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Sand Casting Defects Poster

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S&B Industrial Minerals GmbH

Burn on Broken Mould Erosion

Nature of Defect Nature of Defect Nature of Defect
Thin sand crusts firmly Flash-like metal penetration in The sand is washed away,
adhering to the casting. the mould, sometimes parts of mostly near to the sprue, often
Defect occursmore frequently the mould are included in the accompanied by sand inclu-
with thickwalled castings at casting. sions. Bulges arise on the
high castingtemperature. casting near to the gate.
Remedies Add more bentonite to increase Remedies
Increase amount of lustrous green tensile strength. Avoid drying out of the moul-
carbon producers and coke pro- Raise compactability of the ding sand. Increase amount of
ducers in the moulding sand. moulding sand. bentonite in the sand. Increase
Increase amount of new sand milling time of the moulding
if sintering point of the sand is sand. Increase mould com-
low and oolitization is high. paction. Use carbonaceous
additive with a high lustrous
carbon producing ability.

Explosion Penetration Lustrous Carbon Inclusions Fissure Defect

Nature of Defect Nature of Defect Nature of Defect
Extensive penetration, when Formation of surface irregula- Narrow, crack-like cavities
the mould is filled too quickly. rities, inclusions and laps due vertical to the surface. Dendrite
to non-wetting characteristic of formation in the cavities.
Remedies lustrous carbon, often associ-
Reduce amount of free water. ated with the use of Cold-Box Remedies
Increase milling time of the cores. The defect is of a metallurgical
moulding sand. Increase ooliti- nature due to too much nitro-
zation rate of the moulding Remedies gen contained in the iron.
sand. Use dried Cold-Box cores. Reduce the amount of nitrogen
Reduce amount of lustrous in the moulding sand. Use low
carbon producer in the nitrogen containing carbon-
moulding sand. Use carbon- aceous additive. Reduce
aceous additive with a higher addition of carbonaceous
coking residue. additive in the moulding sand.
Moulding Sand

Micro Shrinkage Scarred Surface Blow Holes

Nature of defect Nature of Defect Nature of Defect
Porous structure found in the Scarred casting surface around Cavities with smooth walls,
area of the casting which is last hot spots, particularly with SG singularly or in groups.
to solidify. cast iron.
Remedies Remedies Low casting temperatures are
Defect occurs with alloys having Reduce amount of impurities often the cause. Benefits may
a wide solidification range. present in the sand that are be obtained by increasing
Little influencing by the moul- destroying the oxide skin. mould permeability.
ding sand. Reduction of organic Reduce fines or add coarser
material and an increase in the new sand. Reduce organic
moisture level will improve additions to the sand.
thermal conductivity of the
moulding sand.

Penetration Pin Holes Roughness

Nature of Defect Nature of Defect Nature of Defect
Roughness caused by the Accumulation of small sub- Rough casting surface finish
molten metal penetrating the surface rounded holes. due to coarse sand.
immediate sand grains of the Defects appear after annealing
mould surface, particularly in and light machining. Remedies
softly rammed areas. Use finer sand. Increase amount
Remedies of lustrous carbon producing
Remedies Normally the defect is of a material in the moulding sand.
Use finer sand. Improve ram- metallurgical nature. Increase the amount of fines
ming of the moulds. Reduce The mould material may have e.g. coke in the sand.
compactability of the moulding a certain effect. In case of pin
sand. Increase amount of holes the moisture, the organic
carbonaceous additive. Increase additions and the amount of
amount of coke in the moul- nitrogen in the moulding sand
ding sand. should be reduced.

Sand inclusions Slag inclusions Scabs

Nature of Defect Nature of Defect Nature of Defect
Irregularly formed sand Non-metallic irregular shaped Mushroom type defect with
inclusions just underneath the inclusions, when occurring, sharp edges parallel to the
casting surface, associated with tend to be on upper casting casting surface.
products from the metal slag surfaces.
reaction in other areas. Remedies
Remedies Increase bentonite level.
Remedies The defects are caused by Use carbonaceous additive with
Keep the moulding sand suffi- slag being present with the a wide softening range.
ciently plastic by good sand molten metal in the pouring Increase the amount of
preparation and sand cooling. ladle. If the formation is due carbonaceous additive in the
Adjust to optimum compac- to eroded sand, reduce the moulding sand.
tability. Reduce the tendency amount of inert fines and use
of the mould to stick to the a more active lustrous carbon
pattern by the use of parting producer. Increase milling time
agents. of the moulding sand.

Swells Metal Penetration Blow Holes at Angles

Nature of Defect Nature of Defect Nature of Defect
Irregular bulges, in most cases Firmly adhering agglomerates Smooth wall cavities at the
widely spread, sometimes with of sand/metal at hot spots and angles of the casting.
rough surface and/or pene- in softly rammed areas.
tration. Remedies
Remedies The cause is insufficient feeding
Remedies Reduce compactability of the and rate of solidification.
Reduce compactability of the sand. Improve ramming of the Influencing by moulding sand
moulding sand. Ram moulds moulds. Increase amount of is possible. Reduce the moisture
better and more evenly. carbonaceous additive and coke content and the organic
Make sand less sensitive to in the moulding sand. additions of the sand.
over- and underramming by Improve the venting of the
increasing the amount of mould.

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