Notes BBA-I
Notes BBA-I
Notes BBA-I
B. Bottom
C. Middle
D. All
11. Which of the following skill is most essential to get most out of the people?
A. Technical skill
B. Human Skill
C. Conceptual skill
D. Communication Skill
15. Which one of the following individuals is most closely associated with scientific
A. Fredrick Taylor
B. Mary Parker Follett
C. Harold Koontz
D. Max Weber
16. A plan developed to carry out a course of action that is not likely to be repeated in the
future is called
A. Specific Plan
B. Single Use plan
C. Reaction plan
D. Directional plan
17. The degree to which jobs are standardized and guided by rules and procedures is called:
A. Work specialization
B. Centralization
C. Decentralization
D. Formalization
19. If a manager gives information regarding organization policies and actions, then he/she
is performing an ______ role.
A. Interpersonal
B. Informational
C. Decisional
D. None of the given
20. ------------- is the use of scientific method to define the “one best way” for a job to be
A. Scientific management
B. Bureaucratic management
C. Administrative management
D. Financial Management
21. A Finance Manager who reads the Wall Street Journal On a regular Basis would be
performing which of the roles?
A. Figurehead
B. Monitor
C. Disseminator
D. Interpersonal
24. Which one of the following is NOT the main concern of ‘Scientific Management’?
A. Production
B. Efficiency
C. Mechanistic Methods
D. Rationality
27. “Hawthorne experiment” which was a real beginning of applied research in OB was
conducted by
A. Elton Mayo
B. Henry Fayol
C. F.W. Taylor
D. Max Weber
28. “------------ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts”
A. Management
B. Organization
C. Leadership
D. Behaviour
29. The Hawthorne studies are of utmost significance as they form an honest and concerted
attempt to understand:
A. The human factor
B. Employee attitudes
C. The worker’s social situations
D. All the above
32. Some of the other fields of study that affect management theory or practice include:
A. Political science, philosophy, anthropology and sociology
B. Zoology, psychology, sociology and philosophy.
C. Anthropology, astrology, political science and psychology.
D. Political science, sociology, typography and economics.
34. ------------------- roles involve people and other duties that are ceremonial
and symbolic in nature.
A. Informational.
B. Interpersonal.
C. Decisional.
D. All the given options
36. Management by Objective (MBO) is also known as
A. Management by results
B. Management by goals
C. Management by planning
D. Management by evaluation
43. In MBO, objectives can be
A. Collective
B. individual
C. both (A) and (B)
D. none of the above
ANS. (1)(D), (2)(C), (3)(C), (4)(A), (5)(D), (6)(D), (7)(D), (8)(D), (9)(C), (10)(D), (11)(B),
(12)(A), (13)(D), (14)(A), (15)(A), (16)(B), (17)(D), (18)(C), (19)(B), (20)(A), (21)(B),
(22)(B), (23)(D), (24)(D), (25)(D), (26)(D), (27)(B), (28)(C), (29)(C), (30)(B), (31)(A),
(32)(D), (33)(D), (34)(B), (35)(B), (36)(A), (37)(D), (38)(D), (39)(B), (40)(D), (41)(B),
(42)(D), (43)(C), (44)(B), (45)(C)
18. Critically evaluate Taylor’s Scientific Theory of Management.
19. Differentiate between a line manager and a staff manager.
20. Explain the concept of bounded rationality
21. Differentiate between delegation and decentralization.
22. Explain Weber’s Bureaucracy Theory.
23. Differentiate between management and administration.
24. Why is management called as an ongoing and never-ending process?
25. What do you understand by management by objectives?
26. Differentiate between Effectiveness Vs Efficiency?
27. Differentiate between System approach Vs Contingency approach?
28. Explain “The term management has no universal definition”?
29. Differentiate between Contingency Approach Vs Systems approach?
30. Differentiate between Management Vs Administration?
1. What are the four basic activities that comprise the management process? How are they
related to one another?
2. “Management is the art of getting things done”. Do you agree with the statement? Give
3. Discuss the contribution of Taylor and Fayol to the field of Management.
4. What do you understand by a system? Discuss management as a system bringing out its
basic features as such.
5. To manage is to forecast and plan to organize, to command, to coordinate and to control”.
Elaborate this statement.
6. What functions and duties are related with top and middle level management in modern
industrial units?
7. Explain the levels of management. Enumerate and discuss their functions as well.
8. Explain the fourteen principles of management.
9. ‘MBO represents rational and systematic approach to management’ elucidate the
statement in the light of features and objectives of MBO.
10. ‘Planning is the primary requisite of any organization’. Do you agree? Support your
answer with examples.
11. “All organizations need management”. Comment on this statement.
12. MBO adopts a goal oriented approach rather than a work oriented approach. Discuss.
13. What is decentralization of authority? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
14. ‘The basic reason for emergence of informal groups is that the formal organization does
not satisfy all the needs of the employees’. Elucidate.
15. How will you classify the levels of management in an organization? Describe the
functions performed by different levels of management.
16. “Planning is mere ritual in the fast-changing environment.” How far do you agree with
this statement? Why?
17. Explain the relationship of planning and controlling
18. ‘Decision making is the essence of managing.’ Comment and explain the features of a
rational decision
19. What is departmentation? Explain the various basis of departmentation.
20. Explain span of management. Do you agree with the view that the principle of “Unity of
command” is not of much relevance these days?
21. What are the various stages in the process of rational decision making? Discuss with
reference to a business decision.
22. “Centralization is not necessarily bad, nor is decentralization necessarily good”.
Elucidate the statement.
23. “Policies are guide-posts for managerial action”. Discuss the statement and give at least
two examples form any business management
24. “Centralization is not necessarily bad, nor is decentralization necessarily good”.
Elucidate the statement.
25. What is decentralization of authority? What are its advantages and disadvantages?
26. What is effective management? How does effectiveness differ from efficiency?
27. Discuss the various characteristics and functions of management.
28. What are the four basic activities that comprise the management process? How are they
related to one another?
29. Describe the process of management and explain how it can be used to accomplish results
in any organization.
30. Enumerate the managerial skills and state their relative importance about different levels
of management in an origination.
1. One of the factors which learning organizations possess is a climate of openness and
the other is
A. Motivation
B. Closeness
C. Trust
D. Delegation
C. Division
D. Financial
6. Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests for the good of the
organization and can have a profound and extraordinary effect on followers are_____
A. Transactional
B. Transformational
C. Democratic
D. Autocratic
8. __________ is a communication that flows from a higher level to one or more lower
levels in the organization.
A. Horizontal communication
B. Upward communication
C. Downward communication
D. None of given option
9. Because leading is one of the four basic managerial functions, _____ leaders.
A. all managers are
B. all managers should be
C. some managers are
D. some managers should be
10. If a trait theory of leadership were true, then all leaders would possess _______
A. Charisma
B. the same traits
C. Different traits
D. Seven traits
11. Which leadership style tends to centralize authority and make unilateral decisions?
A. cultural style
B. autocratic style
C. democratic style
D. laissez-faire
12. Monica's boss allows her to make any decision she thinks is important on the spot
without consulting anyone. Monica's boss has this kind of leadership style.
A. laissez-faire
B. autocratic style
C. democratic style
D. hands on style
13. Tannenbaum and Schmidt's continuum studies suggested that managers should move
toward_____ leadership styles.
A. manager-centered
B. task centered
C. employee centered
D. quality centered
15. The process of monitoring performance, comparing it with goals and correcting any
significant deviations is known as
A. Planning
B. Organizing
C. Leading
D. Controlling
16. The theory that an individual tends to act in a certain way, with the expectation that the
act will be followed by a given outcome and according to the attractiveness of the
outcome is____________
A. Equity theory
B. Three-needs theory
C. Motivation-hygiene theory
D. Expectancy theory
17. According to Abraham Maslow, the most elevated type of need is_____
A. Self-actualization
B. Physiological
C. Esteem
D. Safety
18. Which of the following statements would a Theory X manager consider to be true?
A. The average person can learn to accept and even seek responsibility
B. Employees will shirk responsibility
C. Employees will exercise self-direction if they are committed to the objectives
D. Employees view work as being as natural as play
20. Which leadership theory suggests that management style should adapt itself to changing
A. Contingency theory
B. Delegation theory
C. Autocratic theory
D. Participatory theory
23. ________ need involves the desire to affiliate with and be accepted by others
A. Esteem
B. Belongingness
C. Safety
D. Self-Actualization
24. Challenging goals usually lead to__________ performance from individuals and groups.
A. Higher
B. Lower
C. Excellent
D. None of the Above
26. What is the term used to define the number of subordinates directly controlled by a
A. Division management
B. Departmentation
C. Sphere of influence
D. Span of management
27. What kind of organizational structure combines a vertical chain of command with
horizontal reporting requirements?
A. Line Authority
B. Matrix
C. Functional
28. One of the factors which learning organizations possess is a climate of openness and the
other factor is
A. Motivation
B. Closeness
C. Trust
D. Delegation
30. One of the most helpful mechanisms for refining a spoken or written communication is
called the
A. Grapevine
B. Counseling service
C. Five C.s
D. Complaint system
33. Which pattern reflects a pure executive form of management?
A. Functional
B. Line
C. Line and Staff
D. Committee
34. One of the factors which learning organizations possess is a climate of openness and the
other factor is
A. Motivation
B. Closeness
C. Trust
D. Delegation
C. Constraint and restraint
D. All of the above
42. Control over the activities while they are in process is:
A. Feed forward Control
B. Concurrent control
C. Feedback Control
45. Which one of the following need is not coming under McClelland theory of motivation?
A. Need for power
B. Need for achievement
C. Need for affiliation
D. Need for actualization
ANS. (1)(C), (2)(B), (3)(B), (4)(D), (5)(A), (6)(B), (7)(B), (8)(D), (9)(B), (10)(C), (11)(B),
(12)(A), (13)(C), (14)(A), (15)(D), (16)(A), (17)(A), (18)(B), (19)(B), (20)(A), (21)(B),
(22)(D), (23)(B), (24)(A), (25)(B), (26)(D), (27)(B), (28)(C), (29)(D), (30)(C), (31)(A),
(32)(A), (33)(A), (34)(C), (35)(D), (36)(D), (37)(C), (38)(A), (39)(D), (40)(A), (41)(A),
(42)(B), (43)(C), (44)(A), (45)(D)
1. “Staffing is the responsibility of every manager and not of the personnel department
alone”. Elucidate.
2. Explain the process of manpower planning.
3. Explain the limits of on the job training.
4. What are the essentials of a good staffing policy?
5. What are the principles of staffing?
6. “Motivation is the core of management”. Comment. What practical suggestion would
you offer to the management to motivate its staff in an industrial organization
7. Critically evaluate MC Gregor’s theory X and Theory Y of motivation
8. “Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory is not universally applicable”. Explain this statement by
critically evaluating Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation.
9. Explain the distinguishing features of Ouchi’s Theory Z
10. What are determinants of high morale? Suggest some measures which would raise the
level of morale in an organization.
11. “Management is a change agent”. Discuss and identify the role of change agents in
12. Bring out the distinction between Maslow and Herzberg theories of motivation. What is
the role of money in motivating the managers?
13. “A good leader is one who understands his subordinates, their need and their sources of
satisfaction”. Comment on this statement and highlight the traits of effective leaders.
14. “A good leader is one who understands his subordinates, their need and their sources of
satisfaction”. Comment on this statement and highlight the traits of effective leaders.
15. Mention some of the needed skills for leaders / managers to be effective.
16. Briefly identify the major styles from Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid.
17. What is leadership? Explain its features.
18. What are the important traits of an effective leader?
19. Explain Likert’s system of management.
20. “Management is Different from Leadership”. Explain.
21. Why is control needed in a business organization?
22. Explain the limitations in the process of effective control.
23. Planning and controlling are inseparable in the management process. Do you agree? Give
24. What do you understand by feed forward control?
25. Explain the objectives of budgetary control.
26. Differentiate between Strategic and Tactical Planning
27. Differentiate between Standing Plans and single use plans
28. Differentiate between Informal Vs Formal Organization
29. Explain the concept of matrix application?
30. Explain the Relationship between planning and control
7. “Motivation is the core of management”. Comment. What practical suggestion would
you offer to the management to motivate its staff in an industrial organization.
8. “Leaders make a real difference in an organization’s performance” build an argument in
support and against of this statement.
9. Explain Maintenance factors and motivational Factors under Herzberg’s two factor
theory of motivation.
10. “Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory is not universally applicable”. Explain this statement
by critically evaluating Herzberg’s two factor theory of motivation.
11. What are the problems associated with motivating employees?
12. Identify the leadership styles describing the situations under which each style is useful.
13. “Leaders make a real difference in an organization’s performance” build an argument in
support and against of this statement.
14. A good leader is one who understands his subordinates, their need and their sources of
satisfaction”. Comment on this statement and highlight the traits of effective leaders.
15. What are the important traits of an effective leader.
16. Explain Likert’s system of management.
17. “Management is Different from Leadership”. Explain.
18. Explain the concept of managerial grid.
19. Compare and contrast between system 1 and system 4 of leadership under Likert’s
management system.
20. What is budgetary control? Explain its limitations. How can budgetary control be made
more effective?
21. Control guides operations, improves motivation and morale, and facilitates
coordination. Explain the statement highlighting the importance of control in a business
22. In a good organization structure, everybody knows the part he must play and how his
role relates to those of others. Good organization structure cannot, however, be a
substitute of control. Elucidate.
23. Control guides operations, improves motivation and morale, and facilitates
coordination. Explain the statement highlighting the importance of control in a business
24. Resistance to control can be overcome by establishing simple, understandable
objectives and positive controls in consultation with people concerned. Elucidate.
25. Control is needed to measure progress, to uncover deviations and to indicate corrective
action. Discuss highlighting the steps in the process of control.
26. What do you understand by matrix origination? Under what circumstances is it most
useful? Differentiate it from project organization.
27. Many executives wants to delegate their function but do not know just how to do it?
Suggest some guidelines to help such executives in deciding what to delegate and what
not to delegate?
28. Explain span of management. Do you agree with the view that the principle of “Unity of
command” is not of much relevance these days?
29. Sunrise Steel Ltd. has decided to diversify its activities and undertake production of
‘mobiles’. The CEO of the company seeks your advice on whether to group the
activities by product or by function. What advice will you tender and why?
30. ‘Decision making is the essence of managing.’ Comment and explain the features of a
rational decision
3. A variation of the electronic meeting that links together media from different locations
A. E-commerce
B. The Delphi technique
C. Video conference
D. E-conference
D. None of the Above
7. When a group gives some of its leadership positions to the members of another group, it
A. Contracting
B. Co-opting
C. Co-alition
D. Competition
9. One of the main values underpinning the work of Organisation Development (OD)
practitioner’s is
A. Legitimising managers’ right to manage
B. Empowering employees to act
C. Improving profitability
D. Providing organisations with the right solution
10. An extent to which an organisation achieves its predetermined objectives within given
resources and without undue strain to its members
A. Organization behaviour
B. Organizational culture
C. Organizational spirit
D. Organizational effectiveness
11. Needs that impel creativity and innovation, along with the desire to have a productive
impact on our surroundings are___________ needs
A. Existence
B. Relatedness
C. Growth
D. None of the Above
14. ___________ is a personality dimension describing someone who is good natured,
cooperative, and trusting
A. Existence
B. Emotional
C. Agreeableness
D. Introversion
16. An individual most likely to engage in political behavior would have all of the
following except a/an:
A. High need for power
B. High ability to self-monitor
C. High charisma rating
D. Internal locus of control
17. Which of the following statements about the determinants of personality is true?
A. Personality appears to be a result of external factors
B. Personality appears to be a result of mainly hereditary factors
C. Personality appears to be a result of mainly environmental factors
D. Personality appears to be a result of both hereditary and environmental factors
19. Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards
achieving organizational goals. Which of the following term best describes these
A. Terminal values
B. Instrumental values
C. Theoretical values
D. Social values
20. “They are the worst firm I have ever dealt with” is ………components of attitude.
A. Affective component
B. Cognitive component
C. Intentional component
D. None of these
21. “I will never do business with them again” is ………components of attitude.
A. Affective component
B. Cognitive component
C. Intentional component
D. None of these
24. In which of the five stages of group development suggested by Tuckman and Jensen do
groups build success in a cohesive and co-operative manner?
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
28. The groups to which an individual aspires to belong, i.e. the one with which he or she
identifies is called
A. Coalitions
B. Committees
C. Reference groups
D. Task groups
30. If the followers are able and unwilling, then the leader must use the
A. Authoritarian style
B. Participative style
C. Situational style
D. Strategic style
31. According to situational leadership approach, the style that denotes a high-task and a
low-relationship style is
A. Selling style
B. Delegating style
C. Participating style
D. Telling style
34. The groups to which an individual aspires to belong, i.e. the one with which he or she
identifies is called
A. Coalitions
B. Committees
C. Reference groups
D. Task groups
35. ERG theory was introduced by_____________.
A. Clayton Alderfer
B. McClelland
C. Douglas McGregor
D. J. Stacey Adams
36. Which of the following statements best describes a behaviourist approach to learning?
A. People learn by forming patterns and associations in their mind
B. People learn from experience
C. People learn through punishment and reward.
D. People learn by sharing 'war stories'.
37. People learn and memorize things by contextualizing them in a pattern, or by making
associations. Which approach to learning does this best describe?
A. Behaviourist view of learning
B. Experiential learning
C. Gestaltist view of learning
D. Organizational learning
A. Sensory limit
B. Psychological threshold
C. Perceptual set
D. Cognitive set
44. What is the relationship between what one perceives and objective reality?
A. They are the same
B. They can be substantially different.
C. They should be the same.
D. They are rarely if ever the same.
E. They cannot be the same.
ANS. (1)(A), (2)(C), (3)(B), (4)(B), (5)(B), (6)(A), (7)(C), (8)(A), (9)(B), (10)(A), (11)(C),
(12)(C), (13)(__), (14)(C), (15)(B), (16)(C), (17)(D), (18)(A), (19)(B), (20)(B), (21)(C),
(22)(B), (23)(B), (24)(D), (25)(D), (26)(A), (27)(B), (28)(C), (29)(B), (30)(A), (31)(D),
(32)(A), (33)(B), (34)(C), (35)(A), (36)(C), (37)(C), (38)(C), (39)(A), (40)(C), (41)(D),
(42)(C), (43)(D), (44)(B), (45)(D)
10. Write a detailed note on various types of values that are important for managers in
today’s environment.
11. “High cohesiveness in group leads to higher group productivity” do you agree or
disagree? Explain your position.
12. “Do you agree that high degree of cohesiveness in groups leads to higher productivity?”
Comment. Also, state as to how high degree of cohesiveness can be achieved.
13. Explain the relationship between attitude and behavior.
14. Explain the constructive theory as a part of the learning theory of management.
15. Define Perception. Discuss the different factors that affect our perception in
understanding human behavior.
16. Briefly discuss the major theoretical explanations for group’s formation. Which
explanation do you think is most relevant to the study of organizational behaviour? Give
17. What is the difference between a group & a team? What are the different types of work
18. Explain the concept of Transactional Analysis. How does TA help predict behaviour of
19. What do you understand by Cognitive theory?
20. What do you understand by life position as a part of transactional analysis What are
Type A and Type B personalities?
21. How will you determine the personality of a person? Also explain the personality traits
that have relevance from the point of view of Organizational Behaviour.
22. Briefly examine the immaturity-maturity theory of Chris Argyris.
23. Explain the concept of personality. Do biological factors affect the personality of an
24. Explain the concept of group vs. team
25. What are the various types of transactions?
26. Differentiate between Job Involvement and Job Satisfaction
27. Differentiate between Motivational and Hygiene factors
28. Differentiate between Autocratic and Free- rein leadership styles
29. Explain the importance of personality, needs and situation in determination of
30. Why do managers need to understand the concept of individual differences?
7. What does it mean that personality is unique to the individuals?
8. Explain the importance of personality, needs and situation in determination of
9. Why do managers need to understand the concept of individual differences?
10. Briefly explain the meaning of organizational behavior.
11. What is meant by dealing with changed employee expectations?
12. Perception is the process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting and reacting to
sensory stimuli or data.
13. Organizational Behaviour represents interaction among individuals, groups and
14. How do individual decisions differ from group decisions? What are the positive and
negative aspects of group decision making? How can group decision making be
15. Briefly discuss the major theoretical explanations for group’s formation. Which
explanation do you think is most relevant to the study of organizational behaviour? Give
16. What is the difference between a group & a team? What are the different types of work
17. Explain the concept of Transactional Analysis. How does TA help predict behaviour of
18. Define perception and explain the process of perception from the point of view of
organizational behavior.
19. Discuss the steps which you would take as a manager to reduce perceptual errors.
20. Explain internal attention factors which affect perceptual selectivity. How do
sometimes errors creep in perception?
21. “Learning leads to change in human behaviour.” Comment.
22. Explain the concept of personality. Do biological factors affect the personality of an
23. Explain the circumstances in which “repression” and “sharpening into conflict”
approaches should be used for handling conflicts
24. Johari window is helpful for self-awareness, personal development, group development
and understanding relationships. Explain with logical reasons.
25. “Do you agree that high degree of cohesiveness in groups leads to higher productivity?”
Comment. Also, state as to how high degree of cohesiveness can be achieved.
26. A good leader is one who understands his subordinates, their need and their sources of
satisfaction”. Comment on this statement and highlight the traits of effective leaders.
27. (a) Briefly identify the major styles from Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid.
(b) Mention some of the needed skills for leaders / managers to be effective.
28. “Organizational Behavior represents interactions among individuals, groups and the
organization.: Elucidate this statement.
29. “OB is relatively a young field of study that borrows many concepts and methods from
the behavioral and social sciences,” Comment. What advantages and disadvantages can
you see in such youth and diversity?
30. A large unit manufacturing electrical goods which has been known for its liberal
personnel policies and fringe benefits is facing the problem of low productivity and high
absenteeism. How should the management improve the organizational climate?
2. The changes which are introduced internally by management in a systematic manner are
A. Unplanned Changes
B. Fast Changes
C. Planned Changes
D. Slow Changes
4. _____ reflect an incompatibility between a person’s two or more attitudes, or between his
behaviorism attitudes
A. Value congruence
B. Terminal values
C. Instrumental values
D. Cognitive dissonance
7. All are the external factors responsible for change except change in
A. Government Policies
B. Market scenario
C. Technology
D. Leadership
12. ________occurs as group members attempt to assess the ground rules that will apply to
a task and to group interaction
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
15. Conflict can arise in the situation of
A. Competition
B. Cooperation
C. Coordination
D. Both competition and cooperation
16. If you support the idea that conflict should be eliminated, you are supporting which of
the following views of conflict? Select correct option
A. The traditional view
B. The human relations view
C. The interactionist view
D. The positivistic view
21. _____________ focuses on solving conflicts by allowing the desires of the other party
to prevail
A. Avoidance
B. Accommodation
C. Competition
D. Compromise
22. _______________ aims to solve conflict issues by having each party give up
some desired outcomes to get other desired outcomes.
A. Avoidance
B. Collaboration
C. Competition
D. Compromise
24. Challenging goals usually lead to__________ performance from individuals and groups
A. Higher
B. Lower
C. Excellent
D. None of the Above
28. The process by which the perception of a person is formulated based on a single
favourable or unfavourable trait or impression, where other relevant characteristics of
that person are dismissed is called:
A. Stereotyping.
B. Clouded judgment.
C. The angel effects.
D. The halo effects.
29. What are the three classes of factors that influence perception?
A. factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives
B. factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situation
C. factors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience
D. factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values
30. What do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory
impressions to give meaning to their environment?
A. interpretation
B. environmental analysis
C. social verification
D. perception
31. Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. Where do the
factors that operate to shape their dissimilar perceptions reside?
A. the perceivers
B. the target
C. the timing
D. the context
E. the situation
34. _____ reflect an incompatibility between a person’s two or more attitudes, or between his
behaviorism attitudes.
A. Value congruence
B. Terminal values
C. Instrumental values
D. Cognitive dissonance
36. Inputs necessary for the group to operate are____________ inputs.
A. Group Size
B. Work Group
C. Group Task
D. None of the Above
37. A group of employees with expertise in a variety of specialty areas who are brought
together to work on a project or specific activity is a:
A. Cross functional team
B. Self-managed team
C. Virtual team
D. Problem-solving team
38. __________ synergy is the force that results when the combined gains from group
interaction (as opposed to individuals operating alone) are greater than group process
A. Positive
B. Negative
39. ________occurs as group members attempt to assess the ground rules that will apply to
a task and to group interaction.
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
40. _______________ occurs as energy is channeled toward a task and as norms support
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Performing
D. Adjourning
E. Norming
42. _____________ focuses on solving conflicts by allowing the desires of the other party
to prevail.
A. Avoidance
B. Accommodation
C. Competition
D. Compromise
E. Collaboration
43. _______________ aims to solve conflict issues by having each party give up some
desired outcomes in order to get other desired outcomes.
A. Avoidance
B. Collaboration
C. Competition
D. Compromise
E. Accommodation
44. ______________ is the adverse reaction people must excessive pressure placed on
them from extraordinary demands, constraints, or opportunities.
A. Stereotyping
B. Stress
C. A halo effect
D. Creativity
ANS. (1)(B), (2)(C), (3)(B), (4)(A), (5)(D), (6)(D), (7)(D), (8)(C), (9)(D), (10)(B), (11)(A),
(12)(A), (13)(B), (14)(C), (15)(C), (16)(A), (17)(A), (18)(D), (19)(D), (20)(D), (21)(D),
(22)(D), (23)(C), (24)(A), (25)(D), (26)(C), (27)(D), (28)(D), (29)(B), (30)(D), (31)(A),
(32)(D), (33)(A), (34)(D), (35)(B), (36)(B), (37)(A), (38)(A), (39)(A), (40)(C), (41)(B),
(42)(D), (43)(D), (44)(B), (45)(D)
1. Explain the determinants of individual behaviour. What are the common perceptual
errors that can affect decision-making by the managers?
2. How do values originate? What is the relationship between values and culture?
3. “Change is highly important to the success of an organization, but many people have the
tendency, overtly or covertly to resist it”. How do you think resistance to change can be
4. “Management is a change agent”. Discuss and identify the role of change agents in
5. What is the difference between a group & a team? What are the different types of work
6. Define the term Organizational Behaviour. Discuss its models.
7. What is organizational culture? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a strong
organizational culture?
8. What is politics? Is organizational politics good or bad? Why? Explain with valid
9. Discuss in detail the stages of team development
10. “Perception is a process of input- throughput- output Analysis”. Comment. Give some
examples of perceptual sets from work settings.
11. Define Perception. Discuss the different factors that affect our perception in
understanding human behavior.
12. What is the difference between functional and dysfunctional conflict? Under what
circumstances might conflict be beneficial to a group?
13. Briefly discuss the major theoretical explanations for group’s formation. Which
explanation do you think is most relevant to the study of organizational behaviour? Give
14. Explain the concept of Transactional Analysis. How does TA help predict behaviour of
15. Explain the barriers of change. What are the ways of overcoming these barriers?
16. Explain the concept of Organizational Culture. What are its functions? How the
organizational culture is created and sustained?
17. “Managerial Ethos is the things of the past which have become irrelevant in information
age”. Critically evaluate the statement.
18. Write notes on the following: -
i. Morale and productivity.
ii. Organizational culture.
19. Where do, organizational ethics come from? Describe the contributions made by the
organization’s founder, managers and workers as well as laws and social norms. Which
do you think is most influential? Why
20. Explain the concept and features of Organizational Climate. What factors influence the
climate of an organization? Discuss in brief.
21. What are determinants of high morale? Suggest some measures which would raise the
level of morale in an organization.
22. How do external forces influence Organizational Change? Explain.
23. What challenges and opportunities do the managers face in the context of organizational
24. Explain how technology has assisted in the communication process.
25. Explain roles played by visionary and charismatic leaders. Give a brief of two
Business/Political leaders who exhibit these traits.
26. “Job related attitudes are significant for understanding organisational behaviour”.
Explain this statement.
27. Both too low and too high levels of conflicts have serious effects on organisational
performance. Comment.
28. Perception is the process of receiving, selecting, organizing, interpreting and reacting to
sensory stimuli or data.
29. Briefly discuss the major theoretical explanations for group’s formation. Which
explanation do you think is most relevant to the study of organizational behaviour? Give
30. How would you define conflict? Distinguish between functional & dysfunctional
conflicts by giving suitable examples?
BBA - 103
1. From a group of 7 men and 6 women, five persons are to be selected to form a committee
so that at least 3 men are there on the committee. In how many ways can it be done?
A. 564
B. 645
C. 735
D. 756
E. None of these
2. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'LEADING' be arranged in such a
way that the vowels always come together?
A. 360
B. 480
C. 720
D. 5040
E. None of these
3. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'CORPORATION' be arranged so
that the vowels always come together?
A. 810
B. 1440
C. 2880
D. 50400
E. 5760
4. Out of 7 consonants and 4 vowels, how many words of 3 consonants and 2 vowels can be
A. 210
B. 1050
C. 25200
D. 21400
E. None of these
5. In how many ways can the letters of the word 'LEADER' be arranged?
A. 72
B. 144
C. 360
D. 720
E. None of these
6. In a group of 6 boys and 4 girls, four children are to be selected. In how many different
ways can they be selected such that at least one boy should be there?
A. 159
B. 194
C. 205
D. 209
E. None of these
7. How many 3-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9, which are
divisible by 5 and none of the digits is repeated?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
8. In how many ways a committee, consisting of 5 men and 6 women can be formed from 8
men and 10 women?
A. 266
B. 5040
C. 11760
D. 86400
E. None of these
9. A box contains 2 white balls, 3 black balls and 4 red balls. In how many ways can 3 balls
be drawn from the box, if at least one black ball is to be included in the draw?
A. 32
B. 48
C. 64
D. 96
E. None of these
10. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'DETAIL' be arranged in such a
way that the vowels occupy only the odd positions?
A. 32
B. 48
C. 36
D. 60
E. 120
11. In how many ways can a group of 5 men and 2 women be made out of a total of 7 men
and 3 women?
A. 63
B. 90
C. 126
D. 45
E. 135
12. How many 4-letters words with or without meaning, can be formed out of the letters of
the word, 'LOGARITHMS', if repetition of letters is not allowed?
A. 40
B. 400
C. 5040
D. 2520
13. In how many different ways can the letters of the word 'OPTICAL' be arranged so that
the vowels always come together?
A. 120
B. 720
C. 4320
D. 2160
E. None of these
18. Ahmed has homework to do in math, chemistry, and English. How many ways can he
choose the order in which to do his homework?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 6
D. 1
19. How many arrangements are possible for four Students in a line?
A. 8
B. 12
C. 24
D. 4
20. A coin is tossed four times. How many possible sequences of heads or tails?
A. 8
B. 32
C. 16
D. 12
22. 2,4,6,8,10,12…. is
A. G.P
B. A.P
C. Geometric series
D. arithmetic series
24. 1,8,15,22,29,36…… is
A. G.P
B. A.P
C. Geometric series
D. arithmetic series
26. If n > 1 is a positive integer, then the largest integer m such that ( nm + 1 ) divides ( 1 + n
+ n2 + …... + n127 )
A. 1,3,6,…
B. 2,3,5,…
C. 1,3,5,…
D. 5,3,1,
29. If A, G, H are arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means between a and b respectively,
then A,G,H are
A. in G.P
B. in A.P
C. in H.P
D. Real number
31. In how many ways can a committee schedule three speakers for three different meetings
if they are all available on any of the five possible dates?
A. 10
B. 36
C. 60
D. 120
32. How many even three-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1,2,5,6,9 without
repeating any of the digits?
A. 120
B. 48
C. 40
D. 24
33. If ten friends shake hands mutually, then the total number of handshakes is
A. 45
B. 50
C. 90
D. 100
34. The total number of integers between 200 and 400, each of which either begins with 3 or
ends with 3or both, is
A. 10
B. 100
C. 110
D. 120
35. What is the digit in the unit’s place in the number 15! / 100.
A. 5
B. 7
C. 3
D. 0
Ans. (1)(D), (2)(C), (3)(D), (4)(C), (5)(C), (6)(D), (7)(D), (8)(C), (9)(C), (10)(C), (11)(A),
(12)(C), (13) (B), (14)(A), (15)(D), (16)(C), (17)(B), (18)(C), (19)(C), (20)(C).
(21)(A), (22)(B), (23) (D), (24)(B), (25)(C), (26)(C), (27)(D), (28)(C), (29)(A), (30)(A),
(31)(C), (32)(D), (33)(A), (34)(C), (35)(D)
1. In a college election, there are 4 candidates for President, 3 candidates for Vice-
President and 2 candidates for secretary. In how many ways can these three offices be
2. How many three letter words can be formed using letters of the words (i) SAMPLE and
3. For what value of n is nP5 = 20 * nP3?
4. Show that (n+3)! / n! = n3 + 6n2 – 11n + 6
5. If six times the number of Permutations of n objects taken 3 at a time is equal to seven
times the number of permutation of (n-1) objects taken 3 at a time, find the value of n.
6. Prove that 0! = 1.
7. How many permutations can be made out of the letters of the words (i) MATHEMATICS
8. In how many of the permutations of 10 different things taken 4 at a time will one
particular (a) never occur (b) always occur
9. How many 5 digits numbers can be formed with the digits 2,3,5,,9, which are (i) greater
than 30000 (ii) less than 70000 and (iii) lies between 30000 and 90000
10. Let there be 3 red, 2 yellow and 2 green signal flags. How many different signals are
possible if we wish to make signals by arranging all of the vertically on a flag.
11. In how many different ways can examination paper be arranged in a row so that the best
and the worst paper may never come together?
12. There are 8 vacant chairs in a room. In how many ways can 5 persons take their seats?
13. How many words can be formed from the letters of the word DAUGHTER so that
vowels always occur together?
14. How many even numbers can be formed by using all the digits 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, no digit
being repeated in any number?
15. If (n+1)! = 0 * (n-1)!. Find n.
16. Prove that n! + 1 is not divisible by any number between 2 and n. [Hint n! = n(n-1)(n-
2)…3.2.1. is divisible by all nos. between 2 and n. Adding 1 to make it indivisible by any
numbers between 2 and n.]
17. Prove that 2nPn = 2n.
18. If 56Pr+6: 54Pr+3 = 30800: 1. Find r.
19. Find 8P4 and 6P6.
20. In how many ways 8 beads can be arranged to form a necklace.
21. In how many ways persons are seated at round table so that all shall not have the same
neighbors in any two arrangements?
22. A family of 4 brothers and 3 sisters is to be arranged for photograph in one row. In how
many ways, can they be seated if (i) all sisters sit together (ii) no two sister’s sit together?
23. If different permutations of the word examination are listed as in dictionary, how many
items are there in the list before the first word starting with E?
24. 5 boys and 5 girls form a line with the boys and girls alternating. Find the number of
ways of making the line. In how many different ways could they form are circle such that
the boys and girls are alternate.
25. The letters of the word AGAIN are written in all possible orders. If these words are
written out as in dictionary, what is the 50th word?
26. The third term of a geometric progression is 4. Find out product of the first five terms.
27. Arithmetic mean between 2+√(2) and 2-√(2) is
28. 21 + 22 +23 +….+2n =
29. What is the 31st term of the sequence: 1, 4, 7, 10, ....
30. What is the 11th term of the sequence:
31. The number of ways to seat 3 boys and 2 girls in a row if each boy must sit next to at
least one girl is
32. Suppose there are ten balls in an urn, four blue, four red, and two green. The balls are
also numbered 1 to 10. How many ways are there to select an ordered sample of four
balls without replacement such that there are two blue balls and two red balls in the
33. How many different rearrangements are there of the letters in the word BUBBLE?
34. The number of four letter words that can be formed from the letters in SASSABY (each
letter occurring at most as many times as it occurs in SASSABY) is
35. How many different rearrangements are there of the letters in the word TATARS if the
two A’s are never adjacent?
4. In how many ways it is possible to make a selection by taking any number of 15 fruits,
namely 7 mangoes, 5 apples and 3 oranges?
5. Find the number of ways in which a pack of 52 playing cards can be divided into 4 sets,
three of them having 17 cards each and fourth just 1 card.
6. Which term of AP 2, 5, 8, … is 56?
7. If 7 times the 7th term of an AP is equal to the 11 times the 11th term, show that the18th
term of the AP is 0.
8. Prove that in an AP the sum of terms equidistant from the beginning and the end is equal
to the sum of its first and last term.
9. If a, b, c are in AP. Prove that the following are also in AP.
(i) 1/bc, 1/ca, 1/ab
(ii) a2(b+c), b2(c+a), c2(a+b)
10. Find four numbers in AP, whose sum is 20 and sum of their squares, is 120.
11. Divide 20 into 4 parts which are in AP such that the product of the first and fourth is to
the product of second and third in the ration 2:3.
12. Show that the sum of all odd numbers between 2 and 1000 which are divisible by 3 is
83667 and those not divisible by 3 are 166332.
13. Find the nth term of the series whose sum to n terms is 3 n2 + 4n. Show that the series is
in AP.
14. A person saved Rs 16500 in 10 years. In each year after the first, he saved Rs. 100 more
than he did in the preceding year. How much did he save in the first year?
15. How many terms of GP 1, 4, 1,… must be taken to make 5the sum equal to 341.
16. A ball is dropped from a height of 10 ft, rebounds to half its height on each bounce. Find
the total vertical distance travelled when it hits the ground for the 5th time.
17. Insert geometric means between 16 and 256.
18 If G be the geometric mean between two given numbers and A1, A2 be the two
arithmetic means between them, prove that G2 = (2A1 – A2)(2A2 – A1).
19 The sum of four numbers in GP is 0 and the arithmetic mean of the first and the last
number is 18. Find the number.
20. The sum of 3 numbers in GP is 35 and their product is 1000. Find the numbers.
21 Show that the product of n GMs between two quantities a and b is (underrootab * 2m)n.
22. From gentlemen and 4 ladies, a committee of 5 is to be formed. In how many ways can
this be done if (i) the committee is to include at least one lady (ii) there is no restriction
about its formation
23. Of ten electricity bulbs, three are defective but its not known which are detective. In how
many ways three bulbs can be selected? How many of these selections will include at
least one defective bulb?
24. Out of 4 officers and 8 jawans, a committee of is to be formed. In how many ways can
this be done so as (i) to include exactly one officer (ii) to include atleast one officer?
25. Find the number of ways in which a cricket team consisting of 11 players can be selected
from 12 players. Also, find how many of these ways (i) include the captain (ii) do not
include the captain.
26. Use mathematical induction to prove that
1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = n (n + 1) / 2
for all positive integers n.
27. Prove that
1 2 + 2 2 + 3 2 + ... + n 2 = n (n + 1) (2n + 1)/ 6
For all positive integers n.
28. Use mathematical induction to prove that
1 3 + 2 3 + 3 3 + ... + n 3 = n 2 (n + 1) 2 / 4
for all positive integers n.
29. Prove that for any positive integer number n , n 3 + 2 n is divisible by 3.
30. Prove that 3 n > n 2 for n = 1, n = 2 and use the mathematical induction to prove that 3 n > n 2 for
n a positive integer greater than 2.
31. A boy has 3 library tickets and 8 books of his interest in the library. Of these 8, he does
not want to borrow Mathematics Part II, unless Mathematics Part I is also borrowed. In
how many ways can he choose the three books to be borrowed?
32. In a small village, there are 87 families, of which 52 families have at most 2 children. In a
rural development programme 20 families are to be chosen for assistance, of which at
least 18 families must have at most 2 children. In how many ways can the choice be
33. Three boys and three girls sit in a row. Find the probability that exactly two of the girls
are sitting next to each other (the remaining girl separated from them by at least one boy).
34. Suppose there are ten balls in an urn, four blue, four red, and two green. The balls are
also numbered 1 to 10. You are asked to select an ordered sample of four balls without
replacement. Let B ≥ 0 be the number of blue balls, R ≥ 0 be the number of red balls, and
G ≥ 0 be the number of green balls in your sample. How many ways are there to select
such a sample if exactly one of B, R, or G must be zero?
35. Three married couples are to be seated in a row having six seats in a cinema hall. If
spouses are to be seated next to each other, in how many ways can they be seated? Find
also the number of ways of their seating if all the ladies sit together
D. adjacent matrix
6. According to determinant properties, multiple of one row is added to another row then
A. changed
B. unchanged
C. multiplied
D. added
is a ?
A. symmetric
B. skew-symmetric
C. Hermitian
D. skew-Hermitian
12. What is a, if
is a singular matrix?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
15. If
then |A| = ?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
is a?
A. symmetric
B. skew-symmetric
C. Hermitian
D. skew-Hermitian
is a?
A. scalar matrix
B. identity matrix
C. even matrix
D. odd matrix
18. If
19. (AB)t = ?
A. BtAt
B. AtBt
20. If
then |A| = ?
A. 30
B. 40
C. 50
D. 60
21. Transpose of a rectangular matrix is a
A. rectangular matrix
B. diagonal matrix
C. square matrix
D. scaler matrix
27. Matrix which does not have an inverse by solving it, is classified as
A. unidentified matrix
B. linear matrix
C. non-singular matrix
D. singular matrix
28. If the order of matrix A is m×p. And the order of B is p×n. Then the order of
matrix AB is?
A. m×n
B. n×m
C. n×p
D. m×p
29. What is a, if
is a singular matrix ?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
30. If A and B are matrices, then which from the following is true ?
A. A+B≠B+A
B. (At)t ≠ A
C. AB ≠ BA
D. All are true
31. The solution set of systems of equations as AX = B is calculated only when matrix
equation's both sides are
A. subtracted by A-1
B. added by A-1
C. multiplied by A-1
D. divided by A-1
32. The condition in Gaussian reduction procedure in which matrix A can be transformed
into an identity matrix if the matrix is
A. identified and non-inverse
B. unidentified and non-inverse
C. singular and have inverse
D. non-singular and have inverse
33. According to determinant properties, the determinant of resulting matrix equals to k delta
if elements of rows are
A. multiplied to constant k
B. added to constant k
C. multiplied to constant k
D. divided to constant
35. In matrices, the inter-industry demand is summarized as
A. input-output matrix
B. output-input matrix
C. linear buying matrix
D. linear selling matrix
Ans. (1)(B), (2)(A), (3)(C), (4)(A), (5)(D), (6)(B),(7)(D), (8)(A), (9)(B), (10)(A), (11)(B),
(12)(D), (13)(A), (14)(C), (15)(B), (16)(A), (17)(A), (18)(D), (19)(A), (20)(D),
(21)(A), (22)(D), (23) (C), (24)(B), (25)(A), (26)(A), (27)(A), (28)(A), (29)(D), (30)(C),
(31)(C), (32)(D), (33)(C), (34)(C), (35)(A)
2a) Calculate D
2b) Calculate Dy
6. Use cramer’s rule to solve this system:
8x+5y = 2
2x-4y = -10
7. Evaluate C=AB
1 2 3 −1 2
A= B = 2 3
0 1 4
5 0
8. Prove (AB)-1 = B-1A-1
1 2
9. Evaluate the determinant:
3 4
3 20 -11 0 16 -10 -12 -11
-14 5 -3 6 10 -15 15 5
15 2 9 -18 -1 14 -9 0
-19 4 -15 10 3 -3 -16 -5
11. Solve:
13 -17 -6 -18 -15 -9
-15 -14 9 - 19 -3 -8
12 -2 16 6 3 11
15. Solve:
4 -9 15 2 11 -7 8 0
-10 -1x 10 -20 -11 12 11 -34
+ - =
-20 20 -9 -16 0 -1 -29 5
9 18 19 18 1 -8 27 44
Expand along row 1.
-1 -19 8
-12 12 6
-9 -17 -14
17. Solve:
0 11 99 -33
X =
5 8 77 -9
18. Solve:
1 12 -10 -4 -97 111
X + =
-4 -7 8 -8 69 -58
20. 3x - 2y = -31
9x - 8y = -103
21. Use the inverse of the linear system to solve for x, y, and z.
5x - 3y - 7z = -50
-1x + 4y - 6z = -40
8x - 9y + 2z = -2
-2/3 1 2/3
A-1 = -2/3 22/23 37/69
-1/3 7/23 17/69
24. Use the gauss Jordan elimination method to solve for x, y, and z.
5x - 3y - 7z = -50
-1x + 4y - 6z = -40
8x - 9y + 2z = -2
26. A ball is dropped from a height of 10 ft, rebounds to half its height on each bounce. Find
the total vertical distance travelled when it hits the ground for the 5th time.
28. A family of 4 brothers and 3 sisters is to be arranged for photograph in one row. In how
many ways, can they be seated if (i) all sisters sit together (ii) no two sister’s sit together?
29. If different permutations of the word examination are listed as in dictionary, how many
items are there in the list before the first word starting with E?
30. The Funny Toys Company has four men available for work on four separate jobs. Only
one man can work on any one job. The cost of assigning each man to each job is given in
the following table. The objective is to assign men to jobs in such a way that the total cost
of assignment is minimum.
Person 1 2 3 4
A 20 25 22 28
B 15 18 23 17
C 19 17 21 24
D 25 23 24 24
34. Find the adjoint of the matrix A=
2 4 6
7 8 3
5 9 2
2 −4 4 −1 4 − 3 2 0
Given A = D = 3 1 E=
Q. B= C=
1 2 0 3 1 − 1 − 2
Perform the following row operations beginning with matrix A and using your answer to each problem as
the matrix for the next.
9. –2R2 + R1→ R1
10. R1R2
11. − R2
1 6 5
Given the matrix 2 3 1 calculate the determinant.
0 2 4
1 3 −1 8
13. Given that the augmented matrix 0 3 1 11 represents a system of equations, give the
0 0 4 8
solution to the system of equations as an ordered triplet.
On Problems 15 and 16, use Cramer’s Rule (determinants) to solve.
15. 2x – 3y = -4 16. 5x + 2y – z = -7
5x + 7y = 1 x – 2y + 2z = 0
3y + z = 17
SOLVE using Gaussian Elimination:
For 20 - 21, find the first four terms of each sequence. Then, for 20 - 23 identify each sequence
as arithmetic, geometric, or neither. If arithmetic, identify common difference. If geometric,
identify common ratio.
1 1 1 1
20. an = 3n 21. an = n + 5 22. , ,1,4 ,... 23. 4,1, , ,...
6 3 4 16
24. Given a1 = 5 and d = -3, find the first four terms of the arithmetic sequence.
25. Given the sequence 3, 6, 9, 12, . . . . write the formula for the nth term.
26. A company's employees are working to create a new energy bar. They would like the two key
ingredients to be peanut butter and oats, and they want to make sure they have enough
carbohydrates and protein in the bar to supply the athlete. They want a total of 31 carbohydrates
and 23 grams of protein to make the bar sufficient. Using the following table, create a system of
two equations and two unknowns to find how many tablespoons of each ingredient the bar will
need. Solve the system of equations using matrices. Show all work to receive full credit.
Carbohydrates Protein
Peanut Butter 2 6
Oats 5 1
27. The following matrix consists of a shoe store’s inventory of flip flops, clogs, and Mary
Janes in sizes small, medium, and large:
The store wants to know how much their inventory is worth for all the shoes. How
should we set up the matrix multiplication to determine this the best way?
28. An outbreak of Chicken Pox hit the local public schools. Approximately 15% of the
male and female juniors and 25% of the male and female seniors are currently healthy,
35% of the male and female juniors and 30% of the male and female seniors are currently
sick, and 50% of the male and female juniors and 45% of the male and female seniors are
carriers of Chicken Pox.
There are 100 male juniors, 80 male seniors, 120 female juniors, and 100 female seniors.
Using two matrices and one matrix equation, find out how many males and how many
females (don’t need to divide by class) are healthy, sick, and carriers.
29. A florist is making 5 identical bridesmaid bouquets for a wedding. She has $610 to
spend (including tax) and wants 24 flowers for each bouquet. Roses cost $6 each, tulips
cost $4 each, and lilies cost $3 each. She wants to have twice as many roses as the other
2 flowers combined in each bouquet. How many roses, tulips, and lilies are in each
30. The following coefficient matrix, or input-output matrix, shows the values of energy and
manufacturing consumed internally needed to produce $1 of energy and manufacturing,
respectively. In other words, of the value of energy produced (x for energy, y for
manufacturing), 40 percent of it, or .40x pays to produce internal energy, and 25 percent
of it, or .25x pays for internal manufacturing. Of the value of the manufacturing
produced, .25y pays for its internal energy and .10y pays for manufacturing consumed
internally. The inputs are the amount used in production, and the outputs are the
amounts produced.
(a) If the capacity of energy production is $15 million and the capacity of manufacturing
production is $20 million, how much of each is consumed internally for capacity
(b) How much energy and manufacturing must be produced to have $8 million worth of
energy and $5 million worth of manufacturing available for consumer use?
Verify that A (adj A)= A I3= (adj A) A.
33. Given the matrix A=
0 1 2
1 2 3
3 1 1
a. Compute A-1
b. Verify that (A’)-1= (A-1)’
34. Explain special types of matrices which play an important role in matrix theory with
In each of Questions 1-4, a function is given. Choose the alternative that is the derivative, dy/dx,
of the function:
1. √(4x+1)(1-x)3
A. -12(1-x)2
B. (1-x)2(1+8x)
C. (1-x2)(1-16x)
D. 3(1-x)2(4x+1)
2. y = (2-x)/(3x+1)
A. -7/(3x+1)2
B. -9/(3x+1)2
C. (6x-5)/(3x+1)2
D. (7-6x)/(3x+1)2
3. y = 2/(5x+1)3
A. -30/(5x+1)2
B. -30(5x+1)-4
C. -6/(5x+1)4
D. -10(5x+1)-4/3/3
4. y = 3x2/3 – 4x1/2 – 2
A. 2x1/3-2x-1/2
B. 3x-1/3-2x-1/2
C. 9x5/3/5-8x3/2
D. 2x-1/3-2x-1/2
6. If B = f * g, then B’(2) =
A. -20
B. -7
C. -6
D. -1
15. y = ln(ex/ex-1)
A. x – (ex/ex-1)
B. 1/(ex-1)
C. -1/(ex-1)
D. 0
16. y = ln(Sec x+ Tan x)
A. Sec x
B. 1/sec x
C. Tan x + (sec2 x/ Tan x)
D. 1/ (Sec x + Tan x)
17. y = ex – e-x
A. 1
B. 2/(ex + e-x)2
C. 4/(ex + e-x)2
18. x+ cos(x+y) = 0
A. Cos (x+y)-1
B. Cos (x+y)
C. x/ Sin (x+y)
D. (1-Sin x)/ Sin y
22. If y = √x + 1, then y` = ?
A. 2√x+1
B. 2/√x+1
C. 1/√x+1
D. 1/2√x+1
23. The derivative of sec (2x) is ?
A. sec(x) tan(x)
B. sec(2x) tan(2x)
C. 2sec(2x) tan(2x)
D. 4sec(2x) tan(2x)
27. Suppose f (c) exists and f′ (c) = 0, then the point x = c of the function f (x) is called
A. Minima
B. Maxima
C. Tangent point
D. Critical point
29. d/dx(e⁻x) =?
A. ex
B. –ex
C. e⁻x
D. -e⁻x
C. 1/1+2x2
D. 1/1+4x2
31. If
A. 2x2
B. √x
C. 0
D. 1
34. The interval in which the Lagrange's theorem is applicable for the function f(x) = 1/x is
A. [-3, 3]
B. [-2, 2]
C. [2, 3]
D. [-1, 1]
Ans. (1)(C), (2)(A), (3)(B), (4)(D), (5)(B), (6)(B), (7)(D), (8)(A), (9)(B), (10)(A), (11)(D),
(12)(B), (13)(A), (14)(C), (15)( C), (16)(A), (17)(D), (18)(A), (19)(D), (20)(B), (21)(A),
(22)(D), (23)(C), (24)(A), (25)(B), (26)(D), (27)(D), (28)(C), (29)(D), (30)(D), (31)(A),
(32)(A), (33)(A), (34)(C), (35)(C)
f ( x, y) dx dy
−a 0
17. Evaluate s
xy − y 2 dx dy where s is a with vertices (0,0), (10,1) and (1,1).
18. Evaluate
1 1− x 2 1− x 2 − y 2
0 0
xyz dz dy dx
dx dy dz
19. Evaluate ( x + y + z + 1)
where R is bounded by the planes x = 0, y = 0, z = 0 and
20. Change the order of integration in the integral
2 a2 − y2
x dy dx +
0 0 a
x dy dx and evaluate it.
22. If y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d, show that y4 = 0.
23. If ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0, Prove that y2 = (h2 – ab)/(hx+by)3
24. If b2x2 + a2y2 = a2b2, prove that y2 = - b4/ a2y3
25. If y(1-x) = x2, prove that (1-x)y2 – 2y1 = 2.
26. What is yn of xy = 2?
27. if y= 4cos2(2x3), then y` =?
28. If f(x) = xπ, then f`(1)=?
29. Find out the limit of x2 – 1/x – 1 as x 1.
30. A function f is defined as
F (x) = x2 - 4x + 3/x2 -1 when x ≠1
31. Find f (3) if f ( x) = 4 x 2 .
32. Find f if f ( x) = sin(2 x)
f ( x) − f (a)
33. Find f (3) if f ( x) = 4 x 2 by using the form f (a ) = lim
x→a x−a
of the definition of a derivative.
34. Find the equation of the line tangent to the function
f ( x) = x 3 − 0.165 x + 3.993 10 −4 at x = 0.05 .
35. Find the derivative of f ( x) = 6 .
3. Verify CAUCHY’S theorem for the function – 3z2 + i z – 4
2z + 3
4. Show that the transformation w = maps the circle x2 + y2 – 4x = 0 onto the straight
z −3
line 4u + 3 = 0.
5. Find the bilinear transformation which maps
a. the points z = 1, i,-1, into the pts w = 0, 1
b. the points z=0, -1, , into the pts w = -1, -2, i
6. Evaluate sin h 5z dz
7. Evaluate e ( z + 1) 4 dz , where c : |z| = 3
8. Evaluate e z 3 dz , where c : |z| = 1
9. Find the region of convergence of n !2
n =1
10. Expand f(z) = in a LAURENT SERIES for |z| < 3
z −3
11. Evaluate
3 − 2 cos + sin
cos 3
12. Show that 5 − 4 cos d = 12
sin x
13. Show that
dx =
2z − 5
14. Find the fixed points of the Transform w =
cos h ax
15. Prove that cos h x dx = a
, |a| < 1
0 2 cos
1 z 2dz
2 i c z 2 + 4
16. Prove that
2 zx
17. Evaluate dz
18. If f(z) is a regular function of z.
2 2 2
Prove that 2 + 2 f ( z ) = 4 f ' ( z )
x y
z8 + z 4 + 2
19. Locate the singularities of
( z − 1)3 (3 z + z ) 2
20. Find the Laurent series of following f(z) with centre 0.
1 − cos z
(i) z-5 sin z (ii) z2 e1/z (iii)
for the function f(z) = 2 at the isolated singularity and
21. Obtain Laurent’s series z sin hz
hence evaluate 2 ; where C is the circle |z – 1| = 2
C z sin hz
t , + t
(c) Plot the 2 - periodic functions, given by f(t) = and find
− t , t 2
Its laplace transform.
s 2 + 2s − 3
24. (a) Find the inverse L.T. of
s ( s − 3)(s + 2)
(b) Find the L.T. of exponential function f(t) = ea+
s 2 + 2s − 3
25. (a) Find the inverse L.T. of
s ( s − 3)(s + 2)
(b) Find the L.T. of exponential function f (t ) = e at
(c) Solve the simultaneous equation
(b 2 − 3) x − 4 y = 0
x + ( D 2 + 1) y = 0
for t>0, give that
dy dx
x= y= = 0 and = 2at when t = 0
dt dt
26. f (x) is defined as under
A. f(x) = 0 for x ≤ 0
B. =1/2 – x for x > 0.
Show that lim x---0 f(x) does not exist.
28. Differentiate √cos x with respect to x by first principles
29. Evaluate ð 2z/ ðx ðy = ð2z/ ðy ðx. When z = x2/ x-y+1
30. Show that ð2/ ðx ðy [(x+y)ex+y] = (x+y+2)ex+y
31 Find the derivative of f ( x) = x 6 .
32 Find the derivative of f ( x) = x −6 .
33 Find the derivative of f ( x) = 10 x 6 .
34 Find the derivative of f ( x) = 3x 3 + 8 .
35 Find the derivative of f ( x) = (2 x 2 − 6)(3x 3 + 8)
1. ∫(x2 + 2/x3 – 7) dx =?
A. X3/3 +2/x2-7
B. X3/3-2/x2-7
C. X3/3-1/x2-7x
D. X3/3-1/x2-7x+c
2. ∫sec2 5xdx =?
A. Tan x+c
B. 1/5Tan x+c
C. 1/5Tan5 x+c
D. 1/5Tan2 5x+c
4. ∫cos √xdx =?
A. √x sin √x
B. 2√x sin √x
C. 1/√x sin √x
D. 1/2√x sin √x
9. If f is continuous on [5,2], and if F is an antiderivative of f on [5,2], where
A. 2/3
B. 5/7
C. -17/6
D. -13/6
11. If θ approaches zero, then limit of sin(θ)/θ is _____.
A. Cos (θ)
B. 0
C. 1
D. This is indeterminate
12. Let's say that f ''(k) = 0 @ (13, -2). What does this mean?
A. There is definitely an inflection point at that location.
B. There might be an inflection point at that location.
C. There definitely is not an inflection point at that location.
D. There's no way to tell without first knowing what the specific function is.
14. Which of the following is the best integration technique to use for ∫2x(x2 + 1)5 dx?
A. The product rule.
B. The chain rule
C. The power rule
D. The substitution rule
15. What is the converted substitution form of ∫12x2 (x3 + 1)5 dx?
A. 4∫u5 du
B. ∫u5 du
C. ¼ ∫u5 du
D. This cannot be solved by the substitution method
B. ½
C. ln 3
D. ln 2
19. Find the integral of 12 sin5 x cos5 x dx if the lower limit is 0 and the upper limit is π/2
A. 0.2
B. 0.333
C. 0.433
D. 0.533
25. Evaluate the integral of cos x dx limits from π/4 to π/2.
A. 0.423
B. 0.293
C. 0.923
D. 0.329
26. What is the primary difference between using anti-differentiation when finding a definite
versus an indefinite integral?
A. Indefinite integrals don’t have defined limits.
B. Definite integrals have defined limits.
C. The constant of integration is, C.
D. There is no difference between definite and indefinite integrals.
27. What is the one thing done in anti-differentiation that has no counterpart in
A. Adding a constant C.
B. Subtracting a constant C.
C. Dividing the new exponent by a constant C.
D. Nothing, they are equally matched step by step.
30. ∫1/x dx =
A. Undefined because you cannot divide by 0.
B. loge(x)
C. ln(x)
D. ln(x) + C
31. If
A. 2x2
B. √x
C. 0
D. 1
B. a maxima at x = 3 and a minima at x = 1
C. no maxima, but a minima at x = 1
D. a maxima at x = 1, but no minima
is equal to
A. 0
B. ∞
C. 1
D. -1
34. If f (0) = 2 and f (x) = 1 / (5-x2), then lower and upper bound of f(1) estimated by the mean value
theorem are
A. 1.9,2.2
B. 2.2,2.25
C. 2.25,2.5
D. None of these
Ans. (1)(D), (2)(A), (3)(C), (4)(B), (5)(D), (6)(A), (7)(B), (8)(D), (9)(C), (10)(B), (11)(C), (12)
(B), (13)(C), (14)(D), (15)(A), (16)(A), (17)(D), (18)(A), (19)(A), (20)(B), (21)(B),
(22)(A), (23)(D), (24)(A), (25) (B), (26)(C), (27)(A), (28)(B), (29)(D), (30)(D), (31)(D),
(32)(B), (33)(A), (34)(B), (35)(C)
23. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y = ex, the x – axis and the lines x = 0
and x = 3.
24. Find the area of the region bounded by the curve y = x2, the x – axis and the lines x = 1
and x = 2.
25. Find the area of the region bounded by the parabola y2 = 4x and the line y = x.
26. Integrate 1/4x2+4x+10
27. Integrate 1/x2+x+1
28. Evaluate ∫cot4 xdx
29. Evaluate ∫4x-3/√x2+1 dx
30. Evaluate ∫√-3x2 + x + 2 dx
( 2 x 2 − 6)
31. Find the derivative of f ( x ) = .
(3 x 3 + 8)
32. Find if x 2 + y 2 = 2 xy
33 Find f(x) so that f ′ (x) = 2x and f(3) = 7
14. Find:
19. If f (a+b-x) = f(x), prove that x a∫b x f(x)dx = (a + b)/2 a∫b f(x)dx
20. Evaluate : 0∫3 |x – 2|dx, 0∫1 |2x - 1|dx
21. Evaluate 0∫3 f(x)dx, where f(x) = |x| + |x – 1| + |x – 2|
22. Use definite integral to find the area of the region bounded by the curve y = |x|, the
axis and two lines x = -2 and x = 1.
23. Show that a∫b log x/x dx = ½ log(ba) log (b/a).
24. Show that the differential equation, of which x2 – y2 = c(x2 + y2)2 is a solution, is (x3 –
3xy2) dx = (y3 – 3x2y)dy.
25. Solve the differential equation: dy/dx = 6x2 + 2x + 3.
26. Integrate 1/1-6x-9x2
27. Evaluate ∫ x/(x-1)(2x+1)dx
28. Find ∫1/x3 + 1dx
∫ 𝑥 2 𝑑𝑥
29. Evaluate (𝑥 2+1)(3𝑥 2+1)
30. Show that 2π∫0 sin8 x cos7 xdx = 0
31 Suppose a(t) = 3t 2 , s(0) = 3 and s(1) = 5. Find v(t) and s(t).
4. The term "compound entry" means that the journal entry has
A. More than two accounts involved in the entry
B. A debit amount greater than the credit amount
C. A credit amount greater than the debit amount
D. Only one debit, but two credits
6. Which of the following statements about differences between financial and management
accounting is incorrect?
A. Management accounting information is prepared primarily for external parties
such as stockholders and creditors; financial accounting is directed at internal
B. Financial accounting is aggregated; management accounting is focused on
products and departments.
C. Management accounting pertains to both past and future items; financial
accounting focuses primarily on past transactions and events.
D. Financial accounting is based on generally accepted accounting practices;
management accounting faces no similar constraining factors.
7. Which one of the following is the main aim of accounting?
A. To maintain ledger accounts for every asset and liability
B. To provide financial information to users of such information
C. To produce a trial balance
D. To record every financial transaction individually
10. Which of the following equations properly represents a derivation of the fundamental
accounting equation?
A. Assets + liabilities = owner's equity.
B. Assets = owner's equity.
C. Cash = assets.
D. Assets - liabilities = owner's equity.
13. Which accounting concept or convention which, in times of rising prices, tends to
understate asset values and overstate profits?
A. The going concern concept
B. The prudence concept
C. The realisation concept
D. The historical cost convention
15. Which accounting concept should be considered if the owner of a business takes goods
from inventory for his own personal use?
A. The prudence concept
B. The capitalisation concept
C. The money measurement concept
16. Assets are usually valued under which basis?
A. Replacement cost
B. Historical cost
C. Net realisable value
18 The comparison of the results of one accounting period with that in the past is possible
when the following convention is followed:
A. Convention of Consistency
B. Convention of Full Disclosure
C. Convention of Materiality
D. Convention of Prudence
19 According to this convention, important items must be recorded instead of being left out
or merged with other items.
A. Convention of Consistency
B. Convention of Full Disclosure
C. Convention of Materiality
D. Convention of Prudence
21 The long term assets that have no physical existence but are rights that have value is
known as
A. Current assets
B. Fixed assets
C. Intangible assets
D. Investments
22 The assets that can be converted into cash within a short period (i.e. 1 year or less) are
known as
A. Current assets
B. Fixed assets
C. Intangible assets
D. Investments
25 The liabilities that are payable in more than a year and are not be liquidated from current
A. Current liabilities
B. Fixed liabilities
C. Contingent liabilities
D. All of the above
26 The debts, which are to be repaid within a short period (year or less) are known as
A. Current liabilities
B. Fixed liabilities
C. Contingent liabilities
D. All of the above
27 The sales income (Credit and Cash) of a business during a given period is called:
A. Transactions
B. Sales returns
C. Turnover
D. Purchase returns
C. Ledger posting
D. Voucher
31 The debts, which are to be repaid within a short period (year or less) are known as
A. Current liabilities
B. Fixed liabilities
C. Contingent liabilities
D. All of the above
34 According to the money measurement concept, the following will be recorded in the
of account of the business:
A. Health of Managing Director of the company
B. Quality of company’s goods
C. Value of Plant & Machinery
D. Strike by employees
D. Italy
38 The liabilities that are payable in more than a year and are not be liquidated from current
A. Current liabilities
B. Fixed liabilities
C. Contingent liabilities
D. All of the above
39 The debts, which are to be repaid within a short period (year or less) are known as
A. Current liabilities
B. Fixed liabilities
C. Contingent liabilities
D. All of the above
42 According to the money measurement concept, the following will be recorded in the
books of account of the business:
A. Health of Managing Director of the company
B. Quality of company’s goods
C. Value of Plant & Machinery
D. Strike by employees
43 Double Entry System was introduced in-
A. America
B. Japan
C. India
D. Italy
Ans. (1)(A), (2)(A), (3)(C), (4)(A), (5)(D), (6)(B), (7)(B), (8)(C), (9)(A), (10)(D), (11)(C),
(12)(D), (13)(D), (14)(D), (15)(D), (16)(B), (17)(C), (18)(A), (19)(C), (20)(D), (21)(C),
(22)(A), (23)(C), (24)(A), (25)(B), (26)(A), (27)(C), (28)(D), (29)(C), (30)(B), (31)(A),
(32)(C), (33)(D), (34)(C), (35)(D), (36)(C), (37)(B), (38)(B), (39)(A), (40)(C), (41)(D),
(42)(C), (43)(D), (44)(B) , (45)(B)
17. What is principle of full disclosure?
18. What is Financial Accounting?
19. What is AS 3?
20. What is IND AS?
21. What are different types of accounts?
22. What is accounting?
23. What are different types of liabilities?
24. Explain GAAP.
25. Elaborate different users of accounting.
26. What are the limitations of accounting?
27. Make a list of users of accounting.
28. Distinguish between assets and liabilities.
29. Give total no. of accounting standards issued by ICAI.
30. Differentiate between Cost accounting and financial accounting.
31. What is capital?
32. What do you mean by accounting equation?
33. Write a short note on accounting standards?
34. What is the difference between outstanding income and accrued income?
35. What is convention of materiality?
36. What are the advantages of accounting?
37. What do you mean by “Dual Aspect Concept” of Accounting. Explain briefly.
38. Differentiate between Cash and Mercantile systems of Accounting.
39. What is IND AS?
40. What are different types of accounts?
1. What are the accounting concepts and conventions? Name them and explain any four
accounting concepts in detail?
2. Explain the role of IFRS in accounting.
3. What is difference between financial accounting and management accounting? What are
the different users of accounting?
4. What are various functions of accounting?
5. Karan commenced business as on January 01, 2001. Given below are his transactions for
the month of Jan. 2001. Journalize and post them in the ledger them.
Date Particulars Amount(Rs.)
Jan. 1 Business commenced with a capital 20,000
Jan. 2 Bank account opened by depositing cash 10,000
Jan. 3 Goods purchased from Rohan on credit 5,000
Jan. 5 Goods sold to Piyush on credit 4,000
Jan. 7 Goods purchased from Jyoti on credit 6,000
Jan. 8 Wages paid to employees 200
Jan. 9 Goods sold to Mayank on credit 5,000
Jan.10 Debt paid for the months of January to March 2001 3,000
Jan.10 Cheque received from Piyush 4,000
Jan.12 Paid for office expenses 1,000
Jan.12 Sold Goods to Jagdish on cash 2,000
Jan.13 Cheque issued in favor of Jyoti 6,000
Jan.15 Cash withdrawn for personal use 2,000
6. From the following transaction of M/S Abhinav, write up the journal in proper form:
1998 Particulars Amount(Rs.)
Jan 1 Assets: cash in hand Rs. 2,000, cash at bank Rs. 68,000,
stock of goods Rs. 4,0000, Machinery Rs. 1,00000,
Furniture Rs. 1,0000, M/S Surya Bros. owe Rs. 15,000,
M/s Bharat Bros. owe Rs. 25,000.
Liabilities: Loan Rs. 5,0000, Sum owing to jatin Ltd. Rs.
Jan 2 Bought goods on credit from Samuel & Co. 10,000
Jan3 Sold goods for cash to Dhiraj& Co. 4,000
Jan 4 Sold goods to Surya Bros on Credit 1,0000
Jan 5 Received from Surya Bros. in full settlement of amount 14500
due on Jan 1
Jan 6 Payment made to Jatin Bros Ltd. By cheque 9750
They allowed discount Rs. 250
Jan 9 Old furniture sold for cash 1,000
Jan 10 Bought sold for cash 7500
Jan 11 Bharat Bros. pay by cheque; Cheque deposited in Bank 25,000
Jan 11 Paid carriage on these goods 1,000
Jan 13 Bought goods of Jatin Bros. Ltd. 1,0000
Jan 13 Paid carriage on these goods 500
Jan 16 Received cheque from Surya Bros., cheque deposited in 9500
Discount allowed to them 500
Jan 17 Paid cheque to Jatin Bros Ltd 1,0000
Jan 18 Bank intimates that cheque of Surya Bros has been
returned unpaid
Jan 19 Sold goods for cash to Kay Bros. 6,000
Jan 21 Cash deposited in bank 5,000
Jan 24 Paid municipal taxes in Delhi 1,000
Jan 25 Borrowed from Sachin Investment Co. Ltd for 1,0000
constructing own premises. Money deposited with bank
for the time being
Jan 26 Old newspaper sold 200
Jan 28 Paid for advertisement 1,000
Jan 31 Paid rent by cheque 1500
Paid rent for the month 3,000
Drew out of bank for private use 2500
Surya Bros. becomes insolvent, a dividend of 50 p. in a
rupee is received an old amount, written off as bad debts
in 1996 is recovered.
7 From the following transactions relating to Mr. Abhay Kumar. Show the effect on his
assets, liabilities and capital by using the accounting equation:
Particulars Amount
Started business with cash 1,0000
Purchased goods on credit 8,000
Plant purchased for cash 2,000
Sold goods costing 1,000
Sold goods costing for cash 2,000
Drew for personal use 500
Paid for salaries 300
Sold goods on credit to Manan costing Rs800 for 1500
Received cash from Mayank 700
8 State with reasons which of the following items should be taken as of a Capital and
Which of a revenue nature:
(i) Rs. 2,000 spent on dismantling, removing and reinstalling plant and machinery to
a more convenient site.
(ii) Rs. 600 paid for removal of stick to a new site.
(iii) Rs. 1000 paid for erection of a new machine.
(iv) Rs. 2,000 paid on repairing of the new factory.
10 Record the following transactions in Accounting Equation and prepare the Balance Sheet:
1 May Sachin started business with cash Rs. 5,00,000, Bank balance Rs. 4,00,000,
Furniture Rs. 60,000, Stock Rs. 50,000
3 May Purchased goods in Cash Rs.20, 000
5 May Goods worth Rs.2000 destroyed by fire
8 May Withdrawn Cash for personal use Rs.4000
10 May Sold goods (costing Rs.2000) for Rs.3000
12 May Purchased Machinery Rs.40000 from Rohit
15 May Paid rent Rs.6000
18 May Received Commission Rs.6000
25May Goods distributed as free samples worth Rs.4000
28May Depreciation on Furniture @10% p.a.
16 Record the following transactions in Cash Book with Cash and Bank columns:
2012 Rs.
1 Jan Cash Balance 200
1 Jan Bank Balance 500
2 Jan Cash received from sale of Shares 12,000
2 Jan Paid into Bank 10,000
3 Jan Paid Amrit by cheque 2,400
3 Jan Received cheque from Amit 1,960
3 Jan Allowed him discount 40
4 Jan Paid Wages by cash 500
10 Jan Paid Amit’scheque into Bank
16 Jan Purchased goods for cash 1,200
18 Jan Paid for Stationary cash 300
19 Jan Paid Hema by cheque 750
19 Jan Discount allowed by her 50
19 Jan Withdrawn from Bank 640
20 Jan Received from cash sales 340
24 Jan Cash withdrawn for personal use 400
24 Jan Received from Anand3,600
Allowed him discount 150
25 Jan Paid into Bank 400
17 Write Short notes on any five:
b. Objectives of Accounting Standards
c. Difference between Trade Discount and Cash Discount
d. Real Account vs. Nominal Account
e. Accrual vs. Cash Basis of Accounting
f. Golden rules of Accounting
18 From the following particulars given below, write the Sales Book of M/S Abhiranjan.
Jan 1 Sold to Virmani Stores
100 Bulbs of 100 watts @Rs. 40 each. 50 Tubelights @ Rs. 25 each net.
100 Switches 5 AMP’ 2 @ Rs. 10 each.
Jan 11 Sold to from Narayan Sons
50 Electric Heaters @Rs. 40 each.10 toasters @Rs. 150 each. 15 Electric Irons
PhilipsRs. 200 each.Trade Discount 10%. Packing & Forwarding Charges Rs. 250.
Jan 17 Sold to Ram Electrical Co.
10 Desert Coolers @Rs.2500 each, Less: 20% Trade Discount
100 Toasters @Rs. 175 each, Less: 15% Trade Discount
10 Electrical Kettles @Rs. 150 each, Less: 10% Trade Discount
Sales Tax 7% Paid by us. Transport Charges Rs.500.
19 What are different types of journals?
20 Explain two column cash book. Illustrate with the help of an example.
21 Explain the imprest system of petty cash book.
22 What is petty cash book? What are different types of petty cash book?
23 Differentiate between purchase journal and sales journal.
24 Differentiate between trade discount and cash discount.
25 Explain the interrelationship of accounting with other disciplines.
26 What are GAAP? Elaborate different accounting principles issued by ICAI.
27 What are accounting standards? Elaborate the meaning with reference to examples of
certain accounting standards.
28 What are different branches of accounting? Examine limitations and objectives of
29 Give an account of different types of assets and liabilities.
30 What are the limitations of accounting.
31 What are the objectives of accounting. Differentiate between Book Keeping and
32 Explain the interrelationship of accounting with other disciplines.
33 “Accounting is an art of identifying, recording, classifying, summarizing, interpreting and
communicating results thereof.” Explain the statement.
34 What are accounting standards? What are the objectives of accounting standards?
35 Explain the role of IFRS in accounting.
36 What is meant by the term, ‘Generally Accepted Accounting Principles’? Explain the
meaning and significance of the following:
• The going concern principle
• Convention of consistency
• Matching principle
• Substance over form
37 According to the principles of “Double entry system”, every debit has corresponding
credit”. Explain clearly. Discuss the merits of double entry system also.
38 Explain the steps taken for convergence of Accounting Standards in India to International
Financial Reporting Standards.
39 What is accounting? What are its various branches? How does financial accounting
provide information for management accounting? Also make a distinction between these
two forms of accounting.
40 What do you understand by Accounting Standards? What purpose do these standards
serve? How does these standards help in bringing transparency and uniformity in
4. Rs. 5000 spent on replacement of worn out part of the machine will be charged as:
A. Capital expenditure
B. Revenue Expenditure
C. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
7. Repairs incurred before using a second hand car purchased recently is a:
A. Capital Expenditure
B. Revenue Expenditure
C. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
10. The concept of conservatism ensures that the reported profit is not:
A. Under stated
B. Overstated
11. In accounting revenue is generally treated to be realized when goods or services are:
A. Not sated to the customers
B. Not stated to the competitors
C. Furnished to the customers
16. Carriage paid on goods purchased is a:
A. Revenue Expenditure
B. Capital Expenditure
C. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
18. Legal expenses incurred in defending a suit for breach of contract to supply goods is a:
A. Revenue Expenditure
B. Capital Expenditure
C. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
20. The principle of recognizing revenue proportionately on the basis of work actually done
is generally followed in case of:
A. Long term contracts
B. Short term contracts
21. The process of recording financial data upto trial balance is:
A. Book keeping
B. Classifying
C. Summarising
D. Analyzing
23. Which accounting concept specifies the practice of crediting closing stock to the trading
A. Cost
B. Realisation
C. Going concern
D. Matching
24. An asset was purchased for Rs.1000000 with the down payment of Rs.200000 and bills
accepted for Rs.800000/-. What would be the effect on the total asset and total liabilities
in the balance sheet?
A. Assets increased by Rs.800000 and liabilities decreased by Rs.800000
B. Assets decreased by Rs.800000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000
C. Assets increased by Rs.1000000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000
D. Assets increased by Rs.800000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000
27. Fixed assets are double the current assets and half the capital. The current assets are
Rs.3,00,000 and investments are Rs.4,00,000. Then the current liabilities recorded in
balance sheet will be:
A. 2,00,000
B. 1,00,000
C. 3,00,000
D. 4,00,000
28. Value of goods withdrawn by the proprietor for his personal use should be credited to
A. Capital A/c
B. Sales A/c
C. Drawings A/c
D. Purchases A/c
30. M/s Stationery Mart will debit the purchase of stationery to _______
A. Purchases A/c
B. General Expenses A/c
C. Stationery A/c
D. None
31. In case a trail balance does not agree the difference is put to
A. Trading A/c
B. Profit & Loss A/c
C. Capital A/c
D. Suspense A/c
32. Rs. 5000 spent on replacement of worn out part of the machine will be charged as:
A. Capital expenditure
B. Revenue Expenditure
C. Deferred Revenue Expenditure
D. Both a & b
33. What is the order in which the accounting transactions and events are recorded in the
A. Journal, Subsidiary books, Profit & Loss A/c and Ledger
B. Ledger, Journal, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c
C. Journal, Ledger, Profit & Loss A/c and Balance Sheet
D. Profit & Loss A/c, Ledger and Balance Sheet
38 The principle of recognizing revenue proportionately on the basis of work actually done
is generally followed in case of:
A. Long term contracts
B. Short term contracts
41 Which accounting concept specifies the practice of crediting closing stock to the trading
A. Cost
B. Realisation
C. Going concern
D. Matching
42 An asset was purchased for Rs.1000000 with the down payment of Rs.200000 and bills
accepted for Rs.800000/-. What would be the effect on the total asset and total liabilities
in the balance sheet?
A. Assets increased by Rs.800000 and liabilities decreased by Rs.800000
B. Assets decreased by Rs.800000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000
C. Assets increased by Rs.1000000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000
D. Assets increased by Rs.800000 and liabilities increased by Rs.800000
Ans. (1)(B), (2)(B), (3)(C), (4)(B), (5)(B), (6)(A), (7)(A), (8)(A), (9)(B), (10)(B), (11)(C),
(12)(A), (13)(B), (14)(B), (15)(A), (16)(B), (17)(A), (18)(B), (19)(B), (20)(A), (21)(A),
(22)(B), (23)(D), (24)(D), (25)(D), (26)(D), (27)(B), (28)(D), (29)(D), (30)(A), (31)(D),
(32)(B), (33)(C), (34)(A), (35)(A), (36)(C), (37)(B), (38)(A), (39)(A), (40)(B), (41)(D),
(42)(D), (43)(D) , (44)(D) , (45)(D)
35. What is the meaning of an account?
36. Differentiate between Trading and Profit & Loss Account.
37. Outstanding expense and Prepaid Expense
38. Outstanding Income and Prepaid Income
39. Interest on Capital and Interest on Drawings
40. Why adjustment entries are required to be made at the time of preparing Final Accounts?
Give illustrative examples of any four such adjustment entries.
(c) Furniture at book value of Rs. 1,500 was sold for a sum of Rs. 1,000. New
furniture of Rs. 2,000 was charged and sum of Rs.20 was spent towards cartage.
7. Classify the following as Capital expenditure or Deferred Revenue Expenditure, giving
brief reasons for each:
(a) Cost of Rs. 30,000 for dismantling, removing and reinstalling a plant by a sugar
Mill incurred in connection with the removal of works to a more suitable locality.
(b) A sum of Rs. 10,000 spent for alteration of an existing plant incorporating thereby
new devices which could affect substantial reduction in power consumption.
(c) Imported goods worth Rs.25,000 confiscated by customs authorities for non
disclosure of material facts.
8. What is Income? What are differences between revenue income and capital income?
9. What are the circumstances where revenue expenditure is to be treated as capital
10. What is Accountant’s concept of income? How is it different from economist’s concept
of income?
11. A purchased a machinery for a sum of Rs. 1,50,000 on January 1,2005. He expects an
annual cash flow of Rs. 50,000 at the end of each year for 5 years. The cost of capital is
15% and the present value of an annuity of Re.1 {annual payment of Re 1 for 5 years (in
all Rs. 5)} at 15% discount factor per annum is 3.3522. You are required to calculate the
value of machinery on January 1, 2005 both according to the Accountant’s and the
Economist’s concepts.
12. Compute the amount of income according to the economist’s concept for the year 2003
on the basis of data given in question no.11.
13. Distinguish between Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts
14. When is business revenue considered as accrued? What are the exceptions to this rule?
15. What is the difference between expired cost and imputed cost?
16. Illustrate revenue and capital loss with the help of examples.
17. What is the significance of distinction between capital and revenue items? Explain with
18. Differentiate between Ex-ante income and Ex-post income.
19. What is the difference between revenue expenditure and capital expenditure?
20. Show by giving reasons, whether the following items are Capital or Revenue
(a) Carriage paid to goods purchased.
(b) Wages of workmen employed for setting up new machinery.
(c) Replacement cost of a worn-out part of a plant.
(d) Repairs to furniture purchased second hand.
(e) Damages paid on account of breach of a contract to supply certain goods.
21. Differentiate between capital and revenue.
22. Distinguish between expired and unexpired cost.
23. Explain the different classification of receipts.
24. What are different types of expenditures?
25. Differentiate between Deferred Revenue Expenditure and Revenue Expenditure with the
help of examples.
26. Define, explain and prepare format of journal.
27. Explain the difference between simple journal entry and compound journal entry.
28. What is meant by Ledger Posting? Explain its importance in accounting.
29. Differentiate between Management Accounting and Cost Accounting. What are the
functions of Accounting?
30. What is the difference between Trial Balance and Balance Sheet? What are the objectives
of making both the formats?
31. Distinguish between Capital Receipts and Revenue Receipts
32. When is business revenue considered as accrued? What are the exceptions to this rule?
33. What is the difference between expired cost and imputed cost?
34. Illustrate revenue and capital loss with the help of examples.
35. What is the significance of distinction between capital and revenue items? Explain with
36 Enter the following hypothetical transaction in the appropriate type of the cash books and
post the same to the relevant ledger account:
July 1 Started business with an investment of Rs. 9,000
July 2 Deposited in bank of India, Rs. 7,000
July 4 Acquired a building by issuing a cheque of Rs. 5,000
July 10 Paid the bill of the furniture by cheque Rs. 1,000
July 15 Purchased Rs. 800 of merchandise by cheque
July 18 Withdrew Rs. 100 from the bank
July 20 Sold merchandise for Rs. 1,200
July 22 Deposited Rs. 2,000 into the bank
July 25 Bought Rs. 1,000 merchandise
July 26 Sold Rs. 1,500 merchandise by crossed cheque
July 27 Paid Rs. 100 by cheque as the premium for insuring building against fire
July 28 Paid freight Rs. 50
July 30 Withdraw from bank for personal use Rs. 500
July 31 Cleared electricity bill Rs. 90
July 31 Paid to Mahesh Rs. 1,080 in full satisfaction by cheque. We owed to Mahesh Rs. 1,100 for
goods purchased.
July 31 Received from Suresh a cheque for Rs. 1,480, in full satisfaction of the debt of Rs. 1,510.
37 From the following trial balance of Shri Goyal, prepare trading and profit and loss
account for the year ending 31 Dec, 2xxx, and balance sheet as on that date after taking
into consideration the adjustments given at the end of the trial balance:
Trial Balance
As on 31 December 2xxx
Particulars Dr. (Rs.) Cr. (Rs.)
Sales 3,70,000
Purchases (adjusted) 3,49,600
Wages 10,450
Capital Account 34,250
National Insurance 150
Carriage Inwards 200
Carriage Outwards 250
Lighting 300
Rates and Insurance (including premium of Rs. 150 p.a. upto 30june 200
Stock at 31.12.2xxx 30,625
Cash in Hand and at Bank 875
Discount earned 300
Plant and Machinery 15,000
Discount allowed 50
Debtors and Creditors 3,000 10,000
Furniture 4,000
Dividend received 150
Adjustments: -
(a) National insurance also includes employee’s contribution of Rs. 75. Wages are shown
‘Net’ after educating national insurance contribution borne by the employees.
(b) Owing to the nature of employment, some employees are housed in the building of the
business. The rental value of such portion is assessed are Rs. 250 per annum. The
benefit to the employee treated as wages and the rental as income for Shri Goyal.
(c) Depreciate plant and machinery at 15% per annum and furniture at 10% p.a.
(d) Goods worth Rs. 2,000 given by Shri Goyal to his son at cost.
(e) The manager is entitled to a commission of 20% of the net profits after charging his
commission. (Calculations may be made nearest to the multiple of a rupee).
38 The following are the extracts from the Trial Balance of a firm:
Additional Information:
(a) Additional Bad Debts Rs. 1,000.
(b) Additional Discount Rs. 500.
(c) Create a Provision for Bad Debts @ 10% on debtors.
(d) Create a Provision for Discount @ 5% on debtors.
Pass the necessary journal entries, prepare Provision for Bad Debts Account and
Provision for Discount on Debtors Account and show how the different items will
appear in the Firm’s Final Accounts.
39 What are the objectives of providing depreciation? Compare the different methods of
providing depreciation.
40 What are the financial statements? Elaborate the Performa of final accounts.
I Multiple Choice Questions:
2. Inventory is valued at lower of the cost or net realisable value on account of the
accounting principle of:
A. Consistency
B. Conservatism
C. Realisation
3. The system which gives a continuous information regarding quantum and value of
inventory is known as:
A. Continuous Stock taking
B. Periodic Inventory
C. Perpetual inventory
7. In case of weighted average price method, the new weighted price is to be calculated:
A. At the time of every purchase
B. At the time of every issue
C. Both at the time of every issue and every purchase
A. Depreciation reserve account
B. Profit and Loss Account
C. Asset account
11. For providing depreciation on leasehold property, the appropriate method of depreciation
A. Replacement Method
B. Revaluation Method
C. Fixed Installment Method
13. The interest lost on the acquisition of an asset is taken into account in calculating
depreciation in:
A. Depletion Method
B. Annuity Method
C. Diminishing Balance Method
14. In this method depreciation is charged on the cost of asset every year:
A. Straight Line Method
B. Written Down value Method
C. Sum of Years digit method
16. These reserves are created out of revenue profits of the business for a specific purpose:
A. Specific Reserves
B. General Reserves
C. Capital Reserves
17. These are the reserves created only to strengthen the financial position or the business
and to keep the funds available for any future contingency or expenditure that may be
A. Specific Reserves
B. General Reserves
C. Capital Reserves
20. A reserve is created but its identity is merged with some other account or group of
accounts so that the existence of the reserve is not known:
A. Capital reserves
B. Secret Reserves
C. Undisclosed Reserves
21. The value of asset can be reduced to zero under this method ____
A. Straight line method
B. Written down value method
C. Annuity method
D. Depreciation fund method
22. Provision for depreciation account appears on the _____
A. Asset side
B. Liability side
C. P & L account debit side
D. P & L account credit side
23. If the asset is sold, the provision for depreciation relating to the asset sold is transferred
A. Asset account
B. Liability account
C. P & L account
D. Trading account
D. Inadequacy
31. Cost of fixed asset minus accumulated depreciation expenses of the fixed asset:
A. Book value of a fixed asset
B. Market value of a fixed asset
C. Historical cost of a fixed asset
D. Recoverable amount of a fixed asset
33. XYZ has imported a machine from abroad. Which of the following is not the element of a
machine’s cost?
A. Purchase price of machine
B. Import duty
C. Dismantling charges
D. Refundable Tax
34. Which of the following fixed asset is not depreciated in ordinary circumstances:
A. Plant and Machinery
B. Building
C. Land
D. Equipment
35. In calculation of depreciation, all of the following items are actually estimates except:
A. Useful Life
B. Residual Value
C. Historical Cost
D. Salvage Value
B. Accumulated depreciation
C. Cost of the fixed asset
D. Future economic benefits of a fixed asset
42. Cost of fixed asset minus accumulated depreciation expenses of the fixed asset:
A. Book value of a fixed asset
B. Market value of a fixed asset
C. Historical cost of a fixed asset
D. Recoverable amount of a fixed asset
44. XYZ has imported a machine from abroad. Which of the following is not the element of a
machine’s cost?
A. Purchase price of machine
B. Import duty
C. Dismantling charges
D. Refundable Tax
45. Which of the following fixed asset is not depreciated in ordinary circumstances:
A. Plant and Machinery
B. Building
C. Land
D. Equipment
Ans. (1)(A), (2)(B), (3)(C), (4)(B), (5)(C), (6)(B), (7)(A), (8)(A), (9)(A), (10)(B), (11)(C),
(12)(B), (13)(B), (14)(A), (15)(B), (16)(A), (17)(B), (18)(C), (19)(C), (20)(C), (21)(B),
(22)(A), (23)(B), (24)(A), (25)(A), (26)(B), (27)(D), (28)(B), (29)(C), (30)(C), (31)(A),
(32)(B), (33)(D), (34)(C), (35)(C), (36)(D), (37)(B), (38)(C), (39)(C), (40)(B), (41)(C),
(42)(A), (43)(B), (44)(D), (45)(C)
1. What is Depreciation?
2. What are the causes of depreciation?
3. What are different methods of depreciation?
4. Differentiate between straight line method and written down value method.
5. Briefly explain depreciation fund?
6. Explain amortization with example.
7. What is the importance of charging depreciation?
8. What factors should be kept in mind while charging depreciation?
9. Explain AS 6 (Revised).
10. Explain the term FIFO method of stock valuation.
11. Explain the term Weighted Average method of inventory.
12. Explain the term LIFO method of stock valuation.
13. State the salient features of AS 2 regarding inventory valuation.
14. Compare LIFO and FIFO methods of inventory valuation.
15. Discuss the different methods of inventory valuation with suitable examples.
16. Define “Inventory”. Why proper valuation of inventory is important?
17. What is periodic inventory system?
18. Explain perpetual inventory system.
19. Define net realisable value.
20. Explain accounting standard for inventory valuation.
21. Explain accounting standard for depreciation accounting.
22. What is inventory valuation?
23. What is depreciation accounting?
24. What is the difference between provisions and reserves?
25. What are different types of reserves?
26. State briefly the need for providing depreciation.
27. Explain basic factors affecting the amount of depreciation.
28. Distinguish between SLM and WDV.
29. Differentiate between provision and reserve.
30. What are the effects of Depreciation on profit and loss account and balance sheet?
31. What is the difference between provisions and reserves?
32. What are different types of reserves?
33. State briefly the need for providing depreciation.
34. Explain basic factors affecting the amount of depreciation.
35. Distinguish between SLM and WDV.
36. Explain Human Resource Accounting.
37. What is Green accounting?
38. Define Inflation Accounting.
39. Explain Social Responsibility Accounting.
40. Elaborate Price Level Accounting.
10th Jan Purchases 150 pieces @ Rs. 2.40 each
20th Jan Purchases 180 pieces @ Rs. 2.50 each
2nd Jan Issues 150 pieces
7th Jan Issues 100 pieces
12th Jan Issues 200 pieces
9. With the help of the following particulars, prepare stores account showing issued of
materials on the basis of LIFO method:
May 3, 2004 500 Kgs @ Rs. 2 per Kg
May 18, 2004 350 Kgs @ Rs 2.10 Kg
May 25, 2004 600 Kgs @ Rs 2.20 per Kg
May 28, 2004 500 Kgs @ Rs 2.30 per Kg
May 19, 2004 600 Kgs
May 26, 2004 450 Kgs
May 29, 2004 510 Kgs
May 30, 2004 150 Kgs
Assume that there was no opening stock.
10. Purchases of a certain product during March, 2007 are set out below:
March 01 100 units @ Rs. 10
March 12 100 units @ Rs. 9.80
March 15 50 units @ Rs. 9.60
March 20 100 units @ Rs 9.40
11. The following is the record of receipt of certain materials during February, 2007:
Feb 01 Received 400 units @ Rs. 10 per unit
Feb 04 Received 300 units @ Rs. 11 per unit
Feb 16 Received 200 units @ Rs. 12 per unit
Feb 25 Received 400 units @ Rs. 13 per unit
Feb 28 Issued 200 units
Show how these transactions will appear in the stores ledger and state the amount of
inventory of Feb 28, 2007 using perpetual inventory system under:
(a) FIFO Method
(b) LIFO Method
(c) WAC Method
12. Calculate the value of the inventory of Jan 31 from the following data using (i) Periodic
Inventory system (ii) Perpetual Inventory System.
Jan 01 Inventory in hand 200 units @ Rs.7 each
Jan 08 Purchases 1100 units @ Rs.8 each
Jan 25 Purchases 300 units @ Rs. 9 each
Jan 31 Purchases 400 units @ Rs. 10
13. From the following transactions calculate the cost of ending inventory and cost of goods
sold by applying FIFO and LIFO basis under periodic system: (5X 2 =10 marks)
Date Transactions Units Price per unit (Rs.)
Jan 1 Opening Balance 1000 20
Feb 10 Purchases 500 25
March 13 Purchases 400 22
March 20 Sold 1200 -
April 6 Sold 500 -
May 12 Purchases 400 25
June 30 Sold 500 -
14. A company started on 1 January 1999, purchased raw material during 1999 as stated
below: (5 x 2 = 10 marks)
Date Units Price per unit (Rs.)
Jan 2 800 Kg 62
Feb 26 1200 Kg 57
April 13 2500 Kg 59
July 10 3000 Kg 56
Sep 18 1500 Kg 60
Nov 29 1000 Kg 65
While preparing its final accounts on 31 December 1999, the company had 1,300 kg of raw
materials in its godown. Calculate the values of closing stock of raw materials in its godown.
Calculate the values of closing stock of raw materials and the cost of sales under perpetual
system according to:
a) FIFO method
b) LIFO method
15. List the various methods of valuing inventories indicating their advantages and
16. From the following data calculate the Cost of Goods Sold and Value of ending Inventory
under FIFO, LIFO method of Inventory Valuation:
March 1 : Stock in hand – 400 units @Rs. 7.50 each
March 5 600 units @ Rs.8 each
March 15 500 units @ Rs.9 each
March 25 400 units @ Rs.8.50 each
March 30 300 units @ Rs.9.50 each
March 3 300 units
March 10 500 units
March 17 400 units
March 26 500 units
March 31 200 units
17. A firm purchased a plant for Rs.I0,000 on 1/1/2007. It was charging depreciation at
10% p.a. according to the fixed installment method. At the end of 2011, the firm decided
to change the method of depreciation from the Fixed Installment Method to the
Diminishing Balance Method w.e.f. 1/1/2008. The rate of depreciation was to be12% p.a.
You are required to prepare the Plant Account for the three years ending 31st December
2011 and also show how the depreciation item would appear in the Profit and Loss
Account of the year 2011.
18. Special Services Ltd. bought a truck on January 1, 2010 for Rs. 60,000 and a sum of
Rs. 20,000 was spent for various accessories. On July, 1 2011 another vehicle was
purchased for Rs. 52,000. On July 1, 2012 the first truck was sold for Rs. 60,000. On the
same date another truck was purchased for Rs. 50,000. On July, 2010 the second vehicle
was sold for Rs. 46,000. Rate of depreciation was 10% on original cost annually on 31st
December. In 2012, the company changed the method of charging depreciation to
diminishing value method, the rate being 15%. Prepare truck account for year ending on
2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
19. On 1st July, 2004, a company purchased a plant for Rs.20,000. Depreciation was provided
at 10% p.a. on straight line method on 31st December every year. With effect from
1.1.2006, the company decided to change the method of depreciation to DBM @ 15%
p.a. On 1.7.2007, the plant was sold for Rs.12000. Prepare plant account from 2004 to
2007, if the firm decides on 1.1.2006 to charge depreciation according to DBM w.e.f.
1.7.2004 and to make adjustments for arrears of depreciation in the year 2006.
20. A firm purchased on 1st Jan, 2004 certain Machinery for Rs. 58,200 and spent Rs. 1,800
on its erection. On 1st July, 2004 additional machinery costing Rs. 20,000 was purchased.
On 1st July, 2006 the machinery purchased on 1st Jan, 2004 having become obsolete was
auctioned for Rs 28,600 and on the same date fresh machinery was purchased at a cost of
Rs 40,000.
Depreciation was provided for annually on 31st December at the rate of 10% on WDV. In
2007, however the firm changed this method of providing depreciation on the original
cost of the machinery.
Give the machinery account at the end of each year from 2004 to 2007.
21. A company provides depreciation under the SLM at the rate of 10% p.a. The balance in
the Plant & Machinery Account on 31st Dec, 2005 after writing off depreciation for the
year was Rs. 1,95,150 (total cost price of the plant was Rs 3,58,000).
During Jan 2006, new plant was purchased at the cost of Rs 29,500 and one machinery
which has cost Rs 5,500 in 2004 was sold as scrap for Rs 400.
During Jan 2007, there were additions costing Rs 18,000 and a machine which had cost
Rs 7000 in 2002 was sold for Rs 3,500.
22. On 1 Jan, 2002 Rahul & Co. purchased a machinery costing Rs 1,00,000. Its working life
is 10 years. It has been decided to depreciate it at the rate of 12% on the DBM. Show the
machinery account for first three years.
26 Discuss in detail the Straight Line Method and Written Down Value Method of
depreciation. Distinguish between the two and also give situations where they are useful.
27 Name and explain different types of reserves in details.
28 What are provisions? How are they created? Give accounting treatment in case.
29 What is depreciation? Does it depend on the market value of the asset? Why is it
necessary to provide for depreciation of assets while preparing the balance sheet.
31 What is Inflation Accounting? How is it different from Price Level Accounting. Also
give the features of Social Responsibility of Accounting.
33 Elaborate Social Responsibility accounting with the help of example.
37 What are provisions? How are they created? Give accounting treatment in case.
38 What is depreciation? Does it depend on the market value of the asset? Why is it
necessary to provide for depreciation of assets while preparing the balance sheet?
40 What is Inflation Accounting? How is it different from Price Level Accounting? Also
give the features of Social Responsibility of Accounting.
2. The amount of share premium received by the company is shown in the Balance Sheet
under the heading:
A. Equity and Liabilities
B. Reserves and Surplus
C. Non Current Assets
4. A situation where a company receives applications for a less number of shares than
offered to the public for subscription is termed as:
A. Over Subscription
B. Under Subscription
5. Shares having preferential right as to dividend and repayment of capital are termed as in
A. Equity shares
B. Preference Shares
C. Right Issue
6. The amount paid as premium for an insurance policy taken for redemption of debentures
is credited at the end of the accounting period to:
A. Insurance Policy Account
B. Debentures Redemption Fund Account
C. Profit and Loss Appropriation Account
7. The balance sheet of the debentures sinking fund after redemption of debentures is
credited at the end of the accounting period to:
A. Profit and Loss Account
B. General Reserve
C. Debentures Account
8. Debentures issued as Collateral Security for Rs. 10,000 will be debited to:
A. Debentures Suspense Account
B. Bank Account
C. Debentures Account
9. In case debentures of Rs. 10,000 are issued at par but payable at a premium of 10% the
premium payable will be debited to:
A. Debentures Suspense Account
B. Premium on Redemption of Debentures Account
C. Loss on issue of Debentures Account
10. If debentures of the nominal value of Rs. 1,00,000 are issued at discount of 10% for net
assets worth Rs. 80,000, the balance of Rs.10,000 will be debited to:
A. Goodwill Account
B. Capital Reserve Account
C. Profit & Loss Account
14. Goods given as samples should be credited to:
A. Advertisement Account
B. Sales Account
C. Purchases Account
16. Income tax paid by a sole proprietor on his business income should be:
A. Debited to the trading Account
B. Debited to the Profit and Loss Account
C. Deducted from the Capital account in the Balance Sheet
17. The Income created but not yet received is known as:
A. Unearned Income
B. Outstanding Income
C. Accrued Income
B. It is a voluntary association of persons
C. A company is a separate body can sue and be sued its own name
D. Perpetual Succession
E. All of the above
24. Securities Premium Account is shown on the liabilities side under the head:
A. Share Capital
B. Reserves and Surplus
C. Current Liabilities
25. As per section 78 of Company’s Act amount collected as premium on securities cannot
be utilized for:
A. Issuing fully paid bonus shares to the members
B. Purchase of fixed assets
C. Writing off Preliminary Expenses
D. Buy Back of its own shares
E. Premium payable on redemption of preference shares
26. The portion of the Authorised Capital which can be called-up only on the liquidation of
the Company is called:
A. Authorised Capital
B. Reserve Capital
C. Issued Capital
D. Called up Capital
28. A new company set up by existing companies with five year track record can issue share
at premium provided:
A. Participation of existing companies are not less than 50%
B. Prospectus contains justification for issue price
C. The issue price is made applicable to all new investors uniformly
D. All the above
29. Which of the following cost is linked with the calculation of cost of inventories:
A. Product Cost
B. Period Cost
C. Both Product and Period Cost
D. Historical Cost
34. Securities Premium Account is shown on the liabilities side under the head:
A. Share Capital
B. Reserves and Surplus
C. Current Liabilities
35. As per section 78 of Company’s Act amount collected as premium on securities cannot
be utilized for:
A. Issuing fully paid bonus shares to the members
B. Purchase of fixed assets
C. Writing off Preliminary Expenses
D. Buy Back of its own shares
E. Premium payable on redemption of preference shares
B. A company can buy its own shares
C. A shareholder is the agent of a company
D. Same person can be agent and creditor of the company
39 Securities Premium Account is shown on the liabilities side under the head:
A. Share Capital
B. Reserves and Surplus
C. Current Liabilities
41 The portion of the Authorized Capital which can be called-up only on the liquidation of
the Company is called:
A. Authorized Capital
B. Reserve Capital
C. Issued Capital
D. Called up Capital
43 A new company set up by existing companies with five year track record can issue share
at premium provided:
A. Participation of existing companies are not less than 50%
B. Prospectus contains justification for issue price
C. The issue price is made applicable to all new investors uniformly
D. All the above
Ans. (1)(C), (2)(B), (3)(A), (4)(B), (5)(B), (6)(B), (7)(B), (8)(A), (9)(C), (10)(A), (11)(B),
(12)(A), (13)(C), (14)(C), (15)(B), (16)(C), (17)(C), (18)(C), (19)(D), (20)(A), (21)(C),
(22)(E), (23)(D), (24)(B), (25)(B), (26)(B), (27)(D), (28)(D), (29)(A), (30)(A), (31)(C),
(32)(E), (33)(D), (34)(B), (35)(B), (36)(C), (37)(E), (38)(D), (39)(B), (40)(B), (41)(B),
(42)(D), (43)(D), (44)(B), (45)(A)
12. Where would you transfer the balance left in the shares forfeited account after such
shares have been reissued?
13. Explain in brief the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 regarding the issue of shares
at a discount.
14. Explain the meaning of the following:
(a) Reserve Capital
(b) Redemption of Preference Shares
15. What is forfeiture of shares? What are the legal requirements necessarily followed by the
board before forfeiture of shares?
16. What are the effects of the forfeiture? How can forfeiture shares be reissued?
17. Show journal entries for recording forfeiture and reissue of forfeited shares.
18. Share the legal provisions regarding utilization of securities premium.
19. Define call in advance.
20. What is buy back of shares?
21. What is a debenture?
22. What do you mean by redemption of debentures?
23. Explain debentures issued at discount.
24. What are convertible debentures?
25. Explain loss on issue of debentures.
26. What is a stock exchange?
27. What do you mean by SEBI?
28. How many stock exchanges are there?
29. Which is the oldest stock exchange?
30. Which is the largest stock exchange in terms of turnover or deals?
31. What is a debenture?
32. What do you mean by redemption of debentures?
33. Explain debentures issued at discount.
34. What are convertible debentures?
35. Explain loss on issue of debentures
36. Define call in advance.
37. What is buy back of shares?
38. What is a debenture?
39. What do you mean by redemption of debentures?
40. Explain debentures issued at discount.
2. A company offered for public subscription 10,000 shares of Rs. 10 each at Rs.ll per
share. Money was payable as follows:-
Rs.3 on application
Rs.4 on allotment
Rs.4 on first and final call
Applications were received for 12,000 shares and the directors made Pro rata allotment.
A, an applicant for 120 shares, could not pay the allotment and call monies. B, a holder if
200 shares, failed to pay the call. All these shares were later on forfeited. Out of the
forfeited shares, 150 shares (the 'whole “of A's shares being included) were issued at Rs.9
per share. Pass journals entries for the above transactions.
3. A company offers 10,000 shares of Rs. 10 each to the public for subscription. The money
is payable as follows:
Rs. 2 on Application, Rs. 3 on Allotment and Rs.5 on First and Final Call.
The company receives applications for 12,000 shares. Applicants for 9000 shares pay the
application money in cash, while the rest pay that money through stock invests. The
shares are allotted on the pro rata basis. All allottees pay the allotment and final call
money on due dates. Pass the necessary journal entries.
4. A company offers 10,000 shares to the public. The amount payable is as follows:
On Application Rs. 3 per share, On Allotment Rs. 2 per share, On 1st Call Rs. 3 per share,
On Final Call Rs. 2 per share
Applications are received for 15,000 shares. The directors make the allotment as follows:
(i) No allotment to applicants for 3,000 shares
(ii) Rest allotted on a pro rata basis
All calls were duly made and paid except:
• A, a holder of 100 shares paid the two calls with allotment
5. The following are the extracts from the Trial Balance of a firm:-
TRIAL BALANCE as on 31stDecember 2009.
Particulars Dr. Cr.(Rs.)
Sundry debtors 5000
Bad debts 3000
Discount 2000
Additional information:
(i) Create a provision for doubtful debts @ 10% on debtors.
(ii)Create a provision for discount on debtors @ 5% on debtors.
(iii)Additional discount given to the debtors Rs.1000.
You are required to pass the necessary journal entries and show how the different items
will appear in the final accounts.
If a provision equal to 5% is to be created on by debtor's balances, compute the charge
against profit and loss account for the year ended March 31, 2014.
13. Explain different categories of Debentures
14. What is a company? What are different characteristics of a company?
15. What are different kinds of companies?
16. Distinguish between Forfeiture and surrender of shares.
17. Differentiate between Private and Public Limited Company.
18. The following is the Trial Balance of Shweta Enterprises for the year ended 31st
December, 2011. You are required to prepare a Profit & Loss A/C and Balance Sheet
after taking into account the adjustments given below:
19. On 1 Jan, 2007, Neha Ltd. Issued 2500 10% debentures of Rs. 100 each at Rs. 95.
Holders of these debentures have an opininion to convert their holdings into 14%
preference shares of Rs. 100 each at a premium of Rs. 25 per share at any time within
three years.
On 31st December, 2007 holders of 500 debentures notified their intention to exercise the
option. Show the journal entries in relation to the issue and conversion of debentures in
the books of the company.
20. A company issues 15% 1,000 debentures of Rs.100 each at 10% discount redeemable
after a period of 5 years. According to the terms and conditions of issue these debentures
were redeemable at a premium of 5%. The debenture holders had also the option at the
time of redemption to get converted 20% of their holdings into equity shares of Rs. 10
each at a predetermined price of Rs. 20 per share and the balance in cash. Holders of
debentures of Rs. 80,000 preferred to get their debentures redeemed in cash only while
the rest opted for getting debentures converted into equity shares as per terms of issue.
Pass the necessary journal entries.
21. On 1 January, 2005 a limited company issued 10,000 14% debentures of Rs. 10 each
repayable after 3 years. It has been decided to establish a sinking fund for their
redemption. The annuity table shows that the annuity of Re.1 for 3 years at 10% interest
amounts to Rs. 3.3100. The investment yields 10% interest. The investment is to be made
in nearest ten rupees. Prepare necessary accounts for 3 years.
22. Give the necessary adjusting entries for the following items as on 31st March ,2000.
(a) Closing stock as on 31st March ,2000 –10,000
(b) Salary due not paid – Rs1,000
(c) Unexpired insurance on 31st March,2000 –RS 2,000
(d) Rent received in advance –RS 3,000
(e) Interest due not received –RS6,00
(f) Depreciation on fixed assets @ 33 1\3 %
(g) Bad debts to be written off Rs 5,000
(h) Create provision for bad and doubtful debts @12%
(i) Create provision for discount on debtors @ 2%
(j) Create reserve for discount on creditors @2%
(k) Allow interest on capital @ 10%
(l) charge interest on drawing @ 12%
Fixed Assets RS 60,000; Debtors RS 2,05,000;Creditors RS 1,00,000; Capital RS 5,00,00
;Drawings RS 10,000
23. What are final accounts? What purpose do they serve?
24. Distinguish between Trial Balance and Balance Sheet.
25. Distinguish between Grouping and Marshalling of assets.
26. What are securities? Explain the process of issue of securities and listing of securities on
Stock exchange.
27. Explain SEBI. Enumerate the features of SEBI. How SEBI control stock exchanges?
28. Explain how the concepts of forfeiture of shares, surrender of shares and right shares
29. What is a Stock Exchange? What are the characteristics of Stock Exchange?
30. What are different stock exchanges? What are the different features of these stock
31. Explain SEBI. Enumerate the features of SEBI. How SEBI control stock exchanges?
32. Explain how the concepts of forfeiture of shares, surrender of shares and right shares
33. What is a Stock Exchange? What are the characteristics of Stock Exchange?
34. What are different stock exchanges? What are the different features of these stock
35. What is a share? Discuss their different classes.
36. Explain the conditions under which redeemable preference shares can be redeemed.
37. State the purposes for which the money received on account of share premium can be
38. When can the shares be forfeited? Can forfeited shares be issued at discount? If so, to
what extent?
39. Explain the conditions regarding utilization of Securities Premium.
40. Elaborate the statement “SEBI is watchdog of stock market.”
C. Market Demand & Market Supply
15. The change in total of any quantity due to a one unit change in its determinant:
A. Incremental
B. Marginal
C. Total
18. The uninsurable risk is also known as:
A. Systematic Risk
B. Unsystematic Risk
C. Financial Risk
22 Economics is
A. A physical science
B. The study of scarcity and choices
C. The study of normative questions
D. The easiest course at your university.
26 All the economies in the world today are
A. Market economies
B. Command economies
C. Mixed economies
D. Socialist economies
28. A curve drawn indicating the slope of the total utility curve closely resembles the
A. Demand curve
B. Supply curve
C. Average utility curve
D. Marginal revenue curve
29. The budget line of a given consumer shifted outward. This means
A. The indifference curve tangent to a new budget line lies everywhere above the
previous indifference curve
B. The consumer’s real income has increased
C. A consumer is better off
D. All of the above
30. The production possibility curve exhibits increasing marginal opportunity cost at all
A. Always
B. Never
C. Sometimes
D. Occasional
32. Relationship between annual nominal rate of interest and annual effective rate of interest,
if frequency of compounding is greater than one:
A. Effective rate > Nominal rate
B. Effective rate < Nominal rate
C. Effective rate = Nominal rate
D. None of the above
33. All economic questions arise because we:
A. Want more than we can get
B. Want more than we need.
C. Have an abundance of resources.
D. Have limited wants that need to be satisfied
36. The study of the choices made by individuals is part of the definition of
A. Microeconomics.
B. Positive economics.
C. Macroeconomics.
D. Normative economics
40 Economics is
A. A physical science
B. The study of scarcity and choices
C. The study of normative questions
D. The easiest course at your university
Ans. (1)(A), (2)(A), (3)(B), (4)(B), (5)(C), (6)(A), (7)(C), (8)(C), (9)(C), (10)(A), (11)(A),
(12)(A), (13)(A), (14)(C), (15)(B), (16)(A), (17)(B), (18)(A), (19)(A), (20)(A), 21(C),
(22)(B), (23)(A), (24)(D), (25)(E), (26)(C), (27)(A), (28)(A), (29)(D), (30)(A), (31)(A),
(32)(B), (33)(A), (34)(B), (35)(C), (36)(A), (37)(B), (38)(A), (39)(A), (40)(B)
34. What are the market forces? Explain in brief.
35. Is profit same as return?
36. Define the concept of opportunity cost. What are its implications in business decisions?
37. Is managerial economics prescriptive in nature?
38. Explain how Managerial economics is different from Micro Economics
39. Write short note on Incremental concept.
40. Differentiate between normative and positive approach.
rules for specific decision making…managerial economics addresses the larger economic
forces that shape day to day decision making.”
27. “Managerial economics is prescriptive rather than descriptive in character.” Discuss.
28. Distinguish between incremental concept and marginal concept? What is the role of
marginal analysis in managerial economics? When can the decision by an entrepreneur be
considered valid according to incremental principle?
29. “Managerial economics bridges the gap between abstract theory & business practice. It
uses tools of economics analysis in classifying problem, in organizing & evaluating
information and in comparing alternative courses of action.” Outline the nature & scope
of managerial economics in the light of this statement.
30. Compare Cardinal and Ordinal Approaches to consumer behavior. Which of the two
approaches enables us to bifurcate price effect and how.
31. Critically evaluate how far the statement given below is a correct description of the
subject-matter of managerial economics: “The objective of business economics is to
provide framework for analyzing business decisions. Instead of presenting detailed list of
rules for specific decision making…business economics addresses the larger economic
forces that shape day to day decision making.”
32. Business economics attempts to integrate economic theory with business practice for
facilitating decision-making and forward planning by management. Explain and
33. “Business economics is prescriptive rather than descriptive in character.” Discuss.
34. “Business economics is predominantly micro economic theory.” Discuss and point out
the contribution of statistics to business economics.
35. What do you understand by opportunity cost? Give suitable examples to illustrate the use
of this concept in the context of managerial decisions relating to (a) production, (b)
finance, and (c) marketing. Can opportunity costs ever be zero?
36. Distinguish between incremental concept and marginal concept? What is the role of
marginal analysis in managerial economics?
37. While Economics is the main subject studied under managerial economics, which other
disciplines are useful in the study of managerial economics.” Explain the relationship of
managerial economics with other disciplines.
38. “Managerial economics bridges the gap between economic theory and business practice.”
Explain with example.
39. What do you understand by opportunity cost? Give suitable examples to illustrate the use
of this concept in the context of managerial decisions relating to (a) production,(b)
finance, and (c) marketing.
40. “Managerial economics is prescriptive rather than descriptive in character.” Discuss.
1. Law of Demand states that the relationship between price and demand is:
A. Inverse
B. Direct
C. Not defined
2. Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility states that as we consume more and more units of a
commodity, the utility derived from each successive units goes on:
A. Increasing
B. Diminishing
C. Remains same
3. If the price of coffee falls, the impact on demand curve of tea would be that it has:
A. Leftward shift
B. Rightward shift
C. Expansion in demand curve
D. Contraction in demand curve
4. If the price of car falls, the impact on demand curve of petrol would be that it:
A. Leftward shift
B. Rightward shift
C. Expansion in demand curve
D. Contraction in demand curve
10. The cost of next best alternative forgone is:
A. Sunk Cost
B. Opportunity Cost
C. Explicit Cost
14. When the consumer wants to purchase more of both the goods, it is known as:
A. Monotonicity of preferences
B. Rationality
C. Ordinality
15. A situation where the consumer maximizes his satisfaction , given income and market
A. Producer Equilibirium
B. Consumer Equilibirium
C. Equilibirium of market forces
17. The demand of a commodity which is backed by purchasing power and willingness to
spend money:
A. Effective Demand
B. Budget Line
C. Indifference Curve
B. Necessity Goods
C. Inferior Goods
20. The Geometric method of measuring elasticity of demand is also known as:
A. Point Method
B. Outlay Method
C. Proportionate Method
21 Consumer incomes increase. Which one of the following is most likely in the market for
A. Price rises, quantity falls.
B. Both price and quantity fall.
C. Both price and quantity rise.
D. Price falls, quantity rises.
22 For the law of demand, the assumption of ceteris paribus means that all variables are held
constant except:
A. Consumer tastes and preferences.
B. Consumer income.
C. Prices of related goods.
D. Own price and quantity demanded.
E. The number of consumers in the market.
23 The slope of the demand curve for butter shows that an increase in the price of butter
leads to
A. A decline in the amount of butter available
B. An increase in demand for margarine
C. An expected decline in the price of butter
D. A decline in the price of margarine
24 Assume the demand curve for compact discs slopes downwards, and the supply curve
slopes upwards. If the price of CD players decreases, then:
A. The equilibrium price of compact discs will fall
B. The equilibrium price of compact discs will rise
C. The equilibrium price of compact discs will stay the same
D. None of the above are correct
D. Does not depend on the units in which quantity and price are measured.
26 Price elasticity at a given price is not affected by
A. The price of complements.
B. The price of substitutes.
C. The consumer’s income.
D. A change in tastes.
E. A change in supply.
28. The price elasticity of demand is the same thing as the negative of the
A. Slope.
B. Reciprocal of slope.
C. The first derivative of the demand function.
D. Reciprocal of slope times the ratio of price to quantity.
E. All of the above.
33. The budget line of a given consumer shifted outward. This means:
A. The indifference curve tangent to a new budget line lies everywhere above the
previous indifference curve
B. The consumer’s real income has increased
C. A consumer is better off
D. All of the above
35. Upward shift in the demand curve is due to -------------in the price of the commodity
A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. No change
D. Other factors
36. Which amongst the following is not an assumption of Indifference curve analysis?
A. The scale of preference remains the same throughout the analysis.
B. The consumer has a given and constant amount of money income to spend on the
C. Prices of the goods in the market are given and constant.
D. All the units of the goods are heterogeneous.
37. ___________ refers to a situation in which change in demand is more than the
proportionate change in price.
A. Unitary elastic demand
B. Perfectly elastic demand
C. Less elastic demand
D. More elastic demand
D. Indifference curve should be convex to the point of intersection
Ans. (1)(A), (2)(B), (3)(A), (4)(B), (5)(D), (6)(A), (7)(B), (8)(B), (9)(A), (10)(B), (11)(A),
(12)(B), (13)(A), (14)(A), (15)(B), (16)(D), (17)(A), (18)(A), (19)(B), (20)(A), (21)(C),
(22)(B), (23)(D), (24)(D), (25)(B), (26)(E), (27)(D), (28)(D), (29)(C), (30)(C), (31)(B),
(32)(D), (33)(D), (34)(B), (35)(A), (36)(D), (37)(D), (38)(B), (39)(C), (40)(B)
1. Define MU.
2. Explain consumer Equilibrium with the help of utility schedule and diagram.
3. Write a short note on Ordinal Utility.
4. Explain briefly MRS.
5. What is an indifference curve?
6. Explain Budget line with help of diagram.
7. Why are indifference curve convex to the origin?
8. Why are indifference curve downward sloping?
9. Explain Cardinal Utility.
10. What is inferior good?
11. Define Demand.
12. Differentiate between substitute and complementary goods.
13. Explain contraction in demand curve diagrammatically.
14. What is expansion demand curve? Illustrate
15. What is the difference between increase and decrease in demand? Show
16. Explain elasticity of demand.
17. Write a short note on advertising elasticity of demand.
18. What is elasticity of price expectations?
19. What are determinants of income elasticity of demand?
20. Define demand forecasting.
21. Explain criteria for good demand forecasting.
22. Give the scope of demand forecasting.
23. Enumerate the importance of price elasticity of demand.
24. What are different degrees of price elasticity of demand?
25. Explain proportionate method of demand forecasting.
26. Arc elasticity and point elasticity
27. Price elasticity and cross – elasticity
28. Income elasticity and price elasticity
29. Shift in Demand Curve
30. Exceptions to Law of Demand.
31. Explain the relationship between price and cross elasticity of demand.
32. Define marginal rate of substitution.
33. Differentiate between a shift in demand curve and a movement along the demand curve.
34. Explain cardinal and ordinal approaches of utility measurement for deriving consumer’s
35. How is indifference curve different from indifference map?
36. What are the conditions of consumer’s equilibrium according to utility analysis?.
37. State the factors of rightward shift of demand curve. Explain any one
38. What is price effect?
39. What will be the shape of indifference curve when both the commodities are perfect
40. Define ‘Income elasticity of demand
1. Explain Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility with the help of a table and diagrammatic
2. What is meant by Consumer’s Equilibrium? State its condition in case of a single
commodity. Use diagram.
3. What is meant by Consumer’s Equilibrium? State its condition in case of two
commodities given by utility approach.
4. What is an indifference curve? Explain different properties of indifference curve.
5. What is Budget Line? When will it shift? What is its slope?
6. Differentiate between cardinal utility and ordinal utility.
7. Distinguish between inferior good and giffen good.
8. What will be the shape of indifference curve when both the commodities are perfect
9. What will be the shape of indifference curve when both the commodities are perfect
complementary to each other?
10. What is meant by consumer equilibrium? Define the property of indifference curve and
show the equilibrium of consumer with indifference curve.
11. Why does a demand curve usually slopes downward towards right?
12. What is Law of Demand? Explain giving schedule, assumptions and diagram.
13. Differentiate between Movement and Shift in demand curve.
14. What is Demand? Why Law of Demand operates?
15. Explain individual vs. market demand curve.
16. Differentiate between change in quantity demanded and change in demand.
17. What are the factors affecting individual demand? Derive the Law of Demand.
18. What is demand? What are determinants of demand function?
19. What is price elasticity of demand? What are the determinants of price elasticity of
20. Explain Cross price elasticity of demand. What are the determinants of cross elasticity of
demand? What are different types of cross price elasticity.
21. Explain Income elasticity of demand. What are the determinants of income elasticity of
demand? What are different types of cross price elasticity?
22. Explain Outlay method of measuring elasticity of demand.
23. Prove that on a straight-line demand curve, price elasticity of demand decreases
continuously from infinity at the price axis to zero at the quantity axis.
24. What is demand forecasting? What are the determinants of demand forecasting?
25. What are different methods of demand forecasting?
26. Why does demand curve slope downward from left to right? Under what circumstances,
it will slope upward?
27. What is the objective of demand forecasting? Explain the various methods of demand
forecasting pointing out their merits & demerits.
28. What is demand forecasting? Evaluate any two survey methods and any two statistical
methods of demand forecasting.
29. Distinguish between individual and market demand for a product. Market demand is the
main concern of business managers. Why should business managers then study individual
demand curve?
30. What do you mean by an iso-product curve? How is it different from indifference curve?
What does the slope of an iso-product curve indicate?
31. With the help of numerical example measure price elasticity of demand in the following
conditions by total expenditure method:
(i) Demand falls when price is constant.
(ii) Price falls while demand is constant.
32. What do you mean by budget line? What are the reasons of change in budget line?
33. Define and distinguish between:
(a) Arc elasticity and point elasticity
(b) Price elasticity and cross – elasticity
(c) Income elasticity and price elasticity
34. With the help of diagrams, explain the effect of following changes on the demand of a
commodity. (a) A fall in the income of its buyer. (b) A rise in price of complementary
good.(c) change in fashion.(d)change in habits of consumers.
35. What is law of demand? Explain the determination of equilibrium price and quantity
using the concept of demand and supply curves?
36. Comment on the statement “Price elasticity of demand is generally negative.”
37. Why the marginal rate of technical substitution is likely to diminish as more and more
labour is substituted for capital?
38. Distinguish between cardinal and ordinal measurement of utility.
39. What is price affect? How does a change in the price of a commodity affect the
equilibrium of the consumer?
40. Derive individual demand curve from indifference curve analysis.
1. It is a short run law which states that as the use of a variable input increases with other
inputs fixed, the resulting addition to output will eventually decrease.
A. Law of variable Proportion
B. Law of Returns to scale
C. Law of diminishing marginal utility
2. It refers to a function showing maximum output that a firm can produce for every
combination of inputs.
A. Demand Function
B. Supply Function
C. Production Function
3. It is long run law which states that when all the factors are increased in the same
proportion, then output will increase but the increase may be at an increasing rate or
constant rate or decreasing rate.
A. Law of variable Proportion
B. Law of Returns to scale
C. Law of diminishing marginal utility
4. It is total quantity of goods and services produced by a firm with given inputs during a
specified period of time.
A. Total Product
B. Average Product
C. Marginal Product
5. It is a period in which firms can adjust production by changing variable factors but can
not change quantities of one or more fixed factors.
A. Short run
B. Long run
7. It measures the productivity of the firm’s labour in terms of how much output each labour
produces on an average:
A. Total Product
B. Average Product
C. Marginal Product
9. A curve which shows different combinations of labour and capital with which a firm can
produce a specific quantity of output.
A. Isoquant
B. Indifference Curve
C. Budget Line
10. These are the loci of points on isoquants where the marginal product of the factors are
A. Isoquant
B. Ridge Line
C. Budget Line
11. It shows different combinations of labour and capital that a firm can buy, given total
outlay and price of factors:
A. Ridge Line
B. Iso Cost Line
C. Budget Line
12. It occurs when increase in output is less than proportional to increase in inputs.
A. Increasing returns to Scale
B. Decreasing returns to Scale
C. Constant returns to scale
14. It occurs when increase in output is more than proportional to increase in inputs.
A. Increasing returns to Scale
B. Decreasing returns to Scale
C. Constant returns to scale
15. These are the advantages which accrue to the firm when it expands its output:
A. Economies of scale
B. Diseconomies of scale
C. Average Revenue
18. The physical relationship between inputs used and the resulting output.
A. Consumption Function
B. Production Function
C. Investment Function
20. When all factors of production are increased in the same proportion, output will increase,
but the increase may be at an increasing or constant rate or decreasing rate.
A. Law of returns to scale
B. Law of variable proportion
C. Law of diminishing return to scale
21 A consumer buys a bundle of two goods, A and B. MU/P for A is 40/1. The marginal
utility of B is 20. The price of B must therefore be
A. 5
B. 0.5
C. 2
D. None of the above
22 A consumer buys a bundle with two goods, X and Y. MU/P for X is 4, MU/P for Y is 3.
What should the consumer do to optimise his decision with the same amount of money?
A. Increase X
B. Increase Y
C. Increase Y and lower X
D. Increase X and lower Y
23 In the 3rd stage of operation of the law of variable proportions, the marginal
product becomes ________.
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Zero
24 If the price of gasoline goes up and Dan now buys fewer candy bars because he has to
spend more on gas, this would best be explained by the
A. substitution effect
B. income effect
C. highly elastic demand for gasoline
D. any of the above are possible explanations
25. When AP = MP
A. AP is minimum
B. AP is maximum
C. MP is minimum
D. MP is maximum
E. TP is maximum
29 The law of constant returns to scale is depicted by the marginal output curve which is
A. Upward sloping
B. Downward sloping
C. Horizontal
D. Vertical
30. If the price of gasoline goes up and Dan now buys fewer candy bars because he has to
spend more on gas, this would best be explained by the
A. substitution effect
B. income effect
C. highly elastic demand for gasoline
D. any of the above are possible explanations
D. All of the above are variable costs.
34. One reason that a firm may experience increasing returns to scale is that greater levels of
output make it possible for the firm to
A. employ more specialized machinery.
B. obtain bulk purchase discounts
C. employ a greater division of labor
D. All of the above are correct
36. In the 3rd stage of operation of the law of variable proportions, the marginal product
becomes ________.
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Zero
38. When a proportional change in input combination caused the same proportionate change
in output, the returns to scale is said to exhibit
A. Increasing returns
B. Decreasing returns
C. Constant returns
D. Negative returns
E. Law of variable proportion.
38. When one input is variable and all other inputs are fixed, the firm’s production
A. Law of Returns to a Scale
B. Long run analysis
C. Law of variable proportions
D. Long run production function
39. AC and ----------curves never intersect each other as AFC can never be zero
Ans. (1)(A), (2)(C), (3)(B), (4)(A), (5)(A), (6)(C), (7)(B), (8)(A), (9)(A), (10)(B), (11)(B),
(12)(B), (13)(C), (14)(A), (15)(A), (16)(A), (17)(A), (18)(B), (19)(B), (20)(A), (21)(B),
(22)(D), (23)(A), (24)(B), (25)(B), (26)(C), (27)(B), (28)(B), (29)(C), (30)(B), (31)(B),
(32)(B), (33)(A), (34)(D), (35)(C). (36)(C), (37)(B), (38)(C), (39)(C), (40)(A)
1. Explain the law of Returns to Scale. Show the three kinds of Returns to Scale with the
help of isoquants.
2. What are ridge lines? What do they indicate?
3. Explain the Law of Variable Proportions. What are the different stages of production? In
which stage will a rational producer operate?
4. Explain economies and diseconomies of scale.
5. Distinguish between Returns to Scale and Returns to Factor.
6. Give the relationship between TP, AP and MP curves.
7. What is isocost line? What is its slope?
8. Derive the shape of isoquants. What is the slope of an isoquant?
9. Write short note on fixed and variable factors.
10. Discuss factors of production. Explain law of variable proportion with an example.
11. What are economies and diseconomies of scale? How do these affect the cost of
12. Explain briefly Short period and Long period.
13. Explain Constant returns to scale.
14. What are the three stages of production? Graphically identify the stages of production in
which a firm will produce to maximize its profit.
15. Explain least cost combination of input for a firm.\
16. Explain increasing returns to scale.
17. Explain producer equilibrium with help of diagram.
18. What are different stages of Law of Returns to Scale? Explain with help of diagram.
19. Differentiate between variable factors and fixed factors.
20. Distinguish between short run and long run.
21. Explain MRTS with the help of example.
22. Explain the concept of Isocost line.
23. What are different features of Isoquants?
24. Why Isoquants are convex to the origin?
25. What are different stages of Law of Variable Proportion?
26. Explain the concept of utility. Illustrate graphically the relationship between the total
utility, marginal utility and average utility.
27. State and explain the law of diminishing marginal utility. Bring out clearly the
relationship between MU and price.
28. What is consumer equilibrium? Explain consumer’s equilibrium with the help of
indifference curve analysis?
29. What do you mean by an iso-product curve? How is it different from indifference curve?
What does the slope of an iso-product curve indicate?
30. Distinguish between short-term and long–term production function. Discuss the
properties, managerial uses and limitations of Cobb Douglas production function?
31. Explain the relationship between Fixed Cost, Variable Cost, Total Cost and Marginal
32. “Economics of scale may be either external or internal; they may be technical
managerial, financial or risk bearing”. Elucidate.
33. ‘The operation of the law of Diminishing Return is due to scarcity of the factors of
production.’ Discuss.
34. State and explain the law of increasing Return. What are the factors, which cause an
increase in returns?
35. What do you understand by ‘Equilibrium price’? How do changes in demand and supply
affect it?
36. How will you define economies of scale? What are the sources of internal and external
economies of scale?
37. What are Iso-quants and Iso-cost curves? Explain the producer’s equilibrium using them.
38. Explain Least Cost Factor Combi.nation or Producer’s Equilibrium or Optimal
Combination of Inputs.
39. What is Iso- quant Curve? Explain the law of Variable Proportion with the help of Iso-
quant Curve.
B. Economic Cost
C. Sunk Cost
D. Social Cost
2. It is a curve which gives the relationship between a firm’s cumulative output and the
amount of inputs needed to produce each unit of output.
A. Total Revenue Curve
B. Learning Curve
C. Supply Curve
D. Demand Curve
B. Elasticity of supply = 1
C. Elasticity of supply <1
D. Elasticity of supply >1
14. It is at that point where TR=TC or AR=AC and profits are zero.
A. Break-Even Point
B. Shut-down point
C. Producers Equilibrium
D. Long run equilibrium
15. It is that point where P=AVC and losses are equal to TFC.
A. Break-Even Point
B. Shut-down point
C. Producers Equilibrium
D. Long run equilibrium
17. It is defined as a market structure in which there are a large number of price taking firms,
selling homogeneous products:
A. Perfect Competition
B. Oligopoly
C. Monopoly
D. Monopolistic Competition
18. A market structure in which there is only one seller and no close substitutes of the
A. Perfect Competition
B. Oligopoly
C. Monopoly
D. Monopolistic Competition
19. It refers to a market situation in which there are many firms selling closely related but
unidentical commodities:
A. Perfect Competition
B. Oligopoly
C. Monopoly
D. Monopolistic Competition
20. It is defined as a market structure in which there are few sellers of the commodity:
A. Perfect Competition
B. Oligopoly
C. Monopoly
D. Monopolistic Competition
21 The U-shapedness of the long run curve average cost curve reflects
A. The law of variable proportions
B. The technological changes
C. The law of returns to scale
D. None of these
22 If the price is less than the average costs but higher than the average variable costs:
A. The firm is making a loss and will shutdown in the short term
B. The firm is making a profit
C. The firm is making a loss but will continue to produce in the short term
D. The firm is making a loss and is making a negative contribution to fixed costs
24 In the long term a firm will produce provided the revenue covers:
A. Fixed costs
B. Variable costs
C. Total costs
A. Consumers
B. Companies
C. Workers
D. The government
26 In a pure market economy, which of the following is a function of the price?
I. Provide information to sellers and buyers , II. provide incentives to sellers and
A. I only
B. II only
C. Both I and II
D. Neither I nor II
27 In a market system, sellers act in _____ interest , but this leads to behaviors in______
A. Self; self
B. Self; society’s
C. Society’s; society’s
D. Society’s; self
29 In pure monopoly, what is the relation between the price and the marginal revenue?
A. The price is greater than the marginal revenue
B. The price is less than the marginal revenue
C. There is no relation
D. They are equal
30 A firm emerges as a leader in oligopoly market due to all the following reasons except –
A. Market share
B. Presence in all segment
C. Indeterminate demand curve
D. Pioneer in particular product category
32. If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by many sellers and buyers, a
homogeneous product, unlimited long-run resource mobility, and perfect knowledge, then
the firm is a
A. a monopolist.
B. an oligopolist.
C. a perfect competitor.
D. a monopolistic competitor
33. If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by many sellers and buyers, a
differentiated product, and unlimited long-run resource mobility, then the firm is
A. a monopolist
B. an oligopolist
C. a perfect competitor
D. a monopolistic competitor
34. If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by few sellers and many buyers
and limited long-run resource mobility, then the firm is
A. a monopolist
B. an oligopolist
C. a perfect competitor
D. a monopolistic competitor
35. A perfectly competitive firm should reduce output or shut down in the short run if market
price is equal to marginal cost and price is
A. greater than average total cost
B. less than average total cost
C. greater than average variable cost
D. less than average variable cost
36. A firm emerges as a leader in oligopoly market due to all the following reasons except –
A. market share
B. Presence in all segment
C. Indeterminate demand curve
D. Pioneer in particular product category
37 The portion above the kink on demand curve of an oligopolist is –
A. Less elastic
B. More elastic
C. Infinitely elastic
D. Perfectly elastic
38 Sweezy model fails to explain-
A. The effect of discovery that the firm’s belief about demand curve is incorrect
B. Indeterminate demand curve & price rigidity
C. Non-price competition
D. Interdependent decision making
39 Two firms in Cournot model together will supply only to ____ of the total market.
A. 1/3
B. 2/3
C. ¼
D. ¾
40 In a centralized cartel price is determined by------
A. Association
B. Firm
C. Government
Ans. (1)(A), (2)(B), (3)(C), (4)(B), (5)(A), (6)(D), (7)(D), (8)(A), (9)(A), (10)(B), (11)(A),
(12)(A), (13)(B), (14)(A), (15)(B), (16)(C), (17)(A), (18)(C), (19)(D), (20)(B), (21)(A),
(22)(C), (23)(C), (24)(B), (25)(A), ((26)(C), (27)(B), (28)(A), (29)(A), (30)(C), (31)(A),
(32)(C), (33)(D), (34)(B), (35)(D), (36)(B), (37)(A), (38)(A), (39)(D), (40)(A)
32. Discuss the objective of profit maximization.
33. Define perfect competition.
34. What are the features of a monopolistic competitive firm
35. Differentiate between implicit and explicit cost.
36. ‘A firm is price taker and not a price maker in a perfectly competitive market’. Discuss.
37. The U shape of an average cost curve will be less pronounced the longer the period to
which the curve relates. Explain.
38. What do you understand by Learning curve?
39. MC curve is a competitive firm’s supply curve. Explain with the help of a diagram
40. What are the reasons for the existence of monopoly?
19. Discuss price, output and profit positions in perfect competitive market structures.
20. Give reason for the fact that MR and AR are equal under perfect competition while AR is
greater than MR under monopoly.
21. Discuss short run Equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition and monopoly.
22. Is it possible that a firm may produce while sustaining losses? If so, when and how
23. Write a short note on market interventions and failures.
24. What is price discrimination? How price is determined under it? Is price discrimination
useful to society?
25. There is always underutilized capacity in the long run of a firm in monopolistic
competition. Discuss.
26. Define optimum input combination. What are the criteria for the ‘least cost combination
of inputs? Explain graphically. Is perfect competition a possible market situation in any
of the economies of the world? Give reasons in support of your answer.
27. What do you mean by monopolistic competition? Is product differentiation an outcome of
monopolistic competition or vice-versa? Discuss the behaviour of the firm under
monopolistic competition?
28. “Among the multiplicity of objectives that a modern firm has profit maximization
continues to be the most important.” Comment.
29. Show graphically how a profit maximizing discriminating monopolist will distribute his
output in two markets and charge different prices under third degree price discrimination.
Also discuss the equilibrium of the monopolist under dumping, if the foreign market in
which he operates is perfectly competitive while in domestic market he faces a downward
sloping demand curve
30. Explain and illustrate the price leadership of a low cost firm. Why do the high cost firms
accept a price lower than their profit maximizing price?
31. What is monopoly? How is price and output determined by a monopolist in short run and
long run?
32. How does a firm take its pricing and output decisions in shrot and long run while
operating under monopolistic competition?
33. What do you mean by Oligopoly? Explain how price and output decisions are taken
under the condition of Oligopoly?
34. What do you understand by Price discrimination? What are the condition & necessary for
price discrimination?
35. Explain various pricing methods? Point out as to where they are suitable?
36. Explain the relation between average cost and marginal cost. How is it possible that
marginal cost continues to rise while average cost declines?
37. Discuss the meaning and main features of monopolistic market situation.
38. Will a monopolist firm continue to produce in the short run, even if it incurs losses?
39. What is price discrimination? How does a discriminating monopolist allocate his output
and charge different prices in different markets to maximize his profits?
40. How is equilibrium in the short run attained in case of a monopolistically competitive
market? Explain
BBA 109
4. Can you tell what passes into and out from the computer via its ports?
A Data
B Bytes
C Graphics
D Pictures
D Plotter
8. Who developed a mechanical device in the 17th century that could add, subtract, multiple,
divide and find square roots?
A Napier
B Babbage
C Pascal
D Leibniz
15. Floppy disks which are made from flexible plastic material are also called?
A Hard disks
B High-density disks
C Diskettes
D Templates
16. The magnetic storage chip used to provide non-volatile direct access storage of data and
that have no moving parts are known as
A Magnetic core memory
B Magnetic tape memory
C Magnetic disk memory
D Magnetic bubble memory
19. Computer instructions written with the use of English words instead of binary machine
code is called
A Mnemonics
B Symbolic code
C Gray codes
D Opcode
21. On which aspect the analog computers are better than digital?
A Speed
B Accuracy
C Reliability
D Automatic
B Second Generation
C Fifth Generation
D Sixth Generation
23. Which of the following machine was not invented by Charles Babbage?
A Tabulating Machine
B Analytical Engine
C Difference Engine
D Both C and D
24. How many numbers could ENIAC store in its internal memory
A 100
B 20
C 80
D 40
26. Mouse is a:
A Input Device
B Output Device
C Storage Device
D Memory Device
29. All devices that are controlled by central processing unit but are not part of it are called
A Peripheral devices
B Arithmetic units
C Control unit devices
D Main store devices
30. Which of the following is used in the Banking Industry for the processing of cheques?
D Bar Code
31. …………….. is a combination of hardware and software that facilitates sharing of the
information between computing devices.
A Network
B Peripheral
C Expansion Board
D Digital Device
33. The Secondary storage device that follows the sequential mode of access is
A Optical Disk
B Magnetic Disk
C Magnetic Tape
D None of these
34. Human beings are referred as Homo sapiens, which device is called Sillico sapiens?
A Monitor
B Hardware
C Software
D Computer
C Simur Cray
D Augusta Adaming
39. Which of the following controls the process of interaction between the user and the
operating system?
A User interface
B Language translator
C Platform
D Screen saver
41. a combination of hardware and software that facilitates the sharing of
information between computing devices.
A network
B peripheral
C expansion board
D digital device
42. Coded entries which are used to gain access to a computer system are called
A Entry codes
B Passwords
C Security commands
D Code words
D Optical output device
ANS. (1)(B), (2)(D), (3)(B), (4)(A), (5)(B), (6)(D), (7)(A), (8)(D), (9)(D), (10)(D), (11)(B),
(12)(D), (13)(C), (14)(D), (15)(C), (16)(D), (17)(C), (18)(B), (19)(B), (20)(A), (21)(B),
(22)(C), (23)(A), (24)(B), (25)(B), (26)(A), (27)(A), (28)(D), (29)(A), (30)(C), (31)(A),
(32)(C), (33)(C), (34)(D), (35)(B), (36)(A), (37)(B), (38)(C), (39)(A), (40)(B), (41)(A),
(42)(B), (43)(A), (44)(B), (45)(D)
31. Explain Keyboard, Joystick, Trackball, Light Pen.
32. Why Computer is known as a Computer System?
33. What is the difference between magnetic disk, magnetic tape and optical disk
34. When are line printers used?
35. What is WORM disk? What limitations of a CD-ROM disk does it overcome?
36. Differentiate between CISC and RISC processors
37. Why is computer called as data process device?
38. What are the components of computer? Discuss it with the help of block diagram
39. What is meant by overflow? Is it a software problem or a hardware problem?
40. What do you mean by ROM? Explain its types?
D Motion Video Card
E Expansion Slots
25. Distinguish between the following:
A Sequential mode and Random Mode
B Static RAM and Dynamic RAM
C Magnetic Tape and Magnetic Disk
26. Differentiate among Online, Near-line and Off-line storage. Write names of storage
devices typically used for each type of storage.
27. Explain the memory hierarchy of a computer system.
28. In the context of magnetic disk storage, define the following terms and give the
relationship among them (if any):
29. (a) Track (b) Cylinder (c) Sector (d) Disk address (e)Cluster
30. What are data scanning devices? Explain its characteristics and types.
31. What is LCD? Differentiate between CRT and LCD monitors.
32. What is a Super computer? What are its main uses?
33. Enlist any five secondary storage devices and explain their functioning.
34. What is a Workstation? Write the major differences between a PC and a Workstation.
35. Explain any three commonly used types of Mass storage devices.
36. Distinguish between a sequential access, a direct access, and a random access storage
device. Give one example of each.
37. What are Optical disks? List all the main advantages and limitations of optical disks as a
secondary storage device.
38. What is a sequential access storage device? Give example of a few applications for which
such a storage device is suitable.
39. In the context of magnetic disk storage, define the following terms and give the
relationship among them (if any):
(a) Truck (b) Cylinder (c) Sector (d) Risk address
40. What are data scanning devices? How do they help in improving input data accuracy as
compared to keyboard devices?
3. Process is
A Program in High level language kept on disk
B Contents of main memory
C A program in execution
D A job in secondary memory
4. What is a shell?
A It is a hardware component
B It is a command interpreter
C It is a part in compiler
D It is a tool in CPU scheduling
5. A system program that sets up an executable program in main memory ready for
execution is
A Assembler
B Linker
C Loader
D Compiler
6. Routine is not loaded until it is called. All routines are kept on disk in a relocatable load
format. The main program is loaded into memory & is executed. This type of loading is
called _________
A Static loading
B Dynamic loading
C Dynamic linking
D Overlays
8. A system program that combines the separately compiled modules of a program into a
form suitable for execution
A Assembler
B Linking Loader
C Cross-compiler
D Load and go
10. Bug means
A logical error in a program
B A difficult syntax error in a program
C Documenting programs using an efficient documentation tool
D All of the above
14. The strategy of allowing processes that are logically runnable to be temporarily
suspended is called
A preemptive scheduling
B non-preemptive scheduling
C shortest job first
D first come first served
15. A thread
A is a lightweight process where the context switching is low
B is a lightweight process where the context switching is high
C is used to speed up paging
D none of the above
17. The number of processes completed per unit time is known as __________.
A Output
B Throughput
C Efficiency
D Capacity
18. _________ is the situation in which a process is waiting on another process, which is also
waiting on another process ... which is waiting on the first process. None of the processes
involved in this circular wait are making progress.
A Deadlock
B Starvation
C Dormant
D None of the above
19. Which of the following file name extension suggests that the file is Backup copy of
another file?
20. Which technique was introduced because a single job could not keep both the CPU and
the I/O devices busy?
A Time-sharing
B Spooling
C Preemptive scheduling
D Multiprogramming
22. The mechanism that bring a page into memory only when it is needed is called ______.
A Segmentation
B Fragmentation
C Demand Paging
D Page Replacement
B Non Preemptive Scheduling
C Deadline Scheduling
D Fair share scheduling
25. Which of the following systems software does the job of merging the records from two
files into one?
A Security software
B Utility program
C Networking software
D Documentation system
27. With which memory can the system run programs that are larger than the Primary
memory of the system?
A Cache memory
B Virtual Memory
C Primary Memory
D None of these
28. The substitution made by the OS between the processes to allocate space is……………..
A Swapping
B Deadlock
C Fragmentation
D Paging
29. The Memory Management scheme that allows the processes to store non-contiguously in
memory is…………………
A Spooling
B Paging
C Swapping
D Deadlock
30. Switching the CPU to another Process requires to save state of the old process and loading
new process state is called as __________.
A Process Blocking
B Context Switch
C Time Sharing
D None of the above
31. A computer program that converts the entire program into machine language is known as
a/an ………….
A Interpreter
B Compiler
C Commander
D Simulator
32. Which of the following memory unit that processor can access more rapidly
A Main Memory
B Virtual Memory
C Cache Memory
D Read Only Memory
33. The primary distinction between the short-term scheduler and long term scheduler is……
A The length of their queues
B The type of processes they schedule
C The frequency of their execution
D None of these
35. The Hardware mechanism that allows a device to notify the CPU is called
A Pooling
B Interrupt
C Driver
D Controlling
36. The set of computer programs, procedures and associated documents is called:
A Hardware
B Software
C Firmware
D Package
38. The time interval from time of submission to completion of job is called:
A Turnaround time
B Response time
C Throughput
D Frequency
39. Processes should submitted in such a manner that:
A Idle Time is Kept Minimum
B Idle Time is Kept Max.
C At Any Time
D All of the Above
Ans. (1)(a), (2)(a), (3)(c), (4)(b), (5)(c), (6)(c), (7)(a), (8)(b), (9)(c), (10)(a), (11)(a), (12)(c),
(13)(d), (14)(a), (15)(a), (16)(b), (17)(b), (18)(a), (19)(d), (20)(d), (21)(a), (22)(c),
(23)(b), (24)(b), (25)(b), (26)(c), (27)(b), (28)(a), (29)(b), (30)(a), (31)(b), (32)(c),
(33)(c), (34)(b), (35)(b), (36)(B), (37)(D), (38)(A), (39)(A), (40)(B), (41)(A), (42)(A),
(43)(D), (44)(A), (45)(A)
35. Explain the term “Disk Management Programs”.
36. Discuss the functions of Operating System.
37. Define Software. Also discuss the types of software
38. Write short note on Assembler.
39. Discuss the advantages and limitation of Machine Level Language.
40. Distinguish between Compiler and Interpreter.
(e) Themes
(f) Calculator
22. What are the advantages of On-Screen keyboard over physical keyboard?
23. What does the term "System Restore" mean? What are restore points and how these are
created and used?
24. Explain the working of an Operating system.
26. What does "Aero Effects" mean in Windows? What is included in these effects?
27. Explain the following commands as per DOS:
Directory, Name, Volume, Label
28. Discuss the Booting Procedure.
29. What do you mean by System Software? Discuss its types.
30. What jobs does Device Management module of an OS perform?
31. What are the advantages of Assembly Language over Machine Language?
32. Explain the functionality of CRT.
33. Explain the different language converters.
34. What are external storage devices? Explain in detail.
35. What is the difference between Raster scan & random scan?
36. Discuss the working of LCD.
3. A bookmark is an item or location in document that you identify as a name for future
reference. Which of the following task is accomplished by using bookmarks?
A To add anchors in web page
B To mark the ending of a paragraph of document
C To quickly jump to specific location in document
D To add hyperlinks in webpage
B Grammar options
C Synonyms and Antonyms words
D All of the above
6. Which of the following is not one of the three ‘Mail Merge Helper’ steps?
A Merge the two files
B Create the main document
C Set the mailing list parameters
D Create the data source
7. The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of space between certain
combination of characters so that an entire word looks more evenly spaced. What is that
feature called?
A Spacing
B Scaling
C Kerning
D Positioning
8. How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to another text?
A Copy the text and paste in new location. Then type the new text again.
B Copy the text and click on Paste Special tool on new place
C Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text
D All of above
D Functioning
14. What term refers to a specific set of values saved with the workbook?
A Range
B Scenario
C Trend line
D What-if analysis
16. When you see a cell with a red triangle in the top right corner, what does this signify?
A There is an error in the cell
B There is a comment associated with the cell
C The font color for text in the cell is red
D A formula cannot be entered into the cell
17. Which function will you use to enter current time in a worksheet cell?
A =today()
B =now()
C =time()
D =currentTime()
19. Except for the …… function, a formula with a logical function shows the word “TRUE”
or “FALSE” as a result
21. To create an interactive Pivot Table for the web, you use a Microsoft Office Web
component called
B Pivot Table Field List
C Pivot Table List
D Pivot Table Report
23. Which of the following can you use to add times to the slides in a presentation
A Slice Show menu
B Rehearse timing button
C Slide transition button
D All of the above
24. Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all
slides in a presentation?
A Slide sorter view
B Notes page view
C Slide view
D Outline view
25. Which option can be used to set custom timings for slides in a presentation?
A Slider Timings
B Slider Timer
C Rehearsal
D Slide Show Setup
A Word for windows templates
B Auto creation wizard
C Auto content wizard
D Presentation wizard
27. What lets you to create new presentation by selecting ready-made font color and graphics
A Presentation Template
B Master Slide
C Design Template
D Animation Scheme
28. The difference between Slide Design and Auto Content Wizard is
A Both are same
B AutoContent Wizard is just the wizard version of Slide Design
C Slide Design does not provide sample content, but Auto Content Wizard provides
sample content too!
D Slide Design asks your choice in steps, but Auto Content Wizard does not let you
make choices
29. When you cut and paste something, it is temporarily transferred to………………………
A Another partition on the hard drive
B Virtual memory
C Swap File
D Clipboard
33. Which of the following features makes a document Read-Only so that no modifications
can be made to its content?
A Digital Signature
B Mark as Final
C Inspect Document
D Document Comparison
34. Using ……………….. you can deliver your presentation to two monitors.
A Design View
B Layout View
C Presenter View
D Both (a) and (c)
35. When you link data maintained in Excel workbook to a Word document
A The Word document cannot be edited
B The Word document contains a reference to the original source application
C The word document must contain a hyperlink
D The word document contains a copy of the actual data
36. Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation?
A Outline
B Slides
C Notes
D All of above are available
39. Which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?
A Titles
B Lists
C Charts
D Animations
C communication of planning
D All of above
41. _______ controls all the main slide control tasks for your presentation.
A Task Pane
B Task Bar
C Control Panel
D None of above
42. Which of the following cannot be toggled from View >> Toolbars?
A Control Toolbox
B Slides
C Revisions
D Reviewing
Ans: (1)(C), (2)(A), (3)(C), (4)(C), (5)(C), (6)(C), (7)(C), (8)(B), (9)(A), (10)(D), (11)(B),
(12)(B), (13)(C), (14)(B), (15)(C), (16)(B), (17)(B), (18)(A), (19)(A), (20)(C), (21)(D),
(22)(C), (23)(B), (24)(A), (25)(C), (26)(C), (27)(C), (28)(C), (29)(D), (30)(D), (31)(C),
(32)(B), (33)(B), (34)(C), (35)(B), (36)(C), (37)(A), (38)(C), (39)(D), (40)(D), (41)(A),
(42)(B), (43)(C), (44)(B), (45)(D)
6. How do I set Tabs?
7. How many rows and columns are there in Microsoft Excel 2016 and later versions?
8. What is the difference between function and formula in MS-Excel?
9. What is Chart in MS-Excel? Why is it important to you an appropriate chart?
10. Are there any Security features available in MS-Word?
11. Define Macro. How is it created?
12. Differentiate between Standard Toolbar and Formatting Toolbar.
13. What is a Word Processor? name any three Word processing Software.
14. Is there any difference between "Save" and "Save as" command? Give the reason in
support of your answer.
15. What is the use of AutoSum Button in a worksheet?
16. Explain the steps to covert Text into a Table in MS-word.
17. Differentiate between Word document and Template.
18. What is Bookmark?
19. Why do we use Bullets and Numbering option in MS-Office?
20. What is the difference between Clip Art and WordArt?
21. Describe briefly any four types of charts used in Excel.
22. Why and when Error occurs in Excel? State any two examples of such errors.
23. What is the meaning of "Legend" in a Worksheet?
24. How can we change the Date Format in a Worksheet?
25. Can a Duplicate Slide be prepared in PowerPoint? If yes, explain how?
26. Explain the procedure of Creating a new Presentation.
27. How will you add graph in your presentation?
28. Why is timing required between slides in PowerPoint?
29. What is word-wrap feature? How is it useful?
30. How a "Cell" is different form "Range of Cells"?
31. Explain the ways in which text can be added into the slides.
32. What is Worksheet Management?
33. Explain the meaning of “Scenarios” in Excel.
34. Differentiate between Standard Toolbar and Formatting Toolbar.
35. What is the use of Margins in a Word document?
36. How you can set password in PowerPoint?
37. How can you show your presentation online in PowerPoint?
38. How you can record a slide show in PowerPoint?
39. How you can create a video in PowerPoint?
40. How you can copy slide master from one presentation to another in PowerPoint?
8. Discuss the operations of Insertion and deletion of rows and columns in a worksheet.
9. Explain the steps to format cells in Excel.
10. What is Referencing? What are the different types of Cell References?
11. What is the significance of Header and Footer? How to apply it in MS-word?
12. Explain the Spelling and Grammar Check feature of MS-Word.
13. What is Mail Merge? Write the various steps to perform mail merge.
14. How graphics can be added in a document?
15. What do you mean by MS-Word? Explain its features and advantages.
16. Explain the "Find and Replace" feature of MS-Word. How is it executed?
17. How Formulas are different from Functions? Show the steps involved in inserting
18. What is the importance of "Thesaurus" feature?
19. Describe the steps and commands for the following in MS-Word:
(a) Opening a document
(b) Creating a document
(c) Saving a document
(d) Printing a document
20. What is Alignment and Indentation?
21. Describe the following Functions with the help of an example:
(a) Text function
(b) Financial function
(c) Statistical Function
(d) Mathematical Function
22. Ramesh Ahuja wants to store data of his monthly expenditure over the last financial year.
Which of the Office application is most suitable for this purpose?
23. Write formulas for the operations (i) – (iv) based on the spreadsheet given below along
with the relevant cell address:
1 SNO Name Science Maths Computers Total Average
2 1 Swati 70 80 87 -- --
3 2 Shruti 90 98 89 -- --
4 3 Neelu 90 90 98 -- --
5 4 Rosy 60 76 79 -- --
6 5 Shreya 50 45 67 -- --
7 Max --
8 Total --
(a) To calculate the Total Marks as sum of Science, Maths & Computers for each student and
display them in column F.
(b) To calculate the average marks for each student and display them in column G.
(c) To calculate the highest marks in Computers and display it in cell E7.
(d) To calculate the total number of students appearing for the Science test and display it in
cell C8.
24. What is Presentation Software? Discuss the features of MS Power Point?
25. What is a Slide? Explain all the slide views in PowerPoint.
26. What is the role played by Masters in PowerPoint? Discuss its types.
27. Briefly discuss the Anatomy of PowerPoint.
28. Write a note on the following terms w.r.t PowerPoint:
(a) Template
(b) Transitions
(c) Animations
(d) Wizard
29. How can we create Customised Slide Show in PowerPoint?
30. Why do we add multimedia effects in our presentation and also explain how it is done?
31. Explain different slide formatting options of PowerPoint with example.
32. With the help of an example, explain the concept of Pivot Tables and manage scenarios
in Excel.
33. Enlist any five statistical and five Date & time functions which are build in Excel. Show
how they are used.
34. Explain the following w.r.t Excel:
(a) Relative and Absolute Addressing
(b) Graphs
(c) Auto Fill
(d) Auto Sum
(e) What If Analysis
35. Explain the steps for creating an Invitation Letter for your birthday party.
36. How you can use Document Inspector and what is the role of it in PowerPoint
37. How you can protect your presentation in PowerPoint?
38. How you can customize slide layout? How you can rehearse the slide show timing in
39. How you can embed a chart from Excel to PowerPoint?
40. How you can trim video in PowerPoint 2013? How you can insert online video in
3. Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission?
A Resistance to data theft
B Fast data transmission rate
C Low noise level
D All of above
6. The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by
a receiving computer is referred to as:
A Modulation
B Demodulation
C Synchronizing
D Digitizing
7. Which of the following communication modes support two-way traffic but in only one
direction at a time?
A Simplex
B half duplex
C three-quarters duplex
D all of the above
9. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial
communication link?
A Simplex
B Half-duplex
C Full-duplex
D None of above
10. What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over a serial communication
link layer?
A 1
B 2
C 4
D 6
11. Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?
A wide band channel
B voice band channel
C narrow band channel
D All of the above
13. A communications device that combines transmissions from several I/O devices into one
line is:
A Concentrator
B Modifier
C Multiplexer
D Full-duplex line
15. Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission?
A resistance to data theft
B fast data transmission rate
C low noise level
D all of above
17. The frequency range of the waves is:-
A 150-285 Hz
B up to 1605 Hz
C 150-285 Hz
D None of the above
D Protocols
26. An inter-company network which is used to distribute information documents files and
database is called
D Switch
29. A combination of hardware and software that allows communication and electronic
transfer of information between computer is a
A Network
B Server
C Peripheral
D Backup system
30. ___________________ is the transmission of data between two or more computer over
communication links.
A Data Communication
B Data Networking
C Networking
D Communication
31. Firewall technique, which requires a proxy for each service to be supported through it, is
called …………………..
A Packet Filtering
B Circuit-level gateway
C Application-level gateway
D None of these
32. Repeater operates in which layer of OSI model?
A Physical Layer
B Network Layer
C Data Link Layer
D Transport Layer
33. The network topology in which devices are not linked to each other and where hub acts
as a central controller is ……………..
A Mesh Topology
B Star Topology
C Ring Topology
D Tree Topology
34. Which of the following cables support the highest bandwidth and faster transmission
A Fiber Optic Cable
B Coaxial Cable
C UTP Cable
D Twisted-Pair Cable
39. What is a Firewall in Computer Network?
A The physical boundary of Network
B An operating System of Computer Network
C A system designed to prevent unauthorized access
D A web browsing Software
41. Which data communication method is used to transmit the data over a serial
communication link?
A Simplex
B Half-duplex
C Full duplex
D All of above
Ans: (1)(D), (2)(C), (3)(D), (4)(D), (5)(D), (6)(D), (7)(B), (8)(E), (9)(C), (10)(B), (11)(C),
(12)(C), (13)(C), (14)(C), (15)(D), (16)(D), (17)(B), (18)(A), (19)(A), (20)(A) (21)(A),
(22)(A), (23)(C), (24)(A), (25)(C), (26)(C), (27)(B), (28)(B), (29)(A), (30)(A), (31)(C),
(32)(A), (33)(B), (34)(A), (35)(C), ), (36)(D), (37)(A), (38)(A), (39)(C), (40)(A), (41)(C),
(42)(C), (43)(C), (44)(D), (45)(C)
35. What are the advantages of Tree Topology?
36. What does Router do in a network?
37. What is the meaning of Bandwidth in Network?
38. What is Network congestion? When does it occur?
39. What do you mean by broadcasting in Networking?
40. Explain computer networking. What is the benefit of the Networking?
(a) Airlines
(b) Hotel management
(c) Financial System
(d) Inventory Control
30. How identification and authentication help in securing the User’s security?
31. Discuss application of Information Technology in Railways.
32. What are Intranets and Extranets? How do they differ from the web?
33. What are various security threats to a computer system?
34. How Information technology can be used in Education?
35. Explain briefly various Networking Devices.
36. What are the criteria necessary for an effective and efficient network? Explain the factors
that affect the performance of the network?
37. What are the different link types used to build a computer network? Define and explain
the terms Unicasting, Multicasting and Broadcasting.
38. What are the two types of transmission technology available? Explain the differences
between communication and transmission.
39. What are major types of networks and explain? What are the important topologies for
40. What is the difference between Hub, Switch, and Router? What is a Firewall?