RWS LP Definition
RWS LP Definition
RWS LP Definition
I. Objectives:
A. Content Standards The learners realize that information in a
written text may be selected and organized to
achieve a particular purpose.
B. Performance Standards The learner critiques a chosen sample of each
pattern of development focusing on
information selection, organization, and
C. Learning Competencies Distinguishes between and among patterns of
development in writing across disciplines
III. Procedure
A. Preparation 1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review of the previous lesson
Write a word on the board, provide the
definition of the word and write it on a
strip of paper
Cut out the definition to have a
handful of words.
Divide the class into two groups.
Each group must now put/ connect the
different words in correct order to
come up the correct definition of the
word presented.
The winning team is the first team to
have all the words correctly ordered.
1. Based on the activity, what did you
2. What is the possible topic for today?
C. Presentation/ Discussion Definition
-is a statement of the meaning of a word or
word group or a sign or symbol
- it is a statement expressing the essential
nature of something
-it is a product of defining
-the action or the power of describing,
explaining, or making definite and clear
Methods Examples
By stating its San Pablo City is
characteristics one of the oldest
towns in the
Philippines and
today, it is known as
one of the first-class
cities in the province
of Laguna. It is also
called the City of
Seven Lakes
namely: Bunot
Lake, Calibato
Lake, Mohicap
Lake, Palakpakin
Lake, Pandin Lake,
Sampalok Lake, and
Yambo Lake. These
seven freshwater
lakes are crater form
of a steam-blast
eruption from Mt.
By function In this time of
global crisis,
everyone is
responsible for their
actions, such as
following the
measures given by
the health experts to
avoid the spread of
the virus.
By what it is not Far from the normal
situations that we
had before, the
pandemic makes
each one of us skip
buying unnecessary
By what it is Jollibee and
similar to McDonalds both
offer savory chicken
and delicious pasta
that children love.
By Examples The opening of the
classes for School
Year 2020-2021
amidst the pandemic
is a great challenge
to the Department of
Education. They
continue researching
different alternative
ways of teaching
and learning to be
implemented in
schools such as
online learning,
modular learning,
and lastly learning
from TV shows and
radio programs.
By origin of word Writers around the
or etymology world define
literature in different
ways. The origin of
the word literature is
derived from the
Latin word Litera
which means letter.
By its effect Due to the global
specifically COVID-
19, the world
embraces the new
normal. People have
become more
conscious about
sanitation and
hygiene. They now
learn physical
distancing in public
places. And, most of
the people stay at
home either working
or developing new
hobbies and
exploring new
1. What is being defined in this paragraph?
2. Do the supporting points
help you understand the definition better? Are
there facts, reasons, examples, and details that
make it even clearer?
F. Evaluation Write F if the statement shows FORMAL
DEFINITION and, E if it shows EXPANDED