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Development of certificate management system for university religious groups members. The
proposed system is development of Certificate Management System for issuing and managing
certificates for religious groups members. This system opposes the physical distribution of
certificates in every university
The web system intends to solve the problem of using manual performance models, which have
their own set of errors and issues, this is in turn to delay or time-consuming activity to gather a
large number of students, and finally causes students to be given blank religious certificates on
their graduation.
The certificate management system for university group members aims on improving
certification efficiency, reducing cost of transportation and enhancing transparency between the
religious member concerning of their certification progresses and status.
To run this system, you need to install wamp or xamp local server into the computer machine.
To setup the project requires the compressed project to be extracted into www folder in wamp
folder or extracted into htdocs located in xamp folder in windows local disc.
The database is located into a folder named db, where the database should be imported into the
MySQL database to be accessed locally.
Finally, open the project into the web browser locally, where the super admin is able to login into
the system with the following credentials.
- PASSWORD: shemdoe
Project is completed according to the scope and modules that i recommended in the project
proposal documentation.
I acknowledge the support of my family especially my brother Paul J. Shemdoe and my friends
who stood by me throughout my studies and particularly for their unending support with their
prayers. I pay gratitude to my supervisor Eng. Abdi R. Mjema for guidance, support, patience
and understanding throughout the project period to where this project should lead while giving
valuable comments on work done.