Key Test 1 4 Book 2 p1
Key Test 1 4 Book 2 p1
Key Test 1 4 Book 2 p1
4. (A) The shelves are being stocked. 11. To whom should I forward this package?
(8) There are books on the floor. (A) I look forward to it.
(C) Some reading materials are on the (8) Professor Jenson.
shelves. (C) At the post office.
(D) A man is booking tickets to a play.
12. When is the proposal due?
5. (A) A man is about to sit on the bench. (A) Next week.
(8) A man is buying a newspaper. (8) To ask for a raise.
(C) A man is reading while sitting. (C) Due to the rain.
(D) A man is entering the building.
13. How long is the wait at the ticket booth?
6. (A) They're lined up to enter the restaurant. (A) For the play.
(8) They're helping themselves to some (8) About fifteen minutes.
food . (C) To boost up the sales.
(C) They're preparing a dish in the kitchen.
(D) They're standing in the front lobby. 14. Should I book the largest hall or will a
medium-sized one be okay?
7. (A) The men are working outdoors. (A) In the lobby.
(8) The men are cutting down trees. (8) I think he's okay.
(C) The men are replacing the windows. (C) Check with Mr. Lee.
(D) The men are painting the building.