Science MELCs
Science MELCs
Science MELCs
2nd how the major construct a Describe the main Week 1 S4LT-IIa-
internal organs prototype model function of the major b-1
such as the of organism that organs
brain, heart, has body parts Week 1 S4LT-IIa-
lungs, liver, which can survive b-2
stomach, in a given Communicate that the
intestines, environment major organs work
kidneys, bones, together to make the
and muscles body function properly
keep the body
animals have Infer that body structures Week 2 S4LT-IIa-
body parts that help animals adapt and b-4
make them survive in their particular
adapt to land or habitat
plants have body Week 3 S4LT-IIe-
Identify the specialized
parts that make f-9
structures of terrestrial
them adapt to
and aquatic plants
land or water
different Week 4 S4LT-IIg-
organisms go h-13
through life cycle Compare the stages in the
which can be life cycle of organisms
affected by their
beneficial and Describe the effect of the Week 5 S4LT-IIg-
harmful environment on the life h-14
interactions cycle of organisms
occur among Describe some types of Week 6
living things and beneficial and harmful
their interactions among living
environment as things
Describe the different Week 5 S5LT-IIg-
modes of reproduction in 7
flowering and non-
flowering plants such as
moss, fern, mongo and
the interactions Discuss the interactions Week 6 S5LT-
for survival among living things and IIh-8
among living non-living things in
and non-living estuaries and intertidal
things that take zones
place in Explain the need to Week 7 S5LT-Ii-
estuaries and protect and conserve j-10
intertidal zones estuaries and intertidal
3rd motion in terms Describe the motion of an Week 1 S5FE-
of distance and object by tracing and IIIa-1
time measuring its change in
position (distance
travelled) over a period of
how different Discuss why some Week 2
objects interact materials are good S5FE-
with light and conductors of heat IIIc-3
sound, heat ; and
the effects of Week 3 S5FE-
heat and Relate the ability of the IIIe-5
electricity, light material to block, absorb
and sound on or transmit light to its use
people and
community for
specific purposes
some important prepare different Investigate properties of Week 6
properties of concentrations of unsaturated or saturated
solutions mixtures according solutions
to uses and Express concentrations of Week 7
availability of solutions quantitatively
materials by preparing different
concentrations of
mixtures according to
uses and availability of
2nd the parts and employ Identify parts of the Week 1 S7LT-IIa-
functions of the appropriate microscope and their 1
compound techniques using functions
microscope the compound Focus specimens using the Week 2
microscope to compound microscope
the different gather data about Describe the different Week 3 S7LT-IIc-
levels of very small objects levels of biological 3
biological organization from cell to
organization biosphere
the difference Differentiate plant and Week 4 S7LT-IIc-
between animal animal cells according to 3
and plant cells presence or absence of
certain organelles
Explain why the cell is Week 4 S7LT-IIe-
considered the basic 5
structural and functional
unit of all organisms
reproduction Differentiate asexual from Week 5 S7LT-IIg-
being both sexual reproduction in 7
terms of:
asexual or 1 Number of
sexual individuals involved;
2 Similarities of
offspring to parents
organisms Differentiate biotic from Week 6 S7LT-IIh-
interacting with abiotic components of 9
each other and an ecosystem
with their Describe the different Week 6 S7LT-IIh-
environment to ecological relationships 10
survive found in an ecosystem
Predict the effect of Week 7 S7LT-IIj-
changes in abiotic 12
on the ecosystem
3rd motion in one conduct a forum Describe the motion of Week 1- S7FE-
dimension on mitigation and an object in terms of 2 IIIa-1
disaster risk distance
reduction or displacement, speed
or velocity, and
Create and interpret visual Week 3 S7FE-
representation of the IIIb-3
motion of objects such as
tape charts and motion
waves as a Infer that waves carry Week 4
carriers of energy
energy Describe the Week 4 S7LT-
characteristics of sound IIId-7
using the concepts of
wavelength, velocity, and
the suggest proper Explain color and intensity Week 5
characteristics lighting in various of light in terms of its
agencies in charge
2. participate in
activities that
lessen the risks
brought by
nutrients for
2. diseases that
result from
deficiency and
ingestion of
substances, and
their prevention
and treatment
1. how cells report on the Compare mitosis and Week 2 S8LT-
divide to importance of meiosis, and their role in IVd-16
produce new variation in plant the cell-division cycle
cells and animal Explain the significance of Week 2 S8LT-
2. meiosis as breeding meiosis in maintaining the IVe-17
one of the chromosome number
processes Week 3 S8LT-IVf-
producing 18
Predict phenotypic
expressions of traits
variations of the
following simple patterns
of inheritance
Pattern of
1. the concept report (e.g., Explain the concept of a Week 4 S8LT-
of a species through a species IVg-19
2. the species as travelogue) on the Classify organisms using Week 4
being further activities that the hierarchical taxonomic
classified into a communities system
hierarchical engage in to Explain the advantage of Week 5 S8LT-
taxonomic protect and high biodiversity in IVh-21
system conserve maintaining the stability of
endangered and an ecosystem
important species
the one-way make a poster Describe the transfer of Week 5 S8LT-IVi-
flow of energy comparing food energy through the 22
and the cycling choices based on trophic levels
of materials in the trophic levels’ Analyze the roles of Week 6 S8LT-IVi-
an ecosystem organisms in the cycling of 23
Explain how materials Week 6 S8LT-IVi-
cycle in an ecosystem 24
Suggest ways to minimize Week 7 S8LT-IVj-
human impact on the 25
to the Week 2
Recognize different types
description of
of compounds (ionic or
covalent) based on their
behavior of
properties such as melting
electrons S9MT-
point, hardness, polarity,
within atoms IIb-14
and electrical and thermal
2. how atoms
combine with
other atoms by Week 3
transferring or
by sharing
Explain how ions are S9MT-
formed; IIe-f-16
3. forces that
hold metals
the type of Explain how the structure Week 4-
bonds that of the carbon atom affects 5
carbon forms the type of bonds it forms;
that result in Week 6
Recognize the general
the diversity of S9MT-
classes and uses of organic
carbon IIh-18
the unit, mole, analyze the Use the mole concept to Week 7
that percentage express mass of
quantitatively composition of substances; and
measures the different brands of Week 8
number of very two food products Determine the percentage
small particles and decide on the composition of a
of matter products’ compound given its
appropriate chemical formula and vice
percentage versa.