Sci5 - Q3 - Melc11
Sci5 - Q3 - Melc11
Sci5 - Q3 - Melc11
C. Most Essential Learning Describe the motion of an object by tracing and measuring its change in position
Competencies (MELC) (distance travelled) over a period of time.
(If available, write the S5FEIIIa-1
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling
Competencies Use appropriate measuring tools and correct standard units
(If available, write the attached
enabling competencies)
b. Learner’s Material
Pages Not Available
Picture 1 : A Tug-of-War
Guide Questions:
1. Are you familiar with the game tug-of-war? Have you ever joined or
watched this game? ___________________
2. If yes, how will you know which team wins the game? ____________
3. What do you think will happen if one team loses a strong member?
Goal Orientation
The learners will read the objectives that are expected of them as indicated
in the module.
The learners will answer the questions below as part of identifying what they
already know. They will refer to their modules to identify the tasks they need
to accomplish.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
separate sheet of paper.
2. It is the fixed place or object used to determine whether other objects are in
A. energy C. motion
B. force D. reference point
What score did you get? Compare your answer to the answer key provided.
If got all the questions correct, this means that you already have knowledge
about motion and reference point. You can still browse the module and learn new
If you got score, don’t worry because this lesson will help you understand and
learn concepts that you can use in your daily lives. Study this lesson carefully, do all
the activities, and answer the questions. Follow the instructions written for each
activity. Are you ready?
As shown below, the learners will assess their own knowledge, skills and
attitude/values relative to the target concept presented in the MELC.
What are the things you did at home and school to make your day
productive? From the time you wake up, maybe you start your day by fixing
your bed or having some exercise routine. You may help your parent prepare
breakfast and eat with your family after. At home, you may also aid in doing
household choirs such as washing the plates, cleaning the house or arranging
the clothes in the closet. Another thing, you may also do some recreational
activities like reading a book or playing with your siblings. Moreover, in school,
maybe, you play with friends during PE class, eat with friends, and others. In
your everyday routine, most of your activities need movement. Therefore,
motion is an essential part of our daily life.
As the lesson progresses, you will learn about motion and the
importance of reference point in describing whether the object is moving or
Now, let’s try to do this activity. But before you proceed, please be
reminded of the following:
1. Be careful in opening each page of this module.
2. Help the pupil in reading and understanding the directions for each
3. Guide the pupil in doing the activities in this module and use separate
sheet answering.
4. Check the answers using the key to correction provided.
Guide in Activity 1:
Motion and Reference Point
1. Prepare the materials needed in the activity as listed in the module. (small
ball, toy car, masking tape, marking pen, and hardbound book or any
object that can be used as a ramp.
2. Mark a spot on the floor with a masking tape. Label it point A.
3. Place the small ball on point A, then blow it. Using the table below, put a
check (√) in the table below if there was movement after blowing is
4. Then place the toy car on point A, then blow it. Again, record it on the
5. Next, place the notebook on point A, then blow it. Again, record it on the
6. Repeat procedures 2-4, but this time, by pushing them instead of blowing.
Record on the table.
7. Now, repeat procedures 2-4, but this time, by placing them on a ramp
instead of pushing. Record on the table.
Objects to be Placing on
Blowing Pushing
Moved a Ramp
small ball
toy car
What is it?
The learners will read and understand the concepts that they need to know
and understand. These concepts, as presented below, revolve around the
prime information about the learning targets.
Exercise #1.2
Direction: List down at least five activities you do at home which involve and do not
involve motion.
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
a separate sheet of paper.
1. This refers to the change of position of an object with respect to a fixed point.
A. Energy C. Motion
B. Force D. Reference Point
. II. Fact or Bluff. Write Fact if the statement is correct and Bluff if not.
6. A standing still person can be used as reference point.
7. Force or set of forces cause an object to be in motion.
8. Reference point is necessary in determining the change of position of an
9. Motion is relative to the reference point.
10. Lighter objects are easier to move.
What score did you get? Compare your answer to the answer key provided.
V. REFLECTION The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their personal
insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
C. Most Essential Learning Describe the motion of an object by tracing and measuring its change in position
Competencies (MELC) (distance travelled) over a period of time.
(If available, write the S5FEIIIa-1
indicated MELC)
D. Enabling
Competencies Use appropriate measuring tools and correct standard units
(If available, write the attached
enabling competencies)
b. Learner’s Material
Pages Not Available
Look at the picture presented in the module and read. Answer the following
You have learned in lesson 1 the definition of motion and reference point.
You have also learned how to tell if an object is in motion or not. Moreover, you
were educated on the importance of pointing out the reference point in describing
the motion of an object. Now, let us proceed in tracing and measuring distance and
Distance is defined as the measure of how far or near two points
are from one another. Measuring distance allows you to determine how far you
have travelled from one place to another. On the other side, time is defined as
the measure of how long an object moves. Time is as important as distance in
describing motion because it measures how long an object moves. As an example,
the Philippines won the gold medal in athletics women’s category (100-meter
dash) last 2019 SEA games because of Lydia de Vega who had recorded time of
11.28 seconds.
To measure the distance accurately, they can use tape measure or a
meter stick and for the time, they may use stopwatch. The unit of measurement
should be parallel to avoid confusion. Therefore, choosing the appropriate
measuring tool and unit of measurement is important to obtain desired
measurement accurately and easier.
Goal Orientation
The learners will read the objectives that are expected of them as indicated in the
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. The measure of how far or near two points are from one another is called
a. distance c. time
b. mass d. weight
3. The measuring tool used for the time covered by a toy car covering a short
distance is ___.
a. hourglass c. stopwatch
b. meterstick d. tape measure
5. If you’re going to measure the size of the notebook, what measuring tool you
are going to use?
a. clock c. ruler
b. meterstick d. stopwatch
Fact or Bluff: Draw a happy face if the statement is fact and sad face if it
is bluff.
What score did you get? Compare your answer to the answer key provided.
If got all the questions correct, this means that you already have knowledge
about motion and reference point. You can still browse the module and learn new
If you got score, don’t worry because this lesson will help you understand and
learn concepts that you can use in your daily lives. Study this lesson carefully, do
all the activities, and answer the questions. Follow the instructions written for each
activity. Are you ready?
You can now study about distance and time, the unit of measurement and tools
to be used in measuring them.
When going to school, some students like you usually ride a public utility
vehicle like tricycles and jeepneys. Others are using their own vehicles like bike,
electric vehicles or even a car. Commuting is essential especially when your
house is quite far from school. However, some prepares walking because the
distance of their home to school is quite short. But how are you going to learn
how far is your home from the school? It is important to know the distance that
one must take up in order to arrive at the school and go home at a given time.
Thus, measuring how far and how long an object moves is necessary in our daily
life. Measuring does not only include numbers, but also the units and tools to be
used in order to measure accurately and precisely.
As the lesson progresses, you will learn about distance and time, the
unit of measurement and tools to be used in measuring them.
Now, let’s try to do this activity. But before you proceed, please be
reminded of the following:
1. Be careful in opening each page of this module.
2. Help the pupil in reading and understanding the directions for each
3. Guide the pupil in doing the activities in this module and use separate
sheet answering.
4. Check the answers using the key to correction provided.
Guide in Activity 2:
Tracing and Measuring Distance and Time Using Appropriate Unit and
1. Prepare the materials needed in the activity as listed in the module. (ruler,
measuring tape, paper, masking tape, stopwatch)
2. Choose a place inside or outside your house which has enough space for this
3. Mark point A by using a masking tape.
4. Measure the distance of one of your jumps from point A. Decide which tool
to be use and write the appropriate unit for your answer. Record the date on
the table below.
5. Measure 10 meters from point A. Walk. Ask assistance to elder to record your
time travelled.
6. Fill-up the table below:
What is it?
The learners will read and understand the concepts that they need to know
and understand. These concepts, as presented below, revolve around the
prime information about the learning targets.
These are some guide in choosing appropriate unit for distance and
Here are some basic measuring tools used in measuring distance and
1. waist line
2. length of pencil
time travelled by a toy car covering short
4. time taken in walking from school to house
Direction: Look around you. Find five things that you can measure using the available
tools at you home. Use appropriate unit and tools for measurement. Fill up the table
below. The example can be your guide in completing the table.
I learned that...
1. Distance is the measure of how far or near two points are from one another.
2. Time is the measure of how long an object moves.
3. Distance and time are two important factors needed in measuring motion of
an object.
4. In tracing and measuring distance and time, it is best to use appropriate
units of measure because using other units may give very small or very
large value.
5. Units for distance like inches, millimeters, and centimeters are most
appropriate in measuring short lengths or distances.
6. Units like meter and feet are used for measuring medium-sized lengths or
7. Units such as kilometers and miles are used for long distances.
8. The unit of time which is second can be used for very short time taken, and
minute is for short time taken. However, hours, days, months, years,
decades are used in describing longer period of time.
9. The basic tools for measuring distance or length are ruler, cloth tape
measure, meter stick, and steel measuring tape.
10. The digital watch and stopwatch are some tools used in measuring time.
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
C. Most Essential Learning Describe the motion of an object by tracing and measuring its change in
Competencies (MELC) position (distance travelled) over a period of time.
(If available, write the indicated MELC) S5FEIIIa-1
D. Enabling Competencies
(If available, write the attached enabling
competencies) Use appropriate measuring tools and correct standard units
1. Describing Motion in Terms of Distance Travelled Over a Period of Time
2. Solving problems involving speed
Guide Questions:
1. What does the picture shows?
2. What physical quantities should we measure to know whose car runs
3. How do we compute for the speed of a running objects?
You learned in lesson 2 what distance and time is. You also learned
to identify different unit of measurement and tools to be used in quantifying
distance and time. The unit and tools to be used depends on the object to be
measured. Those previous knowledge of yours is vital in our next lesson.
Since you already know the basic knowledge about distance and time, we
will now go to its relationship. Let’s study about describing motion in terms
of the distance travelled over a period of time or also known as speed.
How fast is fast? How slow is slow? These questions can be
answered by describing the motion of an object in terms of the ratio of
distance covered over a period of where S – Speed
time which is also known as the speed.
Speed is the rate at which an objectdmoves – distance
at a given distance. To
t – time
describe the speed of a moving object, we compute through this formula:
In order to solve problems involving speed, you should first read the
problem carefully and identify what is asked in the problem. Then list down
the given facts in the problem before substituting the values to the formula.
Divide the distance and time and don’t forget to write the unit.
Let’s say that the previous picture shows Jessie’s and Alex’s car.
Jessie’s car is moving at a distance of 100 kilometers in 50 minutes while
Alex’s car is moving 150 kilometers in 60 minutes. Whose car runs faster?
Jessie’s Car Alex’s Car
d = 100 km d = 180 km
t = 2 hr t = 3 hr
S=? S=?
To solve for the speed of Jessie’s and Alex’s car, use the formula S = d/t
d 100 km
Jessie’s Car : S= = =50 km/hr
t 2 hr
d 180 km
Alex’s Car : S= = =60 km/min
t 3 hr
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the
chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
4. Aaron runs 500 meters in 100 seconds. While Jeric runs 100 meters in
20 seconds. Who runs faster?
a. Aaron c. Aaron and Jeric have the same speed.
b. Jeric d. Cannot be determined
8. One unit that can be used for speed is meter per second.
What score did you get? Compare your answer to the answer key
If got all the questions correct, this means that you already have
knowledge about motion and reference point. You can still browse the
module and learn new knowledge.
If you got score, don’t worry because this lesson will help you understand
and learn concepts that you can use in your daily lives. Study this lesson
carefully, do all the activities, and answer the questions. Follow the
instructions written for each activity. Are you ready?
Have you ever observed things and people around you? Every day,
you see things and people move. In the morning, you may see people
jogging together with their families. You may also see jeepneys on the road
going to somewhere with many pupils as passengers. You may see
employees running late to work. You may also see tricycles and cars moving
off to the market. Everything seems to move. They can be fast or slow. But
have you ever wondered how fast or slow they move? Or have you ever
asked yourself how fast is fast or how slow is slow?
Now, let’s try to do this activity. But before you proceed, please be
reminded of the following:
1. Be careful in opening each page of this module.
2. Help the pupil in reading and understanding the directions for each
3. Guide the pupil in doing the activities in this module and use separate
sheet answering.
4. Check the answers using the key to correction provided.
Guide in Activity 3:
Who Walks the Fastest?
1. Prepare all the materials needed in the activity (marker, measuring tape,
masking tape, stopwatch, & pen).
2. Put a starting line on the floor using a masking tape.
3. Using a meter stick, measure a distance of 10 meters. Mark off the
distances measure using masking tape.
4. Ask five members of the group to participate in the race. You and your
friends or family members will do a walking race. Let them start in the
starting line.
5. Ask one person to hold the flaglet to signal the start of the race.
6. Use stopwatch (or cellphone) to record the time travelled at the finish
7. Calculate the speed for each participant.
8. Tabulate the data in the table.
What is it?
The learners will read and understand the concepts that they need to
know and understand. These concepts, as presented below, revolve
around the prime information about the learning targets.
An e-tricycle
moves 900 meters in 300
seconds. How fast is the
e-trike moving?
d – 900 m
t – 300 s
d 900 m
S= = =3 m/s
t 300 s
This means that the e-trike is moving 3 meters each
In order to solve problems involving speed, you should first read
the problem carefully and identify what is asked in the problem. Then
list down the given facts in the problem before substituting the values to
the formula. Divide the distance and time and don’t forget to write the
1. Mark walks 350 m from their house in Vina Village to Imus Public
Market for 250 s. What is his speed?
2. Jenny walks at a distance of 8 meters in 6 seconds. What is her
3. If Jericho runs 60 kilometers in 2 hours while Mary runs 75 kilometers
in 3 hours, who is the faster runner?
4. A kangaroo can hop as much as 142 kilometers in 2 hours. What is its
5. What is the speed of the Light Rail Transit (LRT) running 40
kilometers in 1 hour?
3. In order to solve problems involving speed, you should first read the
problem carefully and identify what is asked in the problem. Then
list down the given facts in the problem before substituting the
values to the formula. Divide the distance and time and don’t forget
to write the unit.
4. When comparing the speed of two moving objects, the unit of
measurement used must be the same.
5. A moving object is fast if it covers a long distance at a short period of
6. The motion of a moving object is slow if it covers short distance in a
long period of time.
Test Yourself!
I. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
For 3-4
Cardo and Alyanna jog together in a distance of 10 kilometers.
Cardo make it to the endpoint in 2 hours while Alyanna make it in 2.5
3. What is the speed of Cardo?
a. 2 km/hr
b. 3 km/hr
c. 4 km/hr
d. 5 km/hr
6. The Philippine eagle travels 160 kilometers in two hours. What is the
speed of the Philippine eagle?
a. 60 km/hr
b. 70 km/hr
c. 80 km/hr
d. 90 km/hr
7. While riding on a jeepney on your way home, you observed that it travels
60 kilometers in one hour. Therefore, the speed of the jeepney is _____.
a. 30 km/hr
b. 40 km/hr
c. 50 km/hr
d. 60 km/hr
V. REFLECTION The learners, in their notebook, journal or portfolio will write their
personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.