IDEA LE Q2 Week 8
IDEA LE Q2 Week 8
IDEA LE Q2 Week 8
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving ratio and
B. Performance Standards The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving ratio and proportion in
mathematical problems and in real-lie situations.
C. Most Essential Learning Identifies and writes equivalent ratios
Defines and describes a proportion
Competencies (MELC) (MELC 32)
(MELC 35)
(if available write the indicated MELC) Expresses ratios using either the colon (:)
Recognizes when two quantities are in
or fraction(MELC 33)
direct proportion(MELC 36)
Finds a missing term in a pair of
equivalent ratios (MELC 34)
D. Enabling Competencies
(if available write the attached enabling competencies)
Fraction form________
Colon form________
Lesson Proper
Introduce the lesson to the learners with the
following objective:
A ratio is a relationship between two numbers How do we check if the second ratio is
or items, usually involving measurement. For proportional to the given
example, when people drive, they travel at a ratio? There are two parts in a proportion –
certain speed. We usually refer to that speed as the means and the extremes
miles per hour. That is a ratio because it shows
a relationship between distance and time.
After going through this lesson, you are
expected to identify and write equivalent
B. Development Now, what is the relation between the two Learning Task 1: Draw a if each given
ratios in the previous part? Let us reduce the ratio shows proportion and draw a if it
ratios to lowest terms by dividing the both does not. Write your answers in your
terms of each ratio by their GCFs. notebook.
_____ 1. 3:9 = 9:27
_____ 2. 7:1= 5:3
_____ 3.15:5 = 5:15
_____ 4.8:2 = 4:1
_____ 5. 6:20 = 12:40
C. Engagement Learning Task 3. Find the ratios of the time Learning Task 2: Read and analyze the
spent for the different activities. Write your problem. Write your answers in
answers in your notebook. your notebook.
A bag of N & N sweets contains just yellow
and orange sweets. For
every 2 yellow sweets, there are 6 orange
sweets. Complete the table
below, then answer the questions that follow.
D. Assimilation The learners will share what they have The learners will share what they have
learned. learned.
Ratio is a comparison of two Proportion is said to be direct if one
quantities. The two quantities are written term increases/ decreases when the other
separated by a colon (:). It may also be term increases/decreases in the same rate.
written as a fraction. The numbers in a ratio
The law of proportion states that the
are called “terms’.
Equal ratios have the same lowest terms. product of the means is equal to the product
To find a ratio equal to a given ratio, of the extremes. The same way to check if
multiply or divide the terms of that ratio by two ratios are equal.
the same nonzero number.
In equal ratios, the product of the Learning Task 3: Solve the given problems.
means is equal to the product of the Write your answers in your
extremes. notebook.
To find the missing term in a pair of 1. What number compared to 10 is the same
equivalent ratio, we multiply the two given as 25 compared to 5?
terms and then divide their product to the 2. Juliana saves P60.00 in 4 weeks. At this
term with a missing pair. rate, how long will it take to
generate P300.00?
Learning Task 5: 3. A motorist travelled 240 km in 3 hours. At
A. Write the following ratios to lowest terms. the same rate, how long will
Write your he take to reach 400-kilometer distance?
answers in your notebook
1) 20 wins to 35 games
2) 12 red balls to 96 blue balls
3) 250 cm to 20 m