Week 5
Week 5
Week 5
to 12
Teacher MARLON CARLO T. LLAMERA Learning Area Statistics and Probability
LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and Week 5 Quarter 3rd
Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4
I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if
needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed
using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and
joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates The learner demonstrates
understanding of key concepts of understanding of key concepts of understanding of key concepts of understanding of key concepts of
sampling and sampling sampling and sampling sampling and sampling sampling and sampling
distributions of the sample mean. distributions of the sample mean. distributions of the sample mean. distributions of the sample mean.
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply The learner is able to apply The learner is able to apply The learner is able to apply
suitable sampling and sampling suitable sampling and sampling suitable sampling and sampling suitable sampling and sampling
distributions of the sample mean distributions of the sample mean distributions of the sample mean distributions of the sample mean
to solve real – life problems in to solve real – life problems in to solve real – life problems in to solve real – life problems in
different disciplines. different disciplines. different disciplines. different disciplines.
C. Learning Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or
Competencies / two.
Objectives The learner defines the The learner illustrates the The learner defines the sampling The learner solves problems
sampling distribution of the Central Limit Theorem. distribution of the sample mean about involving sampling
sample mean for normal (M11/12SP–IIIe–2) using the Central Limit Theorem. distributions of the sample mean.
population when the variance is 1. State the Central Limit (M11/12SP–IIIe–3) (M11/12 SP–IIIe-f–1)
(a) known and (b) unknown. Theorem. 1. Define the sampling 1. Solve problems involving
(M11/12SP–IIIe–1) 2. Illustrate the Central Limit distribution of the sample sampling distributions of the
1. Differentiate the sample Theorem through discovery mean using the Central sample mean.
distribution of the sample learning. Limit Theorem. 2. Participate actively during
mean when the variance is: 3. Participate actively during 2. Apply the Central Limit discussion and group
a. known discussion and group Theorem in solving activities.
b. unknown activities. problems involving sampling
2. Construct a sample distribution of the sample
distribution table when the mean.
variance is unknown. 3. Participate actively during
3. Participate actively during discussion and group
discussion and group activities.
II. CONTENT Sampling Distribution of the Central Limit Theorem Sampling Distribution of the Problems Involving Distributions
Sample Mean for Normal Sample Mean Using the Central of the Sample Mean
Population When the Variance is Limit Theorem
(a) Known and (b) Unknown
III. LEARNING RESOURCES List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure
that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept
A. References
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages Conceptual Math & Beyond Conceptual Math & Beyond Conceptual Math & Beyond Conceptual Math & Beyond
(Statistics and Probability) by (Statistics and Probability) by (Statistics and Probability) by (Statistics and Probability) by
Jose M. Ocampo Jr. and Wilmer Jose M. Ocampo Jr. and Wilmer Jose M. Ocampo Jr. and Wilmer Jose M. Ocampo Jr. and Wilmer
G. Marquez pages 86 – 108 G. Marquez pages 86 – 108 G. Marquez pages 109 – 117 G. Marquez pages 109 - 117
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Internet resources Internet resources Internet resources Internet resources
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided
by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by
providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous Daily Routine (Prayer, Roll Call) Daily Routine (Prayer, Roll Call) Daily Routine (Prayer, Roll Call) Daily Routine (Prayer, Roll Call)
lesson or presenting the Recall / Drill: The students will Recall / Drill: The students will Recall / Drill: The class will play Recall / Drill: The class will play
new lesson perform the activity “Answer Mo, play the game “Pass the the game “Let’s Help Each the game “Let’s Help Each
Show Mo!”. In this activity the Cabbage”. Questions will be Other!” in which one by one, the Other!” in which one by one, the
student will solve the given written on strips of papers. The students will be telling something students will be telling something
problems below by group. After students holding the cabbage about what they have learned about what they have learned
the allotted time, they will raise when the music stops will peel a about the the Central Limit about the the Central Limit
their written answers on a Show leaf out of the cabbage, read the Theorem based on the facts Theorem based on the facts
– Me Board. The group with the given question and answer it. given by the previous student. given by the previous student.
highest number of points after 1. What is a sampling
five rounds will win the game distribution of the sample
1. A fish catch (expressed in means?
kilograms) consists of five 2. How do we construct a table
values (15, 17, 9, 12, and for sampling distribution of
13). A sample of size 2 is to the sample means?
be taken from this 3. How can we get the mean of
population. the sampling distribution?
a. Compute the mean of 4. How can we get the variance
the sampling and standard deviation of
distribution. the population?
b. Compute the variance ( 5. How can we get the variance
σ 2) of the population and standard deviation of
c. Compute the standard the sampling distribution of
deviation (σ ) of the the sample means?
d. Compute the variance
of the sampling
distributions of the
sample means.
e. Compute the standard
deviation of the
sampling distribution of
the sample means.
B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson
C. Presenting examples/ The students will do the activity The teacher will post the The teacher will present the The teacher will present the
instances of the new “Guess the Logo”. In this activity following questions to his / her following questions to his / her following questions to his / her
lesson the students will guess the name students. After the given time, students. After the given time, students. After the given time,
of the fast - food chain when the the teacher will elicit responses the teacher will elicit responses the teacher will elicit responses
logo appears. from the students. from the students. from the students.
1. Chowking 1. Do you think that the 1. Since the Central Limit 1. Since the Central Limit
2. Greenwich sample mean can be equal Theorem states that the Theorem states that the
3. Jollibee to the population mean? sample mean follows exactly sample mean follows exactly
4. Mang Inasal Explain. the normal distribution, can the normal distribution, then
5. McDonald’s 2. Do you think that the we use the normal can we use the normal
After the game, the teacher will population standard distribution as a distribution as a
ask the students what is their deviation is related to the mathematical model in mathematical model in
favorite fast-food chain. Then, sample standard solving problems involving solving problems involving
results will be recorded on the deviation? In what way? sampling distributions of the sampling distributions of the
blackboard. 3. What do you think will be sample means? Explain. sample means? Explain.
the shape of the sample 2. Since we are dealing with 2. Since we are dealing with
distribution in relation to normal distribution, can we normal distribution, can we
the shape of the find the probability that a find the probability that a
population? Expound. certain event will happen certain event will happen
given the sampling given the sampling
distribution of the sample distribution of the sample
means? Expound. means? Expound.
3. What statistical test can we 3. What test statistic can we
employ to determine the employ to determine the
probability of an event to probability of an event to
happen given the sampling happen given the sampling
distribution of the sample distribution of the sample
mean? How is it done? mean? How is it done?
4. How can we solve problems
involving sampling
distributions of the sample
mean? Enumerate the
necessary steps.
D. Discussing new Based on the poll done during The teacher will present the The teacher will first give some The teacher will call some
concepts and practicing the motivation part, with the aid following table. examples on getting the z – students to enumerate the steps
new skills #1 of the teacher, the class will be Result of a 10 – Item Math scores and the area under the in getting the z – scores and the
constructing a sampling Quiz of 40 Students normal curve. Afterwards, the area under the normal curve.
distribution of the sample means 5 7 8 9 5 6 7 3 5 7 teacher will present the following Afterwards, the teacher will
taking a sample of n = 2. Then, examples. present the following example:
they will compute for the mean of 6 8 9 1 4 6 7 9 1 8 1. A population of size N = 20 1. A survey found out that a
0 0
the sampling distribution has μ=76 and a standard fisherman catches an
including the variance and 5 7 9 4 6 7 8 9 7 6 average of 13.6 kilograms of
deviation of σ =14 .
standard deviation of the 5 6 4 3 6 8 9 1 7 9 a. What is the probability fish per week. Assuming that
population. The students will also 0 that a random sample of the standard deviation is 3.5
solve for the variance and Then, the teacher will ask the size n = 35 will have a kilograms, find the probability
standard deviation of the students to compute for the 79 or more? that the mean of a sample of
sampling distribution of the population mean and the b. What is the probability 60 fishermen will be between
sample means. population standard deviation. that a random sample of 13.5 and 13.8 kilograms?
He will also ask them to size n = 140 will have a
determine the shape of the mean of between 74
population. and 77?
c. What is the probability
that a random sample of
size n = 219 will have a
mean of less than 76.5?
E. Discussing new The teacher will teach the Group Activity Group Activity: Game Ka Na Ba? Group Activity: Game Ka Na Ba?
concepts and practicing students how to construct a This time he will let the students The teacher will divide the class The teacher will divide the class
new skills #2 sampling distribution of the select 10 samples out of the into five groups. He will read the into five groups. He will read the
sample mean when the variance given table by group. The question twice and after the question twice and after the
is known through the following teacher will ask the students to given time, each group should given time, each group should
problem: determine the sample mean, raise their answers written on raise their answers written on
Problem: Random samples of variance and standard deviation. their Show – Me – Boards. The their Show – Me – Boards. The
size 3 are taken from a After the allotted time, each group with the highest score group with the highest score after
population of the numbers 3, 4, group will be given time to after 4 rounds will win the game. 6 rounds will win the game.
5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Suppose that present their work and findings. 1. A variable is normally 1. The heights of a group of
the variance is 121.4, construct Guide Questions: distributed with μ=100 boys are normally
the sampling distribution of the 1. Compare the value of the and σ =10. If a sample of n distributed with a mean of
sample means and determine its population mean from your = 16 is selected, what is the 54 inches and standard
standard deviation. group’s sample mean. What probability that the mean is: deviation of 2.5 inches.
have you observed? a. less than 95? a. What percentage of the
2. Is there a relationship b. between 95 and 97.5? population would have
between the population c. above 102.2? heights between 53
standard deviation, the d. between 99 and 101 inches and 56 inches?
sample size and the sample b. If a boy is chosen at
standard deviation? random from this
Expound. population, what is the
3. Differentiate the shape of the probability that he is
population distribution in taller than 52 inches?
connection with the sample c. If all possible samples of
mean distribution. size 25 are drawn from
this population, what
percentage of them
would have means
between 53 inches and
55 inches?
d. If a random sample of
size 81 is drawn from this
population, what is the
probability that the mean
of this sample is larger
than 53.5 inches?
2. The average number of
kilos of meat a person
consumes in a year is 100
kilos. Assume that the
standard deviation is 11
kilos and the distribution is
approximately normal.
a. Find the probability that
a person selected at
random consumes less
than 105 kilos per year.
b. If a sample of 40
individuals is selected,
find the probability that
the mean of the sample
will be less than 105
kilos per year.
F. Developing mastery Think – Pair – Share The teacher will let the students My Buddy! : Form a pair and Seatwork: Show all the
(Leads to Formative The savings of five students per choose between the two options: solve the following problems. necessary solutions.
Assessment 3) day are given by 2, 3, 4, 5, and A – Determine the age of your 1. Let X be a random variable 1. A survey has found out that
6. A sample of size 2 is to be classmates. Find the population with µ = 10 and σ = 4. A a family generates an
taken from this population. mean and standard deviation. sample of size 100 is taken average of 17.2 pounds of
Create a sampling distribution of Then select 10 samples and from this population. Find garbage per week. Assume
the sample means and determine the sample mean and the probability that the that the standard deviation
determine its variance and standard deviation. Check if your sample mean of these 100 of the distribution is 2.5
standard deviation. findings conform to the Central observations is less than 9. pounds. Find the probability
Limit Theorem. 2. Let X be a random variable that the mean of a sample
B – Determine the number of with µ = 10 and σ = 4. A of 55 families will be
family members of your sample of size 100 is taken between 17 and 18 pounds.
classmates. Find the population from this population. Find 2. A large freight elevator can
mean and standard deviation. the probability that the sum transport a maximum of
Then select 10 samples and of these 100 observations is 9800 pounds. Suppose a
determine the sample mean and less than 900. load of cargo containing 49
standard deviation. Check if your 3. Suppose that you have a boxes must be transported
findings conform to the Central sample of 100 values from a via the elevator. Experience
Limit Theorem. population with mean µ = has shown that the weight
500 and with standard of boxes of this type of
deviation σ = 80. cargo follows a distribution
a. What is the probability with mean µ = 205 pounds
that the sample mean and standard deviation σ =
will be in the interval 15 pounds. Based on this
(490,510)? information, what is the
b. Give an interval that probability that all 49 boxes
covers the middle 95% can be safely loaded onto
of the distribution of the the freight elevator and
sample mean. transported?
G. Finding practical Problem: The following Based on the activity, get 13 Solve the following problems.
applications of represents Mr. Adonis’ eggplant samples and determine the 1. The average time it takes a
concepts and skills in harvest per day for five sample mean and standard group of adults to complete
daily living consecutive days expressed in deviation. Check if your findings a certain achievement test
kilograms (5, 7, 9, 8, and 11). If a conform to the Central Limit is 46.2 minutes. The
sample size of 3 is to be taken, Theorem. standard deviation is 8
create a sampling distribution for minutes. Assume that the
the sample means and variable is normally
determine its variance and distributed.
standard deviation. a. What is the probability
that a randomly
selected adult will
complete the test in less
than 44 minutes?
b. If 50 randomly selected
adults take the test,
what is the probability
that the mean time it
takes the group to
complete the test will be
less than 44 minutes?
H. Making generalizations The sampling distribution of the The Central Limit Theorem To solve problems involving To solve problems involving
and abstractions about sample means is frequency If all possible samples of size n sampling distribution of the sampling distribution of the
the lesson distribution of the sample means are drawn from a population of sample means, we use the sample means, we use the
taken from a population. mean μ and standard deviation Central Limit Theorem. Central Limit Theorem.
The mean of the sampling σ , and the sample mean, and the Use the normal distribution Use the normal
distribution of the sample means sample mean χ is calculated as a mathematical model to distribution as a
is equal to the mean of the solve the problems. mathematical model to
from each sample: then, the
population. χ−μ solve the problems.
frequency distribution of χ has Use the formula z= to
The standard deviation of the Use the formula
sampling distribution of the mean the following properties: χ−μ
1. Its mean is equal to the convert scores or values to z z= to convert
is also called the standard error
of the mean. population mean. – scores when dealing with σ
2. Its standard deviation is population only. scores or values to z –
equal to the standard χ−μ scores when dealing with
deviation of the population Use the formula z= to population only.
divided by the square root Use the formula
convert scores or values to z
of the sample size. χ−μ
– scores when dealing with z= to convert
3. It will tend to have a normal
samples drawn from the σx
distribution, regardless of
population. scores or values to z –
the shape of the
scores when dealing with
samples drawn from the
I. Evaluating learning Problem: Suppose the following A. Fill in the blanks. 1. A normally distributed 1. According to a study, the
gives the monthly salaries If all possible samples of size n variable has a μ=100 and average number of hours of
(expressed in thousands of are drawn from a population of σ =10. If a sample of n =25 TV viewing per household
pesos) of six government mean μ and standard deviation is selected, what is the per week in the Philippines
officials: (12, 16, 20, 24, and 28) σ , and the sample mean, and the probability that the mean is: is 50.4 hours and the
taking 2 as a sample size. sample mean χ is calculated a. less than 47? standard deviation is 11.8
Construct a sampling distribution b. above 51.1? hours. If a random sample
from each sample: then, the
of the sample mean and c. between 49 and 51? of 42 households is taken,
frequency distribution of χ has
determine the following: what is the probability that-
1. Mean of the sampling the following properties: a. the sample average is
distribution. 1. Its mean is _____ to the more than 52 hours?
2. Variance (σ2) of the population mean. b. the sample average is
population 2. Its _____ is equal to the less than 47.5 hours?
3. Standard deviation (σ) of standard deviation of the 2. The amount of mineral
the population. population divided by the water consumed by a
4. Variance of the sampling square root of the sample person per day on the job is
distributions of the sample size. normally distributed with
means. 3. It will tend to have a ____ mean 19 ounces and
5. Standard deviation of the distribution, regardless of standard deviation 5
sampling distribution of the the shape of the population. ounces. A company
sample means. B. Based on the previous supplies its employees with
activity on the demonstration 2000 ounces of mineral
part, get 18 samples and water daily. The company
determine the sample mean has 100 employees. Find
and standard deviation. the probability that the
Check if your findings mineral water supplied by
conform to the Central Limit the company will not satisfy
Theorem. the water demanded by its
J. Additional activities for A. Suppose that the following A. Determine the average A. A normally distributed A. According to a study, a
application or represents the annual harvest monthly income of your variable has a μ=75 and normal Filipino high school
remediation (expressed in kilograms of five thirty neighbors. Find the σ=9. If a sample of n = 40 is student consumes 8 bottles
mango trees (45, 55, 35, 60, and population mean and selected, what is the of soft drinks in a month and
52) taking three as a sample standard deviation. Then probability that the mean is: the standard deviation is
size. Construct a sampling select 14 samples and 1. less than 65? 2.2. If a random sample of
distribution of the sample mean determine the sample mean 2. between 70 and 85? 75 Filipino high school
and determine the following: and standard deviation. 3. above 83? students is taken, what is
1. Mean of the sampling Check if your findings B. How can we solve real – life the probability that:
distribution. conform to the Central Limit situations involving sample a. the sample average is
2. Variance (σ2) of the Theorem. distributions of the sample more than 6 bottles?
population B. Agreement: Bring a z – means? b. the sample average is
3. Standard deviation (σ) of table and a calculator. between 7.2 and 8.5
the population. bottles?
4. Variance of the sampling B. Define and describe a point
distributions of the sample and an interval.
5. Standard deviation of the
sampling distribution of the
sample means.
B. What does the Central Limit
Theorem states?
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet
them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No.of learners who earned
80% on the formative
B. No.of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No.of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No.of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Prepared by: Prepared by: Prepared by: Prepared by:
Teacher III Teacher III Teacher III Teacher III
Remarks of the Assistant School