TTL 1 - Modules
TTL 1 - Modules
TTL 1 - Modules
The SAMR Model is a framework created by Dr.
Ruben Puentedura that categorizes four different
degrees of classroom technology integration. The
letters “SAMR” stand for Substitution,
Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition.
The SAMR model was created to share a
common language across disciplines as teachers
strive to help students visualize complex
Each 21st Century skill is broken into one of three What’s the Demand for 21st Century Skills?
1. Learning skills While 21st Century skills have always been
2. Literacy skills important, they’ve become essential in a
3. Life skills worldwide market that moves faster by the day.
These skills all double back to one key focus.
Learning skills (the four C’s) teaches students
Someone’s ability to enact and / or adapt to
about the mental processes required to adapt and
improve upon a modern work environment.
● Critical thinking: Finding solutions to This is because any industry is capable of
problems changing at a moment’s notice. Industries are
● Creativity: Thinking outside the box now regularly disrupted with new ideas and
● Collaboration: Working with others methodologies.
● Communication: Talking to others
Those industries that haven’t been disrupted
Literacy skills (IMT) focuses on how students aren’t immune though. They just haven’t been
can discern facts, publishing outlets, and the disrupted yet. With that in mind, the world has
technology behind them. There’s a strong focus entered an era where nothing is guaranteed. As a
on determining trustworthy sources and factual result, students need to learn to guide the change
information to separate it from the misinformation that’ll inundate their lives. At the very least, they
that floods the Internet. need to learn how to react to it. Otherwise, they’ll
● Information literacy: Understanding be left behind.
facts, figures, statistics, and data This is especially true as customer demand
● Media literacy: Understanding the accelerates in all industries along with
methods and outlets in which information expectations for newer features, higher-level
is published capabilities, and lower prices.
In today’s marketplace, falling behind means INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS
becoming obsolete. That’s a familiar concept to
● defined as print and non-print items that
all of today’s students as tomorrow’s
are rested to impact information to
advancements make today’s miracles quaint or
students into the educational process
(Effiong and Igiri, 2015).
Today, the only consistency from year to year is ● Examples of instructional materials are
change. drawings, kits, textbooks, posters,
magazines, flipchart, newspapers,
With 21st Century skills, your students will have
diorama, pictures, recording videos and
the adaptive qualities they need to keep up with a
the like.
business environment that’s constantly evolving.
● Instructional materials have several roles
How Do You Teach 21st Century Skills? in teaching and learning which include the
Now you know what 21st Century skills are and
why employers want new hires to have them. (1) they promote meaningful
communication and effective learning;
So how do you teach them in your daily classes?
(2) they ensure better retention, thus
Before getting into the details, it’s important to making learning more permanent;
identify who should teach 21st Century skills.
(3) they help to overcome the limited
While these skills can be taught at any grade classroom by making the inaccessible
level, we find it’s most important to teach 21st accessible;
Century skills in middle or early high school.
(4) they provide a common experience
This is the time when your students need to hone upon which late learning can be
their career readiness skills before they enter the developed; and
(5) they encourage participation especially
So how can middle and high school teachers if students are allowed to manipulate
teach 21st Century skills effectively? materials used (Brown et al.,2005; Effiong
MODULE 4: LESSON 2: Non-Digital and Digital and Igiri, 2015).
Skills and Tools in Delivering Technology- ● Instructional materials are the
Enhanced Lessons supplementary materials, which help the
● Teaching becomes rewarding when teacher to make his/her presentation
learners get the most from instructions as concrete, effective, interesting, meaningful
manifested in their performance. and aspiring.
● An important element in engaging learners ● Instructional materials are a great help in
is when the strategy used in delivering the stimulating and facilitating the learning
lessons uses instructional material. of the learners.
● When properly and appropriately used, it ● According to Wright (1976:1) as cited in
can spice up a classroom activity. Cakir (2006) many media and many styles
● These instructional materials may come in of visual presentation are useful to the
varied forms. One group refers to the language learner. All audio-visual
conventional and non-digital tools. materials have positive contributions to
● A classroom will always need a language learning as long as they are
chalkboard or a writing board that may used at the right time, in the right place. In
come in varied forms and shapes. Bulletin the teaching and learning process,
boards, flip charts, dioramas, puppets, learners use their eyes as well as their
terrarium, and the like, will always find ears; but their eyes are basic in learning.
their significance in any classrooms. 1. DIORAMA
● However, nowadays, lessons can be
made more relevant and engaging for - It will make the classroom to be creative
learners as digital tools are integrated. and innovative.
● The teachers need instructional materials - It is a fun way to build an exciting
to enhance teaching and learning. scene in a small space.
- Dioramas are small scenes created of - This board consists of two parallel,
layers of materials, all depicting a similar horizontal poles tied loosely together with
concept or theme. rope.
- They usually display a historical time - Visual aids such as posters can be pinned
period, a nature scene, or a fictional to the rope.
situation. - This kind of display board is invaluable
where there are few solid walls for
displaying information.
- This is a table that contains objects - It has no solid backing and can be made
and/or scenes related to the current quickly for teaching, training and when
season, or upcoming festival or a symbol working with the community.
of an ecosystem.
GUIDELINES when designing conventional
- Children love to follow the natural changes
instructional materials;
that the world offers each month and
classroom decorations reflect these. 1. Unity - Use only one idea for each visual aid
including a headline.
2. Simplicity - Make ideas and relationships
- A writing board can display information
simply and easy to recall.
written with chalk (chalkboard or
blackboard) or special pens (whiteboard). 3. Legibility - Make letters big and readable for
- Although there are usually more effective all in the audience.
methods of transmitting information, the
4. Consistency - Use the same type style and art
writing board is still the most commonly
used visual aid.
5. Clarity - Avoid types that are too small to read;
avoid all caps.
- large tablet or pad of paper, usually on a
tripod or a stand
- Non-Digital and Digital Skills and Tools in
- multiboard series of three or four
Delivering Technology-Enhanced Lessons
rectangular boards
serve as a guide for every teacher on
- They are joined together along the sides
what to teach and how to teach.
by hinges so that they can be easily folded
- What to teach in the manner of what non-
up and carried.
digital or digital tools you are going to use
- Each board can be of a different type, for
in an appropriate learning or topic.
example, a whiteboard, a chalkboard, a
- How to teach where we can integrate the
flannel board and so on.
following digital and non-digital tools to
- The size of the boards for the zigzag
facilitate and enhance learning.
multi-board depends on what you want to
- It also gives us a strategy on how we can
use them for.
teach better in facing the new generation
6. WALL DISPLAY in where advanced technology is
commonly used.
- Displaying items on a classroom wall is a
well-known, tried and tested educational Application:
- Well it is our obligation to teach students
- A wall display is a collection of many
and transform them with their true
different types of items and materials put
potentials, all we have to do in
up on a wall to make an interesting and
implementing the use of these tools is to
informative display.
facilitate if it is really helpful or appropriate
- In a classroom, the display can consist of
to use in a certain topic.
the students’ own work. In development
- We must become digital literate teachers
work it can be used to convey information
for us to be connected with our own
to the community.
7. ROPE and POLE display board
- We must be on trend, not only to be part to help them improve their own instruction and
of the group but at the same time to personalize learning.
assure that we can impart knowledge to
Information Communication Technology (ICT)
the students in a meaningful way.
- broader term for Information Technology (IT).
- deals with the use of different communication
technologies such as mobile phones, internet to
locate, save, sends, and edit information
- study of computers as data processing tools
- introduces students to the fundamentals of using
computer systems in an internet environment
- It could be said that ICT has been originated by
the emergence of very early tools, e.g.
paintings on cave walls but usually, the
development of ICT starts with the introduction
of educational films.
- The phrase ICT has been used by academic
researchers since the 1980’s but it came popular
after it was used in a report in the United
Kingdom by Dennis Stevenson in 1997 and in
the National Curriculum for England, Wales and
in the Northern Island in 2000.
● Information - knowledge obtain from
reading, investigation, study or research;
knowledge that helps us fulfill our daily
COMPUTER ● Communication - act of transmitting
- Technology is inevitable in our everyday lives. messages; process whereby information
This is because life without technology is is exchanged between individuals using
pointless in today's dynamic world. symbols, signs, or verbal interaction
● Technology - the use of scientific
- Technology, which brings together tools to knowledge, experience and resources to
promote development, use and information create processes products that fulfill
exchange, has as its main objective of making human needs; vital in communication
tasks easier and the solving of many problems of ● Computer - electronic device for storing
mankind. and processing data, typically in binary
- Technology infuses classrooms with digital
● Internet - global system of interconnected
learning tools, such as computers and handheld
computer networks that use the internet
devices; expands course offerings, experiences,
protocol suite (TCIP/IP) to link billions of
and learning materials; supports learning 24
devices worldwide
hours a day, 7 days a week; builds 21st century
● World Wide Web - information system
skills; increases student engagement and
that allows documents to be connected to
motivation; and accelerates learning.
other documents by hypertext links,
- Technology also has the power to transform enable user to search for information by
teaching by ushering in a new model of moving from one document to another
connected teaching.
- This model links teachers to their students and
❖ Convergence - the synergy of
to professional content, resources, and systems
technological advancements to work on a
similar goal or task
Ex: besides using your personal computer ● Computer System - collection of entities
to create word documents, you can now (hardware, software, and people ware)
use your smart phones that are designed to receive, process, and
manage and present information in a
❖ Mobile Technologies - popularity of
meaningful formatt.
smartphones and tablets has taken a
major rise over the years. This is largely How does a Computer System work?
because of the devices ability to do tasks
- A computer is a machine composed of hardware
that were originally found in PCs; several
and software components.
of these devices are capable of using a
high-speed internet. Today, the latest - A computer receives data through an input unit
model of devices use 4G (LTE) which is based on the instructions it is given and after it
currently the fastest. processes the data, it sends it back through an
❖ Social Media - a website, application, or output device.
online channel that enables web users to
create, co-create, discuss, modify, and Components of a Computer System
exchange user generated content 1. Input unit
Six Types of Social Media 2. Central Processing Unit
3. Output unit
1. Social Networks - sites that allow you to
connect with other people with the same INPUT UNIT
interests or background; [ex. Facebook - These components help users enter data and
and Google] commands into a computer system.
2. Bookmarking Sites - sites that allow you
to manage links to various websites and - Data can be in the form of numbers, words,
resources; create a tag to others, [ex. actions, commands, etc.
Stumble upon, Pinterest]
- The main function of input devices is to direct
3. Social News - sites that allow users to
commands and data into computers.
post their own news, items, or links to
Computers then use their CPU to process this
other news sources; the user can also
data and produce output.
comment on the post and comments may
also be ranked, [ex. Reddit and Dig] For example: The Laptop's keyboard is an input
4. Media Networking - sites that allow you unit that enters numbers and characters. Similarly
upload and share media content like even a mouse can be an input unit for entering
images, music, and video; [ex. Flickr, directions and commands.
Youtube, and Instagram]
5. Microblogging - focus on short updates Other examples: Barcode readers, Magnetic Ink
from users; those that subscribed to that Character Readers, Optical Character Reader,
user will be able to receive these updates, etc.
[ex. Twitter and Plurk] CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT
6. Blogs and Forum - allow users to post
their content; other users are able to - After receiving data and commands from users,
comment on the said topic, [ex. Blogger, a computer system now has to process it
WordPress, and Tumblr] according to instructions provided.
The CPU further uses these three elements:
- In a vivid demonstration of the power of
his invention, Joseph-Marie Jacquard,
using 10,000 punch cards, programmed a