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Time Warrior v.1-2

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Time Warrior 

Steve Chandler 

Book Overview from the Publisher 

Time  Warrior  is  a  revolutionary,  non-linear  approach  to  dealing  with  time.  What  is  non-linear  time 
management?  Non-linear  time  management  is  a  commitment  to  action  in  the  present  moment.  It's 
looking  at  a  task  and  choosing  NOW  or  “not  now.”  If  it's  not  now,  it's  got  to  be  NEVER,  or  placed  in  a 
time  capsule  that  has  a  spot  on  the  calendar  and  therefore  out  of  the mind. The mind must remain clear 
and  empty of all future considerations. In non-linear time management there is no line extending from my 
mind into the future. No tapeworm of unfinished business coming out of my body. 
Life  becomes  a  great  game  and  everything  is  handled  right  now  on  the  spot.  All  fear  comes  from 
picturing  the  future.  Putting  things  off  increases  that  fear.  Soon  we  are  nothing  but  heavy  minds 
weighing  down  on  weary  brains.  Too  much  future  will  do  that.  Only  a warrior's approach will solve this. 
A  warrior  takes  his  sword  to  the  future.  A  warrior  also  takes  his  sword  to  all  circumstances  that  don't 
allow him to fully focus.  
Non-linear  time  management  stops  all  that  weary  nonsensical  treading  on  the  road  to  one's  destiny. 
Rather than inching along horizontally you must simply rise up.  
1. How to be a time warrior  
2. Assault  of  sustained  thinking  ​-  Work  for  extended  periods  of  time  without 
3. Create systems​ - Put a structure in place to accomplish what you want 
4. Identify  next  action  ​-  Thinking  of the smallest next possible action you can take 
moves you forward 
5. Motivation follows action ​- Action does not follow motivation 
6. You will never find time - ​We don’t find time, we create it 
7. Flight  test  ​-  Imagine  your  goal  as  a  flight  to  catch.  See  how committed you are 
with this simple test 
8. Rocky  Marciano  Focus  ​-  This  boxing  legend’s  powerful focusing skill made him 
an undefeated champion 
9. 3-Minute rule -​ How to beat procrastination in just 3 minutes 

1) How to be a Time Warrior 
In order to be extremely productive, we must become time warriors.  
● Take out your sword and carve out time for what is important to you 
● Commit to taking action on that task during that time 
Do  this  irrespective  of  what  is  going  on  around  you,  irrespective  of  all  the  things  that  are 
coming out to you. Carve out time for what is important, for what you need to create. 

2) Assault of Sustained Thinking 

“​No problem can withstand the assault of sustained thinking.” -Voltaire  
In  order  to  do  great  things,  we  cannot  live  this  empty  life  where  we  do  some  work  then  we 
check  some  social  media,  check  some  email,  do  some  other  stuff,  and  then  get  back  to  work, 
hang out, chill out, and then get back ​to work.  
That's  not  how  ​you're  going  to  get  the  most  important  problem  solved.  It's  just  not  going  to 
What we need instead is an attack - ​an assault of sustained thinking. 
You  have  to  carve  out  a  huge  chunk  of  time  for  that one thing and just do the work. You give it 
your very best during that time.  
Here is the key: S ​ ustained thinking for extended periods of time without any interruptions​.  
In contrast, when you are constantly being interrupted you are not able to sustain your thinking.  
Think  of  carving  that  time  as  an  assault  on  that  problem.  When  you  have  sustained  thinking, 
you will end up solving the problem. You become extremely productive. 

3) Create Systems 
We have to create systems to be productive.  

The ​worst p ​ roductivity question you can ask yourself: 
What do I feel like doing right now?  
That  is  a  dangerous  question  because  that  will  never  be  in  alignment  with  the  most important 
thing you need to do.  
2 better questions you need to ask yourself: 
1) What is it that I want to accomplish in the long term? 
2) What is the structure I need to put in place in order to accomplish this goal?  
(This structure will go to your system.)  
The system you need to have in place in order to accomplish that goal:  
Your calendar 
In  your  calendar,  you  assign  time  for  the things that you need to do in order to accomplish your 
So  you  have  to  create  systems  for  your  long-term  ambition  or  goal. You are free to experiment 
and create within that structure.  
Create systems for your success and they will help you accomplish and accelerate your goal.  

4) Identify the Smallest possible Next Action 

If you constantly struggle with procrastination, then this is something that will benefit you.  
Our  minds  have  a  tendency  to  make  any  task  that  we  don't  like  into  one  giant,  ugly  task  that 
makes  it  feel  really  scary  and  hence  we  don't  want  to  do  it.  We  don't  even  want  to  touch  it 
because it feels overwhelming.  
What  we need to do in those moments when we feel overwhelmed and when we procrastinate 
on  that  important  task  is  to  ​identify  the  next  action  --  the  smallest  possible  next  action​.  The 
smallest step you can take to move yourself forward.  
It's almost like breaking the task into the smallest possible atom that you can act upon. 
EXAMPLE:  If  you  are  procrastinating  on  going  to  the  gym,  the  smallest  possible  thing  you  can 
do  is  probably  go  find  your  shoes.  That  will  take  you  less  than  30  seconds,  but  that'll  get  the 
process rolling on making yourself go to the gym.  

The simplest way to look at it: 
If you're procrastinating, you probably have not identified the next action. 
This  is  because  once you identify the next action, you can take it. Once you identify the smallest 
possible next action, you are already on your way to success.  
You  will  find  a  way  to  do  that  smallest  possible  action  because  that  small  action  is  something 
that is doable at any given time.  
So identify your next action in order to beat procrastination.  

5) Motivation Follows Action 

A  lot  of times, people stop themselves from taking action because they don't feel like doing that 
thing.  They  don't  feel  like  they  have  the  motivation  to  do  it.  They  don't  feel  like  they  have  the 
inspiration right now to do it, so they wait for it to strike to start taking action.  
But here’s the truth: 
Action precedes motivation.  
What  that  means  is  when  we  take  action,  that's  the  time  we get motivation. And once you get 
that motivation, it will trigger you to take m ​ ore action​.  
It's a loop in some ways:  
Action → Motivation → More action  
Motivation  is  there  all  along.  It  has  always  been  there,  the  problem  is  ​you  never  triggered  it​. 
You never fired it up.  
The only way to fire it up: 
Start off by just doing that one little thing that moves you forward.  
Once you take that action, the motivation kicks in and that causes you to take even more action.  
So  never  wait  for  motivation  in  order  to  take  action  because  motivation  is  always  just  behind 
Action is the first thing we do, motivation will follow. 

6) You Will Never Find Time 
People  often  complain  that  they  can't  find  the  time  to  do  what  is  really  important.  They  can't 
find the time for exercise, for family, for building their business, whatever it might be.  
They can't find the time because their day is a mishmash.  
The truth: ​You will never be able to find the time.  
Being able to find the time is not possible. What you need to do instead is to c​ reate time​.  
But what does it mean by creating time?  
It means -- 
● You will have to take your calendar. 
● Carve  out  time,  like  a  warrior,  for  that  specific  thing  that  you  need  to  do,  whatever  it 
might be.  
● Protect it.  
● Let everything else happen outside of that time.  

7) Take the ‘Flight Test’ 

The  “flight  test”  is  a  really  simple  way  to  evaluate  if  you  are  dealing  with  your  goals  with  a 
sense  of  purpose.  You  will  quickly  find  out  if  you  are  on  a  mission,  if  you  are  committed  and  if 
have a sense of urgency. 
Let's  say  you  are  on  your  way  to  the  airport.  You  have  a  flight  to  catch  in  an  hour and a friend 
stops you and says, “Hey, can we talk for a few minutes?”  
You  know  you're  getting  late  for  the  flight.  So  you  say,  “No,  right  now  I've  got  to  rush  for  the 
flight. I've got to make the flight.” And then you rush to the airport. 
In this moment, you did not need any time management techniques.  
● You easily said N ​ o​.  
● You know you had ​a very limited time window​.  
● You were able to carve out time for yourself because you knew you were o ​ n a mission​.  

● You actually became a time warrior.  
That's  how  you  need  to  deal  with  your  goals.  You  need  to  attack  your  goals  as  if  you're  on  a 
mission,  with  a  sense  of  urgency,  purpose,  and  commitment​.  You  know  that  you  have  very 
limited time and you’ve got to run towards it.  
When  you  do  that,  everything  else  just  falls  off  from  your  calendar,  from  your  time,  because 
you're not going to give those things the time.  
You  are  only focused on ​that one goal that's going to move you forward​, whatever your mission 
Take  the  flight  test  and  see  if  you're  actually  committed  to  your  goal  the  same  way you would 
commit to a flight in an hour or two. You will find the results very fascinating and enlightening. 

8) Rocky Marciano Focus 

Most  people  are  not  aware  of  one  of  the greatest boxers to have ever lived -- ​Rocky Marciano​. 
He  is the only undefeated heavyweight boxing champion in the world. He was undefeated from 
1952 to 1956: 49 wins, 0 losses, and 43 knockouts in the process.  
One of the secrets to Rocky Marciano’s success was his desperate focus. Crazy focus.  
Focus begins before the fight 
● Starting 3 months before the fight​: Rocky would not see his family, not even his wife.  
● 10  days  before  the  fight​:  He  would  stop  taking  calls.  He  would  not  take  any  mails.  He 
would not even talk to any new person.  
● 1  week  before  the  fight​:  He  would  stop  shaking  hands  because  he  was  in  the  fight 
mode. No new foods. He wouldn't even get out.  
That's  how  focused  he  was  on  the  fight  for  3  months.  He  just  wanted  that  one  thing.  He 
wanted to be in that fight and he wanted to win. 
That's  the  kind  of  focus  it  took  for  him  to  become  the  undefeated  champion  of  boxing,  one  of 
the greatest champions ever to play the game.  
His  life  is  an  amazing  story  of  what  we  can  accomplish  when  we  have  that  desperate  focus, 
that hunger, that desire that we’ll basically sacrifice everything in our lives to get what we want. 

9) 3-Minute Rule 
Here's a really simple exercise to beat procrastination. It's called the 3-minute rule.  
1. Set a countdown timer for 3 minutes. 
2. Work  on  that  thing  that  you're  procrastinating  on,  whatever  it  might  be.  Just  do it for 3 
minutes -- not more, not less.  
3. You can do anything for 3 minutes.  
a. If  it's  going  to  the  gym  that  you're  procrastinating  on,  just  do  that  action  for  3 
minutes.  Tie your shoes, get out of the door, walk to your car, whatever you need 
to do.  
b. If it's your taxes, just do it for 3 minutes. Just login to the tax app.  
You will find that as soon as you do it for 3 minutes -- 
● You will now have a surge of motivation on that thing. 
● You will be able to defeat your procrastination.  
● You'll  end  up  doing  a  lot  more  than  3  minutes.  You  might  actually  end  up  doing  13 
minutes or 30 minutes or even 60 minutes of that thing. 
● But you have to start. Just tell yourself you will do it for only 3 minutes. 


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