20mhg01 Matrix
20mhg01 Matrix
20mhg01 Matrix
Introduction to Matrices
Matrix : A Mathematical Definition
In linear algebra, a matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols or expressions
that are arranged in rows and columns. A vector is an array of scalars, and a matrix is an
array of vectors.
[ ] ( ) [ ] ( ) [ ] ( )
Square matrix
A matrix , if the number of rows are equal to number of columns, then it is said to be
a square matrix.
[ ] ( ) ( )
Rectangular matrix
A matrix , if the number of rows are not equal to number of columns, then it is said
to be a rectangular matrix.
[ ] ( ) ( )
Diagonal matrix
A square matrix is said to be diagonal, except the principal diagonal all the other
elements are zero.
[ ] ( ) ( ) ( )
[ ] ( ) ( ) ( )
[ ] ( ) ( ) ( )
Symmetric Matrix
A square matrix is said to be a symmetric matrix if it is equal to its transpose. That is
[ ] ( ) [ ] ( )
[ ] ( ) [ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
Row Matrix
A matrix which contains only one row of elements is said to be a row matrix.
[ ] ( ) ( )
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Column Matrix
A matrix which contains only one column of elements is said to be a column matrix.
[ ] ( ) ( )
Transpose of a Matrix
The transpose of matrix is obtained by interchanging its rows into columns is
known as transpose of and is denoted by .
[ ] ( ) [ ] ( )
Singular Matrix
If A is square matrix of order , then A is said to be singular matrix if its determinant
is equal to zero. ( ) .
[ ] ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
[ ] ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
[ ] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
[ ] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Inverse of a Matrix
Let be an matrix and is also and matrix, then the new matrix is
inverse of a matrix iff or and is demoted by .
| |
| |
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SRIT / 20MHG01 / Calculus and Linear Algebra / Matrices
Eigen values and Eigen vectors
Eigenvalues are often introduced in the context of linear algebra or matrix theory.
Historically, however, they arose in the study of quadratic forms and differential equations.
Euler had also studied the rotational motion of a rigid body and discovered the
importance of the principal axes. As Lagrange realized, the principal axes are the
eigenvectors of the inertia matrix. In the early 19th century, Cauchy saw how their work
could be used to classify the quadric surfaces, and generalized it to arbitrary dimensions.
Cauchy also coined the term racine caractéristique (characteristic root) for what is now
called eigenvalue; his term survives in characteristic equation.
Fourier used the work of Laplace and Lagrange to solve the heat equation by
separation of variables in his famous 1822 book Théorie analytique de la chaleur. Sturm
developed Fourier's ideas further and he brought them to the attention of Cauchy, who
combined them with his own ideas and arrived at the fact that symmetric matrices have
real eigenvalues. This was extended by Hermite in 1855 to what are now called Hermitian
matrices. Around the same time, Brioschi proved that the eigenvalues of orthogonal
matrices lie on the unit circle, and Clebsch found the corresponding result for skew-
symmetric matrices. Finally, Weierstrass clarified an important aspect in the stability
theory started by Laplace by realizing that defective matrices can cause instability.
In the meantime, Liouville studied eigenvalue problems similar to those of Sturm; the
discipline that grew out of their work is now called Sturm-Liouville theory. Schwarz studied
the first eigenvalue of Laplace's equation on general domains towards the end of the 19th
century, while Poincaré studied Poisson's equation a few years later.
At the start of the 20th century, Hilbert studied the eigenvalues of integral operators
by viewing the operators as infinite matrices. He was the first to use the German word eigen
to denote eigenvalues and eigenvectors in 1904, though he may have been following a
related usage by Helmholtz. "Eigen" can be translated as "own", "peculiar to",
"characteristic", or "individual" — emphasizing how important eigenvalues are to defining
the unique nature of a specific transformation. For some time, the standard term in English
was "proper value", but the more distinctive term "eigenvalue" is standard today.
A scalar associated with a given linear transformation of a vector space and having
the property that there is some nonzero vector which when multiplied by the scalar is equal
to the vector obtained by letting the transformation operate on the vector; especially : a
root of the characteristic equation of a matrix.
Characteristic Polynomial:
After expanding the determinant | | which gives a polynomial of degree in
terms of and is called characteristic polynomial of matrix .
Characteristic Equation:
The determinant | | which gives an equation in terms of of degree is
known as characteristic polynomial of matrix .
| |
| |
Eigen Vectors:
Corresponding to each characteristic root there corresponds non-zero vector
which satisfies the equation ( ) . The non-zero vectors are called Eigen
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
The Eigen vectors corresponding to the Eigen values and are ( ) and ( ).
Problem: 2
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )( ) ( )
( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
The Eigen vectors corresponding to the Eigen values and are ( ) and ( ).
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
The Eigen vectors corresponding to the Eigen values and are ( ) and ( ).
Problem: 4
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (iii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
The Eigen vectors corresponding to the Eigen values and are ( ), ( ) & ( ).
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( )
Case (iii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
The Eigen vectors corresponding to the Eigen values and are ( ) ( )&( ).
Problem: 6
Given the matrix is upper triangular matrix.
By property if the matrix is either upper triangular or lower triangular, then the Eigen
values are leading diagonal elements.
The Eigen values are and 2.
To find Eigen vectors:
| |
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (iii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
The Eigen vectors corresponding to the Eigen values and are ( ) ( ) & ( ).
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
The Eigen vectors corresponding to the Eigen value is ( )
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
( )
The Eigen vectors corresponding to the Eigen values and are ( ) ( ) and ( ).
Problem: 9
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
( )
The Eigen vectors corr. to the Eigen values and are ( ) ( ) & ( ).
Problem: 10
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( )
6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( )
3. Every square matrix and its transpose have the same Eigen value.
6. The Eigen values of a unit matrix are all equal and unity.
7. The Eigen values of their upper or lower triangular matrix is its leading diagonal
8. If and are non-singular square matrix then and having the same Eigen
Problem: 11
Find the sum and product of the Eigen values of the matrix ( ).
Sum of the Eigen values Sum of the leading diagonal elements
Problem: 12
Find the sum and product of the Eigen values of the matrix ( ).
Sum of the Eigen values Sum of the leading diagonal elements
If 2 and 8 are the Eigen values of ( ) and find the 3rd Eigen value.
Problem: 14
If the sum of the two Eigen values and trace of matrix are equal, find the value of | |.
| |
Problem: 15
Product of the Eigen values | |
( ) ( ) ( )
Problem: 16
Problem: 18
If is one of the Eigen value of ( ), then find the other two Eigen values.
Let us take
Sum of the Eigen values Sum of the leading diagonal elements
( )
Product of the Eigen values | |
| |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Substitute the value
( )
Problem: 20
Sum of the Eigen values
Problem: 21
Given that the matrix is lower triangular.
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SRIT / 20MHG01 / Calculus and Linear Algebra / Matrices
The Eigen values are diagonal elemnets.
Problem: 22
The Eigen values of ( ) are equal and they are double the third. Find
Problem: 23
Form the matrix whose Eigen values are when are the
Eigen values of ( ).
( ) ( ) ( )
Problem: 24
Problem: 25
If and are the Eigen values of the matrix ( ), form the matrix whose Eigen
( )( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
Problem: 26
Given that the matrix is upper triangular.
The Eigen values are diagonal elements.
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
Problem: 27
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
[ ]
(( ) ( ))
( )
To find :
Multiplying both sides of ( ) by , we get
[ ]
( ) ( )
( )
Problem: 29
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )
Problem: 30
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Problem: 31
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
To find :
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Problem: 32
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( )( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
, if the matrix ( ).
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
[ ]
[ ] [ ( )]
[ ]
[ ] [ ( )]
( )( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Problem: 34
Express as a quadratic
polynomial in Find
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
To find :
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
To find :
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
To find :
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Practice Problems
Verify the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for the following matrices and hence find .
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( )
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
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Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
Since the given matrix is symmetric.
√ √ √ √
(√ √ ) (√ √ )
√ √ ( ) √ √
(√ √ ) (√ √ )
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( )
Problem: 36
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i): ( )
| |
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SRIT / 20MHG01 / Calculus and Linear Algebra / Matrices
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii): ( )
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
( )( )
( )
( )( )
( )
Solving Equations ( ) and ( ), we get
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
√ √ √ √ √
( )
√ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
( )
Problem: 37
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (iii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
√ √ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
√ √ √ √ √ √
( )
√ √ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
( )
Practice Problems
Diagonalize the real symmetric matrix
1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
Since the given matrix is not symmetric.
( ) ( )
( )( )( )
( )
Problem: 39
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( )
Since the given matrix is not symmetric.
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SRIT / 20MHG01 / Calculus and Linear Algebra / Matrices
( ) ( )
( )( )( )
( )
Problem: 40
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (iii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )( )( )
( )
Problem: 41
Since the given matrix is a lower triangular matrix.
Therefore the Eigen values are the leading diagonal elements.
The Eigen values are and .
To find Eigen vectors:
| |
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (iii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )( )( )
( )
Practice Problems
Diagonalize the following matrices
1. ( )
2. ( )
3. ( )
( )
| |
| |
| |
The nature of quadratic form is said to be
I. Positive definite
if all .
II. Positive – Semi definite
if all . and at least one .
III. Negative definite
if all .
IV. Negative– Semi definite
if all . and at least one .
V. In definite
It is indefinite for all other cases.
Congruent Transformation
Congruent transformation consists of a pair of elementary transformation, one row
and one similar column such that pre- and post-matrices are transpose of each other.
If is a quadratic form then there exists a nonsingular transformation
(where is an orthogonal matrix) which transforms the given quadratic form
to a sum of square terms
Problem: 42
Reduce the quadratic form into
canonical form through an orthogonal transformation. Also find rank, index, signature and
nature of the quadratic form.
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SRIT / 20MHG01 / Calculus and Linear Algebra / Matrices
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (iii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )( )( )
All the Eigen values are positive and one Eigen value is zero.
∴ The nature is positive-semi definite.
Rank [ No. of non-zero Eigen values ]
Index [ No. of positive Eigen values ]
Signature [ No. of positive Eigen values No. of negative Eigen values ]
Problem: 43
Reduce the quadratic form 3 to canonical form
through an orthogonal transformation. Also find rank, index, signature and nature of the
quadratic form.
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (iii):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
√ √ √ √ √
( )
√ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
( )
( )( )( )
Problem: 44
Reduce the quadratic form to canonical form through an
orthogonal transformation. Also find rank, index, signature and nature of the quadratic
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ( )
Case (i):
| |
( )( ) ( ) [ ( )]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Case (ii):
| |
( )( ) ( )
( )
( )( )
( )
( )( )
( )
Solving Equations ( ) and ( ), we get
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
√ √ √ √ √
( )
√ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
( )
( )( )( )
Problem: 45
Reduce the quadratic form to canonical form
through an orthogonal transformation. Also find rank, index, signature and nature of the
quadratic form.
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) ()
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
( )
( )( )
( )
( )( )
( )
Solving Equations ( ) and ( ), we get
( )( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
√ √ √ √ √
√ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
√ √ √ √ √
( )
√ √ √ √ √
(√ √ √ ) (√ √ √ )
( )
( )( )( )
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
Question: 2
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
Question: 3
The characteristic equation of 2 matrix is given by
( )
( ) ( )
Question: 4
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
Question: 5
The characteristic equation of matrix is given by
( )
| | | | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
or | |
( ) ( ) ( )
Question: 6
Find the sum and product of the Eigen values of the matrix ( ).
Sum of the Eigen values Sum of the leading diagonal elements
Question: 7
Find the sum and product of the Eigen values of the matrix ( ).
Sum of the Eigen values Sum of the leading diagonal elements
Question: 8
If 2 and 8 are the Eigen values of ( ) and find the 3rd Eigen value.
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Question: 9
If the sum of the two Eigen values and trace of matrix are equal, find the value of
| |.
| |
Question: 10
Product of the Eigen values | |
( ) ( ) ( )
Question: 11
The product of the two Eigen values of the matrix ( ) is . Find the
Question: 12
Two of the Eigen values of a matrix are and also whose determinant equals
to . Find the 3rd Eigen value.
Product of the Eigen values | |
( )( )
Question: 13
If is one of the Eigen value of ( ), then find the other two Eigen values.
Let us take
Sum of the Eigen values Sum of the leading diagonal elements
( )
Product of the Eigen values | |
| |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Substitute the value
( )
Question: 14
Question: 15
Sum of the Eigen values
Question: 16
Given that the matrix is lower triangular.
The Eigen values are diagonal elements.
The Eigen values of ( ) are equal and they are double the third. Find
Question: 18
Form the matrix whose Eigen values are when are the
Eigen values of ( ).
( ) ( )
( )
Question: 19
Question: 20
If and are the Eigen values of the matrix ( ), form the matrix whose Eigen
( )( ) ( )
( )( ) ( )
Question: 21
State Cayley Hamilton theorem
Every square matrix satisfies its own characteristic equation.
Question: 23
We know that if is orthogonal, iff .
[ ][ ]
We know that if is orthogonal, iff .
* +* +
Question: 25
Form the matrix corresponding the quadratic form .
The matrix corresponding the quadratic form is
( )
( )
Question: 26
Form the matrix corresponding the quadratic form .
The matrix corresponding the quadratic form is
( )
Question: 27
Form the matrix corresponding the quadratic form
The matrix corresponding the quadratic form is
( )
Question: 28
Form the matrix corresponding the quadratic form
The matrix corresponding the quadratic form is
( )
Question: 29
The eigenvalues of an orthogonal matrix are positive. What is the value of | |?
For an orthogonal matrix | | .
Also | | product of Eigen values positive in this problem.
| |
Question: 30
We know that, If non-symmetric matrix A has no repeated eigenvalues, then it can be
Characteristic equation is
( )
Question: 31
What is the nature of the quadratic form in four variables?
The Eigenvalues are
Question: 32
In diagonal matrix, the Eigen values are leading diagonal elements
The Eigen values are and .
Since all the Eigen values are negative, the nature of a quadratic form is negative
Question: 33
Discuss the nature of the quadratic form .
| | | | ( )
| | | | ( )
| | | |
( ) ( )
( )
Since and contains both positive and negative values.
The nature is indefinite.
Question: 34
Discuss the nature of the quadratic form .
| | | | ( )
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| | | | ( )
| | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Since and contains both positive and negative values.
The nature is indefinite.
Question: 35
Discuss the nature of the quadratic form .
| | | | ( )
| | | | ( )
| | | |
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
Since are positive and is zero.
The nature is positive semi definite.
Similar to this concept, Eigen voices concept is also developed which represents the
general direction of variability in human pronunciations of a particular utterance, such as
a word in a language. Based on a linear combination of such Eigen voices, a new voice
pronunciation of the word can be constructed. These concepts have been found useful in
automatic speech recognition systems, for speaker adaptation.
Communication systems
The Eigenvalues were used by Claude Shannon to determine the theoretical limit to how
much information can be transmitted through a communication medium like your
telephone line or through the air. This is done by calculating the eigenvectors and
eigenvalues of the communication channel (expressed a matrix), and then water filling on
the eigenvalues. The eigenvalues are then, in essence, the gains of the fundamental modes
of the channel, which themselves are captured by the eigenvectors.
Designing bridges
While Designing bridges the natural frequency of the bridge is the eigenvalue of
smallest magnitude of a system that models the bridge. The engineers exploit this
knowledge to ensure the stability of their constructions.
[Watch the video on the collapse of the Tacoma Narrow Bridge which was built in 1940]
Designing car stereo system
While Designing car stereo system the Eigenvalue analysis is also used in the design of
the car stereo systems, where it helps to reproduce the vibration of the car due to the music.
Electrical Engineering
In Electrical Engineering it is useful for decoupling three-phase systems through
symmetrical component transformation. It may be used to determine the frequency
response of an amplifier or the reliability of a national power system.
Aeronautical engineering
In Aeronautical engineering the Eigenvalues may determine whether the flow over a wing
is laminar or turbulent.
Mechanical Engineering
In Mechanical Engineering the Eigenvalues and eigenvectors allow us to "reduce" a linear
operation to separate, simpler, problems. For example, if a stress is applied to a "plastic"
k k
m1 m2
x1 x2
Assume each of the two mass-displacements to be denoted by and , and let us assume
each spring has the same spring constant . Then by applying Newton’s 2nd and 3rd law of
motion to develop a force-balance for each mass we have
d 2 x1
m1 kx1 k ( x2 x1 )
dt 2
d 2 x2
m2 k ( x2 x1 )
dt 2
Rewriting the equations, we have
d 2 x1
m1 k ( 2 x1 x2 ) 0
dt 2
d 2 x2
m2 k ( x1 x2 ) 0
dt 2
Let m1 10, m2 20, k 15
d 2 x1
10 15(2 x1 x2 ) 0
dt 2
d 2x
20 22 15( x1 x2 ) 0
From vibration theory, the solutions can be of the form
xi Ai sin t 0
Ai = amplitude of the vibration of mass i ,
= frequency of vibration,
0 = phase shift.
SRIT / M & H / M. Vijaya Kumar 84
SRIT / 20MHG01 / Calculus and Linear Algebra / Matrices
d xi
Ai w 2 Sin(t 0 )
d 2 xi
Substituting xi and in equations,
dt 2
10 A1 2 15(2 A1 A2 ) 0
20 A2 2 15( A1 A2 ) 0
(10 2 30) A1 15 A2 0
15 A1 (20 2 15) A2 0
( 2 3) A1 1.5 A2 0
3 1.5 A1 2 1
A 0
0.75 0.75 A A 0
2 2
Let 2
3 1.5
[ A]
0.75 0.75
[X ] 1
[ A][ X ] [ X ] 0
[ A][ X ] [ X ]
Why are the natural frequencies of vibration important? Because you do not want to have a
forcing force on the spring-mass system close to this frequency as it would make the
amplitude Ai very large and make the system unstable.
Further Updates
Visit: https://vijayakumar269.weebly.com/
M. Vijaya Kumar,
Assistant Professor,
Department of Science and Humanities,
Sri Ramakrishna Institute of Technology,
Coimbatore - 641010.
viji778@gmail.com; 9578464778