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Electric Vehicles and Distribution Networks:

Analysis on Vehicle to Grid and Renewable Energy

Sources Integration
Vasiliki Vita Phivos Koumides
Department of Electrical and Electronic Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences,
Engineering Educators, A.S.PE.T.E. — School Sustainable Energy Systems
of Pedagogical and Technological Education Open University of Cyprus
Athens, Greece Nicosia, Cyprus
vasvita@aspete.gr phivos.koumides@st.ouc.ac.cy

Abstract— Electric vehicles (EVs) provide the leap towards possibility to reach charging speeds comparable to traditional
a clean and sustainable energy system. They have lower cost of gas refueling, the so called ultra-fast charging (UFC). Despite
ownership than their fossil fuel powered counterparts, emit less the attractiveness, the technological readiness and the
pollution, and enable emerging mobility technologies. When prediction to become the charging method of the future, it was
integrated with renewable energy sources, they have the generally accepted that UFC is the most challenging
potential of significantly decreasing carbon emissions from both parameter in the EV evolution [4]. Planning UFC stations in
the transportation and power generation sectors. The ever- urban areas presents a complex problem, requiring the
increasing adoption of EVs on a global scale is challenging for integration of energy supply, traffic flow, and user utility
the power generation industry, the transmission and
considerations. The power grid, in particular, will experience
distribution system operators, and the consumers as well. If not
unprecedented challenges. Loading stress from AC and DC
properly attended, the increasing adoption of EVs can have a
negative impact on heavily loaded grids, by increasing demand charging, has been shown to lead to significant increments of
and jeopardizing voltage stability. By integrating EVs on a power losses and voltage deviations [5]. UFC power density,
smart grid augmented with supportive technologies, such as the which is 200 times greater than AC charging, could cause
vehicle to grid (V2G) architecture, and with renewable energy detrimental impacts to the power grid, such as, frequent
sources, the results could be exceptional. These techniques have blackouts, causing great concerns for grid operators and
the ability to offer distributed generation (DG), energy storage, utilities, thus prohibiting UFC deployment.
and level out the much fluctuating load demand. This paper
The use of distributed generation (DG), where the
analyses the impact of EVs and renewable energy sources on the
grid. Through a MATLAB/Simulink model the integration of
production of electricity is located near the load and frequently
EVs and renewable energy sources with a standard IEEE 13-bus installed in the same building, is able to resolve many issues
test feeder is analysed in detail, under a number of scenarios arising from the rapid expansion of EVs and corresponding
which are critical for the grid stability. charging stations. DG performs well when a variety of
technologies is used, either based on fossil fuels or RES [6].
Keywords— Electric vehicle, vehicle to grid, energy storage, For environmental reasons, it is always preferable to gradually
distribution network, distributed generation, smart grid. displace fossil fuel-based DG, using a mix of various RES
technologies. The increasing integration of DGs into power
grids has resulted into the degradation of the quality of
I. INTRODUCTION supplied power, in the form of reliability, harmonics, and
From an environmental perspective, the process of deviations in current, voltage, and frequency, leading to
replacing conventional vehicles with electric vehicles (EVs) is equipment failures. Studies have shown that different types of
reasonable under the assumption that those vehicles will be DG influence differently the distribution network and that
entirely powered by renewable energy sources (RES). The their precise location and size are vital in reducing power
main characteristic of RES, such as solar photovoltaic power losses and improving the voltage stability [7].
(PV), or wind power, is their significantly fluctuating supply, Energy storage systems (ESS) have being considered as a
which is based on their resource, with no correlation to potential solution for this problem, since they can regulate the
changes in demand. Various studies show that excess power being introduced to the grid, from the DGs, providing
production from RES can be allocated towards EV charging, stability. Studies have analysed the impact of DGs to a power
mainly for “valley filling” purposes [1, 2]. Since “valley grid when ESS of different capacities, in an effort to study the
filling” alone cannot resolve the issues arising from a large improvements in the power quality. Multiple advantages have
fleet of EVs being distributed across residential areas, studies been obtained from the integration of ESS to power grids [8,
have utilized an optimal power flow (OPF) framework to 9].
model the network constraints that arise from charging EVs at
different locations [3]. The OPF framework requires a two- The vehicle-to-grid (V2G) concept, where EVs
way communication within the grid, which can only be communicate with the power grid to sell demand response
implemented in a smart grid. services, by either returning electricity to the grid or by
limiting their charging rate, provides another form of energy
Irrespective of the EV charging strategy implemented, the storage system (ESS). V2G offers to help balance loads by
rapid deployment of EVs and fast chargers will inevitably lead "valley filling" (charging at night when demand is low) and
to increasing electricity demand and congestion on the power "peak shaving" (sending power back to the grid when demand
grid. Academia and industry have researched on the is high). V2G can be considered as a RES, only if during the

978-1-7281-2697-5/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

charging process renewable sources were used. Some studies 5. Two Shunt capacitor banks
even claim that the V2G technology has detrimental effects on 6. One in-line transformer YY 4.16/0.480 kV
the EV battery cycle life [10]. Other studies claim that certain
7. Unbalanced spot and distributed loads
types of batteries can be subject to frequent charging-
discharging cycles under the V2G architecture, with minimal
cycle life loss [11]. B. Vehicle to Grid (V2G) Model
A model was built to represent a cluster of EVs being
Clearly, the large scale EV integration into the grid is a
connected on the grid. This cluster of EVs was modeled to
challenging task. Many technologies that have either been
have the ability to operate in bi-directional mode, where the
implemented or studied as a concept, aim to mitigate the
negative effects of EV integration into existing and grid is able to provide the necessary power to the EV batteries
occasionally aging grids. Aim of this paper is to investigate for recharging, or to operate in the V2G mode when needed.
the possible positive effects that EVs could have on the grid, The EV cluster model was built as a separate circuit, in order
besides the recognizable environmental impact. More to test its output and performance in two distinctive operating
specifically, the integration of EVs and RES with a grid is regimes:
analysed, under a number of scenarios which are critical for
• Island operation, where the EV cluster is not connected
the grid. The effects of an earth fault within such a grid is
on a grid, but supplying a load.
presented, through modeling, analysis, and simulation of a
standard distribution test grid, with the inclusion of DG and • Grid connected operation, where the EV cluster is
V2G. In order to establish a reference model with standard connected and synchronized on a grid.
complexity, structure, and known parameters, the IEEE 13-
In this manner, it was possible to troubleshoot, verify, and
node test feeder was chosen as the foundation of the model.
benchmark its output at all possible operating regimes of a
Purpose of this model is to investigate the transient voltage
stability of a standard test grid, when supplemented with a PV real system. Having finalized a stable model, the testing
array and an EV cluster operating in V2G mode. capabilities as a stand-alone or interconnected system, are
virtually infinite. The EV cluster model used in this work
consists of the following main components:
• lithium battery bank
A. IEEE 13-Bus Test Feeder • rectifier with charge control, representing the EV charger
The IEEE 13-bus feeder (Fig. 1) is a small and highly • inverter, to supply load during V2G mode
loaded test feeder including most of the common features that
are used in actual networks, like voltage regulators, shunt • three-phase transformer, for connecting the EV cluster to
capacitor banks, overhead and underground lines, and heavily the distribution grid (the transformer operates as a step-
unbalanced loads [12]. This feeder provides a starting point to down transformer during charging mode, or as a step-up
test power-flow convergence problems for highly unbalanced transformer during V2G mode)
systems. • three-phase circuit breaker for disconnecting the EV
cluster from the grid
• three-phase circuit breakers for automated change over
from charging to V2G mode
• ancillary equipment such as resistors, capacitive and
reactive loads
• a three-phase distribution line
The battery, rectifier and inverter, have been combined in
a single model, able to operate in bi-directional mode. In this
manner, the battery can either be charged via the rectifier,
simulating the charging mode, or discharge via the inverter,
simulating the V2G mode.

Fig. 1. IEEE 13-node test feeder [12] C. Vehicle to Grid (V2G) Model
This system was designed to evaluate and benchmark A model was built to represent a Solar Photovoltaic Array
algorithms in solving unbalanced three-phase radial systems. being connected on the grid. This PV Array represents a
The distribution analysis programs to be tested could then be distributed generation (DG) system [13] and was built as a
compared to the expected published results. The IEEE 13-bus separate circuit, in order to test its output and performance in
feeder has the following main features: two distinctive operating regimes:

1. Short and relatively highly loaded 4.16 kV feeder • Island operation, where the PV array is not connected on
2. One substation voltage regulator consisting of three a grid, but supplying a load.
single-phase units connected in wye • Grid connected operation, where the PV array is
3. One transformer ΔY 115/4.16 kV connected and synchronized on a grid.
4. Ten overhead and underground lines with variety of In this manner, it was possible to troubleshoot, verify, and
phasing benchmark its output at all possible operating regimes of a
real system. Having finalized a stable model, the testing Prince differential equation solver. This simulation method
capabilities as a stand-alone or interconnected system, are was necessary in order to provide precise and detailed results
virtually infinite. The PV array model presented in this on the voltage waveforms during an earth fault, under various
section consists of the following main components: operating modes.
• PV array, with variable irradiance and temperature inputs The purpose of the modeling and simulation was to
investigate the interaction of the test feeder with the inclusion
• inverter with maximum power point tracking topology
of EVs able to operate in a V2G architecture, and a solar PV
• three-phase transformer, for connecting the PV array system, under a number of scenarios. One of the numerous
inverter to the distribution grid scenarios that has been extensively investigated and
• three-phase circuit breaker for disconnecting the PV array presented in this paper, is the effect of an earth fault on the
from the grid test feeder, with and without the integration of the EV cluster
• ancillary equipment such as resistors, capacitive and and/or PV array. A number of scenarios are summarized in
reactive loads Table I.
RESULTS Case A phase “B” to earth disconnected disconnected
0.14-0.18 sec
Representing distributed generation (DG) sources, both Case B phase “B” to earth connected disconnected
the EV cluster and the PV array were integrated on the IEEE 0.14-0.18 sec charging mode
13-bus test feeder, connected on the most distant part of the Case C phase “B” to earth connected connected
IEEE 13-bus test feeder. This part of the feeder represents a 0.14-0.18 sec charging mode 500 kW
distant portion of the distribution grid. With the presence of Case D phase “B” to earth connected V2G disconnected
the three-phase circuit breaker this part of the grid could even 0.14-0.18 sec mode
be disconnected and operate in islanding mode. Both the EV Case E phase “B” to earth Connected V2G connected
cluster and the PV array are equipped with three-phase circuit 0.14-0.18 sec mode 500 kW
breakers, not only to create realistic modelling conditions
where a circuit breaker is present in all such feeders, but also
The results from all case scenarios A to E are summarized in
to allow numerous testing possibilities, where these circuit
Table II.
breakers are selectively switched on and off.
To be able to investigate the effect of EV cluster operating TABLE II. SUMMARY OF SIMULATION RESULTS ON VOLTAGE
in V2G mode and PV array within the IEEE 13-bus test WAVEFORMS

feeder, a fault generator was introduced. This device could Scenario EV PV Voltage Waveforms
selectively introduce an earth fault at any phase or a number Cluster Array
of phases, or even a phase to phase fault, at pre-programmed Case A OFF OFF
time intervals. The overall configuration of the IEEE 13-bus
test feeder with the integration of the EV cluster (with
charging and V2G capability, with disconnecting capability),
the PV array (with disconnecting capability), and the fault
generator (with pre-programmed capabilities on phase(s) and charging
time) is presented in Fig. 2.

Case C ON ON
charging 500 kW


Case F ON ON
V2G 500 kW

Fig. 2. MATLAB/Simulink model of IEEE 13-bus test feeder, with

integration of EV cluster, PV array and earth fault

This model was simulated using the discrete simulation

method at a sampling interval of 2e-7, using the Dormant-
IV. DISCUSSION high). Peak load leveling can offer utility providers the tools
The future of transportation is undoubtedly electric, for to regulate voltage and frequency, but also provide spinning
light duty vehicles, large fleet vehicles, transit buses, reserves at a lower cost. In various studies, it has been
subways, light rail, even ships [14]. The transition towards proposed that such use of electric vehicles could buffer
dominance of the electric vehicles has already started, but as renewable power sources such as wind power or solar PV, by
the transition progresses, obstacles inevitably emerge. storing excess energy produced during windy or sunny
Limited autonomy, distribution grid congestion, peak load periods and providing it back to the grid during high load
demand rise, lag of communication links on aging grids and periods, thus effectively stabilizing the intermittency of
occasionally government policies, are only a few of the renewable sources.
hurdles that need to be addressed. V. CONCLUSIONS
Ongoing research on battery technologies towards greater In this paper the impact of electric vehicles (EVs) and
energy and power density, longer cycle life and lower cost, is renewable energy sources (RES) on the grid have been
the dominant element towards greater autonomy and lower analyzed. The integration of EVs and RES with a standard
cost, for every electric vehicle. Further research and IEEE 13-bus test feeder has been presented in detail. A
development on ultracapacitors (UCs) will be vital for the number of different scenarios which are critical for the
hybrid energy storage systems (HESS). In this hybrid system, distribution grid stability have been tested. Useful
the high energy density of batteries and the high-power conclusions that will contribute to the work of distribution
density of UCs combines to form a powerful and lightweight system operators and electric utilities in this new era of power
package. systems have been extracted.
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