Time Warrior v.1-2
Time Warrior v.1-2
Time Warrior v.1-2
Steve Chandler
1) How to be a Time Warrior
In order to be extremely productive, we must become time warriors.
● Take out your sword and carve out time for what is important to you
● Commit to taking action on that task during that time
Do this irrespective of what is going on around you, irrespective of all the things that are
coming out to you. Carve out time for what is important, for what you need to create.
3) Create Systems
We have to create systems to be productive.
The worst p roductivity question you can ask yourself:
What do I feel like doing right now?
That is a dangerous question because that will never be in alignment with the most important
thing you need to do.
2 better questions you need to ask yourself:
1) What is it that I want to accomplish in the long term?
2) What is the structure I need to put in place in order to accomplish this goal?
(This structure will go to your system.)
The system you need to have in place in order to accomplish that goal:
Your calendar
In your calendar, you assign time for the things that you need to do in order to accomplish your
So you have to create systems for your long-term ambition or goal. You are free to experiment
and create within that structure.
Create systems for your success and they will help you accomplish and accelerate your goal.
The simplest way to look at it:
If you're procrastinating, you probably have not identified the next action.
This is because once you identify the next action, you can take it. Once you identify the smallest
possible next action, you are already on your way to success.
You will find a way to do that smallest possible action because that small action is something
that is doable at any given time.
So identify your next action in order to beat procrastination.
6) You Will Never Find Time
People often complain that they can't find the time to do what is really important. They can't
find the time for exercise, for family, for building their business, whatever it might be.
They can't find the time because their day is a mishmash.
The truth: You will never be able to find the time.
Being able to find the time is not possible. What you need to do instead is to c reate time.
But what does it mean by creating time?
It means --
● You will have to take your calendar.
● Carve out time, like a warrior, for that specific thing that you need to do, whatever it
might be.
● Protect it.
● Let everything else happen outside of that time.
● You actually became a time warrior.
That's how you need to deal with your goals. You need to attack your goals as if you're on a
mission, with a sense of urgency, purpose, and commitment. You know that you have very
limited time and you’ve got to run towards it.
When you do that, everything else just falls off from your calendar, from your time, because
you're not going to give those things the time.
You are only focused on that one goal that's going to move you forward, whatever your mission
Take the flight test and see if you're actually committed to your goal the same way you would
commit to a flight in an hour or two. You will find the results very fascinating and enlightening.
9) 3-Minute Rule
Here's a really simple exercise to beat procrastination. It's called the 3-minute rule.
1. Set a countdown timer for 3 minutes.
2. Work on that thing that you're procrastinating on, whatever it might be. Just do it for 3
minutes -- not more, not less.
3. You can do anything for 3 minutes.
a. If it's going to the gym that you're procrastinating on, just do that action for 3
minutes. Tie your shoes, get out of the door, walk to your car, whatever you need
to do.
b. If it's your taxes, just do it for 3 minutes. Just login to the tax app.
You will find that as soon as you do it for 3 minutes --
● You will now have a surge of motivation on that thing.
● You will be able to defeat your procrastination.
● You'll end up doing a lot more than 3 minutes. You might actually end up doing 13
minutes or 30 minutes or even 60 minutes of that thing.
● But you have to start. Just tell yourself you will do it for only 3 minutes.