Bloom Ks2-Maths-Blooms-Taxonomy-Meet-The-Bloom-Superheroes-Desk-Mat - Ver - 3
Bloom Ks2-Maths-Blooms-Taxonomy-Meet-The-Bloom-Superheroes-Desk-Mat - Ver - 3
Bloom Ks2-Maths-Blooms-Taxonomy-Meet-The-Bloom-Superheroes-Desk-Mat - Ver - 3
3 x=
0 I can recall I understand and explain I use my mathematical
mathematical mathematical ideas. skills in different
knowledge. problems.
Explain how to…
What comes next? Sort… How do you...?
How many...? Compare… Solve…
Can you name the...? Match… What do you need to know?
Describe... Explain the sequence… Calculate…
What is...? Complete… Choose…
Which is true or false...? Identify… Solve…
Identify… Define… Classify…
List… Write a set of instructions to…