We Get Fooled Because We Think That Clean Water Is Limitless
We Get Fooled Because We Think That Clean Water Is Limitless
We Get Fooled Because We Think That Clean Water Is Limitless
Introduction: Water seems to be abundant on our blue planet. However, just 2.5% of the
water on the Earth’s surface is fresh water.
Thesis Statement: . Extensive agriculture and high consumption are the real factors causing
regional scarcity, which need more than just a realization.
Body Paragraphs:
1. Paragraph 1: Cause and effect
Topic Sentence: Global supply and demand for freshwater are one of the causes leading to
running out of freshwater.
1% of the world’s freshwater is easily accessible for human use
70% of the world’s freshwater is in ice form or snow cover on mountains
In just 40 years, the world’s population has doubled while our use of freshwater has
according to Oecd.org, almost 1.4 billion people will lack sanitation if demand
continues to rise by 2050.
2. Paragraph 1: Cause and effect
Topic Sentence: Along with the development of industrialization, the requirement for water
usage in many different spheres is substantially rising.
For instance, the energy industry takes 20-60 gallons of water to power a single one
hundred-watt light bulb for 10 hours
the manufacturing takes 39,090 gallons of water to build a new car
the freshwater used for agriculture and irrigation is around 70 percent of all fresh
water on the planet.
as farming gets more and more contaminated by toxic waste while freshwater is in red
the food supply will be heavily affected, followed by political unrest and crime due to
the decline of life’s quality and unstable economies.
3. Paragraph 3: Solutions
Topic Sentence With the above negative effects, urgent solutions need to be proposed to
protect this clean water sources.
human can recycle wastewater and harvest rainwater.
Improving irrigation and agricultural practices is also an efficient way for water
Another resolution is that we should be educated and awareness-raise to change fresh
consumption and lifestyles
Conclusion: In conclusion, clean water is an indispensable part of human life and they are not
Language skill 2
We get fooled because we think that clean water is limitless, but it's not. Just only 2.5% of the
water on the Earth’s surface is freshwater. Extensive agriculture and high consumption are
the real factors causing regional
scarcity, which need more than
just a realization.
Global supply and demand for
freshwater are one of the causes
leading to running out of
freshwater. People often think
that clean water on this earth is
limitless, but in fact, clean
water is limited .Of 100% of the
clean water available globally,
there is just only 1% of the
world’s freshwater is easily
accessible for human use. But
along with that meager supply, people’s demand for fresh
water is significantly increasing. In just 40 years, the
world’s population has doubled which has led to water
consumption quadrupled, especially in industrialized
countries. This problem also brings some threats to
humanity. The lack of water can make an effect on the
shortage of domestic freshwater use for people. For instance,
according to Oecd.org, almost 1.4 billion people will lack
sanitation if demand continues to rise by 2050.
freshwater in control and preparing for solutions are the only ways to get clear of these
foreseeable threats.
With the above negative effects, urgent solutions need to be proposed to protect this
clean water sources. First, human can recycle wastewater and harvest rainwater. This is such
an effective solution for areas with no other reliable water sources mainly because not only
do they help to prevent scarcity, but also save us money as well. Improving irrigation and
agricultural practices is also an efficient way for water management. Farming and irrigation
are often huge culprits when it comes to water scarcity. Because of that, improving practices
helps the usage of water even more efficiently and reaches to its fullest potential. Another
resolution is that we should be educated and awareness-raise to change fresh consumption
and lifestyles. They have to understand how important and importunate the problem of
freshwater crisis is and will impact to our lives. For instance, the state can run propaganda
campaigns for people about saving local water resource. If so, the fear of shortage of clean
water will be greatly reduced.
In conclusion, clean water is an indispensable part of human life and they are not
limitless. Therefore, we need to have a proper awareness of the importance of clean water,
and at the same time, protect and use water in a smart, efficient way, avoiding waste.