Lec 20
Lec 20
Lec 20
Lecture – 20
Crashing of Networks
Now, in this lecture, let us look at the concept of reducing the project duration by
reducing the duration of critical activities in the project by increasing the resources
allocated to them. What we had said last time, and I would like to reiterate that today, is:
there are 2 kinds of activities, let us say, critical and non-critical. By doing reallocation
of resources and leveling resources, we try to rationalize the resource deployment over
the period of time and that is done with non-critical activities, because the duration of the
project is governed by critical activities. The discussion today focuses on is there a
possibility of reducing the overall duration of the project? Now, in order to reduce the
duration of the project, obviously, it is not important to concentrate on the non-critical
activities. Obviously, we must concentrate on the critical activities.
Meaning thereby, that if we want to reduce the duration of critical activities, obviously,
there will be a requirement or a commitment of additional resources, which could cause
additional expenses. What has to be seen is whether this additional expense of resources
can be justified in terms of the benefits that may accrue to the contractor by finishing the
project early. That is something which is relevant because as far as the contractor is
concerned, the project cost has a direct cost, an indirect cost and so on. So, we have to
see the overall perspective of balancing the additional resources, of balancing the
expenditure in the additional resources and the benefits accruing therefrom. So, that
basically is the essence of what we will talk about today, and that is what is called
crashing of network.
Now, cost-time trade-off is what we talk about really. The analysis of the inter-
relationship between the time and cost of a project in order to minimize its cost and
duration is called the cost-time trade-off. This picture here is a schematic representation
of what goes on. If we try to reduce the project duration, our direct cost may increase,
but our indirect cost may decrease. So, the total cost, which is essentially the sum of the
direct cost and the indirect cost, that is what has to be seen. So, it will reduce up to a
certain point in time, and then start increasing again. So, we should be targeting at
getting to this duration of the project. In other words, by reducing the duration of
individual activities, the total cost of the project can be reduced to an optimum level.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:27)
Now, let us technically define what is crashing. Expediting an activity to an earlier time
by mobilizing more resources, committing more resources to it, is known as crashing.
Let us look at an example to explain this concept. Consider a project having 6 activities
A, B, C, D, E, F and the network of the project along with the durations of the individual
activities is shown here, the cost of crashing individual activities, it could be in any units,
is given in Indian rupees here in this table. The task is todetermine which activity should
be crashed first in order to reduce the project duration.
Now, we have this project has which 6 activities and these of the durations, let us say,
that is given in days, and this table gives us the cost of crashing by 1 day. So, if we want
to carry out activity A in 3 days, it is possible. Even though it is 4 days here, it is possible
to do it in 3 days provided we are able to mobilize additional resources of INR 4000.
Similarly, activity E, instead of 6, can be done in 5 days, provided we are willing to
spend another INR 1500. We must remember that at the end of it, it is not possible for
any activity to be infinitely crashed, that is, we cannot say that if we are willing to
increase the commitment of resources indefinitely, that time can be reduced indefinitely.
This cannot be done. There may be minimum times for any of these activities beyond
which, no matter how we crash it, it will not work. So, there is a minimum time which is
required, there is a reasonable time which we are willing to give, and beyond that
reasonable time, yes, it is possible to reduce it to that minimum time by putting in
additional resources. So, this must remain at the backdrop of carrying out this exercise.
So, once we have this information listed with us, which is the cost of crashing for one
day for the different activities, obviously, it makes sense to begin with the activity which
requires the minimum amount of cost. So, we should do that activity first which involves
minimum additional commitment of resources.
The second part of it the discussion is to keep in mind if that activity is critical, will
really making a commitment of additional resources help in reducing the project
duration? We know that that will happen only when the activity is critical. So, the first
thing to do, perhaps, is to find out which are the critical activities and then try to see
what are the resources required if you want to crash those activities.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:14)
So, let us move forward and do the network analysis. We try to find out that the paths in
the network A–D, B–E and C–F. These are the 3 paths in this network, comprising of
activities A, D on one side, B, E on the other and C, F is the third and the critical path is
B–E, this takes 6 and 6, 12 days; this takes 10 days, and this is 9. Since we are looking at
the maximum of these, the critical path is B–E, which is 12 days long. So, this project,
with the given information, can be completed in 12 days at the certain cost. Now, let us
try to see how we will use this information on crashing.
The first question to be asked is which activity should be crashed? From our analysis
given here, the duration of the project is governed by the critical path B–E, and since the
cost to crash E by 1 day is lower than that of B, activity E should be crashed first. So, we
are looking at: E is critical and B is critical. To crash B, it requires INR 2000, to crash E,
it requires INR 1500.
And therefore, it makes sense to crash E first and then see how things change. Only to
reiterate, even if any of the non-critical activities - A, B, C and F is crashed, the project
duration will still remain 12 days and it makes no sense to do that.
(Refer Slide Time: 08:36)
Now, let us try to formally define what is called the cost slope of an activity. The extra
cost in expediting an activity to reduce its duration by unit time is called the cost slope of
that activity, and it is given by (Crash Cost-Normal Cost) / (Normal Time – Crash
Time). In fact, in this table, when the cost of crashing for one day was given, what was
essentially given is the cost slope of all these activities. And obviously, from the given
set of activities, the activity that has the minimum cost slope should be crashed first.
So, if we want to calculate the cost slope of these activities, we have to carry out the
small calculation - crash cost minus normal cost, divided by normal time and crash time
difference, and we get 1000 here and 750 here. This 1000 here is nothing, but (8000-
5000)/(10-7) = 3000/3 = 1000. Similarly, the cost slope for activity B is 750. Given this
data, activity B cost slope is lower and therefore, if it is required, activity B needs to be
crashed first.
So, having done the simple example, we can lay down the protocol or the procedure to
be followed for crashing a network. The steps are: identify the critical path or paths of
the network and the corresponding activities, determine the project cost, find the cost
slope of critical activities, rank the critical activities in ascending order of the cost slope
and crash the activities in the critical path as per the ranking. Activities can be crashed
only till their respective crash durations. Obviously, we cannot try to crash them beyond
that crash duration.
Calculate the revised project cost, repeat steps 1 to 5 till the optimum cost and duration
have been obtained. Remember, that what we are asked to do is repeat steps 1 to 5. What
is 1? 1 is to find out the critical path. Having done the critical path first or having
identified the critical path first, but having changed the durations of those activities by
crashing and so on, it is likely that some other activities or some other paths would
become critical, and therefore, as we crash activities in a stepwise manner, it is important
that at each step, we check if other activities, which were non-critical earlier, have
become critical or not, because if they have, then their cost slope also will become
important. This is something which we have to keep in mind as we do an actual example,
and that is what we will do.
We will consider a project having 7 activities as shown below for that dependencies,
normal durations and crash durations of activities in days, and the event times are shown
in the network. So, this number here is TN that is the normal time, this is the crash time
which is TC.
So, with this information about the crash time and the normal times given for all the
activities, we will proceed to find out what activities to crash, what not to crash, and so
on, and we are also given the information that the indirect cost, as far as the project is
concerned, is INR 6000 per day.
So, this table here, in addition to the normal times and the crash times - gives you the
information about the normal cost and the crash cost for all the activities. So, if we look
at activity A, for example, the normal times were 3 and 2, as I explained in the previous
slide, and the crash cost is INR 7000 and INR 5000. So, that analysis we can do for all
the activities and what we proceed to do is the first step, which is identification of the
critical path and activities.
Now, this we are already familiar with and I am not going to spend time on this, we find
that the normal duration of the project is 16 days and 1-2-4-5-6 is the critical path, that
is, our critical path runs like this - 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. So, the activities A, C, E, and G are
critical. It’s not a very difficult network; I am sure you can find out that there are other
paths, but they are not critical. So, now, as far as the project cost is concerned at this
point in time, assuming that the activities will take place at their normal durations, we
can calculate the total cost, which is the sum of all the activities, that is, activities A plus
B plus C and so on right up to G - the sum of the normal cost will give us the direct cost
of the project and that, in this case, turns out to be INR 60,000.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:04)
As far as the indirect cost is concerned, we have the information that it is INR 6,000 per
day and 16 being our duration of the project, the total indirect cost is INR 96,000 and we
have the total cost as the sum of this plus this, which is INR 1,56,000 . This of course, is
the normal cost of the project.
Now, let us try to move forward and try to do the crashing business. We know that
activities A, C, E, and G are the critical activities. From the information given, the TN and
the TC as for as the activity G is concerned, is both the same, which means that this
activity simply cannot be crashed. It will take that amount of time. As far as other
activities are concerned, A, C and E, they can be crashed by different amounts; A can be
crashed by 1 day, C can be crashed by 2 days and E can be crashed by 3 days, provided
we are willing to put in a certain amount of additional resources, and that is where we
have to find out the cost slope. The cost slope for each of these activities is 2000, 4000
and 3000 - calculated by dividing the difference in cost by the difference in time, as was
discussed earlier.
So, once that is done, we know that if we rank these activities A, C and E, A has the
minimum slope, then it comes to E, followed by C. So, since A has the minimum cost
slope, let us try to crash activity A by 1 day and this requires an additional cost in terms
of direct cost, which is equal to the cost slope of activity A, but it also results in a saving
of 1 day, which is equal to the indirect cost of the project itself.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:22)
Which means, that as far as the revised cost calculation is concerned, the revised project
cost becomes 1,56,000 plus 2,000, which is the cost slope of activity A, minus 6,000
which is the indirect cost for 1 day, and that is 1,52,000 which is lower than 1,56,000.
So, basically, we have a table like this where we say that if you are completing the
project in 16 days, which was the normal duration, the direct cost was 60, indirect cost
was 96 and the total was 156 in thousands. Now, we have crashed the project by
changing the duration of activity A to 15, in the direct cost and indirect cost the sum of
this is 152 which is 4000 lower than the previous total cost. So, this obviously, is a better
solution, but now, can we find an even better solution is what is the next step.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:15)
But before that, we need to modify our network to check if there are any changes in the
critical activities.
So, if we redraw this network and say that instead of 3, this activity has been completed
in 2 days, we find that there is no change in the critical path in the network, which
continues to be having activities A, C, E and G even though the project duration has
come down to 15 days and the cost has come down to 1,52,000.
So, our choice is limited to C and E and between these two, obviously, we must crash E
by 1 day and see what happens to the direct, indirect and the total costs.
So, that analysis is shown here, given that the cost slope of activity E is 3000; the revised
project cost becomes a 152000 plus 3000 minus 6,000 and we have a lower number, that
is, a 1,49,000, which means that we revise the table that was shown last time in this form
now. Upon bringing this from 16 to 15 and now to 14, the direct cost has increased from
60 to 62 and now to 65, but the indirect cost has reduced by 6,000 for everyday of
reduction that we are able to achieve, and we are now working with a total cost of
149000. The issue is, can we do more? Let us try to now identify if there are any changes
in the network. If you do this, we still find that the critical path is A, C and G and we are
free to go ahead and look at the cost slope of the critical activities.
Now, this is the revised network after this revision. We have crashed A from 3 to 2 and
now, we have crashed E to 4 days and the project duration has become 14 and the cost is
at 1,49,000, and if we do the network analysis at this point in time, we still find that the
critical activities are A, C, E and G. So, we go back to this table which gives us the cost
slopes and we try to crash E by 1 more day.
Once we do that, we come to a total cost of 1,46,000. 1,49,000 was the previous cost at
the cost slope of activity E, and subtract the indirect cost. So, once we come to 1,46,000
we go back to this table and we find that this 1,46,000 is still lower than the previous
(Refer Slide Time: 20:00)
So, we perhaps have still some room for doing more crashing. So, we come back to this
picture here, now we begin with the project duration of 13 and the durations of the
activities have already been adjusted here. And we now find that the critical paths are A,
C, E, G and A, B, F, G. So, A, C, E G is not the only critical path, there is another critical
path A, B, F and G. In other words, activities B and F have also now become critical. So,
if we bring it to 13 days, now if we want to reduce the project by 1 more day, we have to
ensure that we also account for the cost slopes in activities B and F and then try to see if
we can get a better cost than a 1,46,000. In order to do that, we come to this table, where
we have now included activities B and F, earlier we were working only with C and E,
now, we are working also with B and F. Of course, A and G are out of the reckoning,
having reached the crash durations in the first iteration itself. Now, if we look at these
cost slopes, we cannot really proceed as simply as we did previously and the reason is
the following. There are 2 critical paths and the activities along both paths have to be
crashed simultaneously by 1 day and only then the total duration of the project will
reduce from 13 to 12.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:42)
What I am trying to tell you is that if you look at this project the way it is shown, there is
this path here, which is C and E, there is this path here which is B and F. It makes no
sense to just crash an activity, whether it is C or E, based on its cost slope, because then,
this path here will still remain critical and we will not get any reduction in the project
So, in order to get a reduction in project time, we have to find a combination. It could be
B and C, which is this and this, it could be B and E, it could be F and C, it could be F and
E. So, any of these 4 combinations, if the cost slope, that is, the additional cost that is
incurred in changing the duration of the activities by 1 day, the sum of that has to be
considered and that is what has been done here. So, B and C gives a total cost slope of
6000, B and E gets 5000, 5500 here and 4500 here. This, obviously, then ranks highest,
that is, the cost slope of crashing F and E together is INR 4500 .
So, if we do that, then we will be able to reduce the project by 1 day. In other words,
what we will do is, we will have this 1,46,000, we will add to it not the cost slope of one
activity, but 2 activities, that is, E and F, and subtract the indirect cost for 1 day and we
get a number 1,44,500, which is still better than a 1,46,000.
(Refer Slide Time: 23:02)
So, if we look at this table now, from 16 days which we started, we have come down to
12 days and we have reduced the total cost from 156 to 144.5 even though, we have had
to increase our direct cost from 60 to 72.5. So, the network after crashing E and F by 1
day, looks like this and we would now like to find out if it is possible to crash it any
further. Of course, the critical paths continue to be having activities A, C, E, G and A, B,
F, G. Only this activity still continues to be non-critical as far as this project is
Now, if you look at this table, to carry out the cost slope calculations, we find that
activities A, E, F and G have all reached their critical times and therefore, the only
possibility that we have for crashing is activities B and C and since there are 2 critical
paths, activities along both the paths have to be crashed simultaneously by 1 day and
only then we will get a reduction from 12 to 11. Now keeping this in mind, B and C
combination has a total cost slope of 6000. Please note that activities A, E and F cannot
be crashed any further and in that case, the revised cost becomes 144.5, plus 6 which is
the slope of the crashed activities, and minus 6000 which is the indirect cost for 1 day
and we find that there is no change in the cost of the project. So, what we have reached
now is a plateau here - 144.5 to 144.5, even though we have reduced the project
duration by one day.
In other words, we would still like to crash the project because for the same cost, we are
able to complete the project one day earlier. So, this is definitely a better option than the
previous one, that is, trying to complete the project in 12 days at the same cost and we
basically say that the project cost is 1,44,500 with these critical paths. Please also take
note that once we have reduced the project duration to 11 days, D also has become
critical, i.e., 2+4+5=11, 2+3+1+5=11, 2+2+2+5=11.
So, all the activities, basically, as far as this network is concerned, are now critical
activities and there is no float in these activities. We can complete the project in 11 days
at the cost of a 144.5 thousand, but of course, we should try to examine whether or not
we would like to crash the project further, if the activities can still be carried out in a
shorter time. For that we go back to this table. We now find B, C and D are the activities
which are candidates for crashing and we find that yes, there is a scope because we are
still working with 3. 2 and 4 as TP for activities B, C and D, which is higher than their
crash durations and these are the associated cost slopes. With this information, we try to
find out what is the actual cost in terms of crashing the network by 1 day which would
involve all the paths.
Now, again, the discussion that the activities along all the paths have to be crashed
simultaneously and only then that duration of the project can be reduced from 11 to 10 -
this takes us to the discussion that what are the possibilities? B, C and D have all to be
crashed by 1 day and only then, we will be able to get the project to 10 days. What is the
cost of crashing all these 3 activities? The cost is 10,000. Now, obviously, this 10,000 is
greater than the saving of 6,000 and therefore, we expect the total cost be higher. Let us
do that and formally close this discussion. 1,44,500 plus 10,000 minus 6,000 gives you a
higher total cost than what you had when we were completing the project in eleven days.
So, this is a project cost in 11 days, this the project cost in 10 days. So, if we put it back
in a table, we find that a 144.5 has now become a 148.5 and therefore, it is a case that
crashing may be stopped at this point because we have already reached the optimum. We
have now started increasing the cost of the project even though the activities are still
crashable.That is, theoretically, if we want, we can complete the activities in a shorter
duration than what is being planned but that will involve cost to the extent that the total
cost of project will increase. We must also remember that in this model, what we have
done is we have assumed that the cost slope is constant from one day to another. It is
always a possibility that there is an activity which from 6 days to 5 days cost some x, but
if you try to crash it from 5 to 4, it might cost 2x, this is the kind of thing which we have
not done in our simplified discussion.
What we have assumed is that whether you are crashing the activity from 6 to 5 or 5 to 4
or possibly 4 to 3, the cost slope of crashing is still the same. That is something which
we can do as an exercise, try to change the cost slope and see how it works, but the
algorithm that has been laid out, that is, we are trying to understand, recalculate the cost
slopes that enables us to take care of any change in the cost slopes, should that
information be made available to us.
With this, here is the summary of our discussion. The projects shall be completed in 11
days with the cost of 144.5 and the benefit has been that we have been able to crash from
1,56,000 to 1,44,500 and reduce the duration by 5 days. Initially, we started with 16 and
now, we are able to complete the project in 11. So, it is a win-win situation, with a
shorter project duration and a cheaper cost.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:34)
In addition to the cost and time recoveries, the early completion of the project has also
got the following benefits – recovery of delays, early availability of resources for other
projects, receive early completion bonuses if that is applicable for a project, avoidance of
seasonal issues which may affect productivity at a later point in time, improved project
cash flows, and so on.
So, with this, we come to an end of our discussion today and as usual, this is the list of
references which might help you understand the subject a little better and I look forward
to seeing you at another lecture.
Thank you.