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Design of Off Board Electric Vehicle Charger Using PV Array Through Matlab-Simulink

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Mr.N.V.Kishore Kumar,2 K.Nithya Sri,3 S.Akram,4 O.Praveen Kumar,5 V.Tharun,
G. Jaswanth
Associcate Professor,23456 B.Tech Students

Department Of Electrical& Electronics Engineering

Mother Theresa Institute Of Engineering & Technology, Palamaner, Chittoor (Dist.)

The development of electric vehicles
(EV) during the last 10 years has made a I.INTRODUCTION
major contribution to the growth of the Concerns about the environment are
automotive sector. The technique that is caused by the ever-increasing impact of
used to charge the batteries of electric cars greenhouse gases produced by traditional
will have a major impact on their internal combustion engines. Because of
development. When the battery of an this, the market for pollution-free electric
electric vehicle is charged from the grid, cars (EVs) has exploded in the automotive
there is an increase in the load demand for sector. However, charging electric vehicle
that grid. As a consequence of this fact, the batteries through the utility grid contributes
authors of this research propose an off-board to an increase in the load demand on the
method for charging the batteries of electric grid. This, in turn, results in higher
vehicles that is founded on photovoltaic electricity bills for owners of electric
(PV) arrays. The battery of the electric car vehicles, which compels them to seek out
has to be constantly charged, and this is true alternative sources of energy. It is possible
regardless of the quantity of available to utilise renewable energy sources (RESs),
sunshine. The installation of a backup which do not produce pollution and do not
battery bank in combination with the solar run out, to charge the battery of an electric
array is one possible method for achieving vehicle (EV). Therefore, an electric vehicle
this goal. The EV battery may be charged by (EV) powered by RES can be referred to as
the system that has been designed both "green transportation." Solar is one of the
during the daytime hours and during the potential RES that can have its energy
hours in which there is no sunlight thanks to readily harnessed so that it may be used to
the sepic converter and the three-phase power electric vehicle batteries.
bidirectional DC–DC converter. Both of As a result, the electricity from the PV array
these converters are capable of helping the is what is utilised to charge the EV battery
system. When there is an abundance of in the system that is being suggested, and
sunshine, both the electric vehicle's battery this is done with the assistance of various
as well as the backup battery are power converter topologies. Because of its
concurrently charged, and when there is an high power density, high efficiency, low
absence of sunlight, the EV battery is weight, and small size, lithium-ion batteries
charged with the assistance of the backup are often utilised in electric vehicles (EVs).
battery. In order to do simulations of the In addition to this, these batteries are
proposed charging system, the MATLAB capable of receiving a charge quickly, have
software, which comes packaged with a a long lifespan, and have a low rate of self-
programme called Simulink, is used. discharge. They also have a minimal
potential for explosion in the event that they of electric vehicles (EVs) may be managed;
are overcharged or improperly connected. therefore, it logically depends on the
These batteries need for very accurate combination of renewable resources and
voltage management when they are being EVs.
charged. In order to charge an electric In light of this, it is vital to strike a balance
vehicle's battery, thus, a variety of power between the generation of power and the
electronic converters with a voltage charging of electric vehicles in order to
controller are used. Because the PV array ensure and maintain the secure continual
only produces power on an as-needed basis, functioning of the grid. It is generally agreed
you will need power converters in order to upon that the unpredictability of the output
keep the electric vehicle's battery charged. of RES is one of the most significant
Electric vehicle loads (loads like the motor, challenges that must be addressed before the
lights, power windows and doors, radios, energy grid can continue to function
amplifiers, and mobile phone chargers) can effectively in the foreseeable future.
be connected to photovoltaic arrays, ultra Traditionally, load fluctuation control has
capacitors, super capacitors, fuel cells, and not shown to be a successful method for
batteries via multiport converters (MPCs). balancing the grid, carrying out operational
For this reason, hybrid electric cars often strategy, or controlling electricity under a
employ multiport converters for their variety of load operating states. This is
onboard chargers. As a result of the fact that because load fluctuation control focuses on
all of the sources are housed inside the EV maintaining a constant load. In general, load
itself, MPCs have the disadvantage of scheduling as a possible solution may be
making electric vehicles heavier, more achieved by managing the progression of
expensive, and more difficult to maintain. In RES generation; this has been recommended
these converter-based electric vehicle (EV) as a solution since scheduling additional
battery charging systems, the complexity of electricity production is essential for the
the controller implementation also increases. running of power systems. In addition, EVs
By the year 2050, according to many have shown that they are capable of
forecasts of the future, all electric vehicle assisting the primary grid in the maintenance
fleets will be powered by renewable energy of a certain balance between demand and
sources (RES). In point of fact, the rising supply; this raises the possibility for the
acceptance and usage of electric vehicles are penetration of RES. In point of fact, a wide
the result of advances in battery technology variety of published research publications,
as well as the growth of battery charging such as those in, have addressed this topic.
facilities in an effort to supply the energy In addition, the production of PV might
requirements of these vehicles. As a result, result in an increase in the number of
the basic infrastructure of the charging electric cars on the road. This is due to the
system is an important component in the fact that the energy needs of these
marketing of electric vehicles. However, the automobiles do not generate a significant
most significant drawback of charging increase in the overall load. However, the
infrastructures for electric vehicles is that integration of EVs and PVs into the grid,
their operation is not kind to the either individually or in combination,
environment because they are powered requires adequate planning. If this is not
solely by the electrical grid. In point of fact, done, the consistency of the system may be
renewable resources are a time-limited and jeopardised. When it comes to the operation
divisible source of energy, but the charging of electricity grids, the unpredictability of
time is the most important factor in result of the vast quantities of solar energy that
photovoltaic (PV) generation. The issue with are available on the surface of the earth, as well
electric vehicles is that they have the as its non-polluting and noiseless characteristics.
potential to disrupt the demand side and The photovoltaic (PV) system in the stand-alone
cause the grid to become overloaded. When mode is often unreliable since the generation of
power by PV is affected by both the weather and
this happens, the power quality and the
the circumstances of the surroundings. The
stability of the system may both suffer. The photovoltaic modules, on the other hand, are
authors in came to the conclusion that the distinguished by their simple construction,
integration of EVs and PVs into the grid has compact dimensions, low weight, and sturdiness
to be planned and managed. For instance, during transit and installation. In addition, the
the use of a scheduled load strategy may installation of the photovoltaic system only takes
enhance the number of PVs and EVs that are a short amount of time, it is simple to combine
able to penetrate the system. the PV system with other types of power
The use of renewable energy sources in generation, and it may be utilised in private
electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure and/or public settings. The amount of variation
is undeniably advantageous for a number of in the power output of PVs may be greatly
reduced by the installation of a device that stores
reasons, including the following: energy at the charging station. PV solar panels
(i) it lessens the impact that electric vehicles are used to charge electric vehicles for a variety
(EVs) have on the electricity grid; of reasons, including the following:
(ii) it solves the voltage regulation issues that are 1. The price of solar photovoltaic panels has
associated with the electricity grid; dropped consistently over the last several
(iii) it brings down the cost of utility supply;
decades, and it is now less than one euro per
(iv) it increases the amount of energy that can be
stored by increasing the amount of renewable watt produced.
energy produced; 2. Photovoltaic panels may be put on roofs
(v) it RES such as photovoltaic (PV), wind as well as in parking spots next to electric
turbine (WT), fuel cell (FC), hydroelectricity, vehicle parking lots.
biogas, and other RES are excellent candidates 3. Because a portion of the electricity used
for use as possible charging and powering to charge electric vehicles comes from
sources for electric vehicles (EVs). photovoltaic panels, the peak demand
The requirements for charging electric vehicles caused by the grid-side charging of EVs is
are satisfied by these systems in conjunction minimised.
with energy storage systems (ESS) and the
4. PV charging systems store the energy
associated electrical equipment, which are all
generated by PV panels using a battery
brought together via the necessary connection
techniques. EVs are able to be fueled using a storage system (BSS), which assists in the
greater percentage of RES thanks to the management of daytime and seasonal
utilisation of local power sources, which may climatic fluctuations that have an effect on
include RES. At this time, renewable energy solar output.
sources (RES) such as photovoltaic, wind, and 5. It is more cost-effective to charge electric
biomass energy may significantly increase the cars using a system that draws energy from
amount of electricity produced by the power the sun rather than using a system that draws
system. In general, they may be readily used to electricity from the grid.
charge electric vehicles (EVs) owing to the high Taking into consideration the existing
energy density of their batteries, the cheap cost configuration of the power grid as well as
of their construction, the simplicity with which
the rapidly growing load from electric
they can be implemented, and the enhanced
efficiency with which they produce power. Solar vehicles (EVs), which necessitates an
energy is gaining widespread adoption as a adjustment to the primary energy structure
of the grid side, which significantly raises significance of the thesis in achieving its
the cost of transforming the power grid, objectives.
there is the potential for the charging of EVs II.LITERATURE SURVEY
from PV panels to make them more This idea thus proposes the use of an off-
environmentally and economically viable by board charger, in which the electric vehicle's
reducing the overall cost of charging battery is housed inside the vehicle unit,
facilities. This could be accomplished by while the photovoltaic array and backup
increasing the efficiency of charging battery bank are housed within the charging
facilities and lowering the price of PV station or parking station respectively. In the
panels. In this thesis, an energy storage research that has been done on off-board
system (ESS) is integrated with a traditional charging systems, numerous converter
alternating current (AC) grid and a solar- topologies have been presented. It is the
powered charging station for electric versatility of the sepic converter to function
vehicles (EVs). The Energy Storage System in both boost and buck modes that gives it
(ESS) is designed to either store any excess the advantage over other converter
power that is produced by photovoltaic cells topologies and makes it the most popular.
(PV) or to provide energy to charge electric Additionally, it benefits from having the
vehicles (EVs) in the event that PV same input and output voltage polarity, low
production is unavailable, which often input current ripple, and low
occurs during periods of high demand. electromagnetic interference (EMI). On the
Because of this, it is possible to charge other hand, at times of poor solar irradiation
electric cars quickly even when there is not or when the sun is not shining, it is
enough energy to completely satisfy the necessary to have an extra storage battery
demand for charging them. bank in order to charge the electric vehicle's
The use of this bidirectional converter battery. The amount of solar irradiation will
comes with a number of extra advantages, determine whether this backup battery bank
including those listed above. The system in should be discharged while it is being
is an off board EV battery charging system. charged or charged while it is being
When the EV is in a standstill condition, the discharged. Because of this, a bidirectional
system in charges the EV battery using the converter that allows electricity flow in
electricity from the PV array using a either direction is necessary. Non-isolated
bidirectional DC–DC converter. and isolated converters are the two
Nevertheless, in order to power the dc load categories that may be used to describe the
found inside the EV when it is in a running bidirectional converters. Isolation is
condition, the electric vehicle's battery will provided by the transformer inside the
be depleted. Only when there is enough light isolated converters, which results in an
from the sun can the electric vehicle's increase in the cost, weight, and size of the
battery be charged. This is a significant converter. The weight and size of an electric
drawback. The recommended charger for vehicle are the primary issues, and as a
charging the battery of an electric vehicle result, non-isolated bidirectional converters
makes use of a PV array that is paired with a are the components that work best for this
SEPIC converter, a bidirectional DC–DC application.
converter, and a backup battery bank in The bidirectional interleaved DC–DC
order to get over this disadvantage and converter, also known as the BIDC, is the
charge the EV battery in a continuous favoured topology among the many non-
manner without any interruptions. The isolated bidirectional converter topologies.
This is owing to the BIDC's benefits, which connecting EV battery to the backup battery
include better efficiency in discontinuous through BIDC. In this mode, BIDC operates in
conduction mode and low inductance value, reverse direction stepping down the backup
as well as decreased ripple current as a result battery voltage to charge EV battery. 2.3 Mode 3
of the multiphase interleaving approach. When PV array power generated is sufficient to
charge only EV battery, switches Sa and Sb are
Employing a zero voltage resonant soft
ON and switch Sc is OFF to disconnect the
switching technique helps reduce the BIDC and backup battery bank from the dc link.
inductor current parasitic ringing effect, in
addition to lowering the turnoff losses that
are caused by the snubber capacitor that is
placed across the switches.
III.Operation of the proposed system
The proposed PV-EV battery charger
consists of a PV array, a sepic converter, a half-
bridge BIDC, an EV battery, a backup battery
bank and a controller as shown in Fig. 1. The
controller is used to generate the gate pulses to
the sepic converter for obtaining the constant Fig.   Simulation model of the proposed charger
output voltage at the dc link. The gate pulses to
the switches of BIDC are also generated to IV.Design of controllers
operate BIDC in boost mode to charge the Controller of the proposed charger
backup battery from PV array and in buckmode generates gate pulses to the switches present in
to charge EV battery from the backup battery. the sepic converter, BIDC and also to the three
Also, the controller generates the gate pulses to auxiliary switches. The algorithm to turn ON
the auxiliary switches Sa , Sb and Sc . During and turn OFF the auxiliary switches is shown in
high solar irradiation, all the auxiliary switches Fig. 4. Controller senses the PV array voltage
are ON to interface dc link with PV array and current, and computes the PV array power.
through the sepic converter, dc link with the If the PV array power is greater than EV battery
backup battery through BIDC and dc link with rated power, PR, then the controller generates
EV battery. When solar irradiation is low, switch the gate pulses to turn ON all the auxiliary
Sa is turned OFF isolating the PV array and switches to charge both EV battery and backup
sepic converter from the dc link. Whereas the battery bank simultaneously from the PV array.
switch Sc is turned OFF to disconnect BIDC and If the PV array power is lesser than EV battery
backup battery from the dc link, when the solar rated power but higher than the minimum
power is insufficient to charge backup battery. required power, PM, the switch, Sc is turned
The proposed system operates in three modes OFF disconnecting the backup battery from the
viz., mode 1, mode 2 and mode 3 as explained in charging system and switches, Sa and Sb are
this section. 2.1 Mode 1 During peak sunshine turned ON to charge the EV battery alone from
hours, when the generated PV array power is the PV array. If the PV array power is lesser
higher, all the auxiliary switches are ON to than the minimum required power, PM, then the
charge both EV battery and backup battery switch, Sa is turned OFF to isolate the PV array
simultaneously from PV array through sepic and sepic converter from the charging system.
converter and BIDC, respectively. In this mode, The switches, Sb and Sc are turned ON enabling
BIDC operates in forward direction boosting the the backup battery to charge EV battery. The PI
dc link voltage to charge backup battery. 2.2 voltage controller is used in the proposed
Mode 2 During low solar irradiation conditions charging system to generate gate pulses to the
and non-sunshine hours, PV array power is MOSFET in the sepic converter to maintain a
insufficient to charge EV battery. Hence, the PV constant voltage at the dc link irrespective of
array is disconnected from the dc link by turning variations in the PV array voltage. BIDC
OFF the switch Sa and switches Sb &Sc are ON
comprises of three legs with two switches in Fig.   Flowchart of gate pulses generation for the
each leg. Gate pulses have to be provided to the auxiliary switches
two switches in the same leg with the phase shift III.SIMULATION STUDIES AND
of 180° from each other. The controller in the RESULTS
proposed system generates six gate pulses to the The Simulink component of MATLAB is
BIDC depending on the PV array power. If PV used to simulate the proposed system for
array power exceeds PR, gate pulses are analytical purposes. The PV array's classical
generated to the switches of BIDC to operate it
equation is used in the modelling process
in boost mode, stepping up the dc link voltage to
charge the backup battery bank. In this mode, [28, 29]. The SimPowerSystemsBlockset in
the gate pulses are generated to the switches of the simulink library is used to model the
leg 1 with 0° phase and to the leg 2 switches Sepic and BIDC converter's power
with 120° phase shift from that of leg 1 switches MOSFETs, inductors, and capacitors. The
and to the leg 3 switches with 240° phase shift controller is constructed using components
from that of leg 1 switches. If the PV array from the Simulink library, including a PWM
power is less than PM, the gate pulses are generator, a pulse generator, logic gates, a
generated accordingly to operate BIDC in buck comparator, a multiplier, and a PI controller.
mode, producing a step down voltage at the dc Combining the PV array concept with the
link sufficient to charge the EV battery by the
backup battery. In this mode, the gate pulses are
fed to the leg 3 switches with 0° phase and gate
pulses to the leg 2 and leg 1 switches are 120°
and 240° phase shifted with respect to that of leg
3 switches, respectively.

Fig. 1  (a) Sepic converter simulation model

and (b) BIDC converter simulation model

In addition to the battery models that were

already in the Simulink library, a sepic converter
and a BIDC were developed by our team. These
were incorporated into the construction of the
proposed charging system, which can be seen in
Figure 5. Figures 6a and 6b show, respectively,
the created simulation model of the sepic
converter and the BIDC. Both models were
simulated using the same data. In Figure 5, both
of these constituents were presented in the form
of subsystems. It was feasible to analyse the
dynamic response of the system with the
assistance of the created simulation model by
applying it to irradiation levels of 850, 100, and
500 W/m2 for the PV array in modes 1, 2, and 3,
respectively. This allowed for the evaluation of
the dynamic response. Figure 7 illustrates the
results of the simulation, which show the
waveforms of the PV array's voltage and current
as well as the gate pulses that are transmitted to
the auxiliary switches. Additionally, the
waveforms of the gate pulses can also be seen in
this figure. The waveforms of the irradiation are
shown using a scale of one for every thousand
watts per square metre in Figure 7. When Fig. 2 Irradiation waveforms of the PV
operating in this mode, both the primary battery arrays and gate pulses to the auxiliary
that powers the electric vehicle and the
switches are shown here.
secondary battery that serves as a backup will be
charged simultaneously. When the irradiance is electric vehicle's battery from being trickle
low, about 100 W/m2, the gate pulses of the charged, switch OFF Switch, Sb on the
auxiliary switches, Vgsb and Vgsc, are high charging system. Figure 8 displays the
while the gate pulse, Vgsa, is low. This is due to simulated dynamic waveforms for the PV
the fact that the power from the PV array is not array, dc link, electric vehicle battery, and
sufficient to charge the electric vehicle's battery backup battery, together with the
under these conditions. Therefore, in order to corresponding irradiation levels. In mode 1,
charge the EV battery while operating in this the sepic converter reduces the 33.3 V PV
mode, the backup battery bank must first be array voltage (VPV) to the 28 V dc link
depleted through the use of BIDC. During the voltage (Vdc). Figures 8a and 8b show this
time that the irradiance is set to 500 W/m2, the
to be the case. As illustrated in Figure 8c,
auxiliary switches Sa and Sb are activated, but
switch Sc is deactivated. As a consequence of
the EV battery is being charged in this
this action, the backup battery is cut off from the fashion since its state of charge (SOC) is
system. Because the electricity supplied by the increasing as its negative current decreases.
PV array is only sufficient for charging the EV In this mode, the BIDC acts as a forward-
battery, the secondary battery will not be biased boost converter, boosting the dc link
charged while this mode is active. Instead, the voltage, Vdc, from 28 to 60.6 V when the
secondary battery will be disconnected. The fact backup battery is charged and its state of
that the electric vehicle's battery is always being charge rises (Fig. 8d). In mode 2, when solar
charged in any one of the three modes is shown radiation is scarce, the PV array is turned
by Figure 7. This causes the gate pulses that are off, so its voltage increases to its open-
sent to the switch Sb to remain permanently
circuit value of 37.25 V and its current
high. The battery of the electric car is unplugged
from the charging system after it has been decreases to 0 A (VPV = IPV). Figure 8a
determined that it has reached its full capacity. shows the voltage and current waveforms
for a PV array, which is a visual
representation of this concept. During this
time, the BIDC operates in reverse buck
mode to reduce the backup battery voltage
to 27.32 V, the level at which the electric
vehicle's battery can be charged. Figure 8c
shows this phenomenon. The positive
current and decreasing percentage of the
backup battery's remaining capacity in
Figure 8d indicate that the battery is being
drained in this mode. Mode 3 charges the
EV battery by reducing the voltage of the
PV array from 31.81 V to a dc link voltage,
Vdc, of 27.6 V, as shown in Figs. 8a and 8b.
The voltage of the backup battery drops
from 60.6 V to 55.2 V at the end of this
mode. The EV battery is still being charged
even in this mode, as shown by the fact that
the state of charge (SOC) is rising while the
current is falling. In mode 3, as shown in
Fig. 8d, the current is reduced to zero while
the voltage of the backup battery remains at Fig. 3  PV array voltage (VPV) and current
its previous value of 55.2 volts. This results (IPV) waveforms (b) Vdc and Idc, the voltage
from the fact that the backup battery is no and current of the DC connection (c) State-of-
longer receiving any power from the Charge (SOC), Current (IBatt), and Voltage
charger. In all three modes of operation, as (VBatt) of Electric Vehicle Batteries (d) State-
shown in Figure 8c, the EV battery's state of of-Charge (SOC), Current (IBackup Batt), and
charge (SOC) increases while its current Voltage (VBackup Batt) of Backup Batteries
decreases. This means that the PV array or If you see the number 3, it means that the
the backup battery is constantly recharging BIDC is no longer attached to the charger.
the EV's battery. In order to verify the results of the
The waveforms of the alternating currents simulations, a hardware prototype is created
that pass through the inductors of a BIDC in and evaluated, and the findings of these
its various operating modes are shown in activities are presented in the following part.
Figure 9. The backup battery is being IV.CONCLUSION
discharged in mode 2 because the inductor An off-board EV battery charging method
current is flowing in the opposite direction supplied by a PV array is proposed in this
compared to mode 1, which has no inductor document. In this research, we test the
current at all. system's flexibility to maintain a constant
charge on the EV battery under different
irradiation conditions. The system is
designed and simulated in the Simulink
environment of MATLAB software. Each of
the three modes of operation for the
proposed charging system has a dedicated
hardware prototype that has been tested in
the lab, and the results are provided. Both
the experimental inspection and the dynamic
reaction of the system are given by applying
the RCP methodology in the OPAL-RT Real
time simulator OP4500. The congruence
between simulated and experimental results
demonstrates the effectiveness of the using multilevel boost converter and line
proposed charger. commutated inverter with solutions to grid
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