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A 5-year-old observes his father yelling showed a fear of balloons.

In terms of
at his older brother after he dropped and the acquisition phase of classical
broke his dinner plate while removing it conditioning, the balloon is the
from the table. Thereafter, due to __________ and her fear is the
__________, the 5-year-old is very __________.
cautious when removing his own plate.
a. vicarious conditioning a. CR; CS

b. extinction b. US; UR

c. classical conditioning c. CS; US

d. generalization d. CS; CR
d. CS; CR
a. vicarious conditioning After getting a bad sunburn, before
A child has learned to avoid his father in heading out for a day at the beach,
the morning because his father is always Stanley slathers on sunscreen to avoid
grouchy at that time. Generally, being getting sunburned. In this case, Stanley's
able to learn what stimuli predict habit of using sunscreen has likely been
pleasure or pain is consistent with acquired by way of
Pavlov's belief that
a. negative reinforcement.
a. behavior is modified by others.
b. positive reinforcement.
b. conditioning is how we adapt to our
environments. c. punishment.

c. conditioning is how we modify our d. vicarious conditioning.

environments. a. negative reinforcement.
After she gets a speeding ticket, Susan's
d. some types of learning are more parents take her driver's license away for
important than others. a month. This is an example of
b. conditioning is how we adapt to our
environments. a. negative punishment.
A sudden puff of air in his left eye
caused Bill to blink. In terms of classical b. negative reinforcement.
conditioning, the air puff was a
______________ and the blink was a c. extinction.
d. modeling.
a. CR; CS a. negative punishment.
After struggling with a complex math
b. CS; CR problem, Stacey takes a short break.
While making herself a cup of tea, she
c. UR; US suddenly comes up with a solution.
"Aha!" moments such as this are a form
d. US; UR of __________ learning that occurs in
d. US; UR the apparent absence of reinforcement.
After a large balloon burst loudly and
suddenly at her birthday party, Cindy a. non-associative
a. Pavlov terrarium.
b. insight
b. Thorndike aquarium.
c. associative
c. Watson chamber.
d. observational
b. insight d. Skinner box.
Alphonse watches the way his brother d. Skinner box.
shovels the driveway in order to clear a Diane is taking a shower and when she
spot for their grandmother's car. hears her son flush the toilet she gets a
Alphonse then goes outside, takes rush of very hot water. This happens
another shovel, and starts shoveling the several times. One day when Diane is at
snow off of the walkway from the a friend's house she hears someone flush
driveway to the front door. Alphonse a toilet and she twitches just a bit.
uses the same technique as his brother. Diane's twitching to the sound of a toilet
This demonstrates learning through flushing is an example of

a. shaping. a. a conditioned stimulus.

b. classical conditioning. b. an unconditioned stimulus.

c. vicarious reinforcement. c. an unconditioned response.

d. modeling. d. a conditioned response.

d. modeling. d. a conditioned response.
Dave observed that after returning from Doris works in a factory where she is
the vet, whenever he took his dog, paid $10 for every toy she assembles.
Smooches, near his car, she began to Given that she is on a fixed-ratio
shake and whine. Which of the schedule of reinforcement, which pattern
following types of learned response was of behavior can we generally expect
Smooches exhibiting? from her?

a. long-term potentiation a. She is likely to be more productive

than someone paid by the hour.
b. vicarious conditioning
b. She is likely to be equally as
c. operant conditioning productive as someone paid by the hour.

d. classical conditioning c. She is likely to perform sporadically,

d. classical conditioning sometimes being more productive and
David is taking a class about learning sometimes being less productive than
and motivation and he has to work in the someone paid by the hour.
laboratory two times a week teaching a
rat to press a bar. The cage that he uses d. She is likely to be less productive than
allows David to control the someone paid by the hour.
reinforcement and punishment that the
rat receives. The name for this device
used for investigating learning in During the winter Olympics, a skier had
animals is called a a terrible fall. The observers all cringed.
It was as if they had fallen themselves
and were able to feel the pain of the blocks dopamine activity in its brain.
fallen athlete. According to the Thereafter, the rat is placed in an
biological basis of observational operant chamber where a lever-pressing
learning, the action of __________ task is shaped through positive
might underpin the observers' behavior. reinforcement. We should expect that
the rat will have
a. memes
a. less difficulty learning the task than a
b. mirror neurons normal rat.

c. dopamine b. more difficulty learning the task than

a normal rat.
d. instincts
b. mirror neurons c. more difficulty learning the task than
Employing a process known as a rat that is being negatively reinforced.
____________, when Brice was first
training his dog to do a "high five," he d. the same amount of difficulty learning
gave it a treat for any behavior, such as the task as a normal rat.
lifting its paw, that approximated the b. more difficulty learning the task than
desired end-goal behavior of a "high a normal rat.
five." It is generally considered to be a bad
idea to text while driving. A bit of
a. extinction knowledge such as this that can be
passed from one person to another is
b. classical conditioning known as a

c. modeling a. meme.

d. shaping b. cognitive map.

d. shaping
Gloria does a lot of weight training c. schema.
between soccer games. As she
strengthens her muscles, she is able to d. conditioned stimulus.
run harder and faster during games. In a. meme.
the same ways, when synaptic
connections between neurons become
strengthened, the activity between them Joseph is studying the different types of
increases. This biological mechanism learning presented in the textbook
that underlies learning is called chapter. Which of the following is a type
of learning about one simple stimulus?
a. synaptic sensitization. Selected Answer:
c. classical conditioning
b. habituation. Answers:
a. non-associative learning
c. long-term potentiation.
b. associative learning
d. associative learning.
c. long-term potentiation. c. classical conditioning
In a study on the biological bases of
learning, lab rat A is given a drug that d. learning by watching others
NOT... b. habituation
b. associative learning Othello likes going to the casino and
or playing the slot machine. He realizes
c. classical conditioning that he will not win very often and that
he never knows how many times he has
Lawrence is watching a video in his to put money in and pull the level before
psychology class that talks about how he will win. Othello is being reinforced
Little Albert was conditioned to fear a on a __________ schedule of
specific item. What was the source of reinforcement.
Albert's fear?
a. variable ratio
a. a green snake
b. fixed ratio
b. a brown hamster
c. variable interval
c. a black cat
d. fixed interval
d. a white rat a. variable ratio
d. a white rat Research has shown that even infants
Maurice is taking a class in which he is can display empathy, or the ability to
tested every 2 weeks. He decides to feel the emotions of another person. For
"cram" for the first test and receives a example, when an infant sees another
poor grade. According to the "Law of baby crying and soon begins crying
Effect," the probability of Maurice herself. This type of learning is most
cramming before the second test has likely a result of
likely been
a. increases in dopamine.
a. increased.
b. activation of mirror neurons.
b. reduced.
c. decreases in hormones.
c. unchanged.
d. processing in the frontal lobes.
d. increased, but only temporarily. b. activation of mirror neurons.
b. reduced. Stanley rewards his older son for
On the first day of Jake's summer job at cleaning up the garage by giving him $5.
the fish market, he was so overwhelmed Later he is amused when his younger
by the smell that he was concerned daughter, Lily, comes up to him and
about being able to stay on at the job. asks, "Daddy, can I clean the garage
What form of non-associative learning tomorrow?" Lily most likely learned
would lead us to predict that Jake will about the benefits of cleaning the garage
not have to quit due to the smell? through __________ conditioning.

a. vicarious conditioning a. modeled

b. habituation b. vicarious

c. sensitization c. classical

d. classical conditioning d. operant

d. operant d. latent learning.
or a. long-term potentiation.
a. modeled When Ibrahim was 6 years old, he was
terrified by the family's parrot, which
Teenager #1 returned home late from a flew at him and bit him on the nose.
date and his parents grounded him for a Since then, he's been afraid of all birds.
month. Teenager #2 also arrived home Ibrahim's bird phobia illustrates the
late, but his parents told him that if he is classical conditioning process of
home on time on subsequent dates, he
will get an increase in his allowance. a. discrimination.
Which teen should we expect to return
on time on later dates? b. generalization

a. Teen #1, but only for the short term c. spontaneous recovery.

b. Teen #2, but only for the short term d. extinction.

b. Generalization
c. Teen #1
When Martin first drives his new car
d. Teen #2 home, he notices that there is a lot of
d. Teen #2 road noise coming in through the
windows. After a few weeks of driving,
The concept of biological __________ however, he barely notices that noise.
can partially explain why 2-year-old Martin is most likely experiencing non-
Jason quickly acquired a fear of fire but associative learning through
did not show any fear of his mother's __________.
a. sensitization
a. preparedness
b. operant conditioning
b. adaptation
c. habituation
c. reinforcers
d. classical conditioning
d. evolution c. habituation
a. preparedness Your younger daughter watches your
Tracy learned to keep her tent from older daughter mow the lawn. Later,
sagging by strengthening connections your younger daughter attempts to mow
between its support poles. For Tracy to the lawn. According to the principles of
learn, changes in her brain that involved __________, your older daughter has
the strengthening of connections acted as a __________.
between neurons likely occurred. This
process is known as a. vicarious conditioning; guide

a. long-term potentiation. b. continuous reinforcement; model

b. associative learning. c. observational learning; model

c. acquisition. d. preparedness; guide

c. observational learning; model Behaviorism; emphasis on external
behaviors of people and their reactions
on a given situation; famous for Little
Behavior Theory Albert study in which baby was taught
Consists of ideas about how human to fear a white rat
actions and emotions develop, are
sustained, and are extinguished through Bandura
principles of learning. Behaviorist theorist known for his social
learning theory; did modeling
Behavior Therapy experiment using "Bobo" doll; studied
Based on the belief that all behavior is observational learning
learned. Goals of therapy are to
eliminate maladaptive behavior while Classical Conditioning
learning adaptive behavior. Stresses a learning procedure in which
current behavior and measurable associations are made between a natural
treatment goals. the behaviorists stimulus and a learned, neutral stimulus
theorized that human activity was based Pavlov
on a learning model depending upon Studied the physiology of digestion and
trial and error. Behavior that produced a discovered that the stimuli that produces
pleasurable or useful result was retained salivation is psychological (ex: dog see
and all other behavior was ignored and food and salivated(unconditioned
abandoned over time. Clarify behavior, stimulus) dog see food and hear bell.
target behavior, goals of therapy, (the sound of the bell is the uncondition
implement change, evaluate, follow-up stimulus)dogs hear their food bell, then
assessemnt. Chief figures are Skinner, salivate because they remember that bell
Bandura, Lazarus, and Wolpe means food)conditioned stimulus

Applied behavior analysis

Focused on the consequences of
The stimulus-response model
Focused on environmental factors that
elicit and maintain a behavior

Social learning Theory

The theory that we learn social behavior
by observing and imitating and by being
rewarded or punished. (Myers
Psychology 8e p. 132)

B.F. Skinner
Researched how people behave in their
environments. Proved that a child learns
a certain behavior through positive and
negative reinforcement. Actions with
positive results will be repeated.
Negative results will cause actions to

John Watson

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