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Grade Level: Grade 7

Subject: Science

Quarter Content Performance

Standard Standard Most Essential Learning Duration
Competencies K to 12
The learners The learners should be CG Code
demonstrate able to...
understanding of...

1st scientific ways of perform in groups in Week 1

acquiring knowledge guided investigations
and involving community-
solving problems based problems using Describe the components of S7MT-
locally available a scientific investigation Ia-1

classifying substances make a chart, poster, Week 2-

as elements or or multimedia 3
compounds presentation of Recognize that substances
common elements S7MT-
are classified into
showing their names, Ig-h-5
elements and compounds
symbols, and uses
the properties of investigate the Week 4-
substances that properties of mixtures 5
Distinguish mixtures from
distinguish them from of varying S7MT-
substances based on a set of
mixtures concentrations using Ie-f-4
available materials in
community for specific
some important prepare different Investigate properties of Week 6
properties of solutions concentrations of unsaturated or saturated
mixtures according to solutions
uses and availability Express concentrations of Week 7
of materials solutions quantitatively by
preparing different S7MT-
concentrations of mixtures Id-3
according to uses and
availability of materials

2nd the parts and employ appropriate Identify parts of the Week 1 S7LT-IIa1
functions of the techniques using the microscope and their
compound microscope compound microscope functions
to gather data about Focus specimens using the Week 2
very small objects compound microscope
the different levels of Describe the different levels Week 3 S7LT-IIc-
biological organization of biological organization 3
from cell to biosphere
the difference between Differentiate plant and Week 4 S7LT-IIc-
animal and plant cells animal cells according to 3
presence or absence of
certain organelles
Explain why the cell is Week 4 S7LT-IIe5
considered the basic
structural and functional
unit of all organisms
reproduction being Differentiate asexual from Week 5 S7LT-IIg7
both sexual reproduction in terms
asexual or sexual 1 Number of individuals
2 Similarities of
offspring to parents
organisms interacting Differentiate biotic from Week 6 S7LT-IIh9
with each other and abiotic components of an
with their ecosystem
environment to
Describe the different Week 6 S7LT-
ecological relationships IIh10
found in an ecosystem
Predict the effect of changes Week 7 S7LT-
in abiotic factors on the IIj12
3rd motion in one conduct a forum on Describe the motion of an Week 1- S7FE-
dimension mitigation and object in terms of distance 2 IIIa-1
disaster risk reduction or displacement, speed or
velocity, and acceleration
Create and interpret visual Week 3 S7FE-
representation of the motion IIIb-3
of objects such as tape
charts and motion graphs

waves as a carriers of Infer that waves carry Week 4

energy energy
Describe the characteristics Week 4 S7LT-
of sound using the concepts IIId-7
of wavelength, velocity, and

the suggest proper Explain color and intensity Week 5

characteristics of light lighting in various of light in terms of its wave
activities characteristics
how heat is Week 6 S7LT-
Infer the conditions
transferred IIIh-i-12
necessary for heat transfer
to occur

charges and the Describe the different Week 7 S7LT-

different charging types of charging IIIj13
processes processes
4th the relation of analyze the advantage Demonstrate how places on Week 1 S7ES-
geographical location of the location of the Earth may be located using IVa-1
of the Philippines to Philippines in relation a coordinate system
its environment to the climate, Cite and explain ways of Week 2
weather, and seasons using Earth’s resources
the different Discuss how energy from Week 3 S7ES-
phenomena the Sun interacts with the IVd-5
that occur in the layers of the atmosphere
atmosphere Account for the occurrence Week 3 S7ES-
of land and sea breezes, IVf-7
monsoons, and intertropical
convergence zone (ITCZ)

the relationship of the Using models, relate: Week 4- S7ES-

seasons and the 1 the tilt of the Earth to 5 IVh-9
position of the Sun in the length of daytime
the sky 2 the length of daytime
to the amount of energy
3 the position of the
Earth in its orbit to the
height of the Sun in the sky
4 the height of the Sun
in the sky to the amount of
energy received
5 the latitude of an area
to the amount of
energy the area receives
6 tilt of the Earth and
the seasons

the occurrence of Explain how solar and lunar Week 6

eclipses eclipses occur using models
Grade Level: Grade 8
Subject: Science

Quarter Content Performance

Standard Standard Most Essential Learning Duration
Competencies K to 12
The learners The learners should be CG Code
demonstrate able to...
understanding of...

1st Newton’s three laws of develop a written plan Investigate the Week 1 S8FE-
motion and implement a relationship between the Ia15
“Newton’s amount of force applied
Olympics” and the mass of the
object to the amount of
change in the object’s
Week 2 S8FE-Ia-

Infer that when a body

exerts a force on another,
an equal amount of force
is exerted back on it

work using constant Week 2-

force, power, 3
gravitational potential Identify and explain the
energy, kinetic energy, factors that affect
and elastic potential potential and kinetic
energy energy

the propagation of Investigates the effect of Week 4

sound through solid, temperature to the speed
liquid, and gas of sound
some properties and discuss phenomena Week 4 S8FE-If27
characteristics of such
visible light as blue sky, rainbow,
and red sunset using Explain the hierarchy of
the concept of colors in relation to the
wavelength and energy of visible light
frequency of visible

heat and temperature, Week 4 S8FE-

and the effects of heat Differentiate between heat Ig29
on the body and temperature at the
molecular level

current- Infer the relationship Week 5-

voltageresistance between current and 6
relationship, electric voltage
power, Explain the advantages Week 7 S8FE-li31
and disadvantages of
electric energy, and series and parallel
home connections in homes
circuitry Explain the functions of Week 7 S8FE-li33
circuit breakers, fuses,
earthing, double
insulation, and other
safety devices in the home
2nd the relationship 1. participate in Using models or Week 1 S8ES-
between faults and decision making on illustrations, explain how IIa14
earthquakes where to build movements along faults
structures based on generate earthquakes
knowledge of the Differentiate the 1 Week 1- S8ES-
location of active faults epicenter of an 2 IIa15
in the community 2. earthquake from its focus;
make an emergency 2 intensity of an
plan and prepare an earthquake from its
emergency kit for use magnitude;
at home and in school 3 active and inactive
Explain how earthquake Week 3 S8ES-
waves provide information IIc17
about the interior of the
the formation of 1. demonstrate Explain how typhoon Week 4-
typhoons and their precautionary develops and how it is 5
movement within the measures before, affected by landmasses
PAR during, and after a and bodies of water
typhoon, including Trace the path of Week 5 S8ES-
following advisories, typhoons that enter the IIf21
storm signals, and calls Philippine Area of
for evacuation given by Responsibility (PAR)
using a map and tracking
government agencies in

2. participate in
activities that lessen
the risks brought by

characteristics of discuss whether or not Week 6 S8ES-IIg-

comets, meteors, and beliefs and practices Compare and contrast 22
asteroids about comets and
comets, meteors, and
meteors have
scientific basis
3rd the particle nature of present how water Week 1-
matter as basis for behaves in its different 2
explaining properties, states within the water
physical changes, and cycle
structure of S8MT-
substances and IIIa-b-8
mixtures Explain the properties of
solids, liquids, and gases
based on the particle
nature of matter;

Explain physical changes Week 3-

in terms of the 4 S8MT-
arrangement and motion IIIc-d-9
of atoms and molecules;
the identity of a Determine the number of Week 5-
substance according 6
protons, neutrons, and S8MT-
to its
electrons in a particular IIIe-f-10
atomic structure
the periodic table of Week 7-
elements as an 8
organizing tool to
determine the
chemical properties of
elements S8MT-
Use the periodic table to IIIi-j-12
predict the chemical
behavior of an element.

4th 1. the digestive system present an analysis of Week 1 S8LT-

and its interaction the data gathered on IVa-13
with the circulatory, diseases resulting from
Explain ingestion,
respiratory, and nutrient deficiency
absorption, assimilation,
excretory systems in
and excretion
providing the body
nutrients for energy
2. diseases that result
from nutrient
deficiency and
ingestion of harmful
substances, and their
prevention and

1. how cells divide report on the Compare mitosis and Week 2 S8LT-
to produce new importance of variation meiosis, and their role in IVd-16
cells in plant and animal the cell-division cycle
2. meiosis as one breeding Explain the significance of Week 2 S8LT-
of the processes
meiosis in maintaining IVe-17
producing genetic
the chromosome number
variations of the
Mendelian Week 3 S8LT-
Pattern of Predict phenotypic IVf18
Inheritance expressions of traits
following simple patterns
of inheritance

1. the concept of a report (e.g., through a Explain the concept of a Week 4 S8LT-
species 2. the species travelogue) on the species IVg-19
as being further activities that Classify organisms using Week 4
classified into a communities engage in the hierarchical
hierarchical to protect and conserve taxonomic system
taxonomic system endangered and Explain the advantage of Week 5 S8LT-
high biodiversity in IVh-21
maintaining the stability
of an ecosystem
economically important
the one-way flow of make a poster Describe the transfer of Week 5 S8LT-
energy and the cycling comparing food choices energy through the IVi22
of materials in an based on the trophic trophic levels
ecosystem levels’ Analyze the roles of Week 6 S8LT-
organisms in the cycling IVi23
of materials
Explain how materials Week 6 S8LT-
cycle in an ecosystem IVi24
Suggest ways to minimize Week 7 S8LT-
human impact on the IVj25
Grade Level: Grade 9
Subject: Science

Quarter Content Performance

Standard Standard Most Essential Learning Duration
The learners The learners should be
demonstrate able to...
understanding of...

1st 1. how the different conduct an information Explain how the Week 1- S9LT-
structures of the dissemination activity respiratory and 2 lab-26
circulatory and on effective ways of circulatory systems work
respiratory systems taking care of the together to transport
work together to respiratory and nutrients, gases, and
transport oxygen-rich circulatory systems other molecules to and
blood and nutrients to based on data gathered from the different parts of
the different parts of the body
the body 2. the from the school or local Week 2 S9LT-
prevention, detection, health workers lc27
and treatment of
diseases affecting the
circulatory and
respiratory systems Infer how one’s lifestyle
can affect the functioning
of respiratory and
circulatory systems

1. how genetic Week 3- S9LT-

information is 4 Id29
organized in genes Explain the different
on chromosomes
patterns of non-Mendelian
2. the different
patterns of

how changes in the make a multimedia Relate species extinction Week 5 S9LT-Ief-
environment may presentation of a to the failure of 30
affect species timeline of extinction of populations of organisms
extinction representative to adapt to abrupt
microorganisms, changes in the
plants, and animals environment
1. the structure and design and conduct an Week 6- S9LT-lg-
function of plant parts investigation to provide 7 j31
and organelles evidence that plants
involved in can manufacture their
photosynthesis 2. the own food Differentiate basic
structure and function features and importance
of mitochondrion as of photosynthesis and
the main organelle respiration
involved in respiration

2nd 1. the development of Explain how the Quantum Week 1

atomic models that led Mechanical Model of the
atom describes the
energies and positions of
the electrons
to the description of Week 2
Recognize different types
the behavior of
of compounds (ionic or
electrons within
covalent) based on their
atoms 2. how atoms
properties such as melting
combine with other S9MT-
point, hardness, polarity,
atoms by transferring IIb-14
and electrical and thermal
or by sharing
electrons 3. forces Week 3
that hold metals
together Explain how ions are S9MT-
formed; IIe-f-16

the type of bonds that Explain how the structure Week 4-

carbon forms that of the carbon atom affects 5
result in the type of bonds it forms;
the diversity of carbon Week 6
compounds Recognize the general
classes and uses of
organic compounds;

the unit, mole, that analyze the percentage Use the mole concept to Week 7
quantitatively composition of different express mass of
measures the number brands of two food substances; and
of very small particles products and decide on Week 8
of matter the products’ Determine the percentage
appropriate percentage composition of a
composition compound given its
chemical formula and vice

3rd volcanoes found Describe the different Week 1

in the Philippines types of volcanoes and
volcanic eruption
Explain what happens Week 2 S9ES -
when volcanoes erupt IIIb-28
Illustrate how energy from Week 3- S9ES –
volcanoes may be tapped 4 IIIc-d-29
for human use
factors that affect participate in activities Explain how different Week 5- S9ES-
climate, and the that reduce risks and factors affect the climate 6 IIIe30
effects of changing lessen effects of climate of an area
climate and how to change
Week 6- S9ES-
adapt accordingly
Describe certain climatic 7 IIIf31
phenomena that occur on
a global level

the relationship discuss whether or not Week 8- S9ES-

between the popular beliefs and Show which constellations 9 IIIj35
visible constellations practices with regard to may be observed at
in the sky and Earth’s constellations and different times of the year
position along its orbit astrology have scientific using models

4th projectile motion, propose ways to Describe the horizontal Week 1 S9FE-
impulse and enhance sports related and vertical motions of a IVa-34
momentum, and to projectile motion projectile
conservation of
Investigate the Week 1- S9FE-
relationship between the 2 IVa-35
angle of release and the
height and range of the

linear Relate impulse and Week 3 S9FEIVb-

momentum momentum to collision of 36
objects (e.g., vehicular
Infer that the total Week 3 S9FEIVb-
momentum before and 37
after collision is equal
conservation of create a device that Perform activities to Week 4 S9FE-
mechanical energy shows conservation of demonstrate conservation IVd-40
mechanical energy of mechanical energy

the relationship analyze how power Construct a model to Week 5 S9FE-

among heat, work, plants generate and demonstrate that heat can IVe-
and efficiency transmit electrical do work 42
Explain how heat transfer Week 6 S9FE-
and energy IVg45
transformation make heat
engines work
generation, Week 6- S9FEIVh-
transmission, and 7 j-46
distribution of
electrical energy from
power plants Explain how electrical
(hydroelectric, energy is generated,
geothermal, wind, transmitted, and
nuclear) to home distributed
Grade Level: Grade 10
Subject: Science

Quarter Content Performance

Standard Standard Most Essential Learning Duration
Competencies K to 12
The learners The learners should CG Code
demonstrate be able to...
understanding of...

1st the relationship 1. demonstrate ways Describe and relate the Week 1-
among the to ensure disaster distribution of active 3
locations of preparedness during volcanoes, earthquake
volcanoes, earthquakes, epicenters, and major
earthquake mountain belts to Plate
tsunamis, and
epicenters, and Tectonic Theory
volcanic eruptions 2.
mountain ranges suggest ways by Describe the different Week 4 S10ES –
which he/she can types of plate boundaries Ia-j-36.2
contribute to Explain the different Week 5- S10ES –
government efforts in processes that occur 6 Ia-j-36.3
reducing damage due along the plate
to earthquakes, boundaries
tsunamis, and Week 7 S10ES –
volcanic eruptions Describe the possible
causes of plate movement
Enumerate the lines of Week 8 S9ES –Iaj-
evidence that support 36.6
plate movement
2nd the different regions Compare the relative Week 1- S10FEIIa-
of the electromagnetic wavelengths of different 2 b-47
spectrum forms of electromagnetic
Cite examples of practical Week 3- S10FEIIc-
applications of the 4 d-48
different regions of EM
waves, such as the use of
radio waves in
Explain the effects of EM Week 5 S10FE-
radiation on living things IIe-f-49
and the environment
the images formed by Predict the qualitative Week 6- S10FE-
the different types of characteristics 7 IIg-50
mirrors and lenses (orientation, type, and
magnification) of images
formed by plane and
curved mirrors and
Identify ways in which Week 8 S10FE-
the properties of mirrors IIh-52
and lenses determine
their use in optical
instruments (e.g.,
cameras and binoculars)
the relationship Week 9 S10FE-
between IIj-54
Explain the operation of a
electricity and
simple electric motor and
magnetism in electric
motors and
3rd 1. organisms as Explain the role of Week 1 S10LT-
having feedback hormones involved in the IIIb-34
mechanisms, which female and male
are coordinated by reproductive systems
the nervous and Describe the feedback Week 2 S10LT-
mechanisms involved in IIIc-35
endocrine systems 2. regulating processes in
how these feedback the female reproductive
mechanisms help the system (e.g., menstrual
organism maintain cycle)
homeostasis to Week 3 S10LT-
reproduce and Describe how the nervous IIIc-36
survive system coordinates and
regulates these feedback
mechanisms to maintain

1. the information Explain how protein is Week 4 S10LT-

stored in DNA as made using information IIId-37
being used to make from DNA
proteins 2. how Week 4 S10LT-
changes in a DNA IIIe-38
molecule may cause
changes in its Explain how mutations
product 3. mutations may cause changes in the
that occur in sex cells structure and function of
as being heritable a protein

how evolution write an essay on the Explain how fossil Week 5 S10LT-
through natural importance of records, comparative IIIf-39
selection can result in adaptation as a anatomy, and genetic
biodiversity mechanism for the information provide
survival of a species evidence for evolution
Explain the occurrence of Week 6 S10LT-
evolution IIIg-40
1. the influence of Explain how species Week 7 S10LT-
biodiversity on the diversity increases the IIIh-41
stability of probability of adaptation
ecosystems 2. an and survival of organisms
in changing
as being capable of
supporting a limited
Explain the relationship Week 7 S10LT-
number of organisms
between population IIIi-42
growth and carrying
4th how gases behave Investigate the Week 1-
based on the motion relationship between: 1 2
and relative distances volume and pressure at
between gas constant temperature of a
particles gas
2 volume and S9MT-
temperature at constant IIj20
pressure of a gas 3
explains these
relationships using the
kinetic molecular theory
the structure of Week 3-
biomolecules, which 4
are made up mostly
Recognize the major
of a limited number of
categories of
elements, such as
biomolecules such as
carbon, hydrogen,
carbohydrates, lipids,
oxygen, and nitrogen
proteins, and nucleic

the chemical using any form of Week 5-

reactions associated media, present Apply the principles of 6 S10MT-
with biological and chemical reactions conservation of mass to
industrial processes involved in biological chemical reactions
affecting life and the and industrial
Explain how the factors Week 7-
environment processes affecting
affecting rates of 8
life and the
chemical reactions are
applied in food S10MT-
preservation and IVh-j-24
materials production,
control of fire, pollution,
and corrosion

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