(z/L"^)n
If m:0, the above equation represents a homogeneous soil with a constant elastic
modulus, i.e. Eo : Esbi if Eo:0 and n:I, it represents Gibson's soil; if Eso > 0
and n: 1, it is Banerjee's soil; and the general case is a parabolic variation of soil
The soil modulus E,6 was taken as 7 MPa at the toe of the pile and the ratio
L" /D was taken as 20. The pile-soil stiffness ratio Ep/Erv and the cap-soil ratio
U-= maximum splacement of the +Case 1
--)+ Case 2
+Case 3
0.06 +F Homogeneous
Esb =7 MPa
Ho/D =
0.05 Ler/D = 20
lr.- = u22E56D/qrBrL,
H/L". = 100
Pile spacing, S/D
Fig. I l. The effect of different soils on the displacement of capped pile groups under vertical loading.
H .H. Zhang , J.C. Sntall I Computers and Geotechnics 26 ( 2000 ) 1-2 I I 9
Er/Era were 4000 and 4285, respectively. The cap thickness was chosen to be 1.0 m.
The breadth and length of the cap were 20 and 15 m, respectively. Other parameters
were the same as those used in Section 3.2.
Figs. 10 and l1 show that whether the capped pile group is subjected to horizontal
loading or it is subjected to vertical loading, the pile spacing has a significant effect
on displacements of the group when the pile spacing is less than about 6 times the
pile diameter. Furthermore, they show that the homogeneous soil is one of the best
soils with respect to resistance of deflection of a capped pile group. On the contrary,
the Gibson's soil is the poorest one as may be expected. Moreover, beyond a value
of pile spacing of S/D:6, the effect of a change in spacing on the displacement of
the group examined will become much less.
For the capped pile group subjected to horizontal loading, moments in pile 1
corresponding to two pile spacings are plotted in Figs. 12 and 13. With a pile spa-
cing ratio of 2 as shown in Fig. 12, the largest value of the positive moment in pile 1
is much higher than that in pile I with a pile spacing ratio of 6 as plotted in Fig. 13.
This demonstrates that a relatively small pile spacing ratio (i.e. less than 6) may lead
to a large moment in the pile and is therefore a less economical use of the piles'
-0.6 -0.2
Pile 1
Eso = 7 MPa
Ho/D = 2.5
L"r/D = 20
lu = M/q*DBrL,
H/L"m = 100
-+F Homogeneous
+Case 1
-F Case 2
-x- Case 3
Fig. 12. Moment distribution in single pile embedded in different soils with close pile spacing.
20 H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small f Compttters and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-2 1
-0.6 -4.4
Pile 1
Esu = 7 MPa
Ho/D = 2.5
Lem/D = 20
lu = M/qrDBrL,
H/L"' = 100
+F Homogeneous
+Case 1
+Case 2
+(- Case 3
Fig. 13. Moment distribution in single pile embedded in different soils with large pile spacing.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, a powerful method for analysing the behaviour of capped pile
groups subjected to both lateral and vertical loading has been developed. The ana-
lysis of a capped pile group with only two piles, comparisons with solutions for
fixed-head pile groups, and investigations of the effect of soil, pile and cap para-
meters demonstrate that:
1. The method can be used to analyse the behaviour of a capped pile group
foundation subjected to vertical loading or horizontal loading as well as
moments in all axis directions.
2. Through comparison of the load distribution on the pile heads between a cap-
ped pile group (where the cap is very stiff) and a pile group with a rigid cap, it
is shown that the present method for analysis of a capped pile group can
reproduce previous results.
3. Pile-soil stiffness ratio plays an important role in the resistance of a capped pile
group to lateral deflection for pile-soil stiffness ratios of less than 1000. In this
H.H. Zhang, J.C. Small I Computers and Geotechnics 26 (2000) I-21 2l
range, the displacements of the capped pile group will increase sharply with the
reduction of the pile-soil stiffness ratio.
4. For the example chosen, change in the pile-soil stiffness ratio had a large
influence on the displacement of the capped pile group under vertical loading
when this ratio was less than 100. When the pile-soil stiffness ratio is greater
than 100, change in the pile-soil stiffness ratio had only insignificant effect on
the displacement. Pile lengths have a relatively large effect on the deflections of
the capped pile group under vertical loading, but much less effect for hor-
izontal loading.
5. For lateral loading, small pile spacing (i.e. less than 6 times the pile diameter)
will not only result in a large deflection of a capped pile group under applied
load, but it can also cause larger moment in the piles.
6. The method can conveniently solve problems involving capped pile groups
embedded in different soil types. The results of analysis confirm, as expected,
that a Gibson's soil provides the poorest lateral restraint for capped pile
groups subjected to lateral loading.
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