MGT 3 - BAC 105 - Module I PDF
MGT 3 - BAC 105 - Module I PDF
MGT 3 - BAC 105 - Module I PDF
Lesson Objectives:
After studying this lesson on the views, concepts and development of human
resource management, you shall be able to:
1. recognize the value of human resources in the organization;
2. define human resources and human resource management; and
3. identify the development of human resource management.
This whole course is about the people who work in an organization and their
relationship with that organization. Different terms are used in describing these people:
employees, associates, personnel, workers, human resources. Often they are used
In this course, we take the expanded idea of personnel which is human resources.
The use of human resources as a term in lieu of personnel has gained widespread
acceptance over the last decade because it expresses the belief that workers are a
valuable and sometimes irreplaceable resource. Moreover, on the part of the company,
there is a deliberate use of human resources to help gain or maintain an edge against
its competitors in the marketplace.
Human resource practices contribute to the competitiveness of companies in many
ways. For example, they contribute to the delivery of the organization’s products and
services through (1) selecting employees who will be innovative, creative, and
successful in performing their jobs, (2) preparing employees to work with new
manufacturing and service technologies, and (3) rewarding good performance. Effective
Human Resource Management practices also contribute to both customer and
employee satisfaction and retention and the development of a favorable reputation in
the community in which the firm is located.
Figure 1.1
Management, Human Resource Management and Other Resources:
A Distinct Relationship
Guild System
The guild system was a practice during the medieval time in Europe. Guilds were
established in order to guarantee the members’ exclusive participation in business
activities that they applied for to engage in – whether for manufacturing, selling or
providing service. For one to become a member of the guild, he should undergo
apprenticeship in any field of his interest. For example, in shoemaking, one might spend
ten years of training in the craft before he can graduate in his apprenticeship.
An apprentice is a young person entrusted by his parents to a master craftsman,
who is the owner of a shop and is supposed to be skilled and expert on the trade he is
Management 3 / BAC 105 – Human Resource Management
venturing in. The master craftsman gives to the apprentice free board and lodging so
that he can concentrate full time in the training sessions. If an apprentice is receptive
enough, and the master craftsman is satisfied with him, he may be able to finish his
apprenticeship in a minimum of four years. After finishing his training, he might put up
his own shop to be another master craftsman, if he has the necessary capital. If he is
not ready to do so, he might stay with his master craftsman for a few more years as an
artisan, where he will be given a fixed salary.
The employer-employee relationship existing in the shop system was very close and
cordial. Since there were only few people to supervise, the owner acted like a father or
a big brother to the artisan and apprentice under him.
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution brought significant changes to the degree of production
and state of human relations within organizations. With the introduction of machines and
equipment to make work easier came different machines and tools for factories and
offices. The factory system became popular. Employment in the cities attracted the
laborers in the field and farms, and mass production began. Under this set up where
hundreds or even thousands of workers were employed in one factory, labor disputes
arose. Considering that owners and managers of these factories were not yet familiar
with systems and principles, and considering that their primary interest was return on
investment, it was not surprising at all that employees felt discontented on how they
were being treated.
During this period, workers were treated like cogs in machines. They were told what
to do and if their performance was unsatisfactory, they could easily be replaced. They
worked sixteen hours per day without any substantial rest periods, and salaries were
barely enough for subsistence. On top of these, the workers were not treated like
human beings. There were no laws to safeguard the welfare of the working class.
Scientific Management
During this period, management, scientists and scholars like Frederick Taylor,
known as the “Father of Scientific Management”, introduced concepts and principles of
management. His book Shop Management opened the eyes of many managers on
applying cost analysis of jobs through time and motion studies. He initiated the bonus
and piece rate system of paying workers, the rest periods, what is considered at that
time as adequate compensation, and the equitable division of work between
management and workers. Above all, he emphasized the use of machines, tools,
equipment and methods to make work easier with the least effort exerted and time
spent. These are characteristics of scientific management.
There are many followers of Taylor like Henry Gantt, Frank and Lilian Gilbreth. One
notable contemporary of Taylor was Henri Fayol, who is known as the “Father of the
Management 3 / BAC 105 – Human Resource Management
Modern Classical Management Theory.”
With the introduction of these principles of management, the workers were relieved
of some difficulties of manual labor. But the inhuman treatment of managers was still
practiced and it affected the workers’ morale.
I. Multiple Choice.
_____ 1. Personnel/Human resource management began at the start of the
a. industrial revolution
b. creation of personnel department
c. medieval guilds
_____ 2. The process of achieving organizational objectives through efficient and
effective utilization of resources is
a. personnel management
b. human resource management
c. management
_____ 3. Human resource management aims to bring out the best people in order
to achieve
a. corporate goals
b. personal & corporate goals
c. personal goals
_____ 4. Human resource includes
a. informational resource
b. financial resource
c. knowledge, skills and abilities
_____ 5. The application of the behavioral sciences to solve management problems
was developed during the
a. human relations movement
b. Industrial revolution
c. Scientific management period
Lesson Objectives:
After studying this lesson on the functions and organization of the human resource
management, you shall be able to:
1. identify the cause and effect relationship between human resource utilization
and company productivity;
2. distinguish line authority, staff authority and functional authority;
3. determine the factors that influence the scope and application of human
resource management functions; and
4. enumerate the steps in organizing a human resource management
Figure 2.
Human Resource Management and the Corporate Organization
Matching Type.
Lesson Objectives:
After studying this lesson on the human resource management program, policies
and procedures, you shall be able to:
1. identify the coverage of a Human Resource Management Program;
2. determine the organization’s Human Resource objectives;
3. explain the important guides for creating effective policies; and
4. recognize the success of a Human Resource Management Program.
A procedure is a fixed, step-by-step sequence of activities or course of action with definite
start and end. (2014)
A procedure is a series of actions that are done in certain way or order: an established or
accepted way of doing something. (2014)
Workable procedures must be established by the human resources manager in
order to ensure consistency. Each manager in the organization must learn all the
human resource procedures such as those regarding grievances, promotions, transfer,
or wage adjustments, in order to prevent oversights that might be detrimental to the best
interests of either the employee or the organization. However, procedures must not be
viewed as ends in themselves nor as excuses for failure to take leaded action. They
must be treated as means to an end.
I. Multiple Choice.
_____ 1. It is a principle or protocol to guide decisions and achieve rational
outcomes. It is a statement or intent, and is implemented as a procedure.
a. Policy
b. Procedure
c. Program
_____ 2. It is a fixed, step-by-step sequence of activities or course of action with
definite start and end.
a. Policy
b. Procedure
c. Program
_____ 3. A policy must conform to ethical behavior which prevails in society.
a. Clarity
b. Coordinative
c. Ethical
_____ 4. A policy must provide for coordination of the various sub-unit whose
actions may not be interrelated without exact coordinative direction being
a. Clarity
b. Coordinative
c. Ethical
_____ 5. A policy must be written clearly and also logically. It must specify the
intended aim, define appropriate methods and delineate the limits of
freedom of action permitted to those who are to be guided by it.
a. Clarity
b. Coordinative
c. Ethical
1. c 2. c 3. b 4. c 5. a
1. True
2. True
3. False-Frederick Taylor
4. True
5. False- resource centered
1. F 2. I 3. L 4. D 5. J 6. K 7. A 8. B 9. M 10. E
1. a 2. b 3. c 4b 5. a
1. True
2. True
3. False-flexibility
4. False-degree of comprehensiveness
5. True