Unidad 8 Ingles
Unidad 8 Ingles
Unidad 8 Ingles
8 what’s she like?
1. Look at the people. Describe their appearance. Make sentences using these words.
Then listen and check your answers.
He's a tall man long brown
She's a medium-height woman with short blond
Short curly red
good-looking straight dark
2. PAIR WORK. Practice the conversation again. Use the ideas below. Add your own
1 2 3 4
movie star good-looking blond serious
3. PAIR WORK. Describe your favorite actor, singer, or musician. Ask and answer
My favorite singer is Leemi ho
My favorite actor is Edward Norton
What does he look like?
What does he look like?
he is tall, thin and has dark hair.
He’s tall and thin.
Do you know him?
no, but I would love to.
3. PAIR WORK. Ask and answer questions like in activity 2.
Do you know my friend Carlos Rodriguez?
No, what does he look like?
He is small and has blond hair
1. BEFORE YOU READ. Look at the title. What do you think the article is about?
My best friend is Barbara. She's tall, slim, Pablo Montana is my best friend. He's a
and very pretty. She has long, curly brown year older (I'm 18). but we're in the same
hair. I like her because she's a friend when college class. We like the same things-
times are good or bad. She's always there soccer, basketball, social networking sites.
when I need her. She's patient, she's kind, He's tall, and he has short brown hair and a
and she's very stylish. great smile. He's confident, smart, and very
My best friend's name is Diane Costello.
She's medium height, and she has straight My best friend's name is Lenny Mason.
blond Hair-I want hair like that! I love her He's a really nice guy. He's tall (but I'm
because she's a good listener, and she taller!), and he has short blond hair. He's a
understands me. My other friends very funny guy, and he always looks very
understand me, but they don't listen! cheerful. We laugh a lot when we're
together. I like my other friends, but some of
them don't have our sense of humor
2. Read the article. Look at the pictures. Who is Barbara, Diane, Pablo, and Lenny?
Barbara and Diane are best friends.
Pablo and Lenny are college classmates and best friends.
SPEAKING --- What’s important to you?
1. complete the chart about what’s important when you make friends.
patient X
quiet X
smart X
helpful X
confident X
serious X
Looks X
tall X
thin X
good-looking X
hair color X
Interests X
sports X
music X
dancing X
movies X
art X
2. GROUP WORK. Compare your answers.
3 CLASS ACTIVITY. Write two or three sentences to describe a friend. Then share
them with the class.
My friend is patient and serious. she is tall, has curly brown hair, is very beautiful. we
like the same things like music and dramas Koreans.