Srs For Text Edtr
Srs For Text Edtr
Srs For Text Edtr
A software has to be developed for automating the window based application. The system should be stand alone in nature. It should be designed to provide functionalitys as explained below:
The user will be provided interface to GUI graphical user interface of text editor.There are many functionalities provided in this swing based application s .The most basic ones are file handling, formatting, editing, help .
File handling:
Regular user can use 3 options with file handling. 1. New file- Open a completely new file for data to be written and edited. 2. Open file Open an already saved file in the directory. 3. Save file Save the data being written and the updations on database.
User can perform various editing operations like cut, copy, paste, finding a word or letter in text written, replacing a word or letter in text written after selecting it.
User can format his text as in basic notepad i.e. changing font color, changing font size, changing font style, changing background color, making text bold and underlined.
User can contact us and make suggestions about the product, he can also take help about authors, and can also read about product itself .
From the problem description, we can see that the system has 2 actors. 1. Regular user 2. Special user To define systems functionalities, we can view the system as a collection of following cases: 1. Formatting
User can format his text as in basic notepad i.e. changing font color, changing font size, changing font style, changing background color, making text bold and underlined.
ACTORS User ,Database admin PRE CONDITION None POST CONDITION The user will be asked to save his file after opening a new file or already saved file and after performing operations of editing and formatting. FLOW OF EVENTS 1.5.1 Basic Flow User will be presented a main screen with a GUI over it accompanied by many icons and components and quit option also.
The user will be provided interface to GUI graphical user interface of text editor. There are many functionalities provided in this swing based application s .The most basic ones are file handling, formatting, editing, help .
INTRODUCTION User can perform many editing operations like cut , copy , paste: 1. Cut - Select the portion or whole of the text you want to cut and then press cut. 2. Copy . Select the portion or whole of the text you want to copy and then press copy 3. Paste Press the paste button at the place you want to paste the copied text .
POST CONDITION All the buffers will be reset after the cut , copy or paste operations on text
FLOW OF EVENTS 2.5.1 Basic Flow User can perform various editing operations like cut, copy, paste, finding a word or letter in text written, replacing a word or letter in text written after selecting it.
INTRODUCTION 3. User can format his text as in basic notepad i.e. changing font color, changing font size, changing font style, changing background color, making text bold and underlined. ACTORS
Regular user and Special user PRE CONDITION Operator must be logged in to the system.
POST CONDITION If use case is successful, the state of the database is updated successfully otherwise the system state is unchanged.
FLOW OF EVENTS 3.5.1 Basic Flow 4. User can format his text as in basic notepad i.e. changing font color, changing font size, changing font style, changing background color, making text bold and underlined. 3.5.2 Alternative Flow Utilities If the user is not interested in very basic functionalities and if he is a special user then he can use special utilities designed and database is updated accordingly. The use case ends here.
This use case documents the procedure for searching information based on the specified criteria, which are: Search by Author Name Search by Title Name
PRE CONDITION Operator user must be logged in to the system. POST CONDITION If use case is successful, the details are displayed.
FLOW OF EVENTS Basic Flow This use case starts when a user wants to search for a particular information. The screen displays the various search criteria to the user. The user selects the search criteria. The result is displayed to the user. The use case ends.
Text editor mainly aims at developing an application that helps us in creating and editing text files. The application is more user-friendly and platform independent. The user can edit and manipulate the typed text to his satisfaction. Following gives a brief description about the features and the use cases developed in the project. This specification describes the project based on functionality and features. Each feature, along with its specification function and working are described in detail.
Create a file: This option allows user to create a new file and perform various functions on that file. When the user clicks on to the editor icon on the screen, the request is sent to the OS and it is processed by opening the editor screen on the desktop which allows the user to type the required text on the newly created file, edit and perform various operations on the same.
Open a file:
This option allows the users to open an already existing file. We should make sure that the file is already available in the harddisk of the system being used. The user inputs the name of the file using the keyboard or by selecting the required file in the dialog box. The filename is sent to the harddisk and if file is found ,the file is displayed on the editor.Now the file is ready for all text manipulations like cut,copy and paste.
Save a file:
This is an usual operation which is performed before closing the file. The contents of the file are saved at any specified location on the disk ,this option is enabled only if there is any file which is already opened.In the similar fashion the newly typed text can also be saved.
Close a file:
This option allows the required file to be closed. The file is saved before closing. This feature is enabled only when the file is opened.The specified file window is closed by using this option.
Another option that can be enabled only when at least one file is opened. This option helps user to edit the text. Here the user has to select the particular text that is to be cut before performing this action. When the cut option is chose the selected text is saved in a separate location, say a clipboard and the text disappears from the place where it was originally found. Another function that compliments this is the paste option which makes use of the text that is saved in the clipboard.
Very similar to the Cut option is the Copy option. Selected part of text is copied into a common location when the text is copied. This can be used only when at least one file is opened. The only difference is that the selected text remains on the screen even after copying the text.
This option is enabled only when a Cut or Copy is already performed. It allows the user to insert text from the common location where the selected text is saved, into the current file. The advanced features that can be added to this project are word wrap, print a file, dictionary, spell check, changing the format , font size ,mail merge etc.