- Substance which when introduced parenterally into the
body stimulates the production of an antibody which
reacts specifically and in an observable manner. Types
of Antigens
1. Autoantigens - Usually, a normal protein or complex
protein - Ex: are a person own self antigen
2. Alloantigen’s - Are antigen found in different
members of the same species (the red blood cell antigen
A and B are examples)
3. Heterophile antigen - identical antigens found in the
cells of different species
- also referred to as antibodies or Ig; Y shaped molecules
that connect on one end to invading microbes (antigens)
Vaccine - An immunobiological substance designed to a) Diplobacilli
produce specific protection against a given disease b) Streptobacilli
Vaccination – administration of antigenic material to c) Palisades
stimulate an individual immune system to develop d) Coccobacillus
adaptive immunity to a pathogen 3. Spirillum (plural: Spirilla) - Spiral shape and curved
Types of Vaccine bacteria - Can be gently curved shape to a corkscrew like
1. Live attenuated vaccines - Prepared from live
generally attenuated organisms Glycocalyx
2. Inactivated or killed vaccines - Organisms killed by - Thick layer of material located outside cell wall
heat or chemicals - Safe but generally less efficacious - Produced by cell membrane and secreted outside cell
than live wall
3. Toxoids - Certain organisms produce exotoxins, these - Made of polysaccharide or polypeptide
toxins are detoxicated and used in the preparation of - Outermost covering of some bacteria - Slimy,
vaccines gelatinous material
4. Cellular fractions - Vaccines that are prepared from Types of Glycocalyx
extracted cellular. a) Capsule – strong attached
5. Combinations - If more than one kind of immunizing - contains polysaccharides
agent is included in the vaccine it is called a mixed or b) Slime layer – loosely attached
combined vaccine. - Not highly organized, not firmly attached to the
6. Polysaccharide Vaccines - A unique type of cell wall
inactivated subunit vaccine composed of long chains of Biofilm
sugar molecules that make up the surface capsule of - Aggregate of bacteria held together by a mucus like
certain bacteria matrix of carbohydrate that adheres to a surface.
7. Recombinant Vaccines - Vaccine antigens may also
be produced by genetic engineering Flagella (singular: flagellum)
BACTERIA MORPHOLOGY - Whip-like structures
3 basic shapes of bacteria - Thread like structures
1. Coccus (plural: cocci) - Made of protein sub unit flagellin
- Shapes: Oval, Round and Spherical - Project from the capsule
- Ex: staphylococcus and streptococcus Types of flagella:
Arrangement of Bacterial Cocci: Monotrichus – single polar (Vibrio cholerae)
a) Diplococci Lophotrichous– tuft at one end (Bartonella
- In pairs bacilliforms)
- Ex: Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea) and Amphitrichous – at both ends of the bacteria
Neisseria meningitides (meningococcal) (Spirillum serpens)
b) Streptococci Peritrichous – all around the bacillus (Escherichia
- In chains coli) Atrichous – without flagellum
- Ex: streptococci pyogenes (strep throat) and Ribosomes
Streptococci mutans (tooth decay) - site of protein synthesis - target site of some antibiotic
c) Staphylococcus Nucleoid
- Irregular, grape-like cluster - no true nucleus - does not contain nuclear membrane
- Ex: staphylococcus aureus (skin infection, food Mesosome
poisoning) - for secretion of substance (chromosomes) by bacteriu
d) Sarcina/ Octad
- Cube-like packet of 8 cocci Granules or Inclusion bodies
- Ex: Sarcina aurantiaca (normal flora of skin/ GIT – - found in certain bacteria
body odor) Endospores/ Spores - Composed of dipicolinic acid -
e) Tetrad Resistant to cold, heat, drying, chemical and radiation
- Cubelike packet of 4 cocci Cytoplasm
- Ex: Aerococcus (found in urine – cause UTI, - semifluid gelatinous nutrient matrix
septicemia bacteremia, endocarditis) - insoluble H2O
Bacterial Reproduction
- Bacteria are prokaryotic cells…
Binary Fission - The division of one cell into two cells,
after DNA replication & the formation of a separating
membrane & cell wall DNA
Replication - before it divides in half, its chromosome
must be duplicated first.
Binary Fission - parent cell splits in half to become 2
daughter cells.